
I have a girlfriend who is living with me.

I have a girlfriend who is living with me. Yesterday, I picked up some food on the way home from work. My girlfriend saw it and told me "PLEASE, NOT TO BUY SWEETS" . Because she has been working at home recently due to the COVID19, she feels guilty because she eats all the sweets in the house. It made me sad. I just wanted to give her a break while she was working at home.こんちくしょーが She too was tired from the end of the workday. I was also exhausted at the end of the work day. That's just the way it is. But that doesn't change the fact that I felt sad. I'm writing this because I wanted to look back on the situation at that time and put a stop to my feelings so that I could say "I'm home" with her when I get home today.


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