はてなキーワード: All ABOUTとは
Simple question - if the roles were reversed, would Brittany Alkonis be championing the person who killed her familiy members getting the same favoritism her husband has received?
Brittany Alkonis would never have conducted a shakedown that would make the Yakuza proud.
That's what this "aggrieved family" did. This was all about the benjamins for them. Don't be fooled by crocodile tears.
《the ~》苦しめられる人、被害者◆【反】aggriever
・He was crying crocodile tears at his wife's funeral. He killed her because he wanted the insurance. : 彼は、妻の葬式で見せかけの涙を流していた。彼は、保険金目当てで彼女を殺したのだ。
putting others down is what people who cant bring themselves up do
他人をこき下ろすのは自分を高めることができない人がやることだ (bring someone up = uplift oneself = improve one's situation)
He improved the design of the car.
自動詞の場合は、on 以下のものを元にして(元にして、が on の意味です)
この場合、the design(その設計)を元にして、よりよい「設計」を作った、ということなのです。
Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, 「絶望の谷で苦しみにふけるのはやめましょう」
let us not ~ は let’s not ~ と同じ
wallow は「転げまわる、もがく」という意味ですが、ここでは「(快楽などに)ふける、浸る」という意味で使われています。
例:wallow in luxury「ぜいたくにふける」、wallow in one’s sadness「悲しみにふける」
Matt has stepped away from public life マットはもう人前に出ることを止めたんだから
Let us hold not too fast to his name 彼の名前にあまりしがみつかないようにしよう
immersion only losers couldn't tell you the difference between と思う and と思っている to save their lives
・I can't wake up to save my life. : どうしても起きられない。
i am at the bottom of the mountain 先はまだまだ長い (= i've got a long way to go)
im very active w keeping my pronouns available 私は積極的に自分の性別の代名詞を公開してる (consistently and proactively making known or sharing their preferred pronouns)
bc ik it can feel awkward to ask sometimes だってわざわざ尋ねるのは気まずいじゃん
You don't wanna get on my bad side.... 俺の機嫌を損ねないほうがいいぜ・・・
Go finger your prostate to chill out or smth 前立腺でも弄って落ち着けよ
Look I'm on a stim crash and on edge dw bout it 精神刺激薬の離脱症状が出ててしかも寸止め中だから大丈夫
be on a stimulant crash = ADHDやアデロールなどの薬の離脱症状 (= I'm having withdrawals from drugs.)
・Your father will be back on his feet in no time. : あなたのお父様はすぐに回復されますよ。
《be ~》〔状況などが〕良くなる、立ち直る
・That's a lot [bunch] of hooey, and you know it! : 実にばかげた話です。自分でも分かってるだろ。(=ホラ話= bullshit)
it's awkward but it gets the point across
(自分の書く文章は)ぎこちないけど意味は通じる (awkward = clunky = clumsy = scuffed)
why do you think it's awkward?
because I haven't output enough to think of a natural way to output my ideas. Instead I force out something that gets the idea across even if it turns out awkward
because 99% of my Japanese practice is from writing assignments for class (haven't hung out with many Japanese people), so even if I try to speak casually, formal stuff appears
this server is a lot more hateful than I remember it being
I can understand being insecure over one's language skills but I think you should own that you're insecure instead of trying to act like you're above others
Address what's causing you to feel insecure and work on that
own 〔罪などを〕自分がやったと認める
Speaking as someone who has never interacted with you before and didn't even recognise you, you came off as a massive dickhead in the way you talked, and that's gonna rub people the wrong way. Especially if there's annoyance built before that. But at the end of the day man, it doesn't matter much
I mean you just rubbed some people the wrong way but they didn't express that and decided to unload it all on you at the same time x10 when they saw the opportunity
it was really irresponsible and wrong of me
yeah I know that was fucked up of me
it's basically just a way of saying "you did something bad."
