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[] anond:20240922013639 経済変数間の関係2

51. Policy Rate (PR) - Interest rate set by the central bank.

- Inflation (π) - General increase in prices.

- Relationship: PR ↑→ π ↓

52. Government Regulations (GR) - Laws that control the way that businesses can operate.

- Innovation (IN) - Introduction of new products or services.

- Relationship: GR ↑→ IN ↓

53. Budget Surplus (BS) - Financial situation where income exceeds expenditures.

- National Debt (ND) - Total amount of money that a country's government has borrowed.

- Relationship: BS ↑→ ND

54. National Debt (ND) - Sum of all government borrowings less repayments.

- Interest Payments (IP) - Payments made for the use of borrowed money.

- Relationship: ND ↑→ IP

55. Trade Deficit (TD) - Situation where a country's imports exceed its exports.

- Exchange Rate (ER) - Price of a nation's currency in terms of another currency.

- Relationship: TD ↑→ ER

56. Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital equipment.

- Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the production of goods and services.

- Relationship: I ↑→ EG ↑

57. Immigration (IM) - Movement of people into a country to live.

- Labor Supply (LS) - Total hours workers are willing to work.

- Relationship: IM ↑→ LS

58. Population Aging (PA) - Increase in the median age of a population.

- Dependency Ratio (DR) - Ratio of non-working to working population.

- Relationship: PA ↑→ DR ↑

59. Income Inequality (II) - Unequal distribution of household or individual income.

- Social Tension (ST) - Strain on relationships in society.

- Relationship: II ↑→ ST

60. Economic Freedom (EF) - Ability of people to make their own economic decisions.

- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - Investment from one country into business interests in another.

- Relationship: EF ↑→ FDI ↑

61. Corporate Profits (CP) - Earnings of companies after expenses.

- Stock Prices (SP) - Market value of publicly traded company shares.

- Relationship: CP ↑→ SP

62. Interest Rates (IR) - Rate charged by lenders to borrowers.

- Savings (S) - Portion of income not spent on consumption.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ S ↑

63. Inflation (π) - Increase in prices and fall in purchasing value of money.

- Real Interest Rates (RIR) - Interest rates adjusted for inflation.

- Relationship: π ↑→ RIR

64. Labor Union Power (LU) - Influence of labor unions in wage negotiations.

- Wages (W) - Monetary compensation for labor.

- Relationship: LU ↑→ W ↑

65. Economic Sanctions (ES) - Penalties applied by one country onto another.

- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Total value of goods produced and services provided.

- Relationship: ES ↑→ GDP

66. Environmental Regulations (ER) - Rules aimed at protecting the environment.

- Production Costs (PC) - Costs associated with manufacturing.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ PC

67. Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency in production.

- Wages (W) - Payment for labor services.

- Relationship: Prod ↑→ W ↑

68. Trade Barriers (TB) - Measures that governments introduce to make imported goods less competitive.

- Consumer Prices (P) - Prices paid by consumers for goods and services.

- Relationship: TB ↑→ P ↑

69. Unemployment Rate (U) - Proportion of unemployed individuals.

- Wage Growth (WG) - Rate at which wages increase over time.

- Relationship: U ↑→ WG ↓

70. Fiscal Stimulus (FS) - Government policy aimed at increasing economic activity.

- Aggregate Demand (AD) - Total demand for goods and services.

- Relationship: FS ↑→ AD

71. Currency Devaluation (CD) - Reduction of the value of a currency with respect to other currencies.

- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold abroad.

- Relationship: CD ↑→ X ↑

72. Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing.

- Capital Outflow (CO) - Movement of assets out of a country.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ CO ↓

73. Fiscal Deficit (FD) - When a government's total expenditures exceed the revenue.

- Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing.

- Relationship: FD ↑→ IR

74. Tax Cuts (TC) - Reductions in the amount of taxes imposed.

- Disposable Income (Yd) - Income after taxes.

- Relationship: TC ↑→ Yd ↑

75. Quantitative Easing (QE) - Monetary policy where a central bank buys securities.

- Money Supply (M) - Total amount of monetary assets.

