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SUNO AIStem Splitterがキター!!!


Instrumental and Vocal Stems

New feature

7/23/24, 10:00 PM

Pro & Premier users can now separate the vocals and instrumentals from songs, which will give you more control over how to use Suno.

How to use:

1 - Go to Library or Create, and click the vertical “...” on a song row

2 - ClickGet Stems”

3 - If you’re not there already, youll be navigated to the Create page where you can see two new clips that are generating. One will be the instrumentals, and the other will be the vocals

You can then download or extend each individual clip.





歴史改竄でどうこうはアサクリより前からやっている。いちおう実名ってことになってるのに Facebook 同様に地獄めいてる

まぁ自分経験シェアするとか道徳的な話以外は Quora (en)も割と酷い


Why do Afro-centrists claim that the first samurai warrior was a black African? - Quora




"For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood "





"For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood" is an old Japanese proverb. What do they mean with that? : r/AskHistorians


Where Are The Black People in 'Shogun'? | LEVEL










Assassin's Creed director: The right time to take series to Japan | BBC



Shadow’s trailer also generated backlash from some gamers, who criticised the choice of Yasuke as a main character over a native Japanese protagonist.

Opponents have accused those critics of being racist, and have pointed out that Yasuke is based on a real-life person.

Charles, speaking to Newsbeat before the trailer dropped, says the developers “put a lot of emphasis on authenticity and making sure we depict Japan and the culture right”.

“So when we started the project, we had a historian with us from day one,” he says.

He says the team also consulted weapons experts and travelled to Japan to get a feel for the landscape and locations in the game.









It was surprisingly gory, like the decapitations, you could get coated in blood. How vital is that to the assassin’s fantasy?


I think it’s not an assassin thing, it’s a Japan thing in our case. So looking at death was a day-to-day occurrence in that period, and the way most people died in Japan during that time is clean decapitations.

So we didn’t want to shy away from it, although you can turn off the violence if you want. There’s options for it. You can turn off the blood, you can turn off the dismemberment and stuff. So it’s more trying to be faithful to the war aspect of Japan at that period. Death was a common thing and decapitation was not a strange sight in Japan.








Ubisoft Japan


アサシン クリード シャドウズ』に関するお知らせ







 ↓ でも実際には削除してません (なぜか、UBI許せないマンがUBIに抗議しろと町や観光協会アタックしてくるみたいなのでアカウント名は省略)










anond:20240723220838 anond:20240724015401


















まともな人なら、信長の家臣だった、大変気に入っていたようである、連れて歩いていた に留める



アサシン クリード シャドウズ』は、2 つの異なる体験をどのように融合させたのか|Xbox Wire Japan


  • 侍や忍といった設定はゲーマーにとって馴染みのあるものですが、このゲームではその設定をどのように差別化しているのでしょうか?













いっちょがみしたいなら素直に 弥助 資料検索かけるといいんじゃない



織田信長黒人家来、弥助についての資料を知りたい。 | レファレンス協同データベース






まぁ自分経験シェアするとか道徳的な話以外は Quora (en)も割と酷い


Why do Afro-centrists claim that the first samurai warrior was a black African? - Quora




"For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood "





"For a Samurai to be brave, he must have a bit of black blood" is an old Japanese proverb. What do they mean with that? : r/AskHistorians


Where Are The Black People in 'Shogun'? | LEVEL










Assassin's Creed director: The right time to take series to Japan | BBC



Shadow’s trailer also generated backlash from some gamers, who criticised the choice of Yasuke as a main character over a native Japanese protagonist.

Opponents have accused those critics of being racist, and have pointed out that Yasuke is based on a real-life person.

Charles, speaking to Newsbeat before the trailer dropped, says the developers “put a lot of emphasis on authenticity and making sure we depict Japan and the culture right”.

“So when we started the project, we had a historian with us from day one,” he says.

He says the team also consulted weapons experts and travelled to Japan to get a feel for the landscape and locations in the game.









It was surprisingly gory, like the decapitations, you could get coated in blood. How vital is that to the assassin’s fantasy?


I think it’s not an assassin thing, it’s a Japan thing in our case. So looking at death was a day-to-day occurrence in that period, and the way most people died in Japan during that time is clean decapitations.

So we didn’t want to shy away from it, although you can turn off the violence if you want. There’s options for it. You can turn off the blood, you can turn off the dismemberment and stuff. So it’s more trying to be faithful to the war aspect of Japan at that period. Death was a common thing and decapitation was not a strange sight in Japan.







