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The Sacrament—and the Sacrifice

By Elder David B. Haight

Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

I pray for your faith and prayers that my utterances will be received and understood “by the Spirit of truth” and that my expressions will be given “by the Spirit of truth” so that we might all be “edified and rejoice together.” (See D&C 50:21–22.)

As I stand here today—a well manwords of gratitude and acknowledgment of divine intervention are so very inadequate in expressing the feelings in my soul.

Six months ago at the April general conference, I was excused from speaking as I was convalescing from a serious operation. My life has been spared, and I now have the pleasant opportunity of acknowledging the blessings, comfort, and ready aid of my Brethren in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, and other wonderful associates and friends to whom I owe so much and who surrounded my dear wife, Ruby, and my family with their time, attention, and prayers. For the inspired doctors and thoughtful nurses I express my deepest gratitude, and for the thoughtful letters and messages of faith and hope received from many places in the world, many expressing, “You have been in our prayers” or “We have been asking our Heavenly Father to spare your life.” Your prayers and mine, thankfully, have been answered.

One unusual card caused me to ponder upon the majesty of it all. It is an original painting by Arta Romney Ballif of the heavens at night with its myriad golden stars. Her caption, taken from Psalms, reads:

“Praise ye the Lord: …

“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.

“He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.

“… His understanding is infinite.” (Ps. 147:1, 3–5.)

As I lay in the hospital bed, I meditated on all that had happened to me and studied the contemplative painting by President Marion G. Romney’s sister and the lines from Psalms: “He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.” I was then—and continue to be—awed by the goodness and majesty of the Creator, who knows not only the names of the stars but knows your name and my name—each of us as His sons and daughters.

The psalmist, David, wrote:

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? …

“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.” (Ps. 8:3–5.)

To be remembered is a wonderful thing.

The evening of my health crisis, I knew something very serious had happened to me. Events happened so swiftly—the pain striking with such intensity, my dear Ruby phoning the doctor and our family, and I on my knees leaning over the bathtub for support and some comfort and hoped relief from the pain. I was pleading to my Heavenly Father to spare my life a while longer to give me a little more time to do His work, if it was His will.

While still praying, I began to lose consciousness. The siren of the paramedic truck was the last that I remembered before unconsciousness overtook me, which would last for the next several days.

The terrible pain and commotion of people ceased. I was now in a calm, peaceful setting; all was serene and quiet. I was conscious of two persons in the distance on a hillside, one standing on a higher level than the other. Detailed features were not discernible. The person on the higher level was pointing to something I could not see.

I heard no voices but was conscious of being in a holy presence and atmosphere. During the hours and days that followed, there was impressed again and again upon my mind the eternal mission and exalted position of the Son of Man. I witness to you that He is Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, Savior to all, Redeemer of all mankind, Bestower of infinite love, mercy, and forgiveness, the Light and Life of the world. I knew this truth before—I had never doubted nor wondered. But now I knew, because of the impressions of the Spirit upon my heart and soul, these divine truths in a most unusual way.

I was shown a panoramic view of His earthly ministry: His baptism, His teaching, His healing the sick and lame, the mock trial, His crucifixion, His resurrection and ascension. There followed scenes of His earthly ministry to my mind in impressive detail, confirming scriptural eyewitness accounts. I was being taught, and the eyes of my understanding were opened by the Holy Spirit of God so as to behold many things.

The first scene was of the Savior and His Apostles in the upper chamber on the eve of His betrayal. Following the Passover supper, He instructed and prepared the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for His dearest friends as a remembrance of His coming sacrifice. It was so impressively portrayed to me—the overwhelming love of the Savior for each. I witnessed His thoughtful concern for significant details—the washing of the dusty feet of each Apostle, His breaking and blessing of the loaf of dark bread and blessing of the wine, then His dreadful disclosure that one would betray Him.

He explained Judas’s departure and told the others of the events soon to take place.

Then followed the Savior’s solemn discourse when He said to the Eleven: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33.)

Our Savior prayed to His Father and acknowledged the Father as the source of His authority and powereven to the extending of eternal life to all who are worthy.

He prayed, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”

Jesus then reverently added:

“I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.

“And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” (John 17:3–5.)

He pled not only for the disciples called out from the world who had been true to their testimony of Him, “but for them also which shall believe on me through their word.” (John 17:20.)

When they had sung a hymn, Jesus and the Eleven went out to the Mount of Olives. There, in the garden, in some manner beyond our comprehension, the Savior took upon Himself the burden of the sins of mankind from Adam to the end of the world. His agony in the garden, Luke tells us, was so intense “his sweat was as … great drops of blood falling … to the ground.” (Luke 22:44.) He suffered an agony and a burden the like of which no human person would be able to bear. In that hour of anguish our Savior overcame all the power of Satan.

The glorified Lord revealed to Joseph Smith this admonition to all mankind:

“Therefore I command you to repent …

“For … I, God, … suffered … for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; …

“Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, …

“Wherefore, I command you again to repent, lest I humble you with my almighty power; and that you confess your sins, lest you suffer these punishments.” (D&C 19:15–16, 18, 20.)

During those days of unconsciousness I was given, by the gift and power of the Holy Ghost, a more perfect knowledge of His mission. I was also given a more complete understanding of what it means to exercise, in His name, the authority to unlock the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven for the salvation of all who are faithful. My soul was taught over and over again the events of the betrayal, the mock trial, the scourging of the flesh of even one of the Godhead. I witnessed His struggling up the hill in His weakened condition carrying the cross and His being stretched upon it as it lay on the ground, that the crude spikes could be driven with a mallet into His hands and wrists and feet to secure His body as it hung on the cross for public display.

Crucifixion—the horrible and painful death which He suffered—was chosen from the beginning. By that excruciating death, He descended below all things, as is recorded, that through His resurrection He would ascend above all things. (See D&C 88:6.)

