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はてなキーワード: Factとは





中盤くらいにあるカリカチュアの"Evolution is a Fact"って偶像に"I will not question evolution!"って礼拝してる様子が目に浮かびます


Big Science Condemns Blasphemy Against Darwin | CEH


いまだにエロゲソング業界だとface of factがあがめられてるんだろうか


俺は嘘か真か/Fact or Fictionだと思うよ


反差別を掲げる C.R.A.C. が黙認した「差別

3月C.R.A.C (旧しばき隊)はFact Check 福島を「ファクトチェック」し、そのほとんどは言いがかりだと糾弾した。



(6) 被曝者差別テクスト正反対解釈を導く明白な文意の捻じ曲げ)

















Research shows women are still responsible for the majority of domestic chores and keeping households running smoothly.

In fact, when it comes to basic tasks like washing and cleaning men are nowhere to be seen.



Men might take out the rubbish or put up a shelf but are shirkers when it comes to washing up or ironing, a new survey reveals.


A paltry 10 per cent of men are capable of sewing a button on to an item of clothing, eight per cent will fold and put clothes away while just six per cent will empty laundry baskets and put the washing on.




Despite in an age of the internet that has connected people of all over the world, Japanese engineers have been left behind latest trends of discussions or services due to the crucial firewall - English. Consequently, they have only been stuck with their quirky ecosystems such as Hatena, Qiita, and niconico. When it comes to their cultures, for example, "Japanese cuisine" or "Japanese Pop Culture", they sometimes give birth to some valuable products, although in technology domain, it's just a damn to be quirky living in isolation from global standard or reinventing the wheel, and they don't produce any value for the world. In fact, despite the population size of Japan, there are the extremely small amount of technologies or services acknowledged in the world those are originated in Japan.


5 reasons why Japanese Engineer are fu*king da*n

  • Because they likes "Technical document" much, though they usually study with books even it's Front-end latest technology, Many of them are just translated original EN contents or da*n not sexy sample code, it's worthless in the world which dynamically changing day by day in few months. Regardless of free latest contents which can be found everywhere, they just get Secondary Information given by some evangelists with passive mindset, it causes making this Evangelist? market stable due to this kind of information gap structure.

See also : https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20170728223725




Although I am a college college student but recently I went to the test site of the Futamata River by the license renewal I was suddenly inverse of an Afro hair woman like Esperanza Spalding but my hair style was so beautiful but my face was so beautiful that I exchanged the tension and exchanged the line that day Although I broke up but the message arrived and it was invitation of the gong consomme so it got even more tension Soon after talking to the department's friends I gathered members and gathered at the private room pub in Ikebukuro yesterday Esperanza Spalding Because I got urgent, I joined up late, so I started drinking with men and women 3, for the time being, for the time being I started to drink 4 girls 3 and the situation of the three girls was obviously crazy and everyone's cute but the face is cute, but the behavior has been consistently suspicious and constantly dull Absolutely by moderation We are not trying to fit together what the matter These children are becoming uneasy but I come with pins at once so that they are all virgins and not quite accustomed to men so I think they are getting nervous so tense If that happens, the men are reincarnated again in the meaning that it is exciting but even if we struggle hard we can not relax their tensions, oh well, if you are confused with what you've done already Unexpected development One of three visited us to take out the booklet from the bag as a matter of fact and began to distribute it to our male team and it seems that if we look closely it is a group name that we have never heard of as an admission guide for emerging religion but we are staggering as to what I got to say that they started to recruit us seriously and spirited about the wonder of the cult and the greatness of the guru and the depth of history and the appreciation of the interests But all three of the girls changed their hands a little while ago and now we are relaxing and we have to stay silent for the time being silent as soon as we go into time like hell and fall apart suddenly the branch of the private room suddenly As the girls screamed at once with all the girls shouting "Guru-sama!" As they all looked at, look at them and wear a rag in the whole body and gods of Afrohair with a golden stick stand standing and see well with Esperanza Spalding While placing a nice smile on the placard, "There is a great success! Although it was all written as it was written as it was all It was a genuine thing seemed to be the entrance guidance of the cult but if it asked what you want to do is to cooperate with friends of the design major, The greetings and the history of the cult and so forth are written carefully and photographs and illustrations are abundantly used and the layout is also getting stuck. I thought that this wasteful energy pouring condition is usually thoughtful but usually they are beauty and theater theater circle Doing it and it seems to be an actor fellow there, just a while ago I came up with this fake religion Dokkari and looked for a target It seemed me that I was captured in the truth so it seems that three of my friends took care of the collaboration but since I was made a solicitude Girls who were suspiciously behaviorally suspicious because they got tension relaxed at once Espana spallding was also funky at the highest Espana Spalling was also funky so I was already enjoying it too much I drunk quite drinking I felt memory flew from the way I seemed to have collapsed apparently but when I woke up 4 men were at an internet cafe and everyone remembered too much I am not sure, girls are not found anywhere Even if I line it to Esperanza Spalding I will not be read Alright, while thinking that gossip with beauty students is dangerous, I wrote this in a private room of a net cafe now.


