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弥助発表当初の多くの日本人「弥助! いいね!









































I like yasuke but I don't like this game.

Because,This game isn't understanding Japanese history and culture.

However,it say "This game is faithful to history".

What's worse it say "If you don't agree this game,it's proof of racist you".We thinking The biggest issue is this points.

everyone don't say"This is faithful to history",tuly understand the history and culture of Japan,we think…then it's ok,make it entertaining funny Japan.We will be fun and LMAO instead of angry.

For example,Many stupid Sengoku period games from Japan.

Japan have a"apologize anyway"culture.

You apologize anyway,say"This game isn't faithful to history,Funny Japan fiction make willfully by us"and"Yasuke isn't SAMURAI, but we really want to SAMURAI Yasuke appear our game.So we twisted the Japanese history"in all country interview.

If you inform correct information,A lot of Japanese will be convinced.

If you break a little courtesy,We stop sales all our might.

I hope perceiving mistakes you.












今日、道を歩いてたらボロボロの服を着た、中東系の足を引きずった男に「Help me」と言われた。


中東:Help me.


中東:Do you speak English?

オデ:a little.





オデはこれを見た瞬間「こいつ、なんか犯罪やって捕まったんじゃね?」と思って、ニコニコしながら「Sorry I couldn't help you」と言って逃げてきた。











―― MRIで測定しても、脳の特徴は単純に男女で区別できず、「男性は○○が得意」「女性は△△を好む」といった言説の根拠にはならなかった、ということでしょうか。

四本 はい。脳の特徴は性差よりも個人差が大きく、単純に「男性からこう」「女性からこう」とは言えないのです。

Documented sex/gender differences in the brain are often taken as support of a sexually dimorphic view of human brains ("female brain" or "male brain"). However, such a distinction would be possible only if sex/gender differences in brain features were highly dimorphic (i.e., little overlap between the forms of these features in males and females) and internally consistent (i.e., a brain has only "male" or only "female" features).


最近自分が実際に見かけたVTuberがやっているゲーム その5















・Supermarket Simulator(new)

 なぜかハマる人がいる。街のマップ無駄に大きい。Police Simulatorでみた街と同じアセット



・Content Warning(new)









・Stardew valley(new)







Little Kitty, Big City(new)


・Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends(new)




Bob the First, at the head of my long list of robins, having been killed by my pet owl, I very soon bought another. This one was not so gentle nor so handsome as Bob the First, his wings and his tail having their ends sawed off by contact with the wires of too small a cage.

Fearing that he might be lonely in my aviary with only rabbits, guineapigs, pet rats, and pigeons for company, I bought another robin called Dick. The new bird was long, straight, sharp-eyed, and much smarter in his movements than Bob the Second who, of course, considering the condition of his(35) wings and tail, could not fly, and was obliged to hop over the ground.

It was very amusing to see the two robins stare at each other. Both had probably been trapped young, for at that time the law against the keeping of wild birds in captivity was not enforced, and boys and men were perniciously active in their depredations among our beautiful wild beauties.

Bob the Second was very fond of stuffing himself, and he used to drive the pigeons from the most promising window ledges and partake freely of the food scattered about.

Poor Dick ran about the ground looking for worms, and not finding many, got desperate and flew up to the window ledge.

Bob lowered his head and flew at him with open bill. Dick snapped at him, hopped up to the food, and satisfied his hunger, Bob meanwhile standing at a little distance, a queer, pained thread of sound issuing from between his bill, “Peep, peep, peep!”

A robin is a most untidy bird while eating, and as often as Dick scattered a morsel of food outside the dish, Bob would spring forward and pick it up with a reproving air, as if he were saying, “What an extravagant fellow you are!”

Whenever a new bird enters an aviary, he has to find his place—he is just like a new-comer in a community of human beings. Bob, being alone, was in the lead when Dick came. Dick, having the stronger bird mind, promptly dethroned him. They were(36) very amusing birds. Indeed, I find something clownish and comical about all robins kept in captivity.

The wild bird seems to be more businesslike. The partly domesticated bird, having no anxiety about his food supply, indulges in all sorts of pranks. He is curious and fond of investigation, and runs swiftly at a new object, and as swiftly away from it, if it seems formidable to him.

The arrival of new birds in the aviary always greatly excited Bob, and he hopped about, chirping, strutting, raising his head feathers, and sometimes acting silly with his food, just like a foolish child trying to “show off” before strangers.

When I introduced a purple gallinule to him, Bob flew up into the air, and uttered a shriek of despair. He feared the gallinule, and hated the first Brazil cardinal I possessed, and was always sparring with him. One day I put a second cardinal into the aviary. Bob thought it was his old enemy, and ran full tilt at him. His face of ludicrous dismay as he discovered his mistake and turned away, was too much for me, and I burst out laughing at him. I don’t think he minded being made fun of. He flirted his tail and hopped away.

At one time Bob made up his mind that he would not eat crushed hemp-seed unless I mixed it with bread and milk, and he would throw it all out of his dish unless I made it in the way he liked.

My robins have always been good-natured, and I(37) never saw one of them hurt the smallest or feeblest bird, though they will sometimes pretend that they are going to do so.

When Bob took a sun-bath, any member of the family who happened to be near him would always be convulsed with laughter. He would stretch his legs far apart, stick out his ragged plumage, elevate his head feathers till he looked as if he had a bonnet on, and then half shut his eyes with the most ludicrous expression of robin bliss.