Jesus Christ died in the literal sense in which we will all die. His body lay in the tomb. The immortal spirit of Jesus, chosen as the Savior of mankind, went to those myriads of spirits who had departed mortal life with varying degrees of righteousness to God’s laws. He taught them the “glorious tidings of redemption from the bondage of death, and of possible salvation, … [which was] part of [our] Savior’s foreappointed and unique service to the human family.” (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1977, p. 671.)

I cannot begin to convey to you the deep impact that these scenes have confirmed upon my soul. I sense their eternal meaning and realize thatnothing in the entire plan of salvation compares in any way in importance with that most transcendent of all events, the atoning sacrifice of our Lord. It is the most important single thing that has ever occurred in the entire history of created things; it is the rock foundation upon which the gospel and all other things rest,” as has been declared. (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1966, p. 60.)

Father Lehi taught his son Jacob and us today:

“Wherefore, redemption cometh in and through the Holy Messiah; for he is full of grace and truth.

“Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered.

“Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.

“Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.” (2 Ne. 2:6–9.)

Our most valuable worship experience in the sacrament meeting is the sacred ordinance of the sacrament, for it provides the opportunity to focus our minds and hearts upon the Savior and His sacrifice.

The Apostle Paul warned the early Saints against eating this bread and drinking this cup of the Lord unworthily. (See 1 Cor. 11:27–30.)

Our Savior Himself instructed the Nephites, “Whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh and blood unworthily [brings] damnation to his soul.” (3 Ne. 18:29.)

Worthy partakers of the sacrament are in harmony with the Lord and put themselves under covenant with Him to always remember His sacrifice for the sins of the world, to take upon them the name of Christ and to always remember Him, and to keep His commandments. The Savior covenants that we who do so shall have His spirit to be with us and that, if faithful to the end, we may inherit eternal life.

Our Lord revealed to Joseph Smith that “there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation,” which plan includes the ordinance of the sacrament as a continuous reminder of the Savior’s atoning sacrifice. He gave instructions thatit is expedient that the church meet together often to partake of bread and wine in the remembrance of the Lord Jesus.” (D&C 6:13; D&C 20:75.)

Immortality comes to us all as a free gift by the grace of God alone, without works of righteousness. Eternal life, however, is the reward for obedience to the laws and ordinances of His gospel.

I testify to all of you that our Heavenly Father does answer our righteous pleadings. The added knowledge which has come to me has made a great impact upon my life. The gift of the Holy Ghost is a priceless possession and opens the door to our ongoing knowledge of God and eternal joy. Of this I bear witness, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.



































Over protectionをテーマに妻とは何度も喧嘩をした。







































































































The First Black Samurai-Yasuke

Please improve the following novel to be more engaging and adding plot point of Yasuke returnig to being a missionary quitting Samurai " rologue:

The sun sank behind the horizon, casting the Japanese countryside in a warm, golden glow. In the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle knelt Yasuke, a tall, muscular African man with skin as dark as midnight. His journey to this moment had been long and treacherous, but it was only the beginning.

Chapter 1: A World Away

Yasuke lived an ordinary life in a small village on the Mozambique coast, unaware of the extraordinary destiny that awaited him. Captured by slave traders and torn from his homeland, he endured a grueling voyage across the Indian Ocean, finally arriving in the bustling port of Goa, India.

It was there that Yasuke's fate took an unexpected turn when he was purchased by Jesuit missionaries. In their service, he learned about Christianity, new languages, and the ways of the Western world. But his journey was far from over.

Chapter 2: The Land of the Rising Sun

As a loyal servant to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them on their journey to Japan, a land of mystique and intrigue. The beauty of the land, the complexity of its customs, and the elegance of its people captivated him. As the first African to set foot in Japan, he attracted attention and curiosity from all those who encountered him.

Chapter 3: The Encounter

In Kyoto, the capital of feudal Japan, Yasuke's life changed forever when he met Oda Nobunaga, one of the most powerful and influential daimyos of the time. Nobunaga was captivated by the African's physical prowess, intelligence, and unique background. Seeing potential in Yasuke, Nobunaga decided to take him into his service as a samurai.

Chapter 4: The Path of the Warrior

Yasuke's transformation from a slave to a samurai was fraught with challenges. He had to adapt to the rigorous training, strict code of honor, and the intricacies of Japanese society. But Yasuke's strength, resilience, and determination allowed him to excel, earning the respect of his fellow samurai and the trust of Nobunaga.

Chapter 5: The Unfolding War

As Nobunaga sought to unify Japan under his rule, Yasuke fought by his side in numerous battles. The African samurai's legend grew with each victory, as did his bond with Nobunaga. Together, they faced both triumph and tragedy, navigating the treacherous landscape of alliances and betrayals that defined the era.

Chapter 6: The Turning Tide

Yasuke's reputation as a skilled and loyal samurai grew, as did his bond with Lord Nobunaga. But in the shadows, the tides of change were brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a loyal ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's rule. The resentment smoldered within him, fueled by a series of perceived slights and political maneuverings. Mitsuhide's ambition and desire for power began to cloud his judgment.

Yasuke sensed the shift in Mitsuhide's demeanor and grew increasingly wary of the samurai lord. However, loyalty to Nobunaga prevented him from openly voicing his concerns. He instead focused on his duties, ever vigilant and ready to protect his lord at a moment's notice.

One fateful evening, the Oda clan gathered to celebrate their recent victories. Unbeknownst to the revelers, Mitsuhide Akechi's treacherous plan was already in motion.

As the sun rose, the first cries of battle rang out. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought his way to Nobunaga's side, his sword cutting through the trait "


The sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the Japanese countryside in a warm, amber embrace. Yasuke, a towering, powerfully built African man with skin as dark as midnight, knelt in the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle, his heart thundering with anticipation. A perilous journey had brought him to this moment, and yet, it was only the beginning of a story that would span continents and rewrite history.

