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はてなキーワード: Himとは

























背が伸びるに詰めて伝えたいことの姿のない手紙も崩れるほど重なった。僕は元気がいるの?心配は楽しくないよ。だが 1 つ今は思い出すよー。そうだ、君の震えるという方、あの日も言えてるものを見事して望遠。


大脱走、みんなに君が尖った今という葉を気持ち。君と 2人をいかけているをあああああああーすげーいやー!



You are my Ange 愛してるよ。

誰が 1 つチューナーイせーなーいはい!じゃあ馬鹿野郎ですね。9 します。

君は思う。気持ちいいお店!ファイナライ for you









Maggie will. Last boy. And again, You Maggie wanna lost boy, Let the time again.

Smack you all lost boy and nothing. Again, The Maggie wanna lost, boy, Let the time again.

Mad. You all the last boy and not him again If Maggie wanna lost. Boy, Let the time again the man you wanna lost boy and nothing. Again Maggie wanna lost boy. Let daytime again.

Because the focus on already. Crackers. Captain America.

See that I handle any. But that you guys,

That guys, the book of all any Because the book, on all any,

Because before

(ヒント: 邦楽です。Pixel言語設定はずっと英語にしてるのに、たまに英語文字起こしされる謎)


あー、羨ましいよ。僕の先生は誰か 0 点滅かみんなで起きるスピードトゥインゴビーンウルトラマンネイチャーの犬の泣い人生だんじ向かったね。天才反省の歌を流して皆様ですか?



(ヒント: 洋楽です。その時代その国を過ごしたわけでもないのに、なんでか郷愁を誘うハイトーン。良い曲ですよね!)


He stood scheming me. Eat the Octotoga. Upton. Oh, oh, my dust Fontana. No, It's not. I didn't shall know. He dust should call you. How's you should come? You housing up.

Oh, here. Yeah. Oh yeah. Eco that I

Monday. Did yen. Cut it after Nandinana, King. You're being facts. Still. So I told you Time to shall know, give me a slit. You got Should come you. You return. The good toe Shinkany know that you Okay here? Yeah, yeah. Oh yeah. You.

Oh, you. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Just,

Monday. Chia Meeting, you kind of so little continue dust Songs. I don't know. So, I am so that there. Thank you.

Okay. That. Yeah, yeah.

Yeah. Oh, here you I am starts.

Thoughts fell on him about loving up. Yeah. Yeah.

(ヒント: 邦楽です。バンド解散して、フロントマンもこういう曲作らなくなっちゃったので寂しい限り)






Mommy, why is daddy doing this to me?

I do not find this funny at all.

As a matter of fact I find this to be child abuse.

Do you have a number for DYE-fuss.

Mommy, mommy, stop him now!

Why is my voice so deep.

I do not know.

Maybe because I'm a baby and I don't have a voice on my own.

This is confusing.

I still don't understand why you're not helping me mommy.



















Måneskin, who played with his upper body naked, and King Gnu, who imitated him, disgraced Summer Sonic. What they did was simply body-exposing pornography.

Måneskin must have decided that yellow monkeys like the Japanese were not culturally literate enough to listen to music.

King Gnu wanted to show that we are conscious people with our eyes on the world.

As a result, the Japanese audience was presented with only two types of pornography: vile foreign pornography and Japanese imitation pornography.

This is what you can do when you don't know what you're doing at Summer Sonny's.

I say no to both bands. Screw you, I say no to both bands.

Saitoukou ha Amae

I once did an imitation of O'Malley's Rokko Oroshi. Or rather, I was instructed to do it. I was instructed to do it by a senior employee of my part-time job. He was quite senior and in his 40's. I was in my teens, so I could not disobey him. I was in my teens, so I could not disobey him.

He instructed me to sing the song at a karaoke party. O'Malley's Rokko Oroshi is quite tone deaf, but he was asked to reproduce the tone deafness accurately.

Naturally, the senior was tongue-tied and drunk. When I tried to sing a little better, he kicked me. Because he was drunk, he kicked me seriously. Still, I managed to finish the song while enduring it.

Then, for some reason, the senior said, "Congratulations," and poured beer over my head. He also poured my ginger ale over my head. He said it was a reenactment of the beer pouring.

There were a few other people at the party, and they were laughing as they saw me soaking wet.

Recently, I found his Twitter account. After reading through it, I found out that he was also a victim of power harassment in another case.

But I think what he did to me was power harassment. I laughed it off at the time.

I wanted to put that feeling somewhere.






His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy

There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin'

What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud

He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out

He's chokin', how, everybody's jokin' now

The clocks run out, times up, over, blaow

Snap back to reality, ope there goes gravity

Ope, there goes Rabbit, he choked

He's so mad, but he won't give up that easy? No

He won't have it, he knows his whole back's to these ropes

It don't matter, he's dope, he knows that, but he's broke

He's so stagnant, he knows, when he goes back to this mobile home, that's when it's

Back to the lab again, yo, this whole rhapsody

Better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him





増 "Well… do you have something you want to tell to Japanese people?"

B "yes, "Konnichiwa!" "

B "well, I would say something not only to the Japanese, but to many other people. how should I put this?

"Most people began to hate Russians by default. But this war was started by our government, not by us. Of course, we don't want this war, nobody wants it. And I assure you, our people have repeatedly gone to rallies against the government. But always people who participate in such events are sent to prison. Even people on the Internet who express a point of view that the government does not like are jailed for misinformation.

