はてなキーワード: EVERYTHINGとは



I doubt you understand English but can you not hear where the voice cracks and how the singer does it? Everything is just Damigoe?










ファンフィク界隈が色んな意味で楽しそうなジャンル アーガイルさんと相棒さんはあくま相棒だよ派とブロマンス派とカプ派(その中でも細かい派閥あり)絶対あってたまに学級会とか起きてるんでしょう? 中の人アーガイルさん女体化ガッツリカプ派(精神的にはリバ)なんだなあみつを



・ちらつく某ゲーム ほんまに…健気や…

背景踏まえたうえで「最高級の難易度ミッションだった… 君を愛していないふりをするのは」の激萌え


クレジット曲名表記You're the First, the Last, My Everythingで追い打ち萌え萌えした



















Cowboy Bebopも好きだったな


最近だとEverything Everywhere All at Onceは面白かった


Guo farm accumulated wealth, the ants lost all their money

Guo Wengui is under the false banner of " anti-communist ", but he actually cheated money! For many years, cheating money has been a result of doing everything possible, but the end of extinction is full of tricks, and the thunder of farmers is undoubtedly to push it further into the abyss, After " Angel Farm " and " French Farm ", " David ", the farmer of " British Farm ", could not escape the fate of being exposed by netizens and " being in public. " Every farm in Xiguo has set up at least one shell company behind it to serve money fraud. Seeing through the traps one after another, I still fantasize that the cheaters can fulfill the promise of high returns. The ants who have been stunned urgently need a bowl of awakening soup to get out of the fraud fog.

Guo farm accumulated wealth, the ants lost all their money

Guo Wengui is under the false banner of " anti-communist ", but he actually cheated money! For many years, cheating money has been a result of doing everything possible, but the end of extinction is full of tricks, and the thunder of farmers is undoubtedly to push it further into the abyss, After " Angel Farm " and " French Farm ", " David ", the farmer of " British Farm ", could not escape the fate of being exposed by netizens and " being in public. " Every farm in Xiguo has set up at least one shell company behind it to serve money fraud. Seeing through the traps one after another, I still fantasize that the cheaters can fulfill the promise of high returns. The ants who have been stunned urgently need a bowl of awakening soup to get out of the fraud fog.


