はてなキーワード: NATIONALとは







wikipediaでギンギツネの学名とされているVulpes vulpes fulvusをググると、2017年以降に発生したけものフレンズ関係情報しかでてこない

英語検索するとこれはEastern American Red Fox学名であって、ギンギツネとは別になんの関係もないことがわかる


しかし、さまざまな動物園WWFコラボしたり、National Geographicから情報提供を受けている2021年現在においても未だに改善されないのは甚だ疑問である

イリオモテヤマネコ学名をPrionailurus bengalensis iriomotensisとするかPrionailurus iriomotensisとするかのように、学術分野においても今なおバトルしているような箇所について最先端情報を追って反映するべきだ、と言っているのではない

動物に関する専門知識も持たないような俺みたいな素人が、Google Scholar検索したり、Mammal Species of the Worldをめくったりして、1日調べれば確認できるような簡単な誤りをなくすべきだ、と言っているのだ




イワハイラックス学名はHeterohyrax bruceiではなくProcavia capensisじゃないかとか





















[質問1] オリンピックを中止を求めるデモやってるらしいけど、まじ?オリンピックは無観客で、しか選手選手村に隔離されてるじゃん!実際にパンデミックも起こってないし、デモする意味わからんけども・・・

[自分の回答] 今オリンピック中止のデモやってる奴らは、極々少数で、400人とか。無視できるレベル。こういう連中はデモをするのが仕事または趣味で、年中なんらかのデモをやってる。普通人間オリンピックを中止すべきと思っておらず、好意的に受け止めてるよ。

[質問2] 今日本で完全にワクチン接種が済んでいる人が全人口の7%ってまじ?wオリンピックが行われるのがわかっていたのに、何でこんなに接種率が低いの?wオリンピックに向けて普通はバシバシ打つもんじゃないの?意味わからんでしょw

[自分の回答] 7/23時点では、2回の接種が完了した人が全人口23%で、1回以上の人は35%やで。まぁ全体から言ったら全然すくないけども。日本他国に比べて接種が遅れてるんやで。ワクチン国内での治験日本向けにローカライズして独自にやったから、承認時間がかかって、結果として接種も遅れてるんやで~。日本は65歳以上が世界一多くて、それらの人が政治的な基盤を形成してる。そういうわけで、めちゃくちゃ保守的な国だから、遅れてるのはしゃーないやで。

[質問3] 東京での感染者が1300人/日でてて、日本政府には"激震"が走ってるらしいけども、まじ?アテネ人口東京の1/3だけど、同じくらい感染者数でてるよ?大騒ぎすることなの?

[自分の回答] 激震なんて走っとらん!w以下は俺の個人的意見だけども:政府関係者は1300人程度なら想定の範囲内だとおもうで~おそらく2500人とか3000人程度までなら想定内じゃないかな?これが東京だけで感染者数が10,000人/日とかいくようになると、ロックダウンとかやるかもな~。ちな日本は未だに強制力のある移動制限とかはしたことないよ!8月のなかば日本ホリデーシーズンがあって、そこでみんな故郷に帰ったりするから感染拡大する見込み。本番はオリンピックというよりお盆終わりの9月からや!コロナ先生次回作にご期待ください!



Dear Prof. Masuda,

This email may come as a surprise to you, as it is irrelevant to research or fellowships. In Greece we try to understand the situation with the Olympic games in Tokyo and the pandemic, but the reports on Greek media is fuzzy. Once my colleagues found out that I have some communication with a Professor in Tokyo, they asked me if I could possibly contact you and ask you what exactly is the situation there. So, with all the respect to your valuable time, whenever you have some spare time, could you please inform me about the following points that our journalists reporting from Tokyo only confuse us further?

Is it true that people organize demonstrations in the streets to stop the Olympic Games, because they are afraid that the games will spread the coronavirus in Japan? We do not understand this, as the games are held with no spectators (unfortunately) and the athletes are isolated in the Olympic Village, anyway (even with no pandemic).

Is it true that only 7% of the overall population in Japan is vaccinated against the Coronavirus? If yes, how is this possible, knowing that the Olympic Games are going to be held there ?

