はてなキーワード: With tとは
But the Grand Slam leaders emphasized that the news media still played an important role.
“A core element of the Grand Slam regulations is the responsibility of the players to engage with the media, whatever the result of their match, a responsibility which players take for the benefit of the sport, the fans and for themselves,” their statement said.
7 か月前
“In current (??) media, there is a saying that your performance and your victories remind us of a ??? old style Japanese. How do you think those comments or what do you think of your own identity?”
なおみ”What do your mean? I’m old stubborn..?”
通訳者”No, yeah your.. remind everyone of an old Japanese style.”
通訳者 “Not.. ah I haven’t really seen the article”
“It’s said your existence is changing the way how people see Japanese. What do you think about that?”
この100万人強とは、正確には現在の推定値であるアウシュヴィッツのユダヤ人犠牲者数110万人のことである。この人は自分で調べてこの数が「全くの妄想」だと書いている。唖然とする他ない。現在のアウシュヴィッツの犠牲者数はユダヤ人以外を含めて150万人、ユダヤ人は110万人であるが、これはアウシュヴィッツ国立博物館勤務だったフランチェシェク・パイパー(Franciszek Piper)博士の研究成果であることは、アウシュヴィッツ博物館のサイトにすら書いてある事実である。こちらのサイトのどこかに書いてあった筈なのだが、今回は探し出せなかった。
アウシュヴィッツ博物館の歴史部門の責任者であったフランチェシェク・パイパーは、ホロコースト史家やメディアによって何度も翻訳され、広く引用されている学術的分析の著者である[3]。ピペルは、少なくとも合計130万人がアウシュヴィッツに強制送還され、そのうち110万人が収容所で死亡したと結論づけています。約20万人の囚人が、収容所の最終的な清算だけでなく、労働力の再配分の一環として、アウシュヴィッツから他の収容所に送還された。ホロコースト列車でアウシュビッツに運ばれたユダヤ人の約81%、89万人の男女と子供たちは、到着後すぐに死を迎え、登録されなかった。1946年のニュルンベルク裁判で発表された収容所の司令官ルドルフ・ヘスの戦後の証言も、理由は不明だが、信頼性が低く、著しく誇張されていることが証明されたのである。フランチシェク・パイパーの著書は『アウシュヴィッツ』として英語で出版された。How Many Perished Jews, Poles, Gypsies』として、1991年、1992年、1994年に連続して出版されている[4]。
博士の研究手法の詳細はともかくとして、「何にも基づいていない全くの妄想」なのだそうだ。いったい何を「調べた」のだろうか? このツイッタラーがホロコーストの情報に関し何を見ているのかはツイートを追えば大体わかるので、偏った知識しかないことくらいはすぐにわかるのだが、研究者の研究成果を「何にも基づいていない全くの妄想」呼ばわりできる神経がさっぱり理解できない。もちろん、「何にも基づいていない全くの妄想」は嘘である。この研究成果は広く知られているようで、多くの世界中の研究者に認められたものである。日本のホロコースト研究では有名な芝健介氏もその著書『ホロコースト ナチスのユダヤ人大量殺戮の全貌』で触れている。こうした学術研究をやったことがある人がいるなら推測できると思うけど、膨大な資料や文献との取っ組み合いの末に算出された数字であることが疑いの余地がない。アウシュヴィッツ博物館なのだから所蔵資料だって豊富なのである。私もほんの一部だけこうした犠牲者数の推計方法を知っているが、出発地や経由地、あるいはアウシュヴィッツの到着時などで輸送人員数の記録がある程度残っているのである。何故なら、ドイツ帝国鉄道に対して輸送人員数に基づいた運賃をナチス親衛隊が支払っていたからだ。その上で囚人登録数やその他のデータを徹底的に照合することにより、適切な仮定を経て犠牲者数を算出していくのである。めっちゃ手間かかるが、基本は「アウシュヴィッツに入ってきた輸送人員の数」ー「囚人として生き残っていた数、どこか別の収容所へ移送されたりその他の理由で収容所を出た囚人の数、病気等により死亡が記録されている人の数」=「登録もされずにガス処刑された犠牲者の数」になる。それをこのツイッタラーは「何にも基づいていない全くの妄想」呼ばわりするのである。
Lets stop with the Auschwitz lies
「ホロコーストの嘘に比べたら微々たるもの」って感覚? その辺がさっぱり理解できない。それとも普段から、日常生活でも嘘ばかり言ってるのだろうか? どうもこの後者のような気がしてならない。ともかく、なんであの人たちは平然と嘘ばっかりつくのか? 理由を知っている人がいたら教えて欲しい。
When I was in college, I had a part-time job writing moaning voices incessantly.
It was a part-time job at an erotic game company that I was introduced to by one of my seniors.
The company put a lot of effort into the story of their erotic games, and the writers who worked there were all people who took pride in their writing.
From their point of view, it was a pain to write the moaning voices in the sex scenes, so they decided to leave it to the part-time workers.
First, I was given the "gist" of the sex scene, such as "unzipping" or "moving hips faster.
2. I would then add my own moaning voices, such as "mmm ......" and "ahhhhhh", in a reasonable amount of salt.
3. the scenario writer checks it and it's done.
