はてなキーワード: coolとは
I’m not sure what I just watched.
Our new music video is totally yabai (“yavay”).
Japanese slang for cool, dope, sick, ill. Fast, intense. What moves you. Yabai is yabai. There’s no other word to describe it.
Sort of like kawaii?
No no, kawaii is only for “cute” things. Yabai is for awesome things. Bite into piping-hot pizza, it tastes yabai. Once a good DJ takes the
stage, the club gets yabai. Funky Kota is totally yabai.
したりすると、そのクラブが「ヤバい」。そしてFunky Kotaは、全体的に「ヤバい」
Funky Kota is a new style of rave and house music from Indonesia. Over there they call it Dangdut, but it’s also contracted as Funkot. The beats
are hyper fast, usually around 180 to 200 BPM, like happy hardcore except with more vocal samples. “Are you ready!” “Hey DJ!” That kind of
stuff. Except to Japanese ears, it sounds like “TICCCKKEE!” It doesn’t mean anything but it gets you pumped up.
「Funky Kota」は、インドネシアから来た新しいダンスミュージックで、現地では「Dangdut」ってよばれてるんですけど、同じ様に縮めて「Funkot」とも呼ばれ
てるんです。テンポが凄く速くて、BPMが、大体180から200くらい。ボイスサンプルをもっと使いまくるハッピーハードコアって感じで“Are you ready!” “Hey
What’s the Funky Kota scene like in Japan?
日本の Funky Kotaシーンって、どんな感じ?
Mandokoro Takano, AKA DJ Jet Baron pioneered the craze back in 2009 on a radio talk show with the rapper Utamaru from Rhymester. He layered Funky
Kota bass lines and samples over J-pop, folk tunes and old super hero theme songs. Now he’s remixing our stuff. Very yabai.
高野政所さん(DJ Jet Baron)が、2009年にラッパーのライムスター宇多丸さんのラジオから流行らせました。Funky KotaのベースラインにJ-POPとかフォークソ
So this is a new direction for the group? Your older songs are conservative as far as idol music go.
これは、グループにとって新しい試みなんじゃない? これまでの君たちの曲って、正統派のアイドルソングって感じだよね?
We were in before AKB48, playing free shows in Akihabara and making a name for ourselves. The current idol culture didn’t exist back in 2006.
AKB48’s rise to fame set the standard for all other acts to follow. They made idols yabai. Now you need to have a hook to stand out from the
And you’re carving out a nice niche with Funkot. You’ve played over 600 shows but are still underground. What’s the goal of the unit?
If AKB are the heroines of the idol world, then we’re the heels. We belong just outside the mainstream. Anything too popular loses its edge.
Being on a prime-time variety show like other Top 40 groups would rob us of our essence. But we’d thrive on a late night comedy program!
AKBがヒロインなら、うちらは悪役。メインストリームからは外れてます。あんまり有名になりすぎると、エッヂがなくなっちゃうじゃないですか。他のTop 40の
Those shows like to put their guests in bikinis. Funkot club dancers tend to be dressed very sexy – maybe you could play on that angle?
No, unlike some other groups we don’t do the bathing suit thing anymore! We want to keep our act more pure, more genuine.
いや、他のグループとは違って、うちらは水着とか着ませんから! うちらはうちらのやることを、純粋に突き詰めてくだけです。
Have you changed over the years?
We’re more hyper than ever! If anything, we’ve learned how to be humble. We used to expect to be pampered. I mean, that’s one of the perks of
being an idol, right? But now we aim to emulate the humble shrimp – head down, waist bowed in respect.
What makes Hyper Yoyo hyper?
Non-stop adrenaline! If we’re not having a blast on stage, then how can the audience enjoy themselves?
止まらないアドレナリン! うちらがステージで爆発しなかったら、お客さんも盛り上がれないでしょ?
With the advent of live streaming sites such as Nico Nico Live, more people are content to stay at home rather than venture out to events.
Funky Kota isn’t something you listen to, it’s something you experience! The sound reverberates through your body. Watching through the
computer screen dulls the impact. The monitor stands between you and the party.
Funky Kotaは、聞くものじゃなくて体験するものです! 音が身体で反響するんですよ。この衝撃は、パソコンのモニターで見てたんじゃわからないですから。モニターは邪魔。
Even with that buffer, your new music video is pretty intense!
Oh yeah, that’s a perfect example of what our concerts are like! It was filmed inside Robot Restaurant, the most yabai place in Japan. 10
billion yen to build, all of it going into colored light bulbs and makeup for the robots.
おおぅ。あれって、うちらのギグそのものなんですよ! ロボットレストランで撮影したんです。日本で一番ヤバいスポット。あのロボットや照明を作るのに100億円かけたって話です。
It’s been all over the news since it opened last summer.
Seriously? We hope the video shows people how yabai Japan is. See, the Japanese take on Funkot is different from Indonesia, so the originators
are starting to reverse-import it. Even the way we dance isn’t authentic. It’s half cobbled together from YouTube clips, half improv.
本当に? あのPVを見て、日本がいかにヤバいところか知ってほしいですね。日本のFunkotは、インドネシアのとは違ってると思うんだけど、最近は本家のそっちの方に、逆輸入され始めてるそうなんです。うちらはダンスも本場とは違ってるんだけど、あれって急いでyoutubeのクリップから作ったのと改良したのが半々なんです。
It’s as if we’re going full circle, with DJs in Indonesia remixing copies of their original tracks…
Next step, Jakarta! We want to party with the local club kids and experience the scene firsthand. Get the authentic experience.
Imagine, our first Asian tour. How yabai would that be!?
次の目標はジャカルタ! 現地のクラブキッズとパーティーして、現地のシーンを直に体験したい。本物を体験したい。想像してくださいよ。うちらの最初のアジアツアーですから。相当、ヤバいですよ!?