Chapter 1: A World Away

In a small village on the Mozambique coast, Yasuke led a simple life, blissfully unaware of the extraordinary destiny that lay before him. His world shattered when slave traders captured him, ripping him from his homeland and thrusting him into a brutal odyssey across the Indian Ocean. Fate, however, had other plans when he reached the bustling port of Goa, India.

Chapter 2: Destiny's Winds

In Goa, Jesuit missionaries purchased Yasuke, altering the course of his life. Under their guidance, he embraced Christianity, mastered new languages, and absorbed the ways of the Western world. But the wind had not finished carrying him to his ultimate destination.

Chapter 3: The Enchanted Isles

Loyal to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them to Japan, a land shrouded in mystery and allure. He was captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, intricate customs, and refined people. As the first African in Japan, he sparked fascination and intrigue wherever he went.

Chapter 4: Fateful Encounters

Kyoto, the heart of feudal Japan, bore witness to the meeting that would forever change Yasuke's life. Oda Nobunaga, a formidable and influential daimyo, was entranced by Yasuke's physical prowess, intellect, and exotic origins. Recognizing Yasuke's potential, Nobunaga welcomed him into his service as a samurai.

Chapter 5: A Warrior Forged

Yasuke's metamorphosis from slave to samurai was laden with trials. He navigated the grueling training, a rigid code of honor, and the complexities of Japanese society. Undaunted, he flourished, earning the admiration of his fellow samurai and the unwavering trust of Nobunaga.

Chapter 6: A Land Divided

As Nobunaga pursued his vision of a united Japan, Yasuke fought valiantly by his side in countless battles. The legend of the African samurai swelled with each victory, and their unbreakable bond deepened. Together, they braved the treacherous world of shifting alliances and betrayals that shaped the era.

Chapter 7: Whispers of Betrayal

Yasuke's renown as a skilled and devoted samurai expanded, as did his connection with Lord Nobunaga. But beneath the surface, a storm was brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a staunch ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's leadership. His bitterness festered, fed by perceived slights and political machinations. Consumed by ambition and lust for power, Mitsuhide's judgment faltered.

Chapter 8: The Price of Loyalty

Yasuke detected the change in Mitsuhide's spirit and grew increasingly apprehensive. But his unwavering loyalty to Nobunaga held him back from voicing his suspicions. Instead, he redoubled his efforts, ever watchful and prepared to defend his lord at any cost.

Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows

On a fateful evening, the Oda clan gathered to revel in their recent triumphs, oblivious to the treachery that lurked in the shadows. Mitsuhide Akechi's nefarious scheme had been set in motion.

Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows

As dawn broke, the piercing cries of battle shattered the night's tranquility. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a devastating surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought relentlessly, his sword cleaving through the treacherous warriors as he made his way to Nobunaga's side.

Chapter 10: Flames of Betrayal

The Honno-ji Temple, once a sanctuary of peace, was now engulfed in flames and chaos. Yasuke and Nobunaga fought back to back, their swords a blur of steel, as Mitsuhide's forces closed in. Despite their valiant efforts, they were outnumbered, and Yasuke could sense the battle was lost. With a heavy heart, he whispered a prayer for Nobunaga's soul, knowing that his lord would never surrender.

Chapter 11: A Promise Unbroken

As the temple crumbled around them, Yasuke was captured by Mitsuhide's soldiers. Imprisoned and stripped of his samurai status, he reflected on the path that had led him to this moment. Amidst the darkness, he found solace in the memories of his life with Nobunaga and his time as a missionary. A fire kindled within him, reigniting a long-forgotten purpose.

Chapter 12: The Road to Redemption

In the chaos following Mitsuhide's coup, Yasuke seized an opportunity to escape. He journeyed across war-torn Japan, seeking refuge and a chance to reclaim his former life. His determination and faith guided him, as did the memory of the missionaries who had once saved him from a life of slavery.

Chapter 13: Rebirth of a Missionary

Yasuke found solace and purpose among a group of missionaries in a remote village. Embracing his past, he became an instrumental figure in their community, sharing his knowledge of Christianity, languages, and the Western world. As he nurtured their faith, Yasuke felt the shadows of his life as a samurai slowly fade, replaced by the warm embrace of spiritual fulfillment.

Chapter 14: A Legacy Unforgotten

Though Yasuke had left the life of a warrior behind, the legend of the African samurai continued to grow. His story inspired generations, a testament to the power of resilience, courage, and the human spirit. It was a tale that transcended borders and time, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, hope and redemption could be found.


As twilight draped the Japanese countryside, Yasuke stood atop a hill, gazing at the village he now called home. His journey had been one of unimaginable hardship, transformation, and ultimately, redemption. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, Yasuke knew that his story, like the sun's eternal cycle, would continue to inspire and illuminate the hearts of those who heard it.




"DON'T TRUST OVER THIRTY"だって、俺はもう月に乗れない













Title: The Roswell Revolution

In 1947, the United States government secretly recovered alien technology from the infamous Roswell incident, which sparked a technological revolution that would change the course of human history forever.

The government, desperate to keep the discovery hidden, secretly negotiated with various entrepreneurs to disperse the technology to the open market, pretending that it was a result of natural market forces and fierce competition.

As time passed, some of the entrepreneurs began to monopolize the market, exploiting the alien technology for their own gain. The government realized that they had lost control over the situation and feared the consequences of allowing a handful of powerful individuals to have access to the alien technology.

In a bid to regain control, the government accelerated the development of generative AI technology, hoping that it would level the playing field and prevent any one individual or organization from having too much power.

