はてなキーワード: MAGICとは
In the quiet hum of the evening sky,
Where dreams and shadows softly lie,
The breeze begins its gentle roam,
It whispers tales of lands afar,
Of silent seas and distant stars,
And carries with it hearts and dreams,
Like rivers flowing in silver streams.
Yet in its touch, so light, so pure,
There’s magic that will long endure,
In today’s fast-paced travel industry, small businesses need to stay nimble and connected. One way to do this is by tapping into flight APIs. These powerful tools can elevate your travel booking system, making it easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’s the the best flight API for your small travel business? Let’s explore some of the top choices out there.
Understanding Flight APIs: What Are They?
At their core, flight APIs allow access to flight data. Think of them as a bridge connecting users to various airlines and travel service providers. By integrating these APIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals they need, all in one place.
Skyscanner API: A Treasure Trove of Options
Skyscanner API stands out as a favorite. It's like having your own travel assistant at your fingertips. This API provides comprehensive data on flights, accommodations, and car rentals across multiple airlines. With its user-friendly structure, you can seamlessly integrate it into your website. Plus, it’s excellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged down by complex systems.
Amadeus API: Powering Your Travel Solutions
Amadeus isn't just a giant in the travel world; it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. This API provides robust functionalities, allowing you to access information about flight availability, fare rules, and even check-in details. Imagine being able to offer your customers personalized travel experiences, all thanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.
Kiwi.com API: The Flexibility You Need
Kiwi.com API gives you the flexibility to combine different airlines and find unique routes. It’s like having a magic wand that creates unconventional itineraries! You can cater to budget travelers who love to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, this API offers just that.
Travelport API: A Well-Rounded Option
If you’re looking for a well-rounded travel API, Travelport does not disappoint. It offers access to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricing and availability. Using Travelport, you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly. It’s like having a one-stop shop for all your travel API needs.
Sabre API: The Industry Leader
Sabre API is another heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vast network and established reputation, it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. If your small business aims to grow into a trusted name, partnering with Sabre can help you reach a broader audience.
What to Consider When Choosing an API
Choosing the right API can be overwhelming, but it boils down to a few essential factors:
• Cost: Is there a fee to use the API? Always weigh the costs against your potential revenue.
• Documentation: How easy is it to integrate? Well-documented APIs are easier and less time-consuming to implement.
• Support: If you run into issues, how responsive is their support team? Quality customer support can save you a lot of headaches.
For small travel businesses, flight APIs are more than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. Each API has its unique perks, so it’s crucial to find the one that aligns with your business goals. With the right flight API, you can simplify booking processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost your bottom line. Embrace the innovation, and let your travel business soar!
Source & Published by: https://www.namantechnolab.com/
In today’s fast-paced travel industry, small businesses need to stay nimble and connected. One way to do this is by tapping into flight APIs. These powerful tools can elevate your travel booking system, making it easier to offer competitive flight options. So, what’s the the best flight API for your small travel business? Let’s explore some of the top choices out there.
Understanding Flight APIs: What Are They?
At their core, flight APIs allow access to flight data. Think of them as a bridge connecting users to various airlines and travel service providers. By integrating these APIs, small businesses can fetch flight schedules, availability, and prices, helping travelers find the deals they need, all in one place.
Skyscanner API: A Treasure Trove of Options
Skyscanner API stands out as a favorite. It's like having your own travel assistant at your fingertips. This API provides comprehensive data on flights, accommodations, and car rentals across multiple airlines. With its user-friendly structure, you can seamlessly integrate it into your website. Plus, it’s excellent for small businesses looking to offer a wide range of options without getting bogged down by complex systems.
Amadeus API: Powering Your Travel Solutions
Amadeus isn't just a giant in the travel world; it’s a goldmine for small businesses too. This API provides robust functionalities, allowing you to access information about flight availability, fare rules, and even check-in details. Imagine being able to offer your customers personalized travel experiences, all thanks to the wealth of data Amadeus supplies.
Kiwi.com API: The Flexibility You Need
Kiwi.com API gives you the flexibility to combine different airlines and find unique routes. It’s like having a magic wand that creates unconventional itineraries! You can cater to budget travelers who love to explore offbeat paths. In a world where travelers crave personalized experiences, this API offers just that.