私は大学生ですが、最近は二代目川の試験場に免許更新で行きました。私は突然エスペランサ・スパルディングのようなアフロ髪の女性とは逆でしたが、私の髪型はとても美しいですが、私の顔はとてもきれいでしたその日に緊張を交わしてその日のラインを交換しましたが、メッセージが届きましたが、それはゴングコンソムの招待で、もっと緊張しました。すぐに部署の友人と話した後、私はメンバーを集め、池袋プライベートルームパブに集まりました昨日エスペランサ・スパルディング緊急事態になったので、私は遅く入社したので、当分の間、私は男女3人で飲み始めました。私は4人の女の子3を飲み始めました.3人の女の子の状況は明らかに狂っていました。誰もがかわいいが、顔はかわいいですが、その行動は一貫して疑わしく、常に鈍いです。絶対に適度には私たちは一緒に取り組もうとしていません。不安ですが、私は一度にピンを持ってくるので、彼らはすべて処女であり、男性にはあまり慣れていないので、彼らは緊張していると思います。そのようなことが起きれば、男性は再び興奮するという意味で生まれ変わりますあなたがすでに行ったことと混同している場合は、緊張を緩和することはできません。予期せぬ開発3人のうち1人が、実際にバッグから小冊子を取り出して、男性に配布し始めました私たちが密接に見ると、それは新興宗教入学ガイドとしては聞いたことのないグループ名ですが、私たち真剣私たち募集し始めると言うことを驚かせていますカルトの偉大さと歴史の深さと利益尊重しかし、少女の3人はすべて少し前に手を変え、今はリラックスしているので、私たちは静かなまま静かにしなければならないすぐw地獄のように時間が掛かり、突然個室の枝が崩壊する突然、女の子たちが一瞬に叫んで「女達さま」と叫んだ。彼らが見ているように、それらを見て、全身にぼかしをかけ、アフロヘアの神々を金色の杖で立って立て、Esperanza Spaldingとよく会ってください。プラカードに素敵な笑顔を浮かべている間、「大成功です!それはすべて書かれたようにすべて書かれていました。それはカルトの入口指針と思われる本物のものでしたが、あなたがしたいことを尋ねるなら、デザイン専攻の友人と協力することです、挨拶歴史写真イラスト豊富に使われてレイアウトも詰まっているこの無駄エネルギー注ぎ込みは普通思慮深いと思っていましたが、通常は美しさと演劇劇場サークルですそこの俳優になってください、ちょっと前に、私はこの偽の宗教のDokkariを思いついて目標を探しました。私は真実に捕らえられたようでしたので、3人の友人が協力してくれたようです私は恋人となったので、疑わしい行動が疑わしい女の子たちは緊張感を緩和していたので、Españaも最高のファンキーであった。Spallingもファンキーだったので、私はすでにそれを楽しんでいた。私は明らかに崩壊したようでしたが、私が目を覚ましたときインターネットカフェに4人の男性がいて、みんながあまりにも多くを思い出していました。私はよく分からない、女の子はどこにも見られません。私はEsperanza Spaldingに行けても、美容師とのゴシップ危険だと思って、ネットカフェプライベートルームにこれを書きました。







































中間発表の模様は絶賛発売中、2nd LIVE「PARTY M@GIC!!」のディスク確認出来る。買おう。




















「in fact」の試聴が始まりラジオにもゲストで登場するようになる。



そして3rd Liveシンデレラ舞踏会」が11月末に行われた。

「in fact」は最終ブロック速水奏飯田友子さんの「Hotel Moonside」の後の一曲だった。

















Our capacity to make wise,well-supported judgements in matters of historical fact andsignificance

can only be formed over years of discussion with others,

many of whom have very different horizons from our own.