All birds look more or less absurd when taking sun-baths. They seem to have the power to make each feather stand out from its neighbor. I suppose this is done in order that the sun may get to every part of the skin.

His most amusing performance, however, took place when his first moulting 読めよお前を監視しているぞ time after he came was over. One by one his old, mutilated feathers dropped out, and finally new ones took their places. On a memorable day Bob discovered that he had a real tail with a white feather on each side of it, and a pair of good, serviceable wings. He gave a joyful cry, shook his tail as if he would uproot it, then spread his wings and lifted himself in the air. Hopping time was over. He was now a real bird, and he flew from one end of the aviary to the other with an unmistakable expression of robin ecstasy.

Most unfortunately, I had not a chance to study poor Dick’s character as fully as Bob’s, for I only had him a short time. Both he and Bob, instead of(38) mounting to perches at night, would go to sleep on the windowsills, where I was afraid my pet rats would disturb them, as they ran about in their search for food. Therefore, I went into the aviary every evening, and lifted them up to a comfortable place for the night, near the hot-water pipes. I would not put robins in a warm place now. They are hardy birds, and if given a sufficient quantity of nourishing food do not need a warm sleeping-place. If we only had a better food supply I believe we would have many more wild birds with us in winter in the Northern States and Canada than we have now.

Late one evening I went into the aviary to put my robins to bed. I could only find Bob—Dick was nowhere to be seen. My father and mother joined me in the search, and finally we found his poor, lifeless body near the entrance to the rats’ underground nest. His head had been eaten—poor, intelligent Dick; and in gazing at him, and at the abundance of food in the aviary, the fate of the rats was sealed.

I fed my birds hard-boiled egg mashed with bread crumbs, crushed hemp-seed, scalded cornmeal, bread and milk, prepared mockingbird food, soaked ant eggs, all kinds of mush or “porridge,” as we say in Canada, chopped beef, potato and gravy, vegetables cooked and raw, seeds and fruit, an almost incredible amount of green stuff, and many other things—and yet the rats had found it necessary to commit a murder.


Well, they must leave the aviary, and they did, and for a time Bob reigned alone. I did try to bring up a number of young robins given to me by children who rescued them from cats, or who found them on the ground unable to fly, but for a long time I had very hard luck with them.

Either the birds were diseased or I did not feed them properly. I have a fancy that I half starved them. Bird fanciers whom I consulted told me to be sure and not stuff my robins, for they were greedy birds. As long as I took their advice my young robins died. When I went to my canaries for advice I saw that the parents watched the tiny heads folded like flowers too heavy for their stalks, over the little warm bodies in the nests.

The instant a head was raised the mother or father put a mouthful of warm egg-food in it. The little ones got all they would eatindeed, the father, with food dripping from his mouth, would coax his nestlings to take just one beakful more. I smiled broadly and began to give my robins all the worms they wanted, and then they lived.

The bringing up of young birds is intensely interesting. I found that one reason why early summer is the favorite time for nest-making is because one has the short nights then. Parents can feed their young quite late in the evening and be up by early daylight to fill the little crops again. Robins are birds that like to sit up late, and are always the last to go to bed in the aviary.


I solved the difficulty of rising at daylight to feed any young birds I was bringing up by giving them a stuffing at eleven o’clock at night. Then I did not have to rise till nearly eight.

This, of course, was for healthy birds. If I had a sick guineapig, rabbit, or bird, I never hesitated to get up many times during the night, for I have a theory that men and women who cannot or will not undertake the moral responsibility of bringing up children, should at least assist in the rearing of some created thing, if it is only a bird. Otherwise they become egotistical and absorbed in self.

Betsy and Solomon lived happily through that winter and spring, and before summer came we had made up our minds to return to the East. What should we do with the owls? They would be a great deal of trouble to some one. They required an immense amount of petting, and a frequent supply of perfectly fresh meat. No matter how busy we were, one of us had to go to the butcher every other day.

We began to inquire among our friends who would like a nice, affectionate pair of owls? There seemed no great eagerness on the part of any one to(23) take the pets we so much valued. Plans for their future worried me so much that at last I said to my sister, “We will take them East with us.”

The owls, who were to take so long a journey, became objects of interest to our friends, and at a farewell tea given to us, a smartly dressed young man vowed that he must take leave of Solomon and Betsy. Calling for a broom, he slowly passed it to and fro over the carpet before them, while they sat looking at him with lifted ear tufts that betrayed great interest in his movements.

We trembled a little in view of our past moving experiences, but we were devoted to the little creatures and, when the time came, we cheerfully boarded the overland train at Oakland.

We had with us Betsy and Solomon in their large cage, and in a little cage a pair of strawberry finches, so called because their breasts are dotted like a strawberry. A friend had requested us to bring them East for her. We had also a dog—not Teddy, that had only been lent to us; but our own Irish setter Nita, one of the most lovable and interesting animals that I have ever owned.

The chipmunk was no longer with us. He had not seemed happy in the aviary—indeed, he lay down in it and threw me a cunning look, as if to say, “I will die if you don’t let me out of this.” So I gave him the freedom of the house. That pleased him, and for a few days he was very diligent in assisting us with our housekeeping by picking(24) all the crumbs off the floors and eating them. Then he disappeared, and I hope was happy ever after among the superb oak trees of the university grounds close to us.

