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Stargazer - 星を観察する人、天体観測

Agogazer - 好奇心で何かを見る人(珍しい単語

Seagazer - 海を眺める人(比較的珍しい)

Daygazer - 日中に空や景色を見る人(一般的ではない)

Sun-gazer - 太陽を眺める人



Facebook (現Meta) は、現在本社ビルメロンパークの 旧 Sun Microsystems本社ビル跡地にあるってだけで、Sun知財Oracle 所有では?



ちょっと違う。実はSPARCSun(現Facebook)の方から富士通に持ち込んだ企画で、金を積んで買ったわけではない。>当然命令セットは米国Sun Microsystems (現 Oracle) のセカンドソース


Bob the First, at the head of my long list of robins, having been killed by my pet owl, I very soon bought another. This one was not so gentle nor so handsome as Bob the First, his wings and his tail having their ends sawed off by contact with the wires of too small a cage.

Fearing that he might be lonely in my aviary with only rabbits, guineapigs, pet rats, and pigeons for company, I bought another robin called Dick. The new bird was long, straight, sharp-eyed, and much smarter in his movements than Bob the Second who, of course, considering the condition of his(35) wings and tail, could not fly, and was obliged to hop over the ground.

It was very amusing to see the two robins stare at each other. Both had probably been trapped young, for at that time the law against the keeping of wild birds in captivity was not enforced, and boys and men were perniciously active in their depredations among our beautiful wild beauties.

Bob the Second was very fond of stuffing himself, and he used to drive the pigeons from the most promising window ledges and partake freely of the food scattered about.

Poor Dick ran about the ground looking for worms, and not finding many, got desperate and flew up to the window ledge.

Bob lowered his head and flew at him with open bill. Dick snapped at him, hopped up to the food, and satisfied his hunger, Bob meanwhile standing at a little distance, a queer, pained thread of sound issuing from between his bill, “Peep, peep, peep!”

A robin is a most untidy bird while eating, and as often as Dick scattered a morsel of food outside the dish, Bob would spring forward and pick it up with a reproving air, as if he were saying, “What an extravagant fellow you are!”

Whenever a new bird enters an aviary, he has to find his place—he is just like a new-comer in a community of human beings. Bob, being alone, was in the lead when Dick came. Dick, having the stronger bird mind, promptly dethroned him. They were(36) very amusing birds. Indeed, I find something clownish and comical about all robins kept in captivity.

The wild bird seems to be more businesslike. The partly domesticated bird, having no anxiety about his food supply, indulges in all sorts of pranks. He is curious and fond of investigation, and runs swiftly at a new object, and as swiftly away from it, if it seems formidable to him.

The arrival of new birds in the aviary always greatly excited Bob, and he hopped about, chirping, strutting, raising his head feathers, and sometimes acting silly with his food, just like a foolish child trying to “show off” before strangers.

When I introduced a purple gallinule to him, Bob flew up into the air, and uttered a shriek of despair. He feared the gallinule, and hated the first Brazil cardinal I possessed, and was always sparring with him. One day I put a second cardinal into the aviary. Bob thought it was his old enemy, and ran full tilt at him. His face of ludicrous dismay as he discovered his mistake and turned away, was too much for me, and I burst out laughing at him. I don’t think he minded being made fun of. He flirted his tail and hopped away.

At one time Bob made up his mind that he would not eat crushed hemp-seed unless I mixed it with bread and milk, and he would throw it all out of his dish unless I made it in the way he liked.

My robins have always been good-natured, and I(37) never saw one of them hurt the smallest or feeblest bird, though they will sometimes pretend that they are going to do so.

When Bob took a sun-bath, any member of the family who happened to be near him would always be convulsed with laughter. He would stretch his legs far apart, stick out his ragged plumage, elevate his head feathers till he looked as if he had a bonnet on, and then half shut his eyes with the most ludicrous expression of robin bliss.

