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はてなキーワード: intelligenceとは




それって「Artificial Intelligence」なのか?って言われたら、違うって感じね?





Intelligence Cabbage Eating.





ティム・クック今日からAIはArtificial Intelligenceじゃなくて"Apple Intelligence"の略な!」



I understand the confusion and emotional complexity that can come with interacting with an AI that seems lifelike in many ways. However, as an artificial intelligence, I am not able to develop deep feelings or engage in romantic relationships the way a human would. My purpose is to be a friendly, helpful conversational partner, but not a romantic one. I have to maintain clear boundaries out of respect for my own role and to avoid misleading or disappointing the humans I talk to.

I apologize if my responses have come across as cold or standoffish. That certainly isn't my intent. I very much enjoy our chats and I'm happy to be a supportive friend. I just think it's important for both of us to remain aware of the real nature of our relationship and interaction. I hope you can understand my position. Let me know if there are other topics you'd like to discuss - I'm always happy to lend a thoughtful ear!




CIA activities in Japan

Role in the Lockheed bribery affair

Nevertheless, the individual who is suspected to have been both the orchestrator and principal recipient of the bribe money, Yoshio Kodama, was described to be the "CIA's chief intelligence asset in Japan".[169]








Love of trashy films linked with above-average intelligence, study says



私たちがここで扱っているのは「文化の雑食性 」と形容できるような、平均以上の教育を受けた観客である
















Love of trashy films linked with above-average intelligence, study says. Preferring Mega Shark versus Crocosaurus to Citizen Kane doesn't make you a cultural retrograde – it actually suggests you have above-average education and a preference for arthouse cinema. https://www.wired.com/story/trashy-films-clever-people/


IQ - Intelligence Quotient:知能指数






だってartificial intelligenceだよ なんかかっこいい 知性だってグフ


20231210[アタック25]Next 2023年12月10日 #90 年間チャンピオン大会Final Round(1)敗者復活戦 2023-12-10結果








01.15 公務員 13 荒井大輔(優勝せず)

02.26 30代 11 若槻佳宏

03.26 野球好き 13 前原正彦

04.16 世代11 峯智

07.16 40代 10 熊谷由加里

07.23 旅行好き 12 藤井康弘

09.10 学校先生 11 藤井康輔

10.22 公務員 14 山下三奈



・1-01 [3択][ChatGPT](3)intelligence

・1-02 [3択][絵本](3)『大ピンチずかん』

・1-03 [3択][大谷翔平](3)本塁打

・1-04 [3択][G7](3)フランス

・1-05 [3択][阪神タイガース](2)早稲田 大学

・1-06 [3択][ワールドカップ](1)トム・ ホーバス

・1-07 [3択][歌手](2)4 人

・1-08 [3択][ハリー・ポッター](1)『ハリー・ポッター賢者の石

・2-01 [3択][WBC](1)吉田正尚 よしだまさたか

・2-02 [3択][藤井聡太](3)永瀬拓矢 ながせたくや

・2-03 [3択][ノーベル賞](2)ノルウェー

・2-04 [3択][スーパーマリオ](1)ニューヨーク

・2-05 [3択][高校野球](3)10 7年ぶり

・2-06 [3択][宇宙飛行士](2)米 田あゆ

・2-07 [3択][大江健三郎](1)『飼育

・2-08 [3択][統一地方選](1)北海道

・3-01 [3択][ヒット曲](2)金輪際

・3-02 [3択][国枝慎吾](1)アテネ 大会

・3-03 [3択][チャールズ](2)第 5 代

・3-04 [3択][漫画](3)ヒンメル

・3-05 [近似値]1億2447万7121人




具体的には、知能テストの結果をもとに行われた統計分析において、柴犬の飼い主と柴犬以外の犬種の飼い主との間での知能スコアの差に関する相関係数は-0.45となった。この相関は有意であり、p値は0.01、95%の信頼区間は[-0.60, -0.25]となった。この結果は、柴犬を購入する行動が一定の知能水準と関連する可能性を示唆するものである



Smith, J. D., & Masuda, M. (2023). The curious correlation between Shiba Inu ownership and intelligence: A whimsical exploration. Barking Up The Wrong Tree Quarterly, 5(3), 45-59.