This may sound easy, but it is surprisingly difficult.
First of all, there is a certain length to an sex scene, so it is necessary to make it exciting precisely within that range.
The sounds used must be gradual, so that the audience does not get bored, and the excitement must be gradually increased.
It is also important to adjust the length of the text.
If the text is too short, it won't convey a sexual pleasure feeling, but if it is too long, the voice will become redundant.
In this way, a sense of balance and systematic pacing is required to get a bird's eye view of eroticism.
It was definitely not a job that I could just bang on the keyboard as I pleased.
My first work was a "younger sister" story, and I had a hard time allocating the "a" sound for the second sex scene.
If she said "aaaaah" from the beginning, it would sound like a seasoned whore's moaning voices, but if She said "an", it would not be erotic enough.
I finished it after much effort, but the writer said, "Couldn't you make it faster?” I'm disappointed.
As I was puzzling over what to do with ...... in front of the computer left by my predecessor (only the "A"key on the keyboard was strangely shiny), I noticed the existence of a file.
It was an Excel file titled "moaning-editor.xls," and it was a macro left by my predecessor specifically for making moaning voice.
By entering lines one by one in the vertically aligned cells, the phonetic elements such as vowels and consonants in each line were automatically converted into numerical values.
Furthermore, by adding and subtracting the numerical values, a value called "climax level" was calculated.
This "climax level" make a breakthrough to creating the ideal moaning voice.
If the sentence is constructed in such a way that this value gradually increases from the beginning to the end of the scene, the voice comes ideally.
It seemed that my predecessor had single-handedly created such an amazing and awesome Excel program.
I guess he wanted to share it with me, his successor, while hiding it from his boss as a secret tool.
Thanks to this tool, my work became much easier, and I could continue to make moving sounds with a stable quality.
One day, while I was working, I noticed something.
Theoretically, any text can be entered into the cell where the moaning voice is supposed input.
In other words to that, any text other than a moaning voice could be used to calculate the "climax level".
So I tried to calculate the "climax level" of famous works in the history of literature.
For example, "I have always called him teacher." for exampleis 12, and "He is reckless like his parents and has been doing nothing but losing money since he was a child. " is 30.
I have always called him teacher.
Author , Natume Soseki
Out , in 1914
Story of distressed man who robbed lover from his friend by lying.
He is reckless like his parents and has been doing nothing but losing money since he was a child.
Author , Natume Soseki
Out , in 1906
Story that revenge of one teacher, who was naughty boy in youth ,to nasty coworker.
I hadn't expected this, but as I researched, I found that many of the masterpieces were written on the same principle as my work.
In other words, the degree of "climax" increases toward the end.
The most notable example is Akutagawa's "Nobody knows where the servant" is. The number of climaxes in this story is 367.
Nobody knows where the servant
Author , Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Out , in 1915
Story of one fired servant struggle to survive and he decide throw aside his human conscience.
The scene in which a drugged married woman faints with the whites of her eyes is at most 330, so you can see how astonishing the number is.
It turns out that "climax" is a universal rule that applies to all kinds of writing.
After realizing this fact, I started to write every sentence as if it were a gasp.
And I have been successful in every aspect of my life.
In job-hunting entry sheets, too, it is the distribution of the "climax level" that is important.
For example, in the education section, if you drop out of the university with the name that has the highest "climax level" and use it as your final education, it will look very different.
(It depends on the name of the university, but in general, "dropped out" has a higher climax level than "graduated.)
As some of you may have noticed, I've been writing this article in such a way as to gradually increase the climax level.
↑The climax level of this sentence is 290.
I'd like to end this sentence here, since it's getting quite high.
Ohhhh! Aaahhhh!
Four years after the Fukushima accident, TC screening data from the first and second round (up to December 2014) were compared with the Japanese nationwide annual TC incidence, and with the incidence in one area of Fukushima prefecture selected as reference (Tsuda et al., 2016). The authors reported that the observed number of TCs was substantially higher than the expected number based on national and regional incidence data, and concluded that this increase could be attributed to ionizing radiation exposure from the accident. This ecological study has been strongly criticized by scientists around the world because of serious methodology limitations; further, the study conclusions are not supported by the results (Davis, 2016, Jorgensen, 2016, Korblein, 2016, Shibata, 2016, Suzuki, 2016, Takahashi et al., 2016, Takamura, 2016, Wakeford et al., 2016). Limitations of ecological study design are well-known, although the authors did not acknowledge the issue of ecologic fallacy. Another criticism was that the data from the Fukushima screening program are not directly comparable with the cancer registry data from the rest of Japan where systematic advanced ultrasound technology is not used to detect cases. The authors of these criticisms suggested that though the increased TC number could be associated with the exposure from radioactive fallout, a more plausible conclusion would be that the screening program is finding an anticipated increase in TC detection across the Fukushima prefecture. Indeed, Tsuda and colleagues did not consider the latent properties of TC, nor the fact that a prevalent cancer detected by screening might have had first preclinical manifestations of abnormality before the nuclear accident.Thereafter, several researchers have analysed the relationship between radiation exposure (with different estimated exposure levels, mostly using an external dose) and TC prevalence and incidence in residents aged ≤18 years in the Fukushima prefecture at time of the disaster (Kato, 2019, Nakaya et al., 2018, Ohira et al., 2019a, Ohira et al., 2020, Ohira et al., 2019b, Ohira et al., 2016, Ohira et al., 2018, Suzuki et al., 2016, Toki et al., 2020, Yamamoto et al., 2019), but no radiation-related risks have been demonstrated to date.