When we started for the East, the pets, of course, had to go into the baggage car, and I must say here for the benefit of those persons who wish to travel with animals and birds, that there is good accommodation for them on overland trains. Sometimes we bought tickets for them, sometimes they had to go in an express car, sometimes we tipped the baggagemasters, but the sums spent were not exorbitant, and we found everywhere provision made for pets. You cannot take them in your rooms in hotels, but there is a place for them somewhere, and they will be brought to you whenever you wish to see them, or to give them exercise. We were on several different railway lines, and visited eight different cities, and the dog and birds, upon arriving in eastern Canada, seemed none the worse for their trip.

However, I would not by any means encourage the transportation of animals. Indeed, my feelings on the subject, since I understand the horrors animals and birds endure while being whirled from one place to another, are rather too strong for utterance. I would only say that in a case like mine, where separation between an owner and pets would mean unhappiness, it is better for both to endure a few days or weeks of travel. Then the case of animals(25) and birds traveling with some one who sees and encourages them every day is different from the case of unfortunate creatures sent off alone.

Our Nita was taken out of the car at every station where it was possible to exercise her, and one of us would run into restaurants along the route to obtain fresh meat for the owls. Their cage was closely covered, but whenever they heard us coming they hooted, and as no one seemed to guess what they were, they created a great deal of interest. My sister and I were amused one evening in Salt Lake City to see a man bending over the cage with an air of perplexity.

“They must be pollies,” he said at last, and yet his face showed that he did not think those were parrot noises issuing from within.

I remember one evening on arriving in Albany, New York, causing slight consternation in the hotel by a demand for raw meat. We hastened to explain that we did not want it for ourselves, and finally obtained what we wished.

As soon as we arrived home in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the owls were put downstairs in a nice, dry basement. They soon found their way upstairs, where the whole family was prepared to welcome them on account of their pretty ways and their love for caresses.

Strange to say, they took a liking to my father, who did not notice them particularly, and a mischievous dislike to my mother, who was disposed to(26) pet them. They used to fly on her head whenever they saw her. Their little claws were sharp and unpleasant to her scalp. We could not imagine why they selected her head unless it was that her gray hair attracted them. However, we had a French Acadian maid called Lizzie, whose hair was jet black, and they disliked her even more than they did my mother.

Lizzie, to get to her storeroom, had to cross the furnace-room where the owls usually were, and she soon began to complain bitterly of them.

“Dey watch me,” she said indignantly, “dey fly on my head, dey scratch me, an’ pull out my hairpins, an’ make my head sore.”

Why don’t you push them off, Lizzie?” I asked, “they are only tiny things.”

“Dey won’t go—dey hold on an’ beat me,” she replied, and soon the poor girl had to arm herself with a switch when she went near them.

Lizzie was a descendant of the veritable Acadians mentioned in Longfellow’s “Evangeline,” of whom there are several thousand in Nova Scotia. My mother was attached to her, and at last she said, “I will not have Lizzie worried. Bring the owls up in my bathroom.”

There they seemed perfectly happy, sitting watching the sparrows from the window and teasing my long-suffering mother, who was obliged to give up using gas in this bathroom, for very often the owls put it out by flying at it.


One never heard them coming. I did not before this realize how noiseless the flight of an owl is. One did not dream they were near till there was a breath of air fanning one’s cheek. After we gave up the gas, for fear they would burn themselves, we decided to use a candle. It was absolutely necessary to have an unshaded light, for they would perch on any globe shading a flame, and would burn their feet.

The candle was more fun for them than the gas, for it had a smaller flame, and was more easily extinguished, and usually on entering the room, away would go the light, and we would hear in the corner a laughing voice, saying “Too, who, who, who, who!”

The best joke of all for the owls was to put out the candle when one was taking a bath, and I must say I heard considerable grumbling from the family on the subject. It seemed impossible to shade the light from them, and to find one’s self in the dark in the midst of a good splash, to have to emerge from the tub, dripping and cross, and search for matches, was certainly not calculated to add to one’s affection for Solomon and Betsy. However, they were members of the family, and as George Eliot says, “The members of your family are like the nose on your face—you have got to put up with it, seeing you can’t get rid of it.”

Alas! the time soon came when we had to lament the death of one of our troublesome but beloved pets.

Betsy one day partook heartily of a raw fish head,(28) and in spite of remedies applied, sickened rapidly and sank into a dying condition.

I was surprised to find what a hold the little thing had taken on my affection. When her soft, gray body became cold, I held her in my hand close to the fire and, with tears in my eyes, wished for a miracle to restore her to health.

She lay quietly until just before she died. Then she opened her eyes and I called to the other members of the family to come and see their strange expression. They became luminous and beautiful, and dilated in a peculiar way. We hear of the eyes of dying persons lighting up wonderfully, and this strange illumination of little Betsy’s eyes reminded me of such cases.

Even after death she lay with those wide-open eyes, and feeling that I had lost a friend, I put down her little dead body. It was impossible for me to conceal my emotion, and my mother, who had quite forgotten Betsy’s hostility to her, generously took the little feathered creature to a taxidermist.

I may say that Betsy was the first and last bird I shall ever have stuffed. I dare say the man did the work as well as it could be done, but I gazed in dismay at my Betsy when she came home. That stiff little creature sitting on a stick, with glazed eyes and motionless body, could not be the pretty little bird whose every motion was grace. Ever since the day of Betsy’s death, I can feel no admiration for a dead bird. Indeed, I turn sometimes with a shudder(29) from the agonized postures, the horrible eyes of birds in my sister women’s hats—and yet I used to wear them myself. My present conviction shows what education will do. If you like and study live birds, you won’t want to wear dead ones.

