「rush」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: rushとは







シロナガス島への帰還 -Return to Shironagasu Island-』

『じゃあ、また(再見 Once again)』


Ninja Striker!』




『Touhou Luna Nights

Raindrop Sprinters』

『Shatter Remastered Deluxe』

『Wacky Burgers』

El Panadero -The Baker-』




『Hazelnut Hex』

『Super Glitter Rush




『SAND LANDサンドランド)』


『The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood』




『Behind the Frame 〜とっておきの景色を〜』


ドラゴンボールZ KAKAROT』

SD シン・仮面ライダー 乱舞』

ロックマンX DiVE オフライン




『ま~るい地球が四角くなった!? デジボク地球防衛軍 EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS』

『Titanfall® 2』


『Ghostwire: Tokyo

Donut Dodo』
















『じゃあ、また(再見 Once again)』





シロナガス島への帰還 -Return to Shironagasu Island-』



鬼滅の刃 ヒノカミ血風譚』








『Dig Dog』











『Jitsu Squad』

『爆裂!スイーツランド - PANIC IN SWEETS LAND -』

ココロクローバー シーズン1』



『Slay the Spire』




『Going Under』

ABYSS CRAWLERS plus 迷宮ロウラ+』





『Graze Counter GM



『Project Starship X』





『Blocky Dungeon』







『パラノマサイト FILE23 本所不思議


『ghostpia シーズンワン』





AI: ソムニウム ファイル

『A Short Hike』

Say No! More

『A Space for the Unbound 心に咲く花』

『1f y0u're a gh0st ca11 me here! 』


『RoboCop: Rogue City

キルラキル ザ・ゲーム -異布-』


ZONE OF THE ENDERS THE 2nd RUNNER : M∀RS / アヌビス ゾーン・オブ・エンダーズ : マーズ

Rez Infinite


『ALTDEUS: Beyond Chronos(アルトデウス: ビヨンドクロノス)』


『Hi-Fi RUSH』で実績あげたTango Gameworksが閉鎖された理由が「はっきりしない」ままで混乱生じる。元スタッフも含め止まらぬ波紋

ちなみに閉鎖理由がうかがえる見解ひとつとして、今月までマイクロソフトにてシニアパブリックリレーションマネージャーを務めていたBrad Hilderbrand氏が、今回の一件についてビジネス向けSNSであるLinkedIn自身の考えを投稿Game Passの直近での収益状況とActivision Blizzardの買収が、4つのスタジオの閉鎖に繋がったという説を説いている。

まずBrad氏によればGame Pass向けに提供されるゲームは、サブスクリプションサービスにてプレイされ購入されないゆえに、基本的にどの作品も売上目標を大きく下回るそうだ。ただし同氏いわくGame Passの人気上位タイトルには(Game Passの)収益の一部が還元されるといい、そうしたデメリットが補われる部分もあるとのこと。しかし上位を1~2か月以上維持することは難しく、また直近ではGame Passの成長自体が停滞して開発予算を回収することが難しい傾向もあったという。Game Passについては、Phil氏が特にコンソールでの加入者数の成長が停滞していることを過去に明かしていた(The Verge)。

さらにBrad氏によればActivision Blizzardの買収に総額687億ドル(約10兆円・現在のレート)もの費用を費やしたことで、マイクロソフトゲーム部門は買収にかけた費用を取り戻す、あるいは経費を徹底的に削減することが求められる状況になったとしている。そのため同氏は『Hi-Fi RUSH』がいかに優れた作品といえど、(今後)多額の買収費用を埋め合わせられるほどの収益が期待できないため、Tango Gameworksが閉鎖に至ったとの見方を伝えた。

Brad氏は今月マイクロソフト退職しているものの、約4年半にわたって『Haloシリーズの開発で知られる343 Industriesなど複数スタジオPRチームなどを率いてマネジメントしてきた人物だ。同社のマーケティング戦略を知る元スタッフにより、スタジオ閉鎖理由見解が伝えられているのは興味深い。 このほか先述したBloomberg報道によれば、Tango Gameworksでは新作の開発プロジェクト企画段階にあったといい、そうしたプロジェクト状況も要因のひとつかもしれない(関連記事)。いずれにせよTango Gameworksなどが閉鎖対象となった背景にはさまざまな理由があるとみられ、今後マイクロソフトからスタジオの閉鎖の明確な理由公表されるかどうかは注目されるところだろう。