- Relationship: QE ↑→ M ↑

76. Bank Reserve Requirements (RR) - Minimum reserves a bank must hold.

- Money Supply (M) - Total monetary assets in the economy.

- Relationship: RR ↑→ M ↓

77. Corporate Taxes (CT) - Taxes on company profits.

- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital goods.

- Relationship: CT ↑→ I ↓

78. Consumer Expectations (CE) - Outlook of consumers on future financial conditions.

- Consumption (C) - Spending on goods and services.

- Relationship: CE ↑→ C ↑

79. Healthcare Spending (HS) - Expenditure on health services.

- Life Expectancy (LE) - Average period a person is expected to live.

- Relationship: HS ↑→ LE

80. Education Level (EL) - Average level of education achieved.

- Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency in production processes.

- Relationship: EL ↑→ Prod ↑

81. Environmental Taxes (ET) - Taxes intended to promote ecologically sustainable activities.

- Pollution (P) - Introduction of contaminants into the environment.

- Relationship: ET ↑→ P ↓

82. Military Spending (MS) - Government expenditure on defense.

- Budget Deficit (BD) - Excess of expenditure over income.

- Relationship: MS ↑→ BD

83. Exchange Rate (ER) - Rate at which one currency exchanges for another.

- Foreign Debt Burden (FDB) - Cost of servicing foreign-denominated debt.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ FDB ↓

84. Stock Market Index (SM) - Statistical measure of stock market performance.

- Consumer Confidence (CC) - Degree of optimism about the economy.

- Relationship: SM ↑→ CC

85. Inflation (π) - General increase in prices.

- Real Interest Rates (RIR) - Nominal interest rates adjusted for inflation.

- Relationship: π ↑→ RIR

86. Commodity Prices (CP) - Prices of raw materials.

- Trade Balance (TB) - Difference between exports and imports.

- Relationship: CP ↑→ TB

87. Financial Crisis (FC) - Significant disruption in financial markets.

- Unemployment (U) - Joblessness among the labor force.

- Relationship: FC ↑→ U ↑

88. Capital Controls (CC) - Measures to regulate flows from capital markets.

- Foreign Investment (FI) - Investment in domestic markets by foreign entities.

- Relationship: CC ↑→ FI ↓

89. Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of a currency.

- Inflation (π) - Rate at which prices increase.

- Relationship: ER ↓→ π ↑

90. Money Supply (M) - Total amount of monetary assets.

- Exchange Rate (ER) - Price of one currency in terms of another.

- Relationship: M ↑→ ER

91. Household Debt (HD) - Combined debt of all people in a household.

- Financial Stability (FS) - Condition where the financial system is resistant to economic shocks.

- Relationship: HD ↑→ FS

92. Tax Evasion (TE) - Illegal non-payment or underpayment of tax.

- Government Revenue (GR) - Money received by the government.

- Relationship: TE ↑→ GR

93. Global Economic Growth (GEG) - Increase in worldwide economic activity.

- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold internationally.

- Relationship: GEG ↑→ X ↑

94. Corporate Governance (CG) - System of rules and practices by which a company is directed.

- Investor Confidence (IC) - Trust investors have in the financial markets.

- Relationship: CG ↑→ IC

95. Income Tax Rates (IT) - Percentage at which income is taxed.

- Labor Supply (LS) - Total hours workers are willing to work.

- Relationship: IT ↑→ LS

96. Budget Cuts (BC) - Reductions in government spending.

- Public Services (PS) - Services provided by the government.

- Relationship: BC ↑→ PS

97. Economic Recession (ER) - Significant decline in economic activity.

- Business Failures (BF) - Closure of businesses due to inability to make a profit.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ BF

98. Interest Rates (IR) - Rate at which interest is paid by borrowers.

- Capital Inflow (CI) - Movement of capital into a country.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ CI

99. Public Debt (PD) - Money owed by the government.

- Tax Burden (TB) - Impact of taxation on individuals and businesses.

- Relationship: PD ↑→ TB

100. Consumer Spending (C) - Total spending by consumers.

- Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the production of economic goods and services.