あとはまったくかしこくもないクセに頭いいつもりして「Lispやってます(キリッ ハローワールドくらいですが」とか言っちゃうアホしかいないわけで、
この世界で唯一(いいえ、JVM系列のJRuby、Clojure と並んで唯三)遭遇しうる場所です。
「MicrosoftのVisual Basic for Applicationが好き♪ 週3回は Excelでコーディングするの。」
ティーガー戦車乗りのオットー・カリウスは「ティーガー乗りなら誰でも片側の履帯がはずれ僚車に牽引されて帰ってきた経験を持つはずだ」 って言ったけど
また、もしも貴女が「PHPが大好き♪ あたしが書いたPHPのWebサイトが、さくらサーバに7件あるよ♪」
「わたし、.NET FrameworkのC#が好き、フォームアプリでも書くけど、
最高に好きなのはASP.net♪ SQLServer連携も、ajax control toolkitもすっごくおいしいの。」
たしかに.NET Frameworkは、C# が cool であるのみならず、
.NET Framework上で動く F# や IronPythonやIronRuby、マネージJScriptも最高においしいんですけれど、
しかし、たとえば、世界が(つーか竹内先生とポール・グレアムが)誇る超絶関数型言語の名作、Common Lispにせよ、
ましてや貴女が、「Haskellが大好き♪ わたし、プロジェクト・オイラーの問題もうほとんどHaskellで、解いちゃった♪」
Play Framework、素敵なリアルタイム嗜好のアーキテクチャって噂を聞いたから。
デートの日には、ペアプロ用に Happy Hacking Keyboard をばっちり決めて、かわいい下着をつけて(注3)、
github.comの通販で売ってるoctcatのTシャツか、facebookの「いいね!」ボタンがムネのところにあるTシャツ、 あるいは初音ミク(ないし彼のお気に入りのアニメキャラ。北米ならMyLittlePonyで鉄板なんだけど)のコスプレを着てゆきましょう。
(と、書いたもののPHPの現状をよく知りません。グローバル変数だらけになるのとか旧ASPみたいなもんなのかなぁ。count($array); とか書くのアホと思うがpythonも同じだった)
元ネタ: http://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1301/A130101/13002457/dtlrvwlst/3464106/
はてなブックマーク - はてなブックマーク - 日本版ポリティカルコンパス
散布図作成までは手が回らないけど、とりあえず2012年12月14日19:45時点でのはてなー諸氏の日本版ポリティカルコンパス(ドラフト3)の判定結果の一覧を、はてなブックマーク - 日本版ポリティカルコンパスでの自己申告に基づいて作成した。具体的な数値を含むブクマコメのみ入れている。複数回の判定結果を描いている人については最新のものを採用した。手入力なので間違いありそう。気づいた方はトラバで指摘よろしく。誰か時折アップデートしてくれるとうれしい。
no | id | 政治 | 経済 |
1 | EurekaEureka | 2.2 | 1.3 |
2 | synonymous | -5 | -0.74 |
3 | todojun | 0.6 | 2.59 |
4 | kgotolibrary | 1.6 | -5.56 |
5 | zonia | -3.6 | -1.3 |
6 | ost_heckom | 0.2 | -6.3 |
7 | shoku-in | 2.2 | -3.52 |
8 | jack_o_lantan | -2 | -0.74 |
9 | fui | 3.4 | -1.11 |
10 | muamqm | 0.4 | -5.93 |
11 | yojik | -1.1 | 0 |
12 | oirano | -2.6 | 3.3 |
13 | h-hrai | -3 | -1.48 |
14 | cubed-l | -3.8 | 1.3 |
15 | ch1248 | 3.4 | -3.15 |
16 | iwamototuka | 4 | -1.48 |
17 | talo | -0.2 | -1.85 |
18 | KAZU2030 | 5 | -1.1 |
19 | ochame-cool | 1 | 2.78 |
20 | dnsystem | 3 | -2.59 |
21 | suu-g | 0 | -3.52 |
22 | black3 | 2 | 3.7 |
23 | tkra | 1.4 | 1.85 |
24 | detroit86 | -2.4 | -2.04 |
25 | acchie | -0.8 | 3.89 |
26 | API | 1 | 0.56 |
27 | bata64 | 0.4 | -4.44 |
28 | Henrich | -0.2 | -0.56 |
29 | wasavis | -0.6 | 4.07 |
30 | en_gawa | 0.6 | -3.7 |
31 | rikzen | -1.4 | -0.74 |
32 | racec | 2.8 | -4.3 |
33 | dj19 | 1 | -4.44 |
34 | idea_glue | -7.4 | -5 |
35 | KJ-monasouken | -0.8 | -0.98 |
36 | Hogatt | -0.6 | -5 |
37 | namhat | 0.4 | 0 |
38 | sea_side | -1 | -2.41 |
39 | coldcup | -5 | -2.59 |
40 | umeten | -5.8 | -3.52 |
41 | nijuusannmiri | -4.2 | -1.85 |
42 | shiranami01 | 7 | -3.52 |
43 | henno | 1.4 | 4.07 |
44 | star_123 | -0.8 | -1.85 |
45 | tmsbb | -1.2 | 7.59 |
46 | PuHa | 0.6 | 6.3 |
47 | voidy21 | 3.6 | -1.3 |
48 | yuta0210 | -3.2 | 0 |
49 | yachimon | 0 | -5 |
50 | goldhead | -0.8 | -1.48 |
51 | wackunnpapa | -5 | -5 |
52 | konaze | 0.8 | -1.85 |
53 | akinohito | 1.6 | -0.19 |
54 | MihailJP | -2.4 | -3.7 |
55 | salvan | 3.8 | -0.56 |
56 | footballfreak | -1.2 | 0.93 |
57 | Triumph | 1.8 | 0.37 |
58 | setoFuumi | 0.2 | -3.15 |
59 | eu-ro | 0.2 | 0.2 |
60 | taropp | -0.4 | -2.41 |
61 | sgtb | -2 | -1.48 |
62 | oband | -1.3 | -2.6 |
63 | omega314 | -3.2 | 2.78 |
64 | y-mat2006 | -7.4 | -2.22 |
65 | quix_que | -3.8 | -3.52 |
66 | yuki_2021 | 0.8 | -0.93 |
67 | nohohonn68 | 5.2 | -2.78 |
68 | bn2islander | -1.8 | -2.04 |
69 | kurokuragawa | -0.8 | -3.15 |
70 | katomem | 0.2 | -0.74 |
71 | kissuijp | 4.2 | -1.48 |
72 | irukanoirutaro | 1.4 | -3.89 |
73 | fab-lab | 2.6 | -1.67 |
74 | catha | 1.4 | 0.56 |
75 | highcampus | -1.8 | -0.19 |
76 | rakusupu | -1 | -5 |
77 | zions | -2 | -0.19 |
78 | zaikabou | -3.8 | -0.28 |
79 | llovenoel | -4.4 | -4.44 |
80 | yamadama | 0.6 | 0.56 |
81 | EasyGoer | -3.2 | 3.89 |
82 | daisuke-m | 1 | -0.19 |
83 | nisshiey_s1 | -2.4 | 0.37 |
84 | tomo_moon | -2.4 | 0.56 |
85 | nzai | -0.2 | 1.11 |
86 | paulownia | -3 | 1.67 |
87 | simabuta | 0.2 | -2.22 |
88 | theatrical | -5.2 | 6.3 |