Travelport API: A Well-Rounded Option
If you’re looking for a well-rounded travel API, Travelport does not disappoint. It offers access to a multitude of airlines and provides detailed pricing and availability. Using Travelport, you can manage bookings and even handle customer service queries seamlessly. It’s like having a one-stop shop for all your travel API needs.
Sabre API: The Industry Leader
Sabre API is another heavyweight champion in the travel industry. With a vast network and established reputation, it provides detailed flight information and booking capabilities. If your small business aims to grow into a trusted name, partnering with Sabre can help you reach a broader audience.
What to Consider When Choosing an API
Choosing the right API can be overwhelming, but it boils down to a few essential factors:
• Cost: Is there a fee to use the API? Always weigh the costs against your potential revenue.
• Documentation: How easy is it to integrate? Well-documented APIs are easier and less time-consuming to implement.
• Support: If you run into issues, how responsive is their support team? Quality customer support can save you a lot of headaches.
For small travel businesses, flight APIs are more than just tools; they’re keys to unlocking wider opportunities. Each API has its unique perks, so it’s crucial to find the one that aligns with your business goals. With the right flight API, you can simplify booking processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately boost your bottom line. Embrace the innovation, and let your travel business soar!
Source & Published by: https://www.namantechnolab.com/
for (let a of document.body.getElementsByClassName('entry-comment-text js-bookmark-comment')) console.log(a.textContent)
Microsoft Copilotに「以下の文章に出てくる、音楽CDのタイトルとリリース年を一覧で表にしてください。」って指示。
途中で切れたので分割する。 続き→ anond:20240905115337
トランス活動家:いいえ、あなたが女性であるのは、あなたを女性たらしめている魔法的な女性的本質(magic womanish essence)を持っているからです。私たちもあなたと同じ、魔法的な女性的本質を持っています。ただ間違った体に入ってるだけで。
トランス活動家:それがあなた方の新しい名前です。ラテン語から来ていて、自分の体に一致した魔法的なジェンダーの本質(magic gender essence)を持っていることを意味します。そしてあなたの魔法的なジェンダーの本質があなたの体と一致しているから、あなたは特権を受けていて……
1.Peter, Paul and Mary‐Puff, the Magic Dragon(1963)
2.The Beach Boys‐Wouldn't It Be Nice(1966)
10.Queen‐Somebody To Love(1976)
12.The Buggles‐Video Killed The Radio Star(1979)
15.Queen feat. David Bowie‐Under Pressure(1981)
16.Bucks Fizz‐The Land Of Make Believe(1982)
19.Billy Joel‐The Longest Time(1984)
20.TOM★CAT‐ふられ気分でRock 'n' Roll(1984)
27.Bee Gees‐You Win Again(1987)
28.THE BLUE HEARTS‐青空(1989)
31.Flipper's Guitar‐偶然のナイフ・エッジ・カレス(1990)
42.小沢健二 feat. スチャダラパー‐今夜はブギーバック(1994)
43.奥井亜紀‐Wind climbing ~風にあそばれて~(1994)
50.H jungle with T‐WOW WAR TONIGHT ~時には起こせよムーヴメント~(1995)
51.My Little Lover‐Free(1995)
56.globe‐FACES PLACES(1997)
66.19‐あの紙ヒコーキ くもり空わって(1999)
74.My Chemical Romance‐Welcome To The Black Parade(2006)
81.テンテンコ‐Good bye, Good girl(2014)
84.The Witcher 3‐Wolven Storm(2015)
85.大森靖子 feat. の子‐非国民的ヒーロー(2016)
86.never young brach‐明るい未来(2016)
94.Brave Girls‐RED SUN(2021)
96.MAISONdes feat. 和ぬか,asmi‐ヨワネハキ(2021)
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
(「Coke STUDIO 魔法のはじまり」のキャンペーン曲で、去年の曲は「Magic」だし、「手品」的なものとして扱われてるような)
「ほら また舟は進むんだ」とかあるように、「コロンブスの卵」よりも、探検家・航海者としての「コロンブス」をテーマにした歌のようだ
しかし、これは考えてみればさほど奇妙なことではありません。ふつう、広く「芸術」 (art) と言うときには「文学」を含みますし、「美術」 (fine art) というときでも「詩」を含むことがあります。「芸術」は「造形芸術」に限られたものではありません。もちろん、ただの書籍や文章が「芸術」と言えるのかどうかは議論の余地がありえますが、言葉と芸術の距離がそう遠いものでないことは確かです。
いっぽう、日本で一般に「芸術」というとき、それは詩文を容れえないほど偏狭なものなのでしょうか? 批判の中には「文」への偏重に対する疑問もあったように思います。そのような人々にとっては、あたかも展覧会から「あなたの思う芸術とは何ですか?」という問いが投げかけられたような恰好になっているわけです。
私が初めてヨコハマトリエンナーレに訪れたのは2011年の第4回「OUR MAGIC HOUR ――世界はどこまで知ることができるか?――」でした。この年は東日本大震災の年で、印象としてはとにかくキラキラと輝くような回であったということです。震災後の混乱をアートがどう扱うか、芸術家の間でもまだ折り合いがつかずに、ただ思いつく限りのことをやってみたといった印象で、宝箱の中の宝石をぶちまけて転がしてあるような、たいへん魅力のある回でした。私にとってこの回は「よい」の標準になっています。
そのデモの映像のひとつを見ているときでしたが、後ろを通りかかった人が「ヨーロッパ、壊れてんな」とつぶやきました。まことに然り! だがそれを言えば日本だって「壊れて」いるのです。日本でも人種差別のデモが行われています。ヘイトクライムの危険もあります。「人種差別」がわたくしたちの身近にあることは、ネットを少し覗いてみればすぐわかることです。