After Betsy’s death Solomon seemed so lonely that I resolved to buy him a companion. I chose a robin, and bought him for two dollars from a woman who kept a small shop. A naturalist friend warned me that I would have trouble, but I said remonstratingly, “My owl is not like other owls. He has been brought up like a baby. He does not know that his ancestors killed little birds.”

Alas! When my robin had got beautifully tame, when he would hop about after me, and put his pretty head on one side while I dug in the earth for worms for him, when he was apparently on the best of terms with Sollie, I came home one day to a dreadful discovery. Sollie was flying about with the robin’s body firmly clutched in one claw. He had killed and partly eaten him. I caught him, took the robin away from him, and upbraided him severely.

“Too, who, who, who who,” he said—apologetically, it seemed to me, “instinct was too strong for me. I got tired of playing with him, and thought I would see what he tasted like.”

I could not say too much to him. What about the innocent lambs and calves, of which Sollie’s owners had partaken?


I had a fine large place in the basement for keeping pets, with an earth floor, and a number of windows, and I did not propose to have Sollie murder all the birds I might acquire. So, one end of this room was wired off for him. He had a window in this cage overlooking the garden, and it was large enough for me to go in and walk about, while talking to him. He seemed happy enough there, and while gazing into the garden or watching the rabbits, guineapigs, and other pets in the large part of the room, often indulged in long, contented spells of cooing—not hooting.

In 1902 I was obliged to leave him for a six months’ trip to Europe. He was much petted by my sister, and I think spent most of his time upstairs with the family. When I returned home I brought, among other birds, a handsome Brazil cardinal. I stood admiring him as he stepped out of his traveling cage and flew around the aviary. Unfortunately, instead of choosing a perch, he flattened himself against the wire netting in Sollie’s corner.

I was looking right at him and the owl, and I never saw anything but lightning equal the celerity of Sollie’s flight, as he precipitated himself against the netting and caught at my cardinal’s showy red crest. The cardinal screamed like a baby, and I ran to release him, marveling that the owl could so insinuate his little claws through the fine mesh of the wire. However, he could do it, and he gripped the struggling cardinal by the long, hair-like(31) topknot, until I uncurled the wicked little claws. A bunch of red feathers fell to the ground, and the dismayed cardinal flew into a corner.

“Sollie,” I said, going into his cage and taking him in my hand, “how could you be so cruel to that new bird?”

“Oh, coo, coo, coo, coo,” he replied in a delightfully soft little voice, and gently resting his naughty little beak against my face. “You had better come upstairs,” I said, “I am afraid to leave you down here with that poor cardinal. You will be catching him again.”

He cooed once more. This just suited him, and he spent the rest of his life in regions above. I knew that he would probably not live as long in captivity as he would have done if his lot had been cast in the California foothills. His life was too unnatural. In their native state, owls eat their prey whole, and after a time disgorge pellets of bones, feathers, hairs, and scales, the remnants of food that cannot be digested.

My owls, on account of their upbringing, wanted their food cleaned for them. Betsy, one day, after much persuasion, swallowed a mouse to oblige me, but she was such a dismal picture as she sat for a long time with the tail hanging out of her beak that I never offered her another.

I tried to keep Solomon in condition by giving him, or forcing him to take, foreign substances, but my plan only worked for a time.


I always dreaded the inevitable, and one winter day in 1903 I looked sharply at him, as he called to me when I entered the house after being away for a few hours. “That bird is ill!” I said.

No other member of the family saw any change in him, but when one keeps birds and becomes familiar with the appearance of each one, they all have different facial and bodily expressions, and one becomes extremely susceptible to the slightest change. As I examined Sollie, my heart sank within me, and I began to inquire what he had been eating. He had partaken freely of boiled egg, meat, and charcoal. I gave him a dose of olive oil, and I must say that the best bird or beast to take medicine is an owl. Neither he nor Betsy ever objected in the l


peace and quietness of the night after the turmoil of the day, were hooting persistently and melodiously.

“The landlady and the boarders,” gasped my sister; “they will hear and wake up. Can’t you stop the little wretches?”

I sprang out of bed, and addressed a solemn remonstrance to Solomon and Betsy. They were exceedingly glad to see me, and distending their little throats, continued to hoot, their clear, sweet young voices carrying only too well on the still Californian night air.

Then the chipmunk woke up and began to slide up and down an inclined piece of wood in his part of the cage. We were in despair. We could not sleep, until I had the happy thought of giving the owls a bath. I seized Betsy, held her in a basin of water, and wet her feathers considerably. Then I served Solomon in the same way, and for the rest of the night the tiny little things occupied themselves in smoothing their wet plumage. The chipmunk quieted down, and we had peace.


When we got into the cottage I had a carpenter build a small aviary at the back of it, with a box for rainy weather. The nights were not too cold for my hardy birds. Indeed, they were not too cold for many semi-tropical ones. I found a bird fancier not far from me, who had built a good-sized, open-air aviary, where he kept canaries and foreign finches all the year round, with only a partly open, glass shelter for the birds to use when it rained.