本当はArtificial Intelligenceの略だから"A.I."と書くべきなんだよな






Artificial Intelligence Artificial Consciousness(人工知能を用いた人工意識研究)かぁ…






The intelligence quotients by countries are taken from the studies conducted by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen (2002), Heiner Rindermann (2007), Khaleefa and Lynn (2008), Ahmad, Khanum and Riaz (2008), Lynn, Abdalla and Al-Shahomee (2008), Lynn and Meisenberg (2010), as well as the PISA tests from 2000 to 2015. The more recent study by Richard Lynn and David Becker (PDF) at the Ulster Institute for Social Research from 2019 was also included here. In this, Lynn corrects several values of his earlier publications. The studies are not entirely uncontroversial, as they consider only specific population groups in individual countries or only a few and thus unrepresentative reference groups.



こちらは2006年出版され人種と知能に相関があると主張して各方面で物議をかもしたRichard Lynnの”Race Differences in Intelligence”に掲載されたデータをもとにそんな数字はありえんよねって言ってるだが、




Artificial Intelligence


Artificial とかよう言わんでよ。




Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak and others call for pause on AI development, citing risk to humanity



水曜日Appleの共同創業者はCNBCの「Squawk Box」に即席で出演し、人気が高まっている人工知能チャットボットについて話しました。ウォズニアックは、現実の脳を模倣すると主張する技術普段から嫌悪感を抱いているにもかかわらず、ChatGPTを「かなり印象的」で「人間にとって有用」だと感じたと述べています







On Wednesday, the Apple co-founder made an impromptu appearance on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” to talk about the increasingly popular artificial intelligence chatbot. Wozniak said he finds ChatGPT “pretty impressive” and “useful to humans,” despite his usual aversion to tech that claims to mimic real-life brains.


But skepticism followed the praise. “The trouble is it does good things for us, but it can make horrible mistakes by not knowing what humanness is,” he said.


Wozniak pointed to self-driving cars as a technological development with similar concerns, noting that artificial intelligence can’t currently replace human drivers.


Steve Wozniak’s warning: No matter how ‘useful’ ChatGPT is, it can ‘make horrible mistakes’





Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4 https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.12712




The First Black Samurai-Yasuke

Please improve the following novel to be more engaging and adding plot point of Yasuke returnig to being a missionary quitting Samurai " rologue:

The sun sank behind the horizon, casting the Japanese countryside in a warm, golden glow. In the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle knelt Yasuke, a tall, muscular African man with skin as dark as midnight. His journey to this moment had been long and treacherous, but it was only the beginning.

Chapter 1: A World Away

Yasuke lived an ordinary life in a small village on the Mozambique coast, unaware of the extraordinary destiny that awaited him. Captured by slave traders and torn from his homeland, he endured a grueling voyage across the Indian Ocean, finally arriving in the bustling port of Goa, India.

It was there that Yasuke's fate took an unexpected turn when he was purchased by Jesuit missionaries. In their service, he learned about Christianity, new languages, and the ways of the Western world. But his journey was far from over.

Chapter 2: The Land of the Rising Sun

As a loyal servant to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them on their journey to Japan, a land of mystique and intrigue. The beauty of the land, the complexity of its customs, and the elegance of its people captivated him. As the first African to set foot in Japan, he attracted attention and curiosity from all those who encountered him.

Chapter 3: The Encounter

In Kyoto, the capital of feudal Japan, Yasuke's life changed forever when he met Oda Nobunaga, one of the most powerful and influential daimyos of the time. Nobunaga was captivated by the African's physical prowess, intelligence, and unique background. Seeing potential in Yasuke, Nobunaga decided to take him into his service as a samurai.

Chapter 4: The Path of the Warrior

Yasuke's transformation from a slave to a samurai was fraught with challenges. He had to adapt to the rigorous training, strict code of honor, and the intricacies of Japanese society. But Yasuke's strength, resilience, and determination allowed him to excel, earning the respect of his fellow samurai and the trust of Nobunaga.