I think most of it was just pent up aggression towards him over the weeks that everyone found an opportunity to unload at that moment
Idk why you're making it seem like i had a fit over him
腹を立てる、カッとなる、カンカンに怒る、ひどく興奮する、非常に興奮する、だだをこねる、ショックを受ける、発作を起こす、卒倒する、おたおたする◆【同】throw a fit
・I was having [throwing] a huge fit. : 私は無性に腹を立てていた。
You just jumped on the Jack hate train for no reason
I don't understand the audacity to come here every single day while you disrespect me to your friends
and you also hop on the gender thing
i use she
but yeah
they had that effect on me and I took that as a way out of responsibility
she didn't even think to give me the benefit of the doubt or anything and just straight up pilied on to me when i had no way to defend myself of the misinfo against me
pile on to someone: (of a group of people) to attack or criticize someone
・He was prattling on for hours about boring subjects. : 彼は退屈な話題について、何時間もしゃべり続けた。
And oh yea you can go on a tirade in that server talking about how i need mental health help, suck at jp, and feel threatened by the very presence of John
i played it when it came out and had the worst experience of my life
if you pick a μ's character you're in for the worst character interactions you have ever seen
in for 《be ~》〔困難などに〕直面しそうだ、〔事態などを〕きっと経験するだろう
this pc has served me well for 8+ years
im pushing 5 years on my lenovo legion
i built that pc with my dad and god damnit do I love it
Pray the gay away = 神に祈りを捧げてゲイからノンケにしてもらうこと
I wouldn't recommend going off blood thinners cold turkey and my heart rates really fucking high right now, 1:30 3145, and I'm nervous about this.
go cold turkey 〔悪習・薬物などを〕急に[きっぱり]やめる[断ち切る]
go off a drug 薬を(飲むのを)やめる
there's no way these like agencies are gonna be looking at all this money you're raking in on Onlyfans being like "what do you mean we don't get any of it?"
rake in 荒稼ぎする
whether or not the bit that it's famous for will soon wear off a novelty however is difficult to determine
bit = 要素 = element
my boss has been grilling me for slacking
grilling 厳しい尋問◆可算
she flaked on our plans for Christmas together and invited him to hang out with her during the end of the year
there were a lot of things that i couldn't fit in here but i've only ever wrote things that i've had clear evidence of
i don't think i've clarified quite enough but this being something that i've kept in my heart for so long i'm so glad i'm able to talk to you all about it now
steer clear of
・You should steer clear of that restaurant or you may get food poisoning. : そのレストランはやめた方がいい、さもないと食中毒になるかもよ。
Shiina having a laughing fit really brightens up my day. Thank you Okayun~
「面白い」ということを表すのに使われる「ツボる」という表現。 英語で表すと、一番意味が近いのはおそらく”have a laughing fit”でしょう。
Does 買いものにでも行っているのかもしれません mean “Maybe she even went shopping” ? What does でも contribute here
Does demo add the “or something” to the sentencr
seemやappear, feel, look, soundなどにthatを付ける場合、主語はitでなければならない
✗He seems that ...
Feel, look, and sound are very occasionally found with a content clause too: It looks to me that a vendetta has struck up. Content clauses differ from as if phrases in that they are restricted to the impersonal construction: compare Ed seemed as if /∗that he was trying to hide his true identity. (Camgel p.962)
直説法(knows):He looks as if he knows the answer. (he knows the answer)
仮定法(knew):He looks as if he knew the answer. (he gives the impression that he knows the answer, but he (probably) doesn't know or we don't know whether he knows or not)
主節が現在形の場合は区別がつくが、主節を過去時制にすると、直接法では時制の一致によってknows→knewと一つ過去に移るのに対して、仮定法は時制の一致を受けないのでknewのまま変わらない。その結果、どちらも同じ時制になってしまう。そのため、仮定法か直接法かは文脈判断。(仮定法の時制を過去にずらす(knew→had known)と、大過去として見なされ、主節より一つ前の出来事を表すことになる)
He looked as if he knew the answer.
直説法:He seems as if he hasn't slept for days. (he hasn't slept for days)
仮定法:He seems as if he hadn't slept for days. (it seems that he hasn't slept for days, but he (probably) has or we don't know whether he has or not)
He seemed as if he hadn't slept for days.
