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Bob the First, at the head of my long list of robins, having been killed by my pet owl, I very soon bought another. This one was not so gentle nor so handsome as Bob the First, his wings and his tail having their ends sawed off by contact with the wires of too small a cage.

Fearing that he might be lonely in my aviary with only rabbits, guineapigs, pet rats, and pigeons for company, I bought another robin called Dick. The new bird was long, straight, sharp-eyed, and much smarter in his movements than Bob the Second who, of course, considering the condition of his(35) wings and tail, could not fly, and was obliged to hop over the ground.

It was very amusing to see the two robins stare at each other. Both had probably been trapped young, for at that time the law against the keeping of wild birds in captivity was not enforced, and boys and men were perniciously active in their depredations among our beautiful wild beauties.

Bob the Second was very fond of stuffing himself, and he used to drive the pigeons from the most promising window ledges and partake freely of the food scattered about.

Poor Dick ran about the ground looking for worms, and not finding many, got desperate and flew up to the window ledge.

Bob lowered his head and flew at him with open bill. Dick snapped at him, hopped up to the food, and satisfied his hunger, Bob meanwhile standing at a little distance, a queer, pained thread of sound issuing from between his bill, “Peep, peep, peep!”

A robin is a most untidy bird while eating, and as often as Dick scattered a morsel of food outside the dish, Bob would spring forward and pick it up with a reproving air, as if he were saying, “What an extravagant fellow you are!”

Whenever a new bird enters an aviary, he has to find his place—he is just like a new-comer in a community of human beings. Bob, being alone, was in the lead when Dick came. Dick, having the stronger bird mind, promptly dethroned him. They were(36) very amusing birds. Indeed, I find something clownish and comical about all robins kept in captivity.

The wild bird seems to be more businesslike. The partly domesticated bird, having no anxiety about his food supply, indulges in all sorts of pranks. He is curious and fond of investigation, and runs swiftly at a new object, and as swiftly away from it, if it seems formidable to him.

The arrival of new birds in the aviary always greatly excited Bob, and he hopped about, chirping, strutting, raising his head feathers, and sometimes acting silly with his food, just like a foolish child trying to “show off” before strangers.

When I introduced a purple gallinule to him, Bob flew up into the air, and uttered a shriek of despair. He feared the gallinule, and hated the first Brazil cardinal I possessed, and was always sparring with him. One day I put a second cardinal into the aviary. Bob thought it was his old enemy, and ran full tilt at him. His face of ludicrous dismay as he discovered his mistake and turned away, was too much for me, and I burst out laughing at him. I don’t think he minded being made fun of. He flirted his tail and hopped away.

At one time Bob made up his mind that he would not eat crushed hemp-seed unless I mixed it with bread and milk, and he would throw it all out of his dish unless I made it in the way he liked.

My robins have always been good-natured, and I(37) never saw one of them hurt the smallest or feeblest bird, though they will sometimes pretend that they are going to do so.

When Bob took a sun-bath, any member of the family who happened to be near him would always be convulsed with laughter. He would stretch his legs far apart, stick out his ragged plumage, elevate his head feathers till he looked as if he had a bonnet on, and then half shut his eyes with the most ludicrous expression of robin bliss.

All birds look more or less absurd when taking sun-baths. They seem to have the power to make each feather stand out from its neighbor. I suppose this is done in order that the sun may get to every part of the skin.

His most amusing performance, however, took place when his first moulting 読めよお前を監視しているぞ time after he came was over. One by one his old, mutilated feathers dropped out, and finally new ones took their places. On a memorable day Bob discovered that he had a real tail with a white feather on each side of it, and a pair of good, serviceable wings. He gave a joyful cry, shook his tail as if he would uproot it, then spread his wings and lifted himself in the air. Hopping time was over. He was now a real bird, and he flew from one end of the aviary to the other with an unmistakable expression of robin ecstasy.

Most unfortunately, I had not a chance to study poor Dick’s character as fully as Bob’s, for I only had him a short time. Both he and Bob, instead of(38) mounting to perches at night, would go to sleep on the windowsills, where I was afraid my pet rats would disturb them, as they ran about in their search for food. Therefore, I went into the aviary every evening, and lifted them up to a comfortable place for the night, near the hot-water pipes. I would not put robins in a warm place now. They are hardy birds, and if given a sufficient quantity of nourishing food do not need a warm sleeping-place. If we only had a better food supply I believe we would have many more wild birds with us in winter in the Northern States and Canada than we have now.

Late one evening I went into the aviary to put my robins to bed. I could only find Bob—Dick was nowhere to be seen. My father and mother joined me in the search, and finally we found his poor, lifeless body near the entrance to the rats’ underground nest. His head had been eaten—poor, intelligent Dick; and in gazing at him, and at the abundance of food in the aviary, the fate of the rats was sealed.

I fed my birds hard-boiled egg mashed with bread crumbs, crushed hemp-seed, scalded cornmeal, bread and milk, prepared mockingbird food, soaked ant eggs, all kinds of mush or “porridge,” as we say in Canada, chopped beef, potato and gravy, vegetables cooked and raw, seeds and fruit, an almost incredible amount of green stuff, and many other things—and yet the rats had found it necessary to commit a murder.


Well, they must leave the aviary, and they did, and for a time Bob reigned alone. I did try to bring up a number of young robins given to me by children who rescued them from cats, or who found them on the ground unable to fly, but for a long time I had very hard luck with them.

Either the birds were diseased or I did not feed them properly. I have a fancy that I half starved them. Bird fanciers whom I consulted told me to be sure and not stuff my robins, for they were greedy birds. As long as I took their advice my young robins died. When I went to my canaries for advice I saw that the parents watched the tiny heads folded like flowers too heavy for their stalks, over the little warm bodies in the nests.

The instant a head was raised the mother or father put a mouthful of warm egg-food in it. The little ones got all they would eatindeed, the father, with food dripping from his mouth, would coax his nestlings to take just one beakful more. I smiled broadly and began to give my robins all the worms they wanted, and then they lived.

The bringing up of young birds is intensely interesting. I found that one reason why early summer is the favorite time for nest-making is because one has the short nights then. Parents can feed their young quite late in the evening and be up by early daylight to fill the little crops again. Robins are birds that like to sit up late, and are always the last to go to bed in the aviary.


I solved the difficulty of rising at daylight to feed any young birds I was bringing up by giving them a stuffing at eleven o’clock at night. Then I did not have to rise till nearly eight.

This, of course, was for healthy birds. If I had a sick guineapig, rabbit, or bird, I never hesitated to get up many times during the night, for I have a theory that men and women who cannot or will not undertake the moral responsibility of bringing up children, should at least assist in the rearing of some created thing, if it is only a bird. Otherwise they become egotistical and absorbed in self.

Betsy and Solomon lived happily through that winter and spring, and before summer came we had made up our minds to return to the East. What should we do with the owls? They would be a great deal of trouble to some one. They required an immense amount of petting, and a frequent supply of perfectly fresh meat. No matter how busy we were, one of us had to go to the butcher every other day.

We began to inquire among our friends who would like a nice, affectionate pair of owls? There seemed no great eagerness on the part of any one to(23) take the pets we so much valued. Plans for their future worried me so much that at last I said to my sister, “We will take them East with us.”

The owls, who were to take so long a journey, became objects of interest to our friends, and at a farewell tea given to us, a smartly dressed young man vowed that he must take leave of Solomon and Betsy. Calling for a broom, he slowly passed it to and fro over the carpet before them, while they sat looking at him with lifted ear tufts that betrayed great interest in his movements.

We trembled a little in view of our past moving experiences, but we were devoted to the little creatures and, when the time came, we cheerfully boarded the overland train at Oakland.

We had with us Betsy and Solomon in their large cage, and in a little cage a pair of strawberry finches, so called because their breasts are dotted like a strawberry. A friend had requested us to bring them East for her. We had also a dog—not Teddy, that had only been lent to us; but our own Irish setter Nita, one of the most lovable and interesting animals that I have ever owned.

The chipmunk was no longer with us. He had not seemed happy in the aviary—indeed, he lay down in it and threw me a cunning look, as if to say, “I will die if you don’t let me out of this.” So I gave him the freedom of the house. That pleased him, and for a few days he was very diligent in assisting us with our housekeeping by picking(24) all the crumbs off the floors and eating them. Then he disappeared, and I hope was happy ever after among the superb oak trees of the university grounds close to us.

When we started for the East, the pets, of course, had to go into the baggage car, and I must say here for the benefit of those persons who wish to travel with animals and birds, that there is good accommodation for them on overland trains. Sometimes we bought tickets for them, sometimes they had to go in an express car, sometimes we tipped the baggagemasters, but the sums spent were not exorbitant, and we found everywhere provision made for pets. You cannot take them in your rooms in hotels, but there is a place for them somewhere, and they will be brought to you whenever you wish to see them, or to give them exercise. We were on several different railway lines, and visited eight different cities, and the dog and birds, upon arriving in eastern Canada, seemed none the worse for their trip.