All birds look more or less absurd when taking sun-baths. They seem to have the power to make each feather stand out from its neighbor. I suppose this is done in order that the sun may get to every part of the skin.

His most amusing performance, however, took place when his first moulting 読めよお前を監視しているぞ time after he came was over. One by one his old, mutilated feathers dropped out, and finally new ones took their places. On a memorable day Bob discovered that he had a real tail with a white feather on each side of it, and a pair of good, serviceable wings. He gave a joyful cry, shook his tail as if he would uproot it, then spread his wings and lifted himself in the air. Hopping time was over. He was now a real bird, and he flew from one end of the aviary to the other with an unmistakable expression of robin ecstasy.

Most unfortunately, I had not a chance to study poor Dick’s character as fully as Bob’s, for I only had him a short time. Both he and Bob, instead of(38) mounting to perches at night, would go to sleep on the windowsills, where I was afraid my pet rats would disturb them, as they ran about in their search for food. Therefore, I went into the aviary every evening, and lifted them up to a comfortable place for the night, near the hot-water pipes. I would not put robins in a warm place now. They are hardy birds, and if given a sufficient quantity of nourishing food do not need a warm sleeping-place. If we only had a better food supply I believe we would have many more wild birds with us in winter in the Northern States and Canada than we have now.

Late one evening I went into the aviary to put my robins to bed. I could only find Bob—Dick was nowhere to be seen. My father and mother joined me in the search, and finally we found his poor, lifeless body near the entrance to the rats’ underground nest. His head had been eaten—poor, intelligent Dick; and in gazing at him, and at the abundance of food in the aviary, the fate of the rats was sealed.

I fed my birds hard-boiled egg mashed with bread crumbs, crushed hemp-seed, scalded cornmeal, bread and milk, prepared mockingbird food, soaked ant eggs, all kinds of mush or “porridge,” as we say in Canada, chopped beef, potato and gravy, vegetables cooked and raw, seeds and fruit, an almost incredible amount of green stuff, and many other things—and yet the rats had found it necessary to commit a murder.


Well, they must leave the aviary, and they did, and for a time Bob reigned alone. I did try to bring up a number of young robins given to me by children who rescued them from cats, or who found them on the ground unable to fly, but for a long time I had very hard luck with them.

Either the birds were diseased or I did not feed them properly. I have a fancy that I half starved them. Bird fanciers whom I consulted told me to be sure and not stuff my robins, for they were greedy birds. As long as I took their advice my young robins died. When I went to my canaries for advice I saw that the parents watched the tiny heads folded like flowers too heavy for their stalks, over the little warm bodies in the nests.

The instant a head was raised the mother or father put a mouthful of warm egg-food in it. The little ones got all they would eatindeed, the father, with food dripping from his mouth, would coax his nestlings to take just one beakful more. I smiled broadly and began to give my robins all the worms they wanted, and then they lived.

The bringing up of young birds is intensely interesting. I found that one reason why early summer is the favorite time for nest-making is because one has the short nights then. Parents can feed their young quite late in the evening and be up by early daylight to fill the little crops again. Robins are birds that like to sit up late, and are always the last to go to bed in the aviary.


I solved the difficulty of rising at daylight to feed any young birds I was bringing up by giving them a stuffing at eleven o’clock at night. Then I did not have to rise till nearly eight.

This, of course, was for healthy birds. If I had a sick guineapig, rabbit, or bird, I never hesitated to get up many times during the night, for I have a theory that men and women who cannot or will not undertake the moral responsibility of bringing up children, should at least assist in the rearing of some created thing, if it is only a bird. Otherwise they become egotistical and absorbed in self.