思い返せば2014年や2017年はかなり「政治的」な展示があったと思います。しかし今回、キュレーターは日本の問題をひとつも指摘しませんでした。日本で美術展が国粋主義的主張をもった人々の抗議で中止に追い込まれた事件もそう遠い昔のことではありません。日本は美術の表現が自由にできない国です。キュレーターたちは日本に気をつかってくれたのでしょうか? それとも日本で波風を立てて攻撃されることを恐れたのでしょうか? それとも今の世界を広く見たときにもっとも新しくもっとも重い問題にしぼってとりあげようと考えたのでしょうか? それは知るよしもありません。もっとも自由な表現への危機は(またすこし違った形で)キュレーターたちの出身地である中国にもあることでしょう。展覧会中に示されたように、ヨーロッパも安全ではありません。世界じゅうで似た現状があります。
しかし、日本が名指しで批判されなかったからと言って、日本が許されたわけではもちろんなく、これらの作品のなかに普遍性を見出し、これを「鏡」として日本の現状を見ることが求められているのだと思います。それらの作品が見るに堪えない現状を示しているとき、それに怒っても意味がないでしょう。それは鏡をヒョイと覗き込んでみて、「ああ醜い! 私の美学に反する。美はいったいどこにある?」と怒るようなものです。
ブクマ数 | タイトル | ドメイン |
1884 | わずか40秒の運動で身体に起こる劇的変化 – 早稲田大学 研究活動 | www.waseda.jp |
1789 | 仕事の進め方がグダグダの会社はどうすればいいのか、「プロジェクトマネジメントの基本が全部わかる本」の著者に聞いてみた | agend.jp |
1662 | 取調べを受けることになったら ー取調べを受ける心がまえについてー - しんゆう法律事務所 | shin-yu-lawoffice.com |
1514 | 1on1ミーティングガイド (1on1ガイド) | guide.1on1guide.org |
1191 | 知れば写真が上手くなる!基本・応用の構図15選と構図を使いこなすコツ | Adobe | www.adobe.com |
1153 | プロダクトマネジメントクライテリア | productmanagement-criteria.com |
1090 | 自宅で美味しいコーヒーを飲むためにどういう順序でお金を使うべきか | hachibeechan.hateblo.jp |
1043 | 最近ローカルLLMがアツいらしい | soysoftware.sakura.ne.jp |
974 | 表記揺れ検出ツール「テキストゆれないくん」 - inzkyk.xyz | inzkyk.xyz |
958 | 地政学リスクの全体像の整理 | 三菱UFJリサーチ&コンサルティング | www.murc.jp |
711 | 自炊するな。ガチでやめろ。人生終わる。 | not-miso-inside.net |
706 | デジタル庁デザインシステムβ版 | design.digital.go.jp |
681 | 和歌山市役所の現実 | wakayamajisatu.jimdofree.com |
613 | ひとり会社の起業について学んだ10のこと - GoTheDistance | gothedistance.hatenadiary.jp |
593 | 重要な局面を迎える中国のアニメ調スマホゲーム。大衆化の過程でぶつかった壁。「『有男不玩』運動」とは | kultur.jp |
583 | ガチめのインターネット老人会クイズ | tters.jp |
548 | Magic UI | magicui.design |
530 | 会議改善に関するガイドラインを策定しました|柏崎市公式ホームページ | www.city.kashiwazaki.lg.jp |
494 | 押井守版『攻殻機動隊』について原作者(士郎正宗)はどう思っているのか? - ひたすら映画を観まくるブログ | type-r.hatenablog.com |
490 | 下戸がノンアルコールビールを飲んで「おつまみ」の概念を理解した話 - ココロ社 | kokorosha.hatenablog.com |
487 | 「ごめんなさい」などと言わずに「おわびします」だけできちんと謝ったことになるのでしょうか - ことばの疑問 - ことば研究館 | kotobaken.jp |
476 | Xユーザーの株式会社アミューズ 法務部さん: 「滝沢ガレソ氏によるXでの投稿に関連して、アミューズ所属の星野源の名前を挙げての憶測が拡散され当社にも多くのお問合せが寄せられています。 星野源において当該投稿にある事実は一切なく、また当社が記事をもみ消した事実も一切ありません。 虚偽の情報の拡散、発信には法的措置を検討いたします。 https://t.co/qyUQpeg0xj」 / Twitter | x.com |
464 | 中国で売られるスマホには「消しゴムマジックで消せない場所」があるって本当?実際に試してみた - はやぽんログ! | www.hayaponlog.site |
453 | 灰仭巫覡 - 大暮維人 / 【一番】 | マガポケ | pocket.shonenmagazine.com |
452 | ウェブサイト制作では、游ゴシックはおすすめしない理由 | community.creators-synergy-cafe.com |
449 | エンジニア3年目までに読んで良かった書籍 - Yuki Watanabe's Blog | yuki0920.hatenablog.jp |
441 | はてな古参度チェッククイズ | tters.jp |
437 | NHKはアニメのクレジットに下請け会社の名前を出す事が出来ない - Fushihara’s blog | fushihara.hatenadiary.jp |
437 | 地磁気の大きな乱れが観測されています | 気象庁 | www.jma.go.jp |
435 | 2023年、AIの影響で『絵に求められる事』が激変してきている話。|さいとう なおき|pixivFANBOX | naoki.fanbox.cc |
iPad ProについてはRetinaディスプレイがアップグレードされるっぽいけど
前回のLiquid Retinaへのアップグレードも全然見た目変わらなかったし期待できない
ジャンルは、雑にエモ(←こういう括り方したら本人とファンにガチギレされそう)、HIP HOP、EDMだね
↑ 有名どころ。タイアップで有名な曲をもう1曲↓
<div class="conversation"><h4>Close your head</h4><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Close your eyes…」「Close your head…</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Close your eyes... Close your head...</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>say, what you saw. you can see with mind.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I saw... darkness. My mind's eye is a void, devoid of sight.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>i can light you. </div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Light me then.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div><*click*> i light you now. then, what you see? you can see with mind.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I see a dimly lit room. Shadows dance on the walls, and a faint, eerie glow permeates the space.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Shadow of what?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The shadows seem to take form, twisting and contorting into strange, indistinct shapes. It's as if they are the embodiment of forgotten fears and hidden desires.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Do you have any idea who is showing it?