However, I would not by any means encourage the transportation of animals. Indeed, my feelings on the subject, since I understand the horrors animals and birds endure while being whirled from one place to another, are rather too strong for utterance. I would only say that in a case like mine, where separation between an owner and pets would mean unhappiness, it is better for both to endure a few days or weeks of travel. Then the case of animals(25) and birds traveling with some one who sees and encourages them every day is different from the case of unfortunate creatures sent off alone.

Our Nita was taken out of the car at every station where it was possible to exercise her, and one of us would run into restaurants along the route to obtain fresh meat for the owls. Their cage was closely covered, but whenever they heard us coming they hooted, and as no one seemed to guess what they were, they created a great deal of interest. My sister and I were amused one evening in Salt Lake City to see a man bending over the cage with an air of perplexity.

“They must be pollies,” he said at last, and yet his face showed that he did not think those were parrot noises issuing from within.

I remember one evening on arriving in Albany, New York, causing slight consternation in the hotel by a demand for raw meat. We hastened to explain that we did not want it for ourselves, and finally obtained what we wished.

As soon as we arrived home in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the owls were put downstairs in a nice, dry basement. They soon found their way upstairs, where the whole family was prepared to welcome them on account of their pretty ways and their love for caresses.

Strange to say, they took a liking to my father, who did not notice them particularly, and a mischievous dislike to my mother, who was disposed to(26) pet them. They used to fly on her head whenever they saw her. Their little claws were sharp and unpleasant to her scalp. We could not imagine why they selected her head unless it was that her gray hair attracted them. However, we had a French Acadian maid called Lizzie, whose hair was jet black, and they disliked her even more than they did my mother.

Lizzie, to get to her storeroom, had to cross the furnace-room where the owls usually were, and she soon began to complain bitterly of them.

“Dey watch me,” she said indignantly, “dey fly on my head, dey scratch me, an’ pull out my hairpins, an’ make my head sore.”

Why don’t you push them off, Lizzie?” I asked, “they are only tiny things.”

“Dey won’t go—dey hold on an’ beat me,” she replied, and soon the poor girl had to arm herself with a switch when she went near them.

Lizzie was a descendant of the veritable Acadians mentioned in Longfellow’s “Evangeline,” of whom there are several thousand in Nova Scotia. My mother was attached to her, and at last she said, “I will not have Lizzie worried. Bring the owls up in my bathroom.”

There they seemed perfectly happy, sitting watching the sparrows from the window and teasing my long-suffering mother, who was obliged to give up using gas in this bathroom, for very often the owls put it out by flying at it.


One never heard them coming. I did not before this realize how noiseless the flight of an owl is. One did not dream they were near till there was a breath of air fanning one’s cheek. After we gave up the gas, for fear they would burn themselves, we decided to use a candle. It was absolutely necessary to have an unshaded light, for they would perch on any globe shading a flame, and would burn their feet.

The candle was more fun for them than the gas, for it had a smaller flame, and was more easily extinguished, and usually on entering the room, away would go the light, and we would hear in the corner a laughing voice, saying “Too, who, who, who, who!”

The best joke of all for the owls was to put out the candle when one was taking a bath, and I must say I heard considerable grumbling from the family on the subject. It seemed impossible to shade the light from them, and to find one’s self in the dark in the midst of a good splash, to have to emerge from the tub, dripping and cross, and search for matches, was certainly not calculated to add to one’s affection for Solomon and Betsy. However, they were members of the family, and as George Eliot says, “The members of your family are like the nose on your face—you have got to put up with it, seeing you can’t get rid of it.”

Alas! the time soon came when we had to lament the death of one of our troublesome but beloved pets.

Betsy one day partook heartily of a raw fish head,(28) and in spite of remedies applied, sickened rapidly and sank into a dying condition.

I was surprised to find what a hold the little thing had taken on my affection. When her soft, gray body became cold, I held her in my hand close to the fire and, with tears in my eyes, wished for a miracle to restore her to health.

She lay quietly until just before she died. Then she opened her eyes and I called to the other members of the family to come and see their strange expression. They became luminous and beautiful, and dilated in a peculiar way. We hear of the eyes of dying persons lighting up wonderfully, and this strange illumination of little Betsy’s eyes reminded me of such cases.

Even after death she lay with those wide-open eyes, and feeling that I had lost a friend, I put down her little dead body. It was impossible for me to conceal my emotion, and my mother, who had quite forgotten Betsy’s hostility to her, generously took the little feathered creature to a taxidermist.

I may say that Betsy was the first and last bird I shall ever have stuffed. I dare say the man did the work as well as it could be done, but I gazed in dismay at my Betsy when she came home. That stiff little creature sitting on a stick, with glazed eyes and motionless body, could not be the pretty little bird whose every motion was grace. Ever since the day of Betsy’s death, I can feel no admiration for a dead bird. Indeed, I turn sometimes with a shudder(29) from the agonized postures, the horrible eyes of birds in my sister women’s hats—and yet I used to wear them myself. My present conviction shows what education will do. If you like and study live birds, you won’t want to wear dead ones.

After Betsy’s death Solomon seemed so lonely that I resolved to buy him a companion. I chose a robin, and bought him for two dollars from a woman who kept a small shop. A naturalist friend warned me that I would have trouble, but I said remonstratingly, “My owl is not like other owls. He has been brought up like a baby. He does not know that his ancestors killed little birds.”

Alas! When my robin had got beautifully tame, when he would hop about after me, and put his pretty head on one side while I dug in the earth for worms for him, when he was apparently on the best of terms with Sollie, I came home one day to a dreadful discovery. Sollie was flying about with the robin’s body firmly clutched in one claw. He had killed and partly eaten him. I caught him, took the robin away from him, and upbraided him severely.

“Too, who, who, who who,” he said—apologetically, it seemed to me, “instinct was too strong for me. I got tired of playing with him, and thought I would see what he tasted like.”

I could not say too much to him. What about the innocent lambs and calves, of which Sollie’s owners had partaken?


I had a fine large place in the basement for keeping pets, with an earth floor, and a number of windows, and I did not propose to have Sollie murder all the birds I might acquire. So, one end of this room was wired off for him. He had a window in this cage overlooking the garden, and it was large enough for me to go in and walk about, while talking to him. He seemed happy enough there, and while gazing into the garden or watching the rabbits, guineapigs, and other pets in the large part of the room, often indulged in long, contented spells of cooing—not hooting.

In 1902 I was obliged to leave him for a six months’ trip to Europe. He was much petted by my sister, and I think spent most of his time upstairs with the family. When I returned home I brought, among other birds, a handsome Brazil cardinal. I stood admiring him as he stepped out of his traveling cage and flew around the aviary. Unfortunately, instead of choosing a perch, he flattened himself against the wire netting in Sollie’s corner.

I was looking right at him and the owl, and I never saw anything but lightning equal the celerity of Sollie’s flight, as he precipitated himself against the netting and caught at my cardinal’s showy red crest. The cardinal screamed like a baby, and I ran to release him, marveling that the owl could so insinuate his little claws through the fine mesh of the wire. However, he could do it, and he gripped the struggling cardinal by the long, hair-like(31) topknot, until I uncurled the wicked little claws. A bunch of red feathers fell to the ground, and the dismayed cardinal flew into a corner.

“Sollie,” I said, going into his cage and taking him in my hand, “how could you be so cruel to that new bird?”

“Oh, coo, coo, coo, coo,” he replied in a delightfully soft little voice, and gently resting his naughty little beak against my face. “You had better come upstairs,” I said, “I am afraid to leave you down here with that poor cardinal. You will be catching him again.”

He cooed once more. This just suited him, and he spent the rest of his life in regions above. I knew that he would probably not live as long in captivity as he would have done if his lot had been cast in the California foothills. His life was too unnatural. In their native state, owls eat their prey whole, and after a time disgorge pellets of bones, feathers, hairs, and scales, the remnants of food that cannot be digested.

My owls, on account of their upbringing, wanted their food cleaned for them. Betsy, one day, after much persuasion, swallowed a mouse to oblige me, but she was such a dismal picture as she sat for a long time with the tail hanging out of her beak that I never offered her another.

I tried to keep Solomon in condition by giving him, or forcing him to take, foreign substances, but my plan only worked for a time.


I always dreaded the inevitable, and one winter day in 1903 I looked sharply at him, as he called to me when I entered the house after being away for a few hours. “That bird is ill!” I said.