Ubisoft Japan


アサシン クリード シャドウズ』に関するお知らせ







 ↓ でも実際には削除してません (なぜか、UBI許せないマンがUBIに抗議しろと町や観光協会アタックしてくるみたいなのでアカウント名は省略)
















無能武器化」(Weaponized incompetence)まとめ

『Weaponized incompetence』の初出[2021年7月7日]

The Sneaky Relationship Ploy That's Screwing Over Women


『Weaponized incompetence』の語が日本語メディアに登場[2021年11月25日]

「 DE&I に関する 有毒なポジティブ思考 には賛成できない 」 : 有色人種PRプロフェッショナル告白













コイツの続きになります https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20240416183932


101, 浅草ジンタ/蒲田行進曲

102, 浅草ジンタ/すたこらさっさと早よ逃げよ

103, 浅草ジンタ/自・燦々

104, 上坂すみれ/七つの海よりキミの海

105, 奥村愛子/いっさいがっさい・密命ヴァージョン

106, オレスカバンド/AZAMI Spirit

107, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/めくれたオレンジ

108, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ10-FEET/閃光

109, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/Pride Of Lions

110, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/Burning Scale

111, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/The Last Ninja

112, A Contratiempo Ska-Jazz/Kamusari

113, beat sunset/なまくらさ

114, beat sunset/Progress

115, Blechreiz,Memoria Insuficiente Ska/Bumble Bee

116, Bluekilla/Misirlou

117, Desorden Público/Música de Fiesta

118, Distemper/All Colors Crew

119, Eastern Standard Time/Sei Pazzo

120, El Pacto/Ciclope Tin Tan

121, Fanfare Ciocarlia/Cruzzzando el Compooo

122, Frau Doktor/Birks Works

123, Gypsy Ska Orquestra/El Majestuoso Imperio de Satanas

124, Karamelo Santo,Los Calzones/El Ritmo Indecente

125, La Parranda Magna/Crueldad Animal


127, Let's Go Bowling/Mayhem

128, Let's Go Bowling/Hot-Buttered

129, Los Calzones/Caras y Caretas

130, Los Calzones/La Felicidad

131, Los Calzones/Satanica

132, Los Calzones/Un Rey Ska

133, Los De Abajo/De Marcha

134, Los Tres Puntos/Perpetua

135, Madness/Night Boat to Cairo

136, MAHO堂/ステキ

137, Mocca Garden/บรึ๋ย (กลัวนะครับ OST ปอบหน้าปลวก)

138, Mocca Garden/ฮักสาวตาซัง

139, mule train/INTENCE SKA

140, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/Laisse tomber less filles

141, New Lion Ska/Quizas tu amor

142, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/Blowout

143, No Water Please/MA&PA

144, Off Beat Xperiment/Intentions

145, Oi-SKALL MATES/I can't Stay with You

146, Oi-SKALL MATES/Enjoy yourself


148, Operation Ivy/Yellin' In My Ear

149, Out Of Control Army,Dr.Shenka/Al Fondo del Mar

150, Out Of Control Army,The Locos/Quién devuelve el tiempo?

151, Out Of Control Army/Lilith

152, Plegue Of Happiness/REBEL YOUTH

153, Plegue Of Happiness/TUNJAL


155, Quit Ska Jazz/Cold Duck Time

156, Random Hand/Devil With a Microphone

157, Reel Big Fish/Don't Stop Skankin'

158, ROUTE85/Over the Limit

159, Russkaja/Dobrij Abend

160, Russkaja/Rock'n Roll Today

161, Russkaja/Zirk

162, Russkaja/Love Revolution

163, Russkaja/Gop Stop

164, Salon Victoria/Salome

165, Salon Victoria/Tumbao Fregao

166, Salon Victoria/Mr.Yamamoto

167, Save Ferris/Come on Eileen

168, Sessiones Reggae/Barracas Ska Tango


170, SHOW-SKA/ナオミの夢

171, SKA FREAKS/From This Room

172, Ska'n'Ska/Money

173, Ska-P/El Chupacabras

174, Skarlatines/Rebel Girl

175, SkaZka Orchestra/Bormental

176, Sonora de Llegar/Hipo ska

177, Sonora Skandalera/Eslabón

178, St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review/Monochrome Memories

179, St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review/4.70

180, St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review/Four

181, St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review/Trip Back To Childhood

182, The Autocratics/Solid State SKA

183, The Determinations/TIPSY

184, The Determinations/New day

185, The Interrupters/Rumors and Gossip

186, The Interrupters/Babylon

187, The Locos/Espacio Exterior

188, The Middle Volga Social Club/Give Me the Way

189, The OLDTONES/Tocamos SKA

190, The OLDTONES/Monopolistic

191, The Rude Monkey Bones/La persecución

192, The Scofflaws/Rudy's Back

193, The Skatalites/Bamako Ska

194, The Specials/Nite Klub


196, Vallanzaska/Si si si no no no

197, Voodoo Glow Skulls/Fat Randy

198, Voodoo Glow Skulls/Left For Dead

199, Киоск/Маршрут 400

200, ผดุง ทรงแสง (แจ๊ส),ThepPhithak/ป๊าด 8






俺はAdGurd DNSを使ってるがアクセスできた。

DNS over HTTPS有効にしてみたけどCloud flare DNSはいけたな。











表章項目 0_総数 11_(卒業者)小学校 12_(卒業者)中学校 ⭐️13_(卒業者)高校・旧中⭐️ 14_(卒業者)短大高専 15_(卒業者)大学 16_(卒業者)大学
就業者 57,673,630 40,540 3,890,760 ⭐️ 22,752,520⭐️10,185,420 15,384,510 1,820,950



