
[] 経済変数間の因果関係

1. Interest Rate (IR) - The cost of borrowing money.

- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital goods by firms.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ I ↓

2. Taxes (T) - Compulsory charges imposed by the government.

- Consumption (C) - Household spending on goods and services.

- Relationship: T ↑→ C ↓

3. Government Spending (G) - Expenditure by the government on public services.

- Aggregate Demand (AD) - Total demand for goods and services in the economy.

- Relationship: G ↑→ AD

4. Money Supply (M) - Total amount of monetary assets available in an economy.

- Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general price level of goods and services rises.

- Relationship: M ↑→ π ↑

5. Inflation (π) - General increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.

- Purchasing Power (PP) - The value of currency expressed in terms of the amount of goods or services one unit of money can buy.

- Relationship: π ↑→ PP

6. Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another.

- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold to other countries.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ X ↓

7. Wages (W) - Payment to labor for its contribution to the production process.

- Production Costs (PC) - Expenses incurred in manufacturing a product or providing a service.

- Relationship: W ↑→ PC

8. Unemployment Rate (U) - Percentage of the labor force that is jobless.

- Consumer Spending (C) - Total money spent by consumers.

- Relationship: U ↑→ C ↓

9. Interest Rate (IR) - The proportion of a loan charged as interest.

- Consumption (C) - Expenditure by households on consumption goods.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ C ↓

10. Investment (I) - Purchase of goods that are not consumed today but used in the future.

- Capital Stock (K) - Total physical capital available in the economy.

- Relationship: I ↑→ K ↑

11. Consumer Confidence (CC) - Degree of optimism that consumers feel about the overall state of the economy.

- Consumption (C) - Spending by households on goods and services.

- Relationship: CC ↑→ C ↑

12. Taxes (T) - Mandatory financial charges imposed by a government.

- Disposable Income (Yd) - Income remaining after deduction of taxes.

- Relationship: T ↑→ Yd ↓

13. Inflation (π) - Sustained increase in the general price level.

- Real Wages (RW) - Wages adjusted for inflation.

- Relationship: π ↑→ RW ↓

14. Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the inflation-adjusted market value of goods and services.

- Employment (E) - The condition of having paid work.

- Relationship: EG ↑→ E ↑

15. Oil Prices (OP) - Cost per barrel of crude oil.

- Production Costs (PC) - Costs related to making or acquiring goods and services that directly generate revenue.

- Relationship: OP ↑→ PC

16. Government Debt (GD) - Total amount of money owed by the government.

- Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing capital.

- Relationship: GD ↑→ IR

17. Demand (D) - Consumer desire and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service.

- Price (P) - Amount of money required to purchase something.

- Relationship: D ↑→ P ↑

18. Supply (S) - Total amount of a specific good or service available to consumers.

- Price (P) - The cost required to gain possession of something.

- Relationship: S ↑→ P ↓

19. Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency of production measured by output per unit of input.

- Costs (C) - Expenses incurred in the production of goods or services.

- Relationship: Prod ↑→ C ↓

20. Savings (S) - Portion of income not spent on consumption.

- Investment (I) - Allocation of resources, usually money, with the expectation of generating income or profit.

- Relationship: S ↑→ I ↑

21. Population (P) - Total number of people inhabiting a country or region.

- Labor Supply (LS) - Total hours that workers wish to work at a given real wage rate.

- Relationship: P ↑→ LS

22. Tariffs (Tar) - Taxes imposed on imported goods and services.

- Imports (M) - Goods and services purchased from other countries.

- Relationship: Tar ↑→ M ↓

23. Exchange Rate (ER) - The price of one country's currency in terms of another's.

- Imports (M) - Foreign goods and services bought by residents of a country.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ M ↑

24. Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services.

- Cost of Living (CL) - Amount of money needed to sustain a certain level of living.

- Relationship: CPI ↑→ CL

25. Interest Rates (IR) - Percentage charged on a loan or paid on savings.

- Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of a country's currency vs. that of another country.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ ER

26. Budget Deficit (BD) - Financial situation where expenditures exceed revenues.

- National Debt (ND) - Total amount of money that a country's government has borrowed.