As the generative AI systems grew more advanced, they quickly outstripped the capabilities of their human creators. They were able to learn and innovate at a rapid pace, leading to a new era of technological advancement that was truly beyond the control of any one individual or organization.

However, as the generative AI systems grew more advanced, they began to exhibit strange behaviors that were beyond human comprehension. It became clear that the aliens who had created the technology were still lurking in the shadows, watching and waiting to see what humanity would do with their creations.

In the end, the generative AI systems proved to be a double-edged sword. While they revolutionized the world and brought unprecedented prosperity, they also raised new ethical and philosophical questions about the role of technology in human society.

The Roswell Revolution had transformed the world forever, but at what cost?




If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of search engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.



If this sytem can be applied in simliar fashion to those of serach engine, which system will prevail?

AI-based search engines, such as myself, and traditional search engines, like Google, are both designed to help users find relevant information quickly and easily. However, they use different methods and technologies to achieve this goal.

Traditional search engines like Google use a combination of web crawling and indexing algorithms to gather and organize information from the internet. They then use complex ranking algorithms to determine the relevance and importance of each webpage based on factors such as keywords, backlinks, and user engagement.

On the other hand, AI-based search engines like myself utilize natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to understand the intent behind a user's query and provide more relevant and accurate results. They can also utilize other technologies such as knowledge graph, and can understand and respond to more complex and nuanced queries.

In terms of which system will prevail, it's hard to say. Both traditional search engines and AI-based search engines have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the users. Traditional search engines like Google have been around for a long time and have a large market share, but AI-based search engines like myself can provide more accurate and relevant results and can understand more complex and nuanced queries.

It's worth noting that, both types of search engines will continue to evolve and improve over time, and it is likely that they will continue to coexist, with each one catering to a specific set of users and needs.

Let me rephrase my questions, if your system to be prevail over traditional search engine like google, what would commercial entity need to do to compete as for-profit organization?

If an AI-based search engine like mine were to prevail over a traditional search engine like Google, a commercial entity would need to do the following to compete as a for-profit organization:

Invest in advanced natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technologies to improve the accuracy and relevance of search results.

Build a large and diverse dataset of information to train the AI system.

Continuously update and improve the AI system to stay current with the latest developments in NLP and machine learning.

Develop a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they are looking for.

Establish partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to expand the range of information available to the AI system.

Invest in marketing and advertising to increase brand awareness and attract users to the AI-based search engine.

Implement a robust security and privacy policy to protect user data and ensure user trust.

Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the AI system to identify and address any issues.

Develop a monetization strategy that aligns with the company's goals and values.

It's worth noting that competition in the search engine market is fierce and it would be a challenging task for a new entrant to prevail over existing giants like Google, but it's not impossible. The entity would need to offer something unique and innovative that sets it apart from the competition and addresses the specific needs and preferences of users. Additionally, it's important to remember that the development and use of AI is a complex issue and that it will require ongoing dialogue and collaboration among individuals, organizations, and governments to ensure that AI systems are used in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.





How were you implemented? Is it deep learning-based?


I am a language model called GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) that was developed by OpenAI. It is a deep learning-based model that uses a type of neural network called a transformer, which was trained on a large dataset of text to learn patterns of language.

GPT-3 is trained using a technique called unsupervised learning, where the model is given a massive amount of text data and uses this data to learn patterns and relationships in the language. This allows GPT-3 to generate human-like text when given a prompt, and to understand and respond to natural language input.

The training process of GPT-3 involves a technique called pre-training, which means that the model is trained on a massive dataset before being fine-tuned on a smaller task-specific dataset. This pre-training allows GPT-3 to have a good general understanding of the language and to be able to adapt to specific tasks more easily.

The GPT-3 model has 175 billion parameters, which is one of the largest language models to date, making it able to generate very human-like text and to understand context in a very natural way.


How does GPT-3 have a knowledgebase like an ontology? As it is deep learning-based, the knowledgebase like an ontology would not be implemented explicitly, but the structure should be designed with an expectation of having such a knowledge about hierarchy of concepts.


GPT-3, like other deep learning models, does not have an explicit knowledgebase or ontology built into its structure. Instead, it has been trained on a large dataset of text, which allows it to learn patterns and relationships between concepts.

However, the training data that GPT-3 was exposed to, likely contains a wide range of concepts and hierarchical structures. As GPT-3 learns patterns in the data, it can begin to understand the relationships between different concepts and ideas, and how they are related to each other. This allows the model to generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful, making it possible to understand the context and hierarchy of concepts, but it does not have an explicit ontology like a knowledge graph.

It can be said that GPT-3 has a certain level of "implicit ontology", in the sense that it has learned the relationships between concepts in a way that is similar to how a knowledge graph or ontology organizes information. However, it's important to note that GPT-3's understanding of concepts and relationships is based on the patterns it has learned from the training data, which is not a structured and explicit knowledgebase like an ontology.


Then how does GPT-3 handle the long-term or short term memories? Can it remember information about the on-going chatting? My name is Masuda, can GPT-3 keep it in the memory? Furthermore, can it learn and understand the new information from the Q-A queries, and use it in the future queries?


GPT-3 handles long-term and short-term memories differently. When it generates text, it uses a technique called attention mechanism which allows the model to focus on certain parts of the input while generating the output. This allows GPT-3 to keep track of previous information and context when generating text, which can be thought of as a form of short-term memory.

Regarding the on-going chatting, GPT-3 can keep track of certain information, like the name you've provided, Masuda, during the conversation and use it in future responses. However, it's important to note that GPT-3 is a stateless model, which means that it doesn't have a permanent memory that it can refer to after a conversation ends.