- Relationship: C ↑→ EG ↑

[] 経済変数間の因果関係

1. Interest Rate (IR) - The cost of borrowing money.

- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital goods by firms.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ I ↓

2. Taxes (T) - Compulsory charges imposed by the government.

- Consumption (C) - Household spending on goods and services.

- Relationship: T ↑→ C ↓

3. Government Spending (G) - Expenditure by the government on public services.

- Aggregate Demand (AD) - Total demand for goods and services in the economy.

- Relationship: G ↑→ AD

4. Money Supply (M) - Total amount of monetary assets available in an economy.

- Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general price level of goods and services rises.

- Relationship: M ↑→ π ↑

5. Inflation (π) - General increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

- Purchasing Power (PP) - The value of currency expressed in terms of the amount of goods or services one unit of money can buy.

- Relationship: π ↑→ PP

6. Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another.

- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold to other countries.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ X ↓

7. Wages (W) - Payment to labor for its contribution to the production process.

- Production Costs (PC) - Expenses incurred in manufacturing a product or providing a service.

- Relationship: W ↑→ PC

8. Unemployment Rate (U) - Percentage of the labor force that is jobless.

- Consumer Spending (C) - Total money spent by consumers.

- Relationship: U ↑→ C ↓

9. Interest Rate (IR) - The proportion of a loan charged as interest.

- Consumption (C) - Expenditure by households on consumption goods.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ C ↓

10. Investment (I) - Purchase of goods that are not consumed today but used in the future.

- Capital Stock (K) - Total physical capital available in the economy.

- Relationship: I ↑→ K ↑

11. Consumer Confidence (CC) - Degree of optimism that consumers feel about the overall state of the economy.

- Consumption (C) - Spending by households on goods and services.

- Relationship: CC ↑→ C ↑

12. Taxes (T) - Mandatory financial charges imposed by a government.

- Disposable Income (Yd) - Income remaining after deduction of taxes.

- Relationship: T ↑→ Yd ↓

13. Inflation (π) - Sustained increase in the general price level.

- Real Wages (RW) - Wages adjusted for inflation.

- Relationship: π ↑→ RW ↓

14. Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the inflation-adjusted market value of goods and services.

- Employment (E) - The condition of having paid work.

- Relationship: EG ↑→ E ↑

15. Oil Prices (OP) - Cost per barrel of crude oil.

- Production Costs (PC) - Costs related to making or acquiring goods and services that directly generate revenue.

- Relationship: OP ↑→ PC

16. Government Debt (GD) - Total amount of money owed by the government.

- Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing capital.

- Relationship: GD ↑→ IR

17. Demand (D) - Consumer desire and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service.

- Price (P) - Amount of money required to purchase something.

- Relationship: D ↑→ P ↑

18. Supply (S) - Total amount of a specific good or service available to consumers.

- Price (P) - The cost required to gain possession of something.

- Relationship: S ↑→ P ↓

19. Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency of production measured by output per unit of input.

- Costs (C) - Expenses incurred in the production of goods or services.

- Relationship: Prod ↑→ C ↓

20. Savings (S) - Portion of income not spent on consumption.

- Investment (I) - Allocation of resources, usually money, with the expectation of generating income or profit.

- Relationship: S ↑→ I ↑

21. Population (P) - Total number of people inhabiting a country or region.

- Labor Supply (LS) - Total hours that workers wish to work at a given real wage rate.

- Relationship: P ↑→ LS

22. Tariffs (Tar) - Taxes imposed on imported goods and services.

- Imports (M) - Goods and services purchased from other countries.

- Relationship: Tar ↑→ M ↓

23. Exchange Rate (ER) - The price of one country's currency in terms of another's.

- Imports (M) - Foreign goods and services bought by residents of a country.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ M ↑

24. Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services.

- Cost of Living (CL) - Amount of money needed to sustain a certain level of living.

- Relationship: CPI ↑→ CL

25. Interest Rates (IR) - Percentage charged on a loan or paid on savings.

- Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of a country's currency vs. that of another country.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ ER

26. Budget Deficit (BD) - Financial situation where expenditures exceed revenues.

- National Debt (ND) - Total amount of money that a country's government has borrowed.