  小学校卒業者(11_小学校): 約 0.070%

  中学校卒業者(12_中学校): 約 6.745%

⭐️高校・旧中卒業者(13_高校・旧中): 約 39.448%⭐️

  短大高専卒業者(14_短大高専): 約 17.665%

  大学卒業者(15_大学): 約 26.667%

  大学卒業者(16_大学院): 約 3.156%











IBMエグゼクティブ チェアである Ginni Rometty は、2016 年に「ニュー カラー仕事」という用語を作り出しました


IBM はまた、多くの職位から教育要件を取り除くことで、新しいカラー ジョブの波を推進しました。ロメティとチームが最初学位よりもスキルを優先したときIBM職務の 95% で 4 年制の学位必要でした。会社手紙によると、2021 年の時点で、必要とするのは半数未満です。


米国国勢調査局によると、25 歳以上の人の 40% 未満が学士号を持っていません。これは、就労資格のある人の過半数 (62%) が、1 つの学位要件だけでジョブプールから除外されることを意味します。


企業は、大学学位必要としない役割仕事規律、および責任があることをようやく理解しています」と Herrera 氏は言います。「彼らは、才能ある人を惹きつけたり採用したりすることに関して、自分たちの思い通りになっていないことに気付きました。」




2016年にニューカラー雇用モデル採用して以来、Rometty氏はフォーチュンに、IBM学士号を取得していない従業員は、学士号を取得している従業員や高度な博士号を取得している従業員と同じくらい成功していると語った. スキルを持った学位を持たない人材採用しても、企業ビジネスに悪影響を与えることはありません。雇用にかかる時間節約し、多様な労働力を育成するための資産となる可能性があります


New Collar Jobs: Why Companies Are Prioritizing Skills Over School













○ 具体的な例
  1. 取り巻き: 上司経営者などの権威を誇示するために存在する仕事
  2. 脅し屋: 雇用主の利益のために、他人脅迫したり欺いたりする仕事
  3. 尻拭い: 本来発生すべきではない問題を処理・修正する仕事
  4. 書類穴埋め: 実際には何も成果を生み出していないことを示すために作成される書類作成などの仕事
  5. タスクマスター: 必要のない仕事を次々と作り出し、部下に割り当てる仕事





★ 関連増田ITの利点はネット環境コンピュータがあれば容易に学べること



★ Data Engineer vs Data Scientist: Similarities and Differences



Bob the First, at the head of my long list of robins, having been killed by my pet owl, I very soon bought another. This one was not so gentle nor so handsome as Bob the First, his wings and his tail having their ends sawed off by contact with the wires of too small a cage.

Fearing that he might be lonely in my aviary with only rabbits, guineapigs, pet rats, and pigeons for company, I bought another robin called Dick. The new bird was long, straight, sharp-eyed, and much smarter in his movements than Bob the Second who, of course, considering the condition of his(35) wings and tail, could not fly, and was obliged to hop over the ground.

It was very amusing to see the two robins stare at each other. Both had probably been trapped young, for at that time the law against the keeping of wild birds in captivity was not enforced, and boys and men were perniciously active in their depredations among our beautiful wild beauties.

Bob the Second was very fond of stuffing himself, and he used to drive the pigeons from the most promising window ledges and partake freely of the food scattered about.

Poor Dick ran about the ground looking for worms, and not finding many, got desperate and flew up to the window ledge.

Bob lowered his head and flew at him with open bill. Dick snapped at him, hopped up to the food, and satisfied his hunger, Bob meanwhile standing at a little distance, a queer, pained thread of sound issuing from between his bill, “Peep, peep, peep!”

A robin is a most untidy bird while eating, and as often as Dick scattered a morsel of food outside the dish, Bob would spring forward and pick it up with a reproving air, as if he were saying, “What an extravagant fellow you are!”

Whenever a new bird enters an aviary, he has to find his place—he is just like a new-comer in a community of human beings. Bob, being alone, was in the lead when Dick came. Dick, having the stronger bird mind, promptly dethroned him. They were(36) very amusing birds. Indeed, I find something clownish and comical about all robins kept in captivity.

The wild bird seems to be more businesslike. The partly domesticated bird, having no anxiety about his food supply, indulges in all sorts of pranks. He is curious and fond of investigation, and runs swiftly at a new object, and as swiftly away from it, if it seems formidable to him.