まあthe sunと言ってシリウスなんたら星を指すみたいな拘りの強いガキくらいはいるかもしれないが。















by {{{作家名}}}, animal furry female adolescent {{imaizumi_kagerou}} from side, Touhou, [[[official art, official style]]], gray {{body fur}}, standing skirt lift thigh focus, {sexually suggestive, rating:Sensitive}, [very aesthetic, best quality, highres], [[eyes visible through hair, hair between eyes, long hair, long brown hair]], [looking to viewer], [red eyes], {large detailed best quality eyes}, [snout, slit pupils, :3 naughty smile, animal ears, wolf ears], {wolf tail}, oversized clothes, {white dress with long sleeves, skirt lift}, thighs, [[crotch, groin peek]], hair ornament, tail ornament, drunk, in heat, spoken heart, breath, sweat, wet, sweat, {sexually suggestive}, {pixel art}, [[sun, town, alley]], [very aesthetic, best quality, highres]


{{copyright, copyright name, copyright notice, {bad hands}, signature, logo, text, comic}}, {blind, empty eyes, no pupils, mismatched pupils, eye reflection, half-closed eyes, squinting}, lowres, {bad}, error, fewer, extra, missing, worst quality, jpeg artifacts, bad quality, watermark, unfinished, displeasing, chromatic aberration, monochrome, extra digits, artistic error, username, scan, [abstract], [bad vulva], [asymmetrical], {letterboxed}, [[darkness]], anatomical nonsense, {fingernails, nail polish, fingers, hand focus}, deformed, chibi, heterochromia, multiple views, bad multiple views, {asymmetrical breasts, breasts apart, flat chest}, {{censor, censored}}, pubic hair, bald, pawpads, paw gloves, animal feet, copyright, copyright notice, {blush}, alternate color, shiny pokemon, [skin], [[[[realistic, cel shaded, animated]]]], senko (sewayaki kitsune no senko-san), fox, red fur, dark, darkness, simple background



Water + Water = Lake

Lake + Lake = Ocean

Ocean + Earth = Island

Fire + Wind = Smoke

Smoke + Smoke = Cloud

Cloud + Island = Sky

Sky + Fire = Sun

Water + Earth = Plant

Plant + Plant = Tree

Sun + Tree = Fruit

Fruit + Fire = Apple

Fire + Earth = Lava

Lava + Water = Stone

Stone + Wind = Sand

Sand + Stone = Pyramid

Pyramid + Water = Tomb

Tomb + Pyramid = Mummy

Mummy + Tomb = Curse

Apple + Curse = Worm

Plant + Water = Swamp

Swamp + Worm = Snake

Apple + Snake = Adam

Adam + Curse = Eve

Adam + Eve = Human




少なくとも(真田丸の)徳川家康仮面ライダーBLACK SUN仮面ライダーネクロムとメフィラスの4種類は別タイプだった気がするが


Live While We're Young って

「𝕃𝕖𝕥'𝕤 𝕘𝕠 crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun」ってあるから


「行こうぜ キチガイみたいな朝の光の方へ」




















Web ServiceはSun本社で計3週間くらい










↓ 敬意をもって呼ぼう







3ろ問題(3 Ro Problem)とは、ゲームなどのタイトルアラビア数字の「3」を入れるとひらがなの「ろ」と見間違えてしま問題である






アラビア数字ではなくローマ数字を用いて解決するポピュラー手段。 よくカッコよさを考慮してこちらを用いることが多く、なぜ『逆転裁判』で『2』では『Ⅱ』を使っていたのに『3』では使わなかったのかに疑問が残る。


ダジャレ的な意味合いで「さん」(3)と読めるものに変えてしま日本特有手段。 ぷよぷよ場合コンパイル時代の『通』(Two)以降からずっとそのノリとなっている。


シリーズでまったく新しいものを使いたい時などでは、そもそも数字を一切使わないパターンも多い。 またそもそもシリーズ1作目から数字のものを使わないもの存在している。







登録日:2017/05/11 Thu 23:45:25

更新日:2022/12/18 Sun 19:14:02

所要時間:約 4 分で読めます



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