- Relationship: BD ↑→ ND

27. Economic Uncertainty (EU) - Lack of predictability in the economy.

- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital goods not consumed today.

- Relationship: EU ↑→ I ↓

28. Minimum Wage (MW) - Lowest remuneration employers can legally pay their workers.

- Unemployment (U) - Situation where individuals who can work are unable to find a job.

- Relationship: MW ↑→ U ↑

29. Tax Incentives (TI) - Reductions in tax designed to encourage economic activity.

- Investment (I) - Allocation of capital to gain profitable returns.

- Relationship: TI ↑→ I ↑

30. Subsidies (S) - Financial support extended to an economic sector.

- Production (P) - Total output of goods and services.

- Relationship: S ↑→ P ↑

31. Trade Restrictions (TR) - Government-imposed limitations on the international exchange of goods.

- Exports (X) - Goods produced domestically and sold abroad.

- Relationship: TR ↑→ X ↓

32. Labor Productivity (LP) - Amount of goods and services produced by one hour of labor.

- Output (O) - Total quantity of goods or services produced.

- Relationship: LP ↑→ O ↑

33. Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising.

- Interest Rates (IR) - Amount charged by lenders to borrowers.

- Relationship: π ↑→ IR

34. Public Spending (PS) - Expenditure by the government sector.

- Inflation (π) - Sustained increase in the general price level.

- Relationship: PS ↑→ π ↑

35. Exchange Rate (ER) - Rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another.

- Foreign Investment (FI) - Investment originating from other countries.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ FI ↓

36. Money Supply (M) - Total value of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.

- Interest Rates (IR) - Amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower.

- Relationship: M ↑→ IR

37. Consumer Confidence (CC) - Economic indicator measuring consumer optimism.

- Savings (S) - Money that is not spent or used.

- Relationship: CC ↑→ S ↓

38. Business Taxes (BT) - Taxes imposed on business profits.

- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital assets.

- Relationship: BT ↑→ I ↓

39. Infrastructure Spending (IS) - Government spending on physical systems.

- Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the inflation-adjusted market value of the goods and services.

- Relationship: IS ↑→ EG ↑

40. Education Spending (ES) - Expenditure on educational institutions and resources.

- Human Capital (HC) - Economic value of a worker's experience and skills.

- Relationship: ES ↑→ HC ↑

41. Technological Advancement (TA) - Innovations improving production processes.

- Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency of production.

- Relationship: TA ↑→ Prod ↑

42. Inflation Expectations (IE) - Rate at which people expect prices to rise in the future.

- Wage Demands (WD) - Increases in pay requested by employees.

- Relationship: IE ↑→ WD

43. Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of a currency compared to others.

- Tourism (T) - Travel for recreation or leisure.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ T ↓

44. Employment (E) - The condition of having paid work.

- Tax Revenue (TR) - Government income from taxation.

- Relationship: E ↑→ TR ↑

45. Regulatory Burden (RB) - Compliance costs of regulations on businesses.

- Business Growth (BG) - Expansion of business activities.

- Relationship: RB ↑→ BG ↓

46. Trade Agreements (TA) - Treaties facilitating trade between countries.

- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold to other countries.

- Relationship: TA ↑→ X ↑

47. Consumer Debt (CD) - Debts owed as a result of purchasing goods that are consumable.

- Consumption (C) - Action of using up a resource.

- Relationship: CD ↑→ C ↑

48. Commodity Prices (CP) - Market price for raw materials.

- Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general level of prices rises.

- Relationship: CP ↑→ π ↑

49. Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing or the gain from lending.

- House Prices (HP) - The market value of residential properties.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ HP

50. Unemployment Benefits (UB) - Payments made by the state to unemployed individuals.

- Job Search (JS) - The act of looking for employment.

- Relationship: UB ↑→ JS



It's frankly not abundantly clear what your expectations were for what to entail down this branch of trackbacks


financial times

Will the Bank of Japan raise rates above zero?