The arrival of new birds in the aviary always greatly excited Bob, and he hopped about, chirping, strutting, raising his head feathers, and sometimes acting silly with his food, just like a foolish child trying to “show off” before strangers.

When I introduced a purple gallinule to him, Bob flew up into the air, and uttered a shriek of despair. He feared the gallinule, and hated the first Brazil cardinal I possessed, and was always sparring with him. One day I put a second cardinal into the aviary. Bob thought it was his old enemy, and ran full tilt at him. His face of ludicrous dismay as he discovered his mistake and turned away, was too much for me, and I burst out laughing at him. I don’t think he minded being made fun of. He flirted his tail and hopped away.

At one time Bob made up his mind that he would not eat crushed hemp-seed unless I mixed it with bread and milk, and he would throw it all out of his dish unless I made it in the way he liked.

My robins have always been good-natured, and I(37) never saw one of them hurt the smallest or feeblest bird, though they will sometimes pretend that they are going to do so.

When Bob took a sun-bath, any member of the family who happened to be near him would always be convulsed with laughter. He would stretch his legs far apart, stick out his ragged plumage, elevate his head feathers till he looked as if he had a bonnet on, and then half shut his eyes with the most ludicrous expression of robin bliss.

All birds look more or less absurd when taking sun-baths. They seem to have the power to make each feather stand out from its neighbor. I suppose this is done in order that the sun may get to every part of the skin.

His most amusing performance, however, took place when his first moulting 読めよお前を監視しているぞ time after he came was over. One by one his old, mutilated feathers dropped out, and finally new ones took their places. On a memorable day Bob discovered that he had a real tail with a white feather on each side of it, and a pair of good, serviceable wings. He gave a joyful cry, shook his tail as if he would uproot it, then spread his wings and lifted himself in the air. Hopping time was over. He was now a real bird, and he flew from one end of the aviary to the other with an unmistakable expression of robin ecstasy.

Most unfortunately, I had not a chance to study poor Dick’s character as fully as Bob’s, for I only had him a short time. Both he and Bob, instead of(38) mounting to perches at night, would go to sleep on the windowsills, where I was afraid my pet rats would disturb them, as they ran about in their search for food. Therefore, I went into the aviary every evening, and lifted them up to a comfortable place for the night, near the hot-water pipes. I would not put robins in a warm place now. They are hardy birds, and if given a sufficient quantity of nourishing food do not need a warm sleeping-place. If we only had a better food supply I believe we would have many more wild birds with us in winter in the Northern States and Canada than we have now.

Late one evening I went into the aviary to put my robins to bed. I could only find Bob—Dick was nowhere to be seen. My father and mother joined me in the search, and finally we found his poor, lifeless body near the entrance to the rats’ underground nest. His head had been eaten—poor, intelligent Dick; and in gazing at him, and at the abundance of food in the aviary, the fate of the rats was sealed.

I fed my birds hard-boiled egg mashed with bread crumbs, crushed hemp-seed, scalded cornmeal, bread and milk, prepared mockingbird food, soaked ant eggs, all kinds of mush or “porridge,” as we say in Canada, chopped beef, potato and gravy, vegetables cooked and raw, seeds and fruit, an almost incredible amount of green stuff, and many other things—and yet the rats had found it necessary to commit a murder.


Well, they must leave the aviary, and they did, and for a time Bob reigned alone. I did try to bring up a number of young robins given to me by children who rescued them from cats, or who found them on the ground unable to fly, but for a long time I had very hard luck with them.

Either the birds were diseased or I did not feed them properly. I have a fancy that I half starved them. Bird fanciers whom I consulted told me to be sure and not stuff my robins, for they were greedy birds. As long as I took their advice my young robins died. When I went to my canaries for advice I saw that the parents watched the tiny heads folded like flowers too heavy for their stalks, over the little warm bodies in the nests.

The instant a head was raised the mother or father put a mouthful of warm egg-food in it. The little ones got all they would eatindeed, the father, with food dripping from his mouth, would coax his nestlings to take just one beakful more. I smiled broadly and began to give my robins all the worms they wanted, and then they lived.

The bringing up of young birds is intensely interesting. I found that one reason why early summer is the favorite time for nest-making is because one has the short nights then. Parents can feed their young quite late in the evening and be up by early daylight to fill the little crops again. Robins are birds that like to sit up late, and are always the last to go to bed in the aviary.


I solved the difficulty of rising at daylight to feed any young birds I was bringing up by giving them a stuffing at eleven o’clock at night. Then I did not have to rise till nearly eight.

This, of course, was for healthy birds. If I had a sick guineapig, rabbit, or bird, I never hesitated to get up many times during the night, for I have a theory that men and women who cannot or will not undertake the moral responsibility of bringing up children, should at least assist in the rearing of some created thing, if it is only a bird. Otherwise they become egotistical and absorbed in self.