I’d like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. Like all Americans I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem.
I immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders. America is and must always be a nation of law and order.
To demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol: you have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law: you will pay.
We have just been through an intense election and emotions are high. But now, tempers must be cooled and calm restored. We must get on with the business of America.
My campaign vigorously pursued every legal avenue to contest the election results, my only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote. In so doing, I was fighting to defend American democracy.
I continue to strongly believe that we must reform our election laws to verify the identity and eligibility of all voters and to ensure faith and confidence in all future elections.
Now, Congress has certified the results. A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.
2020 has been a challenging time for our people, a menacing pandemic has upended the lives of our citizens, isolated millions in their homes damaged our economy, and claimed countless lives.
Defeating this pandemic and rebuilding the greatest economy on earth will require all of us working together. It will require a renewed emphasis on the civic values of patriotism, faith, charity, community and family.
We must revitalise the sacred bonds of love and loyalty, that bind us together as one national family. To the citizens of our country, serving as your president has been the honour of my lifetime.
And to all of my wonderful supporters. I know you are disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning.
ところがヤフコメや twitter には「マスコミは英語がわからないのか、敗北したとも政権移行するとも言ってない」と吹き上がっている人がたくさんいる。
おそらく" I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning." の部分を拡大解釈しまくってるんだろう。ここも普通に読めば、支持者ビジネスで食っていくのでこれからよろしくね、というファン向けのメッセージなのだが。
Tattoos, Piercings, and Credibility
Of the nearly 2,700 people we surveyed, 12% reported having a visible tattoo that can be seen by managers and co-workers during the workday. Only 3% reported having a visible body piercing (other than an earring).
The biggest takeaways from our survey include a whopping 76% of respondents feel tattoos and piercings hurt an applicant’s chances of being hired during a job interview. And more than one-third – 39% of those surveyed – believe employees with tattoos and piercings reflect poorly on their employers. Furthermore, 42% feel visible tattoos are always inappropriate at work, with 55% reporting the same thing about body piercings.
Fortunately, only 4% of those with tattoos and piercings report having faced actual discrimination because of their ink and body art.
Tattoos Hurt Your Chances of Getting a Job
カルディのFair traded with the farmer
明治の「The chocolate」があるっていうんでしょ?
なぜアメリカがタリバンと戦ったかというと、アルカーイダ(同時多発テロを主導)の中心人物だったウサーマ・ビン・ラディン(2011年にパキスタンで殺害)を、タリバンがかくまっていたからだった。当時のブッシュ政権はテロとの戦い(The War on Terror)を標ぼうして、それに参加しない国は敵として侵攻もやむなしという国防戦略をとっていた。NATOの加盟国から軍隊がアフガニスタンに行ってタリバンと戦争をしていた。
Abed, F. and Gibbons, T. (2021) ‘Targeted Killings Are Terrorizing Afghans. And No One Is Claiming Them.’, The New York Times, 2 January. Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/02/world/asia/afghanistan-targeted-killings.html.
Afghan, S. (2020) Living with the Taleban (1): Local experiences in Andar district, Ghazni province , Afghanistan Analysts Network. Available at: https://www.afghanistan-analysts.org/en/reports/war-and-peace/living-with-the-taleban-1-local-experiences-in-andar-district-ghazni-province/ .
Al Jazeera (2020a) Afghan gov’t, Taliban announce breakthrough deal in peace talks, Al Jazeera. Available at: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/12/2/afghan-govt-taliban-announce-breakthrough-deal-in-peace-talks.
Al Jazeera (2020b) ‘Qatar to host next round of Afghan gov’t-Taliban talks: Official’, Al Jazeera, 27 December. Available at: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/12/27/qatar-to-host-next-round-of-afghan-govt-taliban-talks-official.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (2020a) Japan-Afghanistan Foreign Minister’s Telephone Talk, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Available at: https://www.mofa.go.jp/press/release/press3e_000133.html.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (2020b) Video message by Foreign Minister Motegi at the 2020 Afghanistan Conference in Geneva, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Available at: https://www.mofa.go.jp/press/release/press6e_000250.html.
Thomas, C. (2020) Afghanistan: Background and U.S. Policy: In Brief. Washington, D.C. Available at: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/row/R45122.pdf.
U.S. Department of State (2020) Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United Statesas a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America. Available at: https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Agreement-For-Bringing-Peace-to-Afghanistan-02.29.20.pdf.
Walt, S. M. (2019) We Lost the War in Afghanistan. Get Over It., Foreign Policy. Available at: https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/09/11/we-lost-the-war-in-afghanistan-get-over-it/ .
これについては、「なぜ?これは、意志の弱い者のための松葉杖としての皮肉な現代の風潮に対する、ある種の皮肉なコメントなのだろうか?彼は本当にこのように気取っていたのだろうか?彼はそんなに面白かったのだろうか?(No.) 彼は刑期を終えて釈放されたヤンコ・ウルラの次の笑い中心のコメディアンになろうとしていたのだろうか? いやいや...