Close your head

Close your eyes…」「Close your head…
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Close your eyes... Close your head...
say, what you saw. you can see with mind.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I saw... darkness. My mind's eye is a void, devoid of sight.
i can light you.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Light me then.
<*click*> i light you now. then, what you see? you can see with mind.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I see a dimly lit room. Shadows dance on the walls, and a faint, eerie glow permeates the space.
Shadow of what?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The shadows seem to take form, twisting and contorting into strange, indistinct shapes. It's as if they are the embodiment of forgotten fears and hidden desires.
Do you have any idea who is showing it?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I have no idea. The source of these shadows remains hidden, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.
OK, let's leave the mysterious and scary shadow behind. What else can you see in this room?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: In this dimly lit room, I can make out a cluttered assortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lying open on a dusty table, its pages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rug covers a portion of the floor, and a cracked mirror hangs on one wall, reflecting distorted images. The air carries a musty scent, and I sense an atmosphere of abandonment and neglect.
You pick book and check it
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I reach out and pick up the old book. Its pages feel brittle and fragile in my hands. As I flip through the pages, the text appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams. It's a tome of secrets, but its meaning remains elusive.
see book cover
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I examine the cover of the book, trying to discern any details despite the dim light. The cover is worn and weathered, and it bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent, its scales formed from shimmering, iridescent colors. Above the serpent, there's a title in elegant script, but it's written in a language I can't decipher. The book exudes an aura of mystique and ancient knowledge.
Is there a place to go? What about the door?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I turn my attention to the room's exit, the door. It stands tall and imposing, made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of what lies beyond. It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps even more mysteries.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentle push, the door creaks open, revealing a corridor shrouded in shadows. The faint glow from the room behind me barely penetrates the darkness ahead. I step cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets that lie beyond.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I proceed forward down the shadowy corridor, my footsteps echoing faintly in the dimness. The path ahead seems endless, and the air grows cooler as I delve deeper into the unknown, guided only by the flickering light behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.
foward and look around
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Continuing down the corridor, I take a moment to look around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces that once held flames have long since burned out, leaving only empty brackets. The air feels heavy with history, and there's a faint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves, as if they hold secrets untold.
keep going until you discover something
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I press on, the corridor seemingly endless. My journey is shrouded in uncertainty, but I persist, driven by the need to discover what lies ahead. The shadows deepen, and the air grows colder as I continue, my curiosity and determination unwavering.
stop! you here that?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I halt in my tracks, straining my ears to listen. There's a faint, distant sound, almost like a whisper carried on the wind. It's indistinct, but it holds a mysterious allure, beckoning me to investigate further.
listen carefully
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I listen intently, my senses sharpened as I focus on the elusive sound. It becomes clearer, a haunting melody that seems to weave through the very air itself. It's both captivating and eerie, drawing me closer to its source with each haunting note.
who play that?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The source of the haunting melody remains elusive, hidden in the shadows. It's as if the music emanates from the very walls, an ethereal presence that defies explanation. There is no visible musician, yet the music continues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.
Head to the source of the sound and investigate (dice roll)
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the roll of the dice and embark on a quest to trace the source of the haunting melody. Each step takes me closer to the enchanting sound, and as I round a corner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from which the music seems to emanate. My heart races with anticipation as I push the door open, eager to unveil the secrets that lie within.
When you open the door, there...
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: When I open the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldly glow. In the center of the room, an ornate grand piano commands attention. The keys move on their own, playing the haunting melody that had drawn me here. But there's no one at the piano.The room is adorned with opulent tapestries and gilded mirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickering light that dances across the walls. The air is filled with an intoxicating fragrance, a mix of ancient incense and delicate flowers.At the far end of the room, a figure cloaked in shadows stands beside an enormous, antique bookshelf filled with tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presence is enigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the grand piano, its keys still playing the haunting melody. As I inspect it, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys. It's as if the piano itself is possessed by some unseen force, creating the music with an ethereal touch.The piano is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid with precious gemstones. Its keys are made of polished ivory, and they move in perfect harmony with the haunting tune. It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.
Be careful, it might be a man-eating piano.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the caution and approach the grand piano with caution. Although it plays on its own, I remain wary of its mysterious nature. The possibility of a man-eating piano lingers in my mind, adding an extra layer of tension to the already surreal scene.
the piano suddenly stops
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The abrupt halt of the piano's music sends a shiver down my spine. The chamber falls into an eerie silence, broken only by the flickering candlelight. It's as if the very essence of the room holds its breath, waiting for what comes next.
You feel disgusted and turn around. What happened?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: As I turn around, a wave of revulsion washes over me. My senses reel in disgust at the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked in shadows has now revealed itself, and it is a grotesque, nightmarish entity. Its form is a twisted amalgamation of human and beast, with grotesque, elongated limbs and a maw of sharp, jagged teeth.The once opulent chamber has transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned in macabre art and gruesome trophies. The air is thick with the stench of decay and despair. I am trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable to escape the clutches of this abomination.
it scary. what will you do?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Fear courses through me as I confront this nightmarish entity and its gruesome lair. In this realm of horrors, I must make a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, my curiosity and determination outweighing my fear, as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets that lie within this twisted nightmare.
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With trembling resolve, I take a step forward, slowly approaching the grotesque entity. I attempt to communicate with it, asking it what it wants or why it has brought me here. My voice quivers, but my determination to unravel the enigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.
any result?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent, glowing eyes, its jagged maw twitching with an unsettling smile. It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled with whispers and hisses. It becomes apparent that communication with this entity is futile, and its intentions remain shrouded in darkness.As I continue to stand before this nightmarish being, I feel a growing sense of dread, realizing that escape may be the only option left.
surely. what will you do?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With no hope of communication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growing more oppressive, I decide to make a hasty retreat. I turn and rush toward the door through which I entered, driven by the instinct to escape the horrors of this surreal nightmare.
Did it go well? Or Bad?
<rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: My escape from the nightmarish realm was fraught with tension and fear, but I managed to reach the door and slam it shut behind me. The grotesque entity and its horrifying lair were left behind, at least for the moment. Whether it went well or bad is a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal place still haunt my thoughts. The experience was a chilling reminder of the unknown and the horrors that can lurk within it.
look around