No other member of the family saw any change in him, but when one keeps birds and becomes familiar with the appearance of each one, they all have different facial and bodily expressions, and one becomes extremely susceptible to the slightest change. As I examined Sollie, my heart sank within me, and I began to inquire what he had been eating. He had partaken freely of boiled egg, meat, and charcoal. I gave him a dose of olive oil, and I must say that the best bird or beast to take medicine is an owl. Neither he nor Betsy ever objected in the l


peace and quietness of the night after the turmoil of the day, were hooting persistently and melodiously.

“The landlady and the boarders,” gasped my sister; “they will hear and wake up. Can’t you stop the little wretches?”

I sprang out of bed, and addressed a solemn remonstrance to Solomon and Betsy. They were exceedingly glad to see me, and distending their little throats, continued to hoot, their clear, sweet young voices carrying only too well on the still Californian night air.

Then the chipmunk woke up and began to slide up and down an inclined piece of wood in his part of the cage. We were in despair. We could not sleep, until I had the happy thought of giving the owls a bath. I seized Betsy, held her in a basin of water, and wet her feathers considerably. Then I served Solomon in the same way, and for the rest of the night the tiny little things occupied themselves in smoothing their wet plumage. The chipmunk quieted down, and we had peace.


When we got into the cottage I had a carpenter build a small aviary at the back of it, with a box for rainy weather. The nights were not too cold for my hardy birds. Indeed, they were not too cold for many semi-tropical ones. I found a bird fancier not far from me, who had built a good-sized, open-air aviary, where he kept canaries and foreign finches all the year round, with only a partly open, glass shelter for the birds to use when it rained.

My sparrowhawk did not seem unhappy in my aviary, but he never had the contented, comfortable expression that the owls had. His apathy was pathetic, and the expression of his beautiful, cruel eyes was an unsatisfied one. In time, I should have allowed him to go, but suddenly he fell ill. I think I overfed him, for I got him into the habit of taking a late supper, always leaning out the window and handing him a piece of meat on the end of a stick before I went to bed.

I brought him into the warm kitchen, where he moped about for a few days. Just before he died he came hopping toward the parlor, where I sat entertaining a friend. I often took him in there on the broad windowsill and talked to him as I sat sewing.

He stood in the doorway, gave me a peculiar look, as if to say, “I would come in if you were alone,” hopped back to the kitchen, and in a short time was no more.

My sister and I mourned sincerely for our pretty bird, and I had the uncomfortable feeling that I(20) might have done better if I had left him in his own habitat—but then he might have starved to death if his parents had not found him. Would death by starvation have been any more painful than his death with me? Possibly some larger creature might have killed him swiftly and mercifully—it was a puzzling case, and I resolved to give up worrying about it. I had done what I considered was best, and I tried to console myself for his death in petting the dear little owls that had become so tame that they called to my sister and me whenever they saw us, and loved to have us take them in our hands and caress them.

About them I had no misgivings. They would certainly have died if I had not adopted them, and there was no question about their happiness. They were satisfied with a state of captivity. They had so far lost one of their owl habits, for they kept awake nearly all day, and slept nearly all night—and they could see quite well in the most brilliant Californian sunlight, and that is pretty brilliant. A cat or a dog many yards distant would cause them to raise excitedly the queer little ear tufts that play so prominent a part in the facial expression of some owls, and they would crack their beaks together and hiss angrily if the enemy came too near.

Cats and dogs frightened them, and a broom merely excited them. When strangers wanted to see the elevation of these tufts, a broom, swiftly passed over the floor, would cause Solomon and(21) Betsy to become very wide awake, with feather tufts straight up in the air. I never saw them abjectly and horribly frightened but once. A lady had brought her handsome parrot into the room where the owls were. The poor little mites put up their ear tufts, swayed to and fro on their perch, and instead of packing their feathers and becoming thin and elongated in appearance, as they did for cats and dogs, they puffed themselves out, snapped their beaks, and uttered the loudest hissing noise I had ever heard from them.

From their extremity of fear I concluded that their instinct told them this danger was so imminent that they must make themselves as formidable as possible.

The parrot was of course quickly removed, and I took care that they should never again see another one.









We are the Masuda, Home alone

And we'll fight keep on fighting till the end

We are the Masuda

We are the Masuda

No time for lonelines

'Cause we are the Masuda of the World




偉そうなこと書いているけどそのアイコンBird Aloneというアプリ画像を切り抜いたやつだよね?






  • Living on a prayer(ジョン・ボンジョヴィーナ
  • Born to be my baby(ジョヴィ
  • Aloneハート




he's mooching off his parents = leeching off



it's infamously difficult to explain

just feel it out is the best advice here sadly




ok srsly ketchup fried rice has no right being this good



stubbed my toe in the dark and it still hurts 暗闇の中で足の指をぶつけたんだけどまだ痛い

stub out your cigarette now; 今、タバコをもみ消してください.


we can only give you a 1-day course of medicine. お薬は1日分しか出せません。

Always finish a course of medicine unless advised otherwise 特別な指示がない限り、薬は必ず(処方された分を)最後まで飲みきること


His past has caught up with him 過去に行った悪行が問いただされる時が来た


I got food poisoning eating at xxx xxxで食事したら食中毒になった


That took for fucking ever どんだけ時間かかっとんねん


talk out of one's ass 〈卑〉〔きちんとした内容{ないよう}ではない〕ばかな[適当{てきとう}な・くだらない]ことを言う、くそ発言{はつげん}をする

talk through one's hat 大ぼらを吹く、くだらないことを言う|

talk out of both sides of one's mouth 矛盾したことを言う

You can't trust him. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. : 彼は信用できないよ。矛盾したことばかり言うからね。

pull it out of my ass でっちあげる


comparison is the thief of joy ものごとを楽しむ秘訣は人と比較しないこと



・Ah, touche. : これは1本取られたな。/痛いところを突かれたな。


join in は行為に焦点をおいた表現

"To join the party" means to be(come) part of the party, = パーティの一員になる

"To join IN the party" means to take part in the activities of the party. = パーティというアクティティに参加する



He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. → himはあってもなくてもかまわない(too to構文でforが付くと文末にhimなどを付けても許容される傾向にあるらしい)



looked on in horror 恐怖しながら眺めていた・傍観していた

Bystanders looked on in horror as car plowed through parade 通行人は車がパレードに突っ込んでいくのを恐怖して眺めていた


You have to thread the needle very carefully to make it work properly, ちゃんと動かすには針の穴を通すかのように慎重にやらないといけない


Don't lump me in with them. : あんなのと一緒{いっしょ}にしないでよね。


what's the rush? 何をそんなに急いでるの?


All you do is talk about war. Don't you have anything else to talk about? 口を開けば戦争の話ばかり。会話のレパートリーなすぎだろ


dunno how retarded ud have to be to believe that kinda story そんなストーリー信じるとかアホすぎん?


delusion of persecution 被害妄想

Does he have persecutory delusions? あの人は被害妄想癖なの?

typical paranoid populist with delusions of persecution looking everywhere but within to find scapegoats he can pin the blame for his loser life's pratfalls on



punch down

to attack or criticize someone who is in a worse or less powerful position than you = 自分より弱いもの攻撃避難すること (punch upはその逆)

He punched down at opponents who couldn't fight back. 彼は反撃できない相手攻撃した

Simply put: punching up is okay; punching down is not. 強いものに歯向かうのはいいが、弱い者いじめはいけない


the only people who call out samefags are people who samefag 自演を叩くのは自演してるやつだけ

its a paranoia thing 妄想みたいなもの

like if you murder people then you'll realize how easy it is and think everyones gonna murder you 殺人を犯して人を殺すのが簡単なことに気づいたせいで、みんなが自分を殺そうとしてると思いこむようなもの


yeah, logging is autistic, but helpful. Ever since I started logging, I literally went from 1 hr of daily immersion to 4 hours, just to try to beat other people and see my numbers rack up. It's a good way to keep yourself accountable, which is something 4chan users chronically avoid




There's no fixing that person = あの人はどうしようもない/ 救いようがない/ 付ける薬がない = There's no way you can fix that person


yeah but that's no excuse for him to act like a bitch lol まあ確かにそうだが、だからといってあいつがクソみたいに振る舞っていい理由にはならないわ


he was a cool guy like way back then 前はいいやつだったんだよ

emphasis on "was" 「前は」だけどな

then shit kinda went downhill, he had a spat with Dave regarding some shit i didnt care about そこから色々とクソみたいな状況になって、どうでもいいことでジョンと喧嘩した

i didnt pay attention tbh

and then after some back and forths we just never really talked to each other そんで色々と言い合いを重ねた結果、あいつとは喋らなくなった

maybe John can fill you in on the details, because im a secondary source here 詳しいことはジョンに聞けばわかると思う 俺は又聞きだから

because while they were raging at each other i was out of the server being a productive member of society こいつらが喧嘩してたとき俺は社会の一員として建設的なことをしてたからな

ye, i think i will try to find out about all this later ああ、それについては後で調べてみるわ


he wants to be alone he literally said that. So just give him some time and he will come back on his own time. 一人にさせてほしいって言われたんだろ?なら少し時間を与えれば、自分が戻りたいと思ったときに戻ってくるだろう


I went to the hospital to get blood work done → 病院に行って、採血された




get(pick) the best of everything(both)

get the best of both worlds

skim the cream

cherry pick



Babble like an idiot using what few words you already know, and then only look stuff up when you cannot properly express yourself.