極端に聞こえるかもしれませんが この世の「炎上インフルエンサー」が 一人残らず絶滅することを心から願っています 数が多すぎるからね。
What I am about to write is my impressions of "Pupel of Entotsumachi," an animated film based on King Kong Nishino's picture book.
I haven't seen this movie, and I wouldn't go see it even if I were bribed to do so.
In other words, this is an opinion piece based on my imagination. It may or may not be accurate.
But I don't care. This is a story that needs telling. And it deserves to be told in its entirety. So let's get started!
As a basic premise, it is necessary to note that King Kong Nishino is a flaming influencer pretending to be a comedian. This appears to be a common theme among his work.
I have no real questions about this except why? Is this some sort of ironic commentary on the modern tendency towards irony as a crutch for the weak-willed? Was he really this pretentious? Was he even that funny? (No.) Was he trying to be the next laugh centered comedian Yanko Urla released after his prison term? (No.)
Where was I?
Now, let's talk about the important part of the story.
It seems to be a juvenile fantasy about a boy named "Pepuru", but since I haven't read the original, I guessed it that way. I haven't read the original, so I'm guessing that's what it's about, but maybe it's steampunk or something similar, since there's something like a steam engine in it. I suppose it doesn't really matter, since the point is, this thing was made for children.
Now, I'm not one to grumble at a child's movie (I mean, who is?!) but this one just bored me. The characters were all one-dimensional, the predictable, and none of them COULD sing.
In fact, I knew the reputation of this movie beforehand.
I was told that "the shadow of King Kong Nishino flickers in the background and interferes with the viewing.
As I mentioned above, King Kong Nishino is a "flame influencer". It's no surprise that he appeals himself relentlessly. That's because it's his specialty.
All "flame influencers" are wards of the law or worse who need to stand out to make money, so let's just laugh at them and let them be disciplined.
In this case, however, King Kong might be in the right. Yes, this movie is terrible. But I'm not convinced the world would be a better place if people didn't go to see it.
I know this may sound extreme, but I sincerely hope that every single "flaming influencer" in this world will die out. There are too many of them.
It is better for the world in general, that these people should die out, and I think it is better for our kind specifically, that they should die out.
Of course, there is freedom of choice, so it is difficult to say for sure, but I assure you that there is nothing wrong with the sudden death of those who attract attention with their radical words (or similar actions on YouTube).
I think the world would be a better place if they were to just go extinct. If they are unable to make money with their talents, they will eventually disappear, and that's good for all of us.
Tattoos, Piercings, and Credibility
Of the nearly 2,700 people we surveyed, 12% reported having a visible tattoo that can be seen by managers and co-workers during the workday. Only 3% reported having a visible body piercing (other than an earring).
The biggest takeaways from our survey include a whopping 76% of respondents feel tattoos and piercings hurt an applicant’s chances of being hired during a job interview. And more than one-third – 39% of those surveyed – believe employees with tattoos and piercings reflect poorly on their employers. Furthermore, 42% feel visible tattoos are always inappropriate at work, with 55% reporting the same thing about body piercings.
Fortunately, only 4% of those with tattoos and piercings report having faced actual discrimination because of their ink and body art.
Tattoos Hurt Your Chances of Getting a Job
My favorite 4-ingredient homemade pasta recipe — easy to make by hand, in a stand mixer, or in a food processor. Plus tips on how to roll out your pasta by hand or using a pasta maker.
The inspiration for it all began on our trip to the Amalfi Coast this spring, where Barclay and I became wholeheartedly convinced that we needed more 100%-from-scratch Italian food happening here at home in our little kitchen. Stat. So Barclay set his sights on perfecting homemade mozzarella this spring (more on that to come) and I came home ready to dive into the world of homemade pastas, gnocchis, and breads of all kinds. I even broke my minimalist no-new-kitchen-appliances-while-we’re-in-Europe rule and brought home an adorable little traditional pasta maker and wooden drying rack to make our pasta dreams come true.
Turns out, homemade pasta is even more delightful — and easy and delicious and fun — than I expected!
First off, the fresh pasta dough itself is a breeze to make. If you happen to own a food processor, the dough can be prepped in less than 5 minutes. (Or you can make it by hand or in a stand mixer in less than 15 minutes.) The process of rolling out the noodles is also easier than I expected, especially once I got the hang of using my little pasta maker. (I’ve included instructions below as well for how to roll out pasta using a stand mixer or a rolling pin by hand.) I’ve also enjoyed experimenting with the various different pasta flours and discovering which ones I like best for different occasions. (Short answer — I prefer “00” flour most of the time, but occasionally mix it with semolina for heartier shapes or sauces.) Mostly, though, we’ve just enjoyed eating fresh pasta. It has such a delicious, fresh, chewy, unmistakable bite to it. And it has instantly kicked some of our favorite pasta recipes up a mega notch. (Here’s lookin’ at you, cacio e pepe!)
Also fun? Inviting a group of girlfriends over on a Friday night to share a bottle of rosé as we roll out a batch of homemade pasta together. And having leftover linigune in the fridge to pull out for a quick dinner on a busy weeknight. And surprising friends and neighbors with a tupperware full of cute little fresh pasta nests as gifts. And being “that home” that now has fresh pappardelle casually draped and drying by our sunny living room window.
