はてなキーワード: ReLIFEとは
I'm still doing part-time work.
But that's reality.
But, Even so,
I'm not selfless enough to give my on and only life to that shitty company.
Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but there are people I've met because I quit.
I'm in a world I would never have experienced if I'd stayed.
I'm glad I quit that shitty company.
Was what I told her really the right thing to say?
In reality, I couldn't grow up, and became a NEET.
And those awful bullies probably still have their jobs.
I know the real truth is uglier.
Maybe it wasn't the ugly truth.
It's what you really meant, so isn't that enough?
She'll remember someone yelling at her, if not who.
Of course I'd rush things.
Yeah We're third years.
I'm not sure how to respond to this sudden attempt to mug me.
That's not. Fill in the blanks, please.
Basically, I mean,
I want to know your phone number.
I'm saying I want to be your friend.
I'm trying to take the first step toward not being a friendless longer.
I want to defeat the me that's dragging this failure around. I don't want to forget my failure. But if I carry it with me as a bad memory, and keep running away, I'll never change. I think there are things you learn to do trough failing. Will you get revenge with me?
I'm really glad for them. The truth is, I thought that falling in love when you knew you'd have to part seemed pointless.But when I saw them together, I was happy from the bottom of my heart. Maybe worrying about future parting so much that you miss out on happiness in the present is waste.
Yes, Someday, we'll part. Maybe be forgotten. But we're living in the moment in full throttle!
2008年秋「黒塚 KUROZUKA」「黒神 The Animation」
2018年春「イナズマイレブン アレスの天秤」「ニル・アドミラリの天秤」