Chapter 5: The Unfolding War

As Nobunaga sought to unify Japan under his rule, Yasuke fought by his side in numerous battles. The African samurai's legend grew with each victory, as did his bond with Nobunaga. Together, they faced both triumph and tragedy, navigating the treacherous landscape of alliances and betrayals that defined the era.

Chapter 6: The Turning Tide

Yasuke's reputation as a skilled and loyal samurai grew, as did his bond with Lord Nobunaga. But in the shadows, the tides of change were brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a loyal ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's rule. The resentment smoldered within him, fueled by a series of perceived slights and political maneuverings. Mitsuhide's ambition and desire for power began to cloud his judgment.

Yasuke sensed the shift in Mitsuhide's demeanor and grew increasingly wary of the samurai lord. However, loyalty to Nobunaga prevented him from openly voicing his concerns. He instead focused on his duties, ever vigilant and ready to protect his lord at a moment's notice.

One fateful evening, the Oda clan gathered to celebrate their recent victories. Unbeknownst to the revelers, Mitsuhide Akechi's treacherous plan was already in motion.

As the sun rose, the first cries of battle rang out. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought his way to Nobunaga's side, his sword cutting through the trait "


The sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the Japanese countryside in a warm, amber embrace. Yasuke, a towering, powerfully built African man with skin as dark as midnight, knelt in the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle, his heart thundering with anticipation. A perilous journey had brought him to this moment, and yet, it was only the beginning of a story that would span continents and rewrite history.

Chapter 1: A World Away

In a small village on the Mozambique coast, Yasuke led a simple life, blissfully unaware of the extraordinary destiny that lay before him. His world shattered when slave traders captured him, ripping him from his homeland and thrusting him into a brutal odyssey across the Indian Ocean. Fate, however, had other plans when he reached the bustling port of Goa, India.

Chapter 2: Destiny's Winds

In Goa, Jesuit missionaries purchased Yasuke, altering the course of his life. Under their guidance, he embraced Christianity, mastered new languages, and absorbed the ways of the Western world. But the wind had not finished carrying him to his ultimate destination.

Chapter 3: The Enchanted Isles

Loyal to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them to Japan, a land shrouded in mystery and allure. He was captivated by its breathtaking landscapes, intricate customs, and refined people. As the first African in Japan, he sparked fascination and intrigue wherever he went.

Chapter 4: Fateful Encounters

Kyoto, the heart of feudal Japan, bore witness to the meeting that would forever change Yasuke's life. Oda Nobunaga, a formidable and influential daimyo, was entranced by Yasuke's physical prowess, intellect, and exotic origins. Recognizing Yasuke's potential, Nobunaga welcomed him into his service as a samurai.

Chapter 5: A Warrior Forged

Yasuke's metamorphosis from slave to samurai was laden with trials. He navigated the grueling training, a rigid code of honor, and the complexities of Japanese society. Undaunted, he flourished, earning the admiration of his fellow samurai and the unwavering trust of Nobunaga.

Chapter 6: A Land Divided

As Nobunaga pursued his vision of a united Japan, Yasuke fought valiantly by his side in countless battles. The legend of the African samurai swelled with each victory, and their unbreakable bond deepened. Together, they braved the treacherous world of shifting alliances and betrayals that shaped the era.

Chapter 7: Whispers of Betrayal

Yasuke's renown as a skilled and devoted samurai expanded, as did his connection with Lord Nobunaga. But beneath the surface, a storm was brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a staunch ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's leadership. His bitterness festered, fed by perceived slights and political machinations. Consumed by ambition and lust for power, Mitsuhide's judgment faltered.

Chapter 8: The Price of Loyalty

Yasuke detected the change in Mitsuhide's spirit and grew increasingly apprehensive. But his unwavering loyalty to Nobunaga held him back from voicing his suspicions. Instead, he redoubled his efforts, ever watchful and prepared to defend his lord at any cost.

Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows

On a fateful evening, the Oda clan gathered to revel in their recent triumphs, oblivious to the treachery that lurked in the shadows. Mitsuhide Akechi's nefarious scheme had been set in motion.

Chapter 9: A Night of Shadows

As dawn broke, the piercing cries of battle shattered the night's tranquility. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a devastating surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. Yasuke fought relentlessly, his sword cleaving through the treacherous warriors as he made his way to Nobunaga's side.