And I will not deny that some Russians have succumbed to the propaganda of our government and are expressing support for this "military operation". But many people in other countries are actually the same. They hypocritically pretend that they are concerned about the fate of Ukraine, although in fact they have only recently learned that this country even exists. In reality, if you ask them "What do they think about the DNR and LNR?", they will have absolutely no idea what are you talking about.

It's good if you sincerely worry about Uraina. But the majority worry about Ukrina and hate Russians only and only because it's a trend that their government has set. In other words, this is the same propaganda.

Well, to summarize, I just wanna say "let's just be friendly to each other." Even if our governments are not friendly to each other, this doesn't mean that we should be the same." "




•what do you think about zelenskii

•do you know other politicians except him

•how future is you predict, how future is you want (i mean politically and concretely)

•What do you think about ukranians language law

•how DNR and LNR people life is?

did you see people which changed after starting this war

•what do you think that Russian army kidnap ukranians

•what do you think about that Russian language uses «в» for any country but «он» for yours?

and anything you want to say to Japanese


  • Что вы думаете о Зеленском?
  • Знаете ли вы других политиков, кроме него?
  • Какое будущее вы предсказываете для себя? Какого будущего хотите сами? (политически и вообще)
  • Что вы думаете о законе об украинском языке?
  • Как, по-вашему, живут люди в ЛНР и ДНР?
  • Видели ли вы людей, которые изменились после начала войны?
  • Что вы думаете о том, что русская армия похищает украинцев? и зачем?
  • Как по-вашему, как в русском языке правильно писать - "на Украину" или "в Украину"?
  • Хотите ли вы что-нибудь сказать японцам?


  • Зеленский это человек с Большой буквы, который с приходом обратил внимание на народ и его потребности, Украина менялась и меняться в лучшую сторону, благодаря Народу и его культуре
  • По поводу других политиков, в Украине каждый Украинец знает всех, так как каждый Украинец в Украине интересуется и переживает за свою страну
  • О будущем скажу только одно, Все будет хорошо, и будет ещё лучше... Одно только не вернуть это жизни других людей, детей, а также детей которые потеряли своих родителей.

О своем будущем скажу только одно, что после войны усыноввлю и удочерю детей которые потеряли своих родителей

  • По поводу закона об Украинском языке, так это у каждого государства приемлемо. Но люди не правильно трактуют его. Я только за него, но сам как видите пишу Вам на русском, и в Украине никто не запрещает говорить на русском, а гос. Учреждениях просят говорить на Украинском.
  • по поводу ЛНР и ДНР, то это колония где люди не имеют свободы слова, того слова которое они имели находясь под юрисдикцией Украинского законодательства
  • По поводу изменений людей - Мы стали ещё дружней и сплаченней, люди думают не только о себе...
  • По поводу русской армии: то у меня просто нету слов... (Это варварство)
  • правильно писать "в Україну"
  • Японцам хочу сказать огромное спасибо за поддержку, понимание, и за то что видят правду и не скрывают то что творится в Украине


About my future, I'll say that after the war I'll adopt children who lost their parents in this bloodshed.



1. Что ты думаешь на счёт Зеленского?

Моё мнение, что Зеленский является лучшим президентом, который не бросил Украину и народ во время войны, как сделал это Янукович. Зеленский, его команда и наш народ делают всё возможное и невозможное для сохранения нашей страны.

2. Знаешь ли ты других политиков кроме Зеленского?

Знаю многих.

3. Какое будущее ты видишь для своей страны?

Хотелось бы чтобы территории Украины вернулись в полном составе, так как это было признано международным правом.

4. Что ты думаешь о законе про украинский язык?

Я поддерживаю этот закон, хотя в нашей стране люди общаются на разных языках, в том числе и на русском, но я ни разу не слышал информации о преследовании или конфликтах на этой почве.

5. Видишь ли ты как люди сменились после начала войны?

Наш народ очень сплотился, каждый старается помочь друг другу, война наложила отпечаток на всех, это бесконечные переживания и боль.

6. Что ты думаешь по поводу того, что российская армия похищает украинцев?

Это является ужасным преступлениям.

7. Что ты думаешь о том, что русские для любой страны говорят "в", но в случае с Украиной говорят "на"?

Я считаю что это очень не красиво по отношению к украинскому государству и людям которые там живут.

8. Что ты хочешь сказать японцам?

Хочу поблагодарить за поддержку нашей страны, пожелать мира, добра и процветания.

9. Что ты хочешь меня спросить?

Почему тебя так детально интересует ситуация в моей стране?

Надеюсь всё правильно понял


•what do you think about zelenskii?

I belive Zelensky is the best president who did not abandon Ukraine and the people during the war, as Yanukovych did. Zelensky, his team and our people are doing everything possible and impossible.

•do you know other politicians except him?

I know many of them.

•how future is you predict, how future is you want (i mean politically and concretely)?

I would like the territories of Ukraine to return in full force, because this is what was recognized by international law.

•What do you think about ukranians language law?

I support this law. Despite the fact that in our country people communicate in different languages, including Russian, I have never heard information about persecution or conflicts on this basis.

•how DNR and LNR people life is?


did you see people which changed after starting this war?

Our people are very united, everyone is trying to help each other, the war left its mark on everyone in the form of endless experiences and pain.

•what do you think that Russian army kidnap ukranians?

This is a terrible crime.

•what do you think about that Russian language uses "в" for any country but "на" for yours?

I think this is very discourteous in relation to the Ukrainian state and the people who live there.

and anything you want to say to Japanese?