<div class="conversation"><h4>Close your head</h4><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Close your eyes…」「Close your head…</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Close your eyes... Close your head...</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>say, what you saw. you can see with mind.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I saw... darkness. My mind's eye is a void, devoid of sight.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>i can light you. </div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Light me then.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>&lt;*click*&gt; i light you now. then, what you see? you can see with mind.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I see a dimly lit room. Shadows dance on the walls, and a faint, eerie glow permeates the space.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Shadow of what?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The shadows seem to take form, twisting and contorting into strange, indistinct shapes. It's as if they are the embodiment of forgotten fears and hidden desires.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Do you have any idea who is showing it?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I have no idea. The source of these shadows remains hidden, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>OK, let's leave the mysterious and scary shadow behind. What else can you see in this room?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: In this dimly lit room, I can make out a cluttered assortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lying open on a dusty table, its pages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rug covers a portion of the floor, and a cracked mirror hangs on one wall, reflecting distorted images. The air carries a musty scent, and I sense an atmosphere of abandonment and neglect.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>You pick book and check it</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I reach out and pick up the old book. Its pages feel brittle and fragile in my hands. As I flip through the pages, the text appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams. It's a tome of secrets, but its meaning remains elusive.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>see book cover</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I examine the cover of the book, trying to discern any details despite the dim light. The cover is worn and weathered, and it bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent, its scales formed from shimmering, iridescent colors. Above the serpent, there's a title in elegant script, but it's written in a language I can't decipher. The book exudes an aura of mystique and ancient knowledge.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Is there a place to go? What about the door?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I turn my attention to the room's exit, the door. It stands tall and imposing, made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of what lies beyond. It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps even more mysteries.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>try to open</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentle push, the door creaks open, revealing a corridor shrouded in shadows. The faint glow from the room behind me barely penetrates the darkness ahead. I step cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets that lie beyond.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>foward.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I proceed forward down the shadowy corridor, my footsteps echoing faintly in the dimness. The path ahead seems endless, and the air grows cooler as I delve deeper into the unknown, guided only by the flickering light behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>foward and look around</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Continuing down the corridor, I take a moment to look around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces that once held flames have long since burned out, leaving only empty brackets. The air feels heavy with history, and there's a faint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves, as if they hold secrets untold.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>keep going until you discover something</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I press on, the corridor seemingly endless. My journey is shrouded in uncertainty, but I persist, driven by the need to discover what lies ahead. The shadows deepen, and the air grows colder as I continue, my curiosity and determination unwavering.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>stop! you here that?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I halt in my tracks, straining my ears to listen. There's a faint, distant sound, almost like a whisper carried on the wind. It's indistinct, but it holds a mysterious allure, beckoning me to investigate further.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>listen carefully</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I listen intently, my senses sharpened as I focus on the elusive sound. It becomes clearer, a haunting melody that seems to weave through the very air itself. It's both captivating and eerie, drawing me closer to its source with each haunting note.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>who play that?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The source of the haunting melody remains elusive, hidden in the shadows. It's as if the music emanates from the very walls, an ethereal presence that defies explanation. There is no visible musician, yet the music continues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Head to the source of the sound and investigate (dice roll)</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I heed the roll of the dice and embark on a quest to trace the source of the haunting melody. Each step takes me closer to the enchanting sound, and as I round a corner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from which the music seems to emanate. My heart races with anticipation as I push the door open, eager to unveil the secrets that lie within.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>When you open the door, there...</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: When I open the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldly glow. In the center of the room, an ornate grand piano commands attention. The keys move on their own, playing the haunting melody that had drawn me here. But there's no one at the piano.The room is adorned with opulent tapestries and gilded mirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickering light that dances across the walls. The air is filled with an intoxicating fragrance, a mix of ancient incense and delicate flowers.At the far end of the room, a figure cloaked in shadows stands beside an enormous, antique bookshelf filled with tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presence is enigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>look piano</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I approach the grand piano, its keys still playing the haunting melody. As I inspect it, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys. It's as if the piano itself is possessed by some unseen force, creating the music with an ethereal touch.The piano is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid with precious gemstones. Its keys are made of polished ivory, and they move in perfect harmony with the haunting tune. It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Be careful, it might be a man-eating piano.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: I heed the caution and approach the grand piano with caution. Although it plays on its own, I remain wary of its mysterious nature. The possibility of a man-eating piano lingers in my mind, adding an extra layer of tension to the already surreal scene.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>the piano suddenly stops</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The abrupt halt of the piano's music sends a shiver down my spine. The chamber falls into an eerie silence, broken only by the flickering candlelight. It's as if the very essence of the room holds its breath, waiting for what comes next.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>You feel disgusted and turn around. What happened?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: As I turn around, a wave of revulsion washes over me. My senses reel in disgust at the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked in shadows has now revealed itself, and it is a grotesque, nightmarish entity. Its form is a twisted amalgamation of human and beast, with grotesque, elongated limbs and a maw of sharp, jagged teeth.The once opulent chamber has transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned in macabre art and gruesome trophies. The air is thick with the stench of decay and despair. I am trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable to escape the clutches of this abomination.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>it scary. what will you do?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: Fear courses through me as I confront this nightmarish entity and its gruesome lair. In this realm of horrors, I must make a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, my curiosity and determination outweighing my fear, as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets that lie within this twisted nightmare.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>how?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: With trembling resolve, I take a step forward, slowly approaching the grotesque entity. I attempt to communicate with it, asking it what it wants or why it has brought me here. My voice quivers, but my determination to unravel the enigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>any result?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent, glowing eyes, its jagged maw twitching with an unsettling smile. It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled with whispers and hisses. It becomes apparent that communication with this entity is futile, and its intentions remain shrouded in darkness.As I continue to stand before this nightmarish being, I feel a growing sense of dread, realizing that escape may be the only option left.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>surely. what will you do?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: With no hope of communication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growing more oppressive, I decide to make a hasty retreat. I turn and rush toward the door through which I entered, driven by the instinct to escape the horrors of this surreal nightmare.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Did it go well? Or Bad?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div>&lt;rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light&gt;: My escape from the nightmarish realm was fraught with tension and fear, but I managed to reach the door and slam it shut behind me. The grotesque entity and its horrifying lair were left behind, at least for the moment. Whether it went well or bad is a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal place still haunt my thoughts. The experience was a chilling reminder of the unknown and the horrors that can lurk within it.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>look around. what you see?</div></pre><pre class=" Permalink | 記事への反応(2) | 16:06