No. 2024 will be the year the Japanese central bank finally ditches yield curve control and negative interest rates. Contrary to market expectations of several further increases, however, rates will end the year no higher than zero.

With mediocre wage growth, a stronger yen in prospect as US rates peak and reasons to prefer a steeper yield curve, the BoJ is unlikely to set a positive rate — although as with any central bank forecast, much depends on the incoming data. Robin Harding




Sure, I'd be happy to discuss that with you! The question of who should pay on a first date is a common one and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on the situation and the preferences of the people involved.

Traditionally, it was often expected that the man would pay for the first date. However, in modern times, many people prefer to split the bill or take turns paying for dates. Some people may feel strongly about paying on a first date as a way to show their interest or to demonstrate their ability to provide for their partner, while others may feel that splitting the bill or taking turns paying is more fair and equitable.

Ultimately, the decision of who should pay on a first date should be based on what both people are comfortable with. It's a good idea to discuss it ahead of time so that there are no surprises or awkward moments at the end of the date. Communication is key in any relationship, so it's important to be open and honest about your preferences and expectations.








GoogleのCode Labとかならすぐに遊べます


from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

x = np.array([-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7]) # from Mon to Sun

y = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]) # From Apr13 to onward

X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)

# Number Data of New Infection Patient

Z = np.array([[ 98,161,127,150,204,185,107], # Apr13

[100,123,125,134,166,107,76], # Apr20

[40,112, 47, 46, 164,159, 90], # Apr27

[87, 57, 37, 23, 39, 36, 22], # May4

[15, 28, 10, 30, 9, 14, 5], # May11

[ 10, 5, 5, 11, 3, 2, 14], # May18

[ 8, 10, 11, 15, 22, 14, 5], # May25

[ 13, 34, 12, 28, 20, 26, 14], # Jul1

[ 13, 12, 18, 22, 25, 24, 47], # Jul8

[ 48, 27, 16, 41, 35, 39, 35], # Jul15

[ 29, 31, 55, 48, 54, 57, 60], # Jul22

[ 58, 54, 67,107,124,130,111], # Jul29

[102,106, 75,224,243,206,206], # Jul6

[119,143,165,286,293,290,188], # Jul13

[168,237,238,366,260,295,239], # Jul20

[131,266,250,367,463,472,292], # Jul27

[282,276,260,377,473,482,302]]) # Aug3 : encliding expectations = prev week number + 10

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))

ax = Axes3D(fig)

ax.set_xlabel('Day', fontsize=16)

ax.set_ylabel('Week', fontsize=16)


ax.get_proj = lambda: np.dot(Axes3D.get_proj(ax), np.diag([0.8, 1.2, 1, 1]))

ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z)

ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=plt.cm.jet, rstride=1, cstride=1, linewidth=0)



Terms of Use


These Terms of Use and End User License Agreement (collectively, the “Agreement”) together with all the documents referred to in it constitute a legally binding agreement made between you as a natural person (“you”, “your” or “user”) and We (“we,” “us” or “our”), concerning your access to and use of the software application for mobile devices (the “App”).

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clients out bottomfishing. Fishing for rockfish was excellent, but very few ling cod we

Woho. Anglers are allowed two salmon per day with a minimum size for Chinook at 24 inches or larger. Salmon seasons from May 2016 to April 30, 2017 are currently being developed.

Last weekend Prowler Charters here in Bandon took clients out bottomfishing. Fishing for rockfish was excellent, but very few ling cod were taken. Strong ocean currents made for a fast drift which makes the conditions tough. Wayne Butler, the captain of the Miss Chief, told me that the depth at the Bandon bar was much deeper than last year. This winter's large rain event naturally flushed out the entrance, which makes bar crossings much safer. Anglers surf fishing out at Bullards Beach State Park reported good pinkfin surf perch action last week. Live sand shrimp or Berkley Gulp sand worms in camo colors have been working best. Perch fishing has been good up on the beaches in Coos Bay. Anglers are also catching pinkfin and striped perch along the Coos Bay south jetty. Boaters are catching rockfish inside the bay near the No. 7 buoy and the train trestle bridge


But while pundits have occasionally contorted themselves into logical pretzels to explain away Ford’s casual racism and misogyny — “He was just drunk!” “He always fights for the little guy!” — none has ever been able to explain away his deliberate and calculated anti-LGBT statements and actions.