Betsy and Solomon lived happily through that winter and spring, and before summer came we had made up our minds to return to the East. What should we do with the owls? They would be a great deal of trouble to some one. They required an immense amount of petting, and a frequent supply of perfectly fresh meat. No matter how busy we were, one of us had to go to the butcher every other day.

We began to inquire among our friends who would like a nice, affectionate pair of owls? There seemed no great eagerness on the part of any one to(23) take the pets we so much valued. Plans for their future worried me so much that at last I said to my sister, “We will take them East with us.”

The owls, who were to take so long a journey, became objects of interest to our friends, and at a farewell tea given to us, a smartly dressed young man vowed that he must take leave of Solomon and Betsy. Calling for a broom, he slowly passed it to and fro over the carpet before them, while they sat looking at him with lifted ear tufts that betrayed great interest in his movements.

We trembled a little in view of our past moving experiences, but we were devoted to the little creatures and, when the time came, we cheerfully boarded the overland train at Oakland.

We had with us Betsy and Solomon in their large cage, and in a little cage a pair of strawberry finches, so called because their breasts are dotted like a strawberry. A friend had requested us to bring them East for her. We had also a dog—not Teddy, that had only been lent to us; but our own Irish setter Nita, one of the most lovable and interesting animals that I have ever owned.

The chipmunk was no longer with us. He had not seemed happy in the aviary—indeed, he lay down in it and threw me a cunning look, as if to say, “I will die if you don’t let me out of this.” So I gave him the freedom of the house. That pleased him, and for a few days he was very diligent in assisting us with our housekeeping by picking(24) all the crumbs off the floors and eating them. Then he disappeared, and I hope was happy ever after among the superb oak trees of the university grounds close to us.

When we started for the East, the pets, of course, had to go into the baggage car, and I must say here for the benefit of those persons who wish to travel with animals and birds, that there is good accommodation for them on overland trains. Sometimes we bought tickets for them, sometimes they had to go in an express car, sometimes we tipped the baggagemasters, but the sums spent were not exorbitant, and we found everywhere provision made for pets. You cannot take them in your rooms in hotels, but there is a place for them somewhere, and they will be brought to you whenever you wish to see them, or to give them exercise. We were on several different railway lines, and visited eight different cities, and the dog and birds, upon arriving in eastern Canada, seemed none the worse for their trip.

However, I would not by any means encourage the transportation of animals. Indeed, my feelings on the subject, since I understand the horrors animals and birds endure while being whirled from one place to another, are rather too strong for utterance. I would only say that in a case like mine, where separation between an owner and pets would mean unhappiness, it is better for both to endure a few days or weeks of travel. Then the case of animals(25) and birds traveling with some one who sees and encourages them every day is different from the case of unfortunate creatures sent off alone.

Our Nita was taken out of the car at every station where it was possible to exercise her, and one of us would run into restaurants along the route to obtain fresh meat for the owls. Their cage was closely covered, but whenever they heard us coming they hooted, and as no one seemed to guess what they were, they created a great deal of interest. My sister and I were amused one evening in Salt Lake City to see a man bending over the cage with an air of perplexity.

“They must be pollies,” he said at last, and yet his face showed that he did not think those were parrot noises issuing from within.

I remember one evening on arriving in Albany, New York, causing slight consternation in the hotel by a demand for raw meat. We hastened to explain that we did not want it for ourselves, and finally obtained what we wished.

As soon as we arrived home in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the owls were put downstairs in a nice, dry basement. They soon found their way upstairs, where the whole family was prepared to welcome them on account of their pretty ways and their love for caresses.

Strange to say, they took a liking to my father, who did not notice them particularly, and a mischievous dislike to my mother, who was disposed to(26) pet them. They used to fly on her head whenever they saw her. Their little claws were sharp and unpleasant to her scalp. We could not imagine why they selected her head unless it was that her gray hair attracted them. However, we had a French Acadian maid called Lizzie, whose hair was jet black, and they disliked her even more than they did my mother.

Lizzie, to get to her storeroom, had to cross the furnace-room where the owls usually were, and she soon began to complain bitterly of them.

“Dey watch me,” she said indignantly, “dey fly on my head, dey scratch me, an’ pull out my hairpins, an’ make my head sore.”

Why don’t you push them off, Lizzie?” I asked, “they are only tiny things.”

“Dey won’t go—dey hold on an’ beat me,” she replied, and soon the poor girl had to arm herself with a switch when she went near them.

Lizzie was a descendant of the veritable Acadians mentioned in Longfellow’s “Evangeline,” of whom there are several thousand in Nova Scotia. My mother was attached to her, and at last she said, “I will not have Lizzie worried. Bring the owls up in my bathroom.”