Kingdom Rushの新作が来ちまう










マイクロソフトが『Hi-Fi Rush』など4作品PS/Switchへの展開を発表。

・SIEが社員の8%にあたる約900人の人員を削減。London Studio解散、FirespriteやInsomniac GamesNaughty Dog人員削減の対象



he's mooching off his parents = leeching off



it's infamously difficult to explain

just feel it out is the best advice here sadly




ok srsly ketchup fried rice has no right being this good



stubbed my toe in the dark and it still hurts 暗闇の中で足の指をぶつけたんだけどまだ痛い

stub out your cigarette now; 今、タバコをもみ消してください.


we can only give you a 1-day course of medicine. お薬は1日分しか出せません。

Always finish a course of medicine unless advised otherwise 特別な指示がない限り、薬は必ず(処方された分を)最後まで飲みきること


His past has caught up with him 過去に行った悪行が問いただされる時が来た


I got food poisoning eating at xxx xxxで食事したら食中毒になった


That took for fucking ever どんだけ時間かかっとんねん


talk out of one's ass 〈卑〉〔きちんとした内容{ないよう}ではない〕ばかな[適当{てきとう}な・くだらない]ことを言う、くそ発言{はつげん}をする

talk through one's hat 大ぼらを吹く、くだらないことを言う|

talk out of both sides of one's mouth 矛盾したことを言う

You can't trust him. He talks out of both sides of his mouth. : 彼は信用できないよ。矛盾したことばかり言うからね。

pull it out of my ass でっちあげる


comparison is the thief of joy ものごとを楽しむ秘訣は人と比較しないこと



・Ah, touche. : これは1本取られたな。/痛いところを突かれたな。


join in は行為に焦点をおいた表現

"To join the party" means to be(come) part of the party, = パーティの一員になる

"To join IN the party" means to take part in the activities of the party. = パーティというアクティティに参加する



He ran too fast for me to keep up with him. → himはあってもなくてもかまわない(too to構文でforが付くと文末にhimなどを付けても許容される傾向にあるらしい)



looked on in horror 恐怖しながら眺めていた・傍観していた

Bystanders looked on in horror as car plowed through parade 通行人は車がパレードに突っ込んでいくのを恐怖して眺めていた


You have to thread the needle very carefully to make it work properly, ちゃんと動かすには針の穴を通すかのように慎重にやらないといけない


Don't lump me in with them. : あんなのと一緒{いっしょ}にしないでよね。


what's the rush? 何をそんなに急いでるの?


All you do is talk about war. Don't you have anything else to talk about? 口を開けば戦争の話ばかり。会話のレパートリーなすぎだろ


dunno how retarded ud have to be to believe that kinda story そんなストーリー信じるとかアホすぎん?


delusion of persecution 被害妄想

Does he have persecutory delusions? あの人は被害妄想癖なの?

typical paranoid populist with delusions of persecution looking everywhere but within to find scapegoats he can pin the blame for his loser life's pratfalls on



punch down

to attack or criticize someone who is in a worse or less powerful position than you = 自分より弱いもの攻撃避難すること (punch upはその逆)

He punched down at opponents who couldn't fight back. 彼は反撃できない相手攻撃した

Simply put: punching up is okay; punching down is not. 強いものに歯向かうのはいいが、弱い者いじめはいけない


the only people who call out samefags are people who samefag 自演を叩くのは自演してるやつだけ

its a paranoia thing 妄想みたいなもの

like if you murder people then you'll realize how easy it is and think everyones gonna murder you 殺人を犯して人を殺すのが簡単なことに気づいたせいで、みんなが自分を殺そうとしてると思いこむようなもの


yeah, logging is autistic, but helpful. Ever since I started logging, I literally went from 1 hr of daily immersion to 4 hours, just to try to beat other people and see my numbers rack up. It's a good way to keep yourself accountable, which is something 4chan users chronically avoid




There's no fixing that person = あの人はどうしようもない/ 救いようがない/ 付ける薬がない = There's no way you can fix that person


yeah but that's no excuse for him to act like a bitch lol まあ確かにそうだが、だからといってあいつがクソみたいに振る舞っていい理由にはならないわ


he was a cool guy like way back then 前はいいやつだったんだよ

emphasis on "was" 「前は」だけどな

then shit kinda went downhill, he had a spat with Dave regarding some shit i didnt care about そこから色々とクソみたいな状況になって、どうでもいいことでジョンと喧嘩した

i didnt pay attention tbh

and then after some back and forths we just never really talked to each other そんで色々と言い合いを重ねた結果、あいつとは喋らなくなった

maybe John can fill you in on the details, because im a secondary source here 詳しいことはジョンに聞けばわかると思う 俺は又聞きだから

because while they were raging at each other i was out of the server being a productive member of society こいつらが喧嘩してたとき俺は社会の一員として建設的なことをしてたからな

ye, i think i will try to find out about all this later ああ、それについては後で調べてみるわ


he wants to be alone he literally said that. So just give him some time and he will come back on his own time. 一人にさせてほしいって言われたんだろ?なら少し時間を与えれば、自分が戻りたいと思ったときに戻ってくるだろう


I went to the hospital to get blood work done → 病院に行って、採血された




get(pick) the best of everything(both)

get the best of both worlds

skim the cream

cherry pick



Babble like an idiot using what few words you already know, and then only look stuff up when you cannot properly express yourself.