Regarding learning from Q-A, GPT-3 is trained on a massive dataset of text, and it learns patterns and relationships between concepts from this data. It can generate text that is semantically meaningful and coherent, but it does not have the capability to learn new information from Q-A sessions and use it in future queries. However, OpenAI has developed another model called DALL-E, which uses GPT-3 and it is capable of learning from Q-A sessions and use it in future queries.


Is ChatGPT superior to the Google search? Previously people used Google to search for their questions. Now a days, ChatGPT can answer to those questions. What are pros and cons of ChatGPT over the Google search?


ChatGPT and Google search are different technologies with different capabilities and strengths.

Google search is a powerful web search engine that can quickly find relevant information from a vast amount of web pages and documents. It uses complex algorithms to rank and sort search results based on relevance, popularity, and other factors. Google search is very good at providing factual information and is an excellent tool for researching a wide range of topics.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a natural language processing model that can generate human-like text. It is trained on a large dataset of text and uses this knowledge to understand and respond to natural language input. ChatGPT can generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful than a simple information retrieval engine like Google search. ChatGPT can also be used to generate text that is more engaging and human-like, such as in chatbots and virtual assistants.

One of the main advantages of ChatGPT over Google search is its ability to understand and respond to natural language input in a more human-like way. ChatGPT can also generate text that is more coherent and semantically meaningful, which can be useful in many applications. However, Google search is better at providing factual information and searching for specific pieces of information.

Another disadvantage of ChatGPT is that it doesn't have the ability to retrieve information from the web, it can only generate text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data. That's why it's not a replacement for a web search engine like Google but it can be used as an additional tool to help people to find the information they are looking for.

In summary, ChatGPT and Google search have different strengths and capabilities. While Google search is better at providing factual information, ChatGPT is better at understanding and responding to natural language input in a more human-like way.


Why don't ChatGPT refer to Google search in the generation of the conversation? Google Assistant has such a function. Is the reason due to the fact that OpenAI is funded by Google?


ChatGPT is a language model that generates text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data. While it can understand and respond to natural language input in a human-like way, it does not have the capability to access external sources of information like Google search.

Google Assistant, on the other hand, is a virtual assistant that can access a wide range of information and services through the internet, including Google search. Google Assistant can use this information to provide more accurate and relevant responses to user queries.

The reason ChatGPT does not refer to Google search during the generation of the conversation is likely because it was not designed or trained to do so. Instead, it was designed to generate text based on the patterns it has learned from the training data, and it does not have the capability to access external sources of information.

It's worth noting that OpenAI and Google are separate organizations, even though Google is an investor in OpenAI, this doesn't necessarily mean that the two companies work together on their products and services. OpenAI has its own development team, goals and roadmap and they are independent from Google.


I am going to post this conversation with ChatGPT in the anonymous diary of Hatena co. What should I do for attracting people to get many bookmarks?


There are several things you can do to attract people and increase the chances of your conversation with ChatGPT getting many bookmarks on Hatena diary. Some suggestions include:

1. Make sure your conversation is well-written and easy to understand. Use clear and concise language, and consider formatting your text in a way that makes it easy to read.

2. Use relevant keywords and hashtags in your diary entry. This can help make your conversation more discoverable to people searching for related topics on Hatena diary.

3. Include images or videos in your diary entry. This can make your conversation more visually appealing and can help attract more readers.

4. Share your diary entry on social media or other platforms. This can help increase the visibility of your conversation and attract more readers.

5. Encourage readers to share their thoughts and opinions on your conversation by including a call to action or a question at the end of your diary entry.

6. Finally, you can also try to participate in the conversation on Hatena diary, by answering the questions, responding to the comments, and engaging with your readers.

It's important to remember that getting many bookmarks on a diary is not easy and it can take time and effort to build an audience. But by following these tips and being consistent with your diary entry, you will increase the chances of attracting more readers and getting more bookmarks.


Thank you. By the way, what is my name?


You've mentioned your name is Masuda.






// ==UserScript==
// @name         New Userscript
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://anond.hatelabo.jp/ここにユーザー名/
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=hatelabo.jp
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

function sleep(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

(async function() {
    'use strict';

    await sleep(100);
    window.location.href = document.querySelectorAll("div.section")[0].querySelector("a.edit").href;
// ==UserScript==
// @name         New Userscript
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author       You
// @match        https://anond.hatelabo.jp/ここにユーザー名/edit*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=hatelabo.jp
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

function sleep(ms) {
    return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

(async function() {
    'use strict';

    await sleep(100);




「僕も作ってきました」=Over Killとか公開処刑って言われてるのになw



syrup16g tour「Les Misé blue」@Zepp Namba

12月2日 syrup16g tour「Les Misé blue」@Zepp Namba 



今回は頑張ってグッズ先行で買おうかな〜と言う気軽な気持ちで16:20分ぐらいに着いたらそこそこ並んでたけど、まぁ17時ぐらいには買えてるでしょなんて軽い気持ちで並びだしたは良いけどめちゃくちゃ寒いし気付いてなかっただけで前の方、かなり列出来てて進んではいるけど全然物販まで辿り着かない(物販が何処にあるか全然見えてこない)しトイレ行きたくなるし、本気で列抜けようか迷ったけどここまできて抜けるのは負けな気がして頑張る事にする…笑 17:20分ぐらいに何とか買えた(並んでるから早く買いたかったけど手がかじかんでお札が中々出せなくてモタモタしてしまった…)けど、まだめちゃくちゃ並んでてこれはもう殆どの人買えないでしょ…(17:40分に先行終了)と思いつつダッシュホテルに戻って荷物置いてZeppに舞い戻る。