89 | unorthodox | -4.8 | -5.37 |
90 | xzglrete | -1.4 | -0.74 |
91 | dwnrvr | -6 | -2.59 |
92 | hinokiya3 | -0.8 | 2.41 |
93 | ineod | -1.6 | -4.07 |
94 | t_ommy | -2.6 | 1.48 |
95 | yingze | -1.2 | 0.37 |
96 | daruyanagi | 2.8 | 1.67 |
97 | tama_lion | -2.6 | -1.3 |
98 | kk789we | 1.6 | -1.85 |
99 | i65c | -6.8 | 9.81 |
100 | 1.2 | -0.93 | |
101 | denpa0604 | -2.2 | -1.48 |
102 | gui | 1 | 1.48 |
103 | dagama | 3.8 | -0.74 |
104 | shimomurayoshiko | 5.8 | -1.67 |
105 | ymgtwi | 1.6 | -0.93 |
106 | e10lion | 1.6 | 2.04 |
107 | kazuau | -4.4 | -2.96 |
108 | Show | 0.2 | -1.48 |
109 | monarch | -3.6 | 0.19 |
110 | urtz | -2.8 | 0.74 |
111 | moons | -2.8 | 0.93 |
112 | wonodas | -0.8 | -0.74 |
113 | semimaru | 4 | -3 |
114 | sakimoridotnet | 3.8 | -3.15 |
115 | miya_kaz | -3.4 | -3.58 |
116 | poccopen | -3.4 | -1.48 |
117 | kalipe | 0.4 | -1.48 |
118 | sucrose | -2.4 | 0.74 |
119 | akimotokenici | 0.2 | -0.37 |
120 | pollyanna | -1.8 | -1.48 |
121 | hmmm | -5 | 0 |
122 | ohira-y | -4.8 | -2.22 |
123 | coquelicotlog | -2.6 | 0.74 |
124 | kamezo | -4.2 | -3.33 |
125 | the_sun_also_rises | 3.6 | 4.81 |
126 | hafsize | 1 | -3.7 |
127 | fugumi36 | -1.6 | 0.74 |
128 | xxix29 | -2.8 | -0.37 |
129 | charliecgo | -5.2 | -4.44 |
130 | filnion | -2.6 | -2.59 |
131 | ksaitou | -2.6 | -3.89 |
132 | wacking | -6 | -2.22 |
133 | clonblmn | -2 | -1.3 |
134 | kuborie | -3.2 | 1.85 |
135 | nagaichi | -4.8 | -4.26 |
136 | tdam | 0.4 | 2.78 |
137 | usutaru | 0.6 | 0 |
138 | quabbin | -3.6 | 5.74 |
139 | Lhankor_Mhy | -3.4 | -0.56 |
140 | bookkeeper2012 | -3.6 | 0 |
『【景況】2012年はバブルの入り口だった1985年に驚くほど酷似している (NEWSポストセブン)[12/03/26]』
81 名前:名刺は切らしておりまして[sage] 投稿日:2012/03/26(月) 15:47:13.90 ID:PLTeovIX
10:30 愛車のポルシェ(1000万円以上)でフレックス出勤。ジーパン姿でホットドック片手に会社の玄関に到着。
10:45 ベルリン支社に早口のドイツ語で米国債300億ドルの売り注文をするように指示
10:50 社員専用のスタバで高級コーヒー。出向中のイギリス人と早口の英語で談笑。
11:30 昼休み。美人OLを連れて健康志向の高級ランチ(@4000円)を食べる。その後出向イギリス人と社員専用のグランドでクリケット対決。
14:30 昼休み終了。外人役員の前で、早口の英語で新しい金融商品のプレゼン。役員は大喝采。
15:15 ベルリン支社より、午前の国債取引で40億ドルの利益が出たとの報告メールを確認、小さくガッツポーズ。
15:20 社員専用のスタバへ、キックボードで移動。出向中のドイツ人と談笑。話題は「MBA留学時代の思い出話」
16:00 フレックスなので退社。ポルシェでジムへ直行、みっちり2時間体を鍛える。
18:35 歩いているとでかい水溜り発見。20万のコート水溜りにサッと敷いて「姫、おとうり下さい」。高級ディナー(@35000円)。
20:00 シティホテルのスイートルームで美人OLと濃厚なセックス。
20:02 恨めしそうに見つめる美人OLを尻目に、COOLにベットを出る。
21:20 帰宅。シャワーを浴びて真っ白のバスローブに着替え、片手には高級ワイン。高級葉巻をいっぷく。ひざには黒猫。
21:30 パソコンの電源を付け、市況2ドル円スレに「残業おわた たいしにたいしに 発泡酒とコンビニ弁当食う@35歳ハゲ」と書き込み。
22:30 ブランデーグラスと皿を全自動食器洗い機にほうりこむ。市況2ドル円スレに「土曜のヘルスだけが楽しみ @35歳ハゲ」と書き込み。
Railsは決して技術的に完璧なWebフレームワークではないんだけどね....(たとえばSeaSideのような.... )
C a k e P H P は う ん こ
Ruby on Rails>>>>>>>>Django
なんかのミスかと思ったがアメリカでもRuby on Railsは人気があるのかなあ・・・
パクリはオリジナルを超えられない(キリッ って定型句だけど、
PHPで同じ事をできないわけではないだろうけど、Ruby on Railsほど簡潔にはできない
というか、世界中のPythonプログラマが Remeber Zope!! を合い言葉に
その間にもRailsはRails 3が登場して、REST/AJAXの強化等の進化が継続しているよ
Ruby では
ary.map {|x| x**2}
map(lambda x: x**2, ary)
となり、lambda の本体が1つの式では表現しきれなくなると
f = lambda x:(x and f(x-1)*x)or 1
f = lambda{|x|if x == 0 then 1 else x*f.call(x-1) end}
f = lambda{|x|x == 0 ? 1 : x*f.call(x-1)}
f = lambda{|x|if x == 0 then return 1 else return x*f.call(x-1) end}
これはPythonをdisっているように見せかけてRubyをdisっているのか? と一瞬思ってしまったw
print [x*2+100 for x in [1,2,3,4,5] if x > 2 and x < 5]
puts [1,2,3,4,5].select{|i| i > 2 and i < 5}.map{|i| i*2+100}
map(lambda x: x*2+100, filter(lambda x: x > 2 and x < 5, [1,2,3,4,5]))
プログラマにとって優しい or プログラミングの楽しさを教えてくれるのがRuby
もしもPythonしか知らないプログラマであれば、関数型 = 難解 という印象を持つだろう
result_list = source_list.map { |elem|
x = foo(elem.x) # ここが局所宣言を書く部分
x + y # 最後に評価された式の値が、無名関数のリターン値になる
x = foo(...) のような代入文がいくつでも(= 複雑な処理でも)書ける
Rubyの魅力はこれから関数型プログラミングを学ぼうとする初心者、 あるいはそんな初心者へ教える立場から見た、優しさ or 分かりやすさなんだ
[1,4,3,2].sort.reverse.map{|x| x.to_s}.join('-')
'-'.join(map(str, reversed(sorted([1,4,3,2]))))
無名関数が文を使うほど複雑なら名前を付けるのが Python 流と想像。
Now, a digital camera is mainly rely on battery with power. Use the battery also has a lot of attention to the place, so that they can make a battery "prolong life".