I want to thank you for the support of our country. I wish you peace, kindness and prosperity.


増 "Ah, turkestan ban Russian language?"

D "Not really "ban" but "limitation". This sounds more suitable in this case. it is the natural phenomenon for the mononational states. And multinational, actually. Using the one language as official. To strengthen the statehood. Same thing with Ukraine. More separation from the "big brother". That is the point, I guess.

By the way, they strengthened much more after these 8 years. I think it is too late to start an invasion now than these 8 years ago back then in any case. That does not mean that I support it, of course. You knew my point. We talked about it earlier. 🙂 I think that it is just "balls to the wall" (like the title from the one of Accept's albums). Recklessly in a word. It is naive to believe that they have stagnated all this time and have not developed or strengthened.


1) Another Ukranian president that just had "the luck" to get the war. Looks funny and trustworthy. Though he sometimes lacks the experience.

2) Yes I do.

3) I predict OK future for Ukraine, bad future for Russia. Russia lost any trust and contacts that it made for over 30 years. Dark decades ahead. I want good future, with no wars and with everyone helping each other.

4) Ukrainian language law? Well, it's their country. Let them speak what they want to speak. Besides, most Ukrainians speak Russian, and they even have mostly Russian cities, like Khar'kiv. I saw no oppression of Russian.

5) DNR and LNR are basically buffer states for Russia like North Korea with the same amount of freedom. It's hell on earth.

6) Had no information about that, but I had info about killing civilians and looting their homes. It's horrible. Those soldiers are monsters and they do not represent Russia. I don't count themselves as my fellow Russians. They're monsters. Barbarians. Putin's orcs. Not Russians.

7) I say let us use whatever we want. I use "на Украину" simply because I spoke it like that over 20 years and it's the correct one.

8) I love Japan and its people. I wish we could achieve peace and could work together. Please don't think bad of Russian people, we don't support this war. We're the same victims, like Ukrainians. Victims of Putin and his police state.




Приветствую всех и с добрым временем суток. Меня зовут Юра. Я из России. Это не моё настоящее имя, действую в целях анонимности, прошу любить и жаловать. В мире, как мы все знаем, 24 февраля началась и продолжается по сей день "Спецоперация на Украине". Воистину это ужасное событие, которое влечёт за собой тысячи и тысячи жертв с обеих сторон конфликта. Цель "Спецоперации на Украине" - Денацификация Украины. Если вам в новостных каналах и в средствах массовой информации говорят, что цель спецоперации - не денацификация - значит таковы новости, таковы их источники, ничего не поделать. Каково моё мнение на этот счёт? Начну с того, что лично я против любой войны. Для меня война - это зло, это насилие. И то, что всю Россию и россиян в целом считают агрессором и просто ужасными людьми - это плохо, потому что ужасные люди и аггресоры - это те люди, которые ведут себя подобным образом и хотят тем самым разжигать пламя войны ещё сильнее дабы получить с этого удовлетворение в виде ещё одного убийства, прощения со стороны жертв, которые молят о пощаде и прочего. В России и так находятся миллионы людей, которые категорически против войны и которые не хотят, чтобы их считали последними тварями только потому, что так всё получилось. У меня, например, есть несколько друзей с Украины, которые сейчас находятся там и переживают эти взрывы, бомбы, ракеты и всё остальное, что перечислять не хочу. Я продолжаю держать с ними контакт и мы, слава богу, не думаем обо всём этом и стараемся поддерживать друг друга благодаря весёлым мемам, смешным видео, просто хорошим новостям из разных индустрий, чтобы хоть как-то разрядиться. Ведь самое главное, самое главное - война не изменила наши умы потому, что мы знаем что война не должна быть тем препятствием, благодаря которому наша дружба должна рухнуть. За это я их и ценю. Что держатся и не падают духом даже в такие тяжёлые дни и не "ищут предателей среди своих друзей, только потому что они русские", так сказать. Конечно же, есть и обратные примеры, что с начала войны некоторые мои знакомые начали отстаивать свою позицию как русских, что украинцы не люди и вообще спецоперация всё сделает к лучшему, что "мы сравняем города с землёй" и "денацифируем всё"... К сожалению, с такими людьми уже и общаться стыдно, что уж говорить, всё очевидно. В моём городе, например, я пока не наблюдаю сильной пропаганды, что "мы должны верить в то, что мы следуем справедливой цели", что всё образуется именно так как надо. Ну, даже если пропаганда и существует у нас, то я её и не наблюдаю. Да и не хочу наблюдать, потому что, как мне кажется, такую информацию стоить игнорировать и жить дальше, следуя своей цели в жизни. Я никогда не считал себя патриотом своей страны. Это звучит странно, да, но и врать мне нет смысла в этом. Я родился в России - значит так должно было случиться. Тем более я б хотел, что бы один из моих друзей на Украине, вот как раз один из них, смог пережить эту войну и смог поиграть в ту же самую Kingdom Hearts 4, т.к. я его с этой серией игр и познакомил. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы он увидел продолжение данной серии игр, чтобы он смог это вё увидеть. Я очень на это надеюсь. Ведь я, он, и многие другие такие же обычные люди - ходим на работу, спим, едим, играем, отдыхаем. И также я просто хочу, чтобы те, кто слушает меня сейчас не считали всех русских и россиян плохими, потому что я в вас верю, абсолютно всех. И неважно какой вы расы, неважно какой религии верите, это неважно. Главное, что вы остаётесь теми людьми, в которых можно верить, на которых можно надеяться и которые продолжают думать о том, что всё будет хорошо. И даже если у кого-то есть силы на то, чтобы исправить эту всю ситуацию, у кого есть эти возможности - то они смогут это изменить к лучшему и всё сделать мирно, что очень очень важно для нас сейчас. Поэтому я верю в мир, который обязательно наступит. И он наступит именно таким, что украинцы, что русские смогут пожать руки и сказать, что "Всё. У нас будет мир, у нас будет всё." Спасибо за внимание.