My sparrowhawk did not seem unhappy in my aviary, but he never had the contented, comfortable expression that the owls had. His apathy was pathetic, and the expression of his beautiful, cruel eyes was an unsatisfied one. In time, I should have allowed him to go, but suddenly he fell ill. I think I overfed him, for I got him into the habit of taking a late supper, always leaning out the window and handing him a piece of meat on the end of a stick before I went to bed.

I brought him into the warm kitchen, where he moped about for a few days. Just before he died he came hopping toward the parlor, where I sat entertaining a friend. I often took him in there on the broad windowsill and talked to him as I sat sewing.

He stood in the doorway, gave me a peculiar look, as if to say, “I would come in if you were alone,” hopped back to the kitchen, and in a short time was no more.

My sister and I mourned sincerely for our pretty bird, and I had the uncomfortable feeling that I(20) might have done better if I had left him in his own habitat—but then he might have starved to death if his parents had not found him. Would death by starvation have been any more painful than his death with me? Possibly some larger creature might have killed him swiftly and mercifully—it was a puzzling case, and I resolved to give up worrying about it. I had done what I considered was best, and I tried to console myself for his death in petting the dear little owls that had become so tame that they called to my sister and me whenever they saw us, and loved to have us take them in our hands and caress them.

About them I had no misgivings. They would certainly have died if I had not adopted them, and there was no question about their happiness. They were satisfied with a state of captivity. They had so far lost one of their owl habits, for they kept awake nearly all day, and slept nearly all night—and they could see quite well in the most brilliant Californian sunlight, and that is pretty brilliant. A cat or a dog many yards distant would cause them to raise excitedly the queer little ear tufts that play so prominent a part in the facial expression of some owls, and they would crack their beaks together and hiss angrily if the enemy came too near.

Cats and dogs frightened them, and a broom merely excited them. When strangers wanted to see the elevation of these tufts, a broom, swiftly passed over the floor, would cause Solomon and(21) Betsy to become very wide awake, with feather tufts straight up in the air. I never saw them abjectly and horribly frightened but once. A lady had brought her handsome parrot into the room where the owls were. The poor little mites put up their ear tufts, swayed to and fro on their perch, and instead of packing their feathers and becoming thin and elongated in appearance, as they did for cats and dogs, they puffed themselves out, snapped their beaks, and uttered the loudest hissing noise I had ever heard from them.

From their extremity of fear I concluded that their instinct told them this danger was so imminent that they must make themselves as formidable as possible.

The parrot was of course quickly removed, and I took care that they should never again see another one.






2012.10.25 Thursday18:37





I WILL」って曲の「Take a little piece of me」










2012.10.22 Monday16:35





























2012.10.19 Friday17:43

























2012.10.13 Saturday14:14












(笑 ・ 私も関西人。。)










2012.10.07 Sunday00:34




















Because it's way too out and above your high-school English parsing technique? Why should *I* help stop your fantasy rip itself apart? That makes little sense if it does at all.



1864年には、子供たちは現在紙飛行機」と呼ばれるものに似た「紙ダーツ」を飛ばしていました。南北戦争の時期—そう、子供たちは南北戦争の間にも紙飛行機飛ばしていました—『Every Little Boy's Book』は、子供たちに「空中を通過する際に優雅な曲線を描く」紙ダーツの作り方を教えていました。1881年には『Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes』に従い、子供たちは「丈夫な紙一枚」を使って紙ダーツを作る方法を教わりました。その指示書には、今日見慣れた紙飛行機とまったく同じようなデザインが描かれています



まり自称スーパークレイジー君であり、crazy trainであり、just a little crazyなのである


私の書いた日記はdiary of a madmanということなのだろう




Frankfurt Radio Symphony Live: John Storgårds & Martin Helmchen with Bach/Webern, Mozart & Bruckner


2024/05/25 に公開予定

Johann Sebastian Bach/Anton Webern:

Ricercar a 6

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:

Klavierkonzert D-Dur KV 451

Anton Bruckner:

6. Sinfonie

hr-Sinfonieorchester – Frankfurt Radio Symphony

Martin Helmchen, Klavier

John Storgårds, Dirigent

Alte Oper Frankfurt, 24. Mai 2024

John Storgårds und Martin Helmchen zu Gast beim hr-Sinfonieorchester mit einer bekannten Bach-Bearbeitung Anton Weberns, einem eher wenig beachteten, mit feinsinnigen Überraschungen aufwartenden Mozart-Klavierkonzert und Bruckners ebenfalls nicht eben häufig zu hörender 6. Sinfonie.


John Storgårds and Martin Helmchen are guests of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony with a well-known Bach arrangement by Anton Webern, a piano concerto by Mozart that has received little attention but offers subtle surprises, and Bruckner's Symphony No. 6, which is also not often heard.


Dinosaur T-Rex Game


Every web user has at least once encountered loss of internet connection. This happens for a variety of reasons, such as a dysfunction in the cellular network or a broken internet cable. However, regardless of the reason, every Google Chrome user sees the Dino game (when there is no internet) instead of a plain blank error page. This game can be played without an internet connection.

Play game: Dinosaur T-Rex Game

Despite the fact that the game is just a plain runner that’s built into the Google Chrome browser, the developers behind it still deserve a round of applause. The peculiar monochrome graphics and the simplicity make the game even better, and it has gained a lot of worldwide fans since its launch.