Ford never hid anti-LGBT animus. From his earliest days on council, when he opposed funding small grants to diversity and AIDS-prevention campaigns, he made it explicit that his opposition stemmed from disgust with LGBT people, not from a desire to protect the public purse.Superman grany przez Cavilla to ten sam poziom, co w Człowieku ze Stali - moim zdaniem Cavill bardzo się stara, żeby jak najciekawiej zagrać Supermana, ale to i tak jedna z najnudniejszych postaci w całym komiksowym uniwersum, więc niektóre wysiłki pozostają niezauważone. Moim zdaniem to wina postaci i fani muszą się do tego przyzwyczaić.

Trzecią postacią, która ma szanse zaprezentować nam się trochę dłużej na ekranie jest oczywiście “ten zły”, czyli Lex Luthor, który grany przez Eisenberga kojarzył się raczej z o wiele bardziej szalonym Zuckerbergiem z The Social Network, niż komiksowym czarnym charakterem. Być może się czepiam, ale gdyby Luthor się w tym filmie nie przedstawił, nie miałbym pojęcia kim właściwie jest ten rudy gość, który z jakiegoś powodu postanowił być bardzo złośliwy.

he astonishments of the quasi-Biblical clashes and catastrophes in the director Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel” left me impatient to see hisBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” The earlier film conveyed an awed and even terrified sense of the colossal, a delight in the cinematic ability to realize wrenching destruction and, at the same time, to shiver at the very imagination of it. Snyder turned the superhero universe around on itself, constructing backstories and out-there stories of an apocalyptic force; it was silly but potent, shallow but thrilling. Perhaps Snyder’s new film is the victim of great (or any) expectations, but “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” remains literally Earth-bound, and this fair planet is where Snyder bumps up against the limits of his vision.

WhereMan of Steel” opens big, with an intergalactic origin story that has the heightened tone of pseudo-scripture, the first big set piece in “Batman v Supermanis a catastrophe from home, a virtual replay of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, with Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) looking on with horror and hatred as the tower of Wayne Industries collapses (vertically) into a blinding gust of light-gray powderas a result of the battle waged by Superman (Henry Cavill) against the Kryptonian usurper General Zod.

climactic feat in “The Avengers.”) In Snyder’s new film, Superman appears, from the sff

But while pundits have occasionally contorted themselves into logical pretzels to explain away Ford’s casual racism and misogyny — “He was just drunk!” “He always fights for the little guy!” — none has ever been able to explain away his deliberate and calculated anti-LGBT statements and actions.

Ford never hid anti-LGBT animus. From his earliest days on council, when he opposed funding small grants to diversity and AIDS-prevention campaigns, he made it explicit that his opposition stemmed from disgust with LGBT people, not from a desire to protect the public purse.Superman grany przez Cavilla to ten sam poziom, co w Człowieku ze Stali - moim zdaniem Cavill bardzo się stara, żeby jak najciekawiej zagrać Supermana, ale to i tak jedna z najnudniejszych postaci w całym komiksowym uniwersum, więc niektóre wysiłki pozostaniezauważone. Moim zdaniem to wina postaci i fani muszą się do tego przyzwyczaić.

Trzecią postacią, która ma szanse zaprezentować nam się trochę dłużej na ekranie jest oczywiście “ten zły”, czyli Lex Luthor, który grany przez Eisenberga kojarzył się raczej z o wiele bardziej szalonym Zuckerbergiem z The Social Network, niż komiksowym czarnym charakterem. Być może się czepiam, ale gdyby Luthor się w tym filmie nie przedstawił, nie miałbym pocia kim właściwie jest ten rudy gość, który z jakiegoś powodu postanowił być bardzo złośliwy.

he astonishments of the quasi-Biblical clashes and catastrophes in the director Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel” left me impatient to see hisBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” The earlier film conveyed an awed and even terrified sense of the colossal, a delight in the cinematic ability to realize wrenching destruction and, at the same time, to shiver at the very imagination of it. Snyder turned the superhero universe around on itself, constructing backstories and out-there stories of an apocalyptic force; it was silly but potent, shallow but thrilling. Perhaps Snyder’s new film is the victim of great (or any) expectations, but “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” remains literally Earth-bound, and this fair planet is where Snyder bumps up against the limits of his vision.