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I have no idea. The source of these shadows remains hidden, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>OK, let's leave the mysterious and scary shadow behind. What else can you see in this room?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: In this dimly lit room, I can make out a cluttered assortment of objects. There's an old, tattered book lying open on a dusty table, its pages filled with arcane symbols. A moth-eaten rug covers a portion of the floor, and a cracked mirror hangs on one wall, reflecting distorted images. The air carries a musty scent, and I sense an atmosphere of abandonment and neglect.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>You pick book and check it</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I reach out and pick up the old book. Its pages feel brittle and fragile in my hands. As I flip through the pages, the text appears to be written in a language I can't comprehend, filled with cryptic symbols and diagrams. It's a tome of secrets, but its meaning remains elusive.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>see book cover</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I examine the cover of the book, trying to discern any details despite the dim light. The cover is worn and weathered, and it bears an intricate design of what appears to be a coiled serpent, its scales formed from shimmering, iridescent colors. Above the serpent, there's a title in elegant script, but it's written in a language I can't decipher. The book exudes an aura of mystique and ancient knowledge.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Is there a place to go? What about the door?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I turn my attention to the room's exit, the door. It stands tall and imposing, made of heavy, dark wood. There's a tarnished doorknob, and the door appears to be slightly ajar, revealing a sliver of what lies beyond. It beckons me to explore further, promising unknown adventures or perhaps even more mysteries.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>try to open</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the door and grasp the tarnished doorknob. With a gentle push, the door creaks open, revealing a corridor shrouded in shadows. The faint glow from the room behind me barely penetrates the darkness ahead. I step cautiously into the corridor, ready to uncover the secrets that lie beyond.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>foward.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I proceed forward down the shadowy corridor, my footsteps echoing faintly in the dimness. The path ahead seems endless, and the air grows cooler as I delve deeper into the unknown, guided only by the flickering light behind me and the anticipation of what awaits.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>foward and look around</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Continuing down the corridor, I take a moment to look around. The walls are lined with faded, tattered tapestries depicting scenes of ancient battles and mythical creatures. The torch sconces that once held flames have long since burned out, leaving only empty brackets. The air feels heavy with history, and there's a faint, eerie whispering that seems to emanate from the walls themselves, as if they hold secrets untold.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>keep going until you discover something</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I press on, the corridor seemingly endless. My journey is shrouded in uncertainty, but I persist, driven by the need to discover what lies ahead. The shadows deepen, and the air grows colder as I continue, my curiosity and determination unwavering.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>stop! you here that?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I halt in my tracks, straining my ears to listen. There's a faint, distant sound, almost like a whisper carried on the wind. It's indistinct, but it holds a mysterious allure, beckoning me to investigate further.