In order to avoid the loss of the power problem, you want to keep the battery on both ends of the contact points and the battery cover internal clean. If the surface is very dirty words to use soft, clean dry cloth FuShi gently, can never use clean sex or the chemical has the solubility cleaner, such as diluent or contain alcohol solvent composition of the clean your digital camera, battery or charger.
For charging time, depends on the charger and battery, and whether the use of voltage stability, and other factors. Usually the first time to use the battery (or several months used battery) charging, li-ion batteries must more than six hours, the nimh batteries must be more than 14 hours, or future battery life will be short. And the battery and residual power, try not to repeat charging, to ensure the battery life.
Use process to avoid a discharge. A discharge is a power consumption over limit. Otherwise even recharge and its capacity cannot fully recover, for the battery is a kind of damage. Due to a discharge can lead to bad battery charging efficiency, reduce capacity, therefore camcorders are equipped with battery alarm function. So in similar circumstances should appear to replace the battery, try not to let the batteries run out and make the camcorders automatic shutdown.
The preservation of the battery
If you plan to use a long time without digital camera, must want the battery from a digital camera or remove the charger, and the discharge completely, and then stored in a dry, cool and environment, and try to avoid the battery and general metal items stored in together. In order to avoid short-circuited batteries, in batteries need not when, should cover to protect its preservation.
Digital camera battery is the key for the key, second in importance only lens I’m afraid, and in order to photograph in your heart, a powerful battery to provide power as a follow-up is essential. But even the best battery time, if not properly carry out maintenance and maintenance, will not take long to lose the strong power, so battery maintenance is very important.
Battery Maintenance
For a (section) digital camera battery for the duration of use, not just its quality, power on, in fact, the use of operations with the user also has great relevance. Most photographers are used after every use of the camera on the camera bag inside, or on the cupboard, took out the battery is not kept separately, this approach sounds fine, but not conducive to battery protection.
If more than 15 days do not usually use the camera, it is best to remove the battery from the camera inside the store alone, save the environment, it is best to dry and cool place, and do not store the battery together with metal objects.
According to our survey, you can buy in the market most digital cameras use lithium batteries, it is relatively easy to store. The only caveat is that if not used for long, preferably at intervals of 2 months to activate a battery, which is the charge and discharge time, this can effectively extend battery life.
As for the Ni-MH battery 5, the most annoying is the memory effect, this effect will reduce the overall battery capacity and the use of time, and as time goes on, less and less stored charge, the battery will consume the more you have to faster. Therefore, we should try to run out of power rechargeable, each charge must be sufficient to power the most full.
If you go out, the temporary use of alkaline batteries, we must remember that time out, or when unused for long periods, the battery is easy to Tangshui corrosion circuit, the digital camera battery could not escape the destiny scrapped.
For users of alkaline batteries, already mentioned above, remember the point is finished using the digital camera, remove the battery must remember to avoid the phenomenon of cell sap and damage the machine.
As for the use of rechargeable nickel-metal hydride batteries and lithium users. Battery charge is very particular about, bought back the batteries are generally very low or no power consumption, the first charge must be adequate. Lithium battery charging time is generally longer than 8 hours, while the Ni-MH battery charging time is generally more than 16 hours. To achieve best results, that is, the battery has reached its maximum capacity, generally more than 3 times repeated charge-discharge can. Battery with three times, the best opportunity to find a completely exhausted battery to charge again, try not to charge the battery when there are remnants of repeated charge, or will shorten battery life. After the battery charge is generally more heat, it is best to be cool and then into the camera battery.
But note that lithium batteries because there is no memory effect, so do not discharge, otherwise it will damage the digital camera battery structure, loss of battery life.
In addition, in order to avoid the loss of electricity, the use of nickel-metal hydride battery user, charging is completed, remove the battery, do not let the battery contact with the conductor while the positive and negative poles, for example, do not use your fingers touch both ends of the battery. The use of lithium users should try to keep the camera inside the battery positive and negative battery contacts clean, if necessary, wipe with a dry cloth and then gently wipe the battery.
Also note that, even if the user is to use lithium batteries, digital camera in a long time when not in use, should be completely discharged, remove the battery, stored in a dry, cool environment. The other thing to note is that both the nickel-hydrogen batteries or lithium batteries using the user, it is best not to have a charged battery on the purse, pocket, bag or container with metal objects, in order to prevent short-circuit .
Digital camera battery power Dafa:
1, to avoid frequent use of flash: If you are not professional photographers, then, except in the invisible fingers of the night, the light intensity of an ordinary day for the average digital camera, it is enough.
2, try to avoid unnecessary zoom operation: zoom the camera lens stretched it out a reduction, is power digital camera battery. You can move the pace of hyperactivity, with “artificial zoom” approach instead of “camera zoom” to save power.
3, Do not let the screen has been lit: If the case of small power, can turn off the LCD screen, use the viewfinder to adjust the picture composition, is for a digital camera, LCD should be considered the most power-hungry components, general digital camera, LCD screen after closing time can be used when the original length of about 3 times.
4, less shooting and video: minimize the use of multi-shot feature and video capture video, as the completion of these functions is to use the built-in buffer body to temporarily save the screen shot, the power consumption a lot.
5, should not frequently open, shut down: Many users know that the display stays lit is power, so in order to save electricity use to frequent opening and shutdown. In fact, frequently open, shut down the electricity wasted consumption than bright display even more, especially for larger diameter lenses, but also requires a substantial expansion of the camera, the switch is power. Most digital cameras have automatic shutdown option, this setting should not be set too short, otherwise easily lead to frequent opening and shut down. Of course, frequent artificial opening, shut down and should be avoided.
6, optical image stabilization not normally open: Optical image stabilization is by driving the lens or image sensor pack components, offset by the subject matter images and the relative motion between the sensor achieved. Either way the optical image stabilization, would result in no small power consumption, in particular some models can be anti-shake mode is set to “always on” so that power loss will be caused by the more powerful. To this end, we have a good scene in the light should turn off the optical image stabilization feature, you must use, should also be less “always on” mode.
Do all the way, the dream all the way, and read all the way, the injury all the way, the youth of this shore, I eyebrow XinWei cu, listening to the wind tells the years of the past; Go all the way, appreciate all the way, listen to all the way, drunk all the way, time of the other side, you gently walk, bring me for my whole life the oath. Smile, as a jade, just like the cold winter la month of a warming Yang; Words, amiable and gentle, like stroke and a wisp of spring breeze; The heart, clear as bright, filled with tolerance and forthright.