He doesn't do listening immersion he only knows English from reading and it shows.
But there's a few quirks that tip me off でもノンネイティブだとわかってしまうような癖がたまに出てくる
(1) 電気自動車(EV)とは?メリット・デメリットもあわせて解説し .... https://enechange.jp/articles/electric-vehicle-merit-demerit
(2) 電気自動車(EV)のメリットとは?購入前に知っておきたいこと .... https://evdays.tepco.co.jp/entry/2021/03/22/000001
(3) 電気自動車のメリット・デメリット [電気自動車・EV] All About. https://allabout.co.jp/gm/gc/420215/
(4) 電気自動車(EV)のメリットとデメリット。普及しない理由は .... https://www.zurich.co.jp/car/useful/guide/cc-evcar-merit-demerit/
reading isn't in anymore = reading isn't popular anymore
I want Kamina to tell me to believe in the him that believes in me
→the himなのがミソ
Don't believe in yourself. Believe in ME! Believe in the Kamina who believes in you!
He is digging himself into his little hole pretty well all by himself.
There's no driving incentive to push far ahead when already standing in front of the pack, and it's already too late if you start slipping behind.
結果を表す only to do が for someone to do の形で表される場合がある
Like I finally think I understood, do a word correctly, mark the correct accent for the professor to pronounce it in some way I've never heard of and mark it incorrect
ChatGPTの解釈: The speaker feels they finally grasp the concept, correctly pronounce a word with the appropriate accent, only to have the professor pronounce it differently in a way they've never heard before. As a result, the professor marks the pronunciation as incorrect
bright 輝かしい 頭の良い
「彼は聡明な生徒だ」と言おうとして He's a blight student. なんて言ったら大変なことになる
level it up into/to something レベルアップさせて~にする
i ended up leveling it up into a Gardevior.
I'm leveling it up into a sports car
can't be bothered と don't bother の違い
2. 現在形の do not bother は習慣的なことのみ使える
I don't bother cooking (to cook) because it's easier to eat out
3. 個別の一時的な状況においては、can't be bothered を使う
I haven't eaten anything all day and I'm starving. I can't be bothered to cook. I'm going to grab some takeout.
ただし can't be bothered は習慣的なことにも使えるっぽい
roll off the tongue
表現パターンtrip [roll, slip] off the tongue
she/he loves to get on everyone's good side
I always had this image in my mind that .... = ~というイメージがずっと頭の中にあった
I always had this image in my mind that 25 was the year I'd get my shit together
that method doesn't involve actually producing anything of your own.
=You won't actually produce anything of your own with that method.
Is there a chance that there will be more earthquakes? Or are we in the clear so far?
after quakes can happen several days after
so nobody knows for sure
in the clear
・We can get out of here now that we're in the clear. : われわれは容疑が晴れたのだから、ここから出られる。
The waves seem to arrive any time now
The waves seem to be coming at any moment
leveled by the earthquake 《be ~》〔建物が〕地震で倒壊する
7.6 is no joke, Turkey had their cities leveled at like 7.4
houses have been leveled, roads destroyed and there's a massive fire.
It’s gonna be hard to sleep through this
skew 歪める・歪曲する
askew 歪んだ Jaw becoming gradually askew 顎が徐々に歪む
skewer 串に刺す、串刺しにするように激しく攻撃する
eschew 避ける・控える
Going on A date - お互いを知るためにする単発のデート。それ以降会わないこともありうる。
Dating - デートを何度か繰り返している状態。ただし恋人関係というわけではなくまだカジュアルな関係。(中にはdating = be in a relationshipだと捉える人もいるらしい)
A: what does XXX mean? これはなんて意味?