参戦したコンペが史上最悪だった。 - Everything you've ever Dreamed


ゲーム業界のコンペっぽいのも同じだけどね。ジャップ組織のコンペってのがクソなんじゃないの? 教えてゲーム業界外資の人。



10年前に亡くなった上司言葉が新たに発見されました。 - Everything you've ever Dreamed

















1992年 虹の彼方へ テレビ神奈川ミュージックトマトJAPANテーマソング

星になれたら テレビ神奈川ミュージックトマトJAPANテーマソング

1993年 君の事以外は何も考えられない 矢崎総業CMソング

虹の彼方へ OVA湘南爆走族9 俺とお前のGOOD LUCK!』主題歌

Replay 江崎グリコポッキーCMソング

CROSS ROAD 日本テレビドラマ同窓会主題歌

1994年 innocent world 日本コカ・コーラアクエリアス ネオ/アクエリアス イオシスCMソング

Tomorrow never knows フジテレビ系水曜劇場若者のすべて主題歌

星になれたら フジテレビ系水曜劇場若者のすべて挿入歌

1995年es】 〜Theme of es東宝配給映画『【esMr.Children in FILM』主題歌

「'95 角川文庫の名作100」CMソング

1996年 名もなき詩 フジテレビ月9ドラマピュア主題歌

抱きしめたい フジテレビ月9ドラマピュア最終回挿入歌

また会えるかな 日産自動車ブルーバードCMソング

1997年 Everything (It's you) 日本テレビドラマ恋のバカンス主題歌

1998年 ニシエヒガシエ フジテレビドラマきらきらひかる主題歌

終わりなき旅 フジテレビドラマ殴る女主題歌

1999年 I'LL BE ブリストル・マイヤーズ スクイブSEA BREEZECMソング

ニシエヒガシエ フジテレビスペシャルドラマきらきらひかる2』主題歌

2000年 フジテレビスペシャルドラマきらきらひかる3』主題歌

NOT FOUND フジテレビ月9ドラマバスストップ』主題歌

2001年 Everything is made from a dream BIGLOBEMr.Children AlternativeCMソング

優しい歌 アサヒ飲料WONDACMソング

youthful days フジテレビ月9ドラマアンティーク西洋骨董洋菓子店〜』主題歌

君が好き フジテレビ月9ドラマアンティーク西洋骨董洋菓子店〜』挿入歌

2002年 蘇生 アサヒ飲料WONDACMソング

Any NTTドコモNTT DoCoMo Group 10th AnniversaryキャンペーンCMソング


2003年 名もなき詩 大王製紙エリエールCMソング

Drawing 日本テレビドラマ幸福の王子主題歌

くるみ NTTドコモCMソング

2004年 NTTドコモ東北CMソング

PADDLE NTTドコモFOMA 900iシリーズCMソング

Sign TBS日曜劇場オレンジデイズ主題歌

タガタメ 日清食品カップヌードル "NO BORDER"」CMソング

2005年 愛・地球博「国際赤十字赤新月パビリオンイメージソング

未来 大塚製薬ポカリスエットCMソング

and I love you 日清食品カップヌードル "NO BORDER"」CMソング

ヨーイドン フジテレビ教養番組ポンキッキーズエンディングテーマ


ランニングハイ 東映配給映画フライ,ダディ,フライ主題歌

2006年 僕らの音 日清食品カップヌードル "NO BORDER"」CMソング

箒星 トヨタ自動車「トビラを開けよう」キャンペーンCMソング

しるし 日本テレビ系水曜ドラマ14才の母主題歌

2007年 くるみ -for the Film- 幸福な食卓 松竹配給映画幸福な食卓主題歌


彩り オリンパスデジタル一眼レフカメラ E-410 E-510CMソング

旅立ちの唄 東宝配給映画恋空主題歌


いつでも微笑みを 損害保険ジャパンCMソング

2008年 少年 NHKドラマ8『バッテリー主題歌

GIFT NHK北京オリンピックパラリンピック放送テーマソング

HANABI フジテレビドラマコード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命-主題歌

花の匂い 東宝配給映画私は貝になりたい主題歌

2009年 HANABI フジテレビドラマコード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命- 新春スペシャル主題歌

風と星とメビウスの輪 フジテレビドラマコード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命- 新春スペシャル挿入歌


365日 NTT東日本NTT西日本CFタイアップソング

2010年 HANABI フジテレビ月9ドラマコード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命- 2nd season』主題歌

フジテレビ月9ドラマコード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命- 2nd season』最終回挿入歌

2011年 蘇生 BBC EARTH製作映画ライフ -いのちをつなぐ物語-』主題歌

2012年 祈り 〜涙の軌道 東宝配給映画僕等がいた 前篇』主題歌

pieces 東宝配給映画僕等がいた 後篇』主題歌

GIFT 資生堂「MAQuillAGE」CMソング

Sign 住友生命保険CMソング

Happy Song フジテレビ情報番組めざましテレビテーマソング

youthful days キリンビバレッジ大人キリンレモンCMソング

hypnosis 日本テレビ系水曜ドラマトッカン -特別国税徴収官-主題歌

Marshmallow day 資生堂「MAQuillAGE」CMソング

常套句 フジテレビドラマ『遅咲きのヒマワリ 〜ボクの人生リニューアル〜』主題歌

2013年 REM 東宝配給映画リアル ~完全なる首長竜の日~』主題歌

2014年 放たれる 東宝配給映画青天の霹靂主題歌

足音 〜Be Strong フジテレビ月9ドラマ信長協奏曲主題歌

Melody コーセーエスプリーク」CMソング

2015年 fantasy BMW「2シリーズ アクティブアラー/2シリーズ グランアラーCMソング

進化論 日本テレビ情報番組NEWS ZEROテーマソング

運命 カルピスカルピスウォーター」CMソング

街の風景 住友生命保険ヤングジャパンアクション2015活動」篇CMソング

Starting Over 東宝配給映画バケモノの子主題歌

また会えるかな テレビ朝日バラエティ番組あいつ今何してる?』オープニングテーマ

2016年 足音 〜Be Strong 東宝配給映画信長協奏曲主題歌

ヒカリノアトリエ NHK連続テレビ小説べっぴんさん主題歌


蘇生 花王アタック」30周年キャンペーン「30歳の挑戦者たち」CMソング

himawari 東宝配給映画君の膵臓をたべたい主題歌

HANABI フジテレビ月9ドラマコード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命- 3rd season』主題歌