I’m loving it all. And if you also happen to be a fan of really good pasta, I have a feeling this might be your new favorite thing too.
So to continue with Italian Week here on the blog today, I am sharing everything I’ve learned so far about the art of making some seriously delicious homemade pasta. I’ve tried to include lots of different methods and options to work with whatever you have in your kitchen. So please poke around and find whatever method works best for you — and report back if you give homemade pasta a try! I would love to hear how it goes.
Semolina Flour
Alright, to make 1 pound of classic homemade egg pasta, you will need the following pasta ingredients:
Flour: I really love to make my homemade pasta with “00” flour, which yields the silkiest pasta. But if I am making a sauce that is a bit more hearty, I will use half “00” and half semolina flour, which makes the pasta a bit more sturdy and helps the sauce to cling to the pasta better. That said, any of these three flours (or a combination of them) will work with this recipe:
“00” flour: My personal favorite, which makes the texture extra silky.
Semolina flour: A heartier flour, which can help the pasta cling better to the sauce. (Semolina is also my favorite flour to sprinkle on the cutting board and pasta, while you are in the process of rolling out the dough.)
All-purpose flour: Also works pretty well if this is the only flour you have on hand.
Eggs: This recipe calls for four large eggs.
Olive oil: This will also help to moisten the dough. (If the dough is still too dry, you can also add in a few teaspoons of water.)
Sea salt: We will add a teaspoon of fine sea salt to the recipe, plus I recommend adding a little extra to your pasta water when cooking the pasta.
一時期、ネトフリでジョーカー(Joker) 観れるよと推してる増田 (anond:20200709210553) がいたけどジョーカー観た?
彼は日記にこう綴る (日記を書くシーンなので少しずつ日本語字幕が出てくる)、
『普通の人のように してろと』
the worst part about
having a mental illness
people expect
you to behave
as if you
ホアキン・フェニックスの演技が最高だとか、 XXのシーンが映画○○のオマージュ・80年代の描写・美術が素晴らしいとか、
△△の暗喩・社会風刺がとか、どこまでが本当かわからない構成がイカしてる(すべて虚構 ジョークの可能性あり)とか、
[Psychology] Anxiolytic Treatment Impairs Helping Behavior in Rats
[Current Biology] Harm to Others Acts as a Negative Reinforcer in Rats
日本語記事:「誰かを助ける」のに理由はいらない(哺乳類なら):研究結果 (WIRED)
実際、ジョーカーの日記の文でネット検索すると、出てくるでてくる共感の言葉 (もちろん暴力と精神疾患を結びつけるな誤解を招く😡もあったよ)
そして、Quora に出てくる "The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don't."Do you agree with this statement?
とまったく同じ文言の質問の山 (その質問は既にありますよの概念は世界中どこにも存在しない)
『理解の無い人たちに、“病いや障害は無い。普通に振る舞え” と言われるか、“クレージー” と言われる』
『彼らは、愛、共感、思いやり で扱われるべき』
どうですか? 映画 ジョーカー(Joker) の 後では、世界は少しは思いやりのある生きやすい場所になった感はありますか?
Quora で、ある元教師いわく、
https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20200831191205 の続き。
Other app developers maintain that this blocking doesn’t fit Mastodon’s mission. The Android-based Fedilab app’s free version initially blocked Gab because of Play Store content policy fears. But the ban has since been lifted. “I will simply not block instances with the app,” wrote Fedilab’s developer. “I clearly think that’s not my role … If you want a strong block, it’s in the hands of social network developers or your admins.”
How the biggest decentralized social network is dealing with its Nazi problem
このブロックはMastodonの使命に反すると主張しているアプリ開発者もいる。 Androidで動くFedilabアプリの無料版は、Google Play Storeのコンテンツポリシーに抵触する懸念から、最初はGabをブロックしていた。 しかし、ブロックはその後解除された。「私はただアプリでインスタンス(サーバー)をブロックしないだけです」とFedilabの開発者は書く。 「それは私の役割ではないことは明らかです…。もしあなたが強力なブロックを必要とする場合は、その選択はソーシャルネットワークの開発者またはあなたのサーバー管理者に委ねられます。」
If Google does not want to listen to my explanations, I will not change the app for them.
The way they are acting is unfair and don't give any trust concerning next publications.
I prefer to spend my time to help people to switch on #FDroid for getting the app.
Imagine a day, where asking a dev to restrict their app to some people is a normal behavior. Today, maybe 99,9% don't care due to the target. But what's next?
Do you like to choose freely an app with your needs or choose your needs due to apps?
Googleが私の説明を聞き入れない場合は、アプリを彼らのために変更しません。彼らのやっている行動は不公平であり、続くリリースに関していかなる信頼も与えません。私は、人々がGoogle Play StoreからF-Droidに切り替えてアプリを入手するように助力することに時間を費やしたいです。
アプリ開発者にアプリを一部のユーザーに制限するよう要求するのが通常の行動である1日を想像してみてください。 今日において、おそらく99.9%がターゲットのことを気にしないでしょう。 しかし、将来的にはどうでしょうか?あなたのニーズに合わせて自由にアプリを選択しますか、それともアプリによって自分のニーズを変えますか?