Greetings to all and with a good time of day. My name is Yura. I'm from Russia. This is not my real name, I act for the purposes of anonymity, I ask you to love and favor. In the world, as we all know, on February 24, the "Special Operation in Ukraine" began and continues to this day. Truly, this is a terrible event that entails thousands and thousands of victims on both sides of the conflict. The purpose of the "Special Operation in Ukraine" is the Denazification of Ukraine. If you are told in the news channels and in the media that the purpose of the special operation is not denazification, then this is the news, these are their sources, nothing can be done. What is my opinion on this? To begin with, I personally am against any war. For me, war is evil, it is violence. And the fact that the whole of Russia and Russians as a whole are considered an aggressor and just terrible people is bad, because terrible people and aggressors are those people who behave in this way and thereby want to kindle the flames of war even more in order to get satisfaction from this in the form of another murder, forgiveness from the victims who beg for mercy and other things. There are already millions of people in Russia who are categorically against the war and who do not want to be considered the last creatures just because everything turned out that way. For example, I have several friends from Ukraine who are currently there and are experiencing these explosions, bombs, rockets and everything else that I do not want to list. I continue to keep in touch with them and, thank God, we don't think about all this and try to support each other through funny memes, funny videos, just good news from different industries to somehow discharge. After all, the most important thing, the most important thing is that the war has not changed our minds because we know that war should not be the obstacle through which our friendship should collapse. That's why I appreciate them. That they hold on and do not lose heart even in such difficult days and do not "look for traitors among their friends, just because they are Russians," so to speak. Of course, there are also reverse examples that since the beginning of the war, some of my friends have begun to defend their position as Russians, that Ukrainians are not people and in general the special operation will do everything for the better, that "we will level cities to the ground" and "denazify everything"... Unfortunately, it's already a shame to communicate with such people, what can I say, everything is obvious. In my city, for example, I have not yet observed strong propaganda that "we must believe that we are following a fair goal," that everything will work out exactly as it should. Well, even if propaganda exists here, I don't observe it. And I don't want to watch, because, as it seems to me, such information should be ignored and live on, following my goal in life. I have never considered myself a patriot of my country. It sounds strange, yes, but there's no point in lying to me about it. I was born in Russia - so it had to happen. Moreover, I would like one of my friends in Ukraine, just one of them, to be able to survive this war and be able to play the Kingdom Hearts 4, because I introduced him to this game series . I would really like him to see the continuation of this game series, so that he could see it. I really hope so. After all, I, he, and many others are just ordinary people - we go to work, sleep, eat, play, relax. And also I just want those who are listening to me now not to consider all Russians and Russians bad, because I believe in you, absolutely everyone. And no matter what race you are, no matter what religion you believe, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you remain the people in whom you can believe, on whom you can hope and who continue to think that everything will be fine. And even if someone has the strength to fix this whole situation, who has these opportunities, they will be able to change it for the better and do everything peacefully, which is very very important for us now. Therefore, I believe in peace, which will surely come. And it will come exactly like that, that Ukrainians, that Russians will be able to shake hands and say that "Everything. We will have peace, we will have everything." Thanks for attention.



これについての私の意見は何か? まず、私は個人的にあらゆる戦争に反対します。私にとって戦争は悪で、暴力です。また、ロシア全体やロシア人全体を侵略者や単に悪人のようにとらえるのはよくないことです。なぜなら悪人侵略者とは、このように行動して戦火さら燃え上がらせることで殺人被害者の命乞いから満足感を得る人々のことだからです。










Even a great actor may not be fortunate to meet a great team to win the oscar.


Not every great actor meets fortunately staffs who bring him an Oscar.







プログラマに(プログラマに限らず)必要なのは自身の専門分野に関する基礎的かつ体系的な知識です。それらが不足していては、「ググる」ことさえままなりません。英語で喩えれば、時制や不規則動詞という概念を知らずに辞書を引いて、「I saw him yesterday. 」の「saw」をのこぎりのことだと思い込むようなものです。要するに、調べたい事項が何に関するものなのかを理解していなければ、調べようがないのです。


まず当然ですが、自分が使っているプログラミング言語フレームワーク機能は一通り知っている必要があります組み込みデータ型や制御構文はもちろん知らなければいけません。高階関数クラス、非同期処理等の発展的な機能も知る必要があります言語だけではなく、パッケージマネージャタスクランナー単体テストツール等の周辺ツール理解必要です。また、「コードコンプリート」とか「Effective ○○」のような書籍に書いてあるような設計コーディングベストプラクティスも知らなければいけません。要するに、現代プログラミングの「常識」は全て知っている必要があります












"I am a fan of him."と"He is my fave."だと印象変わるかな?


Japanese hierarchical society have had the skills to bully

who have tried to save poor by giving them knowledge

Acquired people deteriorated him in health laughing at him

Abusers love abusers and monetary autocracy

And the words "Isshi Hokoku", or "Die for our Nation" was coined







The Buddha's temple bells toll the message...

that all existence is impermanent.