君がいた夏 NTTドコモNTT docomo group × Mr.Children 25th Anniversary キャンペーンコラボCMソング


花 -Mémento-Mori-

未発表曲DEMO[注釈 15]

抱きしめたい NTTドコモ dヒッツ「娘の帰り篇」CMソング

2018年 here comes my love フジテレビ木曜劇場『隣の家族は青く見える』主題歌

HANABI 東宝配給映画劇場コード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命-主題歌

SINGLES テレビ朝日木曜ドラマハゲタカ主題歌

2020年 Birthday 東宝配給映画ドラえもん のび太の新恐竜主題歌


The song of praise 日本テレビ情報番組ZIP!テーマソング

others キリンビール麒麟特製ストロング」「麒麟特製レモンサワーCMソング

turn over? TBS系火曜ドラマ『おカネの切れ目が恋のはじまり主題歌

Brand new planet カンテレフジテレビ系火9ドラマ『姉ちゃん恋人主題歌

2021年 others キリンビール麒麟特製レモンサワー」「麒麟特製辛口こだわりサワーCMソング

CROSS ROAD 東宝配給映画夏への扉 -キミのいる未来へ-』挿入歌

2022年 others キリンビール麒麟特製レモンサワー」「麒麟特製 酎ハイボール」CMソング

永遠 Netflix映画『桜のような僕の恋人主題歌

生きろ 東宝配給映画キングダム2 遥かなる大地へ』主題歌

GIFT キリンビール麒麟特製 豊潤レモンサワーCMソング

2023年 others キリンビール麒麟特製レモンサワーCMソング


部下の営業活動取締役を動かすくらいヤバかったのでシェアします。 - Everything you've ever Dreamed










I was cheated on during the homecoming birth

Suddenly, when I looked at my husband's schedule book on the desk, there was a picture of my child s tuck in it, and when I thought about it, there was something like a woman's name written on each mon th's page. So when I looked closely, I carefully wrote down the age and physical compatibility of the woman I m et on the page of the week, and I understood everything. Maybe it's been going on last year or a long time ago. I'm going to report to my friend that my child was born! There was also a note on the day of the drinking party that I sent out. I see. Now my heart feels numb and I don't feel like doing this right away, but what should I do in the fut ure? Ask right now, pretend you don't know yet, or leave it for the rest of your life. Or I'm not sure whether to treat him coldly thinking like this, or whether to be very kind and try t o create a sense of guilt. At home, he was a good dad who was active in housework and childcare due to his child's passions. I was glad that I was able to give birth to this child, but I feel like an idiot. I'm sorry and sorry that the girls my husband met were involved in the play of married people. Maybe he's hiding that he has a married child. I want to cut off only my lower body and throw it away.