Today, they said on the news that 1300 new infections have been reported in Tokyo and that caused some "vibrations" to the government. Is this number significant for the Japanese people? In Athens alone (that is only 5 million people, 3 times less than Tokyo) we count that many infections every day for the past month.

As you can see, everything that is reported from Tokyo is unclear and contradicting: demonstrations for the cancellation of the Games due to the pandemic, vaccination level, infection rate. Today I heard on out national radio straight from the head of our Olympic Team that everything is calm and under absolute control in the Games. So could you please shed some light to all this, please? Again, if you are busy I will understand if you do not reply, as this is just curiosity and not urgent at all.


[Your question1]

Is it true that people organize demonstrations in the streets to stop the Olympic Games, because they are afraid that the games will spread the coronavirus in Japan? We do not understand this, as the games are held with no spectators (unfortunately) and the athletes are isolated in the Olympic Village, anyway (even with no pandemic).

[My opinion]

The people who is engaging the demonstrations are very few such as 400 and they could be ignored. These people always participate in the demonstrations as a work or just enjoying their free time. They don't have any political ideology. General people is enjoying the Olympic Games as usual on TV.

[Your question2]

Is it true that only 7% of the overall population in Japan is vaccinated against the Coronavirus? If yes, how is this possible, knowing that the Olympic Games are going to be held there ?

[My opinion]

As of July 23, 23% of the population had received two doses of the vaccine, and 35% had received at least once. Japan is behind other countries in terms of vaccination. Japan government took a long time to approve the vaccine produced outside of Japan, and as a result, the vaccination has been delayed. Japan has the largest rate of people over 65 in the world; about 30% is over 65 years old. These people form the political base of the country, so it's no wonder it's so conservative.

[Your question3]

Today, they said on the news that 1300 new infections have been reported in Tokyo and that caused some "vibrations" to the government. Is this number significant for the Japanese people? In Athens alone (that is only 5 million people, 3 times less than Tokyo) we count that many infections every day for the past month.

[My opinion]

The following is my personal opinion: I think 1,300 new infections in Tokyo in a day is not big deal for the government. Maybe 2,500 or 3,000 is still within the expectation. If the new infections in Tokyo become over massive amount such as 10,000/day, we might need to go into a lock-down. Japan has yet to impose any enforceable movement restrictions. Japan has a holiday week in mid-August, and people go back to their hometowns, so the infection is expected to spread.




脳科学生物学的・歴史的 知見だと思う



▼ 第5回 「男脳」「女脳」のウソはなぜ、どのように拡散するのか|ナショジオ | 研究室に行ってみた。東京大学 認知神経科学実験心理学






▼ 地の底の声―筑豊炭鉱に生きた女たち


▼ 女丁持:庄内米歴史資料






モンゴルの女戦士 (神話におけるアマゾネス)

イルクーツク国立研究技術大学(IRKUTSK NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY)の考古学者らが14世紀に住んでいた30歳~40歳女性戦士墓地を、











[MONTSAME] フブスグルから女性戦士墓地発見







Wild cat








National born pet








































イルクーツク国立研究技術大学(IRKUTSK NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY)の考古学者らが14世紀に住んでいた30歳~40歳女性戦士墓地を、