・I had a heart-to-heart with Stacy last night.(昨晩、ステイシーさんと本音を語り合いました。)

・He had a heart-to-heart talk with his dad about his future.(彼は自分の将来について父親本音で話し合いました。)

Let’s have a heart-to-heart conversation.(腹を割った話し合いをしましょう!)



how do u keep coming up with these absolute bangers every day omg !!



They literally just slap the word "AI" on everything now. なんでもかんでもAI文字を貼り付けている

= They're literally just plastering the word "AI" onto everything now.


how much of the shit he is in is he responsible for?



that's like in the avg range それは平均身長くらいでしょ

my aunt is 140 i think, my mom is 150 うちの叔母は140で母は150だし

even for japan that's on the shorter side いや日本ですらそれは低い方に入るぞ


what the fuck have i been missing out on まじかよ俺そんなのを見逃したのか

Idk I was gone before and after that 俺はその間ここにいなかったからしらん

well thank you for letting us know sir まあ知らせてくれて助かる

we pride ourselves on being the opposite of an echochamber so your complaints really help us! 俺たちはエコーチャンバーにならないことに誇りを持ってるから文句を言ってくれるのは助かる

personally im against inviting people we have bad blood with 個人的には仲の悪いやつを招待するのには反対だな


i got all of the fairly common grammar points down just from looking up stuff while reading



it makes you come off like passive aggressive そういう言い方はパッシブアグレッシブに聞こえるよ


Now we're talking" 「そう来なくっちゃ!」

= That is what I wanted to hear; that's a good idea or a good plan, especially compared to previous suggestions.


Let's have fish for dinner 夕食は魚にしよう

Ugh .. No えーいやだ

Okay then , chicken ならチキンはどう 

Now we're talking そう来なくっちゃ!







・There's no need to haggle. : 論争する必要はありません。



haggle over the price of


表現パターンhaggle over [about] the price of

learn how to haggle at the market



Never know when it's the good old days until they're gone あの頃は良かったなってのは過ぎ去って初めてわかるもの

communities always change when they get larger コミュニティは大きくなれば必ず変化していく

never gonna keep that smaller, more intimate thing going そうなればこじんまりとして距離の近かったあの感じはもう二度と戻らない



I don’t like to talk to him because he is full of himself. 彼はイキってるので話したくありません。

He always tries to be bossy on purpose. 彼はいつもわざとイキろうとする。

You’ve changed. You used to be so cocky when we were in junior high school. 変わりましたね。あなた中学生の頃、とてもイキってましたよ

He always gets carried away when we party. I think we shouldn’t let him drink much. パーティーのとき、彼はいつもイキります。彼にたくさん飲ませないほうがいい思います

My father was always high-handed towards other parents. 私の父はいつも他の親に対してイキってました。



Again, I'm just going off my memory from a year ago, so be skeptical of what I say. Here are a few things that come to mind:



like u just use the personality thing as a clutch to get ur foot in 自分の人となりを会話を始める取っ掛かりとして使えばいい (= as a starting point)

so if u talk to someone u just nerd out about learning japanese or something 誰かと話す際に日本語学習についてひたすら喋ってみたりとか

and thats like the vanguard of ur initial engagement そうすれば初めて会話をする際のきっかけになる

get one's foot in door

《have [get] (a [one's]) foot in (the) door》うまく最初の一歩を踏み出す、目的に向かって第一歩を進める、とっかかり[きっかけ・足掛かり]をつかむ、〔希望する組織などに〕入る機会に恵まれる、うまく入り込む、~する機会を得るきっかけをつかむ◆【語源セールスパーソン販売員]が玄関口で追い返されそうになったときに、ドアに足を入れて閉めさせないようにしてセールスしようとする様子から




軍事前衛、先陣◆【対】rear guard


learning japanese is like falling down an endless flight of stairs 日本語学習は果てしなく続く階段を転げ落ちるようなものだ。

everytime you almost get your grip and are able to stop yourself, you realize that youre not standing on a step and fall again 足をついて止まることができたかと思えば、踏み段に立っていないことに気づいてまた落ちる

stairway to hell 地獄へ続く階段

flight of stairs 《a ~》一連の階段、一続きの階段、階と階の間の階段◆途中に踊り場がない一続きの階段


I need to get on top of my sleep as I get older I'm finding it more difficult to manage my ongoing sleep deficit.


get on top of 〜” 「(物事を)うまく対処して」



get on top of



・We'll get on top of the situation as soon as we can. : できるだけ早く事態を収拾します。




haven't seen you post at all where the fuck were you 全然投稿してるの見かけなかったがどこに行ってたんだ

I got life shit haha 人生いろいろあったんだよ笑 (= "I have life stuff" or "I have things going on in my life.")

so do we all そりゃみんなそうやろ


who are you? あんた誰?

John knows me. Me n him go back ジョンは俺のことを知ってるよ。あいつとは付き合いが長いからな

go back 〈話〉〔人が期間を〕さかのぼって知り合いであ


Man they made it so much hard to see member lists in mobile now モバイルだとメンバーリストめっちゃ見にくくなったな

I think it's by design これはわざとだと思うわ

by design 故意


I hate that it had to take this just for people to stop sleeping on Mel



sleep on

1. 〔即断・即答を避けて〕~について一晩考える

2. (米インフォーマル)人や物の素晴らしさに気づかない




岡本真夜 Alone 歌詞



「君は強いか大丈夫だよ」なんてそんなこと言われたら 弱さ見せられない 「カードがもうないから」 嘘ついて電話を切った降り出した雨に 急ぐ人たちあふれてしまう涙


























2020年2月NEWS LIVE TOUR 2020 STORY当落発表があった。














実はあの当時、ファンの間でうっすら「STORYが終わったらNEWS解散or 何かしら節目を迎えるのでは?」という空気があった。






この辺は一回全員back number水平線』と 「入学から、この世界だった僕たちへ。」を聞いてきてほしい。




























Johnny’s world HAPPY LIVE with YOUが発表され、NEWSが3人で出演すると知ったときは動揺した。


それでもNEWSが好きだったから、あとこれは余談だけど、同じ日の出演者ジャニーズWEST(推し)とHey! Say! JUMP(当時好きだった女の子推し)だったのでその日の配信チケットを買わない選択肢はどちらにしろ無かった。








「Going that way」:小山さんのソロ



UR not alone」:4人の代表曲ライブ最後アンコールで必ずうたわれる名曲。ラスラビ手越ソロパートこちらも歌唱ナシ



































あといつの間にかNEWSKinKi Kidsに次いで上から二番目になっていたことにびっくりした。
























カラオケSUMMER TIMEMVなんか見ちゃうやばい































6月29日 syrup16g 20th anniversary Tour "Live HELL-SEE"@名古屋ダイアモンドホール



ほぼ定刻始まりニコニコ中畑さんとクールキタダさん(でも手上げて挨拶してくれた)、五十嵐さんは何か溶けそうな感じでふにゃふにゃして出てきた (この日出てくる度にふにゃふにゃしてたな…笑)五十嵐さんがしてたポーズ中畑さんもとってて可愛かったです…笑 何か再結成以降名古屋は盛り上がる土地になったのか出てきた時も声援?上がってて既に熱気がすごい。


一曲目がイエロウで曲が始まったのは良いが早速五十嵐さんのギター(黒テレキャス)にトラブル?があったっぽく一旦中断して色々試行錯誤してたけど(あれぇ…?音が小さい…って言ってた)中々上手く行かなくて中畑さんが「今日は良いライブになりそうですねぇ」って和ませた笑 (ここら辺のくだりでマキさんが中畑さんに合図?してたけど中畑さんは五十嵐さんを見てニコニコし続けててそれに気付いてなかった笑)結局赤ジャズマスに交換して弾いたら「これこれぇ〜↑」ってめっちゃテンション高く言ってて笑った。何そのテンション笑 何か全般通してテンション高かった気がする。ちょっと心配してたけど声は割りと出てた(最初は)マキさんのベースがカッコ良くて釘付けになる。