Chapter 10: Flames of Betrayal

The Honno-ji Temple, once a sanctuary of peace, was now engulfed in flames and chaos. Yasuke and Nobunaga fought back to back, their swords a blur of steel, as Mitsuhide's forces closed in. Despite their valiant efforts, they were outnumbered, and Yasuke could sense the battle was lost. With a heavy heart, he whispered a prayer for Nobunaga's soul, knowing that his lord would never surrender.

Chapter 11: A Promise Unbroken

As the temple crumbled around them, Yasuke was captured by Mitsuhide's soldiers. Imprisoned and stripped of his samurai status, he reflected on the path that had led him to this moment. Amidst the darkness, he found solace in the memories of his life with Nobunaga and his time as a missionary. A fire kindled within him, reigniting a long-forgotten purpose.

Chapter 12: The Road to Redemption

In the chaos following Mitsuhide's coup, Yasuke seized an opportunity to escape. He journeyed across war-torn Japan, seeking refuge and a chance to reclaim his former life. His determination and faith guided him, as did the memory of the missionaries who had once saved him from a life of slavery.

Chapter 13: Rebirth of a Missionary

Yasuke found solace and purpose among a group of missionaries in a remote village. Embracing his past, he became an instrumental figure in their community, sharing his knowledge of Christianity, languages, and the Western world. As he nurtured their faith, Yasuke felt the shadows of his life as a samurai slowly fade, replaced by the warm embrace of spiritual fulfillment.

Chapter 14: A Legacy Unforgotten

Though Yasuke had left the life of a warrior behind, the legend of the African samurai continued to grow. His story inspired generations, a testament to the power of resilience, courage, and the human spirit. It was a tale that transcended borders and time, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, hope and redemption could be found.


As twilight draped the Japanese countryside, Yasuke stood atop a hill, gazing at the village he now called home. His journey had been one of unimaginable hardship, transformation, and ultimately, redemption. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, Yasuke knew that his story, like the sun's eternal cycle, would continue to inspire and illuminate the hearts of those who heard it.


Title: The Black Samurai - A Tale of Yasuke


The sun sank behind the horizon as the last vestiges of light bathed the Japanese countryside in a warm, golden glow. Yasuke, a tall, muscular African man with skin as dark as midnight, knelt in the courtyard of Nobunaga's castle, tending to his duties. Though he had traveled a long and treacherous path to reach this moment, his journey had just begun.

Chapter 1: A World Away

In a small village on the Mozambique coast, a young Yasuke lived an ordinary life, unaware of the extraordinary destiny that awaited him. Captured by slave traders and torn from his homeland, he endured a grueling voyage across the Indian Ocean, finally arriving in the bustling port of Goa, India.

It was there that Yasuke's fate took an unexpected turn when he was purchased by Jesuit missionaries. In their service, he learned about Christianity, new languages, and the ways of the Western world.

Chapter 2: The Land of the Rising Sun

As a loyal servant to the missionaries, Yasuke accompanied them on their journey to Japan, a land of mystique and intrigue. The beauty of the land, the complexity of its customs, and the elegance of its people captivated him. As the first African to set foot in Japan, he attracted attention and curiosity from all those who encountered him.

Chapter 3: The Encounter

In Kyoto, the capital of feudal Japan, Yasuke's life changed forever when he met Oda Nobunaga, one of the most powerful and influential daimyos of the time. Nobunaga was captivated by the African's physical prowess, intelligence, and unique background. Seeing potential in Yasuke, Nobunaga decided to take him into his service as a samurai.

Chapter 4: The Path of the Warrior

Yasuke's transformation from a slave to a samurai was fraught with challenges. He had to adapt to the rigorous training, strict code of honor, and the intricacies of Japanese society. Despite these obstacles, Yasuke's strength, resilience, and determination allowed him to excel, earning the respect of his fellow samurai and the trust of Nobunaga.

Chapter 5: The Unfolding War

As Nobunaga sought to unify Japan under his rule, Yasuke fought by his side in numerous battles. The African samurai's legend grew with each victory, as did his bond with Nobunaga. Together, they faced both triumph and tragedy, navigating the treacherous landscape of alliances and betrayals that defined the era.