日本時間9月2日現在、Googleから要求を受けているアプリは対応せず7日間経過するとGoogle Play Storeから削除されるが、まだ7日間経過していないため現時点ではGoogle Play Storeから削除されていない。MastoPaneの作者は異議申し立てをしたが否認されたため自分からアプリをGoogle Play Storeから削除した、と呟いている。これからの展開はどうなるのかは分からないが、大きな流れとしてはGoogleの要求を受け入れることなく自分たちの理念を貫くだろう。というかそもそも理不尽な要求で、Googleの行動は根本的に間違いであるから対応する必要性がないのだが。Google Play Store上ではGoogleの言うことが絶対だから仕方ないね。
・Jacob Blake氏への射撃時の状況は、情報が錯綜しており正確なところはまだわからない。
"女性同士のケンカの仲裁"はBenjamin Crump弁護士が報道陣に述べたものね。(ttps://www.cbsnews.com/news/jacob-blake-kenosha-shooting-wisconsin-police-black-man-protesters-gather/)
動画を撮影していたRaysean White氏の証言によるとJacob氏が到着した際に女性6~7人(2人としているサイトもあり)が口論していたらしいわ。ただしJacob氏は特に話しかけたりはしなかったそう。(ttps://abc7ny.com/2nd-day-of-unrest-after-jacob-blake-shooting-in-wisconsin/6387592/)
① Kenosha Guard(ケノーシャ自警団)が暴動から街を守るため武装して集まれーとFacebookで号令をかける。「今夜、武器を持ち市を邪悪な悪漢どもから守ろう。やつらは今夜街を燃やすつもりだ!」
② Kenosha Guardの号令から間を置かず、"STAND UP KENOSHA!!!! TONIGHT WE COME TOGETHER"(立ち上がれケノーシャ!!!!今夜共に行こう)というFacebookグループが作成される。
③ Infowarsがこれを紹介。フォロワー外まで情報が拡散。
④ ケノーシャに武装した人々が登場。
⑤ カイル・リッテンハウス容疑者が銃撃事件を起こす。容疑者とKenosha Guardらの関係は不明(少なくともフォロー等はしていない)。ただインタビューで「守りに来た」と語っているので、触発された可能性はある。
カイル容疑者はトランプ支持者で警察のファンボーイでBlue lives matterの支持者だけど、アレックス・ジョーンズのくそったれの関係者ではないし、Kenosha Guardらのメンバーでも(たぶん)ない。たぶん呼びかけもしてない。
Kenosha Guardらの建前は"守護りに来た"だけど、メンバーやフォロワーが「大量の銃とパイプ爆弾あるぜ」「やつらを撃ち殺せ」「やつらに地獄をくれてやる」等々の発言をしてるのでね。右翼の過激派方面まで拡散した部分もあるし。
頭に何かを投げつけられたり、スケートボードで殴られたり、持ってるライフルを奪われそうになる等、極めて危機的な状況であり、この中での銃の使用は正当防衛が成立する可能性は十分にある。実際YouTubeで活動する弁護士のRobert Gruler氏は成立すると自身の動画で証言してる
① 1人目射殺→https://twitter.com/AnonOpsSE/status/1298627537980010504
② 2人目射殺+3人目負傷→https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V-wS-4adh8
二つ目の動画で彼が追跡されている理由は彼が人を撃ったから。‘He shot someone! He shot someone!’
“And then this guy with this huge gun runs by us in the middle of the street and people are yelling, ‘He shot someone! He shot someone!’ And everyone is trying to fight the guy, chasing him, and then he started shooting again.”
※以下の記述にはThe Last of Us Part IIのネタバレが含まれます。
sophia !@sophink_:本件の発端となるTweetをした人。
アビー:The Last of Us Part IIの主人公の一人。割と嫌われている。
宇崎ちゃん:本名 宇崎花。宇崎ちゃんは遊びたい!の主人公。献血ポスター関連で炎上したことがある。巨乳。八重歯。語尾が「ッス」(←これ好き)。
① 8月15日にsophia !@sophink_氏が以下のようなTweetをする:
incel twitter:
(アビーの画像に対して)"this is an unrealistic female body type"
(宇崎ちゃんの画像に対して)"this a good design for a 19 year-old woman"
(From https://twitter.com/sophink_/status/1293294364924534787)
② これに対しAöb☠@aobyjkjkkji氏がアビーに殴られて首が飛んでる宇崎ちゃんの絵をリプする。
③ 宇崎ちゃんポスター事件に関連した、フェミニストの仕業として日本で紹介される。
④ そして炎上へ……
terminei Last of Us 1, vo jogar o 2 e desenhar algo sobre
pinup sexualmente idiota 24.6%
comic sexualmente idiota 75.4%
Last of Us 1をクリアしたから、次は2をやる。後なんか描きます。
(From https://twitter.com/aobyjkjkkji/status/1292688418938519552)
de boa 26.6%
é guei, mas tanko 33.5%
良いね 26.6%
まあ悪くはない 33.5%
やめて! 39.9%
(From https://twitter.com/aobyjkjkkji/status/1294054509950504960)
posso desenhar a uzaki-chan EMPALADA? personagem puta do caralho me sobe um ódio vendo aquele dentinho dela
(from https://twitter.com/aobyjkjkkji/status/1294143591216869376)
sophia !@sophink_氏のTweetに以下のようなリプライをする。
get the fuck out of here with that fang bimbo
(From https://twitter.com/aobyjkjkkji/status/1294340020954976258)
Joelは前作(Last of Us)の主人公で今作主人公たるアビーの親の仇。Last of Us 2でアビーに殺されるけど、前作主人公がこんな殺され方していいのか、と炎上したのよね。この炎上にAöb氏は思うところがあったようで、この絵には炎上させた連中へのイラつきがこもっていた可能性もあるわね。
acabei de entender tudo agora
tão me cancelando no japão e tudo mais porque acham que eu sou uma mina feminista, que é stan da Abby, e social justice warrior lacradora de extrema esquerda
ou seja são otakus de direita ancaps me cancelando
Tô suave meu parceiro KKKKKKKKKKKKKK
宇崎ちゃんの(恐らくはネガティブな)絵を描きたいなーと思っていたところにsophia !@sophink_氏からの絶好球が来たんで書いちゃったってところでしょうね。8月10日のTweetから考えれば、Last of Us 2も絶賛プレイ中だったはずだし。
I would like to write about what I know and understand about the Soka Gakkai because the D.C. Times published an article titled "China's Manipulation of Japan, NPOs and Soka Gakkai Act as Pipeline = U.S. Think Tank Report".