The sal tree's blossoms turn white to grieve him :

a reminder that all who flourish must fall.

Indulgence does not last.

It shall but be like a spring night's dream.

The dauntless shall meet their end.

They shall be as mere dust before the wind.

from the line of "Heike Monogatari".



チャップリン失恋」という映画最後で"I thort your kidness was love, but I know it wasn't cause I seen him. Good by."みたいなのが出てくるんだけれど、まあそれを思い出すね。











この文章英訳したときの「許せない」は、I can’t forgive him「ではない」と思うんだ。

どちらかと言うとニュアンスは「I can’t stand it」なんじゃないかと。「許せない」と言葉にはしてるが「度し難い」に近いというべきか。










A creative member of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony music was found to have been a fierce bullying assailant in the past.

Keigo Oyamada (born 1969) became a creative member of the Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony music.

In an interview with a music magazine in the 1990s, He talked about being a perpetrator of bullying as if it were a funny thing.

Interview in the January 1994 issue of the music magazine "Rockin' On Japan 20,000-word interview with Keigo Oyamada"

"Also, the bullying was really bad at my school."

 But you said you were the bully.

"Yeah. I bullied him. When I think about it now, it was really awful. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize (laughs) because I've been bullying him pretty hard."

 Did you do something that bad?

"Yes. Yes, it's against the rules of humanity. I would strip them completely naked, wrap a string around them, and make them masturbate. They feed you shit. And backdropping him after he ate shit."

The school he attended was a combination of primary, secondary, high school and university.

The school offers "joint education" where normal children and disabled children are placed in the same class.

A writer who read this interview planned a dialogue between the "bully" and the "bullied", but it did not happen.

It became a personal interview with Keigo Oyamada.

There was a guy named Sawada. He was a very epoch-making guy, and he came to the school when I was in the second grade. It was a shock to the whole school (laughs). When he moved to a new school and introduced himself, he would suddenly say (in a tone that sounded like he had a speech impediment), "I'm Sawada. It's like, "Wow, that's great! Then, on the first day at the new school, I took a dump. It's a felony for elementary school students to take a dump at school, isn't it?

There was a cardboard box or something like that, and I put Sawada in it, tied it all up with duct tape, made air holes in it (laughs), and said, "Hey, Sawada, are you okay? (laughs) Then, with a chalkboard eraser or something, I slapped it around and said, "Poison gas attack! (laughs) Then, I took a blackboard eraser and said, "Poison gas attack! ...? He said something really interesting. I don't know what it was, but he said something like "Mommy" or something like that (laughs), and everyone burst out laughing.

When it comes to his jersey, everyone takes it off, but it's nothing for him to take his dick out, so he just walks around with it out. But he's got a big dick, and it's been that way since elementary school, but in high school it got even bigger (laughs). (laughs) The girls would react to it, so we would take it off on purpose and have him walk down the hallway.


ワニ、ワニ makes him crazy、ワニ、ワニ changes everything











Ash and Sand 三部作(Richard Nell



「Ruka, called a demon at birth, is a genius. Born malformed and ugly into the snow-covered wasteland of the Ascom, he was spared from death by his mother's love. Now he is an outcast, consumed with hate for those who've wronged him. But to take his vengeance, he must first survive. 」


Raven's Mark 三部作Ed McDonald)


One hundred years ago Nall's Engine was fired on the enemies of the Republic, and in its wake it left a blackened and scarred landscape known as The Misery. Beyond The Misery, a wasteland of corruption and dark magic, reside the even darker entities known as The Deep Kings. They want nothing more than to destroy the Republic, the realm of men」

「誰かが俺たちがくることを忠告しやがった。信者たちは空の部屋と違法経典をいくつか残して姿をくらました。食べかけの皿、開きっぱなしの箪笥の引き出し。持てるものだけ持ってThe Miseryに逃げ込んだ。制服を着てたこ司令官が言ってたな。The Miseryに好き好んでいくのは追い詰められてヤケクソになってるか馬鹿野郎か欲に駆られた奴だけだってあいつらはそれだけヤケクソになってるんだ。俺は10人くらいの馬鹿で欲深い男たちを集めて奴らを始末しに出かけた。」



Will Wightの作品 ※自費出版ファンタジー界のブランドン・サンダースン。とにかく読みやすく、そして読ませる。

  ・Cradle シリーズ(未完結)




・Robert Jackson Bennett(カンパニーマンだけ翻訳済み)の作品 ※どれもおすすめ

  ・Founders 三部作(未完結):魔力をベースに構築されたスチームパンク世界

  ・The Divine Cities 三部作(完結済み)

   「You've got to be careful when you're chasing a murderer through Bulikov, for the world is not as it should be in that city. When the gods were destroyed and all worship of them banned by the Polis, reality folded; now stairs lead to nowhere, alleyways have become portals to the past, and criminals disappear into thin air.」

・Borne(Jeff VanderMeer:シリーズらしいが……)※サザーンリーチワンダーブックの作者。どちらかというとアポカリプスSFか。


・The Burning シリーズ(Evan Winter:未完結)


War for the Rose Throne シリーズ(未完結)


・The Silent Gods シリーズ(Justin Travis Call:未完結)