・I had a heart-to-heart with Stacy last night.(昨晩、ステイシーさんと本音を語り合いました。)

・He had a heart-to-heart talk with his dad about his future.(彼は自分の将来について父親本音で話し合いました。)

Let’s have a heart-to-heart conversation.(腹を割った話し合いをしましょう!)



how do u keep coming up with these absolute bangers every day omg !!



They literally just slap the word "AI" on everything now. なんでもかんでもAI文字を貼り付けている

= They're literally just plastering the word "AI" onto everything now.


how much of the shit he is in is he responsible for?



that's like in the avg range それは平均身長くらいでしょ

my aunt is 140 i think, my mom is 150 うちの叔母は140で母は150だし

even for japan that's on the shorter side いや日本ですらそれは低い方に入るぞ


what the fuck have i been missing out on まじかよ俺そんなのを見逃したのか

Idk I was gone before and after that 俺はその間ここにいなかったからしらん

well thank you for letting us know sir まあ知らせてくれて助かる

we pride ourselves on being the opposite of an echochamber so your complaints really help us! 俺たちはエコーチャンバーにならないことに誇りを持ってるから文句を言ってくれるのは助かる

personally im against inviting people we have bad blood with 個人的には仲の悪いやつを招待するのには反対だな


i got all of the fairly common grammar points down just from looking up stuff while reading



it makes you come off like passive aggressive そういう言い方はパッシブアグレッシブに聞こえるよ


Now we're talking" 「そう来なくっちゃ!」

= That is what I wanted to hear; that's a good idea or a good plan, especially compared to previous suggestions.


Let's have fish for dinner 夕食は魚にしよう

Ugh .. No えーいやだ

Okay then , chicken ならチキンはどう 

Now we're talking そう来なくっちゃ!







・There's no need to haggle. : 論争する必要はありません。



haggle over the price of


表現パターンhaggle over [about] the price of

learn how to haggle at the market



Never know when it's the good old days until they're gone あの頃は良かったなってのは過ぎ去って初めてわかるもの

communities always change when they get larger コミュニティは大きくなれば必ず変化していく

never gonna keep that smaller, more intimate thing going そうなればこじんまりとして距離の近かったあの感じはもう二度と戻らない



I don’t like to talk to him because he is full of himself. 彼はイキってるので話したくありません。

He always tries to be bossy on purpose. 彼はいつもわざとイキろうとする。

You’ve changed. You used to be so cocky when we were in junior high school. 変わりましたね。あなた中学生の頃、とてもイキってましたよ

He always gets carried away when we party. I think we shouldn’t let him drink much. パーティーのとき、彼はいつもイキります。彼にたくさん飲ませないほうがいい思います

My father was always high-handed towards other parents. 私の父はいつも他の親に対してイキってました。



Again, I'm just going off my memory from a year ago, so be skeptical of what I say. Here are a few things that come to mind:



like u just use the personality thing as a clutch to get ur foot in 自分の人となりを会話を始める取っ掛かりとして使えばいい (= as a starting point)

so if u talk to someone u just nerd out about learning japanese or something 誰かと話す際に日本語学習についてひたすら喋ってみたりとか

and thats like the vanguard of ur initial engagement そうすれば初めて会話をする際のきっかけになる

get one's foot in door

《have [get] (a [one's]) foot in (the) door》うまく最初の一歩を踏み出す、目的に向かって第一歩を進める、とっかかり[きっかけ・足掛かり]をつかむ、〔希望する組織などに〕入る機会に恵まれる、うまく入り込む、~する機会を得るきっかけをつかむ◆【語源セールスパーソン販売員]が玄関口で追い返されそうになったときに、ドアに足を入れて閉めさせないようにしてセールスしようとする様子から




軍事前衛、先陣◆【対】rear guard


learning japanese is like falling down an endless flight of stairs 日本語学習は果てしなく続く階段を転げ落ちるようなものだ。

everytime you almost get your grip and are able to stop yourself, you realize that youre not standing on a step and fall again 足をついて止まることができたかと思えば、踏み段に立っていないことに気づいてまた落ちる

stairway to hell 地獄へ続く階段

flight of stairs 《a ~》一連の階段、一続きの階段、階と階の間の階段◆途中に踊り場がない一続きの階段


I need to get on top of my sleep as I get older I'm finding it more difficult to manage my ongoing sleep deficit.


get on top of 〜” 「(物事を)うまく対処して」



get on top of



・We'll get on top of the situation as soon as we can. : できるだけ早く事態を収拾します。




haven't seen you post at all where the fuck were you 全然投稿してるの見かけなかったがどこに行ってたんだ

I got life shit haha 人生いろいろあったんだよ笑 (= "I have life stuff" or "I have things going on in my life.")

so do we all そりゃみんなそうやろ


who are you? あんた誰?