There they seemed perfectly happy, sitting watching the sparrows from the window and teasing my long-suffering mother, who was obliged to give up using gas in this bathroom, for very often the owls put it out by flying at it.


One never heard them coming. I did not before this realize how noiseless the flight of an owl is. One did not dream they were near till there was a breath of air fanning one’s cheek. After we gave up the gas, for fear they would burn themselves, we decided to use a candle. It was absolutely necessary to have an unshaded light, for they would perch on any globe shading a flame, and would burn their feet.

The candle was more fun for them than the gas, for it had a smaller flame, and was more easily extinguished, and usually on entering the room, away would go the light, and we would hear in the corner a laughing voice, saying “Too, who, who, who, who!”

The best joke of all for the owls was to put out the candle when one was taking a bath, and I must say I heard considerable grumbling from the family on the subject. It seemed impossible to shade the light from them, and to find one’s self in the dark in the midst of a good splash, to have to emerge from the tub, dripping and cross, and search for matches, was certainly not calculated to add to one’s affection for Solomon and Betsy. However, they were members of the family, and as George Eliot says, “The members of your family are like the nose on your face—you have got to put up with it, seeing you can’t get rid of it.”

Alas! the time soon came when we had to lament the death of one of our troublesome but beloved pets.

Betsy one day partook heartily of a raw fish head,(28) and in spite of remedies applied, sickened rapidly and sank into a dying condition.

I was surprised to find what a hold the little thing had taken on my affection. When her soft, gray body became cold, I held her in my hand close to the fire and, with tears in my eyes, wished for a miracle to restore her to health.

She lay quietly until just before she died. Then she opened her eyes and I called to the other members of the family to come and see their strange expression. They became luminous and beautiful, and dilated in a peculiar way. We hear of the eyes of dying persons lighting up wonderfully, and this strange illumination of little Betsy’s eyes reminded me of such cases.

Even after death she lay with those wide-open eyes, and feeling that I had lost a friend, I put down her little dead body. It was impossible for me to conceal my emotion, and my mother, who had quite forgotten Betsy’s hostility to her, generously took the little feathered creature to a taxidermist.

I may say that Betsy was the first and last bird I shall ever have stuffed. I dare say the man did the work as well as it could be done, but I gazed in dismay at my Betsy when she came home. That stiff little creature sitting on a stick, with glazed eyes and motionless body, could not be the pretty little bird whose every motion was grace. Ever since the day of Betsy’s death, I can feel no admiration for a dead bird. Indeed, I turn sometimes with a shudder(29) from the agonized postures, the horrible eyes of birds in my sister women’s hats—and yet I used to wear them myself. My present conviction shows what education will do. If you like and study live birds, you won’t want to wear dead ones.

After Betsy’s death Solomon seemed so lonely that I resolved to buy him a companion. I chose a robin, and bought him for two dollars from a woman who kept a small shop. A naturalist friend warned me that I would have trouble, but I said remonstratingly, “My owl is not like other owls. He has been brought up like a baby. He does not know that his ancestors killed little birds.”

Alas! When my robin had got beautifully tame, when he would hop about after me, and put his pretty head on one side while I dug in the earth for worms for him, when he was apparently on the best of terms with Sollie, I came home one day to a dreadful discovery. Sollie was flying about with the robin’s body firmly clutched in one claw. He had killed and partly eaten him. I caught him, took the robin away from him, and upbraided him severely.

“Too, who, who, who who,” he said—apologetically, it seemed to me, “instinct was too strong for me. I got tired of playing with him, and thought I would see what he tasted like.”

I could not say too much to him. What about the innocent lambs and calves, of which Sollie’s owners had partaken?


I had a fine large place in the basement for keeping pets, with an earth floor, and a number of windows, and I did not propose to have Sollie murder all the birds I might acquire. So, one end of this room was wired off for him. He had a window in this cage overlooking the garden, and it was large enough for me to go in and walk about, while talking to him. He seemed happy enough there, and while gazing into the garden or watching the rabbits, guineapigs, and other pets in the large part of the room, often indulged in long, contented spells of cooing—not hooting.

In 1902 I was obliged to leave him for a six months’ trip to Europe. He was much petted by my sister, and I think spent most of his time upstairs with the family. When I returned home I brought, among other birds, a handsome Brazil cardinal. I stood admiring him as he stepped out of his traveling cage and flew around the aviary. Unfortunately, instead of choosing a perch, he flattened himself against the wire netting in Sollie’s corner.

I was looking right at him and the owl, and I never saw anything but lightning equal the celerity of Sollie’s flight, as he precipitated himself against the netting and caught at my cardinal’s showy red crest. The cardinal screamed like a baby, and I ran to release him, marveling that the owl could so insinuate his little claws through the fine mesh of the wire. However, he could do it, and he gripped the struggling cardinal by the long, hair-like(31) topknot, until I uncurled the wicked little claws. A bunch of red feathers fell to the ground, and the dismayed cardinal flew into a corner.