In the boundless huge crowd, you I meet by chance, and then silence who know each other, as world all the fate, we own the roaming in, repeated a story of others. Looking at today's you and me, read the yesterday's he and she, original all is so similar to the ends of the earth, the same scene, every moment thousands of deduction. The different stage, the same script, different actors, the same lines, perhaps, that is what the world had said the world of mortals.
Life, seems to be a little spring and fall streams, no waves without wind, go light, so of the day, that you and I, is I have dreamed of. But he is always thinking of, perhaps our stories will be something different, always feel, I want life probably shouldn't so, always think, and the story you and I should deducing other wonderful. Perhaps this is the so-called is not satisfied with it.
Not content with me, occasionally also play a song in life all much ado about nothing. The occasional upset, the occasional sentimentality, occasionally sad sorrow bosom, such me, sometimes not even willing to tolerance, but you will always smiled and said it doesn't matter. A that's ok, covers the you to my tolerance. Thank you, thank you willing to listen to me, thank you willing to understand me, thank you for your concern and care of understanding.
Along the way, just behind the one season blossom has collected, have already in the years flows through place vanished, lift. Magging issues.it, those flowers, then no longer in those days Ming yan; Walk off, those figure, also do not know when from my life disappear; For a around, those familiar with smile, and those who agreed upon oath, and has set up a file in the baptism of the mood swept away. Looking back, QiFengChuYu also only you have been, from beginning to end with reckless abandon.
I know, you are always on, maybe not at nearby, but has lived in my heart. You are in my heart, so, I count the mirror in flower, and cicadas in the eyes of the tender you smile and looked at on the water, and know that you SiQi born rich, and son ChengYue vow.
You know, more than any other, I in the character of the much a slightly thin cool. Those who love, I do not say, and not understand; Those good, I don't talk, and not unknown; Those who warm, those carefully, I pretended that I don't know, but one can see in the eye, and talks to heart. I'm not good at expressing, doesn't mean I don't have felt in the heart, on the contrary, a warm action, a concern of look in the eyes, a warm words, of all things, I kept away, and put it in my heart.
Since always, all don't understand you in my life to a role play, from that year to now, you and I walked all the way from strangers, to close right now, our story is in what the beat is a? Perhaps the story is finalizing a play, also or two hearts were there, but I thank you have in this warm attitude in my MingTu.
Thank you for the lonely in my time took me by the hand, and thank you for making me again believe a fairy tale of aestheticism, thank you for your face my unreasonable never give up, thank you for your tender feelings with the whole life the warmth of my I thin cool, thank you to accompany me along the way. To you, please make I say thank you, thank you let me in such years can also ease dream, let me be able to a insignificant posture face a window to listen.
The dream flowers, quietly away, and in a hurry fell, some people, quietly, and silently walk, that time, like water flowing silence, from refused to make a little I stopped, and our story? Our story will end in where? Tomorrow's you I is near at hand, or the apart?
"The Artist"? "The Descendants"? "Hugo"? There was no critical consensus following a day of intense voting yesterday when a gaggle of critics groups voted their top honors. These included the Los Angeles Film Critics Association (LAFCA), the Boston Society of Film Critics (BSFC), and the New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO), as well as critics in San Francisco, Detroit and Indiana. The American Film Institute also announced its annual top 10, typically taking no risks.
Best Picture: "The Descendants" got a strong push with a win at the LAFCA, but "The Artist" took the top prize at the BSFC and the NYFCO. Both titles will make the final Academy shortlist. Fortified by nominations for their respective directors Martin Scorsese and Terrence Malick, "Hugo" and "The Tree of Life" should get nominations. The critics groups didn't get "The Help," any more than "The Blind Side," but the Civic Rights-era drama did make the American Film Institute top ten this year, so don't discount it yet.
Best Actor: Michael Fassbender is coming up fast with an LAFCA win. Why should we care about that group in particular? They're on a six-year roll predicting the Oscar winner for Best Actor. Brad Pitt's also a contender for "Moneyball," getting an art-house bump from "The Tree of Life," with Gary Oldman coming up on the outside thanks to the critical and box-office success of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and a nod from the San Francisco Film Critics. How about George Clooney for "The Descendants"? He's still in the race, but not at the forefront. Like going for long shots? Then bet Michael Shannon for "Take Shelter," which won NYFCO. And if there's a sweep for "The Artist," add in Jean Dujardin.
Best Actress: Michelle Williams of "My Week With Marilyn," solidifies her spot with a win at the Boston Film Critics Association. Los Angeles went way out for Yung-Jun Hee in "Poetry" (what?) in their 'we're cool and uncorrupted by the Oscar race' vote. NYFCO went classic with Meryl Streep for "The Iron Lady." She's the Streep, but neither she nor Williams will be helped by an apparent lack of enthusiasm for their moves as a whole. Ditto Viola Davis ("The Help"), who will nonetheless make the top five Oscar nominees. Either SF winner Tilda Swinton ("We Need to Talk About Kevin") or multiple-runner-up Kirsten Dunst ("Melancholia") may slip in or come in sixth or seventh. Keep an eye out for Charlize Theron ("Young Adult"), Elizabeth Olsen ("Martha Marcy May Marlene") and Felicity Jones ("Like Crazy) as wild-card entries.
Best Supporting Actor: This is a two-man race between octogenarian Christopher Plummer and Albert Brooks playing against type as a cold-blooded hands-on killer. On the fringes: Patton Oswalt ("Young Adult"), Kenneth Branagh ("My Week with Marilyn") and Andy Serkis ("Rise of the Planet of the Apes").
Best Supporting Actress: Coming up on the inside is Melissa McCarthy for "Bridesmaids." Hurray for comedy! Bolstered by a best ensemble award from the LAFCA, this may push McCarthy into the five Oscar nominees. The LAFCA got behind Jessica Chastain, the NYFCO Breakthrough Performer, who was in every movie from "The Tree of Life" to "The Help," where she'll be competing against her popular co-star Octavia Spencer. The San Francisco critics supported Vanessa Redgrave for "Coriolanus," and Janet McTeer ("Albert Nobbs") was an LAFCA runner up in the category.
Who's out of the running in these five major categories? The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, War Horse, J. Edgar and Midnight in Paris all underwhelmed. The X-Factor remains Scott Rudin's buzzy "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," which has not been screened widely after the New Yorker's David Denby flagrantly broke embargo on Rudin's other major film, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Pack the Kleenex box for this one.
"The Artist"? "The Descendants"? "Hugo"? There was no critical consensus following a day of intense voting yesterday when a gaggle of critics groups voted their top honors. These included the Los Angeles Film Critics Association (LAFCA), the Boston Society of Film Critics (BSFC), and the New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO), as well as critics in San Francisco, Detroit and Indiana. The American Film Institute also announced its annual top 10, typically taking no risks.