・Malazan Book of the Fallen シリーズ

「押しよせる帝国軍. 迎え撃つは空に浮かぶ要塞―― 女帝ラシーンが帝位に就いてから七年。以来マラザン帝国は多くの自由都市に侵攻し、大陸をまたぎ、海を越えて版図を拡大してきた。そして侵攻作戦がジェナバキス大陸に及んだ今、若き貴族将校パランは、秘められた魔道の力を知ることになる……空中要塞や異種属との攻防、兵士たちの野望と葛藤、そして渦巻く神々の思惑――猛り狂う運命の波濤を荘厳かつ凄惨に描き、現代最高との呼び声も高いファンタジイ群像劇」らしいよ。



賛否あると思うけど、4巻の「House of Chains」までは読んで欲しい。


・The Moontide Quartet シリーズ

・Chronicles of an Imperial Legionary Officer シリーズ

「A nobleman from an infamous family, imperial legionary officer, fighter and a right proper bastard of a man… Captain Ben Stiger finds himself reassigned from a crack legion to the rebellion simmering in the South. Placed in command of a truly terrible company, the 85th Imperial Foot, he is unknowingly sent on a suicide mission to resupply an isolated outpost, the garrison of Vrell.」



The Queen's Thief シリーズ ※グロいシーンがあるんだけどジュブナイルかも

「The king's scholar, the magus, believes he knows the site of an ancient treasure. To attain it for his king, he needs a skillful thief, and he selects Gen from the king's prison. The magus is interested only in the thief's abilities. 」

・Sorcery Ascendant Sequence シリーズ

「When Caldan’s parents are brutally slain, he is raised by monks and taught the arcane mysteries of sorcery.」既視感のある設定!

・The Winnowing Flame三部作
Art of the Adept シリーズ
・The Nevernight Chronicle シリーズ
・The Chathrand Voyage シリーズ



・The Sorcerer's Oath シリーズ(Jenny Ealey)
・West of West シリーズ(Angus Watson
・The Ties That Bind シリーズ(Rob J. Hayes)


英訳:Part-time-job to writing moaning voices




When I was in college, I had a part-time job writing moaning voices incessantly.

It was a part-time job at an erotic game company that I was introduced to by one of my seniors.

The company put a lot of effort into the story of their erotic games, and the writers who worked there were all people who took pride in their writing.

From their point of view, it was a pain to write the moaning voices in the sex scenes, so they decided to leave it to the part-time workers.

Here's what the job was like.

First, I was given the "gist" of the sex scene, such as "unzipping" or "moving hips faster.

2. I would then add my own moaning voices, such as "mmm ......" and "ahhhhhh", in a reasonable amount of salt.

3. the scenario writer checks it and it's done.

That's how it went.

This may sound easy, but it is surprisingly difficult.

First of all, there is a certain length to an sex scene, so it is necessary to make it exciting precisely within that range.

The sounds used must be gradual, so that the audience does not get bored, and the excitement must be gradually increased.

It is also important to adjust the length of the text.

If the text is too short, it won't convey a sexual pleasure feeling, but if it is too long, the voice will become redundant.

In this way, a sense of balance and systematic pacing is required to get a bird's eye view of eroticism.

It was definitely not a job that I could just bang on the keyboard as I pleased.

My first work was a "younger sister" story, and I had a hard time allocating the "a" sound for the second sex scene.

If she said "aaaaah" from the beginning, it would sound like a seasoned whore's moaning voices, but if She said "an", it would not be erotic enough.

I finished it after much effort, but the writer said, "Couldn't you make it faster?” I'm disappointed.

As I was puzzling over what to do with ...... in front of the computer left by my predecessor (only the "A"key on the keyboard was strangely shiny), I noticed the existence of a file.

It was an Excel file titled "moaning-editor.xls," and it was a macro left by my predecessor specifically for making moaning voice.

By entering lines one by one in the vertically aligned cells, the phonetic elements such as vowels and consonants in each line were automatically converted into numerical values.

Furthermore, by adding and subtracting the numerical values, a value called "climax level" was calculated.

This "climax level" make a breakthrough to creating the ideal moaning voice.

If the sentence is constructed in such a way that this value gradually increases from the beginning to the end of the scene, the voice comes ideally.

It seemed that my predecessor had single-handedly created such an amazing and awesome Excel program.

I guess he wanted to share it with me, his successor, while hiding it from his boss as a secret tool.

Thanks to this tool, my work became much easier, and I could continue to make moving sounds with a stable quality.

One day, while I was working, I noticed something.

Theoretically, any text can be entered into the cell where the moaning voice is supposed input.

In other words to that, any text other than a moaning voice could be used to calculate the "climax level".

So I tried to calculate the "climax level" of famous works in the history of literature.

For example, "I have always called him teacher." for exampleis 12, and "He is reckless like his parents and has been doing nothing but losing money since he was a child. " is 30.


I have always called him teacher.


Author , Natume Soseki

Out , in 1914

Story of distressed man who robbed lover from his friend by lying.


He is reckless like his parents and has been doing nothing but losing money since he was a child.


Author , Natume Soseki

Out , in 1906

Story that revenge of one teacher, who was naughty boy in youth ,to nasty coworker.


I hadn't expected this, but as I researched, I found that many of the masterpieces were written on the same principle as my work.

In other words, the degree of "climax" increases toward the end.

The most notable example is Akutagawa's "Nobody knows where the servant" is. The number of climaxes in this story is 367.


Nobody knows where the servant


Author , Akutagawa Ryunosuke

Out , in 1915

Story of one fired servant struggle to survive and he decide throw aside his human conscience.


The scene in which a drugged married woman faints with the whites of her eyes is at most 330, so you can see how astonishing the number is.

It turns out that "climax" is a universal rule that applies to all kinds of writing.