B: where did you find it? it's all about context どこで見つけたん?文脈は大切よ
A: *explains the context the sentence is used in* (文脈について説明)
B: cant make out using this either unfortunately 残念ながらそれを読んでもわからないな
its mostly way too rare for any information レアすぎて情報が見つからん
what book is this excerpt from? それはどんな本からの引用?
on time は時間ぴったりという意味で、in timeはぴったりでなくてもギリギリ間に合っていれば使える
riyanorie 京阪神のパンのレベルが高い話は昔から言われてたし、いきなり陰謀論や洗脳に結び付けるのは論理の飛躍では。データでいうなら都市別パン消費量は神戸と京都は上位で、こだわりが強いだろうとの推測は容易に成立する
全国平均 | 45,465g |
京都市 | 54,611g |
東京都区部 | 48,414g |
全国平均 | 32.7% |
京都市 | 40.0% |
東京都区部 | 31.8% |
そしてもう一点。All Aboutの記事や元の統計資料では「東京都市部」じゃなくて「東京都区部」となってることに気づいたか?統計データは用語を正確に定義しているのだから、いい加減に扱ってはいけない。
Yo, it's Miffy and Kitty on the mic
And we're here to talk about a topic that's tight
It's about the men who feel weak inside
But they don't show it, they just try to hide
It's time to break down that toxic mold
Where men gotta be tough, and never fold
But vulnerability is not a flaw
It's a strength, and it's time we saw
So to all the men out there feeling small
Don't be afraid to let down the wall
It's okay to ask for help and support
You're not alone, we'll be your escort
We'll listen to your stories and your fears
We'll hold you up, we'll dry your tears
You don't have to go through it alone
We're here for you, until you're grown
So let's break down the stigma and the shame
That says men can't show their pain
It's time to open up and let it out
And let the world know what you're all about
So to all the vulnerable men out there
We see you, we hear you, and we care
親子のノズルは、クリーナーヘッドのペダルをポン! と踏むだけで、子ノズルが現れる設計。ノズル交換することなく、狭いすき間や高い所などを掃除できる
上で画像を引用したAll Aboutの記事は2008年。当時で既にモーターなし子ノズル。
激写 Vol.25 愛って…(2007年5月18日、日本メディアサプライ)
PINK EROTEEN グラマラス(2007年5月25日、ラブドルネット)
激写 スペシャル 桃尻娘(2007年8月17日、日本メディアサプライ)
激写 スペシャル ゆみもえパラダイス(2008年2月15日、日本メディアサプライ)
激写 ゆれる想い(2008年3月21日、日本メディアサプライ)
究極乙女 石川優実 LOVES 黒木ななみ(2008年4月18日、メディアフォース)
激写 スペシャル All About 石川優実(2008年10月17日、日本メディアサプライ)
本気萌え グラドルビーチバレー 激闘篇(2009年4月24日、エスピーオー)
究極乙女 石川優実 LOVES 武藤なみ(2009年6月26日、メディアフォース)
究極乙女 石川優実 SECOND STAGE(2009年7月24日、メディアフォース)
激写 ユルエロの女王(2009年9月18日、日本メディアサプライ)
究極乙女 石川優実 LOVES 浜田由梨(2009年12月18日、メディアフォース)
究極乙女 石川優実「お菓子系No.1は純真可憐」(2010年1月29日、メディアフォース)
究極乙女 石川優実「Love me again !」(2010年8月27日、メディアフォース)
舞姫 my hime 石川優実〜お菓子系アイドルの限界SEXY〜(2011年2月18日、メディアブランド)
究極乙女 石川優実「憐愛体質」(2011年5月6日、KUDETA)
究極乙女「憐愛体質 Part2」(2012年4月27日、KUDETA)
究極乙女 「憐愛体質3」(2012年11月30日、KUDETA)
Blue Sunshine(2013年1月25日、EDEN)
石川優実さん「私がグラビアをやってた時も風俗で働いていた時も私の自由意志で選んでやっていたことになるんだな。あんなしんどい精神状態の時のものを自己決定権といわれるのはつらい」 - Togetter
The main issue...the bid price has been reaching ¥80/kWh every day since the beginning of the year.
I can finally get into what I really want to tell you.
The reason why new power companies have stopped accepting bids or have withdrawn from the business is because the days when this JEPX spot market price reaches 80 yen/kWh have been going on and on since the beginning of 2010.