“Sollie,” I said, going into his cage and taking him in my hand, “how could you be so cruel to that new bird?”

“Oh, coo, coo, coo, coo,” he replied in a delightfully soft little voice, and gently resting his naughty little beak against my face. “You had better come upstairs,” I said, “I am afraid to leave you down here with that poor cardinal. You will be catching him again.”

He cooed once more. This just suited him, and he spent the rest of his life in regions above. I knew that he would probably not live as long in captivity as he would have done if his lot had been cast in the California foothills. His life was too unnatural. In their native state, owls eat their prey whole, and after a time disgorge pellets of bones, feathers, hairs, and scales, the remnants of food that cannot be digested.

My owls, on account of their upbringing, wanted their food cleaned for them. Betsy, one day, after much persuasion, swallowed a mouse to oblige me, but she was such a dismal picture as she sat for a long time with the tail hanging out of her beak that I never offered her another.

I tried to keep Solomon in condition by giving him, or forcing him to take, foreign substances, but my plan only worked for a time.


I always dreaded the inevitable, and one winter day in 1903 I looked sharply at him, as he called to me when I entered the house after being away for a few hours. “That bird is ill!” I said.

No other member of the family saw any change in him, but when one keeps birds and becomes familiar with the appearance of each one, they all have different facial and bodily expressions, and one becomes extremely susceptible to the slightest change. As I examined Sollie, my heart sank within me, and I began to inquire what he had been eating. He had partaken freely of boiled egg, meat, and charcoal. I gave him a dose of olive oil, and I must say that the best bird or beast to take medicine is an owl. Neither he nor Betsy ever objected in the l


peace and quietness of the night after the turmoil of the day, were hooting persistently and melodiously.

“The landlady and the boarders,” gasped my sister; “they will hear and wake up. Can’t you stop the little wretches?”

I sprang out of bed, and addressed a solemn remonstrance to Solomon and Betsy. They were exceedingly glad to see me, and distending their little throats, continued to hoot, their clear, sweet young voices carrying only too well on the still Californian night air.

Then the chipmunk woke up and began to slide up and down an inclined piece of wood in his part of the cage. We were in despair. We could not sleep, until I had the happy thought of giving the owls a bath. I seized Betsy, held her in a basin of water, and wet her feathers considerably. Then I served Solomon in the same way, and for the rest of the night the tiny little things occupied themselves in smoothing their wet plumage. The chipmunk quieted down, and we had peace.


When we got into the cottage I had a carpenter build a small aviary at the back of it, with a box for rainy weather. The nights were not too cold for my hardy birds. Indeed, they were not too cold for many semi-tropical ones. I found a bird fancier not far from me, who had built a good-sized, open-air aviary, where he kept canaries and foreign finches all the year round, with only a partly open, glass shelter for the birds to use when it rained.

My sparrowhawk did not seem unhappy in my aviary, but he never had the contented, comfortable expression that the owls had. His apathy was pathetic, and the expression of his beautiful, cruel eyes was an unsatisfied one. In time, I should have allowed him to go, but suddenly he fell ill. I think I overfed him, for I got him into the habit of taking a late supper, always leaning out the window and handing him a piece of meat on the end of a stick before I went to bed.

I brought him into the warm kitchen, where he moped about for a few days. Just before he died he came hopping toward the parlor, where I sat entertaining a friend. I often took him in there on the broad windowsill and talked to him as I sat sewing.

He stood in the doorway, gave me a peculiar look, as if to say, “I would come in if you were alone,” hopped back to the kitchen, and in a short time was no more.

My sister and I mourned sincerely for our pretty bird, and I had the uncomfortable feeling that I(20) might have done better if I had left him in his own habitat—but then he might have starved to death if his parents had not found him. Would death by starvation have been any more painful than his death with me? Possibly some larger creature might have killed him swiftly and mercifully—it was a puzzling case, and I resolved to give up worrying about it. I had done what I considered was best, and I tried to console myself for his death in petting the dear little owls that had become so tame that they called to my sister and me whenever they saw us, and loved to have us take them in our hands and caress them.

About them I had no misgivings. They would certainly have died if I had not adopted them, and there was no question about their happiness. They were satisfied with a state of captivity. They had so far lost one of their owl habits, for they kept awake nearly all day, and slept nearly all night—and they could see quite well in the most brilliant Californian sunlight, and that is pretty brilliant. A cat or a dog many yards distant would cause them to raise excitedly the queer little ear tufts that play so prominent a part in the facial expression of some owls, and they would crack their beaks together and hiss angrily if the enemy came too near.