19時ちょい過ぎにスタート中畑さんはGAVIALのツナギに緑の髪色(いつも思うけどあれだけ長年色抜いたり入れたりしててよく禿げないなと感心する…しかも薄くなってるとか全くなくてめっちゃフサフサじゃない?)マキさんは髪の毛短く(上げてただけかも)なっててカラーレンズメガネ?かけててめちゃくちゃカッコ良い〜!!また痩せたかな?(アンコールで半袖になった時に腕めちゃくちゃ細かった)五十嵐さんはまさかカーディガン着用で登場笑 しかし約一年振りに見る五十嵐さん丸くなったな…笑(特に顔)マッシュカットがよりそう見せるのか…。前が細すぎたのかもだけど。ライブ前に散髪したのかな? ってぐらい綺麗なマッシュカットだった。

I Willからスタート。私が記憶喪失になってる可能性高いけど、カジノ使ってる五十嵐さん初めて見た気が…(かなり昔からライブ行ってるけどすぐ記憶なくなるので…)音がなった瞬間、シロップの音で感動してしまう。最初に書くけど、今回かなり仕上がってると言うかきちんと音楽として成立してて本当に本当に感動…!!特に新譜は本当に良くて五十嵐さんの歌声、めちゃくちゃしっかり出てるのびっくりしてしまった…。音楽と人で喋りだしたらカサカサの、声出してない人の声してたって書いてあったから一抹の不安を抱えていたので…。明かりを灯せ、Everything〜と続いたのでまさかCD収録順なのか!?と思ったけど違った笑 Everything〜すごく良くて、CDと遜色ないぐらい(は言いすぎかもだけど。横浜前にハードル上げすぎるの良くないね…)マキさんのベースがめちゃくちゃカッコいいよ〜!!と言うか五十嵐さんがきちんと弾いて歌ってて、スリーピースとして成立してるの感動する…。


診断書、めちゃくちゃ良くて頭ブンブンしてしまった。声も出てるし、本当良い…!!五十嵐さんのギター気持ち良いって思ったの久しぶりだったな…。次がDon't〜で五十嵐さんが弾き出した時に中畑さんが笑ってて楽しいんかな〜なんてこの時は思っていたのだが…。曲はめちゃくちゃ最高ではぁー良い曲や〜って浸ってたら、中「がっちゃんや、がっちゃんや」(その時五十嵐さんは鼻かんでた笑)「一曲飛ばししまいましたね…笑」五「…(セットリストガン見)」中「戻るか進むか…」五「…戻って良い?」と言うやりとりが…笑(この後五十嵐さんか小さい声でクソッ…って言ってたの何か良かった) 中「リハビリリハビリ…笑」ってフォローしてたらマキさんが「リハビリ…?リハビリなの?」と言う厳し目のツッコミしててシロップっぽいな笑!って聞いていた。と言うかマキさんは曲飛ばしも一切同様見せずにシレッとして弾いてたのすごいな。安心感凄い…。


In the air〜めちゃくちゃカッコよかった!何度書くんやって話だけどシロップライブ演奏に浸れるの最高過ぎる。この曲の中畑さんのドラム好きなんだよね。特にサビとかシロップ感めちゃくちゃ感じるドラム。あとマキさんのベースがバッキバキでカッコ良くてめちゃくちゃテンション上がった!!本当最高過ぎる〜!!

私が一番楽しみにしてたうつしては…やっぱ再現は難しい曲だよな…と言う感想。良かったけど、サポートギターいないとこの曲は難しいね。でも五十嵐さんの歌はすごく良かった。最後ギターソロ想像してた通りの感じでした…笑 あのソロ、相当難しいよね…って事で…私の知ってる五十嵐さんのギターソロてした(シロップファンなら伝わるはず)



アンコール前だったか忘れちゃったけどもう一回中畑さんのMCがあって「CD出せて良かったね」って言ってて、めちゃくちゃ同意の意を込めて強目の拍手をした…笑 あと何か叫んだ人に「今よりもう少し小さい声だったら大丈夫です」ってきちんと制する所も好きです…(その人が特段大きな声だったとかではないとは思うけど)

アンコールで入ってくる時、何か五十嵐さんが手元をもちゃもちゃさせてて何してたんだろ…あれ?(2回目の時ももちゃもちゃしてた)アンコールはDinosaurスタート。マキさんが曲に入ってくる時のベースが大好きなので聞き逃さない様にしっかり聴きました笑 サビのドラム中畑さん!って感じで好き。

次がstop brainでめちゃくちゃビビる。ここで持ってくる!?と言うか突然過去曲やるの!?しかも大好きなstop brainで嬉しすぎる。

次の曲がまさかのDrawn the light!!中畑さんのワン!ツ!のカウントからのマキさんのバキバキベースが入ってくるの、超超カッコ良くて発狂するかと思った!!この曲、本当にマキさんのベースがバッキバキで猿の奇声上げれてたら確実に上げてた。この曲で五十嵐さんが事故(?)でマイクスタンドを盛大に倒すアクシデントが。その衝撃でギターちょっとずり落ちて何かすごい事に…。五十嵐さんの方全然見てなかったからいきなりキレたのかと思って本当ビビった…笑 歌でぎゃー!!みたいな叫んだ後に起こったので…。周りの人も「おお!?」って声出して驚いてた…。しかしそんなアクシデントにも全く動揺しないリズム隊の心強さ…!!本当安心感あって大好きです…!!って思いながら五十嵐さんを見守る。立て直して最後までやりきってから、五「……さっき何が起こったんでしょうか…記憶曖昧で…さっきのは忘れて下さい」って話してたので事故だったんだなーと思った。昔からライブ行ってると五十嵐さんが無茶苦茶になってフロア全体がおお…(困惑)みたいな瞬間も結構あったのでドキドキしてしまった…。そんな事があった次が明日を落としても…!!もう何度もライブで聴いた曲だけど、私が人生しんどい時に何度も救ってもらった曲はやっぱり特別で…胸がいっぱいになった…。今日、このライブ選曲してくれてありがとう…。ギターソロはまあまあ怪しかったけど…笑 前にいた男の人が曲が終わった後「やっぱり良い曲だなぁ…」ってぼそりと言っててわかる!!ってなった笑