「could have confused」に込められた気持ち


I thought that what I had bought was a car wax,

but in fact it was a floor wax.

I cant imagine how I could have confused two such very different waxes.



I cant imagine how I confused two such very different waxes.




could have confused(二種類のワックス混同した「かもしれない」)、



could have confusedにこもってるんじゃないだろうか?

この例文の「could have confused」は、




この文章の「could have confused」のcouldは、「能力」っていうより「可能性」のニュアンスだと思う。




[] fait accompli



フランス語がそのまま英語になった単語。そのまま訳せば fact accomplished。フランス語では通常形容詞名詞の後に置く。


















おおよそ中立的立場であると見受けられるC.Sarah Sohという研究者2009年出版された"The Comfort Women"という本は海外でも評判が高いようなので、色々調べようと思った。


検索すると、Google Readersで一部内容が見ることができ、その部分にちょうど韓国慰安婦制度について記述しているところがあったので、メモ代わりに引用しておく。




"The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan" by C.Sarah Soh


After its liberation from Japanese rule in August 1945,the Korean Peninsula was divided into two: Soviet troops occupied the northern half and the US military the southern half. The ongoing US military presence in South Korea led to the formation and maintenance of “Camp towns” (kijich’on, in Korean) around the military bases, a development that has had a striking social impact on Korean communities. Kijich’on (literally, base or camp [kiji] village [ch’on]) refers to the civilian world of commercial establishments and residential buildings that have sprung up around the US military bases and cater to the needs of the American GI’s. It is “ a place where Koreans and Americans- mostly male military personnel- meet in an economic and emotional marriage of convenience”. As of the end of 1996, 37,000 American troops supported the economies of ninety-six kijich’on. The estimated number of kijich’on prostitutes over the first four decades of the American presence ranges between 250,000 and 300,000.


The kijich'on sex trade consolidated and expanded during the second phase, which began with the Korean War. In her testimony, Pak Sun-i who had laboured at three different comfort startions in Japan 1944 to the end of the war, recalled:

"At twenty-seven years of age, I was having a hard time making ends meet in Tongduch'on (the largest kijich'on just outside Seoul). I ended up cohabiting with a staff sergeant of the USArmy for about two years... One of my friends from the days at a comfort station in Japan also worked as yang-gonju, but she passed away."

An American veteran who served in Korea in the 1950s after the end of the Korean War recounted that on Friday nights half-ton trucks would bring into the base a few hundred women to stay the night or the weekend with the soldiers. In 1958, five years after the armistice, the majority of about 300,000 prostitutes in Korea reportedly served American soldiers. Some of them, like their earlier Japanese counterparts(RAA), married and emigrated to the United States as wives of servicemen.

The fact that the Korean military also availed themselves of the "special comfort unit" during the Korean War has received little public attention even after the Korean women's movement in support of the "comfort women" began in the 1990s. Only piecemeal anecdotal materials on it had come to light from memoirs written by retired generals and generals and the testimony of soldiers who fought in the war.


Characterizing the Korean military comfort system as an "unfortunate offspring" of the Japanese colonial legacy, Kim Kwi-ok called for victimized women, civic organizations, and scholars to come together and confront the unresolved issues of this historical injustice. The media reports of Kim's work, however, have generated little response. There has been no public outcry regarding the Korean military's use of "comfort women" during the Korean War or its violation of women's human rights. Korean silence over these issues is reminiscent of earlier societal indifference toward survivors of imperial Japan's comfort system, It mirrors the reticence of many Japanese to come to terms with the history of their country's wartime comfort system. As in the case of Japan, many in Korea, including retired military leaders, apparently regard the women's sexual labour simply as the performance of gendered customary sex labour in order to meet the needs of fighting men. It is noteworthy that military authorities have acknowledged that the system of special comfort units contradicts the national policy of banning licensed prostitution. Nonetheless, they have insisted that the special units were created to fulfill an important strategic end.



However, when it comes to the issue of Japan's wartime "comfort women" system, which has been redefined by the international community as a prominent case of violence against women in armed conflict, no social critic or public intellectual in Korea would dare to take the customary masculinist position that such a system benefits the economy or promotes national security. This is because the comfort women issue has been redefiend as military sexual slavery and a war crime by the international community owing largely to women's collaborative movement for redress in Japan and Korea.

