はてなキーワード: the FAとは
彼を公的な仕事に相応しくないと言えないのはただの ろくでなし なだけだよ
二度と God save the queen, the fascist regime とか No future, no future, no future for you No future, no future, no future for me... って言うなって話だわな
二度と God save the queen, the fascist regime とか No future, no future, no future for you No future, no future, no future for me... って言うなって話だわな
who went as far as to call it “child abuse”.
“I think its totally wrong,” commented Kim. “It’s bordering on child abuse and social services would not be pleased.” The commenter then went on to suggest that the parents could face legal ramifications for having sex in front of their child. “What if they wake up? Revolting and I wouldn’t be able to not say anything. There’s absolutely no need to do it in the same room so the fact they do is just disgusting.”
▼ Is it ever okay to have sex with your child in the room?
▼ How To Have Sex With Your Kids In The House — An Age-By-Age Guide
日本でも翻訳が出ている(出てない?)マークローレンス(Broken Empireとか。個人的にはBook of the Ancestorシリーズの方が好き)が主催している(?)らしいSPFBOという賞を探してみると自費出版系の作品を見つけやすい。
「The Chathrand Voyage」シリーズの作者 Robert V.S. Redickの新シリーズ。まだ二冊しか出てない。しかし読んで損はしない。
一巻目の「Master Assassins」はカバーのエピックファンタジーっぽさもあって、ちょっとD&Dや剣と魔法ものと勘違いしちゃうんだけど、読んでみると全然違う。
この人の「Night Angel」三部作は大好きだけど、これはいまひとつ入り込めなかった。最初からスケール大きすぎて、ちょっとリアリティを感じなかったせいかもしれない。
「It has been generations since the Northlands have seen a hero worthy of the title. Many have made the claim, but few have lived to defend it. Timid, weak, and bullied, Wulfric is as unlikely a candidate as there could be. 」
よく考えたらComing Of Ageが好きなようだ。
「A war fueled by the dark powers of forbidden sorcery is about to engulf the Ascendant Empire. Agerastian heretics, armed with black fire and fueled by bitter hatred, seek to sever the ancient portals that unite the empire - and in so doing destroy it.」
くだらない内容でも Will Wightの作品は楽しく読めるんだけど、何が違うんだろうね。
But the Grand Slam leaders emphasized that the news media still played an important role.
“A core element of the Grand Slam regulations is the responsibility of the players to engage with the media, whatever the result of their match, a responsibility which players take for the benefit of the sport, the fans and for themselves,” their statement said.
「Ruka, called a demon at birth, is a genius. Born malformed and ugly into the snow-covered wasteland of the Ascom, he was spared from death by his mother's love. Now he is an outcast, consumed with hate for those who've wronged him. But to take his vengeance, he must first survive. 」
「One hundred years ago Nall's Engine was fired on the enemies of the Republic, and in its wake it left a blackened and scarred landscape known as The Misery. Beyond The Misery, a wasteland of corruption and dark magic, reside the even darker entities known as The Deep Kings. They want nothing more than to destroy the Republic, the realm of men」
「誰かが俺たちがくることを忠告しやがった。信者たちは空の部屋と違法の経典をいくつか残して姿をくらました。食べかけの皿、開きっぱなしの箪笥の引き出し。持てるものだけ持ってThe Miseryに逃げ込んだ。制服を着てたころ司令官が言ってたな。The Miseryに好き好んでいくのは追い詰められてヤケクソになってるか馬鹿野郎か欲に駆られた奴だけだって。あいつらはそれだけヤケクソになってるんだ。俺は10人くらいの馬鹿で欲深い男たちを集めて奴らを始末しに出かけた。」
・Founders 三部作(未完結):魔力をベースに構築されたスチームパンク世界。
「You've got to be careful when you're chasing a murderer through Bulikov, for the world is not as it should be in that city. When the gods were destroyed and all worship of them banned by the Polis, reality folded; now stairs lead to nowhere, alleyways have become portals to the past, and criminals disappear into thin air.」
「押しよせる帝国軍. 迎え撃つは空に浮かぶ要塞―― 女帝ラシーンが帝位に就いてから七年。以来マラザン帝国は多くの自由都市に侵攻し、大陸をまたぎ、海を越えて版図を拡大してきた。そして侵攻作戦がジェナバキス大陸に及んだ今、若き貴族将校パランは、秘められた魔道の力を知ることになる……空中要塞や異種属との攻防、兵士たちの野望と葛藤、そして渦巻く神々の思惑――猛り狂う運命の波濤を荘厳かつ凄惨に描き、現代最高との呼び声も高いファンタジイ群像劇」らしいよ。
賛否あると思うけど、4巻の「House of Chains」までは読んで欲しい。
「A nobleman from an infamous family, imperial legionary officer, fighter and a right proper bastard of a man… Captain Ben Stiger finds himself reassigned from a crack legion to the rebellion simmering in the South. Placed in command of a truly terrible company, the 85th Imperial Foot, he is unknowingly sent on a suicide mission to resupply an isolated outpost, the garrison of Vrell.」
「The king's scholar, the magus, believes he knows the site of an ancient treasure. To attain it for his king, he needs a skillful thief, and he selects Gen from the king's prison. The magus is interested only in the thief's abilities. 」
「When Caldan’s parents are brutally slain, he is raised by monks and taught the arcane mysteries of sorcery.」既視感のある設定!