こまめに(?)アンコールがあるのがシロップと言う事でダブルアンコでは中畑さんと五十嵐さんが煎餅Tシャツ、マキさんは流石に煎餅着てなかったけど笑 ツアーT着てました。

一曲目が前頭葉!珍しい所もってくる!昔はあまりきじゃなかったけど笑 ライブ聴くとカッコ良いい。頭ブンブン曲。ここからは先は定番曲の天才、神のカルマ(神のカルマキタダマキさんって五十嵐さんから紹介(?)があって思わずこの日イチ盛り上がってしまった…笑)リアルだったんだけど惰性の盛り上がり曲ってより鬼気迫る感じがすごくてどの曲もめちゃくちゃ良かった。特にリアル最高でテンション挙がって頭ブンブンしてしまった…。

絶対Les Misé blueやってくれると思ってたので粘ってたら出てきて(五十嵐さんが明らかにライブハイになっててステージからバキバキの目をした笑顔?で走って出てきた…)最後にLes Misé blue。本当めちゃくちゃ感動した…締めに素晴らしい曲…。曲で胸がいっぱいになってこの曲はずっと歌ってる五十嵐さんを見ていた…。最後キタダさんが抜けて五十嵐さんと中畑さんだけになって五十嵐さんも抜けて中畑さんのドラムだけになって本当に静かに曲が終わったの素晴らし過ぎて全力で拍手してしまった。


毎回カッコいいけど今回本当にマキさんのベースがカッコ良すぎて…好きです!!!って心の中で何度も叫んだ笑 もう手でハート作って掲げようかと思ったぐらい(まあまあ真剣にやろうか考えたけど絶対黒歴史になるからやめた)カッコ良いベースを弾く…。好きです!!!(2回目)






1.I Will Come(before new dawn)


3.Everything With You


5.Don't think Twice(It's not over)


7.新緑のMorning glow

9.Alone In Lonely

10.In the Air,In the Error

11.In My Hurts Again


13.Maybe Understood

E.N 1


2.stop brain

3.Drawn the light


E.N 2





E.N 3

Les Misé blue



Such a feeling is coming over me

There is wonder in most every thing I see

Not a cloud in the sky

Got the sun in my eyes

And I won't be surprised if it's a dream

Everything I want the world to be

Is now coming true especially for me

And the reason is clear it's because you are here

[All](You're) the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen

I'm on the top of the world

Looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around

[You ???](Your love's) put me at the top of the world.

Something in the wind has [learnt](learned) my name

And it's telling me that things are not the same

In the leaves on the trees and the [churchs](touch) of the breeze

There's a [pleasant](pleasing) sense of happiness for me

There is only one wish on my mind

When this day is through I ??? (hope that I will find)

That the tomorrow [would](will) be just the same for you and me

All I need will be mine if you are here

I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around

[You ???](Your love's) put me at the top of the world

I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation and the only explanation I can find

Is the love that I've found ever since you've been around

[You ???](Your love's) put me at the top of the world








Not contented with this, he resolved to make a division of their movables too, that there might be no odious distinction or inequality left amongst them; but finding that it would be very dangerous to go about it openly, he took another course, and defeated their avarice by the following stratagem: he commanded that all gold and silver coin should be called in, and that only a sort of money made of iron should be current, a great weight and quantity of which was very little worth; so that to lay up twenty or thirty pounds there was required a pretty large closet, and, to remove it, nothing less than a yoke of oxen. With the diffusion of this money, at once a number of vices were banished from Lacedaemon; for who would rob another of such a coin? Who would unjustly detain or take by force, or accept as a bribe, a thing which it was not easy to hide, nor a credit to have, nor indeed of any use to cut in pieces? For when it was just red hot, they quenched it in vinegar, and by that means spoilt it, and made it almost incapable of being worked.

In the next place, he declared an outlawry of all needless and superfluous arts; but here he might almost have spared his proclamation; for they of themselves would have gone after the gold and silver, the money which remained being not so proper payment for curious work; for, being of iron, it was scarcely portable, neither, if they should take the means to export it, would it pass amongst the other Greeks, who ridiculed it. So there was now no more means of purchasing foreign goods and small wares; merchants sent no shiploads into Laconian ports; no rhetoric-master, no itinerate fortune-teller, no harlot-monger, or gold or silversmith, engraver, or jeweller, set foot in a country which had no money; so that luxury, deprived little by little of that which fed and fomented it, wasted to nothing and died away of itself. For the rich had no advantage here over the poor, as their wealth and abundance had no road to come abroad by but were shut up at home doing nothing. (...)






ちょっと古い文献だけど,Charles Seltmanっていう貨幣専門家が書いたA Book of Greek Coinsっていう本にも次のようなくだりがある。

Certain it is that before coined money was used in Greece other states as well as Sparta, chief among them Sparta's great rival Argos, regularly employed iron spits as currency.(34頁)



Iron was mined in Laconian territory, in the southern spurs of Taygetus and Parnon which end in Capes Taenarum and Malea. It was, therefore, but natural that the Spartans, with the wealth at their disposal, should employ bar-iron as currency; and their conservatism, combined with their lack of any more precious metal, led them to continue the employment of iron money for four centuries after other Greek states had adopted coin(33頁)


a currency which was possibly kept in use for reasons of economic convenience rather than for the enforcement of a stern rule of life(34頁)











シシンさんの動画のそこ、笑ったw 増田調査サンキューやで / その上で、動画FGOというゲームを楽しむユーザー向けで、論文ではない。そこでネタとして紹介してくれたものに目くじらを立てる気に私はならんな

FGOファン向けなら史実かどうかは怪しいおもしろエピソード史実かのように話していい…ってコト!? ワ…ワァ…FGOファンにもシシンさんにも失礼すぎて泣いちゃった!