[MONTSAME] フブスグルから女性戦士墓地発見














Four years after the Fukushima accident, TC screening data from the first and second round (up to December 2014) were compared with the Japanese nationwide annual TC incidence, and with the incidence in one area of Fukushima prefecture selected as reference (Tsuda et al., 2016). The authors reported that the observed number of TCs was substantially higher than the expected number based on national and regional incidence data, and concluded that this increase could be attributed to ionizing radiation exposure from the accident. This ecological study has been strongly criticized by scientists around the world because of serious methodology limitations; further, the study conclusions are not supported by the results (Davis, 2016, Jorgensen, 2016, Korblein, 2016, Shibata, 2016, Suzuki, 2016, Takahashi et al., 2016, Takamura, 2016, Wakeford et al., 2016). Limitations of ecological study design are well-known, although the authors did not acknowledge the issue of ecologic fallacy. Another criticism was that the data from the Fukushima screening program are not directly comparable with the cancer registry data from the rest of Japan where systematic advanced ultrasound technology is not used to detect cases. The authors of these criticisms suggested that though the increased TC number could be associated with the exposure from radioactive fallout, a more plausible conclusion would be that the screening program is finding an anticipated increase in TC detection across the Fukushima prefecture. Indeed, Tsuda and colleagues did not consider the latent properties of TC, nor the fact that a prevalent cancer detected by screening might have had first preclinical manifestations of abnormality before the nuclear accident.Thereafter, several researchers have analysed the relationship between radiation exposure (with different estimated exposure levels, mostly using an external dose) and TC prevalence and incidence in residents aged ≤18 years in the Fukushima prefecture at time of the disaster (Kato, 2019, Nakaya et al., 2018, Ohira et al., 2019a, Ohira et al., 2020, Ohira et al., 2019b, Ohira et al., 2016, Ohira et al., 2018, Suzuki et al., 2016, Toki et al., 2020, Yamamoto et al., 2019), but no radiation-related risks have been demonstrated to date.






I’d like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the United States Capitol. Like all Americans I am outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem.


I immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders. America is and must always be a nation of law and order.


To demonstrators who infiltrated the Capitol: you have defiled the seat of American democracy. To those who engage in the acts of violence and destruction: you do not represent our country. And to those who broke the law: you will pay.




We have just been through an intense election and emotions are high. But now, tempers must be cooled and calm restored. We must get on with the business of America.


My campaign vigorously pursued every legal avenue to contest the election results, my only goal was to ensure the integrity of the vote. In so doing, I was fighting to defend American democracy.


I continue to strongly believe that we must reform our election laws to verify the identity and eligibility of all voters and to ensure faith and confidence in all future elections.


Now, Congress has certified the results. A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20. My focus now turns to ensuring a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.


2020 has been a challenging time for our people, a menacing pandemic has upended the lives of our citizens, isolated millions in their homes damaged our economy, and claimed countless lives.


Defeating this pandemic and rebuilding the greatest economy on earth will require all of us working together. It will require a renewed emphasis on the civic values of patriotism, faith, charity, community and family.


We must revitalise the sacred bonds of love and loyalty, that bind us together as one national family. To the citizens of our country, serving as your president has been the honour of my lifetime.


And to all of my wonderful supporters. I know you are disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning.


Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.




ところがヤフコメtwitter には「マスコミ英語がわからないのか、敗北したとも政権移行するとも言ってない」と吹き上がっている人がたくさんいる。

おそらく" I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning." の部分を拡大解釈しまくってるんだろう。ここも普通に読めば、支持者ビジネスで食っていくのでこれからよろしくね、というファン向けのメッセージなのだが。








イルクーツク国立研究技術大学(IRKUTSK NATIONAL RESEARCH TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY)の考古学者らが14世紀に住んでいた30歳~40歳女性戦士墓地を、











[MONTSAME] フブスグルから女性戦士墓地発見











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kincity 犯罪起こした訳でもなく具合悪くなっただけで女性器とか女さん呼ばわりするマンは、男性問題起こしたり世間とやらを騒がせる度に男性器呼ばわりや「これだから有能な男さんぱねえ」とか言われたいってことかしら


[B! 教育] 偏差値38の高校遅刻した生徒を叱ったら女子校生7人が過呼吸で倒れ救急搬送暴力事件も?】 - Togetter


kincitykincity まだ女さんとか言ってるひとがいるのか…夏休み


[B! 増田] その昔女さんがメイクの仕方を義務教育で教えろって騒いでたなー


kincity 彼が過去差別的発言をしてそれがウェブに残ってる以上解雇はやむなし。でもおフェミさんとか女さんとか言いたいだけの方の意見も「おれのお気持ち」だけのご意見なので、聞くに値せず。