ローラメット前にMCがあって五十嵐さんが「キタダさんカッコイイよね」って喋り出してフロア拍手と歓声で答えるもキタダさんの反応が無でちょっと気まずい空気が流れた後に五十嵐さんが「イジってないですよ?」って言ったらマキさんが「?」みたいな顔してて「最近耳が遠くて聞こえないんだよ…何言ってるか分かんない」って返して五十嵐さんが「良く言われます、良かった〜(多分マキさんの気分を害してなかった事に対してのやつ)」って半笑いになってた後に中畑さんが曲に入ろうとしたら同じタイミング五十嵐さんが「(マキさんに向けて)ロックスター」って言ってて「上手く曲に繋げれると思ったんだけど…」って話してる所にまた被せて曲がまあまあ強引に始まったんだけど笑 そのベースの入りが超絶カッコ良くて「え!?カッコイイ!!」ってまあまあのボリュームで発してしまって自分でも驚いた笑 いや本当カッコ良くて…笑 普段そんなに好きな曲でもないけどすごく良かった。中畑さんのドラム気持ち良い曲。


(This is Not just)Song For Me、本当良い曲。こんな機会でもなければ聴けなかったと思うのでこのツアーに来れて良かったなって聴きながら思った。




もったいない、そんなに好きな曲じゃないけどめっちゃ良かった。音に陶酔する感じが最高に気持ち良い。何か一人だけ頭ブンブンしてた気が…笑 シロップライブ演奏に没頭出来る喜び。

Everseen、思ってた入り方じゃなかったので驚いたけどベースは聴き逃しませんでした!!はぁ~↑↑ってなってしまった笑 本当最高過ぎる〜!!中畑さんのドラムとマキさんのベースの相性めちゃくちゃ良い曲。




アンコールはDinosaur、Alone in Lonely、うつしての3曲。ダイナソー好きな曲だから嬉しくてめっちゃノッてたら周りすごい静かで一人だけ動いてて恥ずかしかったけど今更気にしても仕方がないのでそのまま一人だけノッてた笑 中畑さんのドラムがすごい気持ち良いんだよなぁ。うつして聴けて嬉しかった〜!!何度聴いても良い曲。五十嵐さんの喉の調子がもう少し良ければ言う事なしだったけどこればっかりは仕方がないので…。

バンド自体が日帰りなのでWアンコあるんか?と思ってたけどあって良かった。中畑さんが一番最初に出てきて「新幹線時間があるんだけど…」って言いながら叩き始めて、それを聴いた瞬間にこれは神のカルマだ!と理解笑 なので次はマキさんが出てくると思ったら五十嵐さんが出てきてびっくりした。最後にマキさんが出てきて中畑さんの方に歩いていって中畑さんを指差ししてフロアがうおー!!って盛り上がってたらそのままフロア前方(目の前に来た!)に来てめちゃくちゃ興奮する笑 フロアを煽ってうおー!!ってめっちゃ盛り上がったら「ははっ!」って感じの全開スマイルで笑ってて「え!?どういう事!?カッコイイ!!」って感じで周りの人達もめちゃくちゃ興奮してた笑 そっからの神のカルマとか盛り上がらない訳ないのでめちゃくちゃ盛り上がる。


最後はcoup d' Etat〜空をなくす。coup d' Etatの部分、五十嵐さんの力の限りって感じで最高にテンション上がる。これは盛り上がるしかないセットリストって感じでフロアもめちゃくちゃに盛り上がってた。空をなくすの中畑さんのドラム大好き!!気持ち良すぎる。



中畑さんが「我々がHELL-SEEをリリースしたのが20年前なんだけど、20年前にも(HELL-SEEツアー)来たって人?」って聞いたらチラホラ手が上がってて「本当に?ありがとうございます20年って猶予があった訳でしょ?でもまだ来るなんて…」五十嵐さん「来てくださってるんだから!」と五十嵐さんの方が常識的発言をしていた…笑 今回のMC中畑さんが何回か「もうあなた達に付いてきてもらうしかない」って言ってたの何か珍しいな〜って思った。あまりそういう後ろ向き(って程でもないかもだけど)な事言うイメージなかったので。

五十嵐さん「こんな事言って良いのかな?今日お家に帰らなきゃいけないので…時間が…本当は一晩中やりたいんですけど」って言ってて、私は捻くれてるのでそんなリップサービス要らん!とこの時は思ってたけど笑 最後までみたら只のリップサービスでもなかったのかな〜と思った。何かめちゃくちゃ楽しそうだったんだよね。ソニックでお客さん煽ったり、「盛り上がってくれて嬉しい」って親指👍ってしたり、Wアンコールギター弾きながらフロア中央まで出た来たりしててたので…。










Alone In Lonely




Sonic Disorder

coup d'Etat〜空をなくす




Japan review

Japan review it's been a year since I

moved to Japan and I thought it made

sense to finally rate Japan I will talk

about things I like and the things I

don't like which seems to be the only

two options available if you have

opinions about this country

so sugoi or did you know Japan is

actually really bad it's got a lot of

survival issues okay I will list one

good thing and bad thing and I will not

hold back there's no trash bins

where I'm gonna put my trash

I have to put in my pocket


there's always these generic things that

you hear or yes when we you visit it's

kind of weird but then you realize it's

not a big deal anyway let's start off

with number one reason I like Japan

it feels like a giant playground no I

don't mean in the Logan Paul kind of

sense of doing whatever the hell you


but rather there's a infinite things all

right lazy feels like to explore and

experience and I've been here a year now

and I don't think I'm gonna get bored

anytime soon although I am having a

child so I don't know how much more I

have time to experience

but it really feels like a whole new

world and if you visited you can

probably relate to it and I'm glad that

even a year in it still feels incredibly

fresh and I even would say that you

realize that the best part of Japan

aren't the touristy places kind of

obviously but there are so many areas

that I found that I really enjoy

visiting and this is probably more

specific to me but you know Tokyo is

very busy and so many times I just catch

myself surrounded by what feels like

hundreds of people and they have no idea

who I am

everyone is just doing their own thing

and that feels so [ __ ] good

now once it was staring at me no one's

following me no one's being weird you

guys are weird and I'm just kidding I

just love the feeling of being able to

exist in public and uh not worrying

about what everyone else is doing like

I've said this before but I genuinely

enjoy talking to fans or when people

approach me it always makes me happy but

it can be kind of frustrating to always

wanting to just do your own thing and

always be

you know so yeah let's move on to the

bad things of Japan number one reason

Japan is bad it's kind of a heavy

subject and I haven't seen anyone else

really talk about it it's not brought up

very often at least and that is cones

there's too many cones in Japan once you

see it you cannot unsee it they're

everywhere they say oh Japan has so many

vending machines there's like five per

one person no the opposite

there's more cones than people why are

there so many cones I need to know we

got the tall ones we got the small ones

we got the funny ones the cute ones the

sexy ones I do like those I just don't

understand that whoever plays these

cones think I'm just gonna barge through

oh thank God there's cones here

otherwise I had no idea what I was gonna

and I realized the cone history of Japan

stretches centuries okay if you played

Animal Crossing sometimes it's a

Japanese game so sometimes you get these

items right you're like oh that's kind

of weird I don't know exactly what that

is but it's probably something Japanese

and then you get the bamboo thing and

you're like what the hell is that what

am I even gonna do with that and then

you see it in real life here in Japan

you're like holy [ __ ] it's a cone that's

a cone they're everywhere

I feel like they are following me

I'm glad I was able to talk about this

I'm for one and willing to call out

Japan knock it off man no more cones

there's enough cones let me tell you

something even better than cones you may

have noticed new merch finally it's been

forever my mom came over she had

unofficial merge because I literally

have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't

merch I'm sorry Mom so we spruced up the

logo got a cool back design the team

that worked on it really truly

understand how my brand and I think they

did such a good job these pieces look

amazing and I think you guys are gonna

really like them as well these are

available for limited time only so make

sure you order now so excited to finally

have this merch available thanks to

amaze for making this happen we are

gonna have one piece that will stay on

the store so my mom will not buy the

wrong merch but for a limited time that

piece will be available in this color

off-white kind of color it looks really

nice and then after that you can still

get it but not in this color that's

you want this one yeah I get it

so yeah check that out if you're

interested I'm so happy about these

designs and I hope you guys would like

them as well all right reason number two

I like Japan yay when we first announced

that we were gonna move to Japan there

was so many people just saying how bad

Japan is actually did you know Japan is

really bad did you know this I have to

list all these reasons now because

everyone is like thing and then thing

Japan ah so I have to tell them and I

it's actually but one thing in

particular that people said was that old

people really don't like foreigners they

hate them so when I was gonna stop by to

say hi to our neighbors who was a little

older at least some of them I was

terrifying I heard all these stories you

know like what are they gonna do to us

so I had my guard up ready for the worst

and I was met with nothing but kindness

and welcoming and I felt like a total

dick for having this preconceived ideas

thanks to other people

and just a side comment like yes there

are definitely probably people that

don't like foreigners and all that stuff

but I realized I should let my own

experience is dictate how I feel about

certain things maybe that's just

ignoring a problem I don't know it just

feels like it's a bad way to approach

life if you always have a negative

expectation you know it's smiling people

may Smile Back

smiled back

thank you sometimes they don't and

that's okay you know anyway my point

being Japanese people are very in my own


are very nice and friendly the majority

at least and yes even to foreigners I

feel like they are especially nice to

foreigners because they think we're like

a kid lost at Disneyland or something

I just asked for directions I didn't

need you to walk me for half an hour to

this specific place I was going but

thank you I appreciate it a lot of times

I go bouldering alone and there's always

other groups of people being supportive

and yelling like I'm about there like go

you can do it I love it I think it's

great you know or if you're small

talking with people people generally

want to communicate with you and I love

having those moments but of course

there's times where people are like oh

you're a foreigner I don't feel like

even trying

which again it's fine speaking of which

reason I don't like Japan number two

their language

I have lived here for a year and I'm not

fluent in Japanese

I am dumb I am very dumb I remember the

moment we moved here I had studied some

Japanese and I was like

Let's test out this knowledge that I

have acquired let's go I'm just gonna

come in it's gonna be dangerous and you

enter a store for the first time and

they're like


what oh

what the classic the most common

experiences that you have aren't

necessarily what you're taught in the

textbook yay I know I think that's the

same for anyone learning a language for

the first time but don't even get me

started on the kanji main what the [ __ ]