私たちがファンフィクションについて話すとき、私たちはめったに「ジョンミルトン」とは思いません。 それでも、サタン(聖書ではほとんど言及されていない)を連れて、この倒れたアーチフィーンドをアンビバレントで壮大なヒーローにする彼のパラダイスロスト(1667)にどのように近づくのが良いでしょうか? ウェルギリウスのアエネーイス、オウィディウスの変身物語、ダンテの神曲、スペンサーの妖精の女王、その他の無数のテキストやジャンルから借りた技術とテーマに基づいて構築されたミルトンは、古典とルネッサンスの形式を再混合して、英文学の(おそらく)最高の設定に聖書の宇宙を作り上げました フィリップ・プルマンが信じている詩は、[「決して超えられない」」。
ファン・フィクションのことを話すとき、 「ジョン・ミルトン」 とはめったに思いません。しかし、悪魔 (聖書ではほとんど言及されていない) をとり、この倒れた大魔王を両義的で叙事詩的な英雄にする失楽園 (1667) に近づくには、どうしたらよいのだろうか。Virgil's Aeneid、Ovid's Metamorphoses、Dante's Divine Comedy、Spenser's The Faerie Queene、その他無数のテキストやジャンルからテクニックやテーマを取り入れて構成されたMiltonは、古典とルネッサンスの形式をリミックスして、聖書の世界を英国文学 (おそらく) の最高の詩の舞台にし、Philip Pullman [n] が 「超越される」 と信じているようなものにした。
[“n]ever be surpassed”.とか訳しにくそうだな。
Four years after the Fukushima accident, TC screening data from the first and second round (up to December 2014) were compared with the Japanese nationwide annual TC incidence, and with the incidence in one area of Fukushima prefecture selected as reference (Tsuda et al., 2016). The authors reported that the observed number of TCs was substantially higher than the expected number based on national and regional incidence data, and concluded that this increase could be attributed to ionizing radiation exposure from the accident. This ecological study has been strongly criticized by scientists around the world because of serious methodology limitations; further, the study conclusions are not supported by the results (Davis, 2016, Jorgensen, 2016, Korblein, 2016, Shibata, 2016, Suzuki, 2016, Takahashi et al., 2016, Takamura, 2016, Wakeford et al., 2016). Limitations of ecological study design are well-known, although the authors did not acknowledge the issue of ecologic fallacy. Another criticism was that the data from the Fukushima screening program are not directly comparable with the cancer registry data from the rest of Japan where systematic advanced ultrasound technology is not used to detect cases. The authors of these criticisms suggested that though the increased TC number could be associated with the exposure from radioactive fallout, a more plausible conclusion would be that the screening program is finding an anticipated increase in TC detection across the Fukushima prefecture. Indeed, Tsuda and colleagues did not consider the latent properties of TC, nor the fact that a prevalent cancer detected by screening might have had first preclinical manifestations of abnormality before the nuclear accident.Thereafter, several researchers have analysed the relationship between radiation exposure (with different estimated exposure levels, mostly using an external dose) and TC prevalence and incidence in residents aged ≤18 years in the Fukushima prefecture at time of the disaster (Kato, 2019, Nakaya et al., 2018, Ohira et al., 2019a, Ohira et al., 2020, Ohira et al., 2019b, Ohira et al., 2016, Ohira et al., 2018, Suzuki et al., 2016, Toki et al., 2020, Yamamoto et al., 2019), but no radiation-related risks have been demonstrated to date.
Knowing the fast, blowing the pass, hoping and coping an omen to dance.
Flowing and / roaming is / leaving his / hoe with a / dope under
Godzilla / rocking, / knocking, / iller stomping
on the killer / marker / Founder / stomp Mc/Carthy / villain / with Is/lamic s/criptures
rocking, / knocking, / ill*er* stomping
on the kill*er* / marker / Founder / stomp Mc/Carthy / villain / with Is/lamic s/criptures
Data ONTAP(R) 8.2 High Availability and MetroCluster Configuration Guide For 7-Mode
Part number: 215-07985_A0
May 2013
Enable or disable automatic takeover on panic by entering the following command: options cf.takeover.on_panic {on|off} on enables immediate takeover of a panicked node. This is the default value. off disables immediate takeover of a panicked node. If you disable this option, normal takeover procedures apply: if a node panics and stays down without sending messages to its partner for 15 seconds, the partner then automatically takes over the failed node.