[B! ポリコレ] ジェームズ・ガン監督10年前の差別ツイート問題視されて新作映画をクビに→おフェミさん「10年前のツイートを蒸し返す右翼クズ!」「ポリコレ他人を叩く為の手段じゃない!」 - Togetter


kincity 萌え絵だけ氾濫していて、Webにまーん女さんクソフェミレイプ痴漢は本人が予防しないからだろとかの文言が溢れてなければ別に忌避されたり非難されたりはなかったのかもねとおもってる。全てのメッセージが女蔑視


[B! 教育] ゾーニングされたエロマンガより、街の萌え絵のほうが、よほど怖い。 | Books&Apps


kincity 女さんとか言ってるから逆に旧い価値観における男の優位性ぐらいしかよすががなくて必死なんだなぁと軽蔑されるんやぞ。


[B! togetter] アメリカの女さん、クリスマス定番ソング放送禁止にしてしまう - Togetter


kincity ナチュラル被害者性器or女さん呼び、加害者男性つってるちゃんねる民の脳みそがすごい。腐ってんのかな?(脳みそが)


[B! gif] 【怖すぎ】「これって私が悪いんですか?」事故動画投稿 : 暇人\(^o^)/速報 - ライブドアブログ


kincity 人生においてこういう女叩きの時だけ輝くひとびと、なんかリアルワールドプロダクティティのある趣味も持った方がいいよ…。女さんとか言っててもあんたらの人生何にも変わらんぞ。


[B! 増田] NHK女子アナさん7年育休産休挙げ句復帰せず退社


kincity 男が諫めあうとホモ社会が成り立たないのでよそに嘲笑するターゲット仮想敵を立てる。流れ弾が当たる「女さん」としてはクソ迷惑から男だけの島で生存者0になるまでバトルロワイヤルしてくだされば良いのに。


[B! オタク] 男オタクって学級会しないの?


kincity 「表現の自由戦士たちは、まっとうな民主主義手続きこそ「不当」で「不公平」と認識しているのである」/普段フェミとか女さんとか韓国かにレッテル貼りするひとびとが、自分レッテル貼りすると怒るという醜態


[B! 権力勾配] 権力者は「僕らの優しいお父さん」ではない - 赤木智弘論座 - 朝日新聞社言論サイト


kincity オタク蔑称なのはその通りだが「乳袋呼称ポジティブに変えたのは間違いなくオタク自身」は違うだろ。どんだけ女さんとかまんさんとかフェミ様とか馬鹿にしてきたよ。ほんと嘘つきだよね。


[B! オタク] 「オタク」(おたく)は、差別目的語であった - Togetter


kincity 2019/12からTwitter始めたツイネーム「ロスジェネおじさん」が「女さんがどうたら」というTogetterをまとめる…もうお腹いっぱいどす。 読んでない


[B! togetter] 女さん「キッチンご飯作りを頑張ってた所、テレビ見てた彼が寒かったのかリビングのドアを当たり前に閉めたんだよね(私は当然寒いキッチン一人ぼっち)。この瞬間別れを決めたし、別れないでと泣く彼を残して走り去りました」 - Togetter ttps://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/s/togetter.com/li/1454028


kincity 南国みたいに、男はどうせ役に立たないからその辺で悪させずにテキトーに遊んでてもらって、子供を育てるのは母系社会、でいいとおもう。封建時代のクソなとこだけ残してもいいとこ取りをするのは暢気な男さんだけ。


[B! 増田] でも大家族生活するのが当たり前だった時代も、子守りの姐やを雇ったり..


kincity いじめっ子が反撃され「うわこいつ反撃する」とな。そもWebは随分前から性器呼びetcミソジニーが溢れまくり、投げたうんこを投げ返されて過剰反応しているのは男さん()が先。敵にだけ正しさを求める可笑しな人々


[B! 差別] 宇野ゆうかさんのツイート: "へぇ…この人には、キズナアイバッシングする人たちの騒ぎ方が大仰だと見えるんだね。私は、キズナアイの使われ方の問題点を指摘されて「オタク差別ダー!」と吹き上がってるほうが、騒ぎ方が大仰だと見えるけど。 https://t.co/dk7fCPQQbO"


kincity こういう感じの自分勝手怨嗟がその辺に転がりまくってるから男さんの視界からステルスされる能力が欲しくなるんやわ。「餌が俺の口に飛び込んできてくれない餌が根性いからだ」か?