Cats and dogs frightened them, and a broom merely excited them. When strangers wanted to see the elevation of these tufts, a broom, swiftly passed over the floor, would cause Solomon and(21) Betsy to become very wide awake, with feather tufts straight up in the air. I never saw them abjectly and horribly frightened but once. A lady had brought her handsome parrot into the room where the owls were. The poor little mites put up their ear tufts, swayed to and fro on their perch, and instead of packing their feathers and becoming thin and elongated in appearance, as they did for cats and dogs, they puffed themselves out, snapped their beaks, and uttered the loudest hissing noise I had ever heard from them.

From their extremity of fear I concluded that their instinct told them this danger was so imminent that they must make themselves as formidable as possible.

The parrot was of course quickly removed, and I took care that they should never again see another one.



Sex is not the same as gender.”

But it’s not your gender that gives you the physique to tower over woman athletes & break their swimming records. It’s your sex. It’s not your undressed gender that upsets women in changing rooms. It’s your sex.







1. 男, 体重84.4kg, 身長175.5cm, 今年最高重量95.5kg, 90kg overの期間8ヶ月

2. ヘム鉄サプリを数日前から接種開始、1錠/dayから開始して現在3錠/day

3. アマニ油(日清オイリオグループ)も数日前から摂取開始

4. 爪、ヒゲが伸びるのが驚き。ただし、伸びの速度が遅い

5. 足の指を丸めると、指が攣る事が多かったが、解消した。末梢神経の電解質バランス正常化している

6. 血圧149/102mHg

7. backupfile rotate script(bash)を書く程度の仕事は出来る


note: 断食9日目の記事はday13辺りで投稿。紛失した一旦書いた原稿が見つかったのだ。



I did a two-year stint in New York at a tech gig. It was pretty awesome! I teamed up with folks from all over the world, handled some badass projects, and picked up a ton about global biz. It seriously leveled up my skills and was a blast.


昨日の夜、スミスの「I Know It's Over」を聴いて寝たら、もうとっくに終わってしまった恋愛に執着する夢を見てしまい朝から





発達障害同士なら、over communicationなくらいちゃんと話すのかと思った。



チューリップの花の形の名札の絵文字Tofu on fire とか

煎餅絵文字が Fullmoon over the building とか



Apple、新iPad Proの動画「Crush!」について「的外れだった」と謝罪


 Ad Age5月9日付の記事で、Appleマーケティングコミュニケーション担当副社長トールミューレン氏は「Creativity is in our DNA at Apple, and it’s incredibly important to us to design products that empower creatives all over the world. Our goal is to always celebrate the myriad of ways users express themselves and bring their ideas to life through iPad. We missed the mark with this video, and we’re sorry.(創造性はAppleDNAに組み込まれており、われわれにとって、世界中クリエイターに力を与える製品設計することは非常に重要です。Apple目標は、ユーザーiPadを介してアイデアを実現する無数の方法自己表現するのを称賛することです。だが、この動画は的を外していました。申し訳ありません)」と謝罪した。






"Take responsibility for shifting blame, regardless of gender. Instead of blaming others, take responsibility for the over 30 years of stagnation caused by incompetent politicians and commit hara-kiri, you industrial waste."









俺はCROSS†CHANNEL※4,5 が好きなんだが、あのゲーム泣きゲーに近い所はあるし、人間関係の中に人生の答を見出すが、それは1対1の関係の中に見出すわけじゃない。










※1 20年ぐらい前のエロゲ全盛期。KANON月姫時代ネットでは皆エロゲをやっていて、未成年PS2とかでエロゲをやっていた。きっと多くの親御さんが「この子キモータになるのかしら」と心配していたことだろう。今はスマホで出来るので親にバレなくて安心

※2 一部の鬼畜ゲーだと恋愛関係にはならずレイプしたり調教したりする関係になる。が、今回は泣きゲーの話なので省く。が、レイプとかする関係泣きゲーだってあるにはある。が、今回はその話は省く。

※3 うぐぅ空目たかも知れないが、俺はちゃんと「もうぐうの音も」と書いている。お前の心が歪んでいるからそう見えるんだ。

※4 Google日本語入力が覚えてくれているおかげで「ダガー」で変換する必要がなくなったの楽ちんだね

※5 山田ロミオの名作エロゲ。全ての発達障害障害者自閉症とその他諸々がプレイするべき。ただし精神疾患を持っている人がやると危ないので辞めたほうがいい。

※6 そして物語最後、それぞれのキャラクター達との間でそれぞれの形での1対1の関係が描かれ、それが受け手に「いろんな形でのつながり、いろんな他者解釈があっていいのだ」と伝えてくれるわけだ。


※7 バッドエンドとして一人ものエンドがあるだろってツッコミもあるだろうが、アレはGAME OVERの1つでしかないだろ?

※8 俺はKYじゃないから、流行り物に水を差したくないってことだ。

※9 バッドエンドじゃないのかって?そうかも知れないな。結局、俺の物語奇跡が起きなかったんだよ※10。

※10 以下のコピペパロディ











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