The electricity market is a market. If there is a surplus of electricity, the bid price goes down, and if there is a shortage of electricity, the bid price goes up. The spot market is a blind single-price auction, which means that once a contract price is determined, all market prices are traded at that price. Even if Masuda-san bids 10 yen, if many people bid 20 yen, it will be 20 yen, and if many people bid 5 yen, it will be 5 yen.
And as I said before, if they fail to purchase, the power retailer has to pay the imbalance fee.
Then what happens? Many people think, "I'm going to buy it at the imbalance fee of 80 yen/kWh anyway, so I'll bid 80 yen for it. Here is the URL of Enexchange's website, which shows the spot market price in an easy-to-understand manner.
For March 31, it's in the 20 yen range. That's bright red. It is cheaper than the 80 yen I mentioned earlier.
Imagine this. TEPCO's Standard S plan is 20~30 yen/kWh. You see, what we sell for 20-30 yen, we have to buy for more than 20 yen, or even 80 yen.
How much is the gross profit on something that sells for 25 yen? 8 yen, 5 yen, 3 yen? Let's assume that 90 out of every 100 jobs generate a gross profit of 5 yen, which is a profit of 450 yen. If 10 out of 100 sell at that price, the profit is 550 yen.
450 - 550 = -100.
This is the impact of a spot market price of 80 yen. Imagine if you had a customer base of tens of thousands of dollars, and you have to blow millions of dollars every day for a month. I think you can understand a little bit of the logic behind the suspension of acceptance and shutdown of business.
Of course, calculating the cost of procuring electricity is not this simple. I mean, I can't write about the inside story of procurement in my business because it would violate confidentiality. I wrote what I could find out just from the spot market, where the amounts are visualized by the general public. I didn't tell the whole story, if you think about it. Sorry. It's a title fraud.
Supplement... why is this happening?
To be honest, even as someone in the new power company, I am troubled by this situation. How did this happen? ......
In essence, I think "don't liberalize the infrastructure in the first place" is right. However, to put some position talk into it, I think that the various things that happened in the aftermath of Fukushima and the licking at the Kashiwazaki nuclear power plant were the result of being lenient because it was infrastructure, and I think there is some nuance to that.
However, I don't think that the designers of the system anticipated this level of instability in the power supply when the system was liberalized in April 2004. I was impressed when the supply-demand crunch warning came out. I was like, "This is it! That rumored !!!! Supply and demand crunch alert: !!!!!!!" I was so excited. There's no way there's going to be rolling blackouts! It's about to happen!
However, in the extreme, retailers are wholesalers, and while they are wholesalers, the products they sell are not all that different. How can you make a difference in a commodity like electricity? It is usually impossible. It's hard to add value to a product because it's all about price. Of course it's not impossible. There are plans, decarbonization, optional services, and so on. But there is no difference in the electricity itself. I think it's possible to point out that the reason why various new electric power companies flocked to the market was because hyenas gathered in the industry that was assured of a sweet deal in infrastructure ......, and that's true for a percentage of the population. I think all electric power companies are looking for ways to add value to electricity.
I hope this case will make the market healthier.
Incidentally, there is a new electric power company that is getting a tailwind from this current situation. Where is it? The answer is after the commercial!
[Slipknot - The Chapeltown Rag [Visual 001] - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2v4u7VhoPU)
Read all about it if you want to know
Read all about what they want you to know
知りたいのなら 全て読め
あいつらが知りたいこと 全て読め
[Verse 1]
Everything is god online, and it's as evil as it gets
This is not a fuckin' trick, either follow or repent (No choice)
Get infected by a vertical event
Check the meter, check your watch
Are they ever gonna stop?