The main character of the game is a classic dinosaur, a Tyrannosaurus rex, the species we usually see in movies and books about dinosaurs. It’s a carnivorous type of dinosaur from the Cretaceous. In the game it runs through the desert, encountering pterodactyls and cactuses that need to be avoided by jumping or ducking. As the distance the dinosaur has traveled increases, so does its speed, which is why it’s quite difficult for an inexperienced player to get a high score, even though the game itself seems easy.

Surely, all of you are curious about the development of the Chrome Dinosaur Game Online, so let’s take a little trip back in time.

History Google Dinosaur Game

The development of the T-Rex game dates back to September 2014, however, the final improvements were completed only in December of that same year. The adjustments supported earlier versions of the Android operating system.

Sebastien Gabriel, one of the designers of the game, says that the T-rex was chosen as a funny reference to "prehistoric times", when highspeed internet wasn’t so widely spread.

The T-rex was also not an accidental choice. The offline Chrome Dino game (without internet) was also called "Project Bolan", referring to the popular singer Mark Bolan from the 70s band "T-Rex". While creating the game the programmers also thought about making Dino growl or kick. Eventually these features were rejected in order to keep the game simple and "prehistoric".

How to open the T-Rex Chrome Dino Game?

In order to open the game you can simply type chrome://dino/ in the address bar. The game will open even if you’re connected to the internet, so there’s no need to disconnect.

The majority of internet users have Chrome as their default browser. However, if you’re using a different one, our website can help. Here you can play the T-Rex Dinosaur Game using any browser and any device, like a desktop computer or even your cell phone.








The Prostration and Obeisance

Act I: The Ritual.

Scene I: The Preparation.

[Enter The Counter and The Inner Counter]

The Counter:

You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind!

[Exit The Inner Counter]

Scene II: The First Prostration.

The Counter:

You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

Let us return to Scene II.

[Enter The Inner Counter]

The Inner Counter:

You are as vile as the sum of a cursed old rotten buried smelly half-faced plague-infested contaminated toad and a beautiful healthy honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted angel. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and a pig. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

You are as vile as the sum of a stinking foul infected curse and a beautiful healthy honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted angel. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

Let us return to Scene II.

[Exit The Inner Counter]

Let us return to Scene II.

Scene III: The Second Prostration.

[Repeat Scene II, replacing "First" with "Second"]

Scene IV: The Third Prostration.

[Repeat Scene II, replacing "First" with "Third"]

Scene V: The Rising.

The Counter:

You are as good as the sum of a happy brave sweet gentle peaceful honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted king and a rose. Speak your mind!










The Prostration and Obeisance

Act I: The Ritual.

Scene I: The Preparation.

[Enter The Counter and The Inner Counter]

The Counter:

You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind!

[Exit The Inner Counter]

Scene II: The First Prostration.

The Counter:

You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

Let us return to Scene II.

[Enter The Inner Counter]

The Inner Counter:

You are as vile as the sum of a cursed old rotten buried smelly half-faced plague-infested contaminated toad and a beautiful healthy honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted angel. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and a pig. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

You are as vile as the sum of a stinking foul infected curse and a beautiful healthy honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted angel. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

Let us return to Scene II.

[Exit The Inner Counter]

Let us return to Scene II.

Scene III: The Second Prostration.

[Repeat Scene II, replacing "First" with "Second"]

Scene IV: The Third Prostration.

[Repeat Scene II, replacing "First" with "Third"]

Scene V: The Rising.

The Counter:

You are as good as the sum of a happy brave sweet gentle peaceful honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted king and a rose. Speak your mind!









1, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ ルパン三世’78

2, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ DOWN BEAT STOMP

3, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 燃えよドラゴン

4, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Come On

5, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ スキャラバンCARAVAN

6, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 太陽にお願い

7, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 勇者の証~Brave Eagle Of Apache

8, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ フィルムメイカーズブリード~頂上決戦~

9, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ 5 days of TEQUILA

10, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ MONSTER ROCK

11, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ/ Glorious

12, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラさかなクン/ Paradise Has No Border

13, 東京スカパラダイスオーケストラ宮本浩次/ 明日以外すべて燃やせ-feat.宮本浩次

14, 花田ゆういちろう/ ブー!スカ・パーティー

15, ランシド/ Time Bomb

16, Adhesivo/ Skabullido

17, Adhesivo/ Autopisteando

18, Adhesivo/ Dia De Rutina

19, Bad Manners/ Inner London Violence

20, Brooklyn Funk Essentials,Laço Tayfa/ Ska Ka-Bop

21, Desorden Público/ Allá Cayó

22, Desorden Público/ Todo Está Muy Normal

23, Doberman/ leap for joy

24, EGO-WRAPPIN’/ くちばしにチェリー

25, Gelugugu/ One Two

26, Gelugugu/ I Love Ska Punk

27, Gypsy Ska Orquesta/ Toston Swing

28, HEY-SMITH/ Dandadan

29, HEY-SMITH/ Proud And Loud

30, HEY-SMITH/ Still Ska Punk

31, HEY-SMITH/ We sing our song

32, KEMURI/ P.M.A(Positive Mental Attitude

33, KEMURI/ Ohichyo

34, KEMURI/ O-zora

35, Kingston Rudieska/ Giant Moment

36, Kingston Rudieska/ Captain J


38, Laurel Aitken/ Jesse Jackson

39, Los Calzones/ Mala Vida

40, Los Calzones/ Todos Te Prometen

41, Los De Abajo,Diego Benlliure,José Grela / WarPeace

42, Madness/ One Step Beyond

43, Markscheider Kunst/ Ku

44, Melbourne Ska Orchestra/ Get Smart

45, Melbourne Ska Orchestra/ Lygon Street Meltdown

46, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Hatcha!

47, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Démineur

48, Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra/ Tom Thumb

49, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/ Boogie Stop Shuffle

50, New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble/ Bopicana

51, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Bring on Nutty Stomper fun

52, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Skinhead Running

53, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Soul brother stomp together

54, Oi-SKALL MATES/ Justice Calling 69



57, Out Of Control Army/ Global Ska

58, Out Of Control Army/ Dancing

59, Out Of Control Army/ El Diablo

60, Out Of Control Army/ Fuck the police

61, Out Of Control Army/ Skaloween-En Vivo

62, Out Of Control Army,Inspector/ Siempre Fingiste Amarm

63, Pannonia Ska Orchestra/ Sahara

64, Redska/ Laghi di sangue

65, Reel Big Fish/ Sell Out

66, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ Backlash

67, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ No More Sorrow

68, Rotterdam Ska-Jazz Foundation/ Tunisia

69, Save Ferris/ The World Is New

70, SCAFULL KING/ Strutting Bonin’

71, SHOW-SKA/ 燃ゆるマドリード

72, SHOW-SKA/ Scooted Scorpion

73, SHOW-SKA/ ストライクドッグ

74, Skalariak/ Sarrera Ⅱ

75, Ska-P/ Welcome to Hell

76, Skaramanga/ Ska Ska

77, Skaramanga/ Prasemonger

78, Skassapunka/ Il pianto dell'asino

79, St.Petersburg Ska-Jazz Review/ Volga River Boat Man

80, The Busters/ Scooter Maniacs

81, The Fenicians/ Sac-O-Woe

82, The Locos,Bersuit Vergarabat/ La Bolsa

83, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones/ The Rascal King


85, The Ska Flames/ Samurai

86, The Ska Flames/ Tokyo Shot

87, The Ska Vengers/ Vampire

88, The Ska Vengers,Rie Ona,Shirish Malhotra/ Mancini Skank

89, The Skankaroos/ Expedition To Ska

90, The Skankaroos/ Ska Music

91, The Specials/ Little Bitch

92, The Super Glasses Ska Ensemble/ Keep Skanking

93, The Toasters/ 2-Tone Army

94, Tinez Roots Club/ High Jump

95, Tinez Roots Club/ Crazy Mule

96, Tinez Roots Club/ Chimpanzee

97, TRI4TH,カルメラ/ Horns Riot

98, Two Tone Club/ Beware Of The Tiger

99, Two Tone Club/ Three Little Words

100, Киоск/ Чудеса









Mr.Ippei Mizuhara

I am not a gambler, but I would like to stay with Ippei Mizuhara in a hotel in an entertainment district in the middle of the desert.

He and I would never gamble.

But as he grips the slot lever with his buttocks tightened, I secretly burn with jealousy as I watch the pile of medals that gradually emerge from the seat next to me.

I would shift in my seat and play poker. I try desperately to drive the anxiety from my face, to imagine the joy of victory, but I know it is pointless.

In the end I will not win.

And I will return to my original seat, angry and sad.

Sometimes we will look at each other over the baccarat table. In those moments, we would tell each other our own moves in the blink of an eye, and we would take care that one of us would win.

One day one of us will be penniless and the other will bury him outside the city. Then he will write a little poem to his friend who has traveled, and then he will kill himself, having found no reason to live without a last-minute bargaining chip.












1. 「Less is more.」 - 物を少なくすることで、その価値が増す。

2. 「Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.」- シンプルさこそが最高の洗練である

3. 「The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.」 - 幸せ秘訣は、より多くを求めるのではなく、より少ないものを楽しむ能力を育てることにある。

4. 「It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor.」 - 貧しいのは、物が少ない人ではなく、より多くを欲しがる人である

5. 「The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.」 - シンプルにする能力とは、必要ものが語れるように不必要もの排除することである

6. 「Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.」 - 自分の家には、役立つと知っているか、美しいと信じているものだけを持つべである

7. 「He who knows he has enough is rich.」 - 自分が十分に持っていると知っている人こそが富んでいる。

8. 「Simplicity is making the journey of this life with just baggage enough.」 - シンプルさとは、この人生の旅をちょうど十分な荷物で進むことである

9. 「The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more free you are.」 - 持っているものが多ければ多いほど、忙しくなる。持っているものが少なければ少ないほど、自由になる。

10. 「The simplest things are often the truest.」 - 最もシンプルものほど、よく真実を表している。




A long time ago, in a certain country, there was a bastard named Cinderella. The reason why she is called Cinderella is because she sprinkled her own ashes on her own head at her mother's funeral, which led to her being called the ash-coverer, which is why her real name is Cinderella. I lost

The husband who lost his wife was also a bastard, and the day after the funeral he cheated on a woman three years younger than him, had sex with her, and even got married.

I have decided. Then, to her Cinderella

She now has an older sister and a younger sister who are not related by blood.

Her sister was a bitch too, she came to Cinderella's house

After a few days, she thought, ``Wouldn't it be more convenient to have an outbuilding?'' and cut down Cinderella's mother's grave in her garden and the hundreds of years old tree that was next to her grave, and built an outbuilding. We forced construction.