→ オフでも15秒後には切り替わるよ!
Data ONTAP(R) 8.2 High Availability and MetroCluster Configuration Guide For 7-Mode
October 2020 | 215-08524_B0
Enable or disable automatic takeover on panic by entering the following command: options cf.takeover.on_panic {on|off} If the cf.takeover.on_panic option is set to on, a node panic will cause an automatic takeover. If the cf.takeover.on_panic option is set to off, a node panic will not cause an automatic takeover. You should not turn this option off unless you are instructed by technical support to do so.
I would like to write about what I know and understand about the Soka Gakkai because the D.C. Times published an article titled "China's Manipulation of Japan, NPOs and Soka Gakkai Act as Pipeline = U.S. Think Tank Report".
First of all, as a premise, the Soka Gakkai is a cult.
This is because there is a definition of a religious cult, and the reality of the Soka Gakkai falls under that definition in many ways.
You can read more about the definition of a religious cult and mind control in the book "Combating Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults ".
The Soka Gakkai is also a collection of criminals, sick people and poor people.
In fact, the Soka Gakkai is similar to the mafia gangs in Italy and Mexico, and it has reigned as the largest criminal and anti-society organization in Japan in the name of a religious organization.
Many of its members have been brainwashed and are unable to recognize and judge themselves as normal human beings.
In the 1950s and 1980s, Soka Gakkai members were forcibly recruited to join the Soka Gakkai, and nowadays, it is estimated that about 10% of the Japanese people are members of the Gakkai (Soka Gakkai members).
In particular, the Soka Gakkai has infiltrated civil servants, specifically the police force, the fire department, and the Self-Defense Forces, and it has been revealed that 20 to 30% of the Metropolitan Police Department's employees are members of the Soka Gakkai.
There is always a certain percentage of Soka Gakkai members in elementary, middle, and high school classes, and in corporate workplaces, and therefore it is taboo to criticize the Soka Gakkai in those communities.
This is because the Gakkai members in each community monitor the words and actions of their community members in the same way as the mainland communists who have infiltrated Hong Kong, and if someone speaks out against the Soka Gakkai, they will target that person and initiate a campaign of sabotage.
The sabotage is similar to the CPC's repressive actions against human rights activists in Hong Kong, including obstructing, harassing, and following them around, an act that has been described as mass stalking.
For example, in Japan, if you make a placating statement in a school class or at work that the Soka Gakkai is a cult religious group because it meets the definition of a cult group, members of the Gakkai in the community get madly angry (depending on the degree of mind control they are receiving) or bite off their anger to deny the statement.
Then they label the person who made such a statement as "anti", and they also share information about the antis with other members of the Soka Gakkai, and begin to perceive them as "beings to be punished by Buddha", to be targets of surveillance and group attacks.
In reality, however, the definition of a religious cult was not defined for the Soka Gakkai but for dangerous religious groups such as Aum Shinrikyo and People's Temple, which were intended to prevent ordinary people from being harmed by them.
The Soka Gakkai falls under the definition of a cult because the Soka Gakkai has cult-like tendencies.
When Soka Gakkai members are pointed out to the Soka Gakkai, instead of thinking "Let's fix what's wrong with my religious group," they think of suppressing their critics (anti) and silencing them, which is a pattern of thinking and behavior of a fanatic of a religious cult, and the sarin gas attack (terrorism). I feel that the followers of Aum Shinrikyo at the time when it was founded must have had a similar pattern of thinking and behavior.
Believers in cult groups are unconsciously mind-controlled and brainwashed, so they don't think that they should change their way of thinking and behavior when criticism is pointed out to them. In this respect, their attitude is similar to that of the Chinese Communist Party towards the demands of human rights activists in Hong Kong, i.e., the fanatics of cult groups such as the Soka Gakkai are not normal human beings.
By the way, there is an organization called JCP in Japan, which is also anti-American and illegal in the United States.
It is well known that some anti-American organizations cooperate with each other in order to undermine this country by signing a pact called "Soko Kyodo Agreement" and facilitating agents of anti-Japanese and anti-American groups.
It is obvious that the JCP is an anti-American terrorist organization in nature and that the JCP is a cult-like organization when it signs an agreement with a religious cult.
From another point of view, the Soka Gakkai, to its followers, appears to be a huge organization that carries out fraudulent and criminal activities such as Ponzi schemes and network businesses. It also has elements of a black business, and believers who join the Soka Gakkai are becoming materially and mentally exhausted.
The following blog, run by Mr. Sinifié, exposes the reality of the Soka Gakkai. It contains the testimonies and experiences of many current and former Soka Gakkai members and ex-members who have left the Gakkai.
It is clear that this reality of the Soka Gakkai is far removed from the original role of religion, which is to provide individuals with peace of mind and spiritual support.
As the saying goes, "like begets friend," it is only natural for the Soka Gakkai to try to maintain a good relationship with the CPC.