898原作者士郎正宗が語る『攻殻機動隊』#01 | 【公式攻殻機動隊グローバルサイトtheghostintheshell.jp
822社内ドキュメントはなぜ更新されないのか?情報の鮮度を最小限の運用負荷で維持する「イミュータブルドキュメントモデル」のススメ - KAKEHASHI Tech Blogkakehashi-dev.hatenablog.com
698IT勉強会の懇親会に飲食目的で来ていると疑われる人類の観察 - 積極的メモっていく姿勢tomio2480.hatenablog.com
649はじめまして。私は性加害の問題無知自覚があります勉強したいという気持ちはありますが、どこからどのように手をつけて良いかからず始められずにいます。誰かに意見を聞いてみたいという思いが抑えられず、失礼を承知無知言い訳にこのようなメッセージを送ってしまうこと、本当に申し訳ありません。 今回、分断が起きている大きな理由ひとつ喜多川氏の罪が法的に確定していないことがあると思っています時効があることやそもそも暴力証明がすごく難しいことなから事務所が認めるに至ったことはなんとなく理解しました。たmarshmallow-qa.com
640台湾有事シミュレーション 第一回 戸惑う政権国民保護cigs.canon
638筋トレ男性対象に、タンパク質摂取量筋肉パフォーマンス肝臓腎臓への影響を調査した結果 | スポーツ栄養Web一般社団法人日本スポーツ栄養協会(SNDJ)公式情報サイトsndj-web.jp
582電子回路の壊し方 | 電子工作入門 - 相楽製作sagara-works.jp
563漫画家なりたければまず一作描け関連 - 漫画皇国mgkkk.hatenablog.com
4932023/06/10 総務省西日本横断サイバーセキュリティグランプリ」 講演第 1 部 (登 大遊) — 参加者向け配布資料その 1 秘密NTT 電話局、 フレッツ光、 およびインターネット入門 (1)dnobori.cyber.ipa.go.jp
484【ChatGPTのおすすめプラグイン一覧】猛者達が選んだ最強プラグインの使い方39選 | WEELweel.co.jp
4781年程ポスティング仕事をした感想と、不気味な廃墟の話など。 - heartbreaking.blog.kuroihikari.net
458歴史的地名の「行政区画変遷」を大規模オープンデータ化~『日本歴史地名大系』を平凡社地図出版との協働により機械可読データとして強化~ - 国立情報学研究所 / National Institute of Informaticswww.nii.ac.jp
445イネカメムシ対策 焼き肉のタレ7500倍で寄ってこない - 現代農業WEBgn.nbkbooks.com
433【完全独学】中国語の話し方 第二言語習得研究を活かした中国語学習ロードマップ - ポリグロトライフ | 言語まなび∞ラボwww.sunafuki.com
425サードパーティ Cookie廃止に向けた準備 - Chrome for Developersdeveloper.chrome.com
413AWSでの法令に則ったログ設計及び実装/分析 - Adwaysエンジニアブログblog.engineer.adways.net
413Mr.Childrenはいかにしてモンスターバンドとなったのか?〈前編〉――『EVERYTHING』~『IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD』の10作品レビュー | Mikikimikiki.tokyo.jp
409Japanese research is no longer world classhere’s whywww.nature.com
402週刊文春』の報道について - 参議院議員 山田太郎 公式webサイトtaroyamada.jp
400生きる力が湧いてくる (rnpress 野口 理恵) | 版元ドットコムwww.hanmoto.com
367革命の、その先の冒険。『ゼルダの伝説 ティアーズ オブ ザ キングダム開発者インタビューNintendo DREAM WEBwww.ndw.jp
358テレビ離れは起こっていない」。レグザ300万台の視聴データからわかった「現代テレビの使われ方」 - PHILE WEBwww.phileweb.com
356大切なお知らせ | BUCK-TICK オフィシャルサイトbuck-tick.com













クリスナイトはユニヴァーシティカレッジロンドン人類学上級研究員で、アフリカにおける人類起源研究するチームの一員である。著書に『Blood Relations(血のつながり)』など:Menstruation and the Origins of Culture』、『Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politics』などがある。The Dawn of Everything』の書評はTimes Higher Education掲載された。

ナンシーリンディスファーンジョナサンニールはともに人類学者として訓練を受け、人類進化階級社会性的暴力についての本を執筆中。ナンシーの近著は、リチャード・タッパーとの共著で『Afghan Village Voices』(アフガニスタンの村の声):Stories from a Tribal Community, 2020』であるジョナサンの近著は『Fight the Fire: Green New Deals and Global Climate Jobs』。The Dawn of Everything』の書評エコロジスト誌とブログ『Anne Bonny Pirate』に掲載された。


根本的に支離滅裂で間違っている byクリスナイト


この本のタイトルは深刻な誤解を招く。『万物黎明』? 『お茶時間』の方が正確だろう。ホモ・サピエンスヨーロッパに到着する何万年も前にアフリカで始まった文化の開花を体系的に横取りし、この物語はあまりにも遅く始まる。