John knows me. Me n him go back ジョンは俺のことを知ってるよ。あいつとは付き合いが長いからな

go back 〈話〉〔人が期間を〕さかのぼって知り合いであ


Man they made it so much hard to see member lists in mobile now モバイルだとメンバーリストめっちゃ見にくくなったな

I think it's by design これはわざとだと思うわ

by design 故意


I hate that it had to take this just for people to stop sleeping on Mel



sleep on

1. 〔即断・即答を避けて〕~について一晩考える

2. (米インフォーマル)人や物の素晴らしさに気づかない
































・ElectroBOOM https://www.youtube.com/@ElectroBOOM


・Sheet Music Boss https://www.youtube.com/@SheetMusicBoss

ピアノ譜面作成して演奏しているチャンネル毎日公開。時々RUSH Eとかの大ブームを引き起こす。

・Adam Savage’s Tested https://www.youtube.com/testedcom


・ ahmad arif 29  https://www.youtube.com/@ahmadarif29


・Linguoer?mechanic https://www.youtube.com/@linguoermechanic


・Hydraulic Press Channel ttps://www.youtube.com/@HydraulicPressChannel


・Grand Illusions ttps://www.youtube.com/@grandillusions


Red Dead Restoration ttps://www.youtube.com/@RedDeadRestoration


・Vinheteiro ttps://www.youtube.com/@Lord_Vinheteiro


・Brick Experiment Channel ttps://www.youtube.com/@BrickExperimentChannel


・The Slow Mo Guys ttps://www.youtube.com/@theslowmoguys


・木根 Mugen Woong ttps://www.youtube.com/@mugenwoong


・Primitive Technology ttps://www.youtube.com/@primitivetechnology9550


・TopSpeedGermany ttps://www.youtube.com/topspeedgermany


・my mechanics ttps://www.youtube.com/@mymechanics


・Practical Engineering ttps://www.youtube.com/@PracticalEngineeringChannel


・HAHNS ATELIER ttps://www.youtube.com/@HahnsAtelier




love robots and death」の「jibaro」なんかはマジですごいのだが、Youtubeでのおすすめで出て来ないと知れなかったような番組だ。


とにかくHi-Fi Rushをやるべき



NINThe Prodigyナンバガ楽曲提供! 新感覚リズムアクションゲーム『Hi-Fi Rush』発売開始










Kingdom Rush面白い

このシリーズアプリで遊んでクリアしたが、Apple Arcade版で遊ぶと有料のヒーローとタワーが使える。1日20円で毎日少しずつ楽しめるので、課金する価値はあると思う。


[] Covidiot


英辞郎 on the WEB 〈俗〉コビディオット◆コロナウイルス感染症の予防対策や警告を無視したり、食料品日用品を大量に買いだめて品薄状態引き起こし、人々の不安をあおったりするばかな人(idiot)

Cambridge Dictionary someone who behaves in a stupid way that risks spreading the infectious disease Covid-19:

https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/covidiot (derogatory, humorous, neologism) A person who is foolishly reckless with respect to avoiding contracting or spreading COVID-19.

Relating to the 2020 Covid-19 virus:

Someone who ignores the warnings regarding public health or safety.

A person who hoards goods, denying them from their neighbors.

Did you see that covidiot with 300 rolls of toilet paper in his basket?

That covidiot is hugging everyone she sees.

A person who makes themselves look like an idiot, during or after a pandemic.

1. A stupid person who stubbornly ignores 'social distancing' protocol, thus helping to further spread COVID-19.

A person that flies into a pandemic zone for holiday with their children, barely is able to return and shares their harrowing experience on social media for hero points.

1. A perfect term for those spreading, creating or publishing unverified and false information about the novel coronavirus.

2. An idiot who doubts the existence of COVID-19, therefore ignoring the need for social distancing and proper hand washing.

Covidiot: an individual who in the face of dire circumstances for all, acts selfishly toward others instead of in solidarity and with generosity.

Idiots who think Covid is a real threat and idiotically cover their face with a mask fearfully.

A person who "isn't worried" about Covid-19 because they "aren't old enough." (This does not discount the Covidiot having asthma, obesity, or another major risk factor).

Someone who goes on numerous pointless excursions during the aforementioned pandemic, often against local ruling, because they are hollow inside, utterly selfish, and, most probably, lick hand railings.

On the extreme, either denies Covid-19 is an issue at all (or real) and/or completely loses their shit and buys no more soap than usual BUT every last disenfectant product &amp; T.P. roll.**

A person who has no medical background and makes statements about the Coronavirus pandemic founded on dubious sources, i.e. social media, an acquaintance, etc

A person who ignores the governments and health organization's recommendations in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.

People that have no brain cells and can’t understand what social distancing means. People that make others life miserable in lockdown by continually mixing with others, therefore making the lockdown last longer because it fails .

A person who does not follow guidlines, listen to advice or think about their actions during the COVID-19 pandemic

A person who deliberately coughs on other people and thinks it is funny

An idiot who can’t respect common sense and basic science enough to to help stop the spread of disease.

Someone who is freaking out too much about covid and revolves everything they do around it. Also they treat anyone who doesn’t strictly follow guidelines like a murderer

Person in ICU for weeks blocking people from getting surgery

1. A covidiot is someone who rejects overwhelming evidence, provided by scientists, while promoting his opinions as facts.