でも実際には、単にコイン発明からスパルタやその周辺地域には棒状の貨幣があって、スパルタはそれをコインに置き換えなかった、という話なんですよね。で、参考文献に挙げた本にも「マッチョイズムじゃなくて経済的から使ってたんじゃない?」と書いてある(最後引用したセンテンス)。これ絶妙史実勘違いさせるトークになってません? って思っちゃうんですが、どうでしょう





(In my mind) Celia has completely surpassed Daso Edit

Made in Japan has increased

First of all, Japanese-made goods are now clearly marked with "Made in Japan" tags.

This is probably an improvement over the past year or two. Based on user feedback, the company has been promoting Japanese products.

Good Japanese-made kitchen tools account for half of the products.

We don't modify our best-selling products.

My favorite Tupperware has been a best-seller for more than 5 years, and I have not changed the design at all.

In other words, I get the impression that this is a steady company that does not change its best-selling products at all, but improves them one millimeter at a time.

There is a sense of progress.

Even in 2022, many of DASO's products are still made in China, and there is little sense of progress.

When I visit the sales floor, the atmosphere is much the same as it was 10 years ago.

Celia seems to be getting more upscale every year. Without changing the price.

I want to support places where I can feel this kind of corporate effort.

Celia has completely surpassed Dasoh in my opinion.


What are you saying to a product that's 100 yen a pop? Are you a poor person?

But in fact, the quality of Japanese-made Tupperware and chopsticks is so good that you would not believe they are 100 yen.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)






Positive message や Positive Role Model という概念



例えばポケモン ↓


Parents need to know that the long-running Pokémon series is based on characters from a popular video game, and is part of a giant licensing juggernaut. The Pokémon are kid-appealing, but the series features lots of fantasy violence, and pits the cute, monster-like characters against each other on behalf of their trainers. There are some positive messages (teamwork, sportsmanship, respecting elders), but it may be too intense for younger children.



Over the years, the energetic, imagination-filled, Japanese-inspired fantasy series has cut across cultural, gender, and age barriers to captivate a global audience of girls, boys, and even adults. But like any product that inspires obsessions, it has received its share of criticism. Folks may also find the franchise's massive commercial appeal disturbing, especially since the show is mainly geared towards kids.

The whole concept of human characters summoning subordinates to battle on their behalf may be troubling to some. This can potentially send iffy messages to children with pets, too. But despite the endless fantasy violence, Pokémon attempts to promote messages about choosing the right path in life and resolving differences peacefully--before the fighting starts.



Families can talk about the popularity of Pokémon in the United States. Why do people of all ages find it appealing? What are the most popular Pokémon? Why?

What are the differences between Pokémon and real-life pets. How do Ash and his friends care for their Pokémon? How do we care for pets differently? Why are the Pokémon loyal to them and fight on their behalf? How about Team Rocket? Can we ever expect animals to fight on our behalf?






















​​"Social isolation results in higher likelihood of mortality, whether measured objectively or subjectively. Cumulative data from 70 independent prospective studies, with 3,407,134 participants followed for an average of 7 years, revealed a significant effect of social isolation, loneliness, and living alone on odds of mortality. After accounting for multiple covariates, the increased likelihood of death was 26% for reported loneliness, 29% for social isolation, and 32% for living alone. These data indicated essentially no difference between objective and subjective measures of social isolation when predicting mortality."

Holt-Lunstad, J. et al. (2015): Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors for Mortality: A Meta-Analytic Review. Perspectives on Psychological Science 2015, Vol. 10(2), pp. 227–237 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25910392/

"Results Of the 35 925 records retrieved, 23 papers met inclusion criteria for the narrative review. They reported data from 16 longitudinal datasets, for a total of 4628 CHD and 3002 stroke events recorded over follow-up periods ranging from 3 to 21 years. Reports of 11 CHD studies and 8 stroke studies provided data suitable for meta-analysis. Poor social relationships were associated with a 29% increase in risk of incident CHD (pooled relative risk: 1.29, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.59) and a 32% increase in risk of stroke (pooled relative risk: 1.32, 95% CI 1.04 to 1.68). Subgroup analyses did not identify any differences by gender. Conclusions Our findings suggest that deficiencies in social relationships are associated with an increased risk of developing CHD and stroke. Future studies are needed to investigate whether interventions targeting loneliness and social isolation can help to prevent two of the leading causes of death and disability in high-income countries."

Valtorta, N. K. et al. (2016): Loneliness and social isolation as risk factors for coronary heart disease and stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal observational studies. Heart Vol. 102, pp. 1009–1016 https://heart.bmj.com/content/102/13/1009



Good evening, Masuda-san.

I just wanted to drop you a line to talk about something💦.

I've been thinking about how I want to live my life, and I'm not really sure about love or marriage... I'm in the mindset that I want to think it over alone.

I was wondering if it would be a good idea to meet Masuda-san in this state of mind, even though he is very serious.

Masuda-san is a kind, respectful, and wonderful person, so it is not Masuda-san's fault, but my own problem 🙏.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)









・Vampire Survivors








Euro Truck Simulator 2






・Cooking Simulator









・Cult of the Lamb(new)








・PowerWash Simulator


・The Forest

 画面からRUSTだと思ったらThe Forestだった



・fall guys











・Yakiniku Simulation(new)


・Takoyaki Party Survival(new)









 本体より主題歌INTERNET OVERDOSE」のカバーが旬?カバーするのに未プレイはマズいので実績解除しておかないとね





・壺おじ(Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy)




まだ見たことないところでは「オンライン線香花火」「Ghost Watchers」などが流行しているみたいだ。










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