However, many Chinese who have worked in Japan seem to dislike the Soka Gakkai and return to their countries.
Although the Soka Gakkai employs a different strategy than Aum Shinrikyo and has infiltrated many organizations such as corporations, police, fire departments, the Self-Defense Forces, and local government officials, the Soka Gakkai members who have infiltrated the Kasumigaseki bureaucracy and the Self-Defense Forces are considered dangerous to the U.S. because they are inherently dangerous.
Because they are essentially anti-American and may act as agents to cooperate with the CPC.
There are some findings that are common knowledge among intellectuals in the U.S. and Europe but have not been made known to the Japanese people in Japan because the media and bureaucrats have stopped them.
One of them is that the Soka Gakkai headquarters has been sending donations from Gakkai members to Noriega (former general, now imprisoned) in Panama for large-scale tax evasion and money laundering.
Noriega received a large amount of money from Daisaku Ikeda of the Soka Gakkai and invested it in his own drug business, spreading drugs on an international level.
Daisaku Ikeda of the Soka Gakkai has been investing and managing the donations collected from Gakkai members in Noriega's drug business as well as tax evasion and money laundering. At the same time, the Soka Gakkai and Daisaku Ikeda invested the donations they received from Gakkai members in Noriega's drug business as a means of tax evasion and money laundering, and returned the profits to the domestic market to help the Soka Gakkai executives line their pockets and build Soka Gakkai facilities and Soka University.
The fact that Daisaku Ikeda raised Noriega's profile in the Seikyo Shimbun during the same period must be undeniable to those Gakkai members who have subscribed to the Seikyo Shimbun.
In particular, there are many Gakkai members at the level of police organizations, the Metropolitan Police Department and prefectures, who have been causing social problems and covering up crimes committed by Gakkai members in Japan.
Well, if they are in a state of unconscious brainwashing and mind control, they may not believe the contents, and may assume a pattern of behavior such as getting angry, grumpy, or attacking the writer.
In other words, one can expect a lot of denial of facts like the followers of Aum Shinrikyo, which is easy to expect, but this (the issue of Soka Gakkai and drug business, tax evasion, and money laundering) is a fact that was revealed because Noriega was arrested and imprisoned for spreading drugs in the US. This is a fact that is well known as common knowledge in the U.S. and Europe.
The fact that the Soka Gakkai is a criminal organization is very difficult to deny.