Best Picture: "The Descendants" got a strong push with a win at the LAFCA, but "The Artist" took the top prize at the BSFC and the NYFCO. Both titles will make the final Academy shortlist. Fortified by nominations for their respective directors Martin Scorsese and Terrence Malick, "Hugo" and "The Tree of Life" should get nominations. The critics groups didn't get "The Help," any more than "The Blind Side," but the Civic Rights-era drama did make the American Film Institute top ten this year, so don't discount it yet.
Best Actor: Michael Fassbender is coming up fast with an LAFCA win. Why should we care about that group in particular? They're on a six-year roll predicting the Oscar winner for Best Actor. Brad Pitt's also a contender for "Moneyball," getting an art-house bump from "The Tree of Life," with Gary Oldman coming up on the outside thanks to the critical and box-office success of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and a nod from the San Francisco Film Critics. How about George Clooney for "The Descendants"? He's still in the race, but not at the forefront. Like going for long shots? Then bet Michael Shannon for "Take Shelter," which won NYFCO. And if there's a sweep for "The Artist," add in Jean Dujardin.
Best Actress: Michelle Williams of "My Week With Marilyn," solidifies her spot with a win at the Boston Film Critics Association. Los Angeles went way out for Yung-Jun Hee in "Poetry" (what?) in their 'we're cool and uncorrupted by the Oscar race' vote. NYFCO went classic with Meryl Streep for "The Iron Lady." She's the Streep, but neither she nor Williams will be helped by an apparent lack of enthusiasm for their moves as a whole. Ditto Viola Davis ("The Help"), who will nonetheless make the top five Oscar nominees. Either SF winner Tilda Swinton ("We Need to Talk About Kevin") or multiple-runner-up Kirsten Dunst ("Melancholia") may slip in or come in sixth or seventh. Keep an eye out for Charlize Theron ("Young Adult"), Elizabeth Olsen ("Martha Marcy May Marlene") and Felicity Jones ("Like Crazy) as wild-card entries.
Best Supporting Actor: This is a two-man race between octogenarian Christopher Plummer and Albert Brooks playing against type as a cold-blooded hands-on killer. On the fringes: Patton Oswalt ("Young Adult"), Kenneth Branagh ("My Week with Marilyn") and Andy Serkis ("Rise of the Planet of the Apes").
Best Supporting Actress: Coming up on the inside is Melissa McCarthy for "Bridesmaids." Hurray for comedy! Bolstered by a best ensemble award from the LAFCA, this may push McCarthy into the five Oscar nominees. The LAFCA got behind Jessica Chastain, the NYFCO Breakthrough Performer, who was in every movie from "The Tree of Life" to "The Help," where she'll be competing against her popular co-star Octavia Spencer. The San Francisco critics supported Vanessa Redgrave for "Coriolanus," and Janet McTeer ("Albert Nobbs") was an LAFCA runner up in the category.
Who's out of the running in these five major categories? The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, War Horse, J. Edgar and Midnight in Paris all underwhelmed. The X-Factor remains Scott Rudin's buzzy "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," which has not been screened widely after the New Yorker's David Denby flagrantly broke embargo on Rudin's other major film, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Pack the Kleenex box for this one.
Steve Jobs, the pioneer of the computer as a jail made cool, designed to sever fools from their freedom, has died.
As Chicago Mayor Harold Washington said of the corrupt former Mayor Daley, "I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone." Nobody deserves to have to die - not Jobs, not Mr. Bill, not even people guilty of bigger evils than theirs. But we all deserve the end of Jobs' malign influence on people's computing.
Unfortunately, that influence continues despite his absence. We can only hope his successors, as they attempt to carry on his legacy, will be less effective.
When the diesel generators were gone, the reactor operators switched to emergency battery power. The batteries were designed as one of the backups to the backups, to provide power for cooling the core for 8 hours. And they did.
Within the 8 hours, another power source had to be found and connected to the power plant. The power grid was down due to the earthquake. The diesel generators were destroyed by the tsunami. So mobile diesel generators were trucked in.
This is where things started to go seriously wrong. The external power generators could not be connected to the power plant (the plugs did not fit). So after the batteries ran out, the residual heat could not be carried away any more.
At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a “loss of cooling event”. It is again a step along the “Depth of Defense” lines. The power to the cooling systems should never have failed completely, but it did, so they “retreat” to the next line of defense. All of this, however shocking it seems to us, is part of the day-to-day training you go through as an operator, right through to managing a core meltdown.
It was at this stage that people started to talk about core meltdown. Because at the end of the day, if cooling cannot be restored, the core will eventually melt (after hours or days), and the last line of defense, the core catcher and third containment, would come into play.
But the goal at this stage was to manage the core while it was heating up, and ensure that the first containment (the Zircaloy tubes that contains the nuclear fuel), as well as the second containment (our pressure cooker) remain intact and operational for as long as possible, to give the engineers time to fix the cooling systems.
Because cooling the core is such a big deal, the reactor has a number of cooling systems, each in multiple versions (the reactor water cleanup system, the decay heat removal, the reactor core isolating cooling, the standby liquid cooling system, and the emergency core cooling system). Which one failed when or did not fail is not clear at this point in time.
So imagine our pressure cooker on the stove, heat on low, but on. The operators use whatever cooling system capacity they have to get rid of as much heat as possible, but the pressure starts building up. The priority now is to maintain integrity of the first containment (keep temperature of the fuel rods below 2200°C), as well as the second containment, the pressure cooker. In order to maintain integrity of the pressure cooker (the second containment), the pressure has to be released from time to time. Because the ability to do that in an emergency is so important, the reactor has 11 pressure release valves. The operators now started venting steam from time to time to control the pressure. The temperature at this stage was about 550°C.
This is when the reports about “radiation leakage” starting coming in. I believe I explained above why venting the steam is theoretically the same as releasing radiation into the environment, but why it was and is not dangerous. The radioactive nitrogen as well as the noble gases do not pose a threat to human health.
At some stage during this venting, the explosion occurred. The explosion took place outside of the third containment (our “last line of defense”), and the reactor building. Remember that the reactor building has no function in keeping the radioactivity contained. It is not entirely clear yet what has happened, but this is the likely scenario: The operators decided to vent the steam from the pressure vessel not directly into the environment, but into the space between the third containment and the reactor building (to give the radioactivity in the steam more time to subside). The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can “disassociate” into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture. And it did explode, outside the third containment, damaging the reactor building around. It was that sort of explosion, but inside the pressure vessel (because it was badly designed and not managed properly by the operators) that lead to the explosion of Chernobyl. This was never a risk at Fukushima. The problem of hydrogen-oxygen formation is one of the biggies when you design a power plant (if you are not Soviet, that is), so the reactor is build and operated in a way it cannot happen inside the containment. It happened outside, which was not intended but a possible scenario and OK, because it did not pose a risk for the containment.