短い書評では、本書の幅の広さと博識を伝えることはできない。その核となる政治メッセージ露骨だ。平等主義狩猟採集民が生活の中で共産主義実践したというエンゲルスの話は神話である。『万物黎明』はエンゲルスを見事にひっくり返している。第4章の結びの言葉引用すれば、「私有財産に "起源 "があるとすれば、それは聖なるものの考え方と同じくらい古いものであり、おそらく人類のものと同じくらい古いものであろう」。デヴィッド・グレーバーは、マーシャル・サーリンズとの共著『王について』の中で、神の王や森の精霊のような想像上の超自然的な存在が常に人々に対して権威行使してきたこから国家権力の原理人間の条件の不動の特徴であると主張している。




彼らが "フェミニスト "と呼ぶ人物(実際には進化人類学第一人者サラ・ハーディ)が、現代人の本能心理形成する上で集団的育児重要役割を果たしたことについて興味深いことを言っていることは、グレーバーとウェングローも認めている。しかし彼らは、「エデンの園存在せず、一人のイヴ存在しなかったのだから、そのような洞察部分的ものしかなりえない」とコメントしている。この種のトリック--この場合は、ハーディ研究が "アフリカイブ "の年代測定より200万年前にホモ属が出現したことに焦点を当てているという事実無視すること--は、明らかに人類起源研究が追求する価値があるという考えそのものを損なわせることを目的としている。

グレーバーとウェングローは、初期の平等主義を "有害神話 "として否定する一方で、狩猟採集民の多くが "自称自慢屋やいじめっ子を地上に引きずりおろすために、嘲笑羞恥心敬遠など、他の霊長類には見られない戦術を総動員している "ことには同意している。ではなぜ彼らは、私たち人間性規定する本能能力平等主義的な生き方によって形成されたという考えに敵対するのだろうか?








すべての条件が同じだとすると byナンシーリンディスファーンジョナサンニール

















90年代後半を席巻したテクノUnderworldっていまはあんまりリリースの注目度も低いと思うけど、今聴いても2000年リリースされたLiveアルバムEverything,Everything は素晴らしいんだよなぁ



[] 蛇は至るところにいる

נחשים בכל מקום

נחשים בכל מקום, בכל דבר שאנחנו אומרים

מסתתרים במילים, מחפשים להטות אותנו לרע

אבל אנחנו לא ניתן להם לנשוך את הלשון

אנחנו נשים אש באש, נבעיר את המשמעות

אנחנו נדבר באמת, נגלה את המטופל

אנחנו נהרוס את הנחשים, נעשה את העולם יותר טוב


Snakes Everywhere

Snakes everywhere, in everything we say

Hiding in the words, trying to bend us to evil

But we won't let them bite our tongue

We'll put fire on fire, we'll burn the meaning

We'll speak the truth, we'll reveal the hidden

We'll destroy the snakes, we'll make the world better











|    |Look, if you had, one shot, or one opportunity.

|📀👄📀|To seize everything you ever wanted, one moment.

|    |Would you capture it? Or just let it slip

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Cash rules everything arounds me C.R.E.A.M. get the money.