恥かきっ子, 月狂条例, ヨクシラナイト, アルシコ, マンカストラップ, ムサコ, 裏ソフト, 畳語, 被服, 目からウロコ, コト消費, アルヴェル, ケーブルポルノ, Glitter Force, アホールド, パイパン, ドレミの歌いろいろ, スペンス乳腺, メッザーラ, ゆうた, eargasm, のっつのっつ, ポーランドボール, the best version of Benzema, グラインド, 偏差値BF, パスカル, beer bong, YouTuberベルト, ハイプマン, アタマコンクリ, ハローマック, トリテ, バブリーネイル, JKリフレ, 偏, ブロニー, ツライチ, サイボーグ宣言(A Cyborg Manifesto), イキリト, エネme, ちやほや, falsies, アンブッシュマーケティング, 図書カードNEXT, 鬼電, 枝葉末節(シヨウマッセツ), バーナム効果, CBT, 金的の的とは, コンプレックス(誤った略語), プラヴォ・ヤズディ, レトロニム, エスカ・エズカ, オメガバース, ラッキールーザー, かまちょ, パーソナルスペースとプライベートゾーン, スタン落ち, オキラ, カラスマガリ, 激パ, METs, 寺畜, ギルトフリー, R4S, ヤニクラ, 献辞, ばらし, 三次元顔形状データベース自動照合システム, 茅野外, コズク, 平日昼間問題, hurtbag, VAPE, ゴリラAIM, 社会人を英語で, ベジョータ, ケルン, 最牛, スラントアイ, ピペド, パブサ, チョレギ, スビク・スブク, タケノコ剥ぎ, 竹の子族, トミノコ族, 自発, パイパン(鉄道用語), 勃鬼, 撮れ高, 無聊を託つ, 食べ付ける, タルカブル・タリカブル, ガクチカ, テンバガー, PrecursorとPrecureの違い, 間借りカレー, 風呂敷, スネップ, 昼職, LPD(Liquid Pantie Dropper), プルースト効果, P活, アイムソーリー法, 糟糠の妻, 勘助, サーフ&ターフ, うにく, ドメイン投票方式, ドシコ, オヤカク, rusty trombone, コウト, ゼロシコ, フィルターバブル, 6DoF, 344, quadrilateral, 少クラ, フルゴリラ, 愚の直行, チダオバ, K-NTR, ラーゴム, よかた, コバロリ, 女王陛下の仰せのままに, 魔女の乳首, ローグライト, たまごニコニコ大作戦!!, ねまる, エレオク, Mile-High Club, 持ち重り, 大腸内視鏡専用検査食, 閉塞性動脈硬化症(ASO), 末梢動脈疾患 (PAD), 間歇性跛行, gout, ポップコーンマッチ, wire-to-wire, 質問乞食, アイブラック, Cradle to Cradle, ご飯論法, アダルトマン将軍, マサラ上映, ヒデル, 負け絵文字, キチョハナカンシャ, ワダカルシューム錠, YDK, ハンロンの剃刀, ユニコーン系男子, Jigglypuff, ヘキ, 一日球迷, バ美肉, 筥, ガセグルメ, 信号無視話法, リクラブ, 精日, むずむず脚症候群, デューデリジェンス, ゲロビ, アウトパフォーム, バックウオーター, コアストーン, メロン肩, ダッドスニーカー, はいプロ, モナカ, ピカルディ終止, ハイブロー, ホマキ, ダエモる, もどリッチ, ジェンダーベンド, こわちか, らぶりつ, ペップトーク, フレーメン反応, デナリ, 容喙, ダブルアイリッシュ・ウィズ・ア・ダッチサンドイッチ, アンクレイブ, Ermüdungsfraktur, ダークトライアド, 乙女貼り, オデキャラ, クリーンミート, 24-7, 尿潤, 日本五大昔話, 便雨, JOI, ワイ, Jackhammer, ペガサス野獣類, キャットコール, ゴメ忍, 女オタオタ, エプリー法, カエルコール, ワンコール, #WalkAway, ピボット, ピピット, チャック・ノリスの真実, カンパ, 熱帯, ジャスタブル, たいぷはてな, 激アド, テレコ, しがむ, レンコン, ニワトリ なぜ 朝鳴く, シャネルの5番, オナラブル, ユリカモメの夏羽, カッティングエッジ, ヤブ医者, イカには心臓が3つある, メンブレ, buy the farm, vore, サビ, グリーンラッシュ, サイファイ, 稀代のじじい絵師, ガンプラのクリアランス処理, オリンピックゴール, 月光族, 4列目の男, 酢飯, スー女, サカゼン, ゼロ打ち, ブラックオーシャン, シニシズム, KKO, IKKO, NIKKO, いなたい, 肉下, 時間薬, Aライン, エポニム, セレクティブ・エネミー, バタフライキーボード, フォトロゲ, キャベツ枕, しょってる, 最前管理, オーバーツーリズム, NSFW, 杞憂民, マンモグラフィー・サンデー, 現実カメラ, 大村寿司・ロンサンド・すぼ, Ta Ma De, ロクる, 吉牛, テトラ・プリズマ, デドラ・プリズマ, 也, Life is peachy, トリガミ, サッカーパンチ, ランカー, ヤーボイ, 平成ジャンプ, イレブンスリー, トムハ・トムヒ・トムホ, eyebrowslits, No Nut November (NNN), FANG, スナップフィット, 後方腕組彼氏面, 滑り台ヒロイン, チャヴ, あすなろ抱き, アメリカンスリーブ, アンノン族, 彩湖・道満グリーンパーク, エンカ, ハイク, カスハラ, イキリ骨太郎, 黒金, アゴアシ, ダイヤ, オフシール, whistleblower, FIRE, ぽわん袖, 兵庫北, ムーンショット, 黒科技, しいたけディテール, サブマリン現象, 没イチ, 「4Kテレビ」と「4K対応テレビ」, 囧, Wikipediaマイニング, ガシマン, パワーカップル, プノーロ, 着弾, ポイント・ネモ, "es Kashima, no Kashiwa", モクバン, ホロン部, 縦ピザ, 誠意, 攻殻立ち, 大虎, フロリダ, M式入力, ロミオメール・ジュリエットメール, AZIK配列, ロコ, マクガフィン, ケツが浮く, 増粘着材噴射装置, 怠ける権利, 8020運動, 大胆、大胆、常に大胆, ~〜, ホモランドセル, カチョエペペ, 残響系, ふるさと納税 3種の神器, ストックアプリシエーションライト, スティックのり, 総花, 以津真天, カッサ, 砂の壁, てぇてぇ, 剣とサンダル, プロタゴニスト, マチズモ, 同款, 天保山の戦い, 冷奴, シスコライス, wok, ブロートウェア, 親切遺伝子, フィンスタ, 高級黒, パネルマジック, ブクマ活動, 女子と高卒とでもつ会社, 肉形石, upskirt / downblouse, シマニョーロ, 