is this I feel like Japanese is such a

hard language obviously but I don't

think people realize how hard it is at

least me personally because the more you

learn the more you realize you don't

know [ __ ]

for English speakers Japanese is

considered one of the most difficult

languages and because it's just so

different I listed it as bad because

that was my first kind of experience

with it coming here but the more I

interact with people the more it feels

like I'm unlocking new skills you know

oh I made a phone call for the first

time oh I could ask someone over the

phone I know big deal but it's like oh I

can actually do that or even just having

a small tiny yes shittiest conversation

with a stranger it's still something and

it feels good you start to all of a

sudden understand you know a movie if

you're watching oh I understand actually

what's going on here or I can play games

and kind of get what this they're saying

I have to look up words obviously but to

me all those new experiences that it

unlocks to me is very rewarding even

though it's such a challenge I would

actually now say it's a good thing I

played it on its head it was a good

thing all along but I obviously have a

long [ __ ] way to go

and it just I don't think it will damage

time reason number three I like Japan

this is nothing to do with Japan to say

it's more related to me taking a more

relaxed approach to YouTube for my

entire 20s I did nothing but YouTube

that was my life and that's okay but I

also think it was a little toxic

probably you know if I wasn't making

videos I sure as hell was thinking about

making videos I uploaded videos during

our honeymoon

and it feels really good to finally be

free from it you know and I can discover

other things in life there are other

things in life

a new hobbies and interest that I've

always wanted to do I can do and have so

much fun with it surfing I know I would

love for the longest time and I finally

get to do it and it's so [ __ ] amazing

I love learning new things anything that

isn't necessarily connected to all of

this on the internet and that is

something I'm very very grateful that I

discovered so yeah it's not really Japan

I could have done that anywhere but it's

largely why I enjoyed so much here

reason I don't like Japan number three

this is probably the most trickiest one

and it's the rules what are the rules

Japan has so many rules and it's a bit

conflicting for me to complain about

because a lot of the best stuff about

Japan not the best stuff but a lot of

the reasons why Japan works so well is

because of the rules you know the trains

are always on time things just work in

general it's hard to explain the streets

are clean people aren't loud in public

and so on and these are sort of societal

rules that make it happen more or less

but sometimes There are rules that just

don't make any sense and I have no

problem following rules as long as I

understand the reason for it you know

don't talk on the phone on the train

because it's generally annoying when

other people do that to you A lot of it

is just be thoughtful of other people

it's not just about you and that just

makes it more pleasant for everyone but

one rule is especially which I talked

about before is the fact that because of

kovid I'm not allowed to be in the

delivery room for our baby for more than

two hours that's because of covered

rules it just doesn't make sense to me

and I tell people about this like uh

family and friends and they're always

like well why don't you just ask them or

like why don't you talk to them I'm sure

you can there's got to be somewhere and

it's like no it's Japan okay there are

rules and people follow the rules for

better or worse you know so the more I

time I spend Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 01:06




"LEAVE OUR KIDS ALONE" - Muslims and Christians unite on the streets of Ottawa, trampling the Gender Ideology Flag. This is a turning point. Let kids be kids.




サイスタ(アイドルマスター SideM GROWING STARS)がサ終した周りで勘違いしてそうなことを適当に答える










発表してから時間をおいて配信するな & 紅井朱雀誕生日にサ終配信やるな





















WORLD TRE@SUREの衣装追加くらいだったよよかったの。これも途中からガチャのみになったね確か。



























2.そもそもモバエムサ終告知された10月時点でサイスタもサ終予定だった or サ終秒読みだった











































最近だとBLUE PROTCOLがここ3年くらい進捗なさそうだったのに生きてるし、ガンエボやドラゴンボールのDBDみたいなやつもほぼ死に体に近いのにいきてるのはこれ。
















「CRE@TE POWER WITH YOU ! あなたらしさが、きっと誰かの力になる。」











サイスタは4日後にNot Aloneイベントだったね。早くていいですね。














デレマスモバマスデレステ でPの行動がアレだったりなぜか346プロ混入など明確に違いがある

ミリシタはグリマスミリシタ でシアターがサーカステントからお台場引っ越したりグリ時代とくらべて頭のネジが一本飛んでるようなガシャがなくなっている






結局enzaだけじゃユーザーあつまらなくてApp StoreGoogle Playにも出張してるんですよね














































Yo, it's Miffy and Kitty on the mic

And we're here to talk about a topic that's tight

It's about the men who feel weak inside

But they don't show it, they just try to hide


It's time to break down that toxic mold

Where men gotta be tough, and never fold

But vulnerability is not a flaw

It's a strength, and it's time we saw


So to all the men out there feeling small

Don't be afraid to let down the wall

It's okay to ask for help and support

You're not alone, we'll be your escort


We'll listen to your stories and your fears

We'll hold you up, we'll dry your tears

You don't have to go through it alone

We're here for you, until you're grown


So let's break down the stigma and the shame

That says men can't show their pain

It's time to open up and let it out

And let the world know what you're all about


So to all the vulnerable men out there

We see you, we hear you, and we care

You're not weak, you're strong as can be

And we'll be here for you, for eternity.




The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice

By Elder David B. Haight

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

I pray for your faith and prayers that my utterances will be received and understood “by the Spirit of truth” and that my expressions will be given “by the Spirit of truth” so that we might all be “edified and rejoice together.” (See D&C 50:21–22.)

As I stand here today—a well manwords of gratitude and acknowledgment of divine intervention are so very inadequate in expressing the feelings in my soul.

Six months ago at the April general conference, I was excused from speaking as I was convalescing from a serious operation. My life has been spared, and I now have the pleasant opportunity of acknowledging the blessings, comfort, and ready aid of my Brethren in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, and other wonderful associates and friends to whom I owe so much and who surrounded my dear wife, Ruby, and my family with their time, attention, and prayers. For the inspired doctors and thoughtful nurses I express my deepest gratitude, and for the thoughtful letters and messages of faith and hope received from many places in the world, many expressing, “You have been in our prayers” or “We have been asking our Heavenly Father to spare your life.” Your prayers and mine, thankfully, have been answered.

One unusual card caused me to ponder upon the majesty of it all. It is an original painting by Arta Romney Ballif of the heavens at night with its myriad golden stars. Her caption, taken from Psalms, reads:

“Praise ye the Lord: …

“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.

“… His understanding is infinite.” (Ps. 147:1, 3–5.)

As I lay in the hospital bed, I meditated on all that had happened to me and studied the contemplative painting by President Marion G. Romney’s sister and the lines from Psalms: “He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” I was then—and continue to be—awed by the goodness and majesty of the Creator, who knows not only the names of the stars but knows your name and my name—each of us as His sons and daughters.

The psalmist, David, wrote:

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? …

“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.” (Ps. 8:3–5.)

To be remembered is a wonderful thing.

The evening of my health crisis, I knew something very serious had happened to me. Events happened so swiftly—the pain striking with such intensity, my dear Ruby phoning the doctor and our family, and I on my knees leaning over the bathtub for support and some comfort and hoped relief from the pain. I was pleading to my Heavenly Father to spare my life a while longer to give me a little more time to do His work, if it was His will.

While still praying, I began to lose consciousness. The siren of the paramedic truck was the last that I remembered before unconsciousness overtook me, which would last for the next several days.

The terrible pain and commotion of people ceased. I was now in a calm, peaceful setting; all was serene and quiet. I was conscious of two persons in the distance on a hillside, one standing on a higher level than the other. Detailed features were not discernible. The person on the higher level was pointing to something I could not see.