After realizing this fact, I started to write every sentence as if it were a gasp.

And I have been successful in every aspect of my life.

In job-hunting entry sheets, too, it is the distribution of the "climax level" that is important.

For example, in the education section, if you drop out of the university with the name that has the highest "climax level" and use it as your final education, it will look very different.

(It depends on the name of the university, but in general, "dropped out" has a higher climax level than "graduated.)

As some of you may have noticed, I've been writing this article in such a way as to gradually increase the climax level.

↑The climax level of this sentence is 290.

I'd like to end this sentence here, since it's getting quite high.

Ohhhh! Aaahhhh!


AI Dungeonの素晴らしさを語る

AI Dungeonとは

増田諸兄はAI Dungeonというゲームをご存知だろうか。









AI Dungeonで何ができる?










まずはサイト登録し、Homeから「NEW GAME」をクリック





You are Masuda, a knight living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a steel longsword and a wooden shield. You are on a quest to defeat the evil dragon of Larion. You've heard he lives up at the north of the kingdom. You set on the path to defeat him and walk into a dark forest. As you enter the forest you see a ogre.




それもそのはず、AI Dungeonは遊ぶたびに異なる物語提供してくれるからだ。





「Do」モードで「slay ogre」と入力してみる。


>you slay ogre

You defeat the ogre with your sword, but as you go to loot his body you are engulfed in flames. You have awoken in Hell.






>you slay ogre

You run forward and slay the ogre with a mighty swing of your sword. Ogre blood spills out on to the ground and you continue. Suddenly you hear a roar.








You are Masuda, a knight living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a steel longsword and a wooden shield. You are on a quest to defeat the evil dragon of Larion. You've heard he lives up at the north of the kingdom. You set on the path to defeat him and walk into a dark forest. As you enter the forest you see a ogre.



「SAY」モードで「Excuse me, do you know where the dragon is?」とでも書いたらどうなるだろうか。


>You say "Excuse me, do you know where the dragon is?"

The ogre looks at you and says "The dragon? He is in the next cave!"

"Thank you!" you say.

You enter the cave.






「The ogre is bathing in the river. She may be around your age, and she reveals her muscular but feminine body under the sun.」


You are Masuda, a knight living in the kingdom of Larion. You have a steel longsword and a wooden shield. You are on a quest to defeat the evil dragon of Larion. You've heard he lives up at the north of the kingdom. You set on the path to defeat him and walk into a dark forest. As you enter the forest you see a ogre.


The ogre is bathing in the river. She may be around your age, and she reveals her muscular but feminine body under the sun. She has a large bosoms and butts and her skin is a light green. She has long black hair and she is rubbing it with a white cotton rag. The ogre turns to you and gasp in surprise.







そろそろ諸兄もAI Dungeonプレイ意味深したくなってきたのではないだろうか。



さて、増田諸兄にAI Dungeonの素晴らしさを伝えたところで、諸兄らがぶち当たりそうな問題点について補足する。









NSFWな展開にならない or NSFWな展開にしたくない

ページの右上タブからSetting」に移動し、「Safe mode」を設定しよう。






そういうときは「PIN」や「World Information」に忘れさせたくない情報記載すると良いだろう。


「World Information」は特定単語にのみ反応して情報を思い出してくれるが、多くの情報を入れることができる。





もちろんAI Dungeon画期的ゲームだが、何度も遊んでいると同じような展開ばかりになってしまうことがある。









フルパワーのAI Dungeonを遊び倒したい諸兄はぜひサブスクライブしよう。

サブスクライブしたら「Setting」からAI Model」を変更することを忘れないように。



それでは増田諸兄、良きAI Dungeonライフを。


テスト 昭和や令和も含む好きな音楽50選



  1. over driver / 編曲:Xe サークル名:Xenoglossy   ← 頻繁に聴いてる
    (原曲東方神霊廟:4面道中 デザイアドライブ 作曲ZUN)

  2. This Momentary / Delphic   ← MVすこ

  3. Before My Body Is Dry (澤野弘之) / (DrumBass Remix) tomatomerde   ← tomatomerde 氏の DrumBass Remixめっちゃすこ

  4. 源平討魔伝AQUA POLIS(中潟憲雄氏)、増渕裕二 (タイトルBGM戦闘BGM A、戦闘BGM B、KAGEKIYO 源平討魔伝メドレー)
    ↓ ありがたや

  5. Sunset MilestoneDJ HIKARU   ← 南国でチルアウト🏝

  6. 我妻のテーマ久米大作   ← タイコ橋のシーンすこ。散歩捗る
    (原曲:Gnossienne No.1 作曲Erik Satie)

  7. Astor Piazzolla (Libertango、Escualo、Tanguedia III 、Michaelangelo '70)

  8. ルパン三世大野雄二 ( THEME FROM LUPIN III、Lupin The Third、愛のテーマ、笑う太陽あの日絵画Love Squallle soleil d'or)
  9. EGO-WRAPPIN' (byrd、KIND OF YOUCalling Me、Crazy Fruits、かつて...。、雨のdubism、異邦人 )

  10. サガ フロンティア伊藤賢治 (battle#4、Last Battle Asellus、まよい)   ← サガフロリマスターアプリでも出てるよ!