桐壺源氏, ナンバーワン・ナンバーツー, Labor and Delivery Nurse, 吠える40度, 立て直しは甘え, ブーブーライセンス, 普通事件, くしゃみ助かる, マロ, パスター, FAR&SURE, 8話, Tスピントリプル, 羊の交配, やっとかめ, 水カステラ, マニック・ピクシー・ドリーム・ガール, パグパグ, 腐り待ち, 灰皿ソニック, そしかい, ごきげんやっしゃ, AD, フラットアーサー, ソフラン, トナラー, タギー, トナーレ, ミリオンダラーゲート, リーニングリバーストライク, WWO, 飽きた, 五目大, 行旅さん, エオカラー, CP(同人), Soulmate AU, カブトガニ, ヴャウォヴィエジャ, ファイナルガール, 絵馬, フォルダブルフォン, ハイポニキウム, よいしょ本, 叡智絵, ドリームキラー, レズ鍋式、ゲイ鍋式, サブ10, せんべろ, 大圏距離, 合併症, 妄想師, お約束影, HOXY?, 関東造盆地運動, ポイ活, 天空アイドル, 鬼まんじゅう, フィジビリ, ヤゲン, ヨーロッパ, ひよこ系女子, 盛り袖, クリーンハンズ, 改元難陳, ムービー銃, カーボラスト, シンシャンション, 鼠径部, エッチスケッチワンタッチ, ハンブル・ブラッグ, ユネスコサイド, 髪結いの亭主, MMT, もだもだ, ヒカセン, 996, マー活, Oh baby a triple!, 私設大本営, 120円する, 舌を越す, ズージャ語, バートルの分類{達成者、冒険家、ソーシャライザー、キラー}, 脳勃起, カナラー, PITマニューバ, メアリー・スー, 見せ槍, ワンシーズン・ワンダー, シャークティース, フラリーマン, インネパ, アナンダマイド, ブステク, B.V., 岸影様, マックワード, CASE, Nani the fuck, メルボルンシャッフル, 天皇決戦, モペッド, スウィート・サイエンス, スカウサー, カーフレイズ, ヒットボックス・ポルノ, 感情失禁, 情熱ボタン, コットン・シーリング, マナー足, D10S, YP, 山本の木, 吟行(ギンコウ), 産み分けゼリー, DD論, ヒトトキ融資, つるみ, ginkgo, TWS, キイトルーダ, バービー, シャローフェイク, アークトメタターサル, バツシ, ファニーボーン, 一週間さん, 針聞書, 貢ぎマゾ, カトキ立ち, タミティー, 白ハゲ漫画, Watusi, 一眼鉄, アルファ商法, や人愚滅, Acadexit
詳細はこちらから⇒ https://anond.hatelabo.jp/c/%E4%BB%8A%E6%97%A5%E7%9F%A5%E3%81%A3%E3%81%9F%E8%A8%80%E8%91%89
Natural phenomenon like the waves at shore, the fall and the wind, or transportations like a train and an airplane, or musical instruments, or an animal these things attracts us with those sounds.
I hardly moved by a tiny brook in a cities at all because flows without strong sound like a river. Also even though staying beach at midnight makes me calm beside fear for darkness. It caused sound of endless wave.
While across, I saw a scenery there is nothing to obstruct to the sky, driving on alley, into the tunnel. I heard the sound. Clean white splash is coming and going. Realized there is no wave looks like same before. Think over the offshore far away, one day I melt into the sand of shore.
"But perhaps most surprisingly, four years after the procedure, samples of Long’s semen show only his donor’s DNA."
"...[Long]’s surprising semen is likely due to the fact that Long had a vasectomy after his second child was born."
"Three bone marrow transplant experts consulted by the NYT all agreed that it would be impossible for the procedure to result in a recipient producing sperm containing their donor’s DNA."
(ウィキピディア『骨髄』: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%AA%A8%E9%AB%84)
"But perhaps most surprisingly, four years after the procedure, samples of Long’s semen show only his donor’s DNA."
Semen (精液). Not sperm(精子).
"Three bone marrow transplant experts consulted by the NYT all agreed that it would be impossible for the procedure to result in a recipient producing sperm containing their donor’s DNA."
"...[Long]’s surprising semen is likely due to the fact that Long had a vasectomy after his second child was born."