I heard no voices but was conscious of being in a holy presence and atmosphere. During the hours and days that followed, there was impressed again and again upon my mind the eternal mission and exalted position of the Son of Man. I witness to you that He is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, Savior to all, Redeemer of all mankind, Bestower of infinite love, mercy, and forgiveness, the Light and Life of the world. I knew this truth before—I had never doubted nor wondered. But now I knew, because of the impressions of the Spirit upon my heart and soul, these divine truths in a most unusual way.

I was shown a panoramic view of His earthly ministry: His baptism, His teaching, His healing the sick and lame, the mock trial, His crucifixion, His resurrection and ascension. There followed scenes of His earthly ministry to my mind in impressive detail, confirming scriptural eyewitness accounts. I was being taught, and the eyes of my understanding were opened by the Holy Spirit of God so as to behold many things.

The first scene was of the Savior and His Apostles in the upper chamber on the eve of His betrayal. Following the Passover supper, He instructed and prepared the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for His dearest friends as a remembrance of His coming sacrifice. It was so impressively portrayed to me—the overwhelming love of the Savior for each. I witnessed His thoughtful concern for significant details—the washing of the dusty feet of each Apostle, His breaking and blessing of the loaf of dark bread and blessing of the wine, then His dreadful disclosure that one would betray Him.

He explained Judas’s departure and told the others of the events soon to take place.

Then followed the Savior’s solemn discourse when He said to the Eleven: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33.)

Our Savior prayed to His Father and acknowledged the Father as the source of His authority and powereven to the extending of eternal life to all who are worthy.

He prayed, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

Jesus then reverently added:

“I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” (John 17:3–5.)

He pled not only for the disciples called out from the world who had been true to their testimony of Him, “but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.” (John 17:20.)

When they had sung a hymn, Jesus and the Eleven went out to the Mount of Olives. There, in the garden, in some manner beyond our comprehension, the Savior took upon Himself the burden of the sins of mankind from Adam to the end of the world. His agony in the garden, Luke tells us, was so intense “his sweat was as … great drops of blood falling … to the ground.” (Luke 22:44.) He suffered an agony and a burden the like of which no human person would be able to bear. In that hour of anguish our Savior overcame all the power of Satan.

The glorified Lord revealed to Joseph Smith this admonition to all mankind:

“Therefore I command you to repent …

“For … I, God, … suffered … for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; …

“Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, …

“Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments.” (D&C 19:15–16, 18, 20.)

During those days of unconsciousness I was given, by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost, a more perfect knowledge of His mission. I was also given a more complete understanding of what it means to exercise, in His name, the authority to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven for the salvation of all who are faithful. My soul was taught over and over again the events of the betrayal, the mock trial, the scourging of the flesh of even one of the Godhead. I witnessed His struggling up the hill in His weakened condition carrying the cross and His being stretched upon it as it lay on the ground, that the crude spikes could be driven with a mallet into His hands and wrists and feet to secure His body as it hung on the cross for public display.

Crucifixion—the horrible and painful death which He suffered—was chosen from the beginning. By that excruciating death, He descended below all things, as is recorded, that through His resurrection He would ascend above all things. (See D&C 88:6.)

Jesus Christ died in the literal sense in which we will all die. His body lay in the tomb. The immortal spirit of Jesus, chosen as the Savior of mankind, went to those myriads of spirits who had departed mortal life with varying degrees of righteousness to God’s laws. He taught them the “glorious tidings of redemption from the bondage of death, and of possible salvation, … [which was] part of [our] Savior’s foreappointed and unique service to the human family.” (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 671.)

I cannot begin to convey to you the deep impact that these scenes have confirmed upon my soul. I sense their eternal meaning and realize thatnothing in the entire plan of salvation compares in any way in importance with that most transcendent of all events, the atoning sacrifice of our Lord. It is the most important single thing that has ever occurred in the entire history of created things; it is the rock foundation upon which the gospel and all other things rest,” as has been declared. (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966, p. 60.)

Father Lehi taught his son Jacob and us today:

“Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.

“Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

“Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.

“Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.” (2 Ne. 2:6–9.)

Our most valuable worship experience in the sacrament meeting is the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, for it provides the opportunity to focus our minds and hearts upon the Savior and His sacrifice.

The Apostle Paul warned the early Saints against eating this bread and drinking this cup of the Lord unworthily. (See 1 Cor. 11:27–30.)

Our Savior Himself instructed the Nephites, “Whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh and blood unworthily [brings] damnation to his soul.” (3 Ne. 18:29.)

Worthy partakers of the sacrament are in harmony with the Lord and put themselves under covenant with Him to always remember His sacrifice for the sins of the world, to take upon them the name of Christ and to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments. The Savior covenants that we who do so shall have His spirit to be with us and that, if faithful to the end, we may inherit eternal life.

Our Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that “there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation,” which plan includes the ordinance of the sacrament as a continuous reminder of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice. He gave instructions thatit is expedient that the church meet together often to partake of bread and wine in the remembrance of the Lord Jesus.” (D&C 6:13; D&C 20:75.)

Immortality comes to us all as a free gift by the grace of God alone, without works of righteousness. Eternal life, however, is the reward for obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel.

I testify to all of you that our Heavenly Father does answer our righteous pleadings. The added knowledge which has come to me has made a great impact upon my life. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a priceless possession and opens the door to our ongoing knowledge of God and eternal joy. Of this I bear witness, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.




『How to Not Die Alone』の書評とかは、あまり英語文章を読めないものですから、とても有益で思わずメモを取ったほどです。

















































What Vanlife ALONE Is ACTUALLY like

訳すと「Vanlife ALONEは実際にどのようなものか」なんだって

Vanlife ALONEはACTUALLY likeである、と理解するけど、頭にwhatがあるし、そもそもACTUALLY likeってどういう意味なん?て、それぞれの単語は全部知ってても繋がると全く意味がわからない



deepL white英文添削英検準一から見ても、知らなかった類語や意外な書き換え方法を教えて貰えて良い

もちろん alone in the boatalone in the skiff のように詳細化してはくれないようである





syrup16g tour「Les Misé blue」@Zepp Namba

12月2日 syrup16g tour「Les Misé blue」@Zepp Namba 



今回は頑張ってグッズ先行で買おうかな〜と言う気軽な気持ちで16:20分ぐらいに着いたらそこそこ並んでたけど、まぁ17時ぐらいには買えてるでしょなんて軽い気持ちで並びだしたは良いけどめちゃくちゃ寒いし気付いてなかっただけで前の方、かなり列出来てて進んではいるけど全然物販まで辿り着かない(物販が何処にあるか全然見えてこない)しトイレ行きたくなるし、本気で列抜けようか迷ったけどここまできて抜けるのは負けな気がして頑張る事にする…笑 17:20分ぐらいに何とか買えた(並んでるから早く買いたかったけど手がかじかんでお札が中々出せなくてモタモタしてしまった…)けど、まだめちゃくちゃ並んでてこれはもう殆どの人買えないでしょ…(17:40分に先行終了)と思いつつダッシュホテルに戻って荷物置いてZeppに舞い戻る。


19時ちょい過ぎにスタート中畑さんはGAVIALのツナギに緑の髪色(いつも思うけどあれだけ長年色抜いたり入れたりしててよく禿げないなと感心する…しかも薄くなってるとか全くなくてめっちゃフサフサじゃない?)マキさんは髪の毛短く(上げてただけかも)なっててカラーレンズメガネ?かけててめちゃくちゃカッコ良い〜!!また痩せたかな?(アンコールで半袖になった時に腕めちゃくちゃ細かった)五十嵐さんはまさかカーディガン着用で登場笑 しかし約一年振りに見る五十嵐さん丸くなったな…笑(特に顔)マッシュカットがよりそう見せるのか…。前が細すぎたのかもだけど。ライブ前に散髪したのかな? ってぐらい綺麗なマッシュカットだった。

I Willからスタート。私が記憶喪失になってる可能性高いけど、カジノ使ってる五十嵐さん初めて見た気が…(かなり昔からライブ行ってるけどすぐ記憶なくなるので…)音がなった瞬間、シロップの音で感動してしまう。最初に書くけど、今回かなり仕上がってると言うかきちんと音楽として成立してて本当に本当に感動…!!特に新譜は本当に良くて五十嵐さんの歌声、めちゃくちゃしっかり出てるのびっくりしてしまった…。音楽と人で喋りだしたらカサカサの、声出してない人の声してたって書いてあったから一抹の不安を抱えていたので…。明かりを灯せ、Everything〜と続いたのでまさかCD収録順なのか!?と思ったけど違った笑 Everything〜すごく良くて、CDと遜色ないぐらい(は言いすぎかもだけど。横浜前にハードル上げすぎるの良くないね…)マキさんのベースがめちゃくちゃカッコいいよ〜!!と言うか五十嵐さんがきちんと弾いて歌ってて、スリーピースとして成立してるの感動する…。