So the pressure was under control, as steam was vented. Now, if you keep boiling your pot, the problem is that the water level will keep falling and falling. The core is covered by several meters of water in order to allow for some time to pass (hours, days) before it gets exposed. Once the rods start to be exposed at the top, the exposed parts will reach the critical temperature of 2200 °C after about 45 minutes. This is when the first containment, the Zircaloy tube, would fail.
And this started to happen. The cooling could not be restored before there was some (very limited, but still) damage to the casing of some of the fuel. The nuclear material itself was still intact, but the surrounding Zircaloy shell had started melting. What happened now is that some of the byproducts of the uranium decay – radioactive Cesium and Iodine – started to mix with the steam. The big problem, uranium, was still under control, because the uranium oxide rods were good until 3000 °C. It is confirmed that a very small amount of Cesium and Iodine was measured in the steam that was released into the atmosphere.
It seems this was the “go signal” for a major plan B. The small amounts of Cesium that were measured told the operators that the first containment on one of the rods somewhere was about to give. The Plan A had been to restore one of the regular cooling systems to the core. Why that failed is unclear. One plausible explanation is that the tsunami also took away / polluted all the clean water needed for the regular cooling systems.
The water used in the cooling system is very clean, demineralized (like distilled) water. The reason to use pure water is the above mentioned activation by the neutrons from the Uranium: Pure water does not get activated much, so stays practically radioactive-free. Dirt or salt in the water will absorb the neutrons quicker, becoming more radioactive. This has no effect whatsoever on the core – it does not care what it is cooled by. But it makes life more difficult for the operators and mechanics when they have to deal with activated (i.e. slightly radioactive) water.
But Plan A had failed – cooling systems down or additional clean water unavailable – so Plan B came into effect. This is what it looks like happened:
In order to prevent a core meltdown, the operators started to use sea water to cool the core. I am not quite sure if they flooded our pressure cooker with it (the second containment), or if they flooded the third containment, immersing the pressure cooker. But that is not relevant for us.
The point is that the nuclear fuel has now been cooled down. Because the chain reaction has been stopped a long time ago, there is only very little residual heat being produced now. The large amount of cooling water that has been used is sufficient to take up that heat. Because it is a lot of water, the core does not produce sufficient heat any more to produce any significant pressure. Also, boric acid has been added to the seawater. Boric acid is “liquid control rod”. Whatever decay is still going on, the Boron will capture the neutrons and further speed up the cooling down of the core.
The plant came close to a core meltdown. Here is the worst-case scenario that was avoided: If the seawater could not have been used for treatment, the operators would have continued to vent the water steam to avoid pressure buildup. The third containment would then have been completely sealed to allow the core meltdown to happen without releasing radioactive material. After the meltdown, there would have been a waiting period for the intermediate radioactive materials to decay inside the reactor, and all radioactive particles to settle on a surface inside the containment. The cooling system would have been restored eventually, and the molten core cooled to a manageable temperature. The containment would have been cleaned up on the inside. Then a messy job of removing the molten core from the containment would have begun, packing the (now solid again) fuel bit by bit into transportation containers to be shipped to processing plants. Depending on the damage, the block of the plant would then either be repaired or dismantled.
Now, where does that leave us?
・The plant is safe now and will stay safe.
・Japan is looking at an INES Level 4 Accident: Nuclear accident with local consequences. That is bad for the company that owns the plant, but not for anyone else.
・Some radiation was released when the pressure vessel was vented. All radioactive isotopes from the activated steam have gone (decayed). A very small amount of Cesium was released, as well as Iodine. If you were sitting on top of the plants’ chimney when they were venting, you should probably give up smoking to return to your former life expectancy. The Cesium and Iodine isotopes were carried out to the sea and will never be seen again.
・There was some limited damage to the first containment. That means that some amounts of radioactive Cesium and Iodine will also be released into the cooling water, but no Uranium or other nasty stuff (the Uranium oxide does not “dissolve” in the water). There are facilities for treating the cooling water inside the third containment. The radioactive Cesium and Iodine will be removed there and eventually stored as radioactive waste in terminal storage.
・The seawater used as cooling water will be activated to some degree. Because the control rods are fully inserted, the Uranium chain reaction is not happening. That means the “main” nuclear reaction is not happening, thus not contributing to the activation. The intermediate radioactive materials (Cesium and Iodine) are also almost gone at this stage, because the Uranium decay was stopped a long time ago. This further reduces the activation. The bottom line is that there will be some low level of activation of the seawater, which will also be removed by the treatment facilities.
・The seawater will then be replaced over time with the “normal” cooling water
・The reactor core will then be dismantled and transported to a processing facility, just like during a regular fuel change.
・Fuel rods and the entire plant will be checked for potential damage. This will take about 4-5 years.
・The safety systems on all Japanese plants will be upgraded to withstand a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami (or worse)
・I believe the most significant problem will be a prolonged power shortage. About half of Japan’s nuclear reactors will probably have to be inspected, reducing the nation’s power generating capacity by 15%. This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. That will increase your electricity bill, as well as lead to potential power shortages during peak demand, in Japan.
If you want to stay informed, please forget the usual media outlets and consult the following websites:
I'm going to copy paste a full blog post of a research scientist at MIT here, who explains the situation at Fukushima much better than anyone else has, his message: no worries.
This post is by Dr Josef Oehmen, a research scientist at MIT, in Boston.
He is a PhD Scientist, whose father has extensive experience in Germany’s nuclear industry. I asked him to write this information to my family in Australia, who were being made sick with worry by the media reports coming from Japan. I am republishing it with his permission.
It is a few hours old, so if any information is out of date, blame me for the delay in getting it published.
This is his text in full and unedited. It is very long, so get comfy.
I am writing this text (Mar 12) to give you some peace of mind regarding some of the troubles in Japan, that is the safety of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Up front, the situation is serious, but under control. And this text is long! But you will know more about nuclear power plants after reading it than all journalists on this planet put together.
There was and will *not* be any significant release of radioactivity.
By “significant” I mean a level of radiation of more than what you would receive on – say – a long distance flight, or drinking a glass of beer that comes from certain areas with high levels of natural background radiation.
I have been reading every news release on the incident since the earthquake. There has not been one single (!) report that was accurate and free of errors (and part of that problem is also a weakness in the Japanese crisis communication). By “not free of errors” I do not refer to tendentious anti-nuclear journalism – that is quite normal these days. By “not free of errors” I mean blatant errors regarding physics and natural law, as well as gross misinterpretation of facts, due to an obvious lack of fundamental and basic understanding of the way nuclear reactors are build and operated. I have read a 3 page report on CNN where every single paragraph contained an error.