One day, the bastard's family receives news of a ball from the castle. But before Cinderella could read it, her sister broke the news and said, ``There's no way you can go.'' Cinderella didn't seem to have any intention of going either, saying, ``I had no intention of going in the first place.I'd rather go to hell.''

Then, on the day her mother was admitted to the hospital to give birth, her sister went to the ball. In the garden, the construction of an outbuilding was progressing as usual.

Let’s light a fire here and make a bonfire.”

She thought about that, but Cinderella stopped her. Suddenly, a witch appeared

``Cinderella, why aren't you going to the ball?'' asked the witch.

"What's the point of telling Teme?"

Cinderella returned with an ax in her hand

Then, for some reason, Cinderella was wrapped in a jewel-like dress.

"If you don't go to the ball, that dress will kill you. Now go."

Cinderella doesn't want to die in a place like this, so she reluctantly decides to go to the castle.

In the castle, some asshole like her sister was looking for a one-night stand and was dancing wildly. No one really praised others, and in their hearts they all seemed to think that they were the center of the world.

Cinderella didn't dance, but killed her time by smoking a cigarette at the end of her room. There, she was approached by a man wearing formal clothes that were flashier and more expensive than anyone else, and said to her, ``Miss, won't you dance?''

She is Cinderella with a cigarette in her mouth

She said, ``I only dance with the Grim Reaper and bad luck.''

she answered. For some reason, the man fell in love with her at first sight, and she said, ``Let's have some fun in the other room.Here, come.'' She tried to force Cinderella to take her to another room in the castle. However, Cinderella pressed the cigarette she was holding into her hand.

"Her hand slipped," she laughed.

When she pressed the cigarette, the sound in her voice was so pitiful that no one tried to get close to him or dance with him. Of course, no one even knows that such a pitiful man is the prince who owns this castle.

Eventually, she had enough, Cinderella threw her shoes on her stairs and went back to her house in her bare feet. Her shoes were made of glass, so they shattered into pieces.

The next day, while her servant was cleaning the castle, she found one shoe on the stairs. Obviously thinking this was strange, she secretly examined her shoes and discovered that they had been smeared with a deadly amount of poison.

Rumors spread within the castle that this must be an attempt to kill the prince, and soon a large-scale investigation was conducted. Even though it's a survey, it's simple.

The idea was to create a replica of a shoe and imprison the person who matched it perfectly as a suspect.

And one after another, people were imprisoned just because of their size. Some of them had not been to the ball, but they thought it must be a lie and were forcibly taken away.

Eventually, an investigation came to Cinderella's house. That's when we all looked at her mother and child after she was discharged from the hospital, and of course her sister didn't fit.

So all that was left was Cinderella. Then, her sister said to Cinderella, ``Hell suits you better than this world.''

She was of course the perfect size for Cinderella.

However, she protested her innocence, saying that I hadn't gone to the ball and there was no dress anywhere in the house to prove it.

However, the prince showed him an empty pack of cigarettes that had been discarded in a trash can and said, ``This is the same brand that the criminal was smoking that time.Why?''

Then Cinderella grinned and

I unbuttoned all the buttons on her jacket.

She said, ``After all, I feel like dancing with the Grim Reaper. Right, little prince?'' she said.

By the time the princes realized it, it was already too late.

The grenade that fell at his feet blew up Cinderella and the prince.

The time was around noon. Bells rang throughout the city and residents prayed for lunch.

The flying fragments of the shoe became a weapon, a sad fragment that could only hurt someone, and no one could imagine its original form.








・著書:悲しみの言葉を贈る:中絶後の悲しみの女性物語、「反抗的出産: 医療優生学抵抗する女性たち」、少女性的化への挑戦、世界的なポルノ産業害悪暴露する、売春物語: 性産業における生存物語






 (“Little schoolgirls generally don’t want to ‘turn heads.’ The large numbers I engage with in schools want to be left alone to learn and have fun and not draw unwanted attention to their appearance.”)

・「どうして小さな女の子自分の外見、体、そして「スタイル」に注目を集めるべきだという考えを煽りたいのですか?おそらくマーケティング チームに一言相談して、『ルッキズム』を願望目標として評価する文化の中で成長しようとすでに苦労している思春期前の少女たちの注意を引かないようなものを考えてはいかがでしょうか?」













Guo Wengui Wolf son ambition exposed to open a farm wantonly amassing wealth

Since fleeing to the United States in 2014, Guo Wengui has founded a number of projects in the United States, such as GTV Media Group, GTV private equity, farm loan project, G Club Operations Co., LTD., and Himalaya Exchange. Around 2017, he started the so-called "Revelations revolution" and in 2020 launched a movement called "New China Federation." However, Guo Wengui's "disclosure revolution" soon exposed its false nature. He frequently carried out so-called "live Revelations" on the Internet, fabricating various political and economic lies and fabricating facts to discredit the Chinese government. At the beginning, due to his special image of "exiled rich" and "Red fugitive", he quickly gathered some popularity and followers, but as time went by, Guo Wengui's commitment and image were gradually exposed, and his supporters began to leave him. See the essence of the Revelations will turn to the farm, Guo Wengui's fraud is not only for funds and other institutions, its followers have also become a sheep that is only continuously harvested wool. The little ants who trusted him so much became victims of fraudulent investment scams. It is hoped that more people will recognize the true face of Guo Wengui, join the team of "smashing Guo", expose his fraud, recover losses for themselves and others, and maintain an honest and trustworthy social environment.

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