[B! 増田] 中年を少しすぎたようなおじさんが清潔感のある服装をして(でもかなりダ..


kincity 腐じゃないしニコ動もやってないけど、はてなダイアリーブックマーク2chだけでも随分ひどかったが。しか自分より後からWebに来た男さんにまでやられるし。ワールドワイドウェブは男のロッカールームじゃねぇ


[B! thinking] [B! オタク] [B! オタク] 男性オタクに苛められてたこ絶対に忘れないから 追記


kincity 日本の女がパンパンでどうの書いてるクソ野郎がいるけど、勝手戦争始めてアホみたいな作戦で負けてビビった男さんが女差し出したのがパンパンからな。ほんと今も昔もチキン野郎で、カッケーマジで


[B! Togetter] [B! 差別] 日本女性白人おっさん使用済み下着をクンカクンカするドイツ企業CM - Togetter


kincity 見た目が良くても悪くても頭が良くても悪くても粘着されるか蔑視されるんだから男さんは女が見えなくなる眼鏡デバイスもつけてればええやんっていつも思う。お前らに粘着されても何もいいことないんよマジで


[B! 増田] ダイエットの為に緩急つけて歩いてたら男性に怒鳴られてしまった


kincity とりあえず声かけてきたらバーバリ対応していいことにしよう。愛想よく対応して勘違いさせたら終わりなんでしょよく知ってる。ちゃかしてるショボそうな男さん達も引っこんでていいよ。要らネ。オモロくもねぇし


[B! 事件] ナンパ無視され…路上自転車ごと女性押し倒し、体触る 女性は打撲 容疑で会社員の男逮捕上尾署 | 埼玉新聞


kincity 「感情だけで動く女云々」言うてる冷笑自認賢いオレさんは、下半身支配欲と性欲だけで動くタイプ男さんにも何か言ってやってもいいんやぞ。戦国時代の野伏せりみたいな法の埒外にいるやつには相応の対応になる


[B! togetter] 「痴漢撃退安全ピンを巡る賛否」が大荒れするなか「ボールペンを使おう」や「痴漢撃退ハンコの開発を求む」の提案がされる流れ - Togetter


kincity 相手が女だとわざわざ軌道変えてトイメンにくる男さんは多いけどね。ずーっと目を見てたらギリギリで避けるけど。普通の男が想像する以上に毎日毎日嫌がらせマンが目の前に出てくる。視界に入る前に消えててほしい


[B! 自転車] 【注意喚起信号待ちをしていた所、後ろからスピードで突っ込んてくる自転車 「どうすりゃいい?」 - Togetter


kincity この頃婚活女性とかおばさんネタ多いけど、この手のには嘘松認定師湧いてこないの、ほんとネットはある種の男さん向けポルノしかねぇな。と。エクスキューズにしてもてめえで「くそ女さん」とか自称しなくていいよ


[B! 増田] 婚活中の男性に伝えたいこと


kincity 愛国のためなら犯罪者がお目こぼしされ被害者が誹られる。性犯罪の時とそっくり男さん面子勝手によその国とヤンキーみたいな小競り合いして有事には女も巻き込まれ。お前らだけの猿山作って全員死ぬまでやれ


[B! 犯罪] 「ガソリン携行缶を持って行く」と脅迫文 | 共同通信



新型コロナウイルス医師 Sandro Giannini の発見から見えた希望の光(英訳


Coronavirus: speranze dalla scoperta di Sandro Giannini, 10 Aprile, 2020


1) 英訳Google translate を利用させて頂きました)