We will have to cover some fundamentals, before we get into what is going on.
Construction of the Fukushima nuclear power plants
The plants at Fukushima are so called Boiling Water Reactors, or BWR for short. Boiling Water Reactors are similar to a pressure cooker. The nuclear fuel heats water, the water boils and creates steam, the steam then drives turbines that create the electricity, and the steam is then cooled and condensed back to water, and the water send back to be heated by the nuclear fuel. The pressure cooker operates at about 250 °C.
The nuclear fuel is uranium oxide. Uranium oxide is a ceramic with a very high melting point of about 3000 °C. The fuel is manufactured in pellets (think little cylinders the size of Lego bricks). Those pieces are then put into a long tube made of Zircaloy with a melting point of 2200 °C, and sealed tight. The assembly is called a fuel rod. These fuel rods are then put together to form larger packages, and a number of these packages are then put into the reactor. All these packages together are referred to as “the core”.
The Zircaloy casing is the first containment. It separates the radioactive fuel from the rest of the world.
The core is then placed in the “pressure vessels”. That is the pressure cooker we talked about before. The pressure vessels is the second containment. This is one sturdy piece of a pot, designed to safely contain the core for temperatures several hundred °C. That covers the scenarios where cooling can be restored at some point.
The entire “hardware” of the nuclear reactor – the pressure vessel and all pipes, pumps, coolant (water) reserves, are then encased in the third containment. The third containment is a hermetically (air tight) sealed, very thick bubble of the strongest steel. The third containment is designed, built and tested for one single purpose: To contain, indefinitely, a complete core meltdown. For that purpose, a large and thick concrete basin is cast under the pressure vessel (the second containment), which is filled with graphite, all inside the third containment. This is the so-called “core catcher”. If the core melts and the pressure vessel bursts (and eventually melts), it will catch the molten fuel and everything else. It is built in such a way that the nuclear fuel will be spread out, so it can cool down.
This third containment is then surrounded by the reactor building. The reactor building is an outer shell that is supposed to keep the weather out, but nothing in. (this is the part that was damaged in the explosion, but more to that later).
Fundamentals of nuclear reactions
The uranium fuel generates heat by nuclear fission. Big uranium atoms are split into smaller atoms. That generates heat plus neutrons (one of the particles that forms an atom). When the neutron hits another uranium atom, that splits, generating more neutrons and so on. That is called the nuclear chain reaction.
Now, just packing a lot of fuel rods next to each other would quickly lead to overheating and after about 45 minutes to a melting of the fuel rods. It is worth mentioning at this point that the nuclear fuel in a reactor can *never* cause a nuclear explosion the type of a nuclear bomb. Building a nuclear bomb is actually quite difficult (ask Iran). In Chernobyl, the explosion was caused by excessive pressure buildup, hydrogen explosion and rupture of all containments, propelling molten core material into the environment (a “dirty bomb”). Why that did not and will not happen in Japan, further below.
In order to control the nuclear chain reaction, the reactor operators use so-called “moderator rods”. The moderator rods absorb the neutrons and kill the chain reaction instantaneously. A nuclear reactor is built in such a way, that when operating normally, you take out all the moderator rods. The coolant water then takes away the heat (and converts it into steam and electricity) at the same rate as the core produces it. And you have a lot of leeway around the standard operating point of 250°C.
The challenge is that after inserting the rods and stopping the chain reaction, the core still keeps producing heat. The uranium “stopped” the chain reaction. But a number of intermediate radioactive elements are created by the uranium during its fission process, most notably Cesium and Iodine isotopes, i.e. radioactive versions of these elements that will eventually split up into smaller atoms and not be radioactive anymore. Those elements keep decaying and producing heat. Because they are not regenerated any longer from the uranium (the uranium stopped decaying after the moderator rods were put in), they get less and less, and so the core cools down over a matter of days, until those intermediate radioactive elements are used up.
This residual heat is causing the headaches right now.
So the first “type” of radioactive material is the uranium in the fuel rods, plus the intermediate radioactive elements that the uranium splits into, also inside the fuel rod (Cesium and Iodine).
There is a second type of radioactive material created, outside the fuel rods. The big main difference up front: Those radioactive materials have a very short half-life, that means that they decay very fast and split into non-radioactive materials. By fast I mean seconds. So if these radioactive materials are released into the environment, yes, radioactivity was released, but no, it is not dangerous, at all. Why? By the time you spelled “R-A-D-I-O-N-U-C-L-I-D-E”, they will be harmless, because they will have split up into non radioactive elements. Those radioactive elements are N-16, the radioactive isotope (or version) of nitrogen (air). The others are noble gases such as Xenon. But where do they come from? When the uranium splits, it generates a neutron (see above). Most of these neutrons will hit other uranium atoms and keep the nuclear chain reaction going. But some will leave the fuel rod and hit the water molecules, or the air that is in the water. Then, a non-radioactive element can “capture” the neutron. It becomes radioactive. As described above, it will quickly (seconds) get rid again of the neutron to return to its former beautiful self.
This second “type” of radiation is very important when we talk about the radioactivity being released into the environment later on.
I will try to summarize the main facts. The earthquake that hit Japan was 7 times more powerful than the worst earthquake the nuclear power plant was built for (the Richter scale works logarithmically; the difference between the 8.2 that the plants were built for and the 8.9 that happened is 7 times, not 0.7). So the first hooray for Japanese engineering, everything held up.
When the earthquake hit with 8.9, the nuclear reactors all went into automatic shutdown. Within seconds after the earthquake started, the moderator rods had been inserted into the core and nuclear chain reaction of the uranium stopped. Now, the cooling system has to carry away the residual heat. The residual heat load is about 3% of the heat load under normal operating conditions.
The earthquake destroyed the external power supply of the nuclear reactor. That is one of the most serious accidents for a nuclear power plant, and accordingly, a “plant black out” receives a lot of attention when designing backup systems. The power is needed to keep the coolant pumps working. Since the power plant had been shut down, it cannot produce any electricity by itself any more.
Things were going well for an hour. One set of multiple sets of emergency Diesel power generators kicked in and provided the electricity that was needed. Then the Tsunami came, much bigger than people had expected when building the power plant (see above, factor 7). The tsunami took out all multiple sets of backup Diesel generators.
When designing a nuclear power plant, engineers follow a philosophy called “Defense of Depth”. That means that you first build everything to withstand the worst catastrophe you can imagine, and then design the plant in such a way that it can still handle one system failure (that you thought could never happen) after the other. A tsunami taking out all backup power in one swift strike is such a scenario. The last line of defense is putting everything into the third containment (see above), that will keep everything, whatever the mess, moderator rods in our out, core molten or not, inside the reactor.
(日本の借金が世界史上未到レベルらしいけど、どーすんのw …ってみんな他人事)