Where “Man of Steel” opens big, with an intergalactic origin story that has the heightened tone of pseudo-scripture, the first big set piece in “Batman v Supermanis a catastrophe from home, a virtual replay of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, with Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) looking on with horror and hatred as the tower of Wayne Industries collapses (vertically) into a blinding gust of light-gray powderas a result of the battle waged by Superman (Henry Cavill) against the Kryptonian usurper General Zod.

That start gives off a strange whiff of competition with—or emulation of—Marvel’s irrepressibly successful “Avengers” films, the first of which, in particular, is an unabashed post-9/11 allegory. (The connection is surprisingly direct. One of the climactic moments of “Batman v Superman”—a leap from the ground that vaults through the atmosphere and into outer space—is a virtual duplication, both dramatically and visually, of a similar climactic feat in “The Avengers.”) In Snyder’s new film, Superman appears, from the start, as a hopeless naïf, a battler for good who doesn’t admit to his own capacity to do incidental evil, a blinkered warrior who deploys his nearly infinite powers according to his unquestioned moral intuition rather than to the prudent calculation of results.

O Wonder Woman, która zgodnie z obietnicami zadebiutowała w tym filmie mogę w sumie napisać tylko tyle, że… do tej roli wybrano świetną aktorkę. Przynajmniej z wyglądu, bo po tych strzępkach dialogów, które pojawiają sie na ekranie z jej udziałem ciężko się zorientować kim właściwie jest ta pani, która w pewnym momencie pojawia się z tarczą i mieczem u boku Supermana i Batmana.





1. ビジネスを立ち上げる日を設定する。BeckySheila場合は、5月会社をその年の9月に設立すると決めた。最初は「どんなにか大変だろう」と思ったのだが、それほどでもないことに気づいたが、日付にはこだわった。信念を持って計画を達成しよう。

2. 自分たちに完璧を求めないこと。努力するのはよいことだけど、顧客のための自分のドアを開く方法を見つけた方がよい。

3. テスト期間中に収益をあげよう。ビジネスを立ち上げ、ビジネスを始めるときには、すでに顧客からのフィードバック、何を売るのか、何に優れているのか、何が収益が高いのか、自分が何がしたいのか、ということが土台になっているように。

4. 狭いターゲットに絞ろう。これは非常に難しいことだ。なぜなら、人間の傾向として、巨大な市場の後についていって成長するほうが簡単だと、考えがちだからだ。小さな市場サービス提供するという信念は、最もよいチャンスに注力することや、とてもよい製品ソリューションを作るときに役立つはずだ。そうすれば顧客クチコミによってそれを広め売上がついてくるだろう。

5. 顧客課題を解決するために自分たちのツールを売り込むことよりも、顧客課題自体に集中しよう。この心構えは、ビジネスプランを練ったり、製品顧客ニーズに合わせることに役立つはずだ。これは、異なる製品サービスビジネスを成長させるためのソリューションになるかもしれないということを気づかせるかもしれない。


5 Secrets from a Profitable Start-Up business

 A year ago, Becky McCray and Sheila Scarborough were entrepreneurs with their own businesses who attended the SOBCon conference and decided to partner to start a business. By September 2009, they had launched Tourism Currents to teach tourism professionals how to use social media. In their first month, they generated a profit. Today, they came back to SOBCon and shared the secrets of their success, with the caveat ? these are not rules, the path has not been perfect, but it worked for them, so it could work for you too:


 1.Set a deadline to launch your business. They decided in May that they would launch in September, and stuck to the deadline even as they learned their initial expectations of “How hard could it be?” were inaccurate. Push forward and…

 2.Don’t expect perfection of yourself. It is good to strive for this, but is better to find a way to open your doors to customers so you can…

 3.Generate revenue while you test. Launch and iterate on your business based on feedback from your customers, what sells, what you’re good at, what is profitable, what you want to do.