Sid Meier's Civilization V
The Last Remnant
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
サガ スカーレット グレイス 緋色の野望
Stardew Valley
Katana ZERO
Age of Empires II (2013)
The Herbalist
A-Train PC Classic / みんなのA列車で行こうPC
Portal 2
Move or Die
Arcade Classics Anniversary Collection
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Tricky Towers
Hotline Miami
NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Sengoku Gunyuuden
Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection
NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Reppuden with Power Up Kit
NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Shouseiroku with Power Up Kit
Ace of Seafood
Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
STAR WARS™ Battlefront (Classic, 2004)
Duck Game
Puyo Puyo Champions - ぷよぷよ eスポーツ
Rocket League
NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Haouden with Power Up Kit
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
Stronghold Crusader HD
Groove Coaster
Counter-Strike: Source
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization
Day of Defeat: Source
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
428 〜封鎖された渋谷で〜
Age of Empires II (2013): The Forgotten
Atelier Meruru ~The Apprentice of Arland~ DX
Atelier Rorona ~The Alchemist of Arland~ DX
Atelier Totori ~The Adventurer of Arland~ DX
BADLAND: Game of the Year Edition
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Pacific
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 1: Bloody Harvest
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 2: Wattle Gobbler
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 3: Mercenary Day
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 4: Wedding Day Massacre
Borderlands 2: Headhunter 5: Son of Crawmerax
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Borderlands DLC: Claptrap’s New Robot Revolution
Borderlands DLC: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot
Borderlands DLC: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
Borderlands DLC: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned
Borderlands GOTY Enhanced
Cat Quest
Cat Quest II
CHUCHEL (チュチェル)
Circle Empires
Civilization V - Scrambled Continents Map Pack
Civilization VI - Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI - Aztec Civilization Pack
Civilization VI - Persia and Macedon Civilization & Scenario Pack
Civilization VI - Poland Civilization & Scenario Pack
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Counter-Strike: Condition Zero
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut
Dungeon Siege
Dungeon Siege 2
Dungeon Siege III
Fallout 2
Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop
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Flora's Fruit Farm
Genghis Khan
Genghis Khan II: Clan of the Gray Wolf
Hacknet - Labyrinths
Half-Life: Opposing Force
Half-Life: Source
Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator
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Just Cause™ 3 DLC: Sky Fortress Pack
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Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Legacy of Kain: Defiance
Lode Runner Legacy
Meltys Quest
Mushihimesama Original Soundtrack
Mushihimesama V1.5
NieR:Automata™ - 3C3C1D119440927
NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Ranseiki with Power Up Kit
NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Soutenroku with Power Up Kit
NOBUNAGA’S AMBITION: Tenkasousei with Power Up Kit
Order of War
Overcooked! 2
Poly Bridge
Project: Snowblind
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV with Power Up Kit
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX with Power Up Kit
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII with Power Up Kit
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII with Power Up Kit
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI with Power Up Kit
Romance of the Three Kingdoms V with Power Up Kit
Romance of the Three Kingdoms X with Power Up Kit
Russian Subway Dogs
Sangokushi Eiketsuden
Seed of the Dead
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Rise and Fall
Skyrim High Resolution Texture Pack
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection
STEINS;GATE 線形拘束のフェノグラム
Stronghold Crusader Extreme HD
Stronghold HD
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The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Thaumaturge
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II - OST
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III
The Messenger
The Tiny Bang Story
The Turing Test
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Expansion Pass
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - New Finisher Animations
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
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Thief - Opportunist
Thief - Predator
Thief - The Bank Heist
Thief 2
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Thief Gold
This War of Mine - War Child Charity DLC
Tomb Raider (VI): The Angel of Darkness
Tomb Raider: Chronicles
Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III: Adventures of Lara Croft
Uncharted Waters
Uncharted Waters II
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Van Helsing II: Ink Hunt
World of Goo
XCOM 2: Alien Hunters
XCOM 2: Anarchy's Children
XCOM 2: Reinforcement Pack
XCOM 2: Resistance Warrior Pack
XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
XCOM: Enemy Within
Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma
神次次元ゲイム ネプテューヌRe;Birth3 V CENTURY
超次次元ゲイム ネプテューヌRe;Birth1 DELUXEセット(ディジタル限定版)
超次次元ゲイム ネプテューヌRe;Birth3 デラックスセット
I have a girlfriend who is living with me. Yesterday, I picked up some food on the way home from work. My girlfriend saw it and told me "PLEASE, NOT TO BUY SWEETS" . Because she has been working at home recently due to the COVID19, she feels guilty because she eats all the sweets in the house. It made me sad. I just wanted to give her a break while she was working at home.こんちくしょーが She too was tired from the end of the workday. I was also exhausted at the end of the work day. That's just the way it is. But that doesn't change the fact that I felt sad. I'm writing this because I wanted to look back on the situation at that time and put a stop to my feelings so that I could say "I'm home" with her when I get home today.
1 Most of what I'm about to write is no different from what I've said and done in the past. However, I have been asked the same question repeatedly, so I would like to reiterate it. We have received many inquiries from overseas as well, so we should have prepared the same content in English, but due to time constraints, I'm afraid I'll have to skip it. This article is designed to be read without basic knowledge of infectious diseases and jargon, but it is rather difficult to understand. Please forgive me for that.
2 The fact that the number of COVID-19 reports in Japan is very low compared to other countries is attracting attention from home and abroad. Is it true? It has been pointed out that the number of tests is so small that we may be misreading the actual number of infected people.
3 However, this point is wrong at various layers. In the first place, Japan does not aim to capture all the numbers of COVID-19. Whether it's administrative testing or insured care, the state basically has a testing strategy in mind to diagnose, hospitalize, and isolate critically ill patients who need to be hospitalized. It is natural that they "haven't figured it out" and they don't intend to. That's not a bad thing.In fact, the situation is the same in every country, large or small, and no country, whether in the United States, Europe, or Asia, is aiming to "capture the whole number.