Japan review

Japan review it's been a year since I

moved to Japan and I thought it made

sense to finally rate Japan I will talk

about things I like and the things I

don't like which seems to be the only

two options available if you have

opinions about this country

so sugoi or did you know Japan is

actually really bad it's got a lot of

survival issues okay I will list one

good thing and bad thing and I will not

hold back there's no trash bins

where I'm gonna put my trash

I have to put in my pocket


there's always these generic things that

you hear or yes when we you visit it's

kind of weird but then you realize it's

not a big deal anyway let's start off

with number one reason I like Japan

it feels like a giant playground no I

don't mean in the Logan Paul kind of

sense of doing whatever the hell you


but rather there's a infinite things all

right lazy feels like to explore and

experience and I've been here a year now

and I don't think I'm gonna get bored

anytime soon although I am having a

child so I don't know how much more I

have time to experience

but it really feels like a whole new

world and if you visited you can

probably relate to it and I'm glad that

even a year in it still feels incredibly

fresh and I even would say that you

realize that the best part of Japan

aren't the touristy places kind of

obviously but there are so many areas

that I found that I really enjoy

visiting and this is probably more

specific to me but you know Tokyo is

very busy and so many times I just catch

myself surrounded by what feels like

hundreds of people and they have no idea

who I am

everyone is just doing their own thing

and that feels so [ __ ] good

now once it was staring at me no one's

following me no one's being weird you

guys are weird and I'm just kidding I

just love the feeling of being able to

exist in public and uh not worrying

about what everyone else is doing like

I've said this before but I genuinely

enjoy talking to fans or when people

approach me it always makes me happy but

it can be kind of frustrating to always

wanting to just do your own thing and

always be

you know so yeah let's move on to the

bad things of Japan number one reason

Japan is bad it's kind of a heavy

subject and I haven't seen anyone else

really talk about it it's not brought up

very often at least and that is cones

there's too many cones in Japan once you

see it you cannot unsee it they're

everywhere they say oh Japan has so many

vending machines there's like five per

one person no the opposite

there's more cones than people why are

there so many cones I need to know we

got the tall ones we got the small ones

we got the funny ones the cute ones the

sexy ones I do like those I just don't

understand that whoever plays these

cones think I'm just gonna barge through

oh thank God there's cones here

otherwise I had no idea what I was gonna

and I realized the cone history of Japan

stretches centuries okay if you played

Animal Crossing sometimes it's a

Japanese game so sometimes you get these

items right you're like oh that's kind

of weird I don't know exactly what that

is but it's probably something Japanese

and then you get the bamboo thing and

you're like what the hell is that what

am I even gonna do with that and then

you see it in real life here in Japan

you're like holy [ __ ] it's a cone that's

a cone they're everywhere

I feel like they are following me

I'm glad I was able to talk about this

I'm for one and willing to call out

Japan knock it off man no more cones

there's enough cones let me tell you

something even better than cones you may

have noticed new merch finally it's been

forever my mom came over she had

unofficial merge because I literally

have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't

merch I'm sorry Mom so we spruced up the

logo got a cool back design the team

that worked on it really truly

understand how my brand and I think they

did such a good job these pieces look

amazing and I think you guys are gonna

really like them as well these are

available for limited time only so make

sure you order now so excited to finally

have this merch available thanks to

amaze for making this happen we are

gonna have one piece that will stay on

the store so my mom will not buy the

wrong merch but for a limited time that

piece will be available in this color

off-white kind of color it looks really

nice and then after that you can still

get it but not in this color that's

you want this one yeah I get it

so yeah check that out if you're

interested I'm so happy about these

designs and I hope you guys would like

them as well all right reason number two

I like Japan yay when we first announced

that we were gonna move to Japan there

was so many people just saying how bad

Japan is actually did you know Japan is

really bad did you know this I have to

list all these reasons now because

everyone is like thing and then thing

Japan ah so I have to tell them and I

it's actually but one thing in

particular that people said was that old

people really don't like foreigners they

hate them so when I was gonna stop by to

say hi to our neighbors who was a little

older at least some of them I was

terrifying I heard all these stories you

know like what are they gonna do to us

so I had my guard up ready for the worst

and I was met with nothing but kindness

and welcoming and I felt like a total

dick for having this preconceived ideas

thanks to other people

and just a side comment like yes there

are definitely probably people that

don't like foreigners and all that stuff

but I realized I should let my own

experience is dictate how I feel about

certain things maybe that's just

ignoring a problem I don't know it just

feels like it's a bad way to approach

life if you always have a negative

expectation you know it's smiling people