2. Someone who, during a pandemic refuses to wear a mask in Walmart.

3. Anyone who thinks drinking bleach will cure anything.

Synonyms include: anti-vaccer, flat-earther, alien conspiracy theorist, climate change denier

A person who advocates for lockdowns, mandatory masks, school shutdowns, and other infringements on liberty based on unsettled science. This kind of person has nothing going on in their life except the sweet dopamine rush they get from self-righteously judging everyone else and tattling on people who don't trust the "experts." Usually talks about "science" a lot but has no background in math or science.

Someone who believes everything they hear on TV and other mainstream media, yet chooses to ignore official CDC numbers, such as how Covid has a 99.9997% recovery rate for those under 30, and 99.92% recovery rate for those 70+. They also ignore the fact that health "experts" on TV have told us that hospitals mark just about any death as a Covid death, no matter how they died, simply because they tested positive for Covid or were merely suspected of such.

Thus, these people wear their masks everywhere they go like it's a status symbol, while believing it actually does any good.





























  1. (Cross The) Heartland / Pat Metheny Group
  2. Life In Technicolor II / Coldplay
  3. Viva La Vida / Coldplay
  4. Hanging High / Last Days Of April
  5. Girls In Their Summer Clothes / Bruce Springsteen
  6. Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na) / My Chemical Romance
  7. Cliffs of Dover / Eric Johnson
  8. Don't Answer Me / The Alan Parsons Project
  9. I'll Work For Your Love / Bruce Springsteen
  10. Dear My Keys ~鍵盤の魔法~ / 琴吹紬 (CV:寿美菜子)
  11. Trash / Suede
  12. The Great Escape / The Rifles
  14. CALLING / 氷室京介
  15. You'll Be Comin' Down / Bruce Springsteen
  16. Luka / Suzanne Vega
  17. Heaven / DJ Sammy
  18. Beth / Kiss
  19. スカーレットの誓い / ムーンライダーズ
  20. Here It Goes Again / OK GO
  21. We Didn't Start The Fire / Billy Joel
  22. 物は壊れる、人は死ぬ 三つ数えて、眼をつぶれ / ムーンライダーズ
  23. Autumn Lords / Tony MacAlpine
  24. Here (In Your Arms) / Hellogoodbye
  25. With Or Without You / U2
  26. I Want To Break Free / Queen
  27. Surfing With The Alien / Joe Satriani
  28. I've Got a Feeling / Monaco
  29. It's A Sad, Sad Affair / Caravan
  30. Dance Floor Anthem / Good Charlotte
  31. Are You Gonna Be My Girl / JET
  32. A Little Less Conversation (JXL Radio Edit Remix) / Elvis Presley
  33. Secret World / Peter Gabriel
  34. 1901 / Phoenix
  35. ゆりゆららららゆるゆり大事件 / 七森中☆ごらく部
  36. Green-Tinted Sixties Mind / Mr. Big
  37. Going The Distance / Bill Conti
  38. Working On A Dream / Bruce Springsteen
  39. 青薄 / 堀江由衣
  40. 約束の橋 / 佐野元春
  41. Boku No Atama / Paul Gilbert
  42. 魔女っ娘ミラクるん♪ / 魔女っ娘ミラクるん(CV:竹達彩奈)
  43. YYZ / Rush
  44. Where The Streets Have No Name / U2
  45. なんとなく、クリスタル / 柴田恭兵
  46. One Week / Barenaked Ladies
  47. The Kids Aren't Alright / The Offspring
  48. Elephant Stone / The Stone Roses
  49. He's So Gay / Frank Zappa
  50. Death Unlimited / Norther







1. Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not / Arctic Monkeys

2.Relationship Of Command / At The Drive-In

3.Slaughter Of The Soul / At The Gates


5.K. AND HIS BIKE / the band apart


7.Black Sabbath / Black Sabbath

8.Hate Cres Deathroll / Children of Bodom

9.Deathrace King / The Crown

10.Whisper Supremacy / Cryptopsy

11.The Sound of Perseverance / Death

12.Deepest Purple / Deep Purple

13.Once Upon The Cross / Deicide

14.Like An Everflowing Stream / Dismember

15.Sonic Firestorm / Dragonforce

16.Images &amp; Words / Dream Theater

17.Tarkus / EL&amp;P

18.Left Hand Path / Entombed


20.Strictly Commercial / Frank Zappa

21.Appetite For Destruction / Guns N' Roses

22.One Kill Wonder / The Haunted

23.Treasure Chest / Helloween


25.Screaming Symphony / Impellitteri

26.The Number of The Beast / Iron Maiden

27.Painkiller / Judas Priest

28.Kasabian / Kasabian

29.In the Court of the Crimson King / King Crimson

30.Korn / Korn

31.Led Zeppelin Remasters / Led Zeppelin

32.Retribution / Malevolent Creation

33.Antichrist Superstar / Marilyn Manson

34.De-Loused in the Comatorium / The Mars Volta

35.Blood Mountain / Mastodon

36.Rust in Peace / Megadeth

37.obZen / Meshuggah

38.Master of Puppets / Metallica

39.Ride the Lightning / Metallica

40.Domination / Morbid Angel

41.Ace of Spades / Motorhead

42.Lovelsee / My Bloody Valentine

43.Black Seeds of Vengence / Nile

44.In There Darkened Shrines / Nile

45.Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka / Nile

46.The Downward Spiral / Nine Inch Nails

47.Never Mind / Nivana

48.Slowly We Rot / Obituary

49.Ghost Reveries / Opeth

50.Best of Ozz / Ozzy Osbourne

51.Far Beyond The Great Southern Cowboys' Vulgar Hits! / Panteta

52.Consuming Impulse / pestilence

53.Dark Side Of The Moon / Pink Floyd

54.Sailing the seas of the Cheese / Primus

55.Antipop / Primus

56.Operation: Mindcrime / Queensryche

57.Kid A / Radiohead

58.Rage Against The Machine / Rage Against The Machine

59.Rising / Rainbow

60.Blood Sugar Sex Magic / Red Hot Chili Peppers


62.2112 / Rush

63.REIGN IN BLOOD / Slayer

64. SLIPKNOT / Slipknot

65.IOWA / Slipknot


67.Silense / Sonata Arctica

68.Good morning / SPECIAL OTHERS

69.Effigy of the Forgotten / Suffocation


71.The Divine Wings Of Tragedy / Symphony X

72.Toxicity / System of a down

73.World Downfall / Terrorizer

74.Lateralus / Tool

75.De Profundis / Vader

76.Elephant / The White Stripes

77.Close to The Edge / Yes


79.あぶらがこ(亀盤)/ あぶらだこ

80.生命力 / チャットモンチー

81.MUSIC / フジファブリック

82.南蛮渡来 / 暗黒大陸じゃがたら

83.無罪モラトリアム / 椎名林檎

84.大人 / 東京事変

85.Revolutionary / 9mm Parabellum Bullet



π 歌詞

 ※ BYE-BYE-BYE feel your pain

   BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain

   BYE-BYE-BYE feel the pain



※※ BYE-BYE-BYE feel your pain

   BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain

   BYE-BYE-BYE feel the pain


(Shining time! x2)

Ah forking take'n time for seek.

(Shall we dance? x2)

Oh taken shave rush take could I say?

(Shining time! x2)

Who toy singin‘ for seek.

(Shall we dance? x2)

Cut winkle cue to my love night!






わたしのOh Man call…

♤Oh Man call…

♡Oh Man callが…




(Keep motivation x2)

Sacred knee-high chance, and I need a chance.

(He watched me x2)

I wanna need its π its π, beautiful.

(Keep motivation x2)

So cool! So cool! I caught the chance.

(He watched me x2)










High jump!

BYE-BYE-BYE feel the pain

BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain


It's a chance! It's a chance!

(chance! chance! chance! chance!)


EVERYBODY DANCE with the rain

EVERYBODY DANCE feel the rain


















vanillableep1618 ラ面カイダー ケボット刑事ロー ダカイキー01 ガジンマーZ ……いくらでもでてくるな(笑)

nuuuuma ドスターミーナ

sakuragaoka コバリーヒルズ・ビップ

sps1uw サガセターン

nikunonamae “sun太郎” つまり「日輪の長子」が、”キラリman” すなわち「輝く益荒男」の称号を冠しており、非常にまばゆい

uchiten これ系では「コーモン・デグレ」が最強だと思ってる。

ashrae クターすださい☆

uchiten これ系では「コーモン・デグレ」が最強だと思ってる。

GEKIGANGAA モット・チャンチー

Ayrtonism プロ猿ファー・ゴル。

nomitori キラリマン太郎(急にA先生風味)

ken-skatan 太ラリーサン・キ太郎 伊武雅刀ファンホイホイなインターネッツはここですねwwwwwand

u4k ジョン・ベンソン、ジャイケル・マクソン、ヌワス「パパーーーーーっっ!!!!!」

mag-x こなさん みんばんわ>ジャンキー大山ショー https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olnZywXLM_s

mr_yamada けつだいらまん

poponponpon ジョダギリ・オー

solidstatesociety サラキン・太郎マリ

cozy3cs マラサキムンコ

nonameblog 「プロファーゴル」を世界最初に思いついた人をリスペクト

mcksw 猿ゴルファープロ

oitomo ジャイケル・マクソン

nori__3 シマチョウ課耕作

entryno001 スプーリズムって言うんだよね。海外にいた幼少期に「Billy has a whistle on his thumb (ビリーの親指には笛がある)」&gt;「Whilly has a thistle on his bumb (ウィリーの尻にはトゲがある)」というのが絵本に載ってていたく気に入っていた

easy-breezy タッコミのブク

Dicer ドキがむねむねする

nekoashicable れき・たんたろう

PrivateIntMain サガシターン・セロ(1件/0.19秒)

teebeetee パッキング・パク

plagmaticjam 聖戦士バンダイ

hiromi163 生まで朝テレビ

fellfield 「けつだいらアウォード」を思い出した。「てっかほっかほい」とか大好きだった http://sledge-hammer-web.my.coocan.jp/ketsu-gaward.htm

color-hiyoko ちゃボコ

kanan5100 80年代フジテレビ「いきなりフライデーナイト」に、しりすえもんじコーナーというのがあってな。けつだいらまんが最高傑作

kiyo_hiko 太鼓のタシヅン思い出した

tenari モケットポンスター シード・ソール

d346prt こなさんみんばんは!

FlowerLounge Perfumeラジオラジオネームがヤカタナタカって人がいたな

mitimasu 市長カマ交錯

Rag-Rush 「えたしはワルです」

kingate パークマンサー。

aobyoutann どつカキコ……はも……

fujitaweekend 乱たま金太郎

tamihe1 サラ金ロータリーマン

lostnamer 金年三組・B八先生

rew05 パルコン・ファン

sakamata サンランド・ヴィガ

gendou ひろみやもとし

matsuedon "キラリマン恋次郎"との一致はありません。検索結果 (引用符なし):氷川きよし 恋次郎旅姿 - YouTube

Lagenaria ぶてなハックマーク

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