First of all, as a premise, the Soka Gakkai is a cult.
This is because there is a definition of a religious cult, and the reality of the Soka Gakkai falls under that definition in many ways.
You can read more about the definition of a religious cult and mind control in the book "Combating Cult Mind Control: The #1 Best-selling Guide to Protection, Rescue, and Recovery from Destructive Cults ".
The Soka Gakkai is also a collection of criminals, sick people and poor people.
In fact, the Soka Gakkai is similar to the mafia gangs in Italy and Mexico, and it has reigned as the largest criminal and anti-society organization in Japan in the name of a religious organization.
Many of its members have been brainwashed and are unable to recognize and judge themselves as normal human beings.
In the 1950s and 1980s, Soka Gakkai members were forcibly recruited to join the Soka Gakkai, and nowadays, it is estimated that about 10% of the Japanese people are members of the Gakkai (Soka Gakkai members).
In particular, the Soka Gakkai has infiltrated civil servants, specifically the police force, the fire department, and the Self-Defense Forces, and it has been revealed that 20 to 30% of the Metropolitan Police Department's employees are members of the Soka Gakkai.
There is always a certain percentage of Soka Gakkai members in elementary, middle, and high school classes, and in corporate workplaces, and therefore it is taboo to criticize the Soka Gakkai in those communities.
This is because the Gakkai members in each community monitor the words and actions of their community members in the same way as the mainland communists who have infiltrated Hong Kong, and if someone speaks out against the Soka Gakkai, they will target that person and initiate a campaign of sabotage.
The sabotage is similar to the CPC's repressive actions against human rights activists in Hong Kong, including obstructing, harassing, and following them around, an act that has been described as mass stalking.
For example, in Japan, if you make a placating statement in a school class or at work that the Soka Gakkai is a cult religious group because it meets the definition of a cult group, members of the Gakkai in the community get madly angry (depending on the degree of mind control they are receiving) or bite off their anger to deny the statement.
Then they label the person who made such a statement as "anti", and they also share information about the antis with other members of the Soka Gakkai, and begin to perceive them as "beings to be punished by Buddha", to be targets of surveillance and group attacks.
In reality, however, the definition of a religious cult was not defined for the Soka Gakkai but for dangerous religious groups such as Aum Shinrikyo and People's Temple, which were intended to prevent ordinary people from being harmed by them.
The Soka Gakkai falls under the definition of a cult because the Soka Gakkai has cult-like tendencies.
When Soka Gakkai members are pointed out to the Soka Gakkai, instead of thinking "Let's fix what's wrong with my religious group," they think of suppressing their critics (anti) and silencing them, which is a pattern of thinking and behavior of a fanatic of a religious cult, and the sarin gas attack (terrorism). I feel that the followers of Aum Shinrikyo at the time when it was founded must have had a similar pattern of thinking and behavior.
Believers in cult groups are unconsciously mind-controlled and brainwashed, so they don't think that they should change their way of thinking and behavior when criticism is pointed out to them. In this respect, their attitude is similar to that of the Chinese Communist Party towards the demands of human rights activists in Hong Kong, i.e., the fanatics of cult groups such as the Soka Gakkai are not normal human beings.
By the way, there is an organization called JCP in Japan, which is also anti-American and illegal in the United States.
It is well known that some anti-American organizations cooperate with each other in order to undermine this country by signing a pact called "Soko Kyodo Agreement" and facilitating agents of anti-Japanese and anti-American groups.
It is obvious that the JCP is an anti-American terrorist organization in nature and that the JCP is a cult-like organization when it signs an agreement with a religious cult.
From another point of view, the Soka Gakkai, to its followers, appears to be a huge organization that carries out fraudulent and criminal activities such as Ponzi schemes and network businesses. It also has elements of a black business, and believers who join the Soka Gakkai are becoming materially and mentally exhausted.