 4.Solve for a narrow target. This is very difficult because our natural tendency is to think it is easier to grow by going after a big market. Trust that solving for a narrow market helps you focus on the best opportunities and will help you create great products and solutions that your customers help you sell through word of mouth.

 5.Focus on your customer’s problems rather than the tools you’re selling to solve them. Having this mindset allows you to evolve both your business plan and products to meet their needs. This allows you to see that a different tool (your product or service), rather than a better one, might be the solution that helps you grow your business.










まず、ブランチャード(フランス語読みではブランシャール)らがここで書いた文章の表題をもう一度確認してみましょう。”What we thought we knew”とあります。直訳すれば「我々が理解していると考えていたこと」でしょうか。


英語はこの辺りの時制のコントロールに対して非常に厳密です。ですから、1970年のJohn Smithの論文がこう主張している、という表現をするときには、J. Smith (1970) arguesと書くのが普通です。論文自体が書かれたのは40年前ですが、Smithの主張が今も有効であるならば、現在形になるのです。逆に Smith (1970) arguedと書いた場合、この著者はSmithの意見を既に時代遅れなものと見なしていることになります。


The formal argument was that, to the extent that central banks could commit to higher nominal money growth and thus higher inflation in the future, they could increase future inflation expectations and thus decrease future anticipated real rates and stimulate activity today.


つまり、ブランチャードが批判的に取り上げているのは、「処方箋があるにもかかわらずそれを採用しようとしない中銀の存在」ではありません。処方箋に問題があるにもかかわらず、それを中銀の意思と能力の問題に矮小化してしまった経済学者の態度こそが批判されているのです。だからこそ、前回翻訳した最後の部分で『公平を期しておくと、Fed日本経験を無視したわけではなく、2000年の初めにデフレリスクを憂慮した論文を発表している』と添え書きされているわけです。経済学者にも良心的な態度を取った人がいたことは、公平のために言及しておく、と。もしも「リフレ処方箋」にコミットする能力と意思を中銀が欠いていることをブランチャードらが問題視しているなら、to be fairなどと書くはずもないことは文脈から明らかでしょう。








前回翻訳した部分をもう一度参照してください。なぜブランチャードらは2%のインフレ率を望ましくないと判断したのでしょうか。ブランチャードらは過去にも「2%のインフレでは低すぎる、利下げ余地が小さすぎる」という懸念があったことを紹介しています。そして、その懸念は「ゼロ金利になっても、中銀が将来のインフレコミットすれば大丈夫だ。」という、Eggertsson and Woodford (2003)らの議論によって葬り去られました。そして、日本金融政策の失敗を受けても、一度葬り去られた懸念が見直されることはありませんでした。


また、以上の説明から、最終段落で言及されている「ブランチャードらは流動性の罠から脱出するためのリフレ政策を支持していると読めないこともない」点は、誤読であると申し上げるより他ないことはご理解頂けるのではないかと思います。この辺りも、原文に当たられた方が文章の雰囲気と構成("stood more uneasily in the way"や"to be fair"など)をよりはっきりと掴めるでしょうから、原文を当たられることを繰り返しお勧めします。



司祭 「全能なる我らが神はこの村の人々を温かく見守ってくださっておる。なんの心配もいらないよ、君たちは選ばれた民なのだから。100年前の大飢饉大恐慌)では人々は神への祈りを捧げなかった。だから多くの民が死に絶えたのだ。だが今は違う。私が正しい神への祈り方を教え授けている。神は我らの祈りを請け給うたのだ。」


司祭 「…それは、あなたの父親の信心が足りないからだ。神を理解する能力に欠けるからだ。彼が心から神を信じているならば、彼の病が長引くことなどあり得なかった。家に帰って彼に伝えなさい。悔い改めよ、と。さすれば彼はたちどころに快復するであろう。」





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