may Smile Back

smiled back

thank you sometimes they don't and

that's okay you know anyway my point

being Japanese people are very in my own


are very nice and friendly the majority

at least and yes even to foreigners I

feel like they are especially nice to

foreigners because they think we're like

a kid lost at Disneyland or something

I just asked for directions I didn't

need you to walk me for half an hour to

this specific place I was going but

thank you I appreciate it a lot of times

I go bouldering alone and there's always

other groups of people being supportive

and yelling like I'm about there like go

you can do it I love it I think it's

great you know or if you're small

talking with people people generally

want to communicate with you and I love

having those moments but of course

there's times where people are like oh

you're a foreigner I don't feel like

even trying

which again it's fine speaking of which

reason I don't like Japan number two

their language

I have lived here for a year and I'm not

fluent in Japanese

I am dumb I am very dumb I remember the

moment we moved here I had studied some

Japanese and I was like

Let's test out this knowledge that I

have acquired let's go I'm just gonna

come in it's gonna be dangerous and you

enter a store for the first time and

they're like


what oh

what the classic the most common

experiences that you have aren't

necessarily what you're taught in the

textbook yay I know I think that's the

same for anyone learning a language for

the first time but don't even get me

started on the kanji main what the [ __ ]

is this I feel like Japanese is such a

hard language obviously but I don't

think people realize how hard it is at

least me personally because the more you

learn the more you realize you don't

know [ __ ]

for English speakers Japanese is

considered one of the most difficult

languages and because it's just so

different I listed it as bad because

that was my first kind of experience

with it coming here but the more I

interact with people the more it feels

like I'm unlocking new skills you know

oh I made a phone call for the first

time oh I could ask someone over the

phone I know big deal but it's like oh I

can actually do that or even just having

a small tiny yes shittiest conversation

with a stranger it's still something and

it feels good you start to all of a

sudden understand you know a movie if

you're watching oh I understand actually

what's going on here or I can play games

and kind of get what this they're saying

I have to look up words obviously but to

me all those new experiences that it

unlocks to me is very rewarding even

though it's such a challenge I would

actually now say it's a good thing I

played it on its head it was a good

thing all along but I obviously have a

long [ __ ] way to go

and it just I don't think it will damage

time reason number three I like Japan

this is nothing to do with Japan to say

it's more related to me taking a more

relaxed approach to YouTube for my

entire 20s I did nothing but YouTube

that was my life and that's okay but I

also think it was a little toxic

probably you know if I wasn't making

videos I sure as hell was thinking about

making videos I uploaded videos during

our honeymoon

and it feels really good to finally be

free from it you know and I can discover

other things in life there are other

things in life

a new hobbies and interest that I've

always wanted to do I can do and have so

much fun with it surfing I know I would

love for the longest time and I finally

get to do it and it's so [ __ ] amazing

I love learning new things anything that

isn't necessarily connected to all of

this on the internet and that is

something I'm very very grateful that I

discovered so yeah it's not really Japan

I could have done that anywhere but it's

largely why I enjoyed so much here

reason I don't like Japan number three

this is probably the most trickiest one

and it's the rules what are the rules

Japan has so many rules and it's a bit

conflicting for me to complain about

because a lot of the best stuff about

Japan not the best stuff but a lot of

the reasons why Japan works so well is

because of the rules you know the trains

are always on time things just work in

general it's hard to explain the streets

are clean people aren't loud in public

and so on and these are sort of societal

rules that make it happen more or less

but sometimes There are rules that just

don't make any sense and I have no

problem following rules as long as I

understand the reason for it you know

don't talk on the phone on the train

because it's generally annoying when

other people do that to you A lot of it

is just be thoughtful of other people

it's not just about you and that just

makes it more pleasant for everyone but

one rule is especially which I talked

about before is the fact that because of

kovid I'm not allowed to be in the

delivery room for our baby for more than

two hours that's because of covered

rules it just doesn't make sense to me

and I tell people about this like uh

family and friends and they're always

like well why don't you just ask them or

like why don't you talk to them I'm sure

you can there's got to be somewhere and

it's like no it's Japan okay there are

rules and people follow the rules for

better or worse you know so the more I

time I spend Permalink | 記事への反応(0) | 01:06


Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M. get the money♪




#midjourney #midjourneyai #midjourneyart

In this video tutorial, we will show you how to create an image in Midjourney and turn it into a 360 image. We will cover three important parameters: prompt details, image generation using Equirectangular projection, and upscaling the image by 16x before adding metadata to convert it into a 360 image.