Coronavirus: hopes from the discovery of Sandro Giannini

10 April, 2020

Bologna - From social media comes good news about the Coronavirus, perhaps decisive, which has scientific foundations and is disseminated by an authoritative doctor from Rizzoli of Bologna, Sandro Giannini. His is a highly qualified curriculum: Full Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology and of Physical Medicine at the University of Bologna since 1989, director of Clinic I at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and of the Gait Analysis Laboratory, partner in European projects and in national and international research programs, author of more than 600 presentations at national and international conferences and more than 400 articles in Science Citation Index journals. His message gives great hope. Let's read:

“I don't want to seem overwhelming to you, but I think I've demonstrated the cause of coronavirus lethality. Only at Blessed Matthew are there 2 cardiologists who turn over 150 beds to do echocardium with enormous effort and one is me. Terrible fatigue! However, of what some supposed, but could not be sure, we now have the first data. People go to resuscitation for generalized venous thromboembolism, especially pulmonary. If this were the case, resuscitations and intubations are of no use because first of all you have to dissolve, indeed prevent these thromboembolisms. If you ventilate a lung where blood does not reach, it is not needed! In fact 9 out of 10 die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory! It is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia that determines fatality!

And why are thrombi formed? Because inflammation, as per school text, induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. Then? Contrary to what scientific literature, especially Chinese, said until mid-March, it was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now in Italy anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are used (as in the influences) and the number of inpatients collapses. Many deaths, even 40 years old, had a history of high fever for 10-15 days that was not treated properly. Here inflammation has destroyed everything and prepared the ground for thrombi formation. Because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune reaction that destroys the cells where the virus enters. In fact, our COVID departments have never entered patients with rheumatoid arthritis! Because they make cortisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory!

Therefore, hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and it is becoming a disease that is treated at home. By taking care of it well at home, you avoid not only hospitalization, but also the thrombotic risk. It was not easy to understand it because the signs of microembolism have faded, even at the echocardium. But this weekend I compared the data of the first 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who don't and the situation appeared very clear. For me you can go back to playing and reopen the business. Quarantine street. Not now. But time to publish this data. Vaccine can arrive calmly. In America and other states that follow the scientific literature that calls for NOT to use anti-inflammatories is a disaster! Worse than in Italy. And they are old and cheap drugs. " (Associated Medias - Red / Giut)


2) 原文:イタリア語

Coronavirus: speranze dalla scoperta di Sandro Giannini

10 Aprile, 2020

Bologna – Dai social arriva una buona notizia sul Coronavirus, forse risolutiva, che ha fondamenta scientifiche ed è diffusa da un medico autorevole del Rizzoli di Bologna, Sandro Giannini. Il suo è un curriculum molto qualificato: Professore ordinario di Ortopedia e Traumatologia e di Medicina Fisica presso l’Universidi Bologna dal 1989, direttore della Clinica I presso l’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli e del Laboratorio di Gait Analysis, partner in progetti europei e in programmi di ricerca nazionali e internazionali, autore di più di 600 presentazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali e più di 400 articoli in riviste Science Citation Index. Il suo messaggio dà grande speranza. Leggiamolo:

“Non vorrei sembrarvi eccessivo ma credo di aver dimostrato la causa della letalità del coronavirus. Solo al Beato Matteo ci sono 2 cardiologi che girano su 150 letti a fare ecocardio con enorme fatica e uno sono io. Fatica terribile! Però, di quello che alcuni supponevano, ma non ne riuscivano a essere sicuri, ora abbiamo i primi dati. La gente va in rianimazione per tromboembolia venosa generalizzata, soprattutto polmonare. Se così fosse, non servono a niente le rianimazioni e le intubazioni perché innanzitutto devi sciogliere, anzi prevenire queste tromboembolie. Se ventili un polmone dove il sangue non arriva, non serve! Infatti muoiono 9 su 10. Perche il problema è cardiovascolare, non respiratorio! Sono le microtrombosi venose, non la polmonite a determinare la fatalità!