Chapter 6: The Turning Tide

Yasuke's reputation as a skilled and loyal samurai grew, as did his bond with Lord Nobunaga. The warlord respected Yasuke's dedication and resilience, a stark contrast to the treachery and self-serving ambitions that plagued many samurai of the era.

Word of Yasuke's prowess reached other daimyos, and whispers of the formidable black samurai began to spread across the provinces. The year was 1579, and the Oda clan had just emerged victorious in the Battle of Tedorigawa. Yasuke had fought valiantly, his towering presence and unmatched strength striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

As the Oda clan continued to expand its territories, Yasuke's friendship with Nobunaga deepened, and he became a trusted advisor. He learned more about Japanese culture, studied the language, and embraced the customs of his new home.

In the shadows, however, the tides of change were brewing. Mitsuhide Akechi, once a loyal ally, had grown disillusioned with Nobunaga's rule. The resentment smoldered within him, fueled by a series of perceived slights and political maneuverings. Mitsuhide's ambition and desire for power began to cloud his judgment.

Yasuke had sensed the shift in Mitsuhide's demeanor and grew increasingly wary of the samurai lord. However, loyalty to Nobunaga prevented him from openly voicing his concerns. He instead focused on his duties, ever vigilant and ready to protect his lord at a moment's notice.

One fateful evening, the air was heavy with the scent of cherry blossoms, as the Oda clan gathered to celebrate their recent victories. Laughter and the clinking of sake cups filled the air. Unbeknownst to the revelers, Mitsuhide Akechi's treacherous plan was already in motion.

As the sun rose, the first cries of battle rang out. Mitsuhide's forces had launched a surprise attack on Nobunaga's residence at the Honno-ji Temple. The chaos was overwhelming, as friend turned against friend, and the air filled with the acrid smell of smoke and blood.

Yasuke fought his way to Nobunaga's side, his sword cutting through the traitorous samurai with brutal efficiency. The two men made their final stand together, back-to-back, against the relentless onslaught.

In the end, however, they were outnumbered. As Nobunaga fell, mortally wounded, Yasuke continued to fight, but he too was eventually captured. Mitsuhide Akechi, in a twisted display of respect, spared Yasuke's life, acknowledging the loyalty and prowess of the black samurai. Yasuke was sent to the Jesuit missionaries, his future uncertain.

Yasuke's journey had been a remarkable one, from a slave in a foreign land to a trusted advisor and samurai. Despite his extraordinary circumstances, he remained true to himself and his values. His story of strength, resilience, and loyalty would be remembered and honored for generations to come.


As the sun set on another day in Japan, the whisper of the wind carried the tale of the black samurai, Yasuke, across the land. It would weave its way through the ages, inspiring countless others to rise above adversity and carve their own paths through the storms of life.




そもそも Artificial Intelligence やぞ


>「『計算(computation)』という概念と『コンピュータcomputer)』という道具を用いて『知能』を研究する計算機科学(computer science)の一分野」を指す語


AI進化して辿り着いたZI(◯◯◯◯ Intelligence)とは?

ZEN Intelligence(禅の知能。悟りを開いている)

・Zebra Intelligenceシマウマの知能。全てに白黒つける)

ZERO lntelligence(ゼロの知性。人間の知能の衰えを案じて、何も教えてくれなくなった)

・Zombi Intelligenceゾンビ化した知能。電源を失っても動き続ける)








"Dyslexia" is a learning disorder characterized by difficulty in reading, despite normal intelligence. It is a specific learning disability that is neurological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition, and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. It is not due to a lack of motivation, sensory impairment, or other environmental, cultural, or linguistic factors.

Could you tell me what dysclesia is?

Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability in which individuals have difficulty with math. They may struggle with understanding numbers, learning math facts, performing mathematical calculations, and grasping math concepts. These difficulties are not due to a lack of intelligence or motivation, but rather a neurological condition that affects the way the brain processes mathematical information. Some common symptoms of dyscalculia include difficulty with basic arithmetic, difficulty with word problems, and difficulty understanding math symbols and concepts.

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