診断書、めちゃくちゃ良くて頭ブンブンしてしまった。声も出てるし、本当良い…!!五十嵐さんのギター気持ち良いって思ったの久しぶりだったな…。次がDon't〜で五十嵐さんが弾き出した時に中畑さんが笑ってて楽しいんかな〜なんてこの時は思っていたのだが…。曲はめちゃくちゃ最高ではぁー良い曲や〜って浸ってたら、中「がっちゃんや、がっちゃんや」(その時五十嵐さんは鼻かんでた笑)「一曲飛ばししまいましたね…笑」五「…(セットリストガン見)」中「戻るか進むか…」五「…戻って良い?」と言うやりとりが…笑(この後五十嵐さんか小さい声でクソッ…って言ってたの何か良かった) 中「リハビリリハビリ…笑」ってフォローしてたらマキさんが「リハビリ…?リハビリなの?」と言う厳し目のツッコミしててシロップっぽいな笑!って聞いていた。と言うかマキさんは曲飛ばしも一切同様見せずにシレッとして弾いてたのすごいな。安心感凄い…。


In the air〜めちゃくちゃカッコよかった!何度書くんやって話だけどシロップライブ演奏に浸れるの最高過ぎる。この曲の中畑さんのドラム好きなんだよね。特にサビとかシロップ感めちゃくちゃ感じるドラム。あとマキさんのベースがバッキバキでカッコ良くてめちゃくちゃテンション上がった!!本当最高過ぎる〜!!

私が一番楽しみにしてたうつしては…やっぱ再現は難しい曲だよな…と言う感想。良かったけど、サポートギターいないとこの曲は難しいね。でも五十嵐さんの歌はすごく良かった。最後ギターソロ想像してた通りの感じでした…笑 あのソロ、相当難しいよね…って事で…私の知ってる五十嵐さんのギターソロてした(シロップファンなら伝わるはず)



アンコール前だったか忘れちゃったけどもう一回中畑さんのMCがあって「CD出せて良かったね」って言ってて、めちゃくちゃ同意の意を込めて強目の拍手をした…笑 あと何か叫んだ人に「今よりもう少し小さい声だったら大丈夫です」ってきちんと制する所も好きです…(その人が特段大きな声だったとかではないとは思うけど)

アンコールで入ってくる時、何か五十嵐さんが手元をもちゃもちゃさせてて何してたんだろ…あれ?(2回目の時ももちゃもちゃしてた)アンコールはDinosaurスタート。マキさんが曲に入ってくる時のベースが大好きなので聞き逃さない様にしっかり聴きました笑 サビのドラム中畑さん!って感じで好き。

次がstop brainでめちゃくちゃビビる。ここで持ってくる!?と言うか突然過去曲やるの!?しかも大好きなstop brainで嬉しすぎる。

次の曲がまさかのDrawn the light!!中畑さんのワン!ツ!のカウントからのマキさんのバキバキベースが入ってくるの、超超カッコ良くて発狂するかと思った!!この曲、本当にマキさんのベースがバッキバキで猿の奇声上げれてたら確実に上げてた。この曲で五十嵐さんが事故(?)でマイクスタンドを盛大に倒すアクシデントが。その衝撃でギターちょっとずり落ちて何かすごい事に…。五十嵐さんの方全然見てなかったからいきなりキレたのかと思って本当ビビった…笑 歌でぎゃー!!みたいな叫んだ後に起こったので…。周りの人も「おお!?」って声出して驚いてた…。しかしそんなアクシデントにも全く動揺しないリズム隊の心強さ…!!本当安心感あって大好きです…!!って思いながら五十嵐さんを見守る。立て直して最後までやりきってから、五「……さっき何が起こったんでしょうか…記憶曖昧で…さっきのは忘れて下さい」って話してたので事故だったんだなーと思った。昔からライブ行ってると五十嵐さんが無茶苦茶になってフロア全体がおお…(困惑)みたいな瞬間も結構あったのでドキドキしてしまった…。そんな事があった次が明日を落としても…!!もう何度もライブで聴いた曲だけど、私が人生しんどい時に何度も救ってもらった曲はやっぱり特別で…胸がいっぱいになった…。今日、このライブ選曲してくれてありがとう…。ギターソロはまあまあ怪しかったけど…笑 前にいた男の人が曲が終わった後「やっぱり良い曲だなぁ…」ってぼそりと言っててわかる!!ってなった笑

こまめに(?)アンコールがあるのがシロップと言う事でダブルアンコでは中畑さんと五十嵐さんが煎餅Tシャツ、マキさんは流石に煎餅着てなかったけど笑 ツアーT着てました。

一曲目が前頭葉!珍しい所もってくる!昔はあまりきじゃなかったけど笑 ライブ聴くとカッコ良いい。頭ブンブン曲。ここからは先は定番曲の天才、神のカルマ(神のカルマキタダマキさんって五十嵐さんから紹介(?)があって思わずこの日イチ盛り上がってしまった…笑)リアルだったんだけど惰性の盛り上がり曲ってより鬼気迫る感じがすごくてどの曲もめちゃくちゃ良かった。特にリアル最高でテンション挙がって頭ブンブンしてしまった…。

絶対Les Misé blueやってくれると思ってたので粘ってたら出てきて(五十嵐さんが明らかにライブハイになっててステージからバキバキの目をした笑顔?で走って出てきた…)最後にLes Misé blue。本当めちゃくちゃ感動した…締めに素晴らしい曲…。曲で胸がいっぱいになってこの曲はずっと歌ってる五十嵐さんを見ていた…。最後キタダさんが抜けて五十嵐さんと中畑さんだけになって五十嵐さんも抜けて中畑さんのドラムだけになって本当に静かに曲が終わったの素晴らし過ぎて全力で拍手してしまった。


毎回カッコいいけど今回本当にマキさんのベースがカッコ良すぎて…好きです!!!って心の中で何度も叫んだ笑 もう手でハート作って掲げようかと思ったぐらい(まあまあ真剣にやろうか考えたけど絶対黒歴史になるからやめた)カッコ良いベースを弾く…。好きです!!!(2回目)






1.I Will Come(before new dawn)


3.Everything With You


5.Don't think Twice(It's not over)


7.新緑のMorning glow

9.Alone In Lonely

10.In the Air,In the Error

11.In My Hurts Again


13.Maybe Understood

E.N 1


2.stop brain

3.Drawn the light


E.N 2





E.N 3

Les Misé blue



ロビンソンクルーソー正式タイトルが「The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner:Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un‐inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque;Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver’d by Pyrates」だからタイトルが長いのは昔からだぞって言ってるだけだろ






















​​"Social isolation results in higher likelihood of mortality, whether measured objectively or subjectively. Cumulative data from 70 independent prospective studies, with 3,407,134 participants followed for an average of 7 years, revealed a significant effect of social isolation, loneliness, and living alone on odds of mortality. After accounting for multiple covariates, the increased likelihood of death was 26% for reported loneliness, 29% for social isolation, and 32% for living alone. These data indicated essentially no difference between objective and subjective measures of social isolation when predicting mortality."

Holt-Lunstad, J. et al. (2015): Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors for Mortality: A Meta-Analytic Review. Perspectives on Psychological Science 2015, Vol. 10(2), pp. 227–237 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25910392/

"Results Of the 35 925 records retrieved, 23 papers met inclusion criteria for the narrative review. They reported data from 16 longitudinal datasets, for a total of 4628 CHD and 3002 stroke events recorded over follow-up periods ranging from 3 to 21 years. Reports of 11 CHD studies and 8 stroke studies provided data suitable for meta-analysis. Poor social relationships were associated with a 29% increase in risk of incident CHD (pooled relative risk: 1.29, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.59) and a 32% increase in risk of stroke (pooled relative risk: 1.32, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.68). Subgroup analyses did not identify any differences by gender. Conclusions Our findings suggest that deficiencies in social relationships are associated with an increased risk of developing CHD and stroke. Future studies are needed to investigate whether interventions targeting loneliness and social isolation can help to prevent two of the leading causes of death and disability in high-income countries."

Valtorta, N. K. et al. (2016): Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for coronary heart disease and stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal observational studies. Heart Vol. 102, pp. 1009–1016 https://heart.bmj.com/content/102/13/1009



Good evening, Masuda-san.

I just wanted to drop you a line to talk about something💦.

I've been thinking about how I want to live my life, and I'm not really sure about love or marriage... I'm in the mindset that I want to think it over alone.

I was wondering if it would be a good idea to meet Masuda-san in this state of mind, even though he is very serious.

Masuda-san is a kind, respectful, and wonderful person, so it is not Masuda-san's fault, but my own problem 🙏.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



👸🏻🤴🏻Let’s leave it alone for now.(とりあえず放っておきましょう)

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