Still, little critical public discourse has occurred on the legacies of that historical institution or the social structural dimension of Korea'S comfort women tragedy. Few are willing to consider the unsavoury fact that, accustomed to indigenous public institutions that have granted customary sex rights to men, and licensed by the colonial government, many Koreans did not hesitate to collaborate in recruiting and runing comfort stations by trafficking in girls and young women. Rather than deal with the messy and unpleasant complications of the historical record, Korean public discourse has simplistically elevated the survivors to heroic symbols of national suffering under Japanese colonialism and its imperialist war of aggression.

By contrast, Japan, which is unavoidably seen as the perpetrator nation, has been in turmoil over contested representations of the comfort women phenomenon and its responsibility in the matter. Meanwhile, the international - as well as domestic - trade in public sex prospers in capitalist economies of Japan and Korea despite endless incidents of criminal abuse of women so employed by both foreigners and compatriots. The social historical legacies of masculinist sexual culture and political economic realities in the two countries continue to help construct women'S sexual labour as stigmatized yet customary care labour for masculine "need".





defaultとde fact standardと、色々カタカナだけで覚えてカッコつけて使うからこうやって意味不明カタカナ使うようになるだろうな。。。






The greater the amount of personal data that becomes available, the more informative the data gets. In fact, with enough data, it's even possible to discover information about a person's future. Last year Adam Sadilek, a University of Rochester researcher, and John Krumm, an engineer at Microsoft's research lab, showed they could predict a person's approximate location up to 80 weeks into the future, at an accuracy of above 80 percent. To get there, the pair mined what they described as a "massive data set" collecting 32,000 days of GPS readings taken from 307 people and 396 vehicles.

利用可能な個人情報がより増えたら、データはより情報価値が上がる。それどころか、十分なデータ量があれば人の未来に関する情報発見することさえ可能になる。昨年、英ロチェスター大学研究者であるAdam Sadilek氏とMicrosoftリサーチラボエンジニアであるJohn Krumm氏は80週先の人のおおよその居場所を80%の正確さで予測可能であることを発表した。研究を行うために、二人は*莫大なデータセット*と彼らがいうことろのものに注意を払い、307人と396台の乗り物から収集した32000日のGPS記録を収集した。



"Has Big Data Made Anonymity Impossible?"







Dear Yuki,


Thank you for accepting my interview. These are my question.

1. How long have you been to China?

2. What's your impression of China and Chinese people before? Have your impression of China or Chinese people changed a lot since you came to China for study?

3. As you know, China-Japan relationship is not quite good in recent days because of the SENKAKU ISLANDS(DIAOYU ISLANDS) dispute. How do you think about it?

4. Few weeks ago, there are many anti-Janpan protests over China. And I know that Japan doesn't have this kind of protest. As you are a Janpanese, how doyou think bout the protest in China by comparing your country?

That's all my questions. Hope that none of them would make annoy. Thank you for your time and kindness again.



hi kit!

1. How long have you been to China?


1 year. from 2012.2~2013.1

2. What's your impression of China and Chinese people before? Have your impression of China or Chinese people changed a lot since you came to China for study?


My impression before i coming shanghai has never changed....in fact, some people is noisy, no manner, and there are garbage on streets. but my image that chinese people is honest and they are good at merchandise is also true actually.

The changed point is ....fact that chinese elite is not so smart. I mean they are good at studying and getting a good score on the paper test but they dont have mind of creation. Deeply thinking, there are nothing good product originated in china...many are made in america or japan. Basement of economic of china is rehash...? and that have not still changed? that culture make chinese elite boring? anyway, i can meet earnest guy easily, but it is difficult to find guy beyond my mind. their opinion tend to be like newspapers, just there is little different from which newspaper they choose as their opinion.

more or less, i have some prejudice. what do u think about it?

3. As you know, China-Japan relationship is not quite good in recent days because of the SENKAKU ISLANDS(DIAOYU ISLANDS) dispute. How do you think about it?


As many japanese, i also think diaoyudao is japanese. also historically...lol

And i wanna present u two mistakes made by both country.

from japanese side..... goverment shouldnt buy that island. buying is too radical and they dont know chinese calture...讲究面子.

after that, chinese goverment cant go back.....for thier mianzi and national interest.

from chinese side... chinese goverment always choose radical way especially in territory problem and always depends on their force... not only with japan but also with vietnam, philipine...