  11. Over the meaning (隠れ月) / Shade   ← 隠れ月3部作めっちゃすこ

  12. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence坂本龍一   ← ニコ動YouTubeでボカロPや色んなアーティストカバーしてて面白かった。今もあると思う

  13. 矢野顕子 (そこのアイロンに告ぐ、電話線、すばらしい日々、いい日旅立ち、Tongo Poo)   ← めっちゃ明るい、いい日旅立ち すこ

  14. クラムボン(imaginary folklore、Re-カルアミルク、波よせて)

  15. Justin Bieber ( Beauty and a Beat、What Do You Mean?、SorryFriendsLet Me Love You、2U、stayghost)
    記憶ゼロだが歌詞を丸暗記するまで Beauty and a Beat 聴いた。やたら聴きまくった理由自分でもわからない

  16. DJ OKAWARI ( Everything's Alright、Eventually、BounceEclipse)
    Meiso "Eclipse" Prod. DJ OKAWARI

  17. Bring Me the Horizon (ThroneTrue Friends、MANTRA、Mother Tongue、Ludens、Bad Life)
  18. 塞壬唱片 - Monster Siren Records(Operation Pain Soot、Operation Pyrite、Awaken)

  19. The Cranberries (Zombie、Salvation、Promises、Animal Instinct、All Over Now、Wake Me When It's Over)

  20. Mortalitas I. "The Taker" / Nemesea
  21. EPICA (Cry for the Moon、Never Enough、The Last Crusade、Unleashed、A Phantasmic Parade)
  22. Nightwish (Walking In The Air、Nemo、Amaranch、ÉlanNoise)

  23. Bring Me To LifeEvanescence   ← 色んなアーティストが歌っていて楽しい
    和楽器バンド / Bring Me To Life with Amy Lee of EVANESCENCE


  25. 埼玉 San Andreas (feat. T$W) / ‎TSW   ← カラオケに欲しい
  26. Plastic Tree (プラットホーム、讃美歌、ghostMARIA、梟)

  27. Red Hot Chili Peppers (Aeroplane、Coffee Shop、One Big Mob、WalkaboutBy the Way、Time、Can't Stop、Aquatic Mouth Dance)
  29. Green Day (Basket Case、Tight Wad Hill、Walking Contradiction、American Idiot、Fire, Ready, Aim)
  30. Ed Sheeran (Shape of You、Galway Girl、I Don't Care、Bad Habits、Bad Habits)
  31. The Chainsmokers
  32. Jonas Blue
  33. Madeon
  34. NOTD
  35. ALMA
  36. MoStack
  37. Marshmello (Wolves、FRIENDS、Happier、Be kind、Project Dreams、Tongue Tied)
  38. Lucky Kilimanjaro
  39. Saba (Papaya、GREY、PhotosynthesisMake Believe)
  40. remy (should i get my ears pierced?、all ur faultwhy him、he's not your boyfriendI know Why You Stay Outcloser to thirty)
  41. Noriaki(ノリアキ)
  42. 田舎でよく聞く鳥の鳴き声をEDMしました/Kakeru(バーバパパ)
  43. 人間椅子
  44. 上杉昇
  45. くるり
  46. 水曜日のカンパネラ
  47. 亡念のザムド
  48. 書上奈朋子
  49. 志方あきこ
  50. 菅野よう子(ORIGA)
  51. 梶浦由記(See-SawKalafina)
  52. Reol
  53. ダズビー
  54. Ado

【 昭和エリア 】

  1. Eddie Higgins (Autumn Leaves、Moonlight Becomes You 、Silent Ride、When You Wish Upon a Star)
  2. The Ventures (Walk Don't RunLet's Go、Pipeline)
  3. Deep Purple (Smoke on the Water 、Burn、Highway Star)
  4. Led Zeppelin (Good Times Bad Times、Immigrant Song)
  5. Michael Jackson (Thriller、Bad)
  6. Moon RiverAndy Williams
  7. The House of the Rising Sun / The Animals
  8. BACK TO THE FUTUREAlan Silvestri
  9. ゴダイゴ (ガンダーラMONKEY MAGIC銀河鉄道999)
  10. 工藤静香 (FU-JI-TSU、MUGO・ん…色っぽい、黄砂に吹かれて)
  11. 松田聖子(渚のバルコニー青い珊瑚礁天使のウィンク)
  12. 魔法の天使クリィミーマミ太田貴子 (デリケートに好きして、パジャマのままで、LOVEさりげなく、BIN・KANルージュ、美衝撃(ビューティフル・ショック))
  13. ダーティペア中原めいこ (ロ・ロ・ロ・ロシアン・ルーレット宇宙恋愛(スペースファンタジー))
  14. ガンモ・ドキッ! / スージー松原
  15. 恋の呪文はスキトキメキトキス伊藤さやか
  16. キッスは目にして!(ぽぉ) / ザ・ヴィーナス
  17. ペガサス幻想曲 / MAKE-UP
  18. かもめが翔んだ日渡辺真知子
  19. わかれうた / 研ナオコ
  20. みずいろの雨 / 八神純子

    【 平成エリア 】



He Ham-let them give him the vaccine.




I guess he decided to be...



Ham-letはシェイクスピアハムレットHamlet)と「〜に〜させる」の let をかけたダジャレ

ダジャレ無視した意味だけとるなら、"He let them give him the vaccine." とおけば実に素直に日本語になる。





I hope they didn't give it to him in the Coriolanus.


theyは上のHam-letの文と同じ意味で、itワクチンと考えればいいか。でも in the Coriolanus の意味がわからない。




仮にそうだとしても in the Coronavirus ってなんかあんまり意味がわからない。コロナなかにいる彼にワクチンを投入した的な意味になる? なんかおかしくない?



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