Runnin' out of daylight, nighttime's better
But we know how to handle the truth, motherfucker
Scandalous know-it-all, feedback chamber
Nobody wants the proof, they want a number
[Verse 1]
これは糞ガキのお遊びじゃねぇぞ 従うか悔い改めるか(選択肢は存在しない)
We don't deny what is wrong with our lives
We can't decide what is left of our right to silence our remains
Buried in the back and I'm sick and alive
Hollow as a breath, the further you dive
死骸を黙らせるために使える権利が何なのか 選り出すことはできねぇんだよ
影に忘れ去られて 俺は病んで生きている
息するように空洞になって お前はさらに潜っていく
Oh, how I've missed your honesty
You never miss with your intensity
You're gonna need a new disguise
Just slide into the nearest lie
[Verse 2]
All the ligatures are getting tight, like a style
Murder another mouth before the trial
Scalpel and then you scalp 'em to fucking death
Kills for the other vampires and surrogates
It's a ploy for attention and evidence
All your fucking monsters are flaws in your common sense
Do the dance while the shovels are breaking dirt
Everybody mind your fuckin' business or you get hurt
[Verse 2]
縛りが全部キツくなってきやがった "スタイル"みてぇに
審判の時までには よその声は潰れちまう
メス くたばるまで手術する
We don't deny what is wrong with our lives
We can't decide what is left of our right to silence our remains
Buried in the back and I'm sick and alive
Hollow as a breath, the further you dive
死骸を黙らせるために使える権利が何なのか 選り出すことはできねぇんだよ
影に忘れ去られて 俺は病んで生きている
息するように空洞になって お前はさらに潜っていく
Oh, how I've missed your namaste
You never miss with your integrity
You're gonna need a new disguise
Just slide into the nearest lie
Read all about it if you want to know
(Everything is god online)
Read all about it if you want to know
(Everything is god online)
Read all about it if you want to know
知りたいのなら 全て読め
知りたいのなら 全て読め
知りたいのなら 全て読め
Stoned like a beast on a chain lookin' dead
Feelin' strange, what the fuck
I'm material to sew into the stains
Like a catalogue of pain, like a martyr in restraints
I can kill with a will, and it's stronger every day
I'm a knife, I'm a gun, I'm a slit, I'm a scar
I'm a scream, I'm a death, I'm a threat, I'm afraid
That you will never understand I'm not the same
You better call the triple 9, I want a face
I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid
意思を持って殺せる それは日に日に強くなる
君には理解できないだろうが 俺は同じゃないんだよ
トリプル9と呼ぶべきだ 俺は顔が欲しい
When everything is god online, nothing is
When everything is god online, nothing is
● [東洋経済] 女性は有配偶より未婚・離別のほうが長生き!?
● [All About] 女性は既婚より未婚が長生きする?「夫という名の他人」と暮らすストレス
日本人の平均寿命は女性が87.32歳、男性が81.25歳(2018年 厚生労働省「簡易生命表」より)となっている。だが、どういう環境にある人が長生きしているのだろうか。
リード・ホフマン (Reid Hoffman) LinkedIn創業者、MITメディアラボ不服従賞の資金を提供
ネリ・オックスマン (Neri Oxman) MITメディアラボ教授、デザイナー
LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman defended a former MIT official who accepted donations from Jeffrey Epstein (Business Insider, 9月8日)
According to Giridharadas, Hoffman wrote in a second email that Giridharadas was making the situation "all about you" by threatening to resign. In the end, Giridharadas resigned.
Giridharadasによると、ホフマンはメールに、作家でMITメディアラボ不服従賞審査員の Anand Giridharadasに向かって、「(エプスタインとの関係が明らかになって批判されている)この状況はすべてお前のせいだ」と書いて、MITメディアラボ不服従賞審査員を辞任するよう脅した。結果、Giridharadasは辞任した。
A meeting with Jeffrey Epstein led to a gift -- and, now regrets (The Boston Globe)
The MIT Media Lab’s schedule was cleared on a Saturday afternoon in October 2015. There was a special guest and potential donor visiting then-director Joi Ito’s office.
One by one, some of the highest profile professors at the Media Lab trooped in and presented their research, answered questions, and discussed their work with the prospective benefactor: Jeffrey Epstein.
She discussed her research on how art, science, engineering, and design work together and brought small-scale models of her sculptures. Ito and another senior MIT professor were also present.