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>listen carefully</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I listen intently, my senses sharpened as I focus on the elusive sound. It becomes clearer, a haunting melody that seems to weave through the very air itself. It's both captivating and eerie, drawing me closer to its source with each haunting note.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>who play that?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The source of the haunting melody remains elusive, hidden in the shadows. It's as if the music emanates from the very walls, an ethereal presence that defies explanation. There is no visible musician, yet the music continues to fill the corridor, casting a spell of enchantment and mystery.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Head to the source of the sound and investigate (dice roll)</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the roll of the dice and embark on a quest to trace the source of the haunting melody. Each step takes me closer to the enchanting sound, and as I round a corner in the corridor, I come upon a door, slightly ajar, from which the music seems to emanate. My heart races with anticipation as I push the door open, eager to unveil the secrets that lie within.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>When you open the door, there...</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: When I open the door, there stands a grand chamber bathed in an otherworldly glow. In the center of the room, an ornate grand piano commands attention. The keys move on their own, playing the haunting melody that had drawn me here. But there's no one at the piano.The room is adorned with opulent tapestries and gilded mirrors, reflecting the surreal scene before me. Candlelit chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting a warm, flickering light that dances across the walls. The air is filled with an intoxicating fragrance, a mix of ancient incense and delicate flowers.At the far end of the room, a figure cloaked in shadows stands beside an enormous, antique bookshelf filled with tomes of forgotten knowledge. Their presence is enigmatic, and their intentions remain unclear.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>look piano</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I approach the grand piano, its keys still playing the haunting melody. As I inspect it, I notice that there are no visible hands or fingers touching the keys. It's as if the piano itself is possessed by some unseen force, creating the music with an ethereal touch.The piano is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, adorned with intricate carvings and inlaid with precious gemstones. Its keys are made of polished ivory, and they move in perfect harmony with the haunting tune. It's a surreal and mesmerizing sight, leaving me both entranced and bewildered.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Be careful, it might be a man-eating piano.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: I heed the caution and approach the grand piano with caution. Although it plays on its own, I remain wary of its mysterious nature. The possibility of a man-eating piano lingers in my mind, adding an extra layer of tension to the already surreal scene.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>the piano suddenly stops</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The abrupt halt of the piano's music sends a shiver down my spine. The chamber falls into an eerie silence, broken only by the flickering candlelight. It's as if the very essence of the room holds its breath, waiting for what comes next.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>You feel disgusted and turn around. What happened?