E perché si formano trombi? Perche l’infiammazione come da testo scolastico, induce trombosi attraverso un meccanismo fisiopatologico complesso ma ben noto. Allora? Contrariamente a quello che la letteratura scientifica, soprattutto cinese, diceva fino a metà marzo era che non bisognava usare antinfiammatori. Ora in Italia si usano antinfiammatori e antibiotici (come nelle influenze) e il numero dei ricoverati crolla. Molti morti, anche di 40 anni, avevano una storia di febbre alta per 10-15 giorni non curata adeguatamente. Qui l’infiammazione ha distrutto tutto e preparato il terreno alla formazione dei trombi.  Perche il problema principale non è il virus, ma la reazione immunitaria che distrugge le cellule dove il virus entra. Infatti nei nostri reparti COVID non sono mai entrati malati di artrite reumatoide! Perche fanno il cortisone, un potente antinfiammatorio!

Pertanto, in Italia ospedalizzazioni si riducono e sta diventando una malattia che si cura a casa. Curandola bene a casa eviti non solo ospedalizzazione, ma anche il rischio trombotico.  Non era facile capirlo perché i segni della microembolia sono sfumati, anche all’ecocardio. Ma questo week end ho confrontato i dati dei primi 50 pazienti tra chi respira male e chi no e la situazione è apparsa molto chiara. Per me si può tornare a giocare e riaprire l’attività commerciali. Via quarantena. Non subito. Ma il tempo di pubblicare questi dati. Vaccino può arrivare con calma. In America e altri stati che seguono la letteratura scientifica che invita a NON usare antinfiammatori e’ un disastro! Peggio che in Italia. E sono farmaci vecchi e che costano pochi euro.”

(Associated MediasRed/Giut)


3) 追記


FDAが、COVID-19への非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAIDs)使用について助言, 2020年4月1日



albums for subsequent seasons have been released, with tracks by the National, the Hold Steady, and Sigur Rós.[144] Djawadi has composed themes for each of the major houses and also for so










iocletian's Palace in Split, Klis Fortress north of Split, Perun quarry east of Split, the Mosor mountain range, and Baška Voda further south.[101] Thingvellir National Park in Iceland was used for the fight between Brienne and the H












anond:20200310211611 anond:20200310222414




[NHK] 新型ウイルス 感染力に差がある2つの型に分類 中国研究チーム




[National Science Review | Oxford Academic] On the origin and continuing evolution of SARS-CoV-2








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Our mobile application includes links to other websites or apps whose privacy practices may differ from those of our companies. If you submit personal information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their Privacy Policies. We encourage you to carefully read the Privacy Policy of any website or app you visit.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update and change this Policy from time to time in order to reflect any changes to the way in which we process your personal data or changing legal requirements. Any changes we may make to our Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail or push notification. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices or would like to exercise any of the rights mentioned in this Privacy Policy, please contact us via info@followcheckx.com. You may also contact us by postal at our address stated above.

Privacy Policy: Follow Checker

We("developer") provides this app to users("you").

While providing our services, we recognize the importance of your privacy and carry out our activities in line with the applicable data protection regulation including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other related laws.

This Privacy Policy aims to specify how we collect, use and disclose your personal data to provide you with the best level of our service.

Personal Data We Collect

We collect and process your personal data such as:

identity information including your Instagram username, Instagram full name, user ID, gender,

contact information including your phone number and e-mail address,

online identifiers including Identifier for Vendors (IDFV), Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) and IP address,

visual information including your photo,

customer transaction information including your purchase history, payment details, subscription ID, transaction ID, subscription start and end date, receipt of subscription, version of Follower Check +,

behavioural information including your usage activity, language preference, how much time you have spent and your last active time in the Follower Check +,

marketing information including your push notification device token, information about the campaign (advertisement, Instagram phenomenon etc.) you come from, the ads you see in Follower Check +.

Collection Method of Your Personal Data

We collect your personal data in a number of ways, including:

directly from you via e-mail, telephone, mobile application, SMS, printed form and/or other electronic devices.

from publicly available sources of information,

from our own records of how you use Follower Check + services.