The day was a success: Oxman’s lab, Mediated Matter, received $125,000 tied to Epstein over the years. And because MIT did not want the disgraced financier to use the gift to help rehabilitate his reputation, Oxman was told it would be kept confidential.
“This is the first and only time I met Epstein,” Oxman said in a statement. “Joi assured me that Epstein was an approved donor who wished to devote his fortune to science and technology, in part to make amends for wrongs he committed earlier in his life.”
After the meeting, Oxman told the Globe, Ito twice asked her to write notes thanking Epstein for his contributions. She, along with other professors, were invited to dine with Epstein on several occasions, though she said she never attended. And in 2017, Ito requested that her design lab, which often produced donor gifts for the university, send a token of appreciation to Epstein: . . . She complied, and asked lab members to mail it to Epstein’s Manhattan address.
But she also told the graduate student “do not worry, we are *not* sponsored by him, per my direction,” according to the e-mail.
Senator Dick Durbin
Mr.zuckerberg, would you be comfortable sharing with us the name of the hotel you stayed in last night?
Senator Dick Durbin
If you've messaged anybody this week would you share with us the names of the people you've messaged?
Senator, no, I would probably not choose to do that publicly here.
Senator Dick Durbin
I think that may be what this is all about. Your right to privacy, the limits of your right to privacy,and how much you give away in modern America in the name of quote, 'connecting people around the world.' A question basically of what information Facebook's collecting,who they're sending it to,and whether they ever asked me in advance my permission to do that.Is that a fair thing for a user of Facebook to expect?
Yes,Senator,I think everyone should have control over how their information is used. And as we've talked about in some of the other questions, I think that that is laid out in some of the documents. But more importantly you want to give people control in the product itself. So, the most important way that this happens across our services, is that every day people come to our services to choose to share photos or send messages, And every single time they choose to share something, they have a control right there about who they want to share it with. But that level of control is extremely important.
(読売、All About News Dig、週刊東洋経済、日経、WebComputerReport、TOブックス、まぐまぐニュース、KAWADE夢文庫、中国人観光客の奈良インバウンドに向けた調査研究も同様)
そこで、奈良県立図書情報館協力のもと、産経新聞大阪府下版、日経新聞、朝日新聞、毎日新聞、読売新聞、産経新聞奈良面、奈良新聞、奈良日日新聞を調査したところ、該当する記事は見つからず。仕方がないので、地道にガイドブックを一つひとつ確認していった結果、唯一Frommer's Japanには3時間の記述があったけど、時間が十分でなければ3時間であって、3時間で十分ではなかった。
If you don't have much time, the most important sites to see are Todaiji Temple, Kasuga Shrine, and Kofukuji Temple's Treasure House, which you can view in about 3 hours.
これは昔からで、具体的な名前を出すと、関西人の謎ですねん!(河出書房新社)、月曜から夜ふかし(日テレ)、第1次さんま内閣!(フジ)、産経新聞、VOICE(MBS)、Nスタ(TBS)、All About News Dig、奈良あるある(TOブックス)、世にも不思議なランキング(TBS)、ten.(読売テレビ)、ロケットニュース24、日経新聞、おとな会(MBS)、まぐまぐニュース!、今ちゃんの「実は・・・」(朝日放送テレビ)、ならナビ(NHK奈良放送局)、ニュースほっと関西(NHK大阪放送局)、ちゃちゃ入れマンデーなどきりがない。
・ 東向商店街にあっては、31店舗のうち20時で閉店するものは喫茶4店舗、うどん2店舗、和食1店舗の7店舗のみで、多くの店の閉店時刻は22時となっていること。
・ 小西さくら通り商店街にあっては、30店舗のうち喫茶系6店舗、お好み焼き2店舗、和食2店舗が20時までの閉店であり、多くは22時から23時、場合によっては午前1時頃まで営業する店もあること。
・ 飲食店の少ない餅飯殿商店街においても、16店舗のうち20時までの閉店は、うどん店とレストランの各1店舗のみであり、多くは22時から24時が閉店となっていることがわかります。