- Relationship: BD ↑→ ND

27. Economic Uncertainty (EU) - Lack of predictability in the economy.

- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital goods not consumed today.

- Relationship: EU ↑→ I ↓

28. Minimum Wage (MW) - Lowest remuneration employers can legally pay their workers.

- Unemployment (U) - Situation where individuals who can work are unable to find a job.

- Relationship: MW ↑→ U ↑

29. Tax Incentives (TI) - Reductions in tax designed to encourage economic activity.

- Investment (I) - Allocation of capital to gain profitable returns.

- Relationship: TI ↑→ I ↑

30. Subsidies (S) - Financial support extended to an economic sector.

- Production (P) - Total output of goods and services.

- Relationship: S ↑→ P ↑

31. Trade Restrictions (TR) - Government-imposed limitations on the international exchange of goods.

- Exports (X) - Goods produced domestically and sold abroad.

- Relationship: TR ↑→ X ↓

32. Labor Productivity (LP) - Amount of goods and services produced by one hour of labor.

- Output (O) - Total quantity of goods or services produced.

- Relationship: LP ↑→ O ↑

33. Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising.

- Interest Rates (IR) - Amount charged by lenders to borrowers.

- Relationship: π ↑→ IR

34. Public Spending (PS) - Expenditure by the government sector.

- Inflation (π) - Sustained increase in the general price level.

- Relationship: PS ↑→ π ↑

35. Exchange Rate (ER) - Rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another.

- Foreign Investment (FI) - Investment originating from other countries.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ FI ↓

36. Money Supply (M) - Total value of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.

- Interest Rates (IR) - Amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower.

- Relationship: M ↑→ IR

37. Consumer Confidence (CC) - Economic indicator measuring consumer optimism.

- Savings (S) - Money that is not spent or used.

- Relationship: CC ↑→ S ↓

38. Business Taxes (BT) - Taxes imposed on business profits.

- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital assets.

- Relationship: BT ↑→ I ↓

39. Infrastructure Spending (IS) - Government spending on physical systems.

- Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the inflation-adjusted market value of the goods and services.

- Relationship: IS ↑→ EG ↑

40. Education Spending (ES) - Expenditure on educational institutions and resources.

- Human Capital (HC) - Economic value of a worker's experience and skills.

- Relationship: ES ↑→ HC ↑

41. Technological Advancement (TA) - Innovations improving production processes.

- Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency of production.

- Relationship: TA ↑→ Prod ↑

42. Inflation Expectations (IE) - Rate at which people expect prices to rise in the future.

- Wage Demands (WD) - Increases in pay requested by employees.

- Relationship: IE ↑→ WD

43. Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of a currency compared to others.

- Tourism (T) - Travel for recreation or leisure.

- Relationship: ER ↑→ T ↓

44. Employment (E) - The condition of having paid work.

- Tax Revenue (TR) - Government income from taxation.

- Relationship: E ↑→ TR ↑

45. Regulatory Burden (RB) - Compliance costs of regulations on businesses.

- Business Growth (BG) - Expansion of business activities.

- Relationship: RB ↑→ BG ↓

46. Trade Agreements (TA) - Treaties facilitating trade between countries.

- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold to other countries.

- Relationship: TA ↑→ X ↑

47. Consumer Debt (CD) - Debts owed as a result of purchasing goods that are consumable.

- Consumption (C) - Action of using up a resource.

- Relationship: CD ↑→ C ↑

48. Commodity Prices (CP) - Market price for raw materials.

- Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general level of prices rises.

- Relationship: CP ↑→ π ↑

49. Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing or the gain from lending.

- House Prices (HP) - The market value of residential properties.

- Relationship: IR ↑→ HP

50. Unemployment Benefits (UB) - Payments made by the state to unemployed individuals.

- Job Search (JS) - The act of looking for employment.

- Relationship: UB ↑→ JS

  • 51. Policy Rate (PR) - Interest rate set by the central bank. - Inflation (π) - General increase in prices. - Relationship: PR ↑→ π ↓ 52. Government Regulations (GR) - Laws that control the way that businesses can operate. - Innov...


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