Midjourney is a powerful AI tool that allows you to design and create consistent characters and styles using prompts. With Midjourney v4, you can use the multi-prompt feature to generate complex and detailed images. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Midjourney’s text weights and chaos prompt formula to generate unique and interesting images.

Firstly, we will discuss prompt details. Prompts are the key to generating images in Midjourney. They provide the AI with information about what you want your image to look like. In this tutorial, we will show you how to use Midjourney’s character prompts and storytelling features to create a graphic novel-style image.

Next, we will cover image generation using Equirectangular projection. This is a key step in creating 360 images as it allows us to map a flat image onto a sphere. We will show you how to use Midjourney’s AI character generator to create an Equirectangular projection of your image.

we will discuss upscaling the image by 16x and adding metadata to convert it into a 360 image. Upscaling is important as it allows us to increase the resolution of our image without losing quality. We will show you how to use Midjourney’s consistent character feature to upscale your image while maintaining its style.

Finally, We will host our 360 image in momento360 website for free.

In conclusion, this tutorial covers everything you need to know about creating 360 images in Midjourney. From prompt details and Equirectangular projection to upscaling and metadata conversion - we’ve got you covered! So why wait? Start creating stunning 360 images with Midjourney today!

Tools used :-

Midjourney :- https://midjourney.com/

Upscale image :- https://www.imgonline.com.ua/eng/enla...

Meta data website Exif Fixer Online : https://exiffixer.com/online.htm#exif...

Host image in momento360 :- https://momento360.com/


## *Keyword to be used*

Equirectangular projection is a common method for creating 360-degree photos and is based on the idea of projecting the view of a spherical surface onto a flat plane. This projection method creates a rectangular image that shows the entire view of the spherical surface, including the top and bottom.**

# *City Landscape*

/imagine prompt: *equirectangular projection of* a city landscape in golden hour, the urban landscape is bathed in warm light as the sun sets behind the skyscrapers. The sunset hues cast a warm glow over the buildings, creating a stunning cityscape, *expansive, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, vivid colors, dramatic lighting, sharp focus, good exposure, insanely detailed**, **ultra-wide angle lens* --stylize 500 --no black edges, text,any distortion::1.2 --ar 16:9 --v 4 --style 4c

# Snowy Mountain *Landscape*

/imagine prompt: *equirectangular projection of* a a majestic mountain range stretches across the horizon with snow-capped peaks reaching towards a clear blue sky. The crisp air and serene landscape create a breathtaking scene. *expansive, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, vivid colors, dramatic lighting, sharp focus, good exposure, insanely detailed**, **ultra-wide angle lens* --no black edges, text,any distortion::1.2 --ar 16:9 --v 4 --style 4c

# Sunrise Mountain *Landscape*

/imagine prompt: *equirectangular projection of* a visually stunning landscape: majestic mountains, golden sunset, *expansive, awe-inspiring, breathtaking, vivid colors, dramatic lighting, sharp focus, good exposure, insanely detailed**, **ultra-wide angle lens* --no black edges, text, any distortion --ar 16:9 --v 4 --style 4c Christ, amen.




Please list some intelligent puns.


Sure, here are a few intelligent puns:

I'm reading a book on the history of glue – I just can't seem to put it down.

Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

Did you hear about the guy who lost his left arm and leg in a car crash? He's all right now.

I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised.

Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts.

I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down.

I'm on a whiskey diet. I've lost three days already.

What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.

I'm really good at math – I can solve problems with my eyes closed. It's just a simple matter of algebra.

Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other slide.



Whores in this house

There’s some whores in this house

There’s some whores in this house

There’s some whores in this house!





I said certified freak, sevendays a week

Wet and gushy, make that pullout game weak, woo

イカれた女って認められてるの 週7日稼働してる

濡れたマンコ あなたは抜くのも嫌になるわ

Yeah, you dealin’ with some wet and gushy

Bring a bucket and a mop for this wet and gushy

Give me everything you got for this wet and gushy








アカデミー賞総なめの「エブエブ」こと、 Everything Everywhere All at Once を見てきた。












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