Use of Your Personal Data

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data for the purposes including to:

provide you with a better and more personalized level of service,

review your requests, suggestions and complaints regarding our service,

fulfil contractual obligations to you and anyone involved in the process,

monitor metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic and demographic patterns,

show you ads that are more tailored to your interests.

identify and resolve errors, problems or bugs in our products and services,

meet legal and regulatory requirements including compliance with applicable law, respond to requests from public and government authorities, including authorities outside your country of residence and to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

We collect and process your personal data on the following bases under the GDPR:

to comply with our contractual obligation (for example, providing you with our service),

to comply with our legal obligations,

because of our company’s legitimate interests which include the provision of our mobile application and/or relevant services, provided always that our legitimate interests are not outweighed by any prejudice or harm your rights and freedoms,

to establish, exercise or defend our legal claims before the courts, arbitrations, authorized data protection authorities or similar legal proceedings,

because you have explicitly given us your consent to process your personal data in that manner.

We will only provide you with marketing related information after you have, where legally required to do so, opted in to receive those communications and having provided the opportunity for you to opt out at any time.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

We disclose your personal data

with our employees, other Follower Check + users, company executives, representatives, suppliers, service providers, business partners and solution partners for the purposes specified in Section 3,

with government and regulatory authorities and other organizations to meet legal and regulatory requirements, or to protect or defend our rights or property in accordance with applicable laws.

For the compliance with the GDPR, we ensure that our suppliers and business or solution partners whether they are located outside the EEA or not, takes appropriate technical and organizational security measures in accordance with applicable data protection laws and use it solely for the purposes specified by us.

Your Rights

If you are from the European Economic Area or in certain countries, you are also entitled (with some exceptions and restrictions) to:

Access: You have the right to request information about how we process your personal data and to obtain a copy of that personal data.

Rectification: You have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data about you and for any incomplete personal information about you to be completed.

Objection: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information, which is based on our legitimate interests (as described above).

Deletion: You can delete your account by using the corresponding functionality directly on the service.

Automated decision-making: You have the right to object a decision made about you that is based solely on automated processing if that decision produces legal or similarly significant effects concerning you.

Restriction: You have the right to ask us to restrict our processing of your personal data, so that we no longer process that personal data until the restriction is lifted.

Portability: You have the right to receive your personal data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have that personal data transmitted to another organization in certain circumstances.

Complaint: You have a right to lodge a complaint with the authorized data protection authority if you have concerns about how we process your personal data. The data protection authority you can lodge a complaint with notably may be that of your habitual residence, where you work or where we are established.

You may, at any time, exercise any of the above rights, by contacting us via info@followcheckx.com together with a proof of your identity, i.e. a copy of your ID card, or passport, or any other valid identifying document.

In some cases, we may not be able to give you access to your personal data that we hold, if making such a disclosure would breach our legal obligations to our other customers or if prevented by any applicable law or regulation.

Right to withdraw consent

If you have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal data, you have the right to fully or partly withdraw your consent. To withdraw your consent please follow the opt-out links on any marketing message sent to you or contact us via info@followcheckx.com.

Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose(s) to which you originally consented unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for further processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Collection of Children’s Personal Data

We attach great importance of protecting children’s privacy. Therefore, we make an effort to not collect personal data of any children under the age of 13. If you have any concerns about your child’s privacy with respect to our services, or if you believe that your child may have provided his/her personal data to us, please contact us using the details provided below. We ensure to delete such personal data from our records immediately.

Security of Your Personal Data

We take appropriate and reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the personal data.

Retention of Your Personal Data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil our collection purposes, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements, and where required for our company to provide services, until the end of the relevant retention period.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. Upon expiry of the applicable retention period, we will securely delete, destroy or anonymize your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Links to Third Party Sites

Our mobile application includes links to other websites or apps whose privacy practices may differ from those of our companies. If you submit personal information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their Privacy Policies. We encourage you to carefully read the Privacy Policy of any website or app you visit.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update and change this Policy from time to time in order to reflect any changes to the way in which we process your personal data or changing legal requirements. Any changes we may make to our Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail or push notification. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices or would like to exercise any of the rights mentioned in this Privacy Policy, please contact us via info@followcheckx.com. You may also contact us by postal at our address stated above.

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