The WHO is not asking for such a thing. But instead, Japan gives PCR to asymptomatic returnees and isolates asymptomatic test-positive people in hospital (wasn't it home for people with minor illnesses?). It has not been coherent in its principles. So, people get anxious because "we're not sure what they want to do". It's a failure in the press.
4 The difference between Korea and Japan is the "result" and not the "purpose". In South Korea, where the number of infected people had surged in one place, we had to focus on inspections in and around the area. If such a phenomenon (let's call it an overshoot) occurs in Japan, the number of inspections will increase. When the situation is different, arguing only on the basis of the number of tests without observing the situation is like trying to say, "That team made 50 sliding tackles while this team made only one," without watching a football game. In games where you don't have to slide (e.g., when you're in possession the whole time), even 0 times isn't a "mistake," and of course 50 times isn't a mistake.
5 全数把握ができていない疾患など山のようにある。日本ではインフルエンザの「全数」把握はしておらず、定点観測である。疫学上、感染対策上、それで十分な情報が得られているからだ。日本で毎年風邪が何例発生しているか、正確に把握したデータはない。レセプトデータを見ればわかるじゃないか、というのも間違いで、なぜなら多くの風邪患者は(ぼくのように)受診せずに自然に治るまで待っている。医療に限らず、経済学でも政治学でもデータはサンプリングから母数を推定するのがほとんどで、「全数」は非効率的な状態把握法なのだ。
There are many diseases for which the total number of patients is not known. In Japan, we do not have a "total" number of influenza cases, but only a fixed-point observation. Because that's enough information, both epidemiologically and in terms of infection control. There is no accurate data on how many cases of the common cold occur each year in Japan. It's also a mistake to say that you can tell by looking at the receipt data, because many cold patients (like me) don't see a doctor and wait until they are cured naturally. Not only in medicine, but also in economics and political science, data are mostly based on sampling to estimate population numbers, and "whole numbers" is an inefficient way of grasping the situation.
6 We have not seen the devastation in Japan as in Italy, Spain or New York City. There is no medical collapse in a critically ill patient, no use of the operating room as an ICU, no piling up of bodies on a skating rink with no place to put them. Even if the "numbers" are not known, it is a fact that the current situation in Japan (including Tokyo) is much better controlled than in other countries.
7 Even so, you may be interested in "Well, what about the actual situation? There are estimates. For example, Dr. Hiroshi Nishiura and his group estimate that the number of mild illnesses in Japan may be twice the reported number. The catch rate is 0.44, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.37-0.50.
8 Although the study was based on data from China, there is no guarantee that the Chinese COVID-19 demographic is the same as the Japanese one. Also, since the original study did not include asymptomatic patients or those with minor illnesses that did not require hospitalization, the number of infected patients estimated on that basis would inevitably be an underestimate. If you are more paranoid, it's not unreasonable to believe that "the Japanese and Chinese viruses are different because of the mutation" (although I don't think so).
9 This does not diminish the value of the paper itself. The model must always use existing parameters, and it is often impossible to prove the external validity of these parameters. If the underlying parameters are not reasonable, the predictions will not be correct. A model assumes a simplified world insofar as it is a model. A model without simplification, which is an adjectival contradiction.
To complain about these "assumptions" of the mathematical model is like complaining, for example, "You can't explain disease B," when a randomized controlled trial is conducted for disease A. This is a meaningless tirade against the honor of the industry.
However, it is different for the reader of the paper.
A mathematical model that assumes a certain hypothesis should have internal academic validity, but it is the responsibility of the reader, as a resident of the real world, to appraise it in the real world.
Just as the RCT findings for disease A should not be used for disease B, it is natural to understand the limitations of the mathematical model and to be careful when applying it to the real world. For example, it would be wrong to read the paper and conclude that the total number of infected people in Tokyo is about 500 as of March 26.
感想;「読み手は別である」を「読み手にとっては別である」に変更し、「制限や限界」は「limitations and limitations」になったので片方削った。
11 People make mistakes. The models are also wrong. Being wrong is not a big deal. The problem is to notice your mistakes and make corrections. Already, a group at Imperial College London has admitted that its original estimate that the peak of the infection should be moderated was "wrong" and has revised its prediction that the ICU will soon fail if it does not fight the virus fairly aggressively.
思えばこれまでの民間の面接は全部ここのための練習試合でした。完全にマニュアル化されたドアの開け方、「もちろん御社が第一志望です!」というウソ。そんなの誰もができること。働きたいという意思が薄いことは見透かされていたのでしょう。じゃあどうすればいいの? 熱意を持って自分にしか無いエピソードを話す。そんなの頭ではわかってるんだけどさ。
♪~(The Fatback Band - Spanish Hustle)
ああ! そして今こそ私はそれを自覚しながら椅子に座るのです。死こそ免れましたが瀕死です。