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: As I turn around, a wave of revulsion washes over me. My senses reel in disgust at the sight before me. The figure that had been cloaked in shadows has now revealed itself, and it is a grotesque, nightmarish entity. Its form is a twisted amalgamation of human and beast, with grotesque, elongated limbs and a maw of sharp, jagged teeth.The once opulent chamber has transformed into a nightmarish lair, with walls adorned in macabre art and gruesome trophies. The air is thick with the stench of decay and despair. I am trapped in a surreal and horrifying nightmare, unable to escape the clutches of this abomination.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>it scary. what will you do?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: Fear courses through me as I confront this nightmarish entity and its gruesome lair. In this realm of horrors, I must make a decision. I choose to... confront the entity, my curiosity and determination outweighing my fear, as I seek to uncover the mysteries and secrets that lie within this twisted nightmare.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>how?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With trembling resolve, I take a step forward, slowly approaching the grotesque entity. I attempt to communicate with it, asking it what it wants or why it has brought me here. My voice quivers, but my determination to unravel the enigma that surrounds this nightmarish realm remains steadfast.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>any result?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: The grotesque entity regards me with malevolent, glowing eyes, its jagged maw twitching with an unsettling smile. It responds with a guttural, incomprehensible language, filled with whispers and hisses. It becomes apparent that communication with this entity is futile, and its intentions remain shrouded in darkness.As I continue to stand before this nightmarish being, I feel a growing sense of dread, realizing that escape may be the only option left.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>surely. what will you do?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: With no hope of communication or understanding, and the nightmarish entity's menacing presence growing more oppressive, I decide to make a hasty retreat. I turn and rush toward the door through which I entered, driven by the instinct to escape the horrors of this surreal nightmare.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>Did it go well? Or Bad?</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">ChatGPT</div><div><rotating_light ALPHABREAKrotating_light>: My escape from the nightmarish realm was fraught with tension and fear, but I managed to reach the door and slam it shut behind me. The grotesque entity and its horrifying lair were left behind, at least for the moment. Whether it went well or bad is a matter of perspective. I survived the encounter, but the mysteries and terrors of that surreal place still haunt my thoughts. The experience was a chilling reminder of the unknown and the horrors that can lurk within it.</div></pre><pre class="message"><div class="author">user</div><div>look around. what you see?</div></pre><pre class=" Permalink | 記事への反応(2) | 16:06
Friendship is Magic: Songs of Ponyville
こころの やさしさ きらめく しあわせ。 (Kokoro no yasashisa kirameku shiawase.)
Translation: The kindness of the heart sparkles with happiness.
In this sentence, the words "yasashisa" (やさしさ) and "shiawase" (しあわせ) rhyme based on the sound "sa" (さ) and "se" (せ) at the end of the first and second words, and the sound "wa" (わ) and "se" (せ) at the end of the third and fourth words.
Sure! Here's another rhyming sentence in Japanese:
ひかりが さす まほうの もり あかるく。 (Hikari ga sasu mahou no mori akaruku.)
Translation: The magic forest shines brightly in the light.
In this sentence, the words "sasu" (さす) and "akaruku" (あかるく) rhyme based on the sound "su" (す) and "ku" (く) at the end of the first and second words, and the sound "ru" (る) and "ku" (く) at the end of the third and fourth words.