The following blog, run by Mr. Sinifié, exposes the reality of the Soka Gakkai. It contains the testimonies and experiences of many current and former Soka Gakkai members and ex-members who have left the Gakkai.
It is clear that this reality of the Soka Gakkai is far removed from the original role of religion, which is to provide individuals with peace of mind and spiritual support.
As the saying goes, "like begets friend," it is only natural for the Soka Gakkai to try to maintain a good relationship with the CPC.
However, many Chinese who have worked in Japan seem to dislike the Soka Gakkai and return to their countries.
Although the Soka Gakkai employs a different strategy than Aum Shinrikyo and has infiltrated many organizations such as corporations, police, fire departments, the Self-Defense Forces, and local government officials, the Soka Gakkai members who have infiltrated the Kasumigaseki bureaucracy and the Self-Defense Forces are considered dangerous to the U.S. because they are inherently dangerous.
Because they are essentially anti-American and may act as agents to cooperate with the CPC.
There are some findings that are common knowledge among intellectuals in the U.S. and Europe but have not been made known to the Japanese people in Japan because the media and bureaucrats have stopped them.
One of them is that the Soka Gakkai headquarters has been sending donations from Gakkai members to Noriega (former general, now imprisoned) in Panama for large-scale tax evasion and money laundering.
Noriega received a large amount of money from Daisaku Ikeda of the Soka Gakkai and invested it in his own drug business, spreading drugs on an international level.
Daisaku Ikeda of the Soka Gakkai has been investing and managing the donations collected from Gakkai members in Noriega's drug business as well as tax evasion and money laundering. At the same time, the Soka Gakkai and Daisaku Ikeda invested the donations they received from Gakkai members in Noriega's drug business as a means of tax evasion and money laundering, and returned the profits to the domestic market to help the Soka Gakkai executives line their pockets and build Soka Gakkai facilities and Soka University.
The fact that Daisaku Ikeda raised Noriega's profile in the Seikyo Shimbun during the same period must be undeniable to those Gakkai members who have subscribed to the Seikyo Shimbun.
In particular, there are many Gakkai members at the level of police organizations, the Metropolitan Police Department and prefectures, who have been causing social problems and covering up crimes committed by Gakkai members in Japan.
Well, if they are in a state of unconscious brainwashing and mind control, they may not believe the contents, and may assume a pattern of behavior such as getting angry, grumpy, or attacking the writer.
In other words, one can expect a lot of denial of facts like the followers of Aum Shinrikyo, which is easy to expect, but this (the issue of Soka Gakkai and drug business, tax evasion, and money laundering) is a fact that was revealed because Noriega was arrested and imprisoned for spreading drugs in the US. This is a fact that is well known as common knowledge in the U.S. and Europe.
The fact that the Soka Gakkai is a criminal organization is very difficult to deny.
Natural phenomenon like the waves at shore, the fall and the wind, or transportations like a train and an airplane, or musical instruments, or an animal these things attracts us with those sounds.
I hardly moved by a tiny brook in a cities at all because flows without strong sound like a river. Also even though staying beach at midnight makes me calm beside fear for darkness. It caused sound of endless wave.
While across, I saw a scenery there is nothing to obstruct to the sky, driving on alley, into the tunnel. I heard the sound. Clean white splash is coming and going. Realized there is no wave looks like same before. Think over the offshore far away, one day I melt into the sand of shore.
BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain
BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain
(Shining time! x2)
Ah forking take'n time for seek.
(Shall we dance? x2)
Oh taken shave rush take could I say?
(Shining time! x2)
(Shall we dance? x2)
Cut winkle cue to my love night!
♤Oh Man call…
♡Oh Man callが…
(Keep motivation x2)
Sacred knee-high chance, and I need a chance.
(He watched me x2)
I wanna need its π its π, beautiful.
(Keep motivation x2)
So cool! So cool! I caught the chance.
(He watched me x2)
High jump!
BYE-BYE-BYE in the rain
(chance! chance! chance! chance!)
Which mouth cunt is the one that's been talking nuptial?
What's with that face? What's that look on your face? Open your mouth cunt and give me an answer. Open your mouth and put a sir on before and after you open your mouth and spit out your cum. Got it, Tadpole?
OK! we will now begin our morning erection summit. Speak in the language of the dick here. I want you to listen to me like you do when you listen to a hypnotic voice, with a little pussy juice coming out of your eardrums to get a good eardrum passage. That's good!
Is this Tom? Yes, it's a dick.
The Groman Dam has broken and a man juice flood is brewing.
Now, I'm going to give the glans a thirty-three-seven beat so that you can prepare for the event with anal tightening and no illness or accident. It's "Anne Anne Hammett".
Impregnate her, impregnate her, Oraa! Get it up, get it up, get it up. Impregnate, impregnate, impregnate, impregnate, ora, ora, ora!
ヌプヌプ喋っているが、「talking nuptial」と翻訳されたのは狙っているのかなんなのか。nuptialは結婚の、交尾のの意味。
アンアンハメ拍子が、It's "Anne Anne Hammett"と、訳されてしまうのも、やはり固有名詞的な翻訳の難しさなんでしょうね。
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.