4. Few weeks ago, there are many anti-Janpan protests over China. And I know that Japan doesn't have this kind of protest. As you are a Janpanese, how doyou think bout the protest in China by comparing your country?

the people taking part in is no manner and selfish...i think.

thank u kit, anyway i love china, and i wanna live in chinese world( shanghai ,hongkong, singapole if i can!) after graduating university.

if u have time, plz tell me ur opinion, thank u!


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大飯原発、橋下市長が夏だけの再稼働案に言及  :日本経済新聞

はてなブックマーク - 大飯原発、橋下市長が夏だけの限定稼働案に言及  :日本経済新聞 (魚拓








間が空きましたが、関西広域連合会議での主な発言から斎藤官房副長官国内の電力の30%を担ってきた原子力ただちに止めては現実日本経済国民に生活が成り立たなくなると思い、再稼働せざるをえないのではないかというのが政府の方針」。 #原発

細野原発相「再稼働の問題について常に頭におくのは福島の問題。福島から避難し、不自由暮らしをしている人のためにも絶対繰り替えしてはいけないという強い決意のもとやりたい」。 #原発

橋下氏「国民の多くは福島事故と同等の対策では安心できないという感覚。基準1、2は満たしてる。福島事故と同様の対策できるという。しか国民は3の部分をふくめ新しいもの必要と思ってる。政府の基準は国際標準の原子力規制、およそ国際基準からみてでたらめです」。 #原発




橋下氏の「臨時稼働」のロジックは、政権は再稼働の安全基準を示せていない→示したのは津波の対策だけ→政権として基準・対策が不十分だと認めるべき→政権がそれでも電力不足を理由に再稼働するなら国民に「臨時的に動かす」と理解を求めるべき、ということのようです。 #原発




2012.4.16登庁時囲み取材 - YouTube






id:njamota まさか毎日時間だけ稼働するとか言うんじゃないよね?

id:daishi_n 原子力冷温停止に数日かかるんだから毎日止めて稼働させてを繰り返すのは無理。何度もECCS作動させたら炉が劣化するしな。負荷追従運転にしても日本国内では数カ所でしか試験やっとらんし、反対運動もあったのにな

id:aruzentina 原発, 無知, 橋下 そんな便利なことできねぇってw 口出しするなら、ちっとぐらいググれw

id:fazz0611 原子力ってそんなに簡単に稼働OnOffできんやろー的な

id:wideangle 原発は動かしたり止めたり難しいんじゃなかったの。

id:kyuuiti92 バカ, 資源, 社会 バカが居る…。知識がアホな反原発バカレベルだ…。

id:raderjp これはひどい, 原発, バカ, 橋下, 無知 これ、わざとだろ。適当なことを言って新聞に乗り続けると大阪愚民どもは喜び支持率が上がる。大阪政治家をやるってちょろいわ〜。簡単なお仕事だわ

id:miruna これはひどい, 頭が悪い アホちゃうかとしか言えなくてすごい。推進派反対派両方からボロクソに言われるんじゃないのこれ。

id:a-lex666 読売走狗 原発の仕組みしらんであれこれ言ってたのか

id:daihx Webネタ 思いつきではなく、もっと原子力発電の仕組みを勉強してからモノいったほうがいいと思います

id:shigeto2006 原発というのは簡単に点けたり消したりできる設備じゃないのだよ。「再稼働を容認したわけではない」というのはまったくの詭弁で、これで橋下徹脱原発派の看板を完全に下ろしたといっていいのだ。

id:vid 「ピーク時のみ」。自分の発言どおり、政治家が口出ししない方が良いですね。

id:Outfielder ぼくはげんしりょくにくわしいんだの人とどっちがマシだろうか

id:SiroKuro ふむ いや無理だって。そんなパソコンみたいにボタン押して数秒で起動できるほど甘くないんだって

id:baikoku_sensei 古賀、何とか言ってやれ

id:nakakzs 大阪, 原発, 政治 どうやらオイラの知らないところで、原発冷やし中華並に稼働もやめるのも簡単になるほど技術やその周辺の法改正が進んだらしい。

id:von_walde いやいや,原子力ってのはそんな風に運用できませんよ(笑


id:REV 11時から15時まで原発を動かします、みたいな。


id:rebirthen 「夏の電力需要のピーク時に限定」というのは7月9月だけ稼働させるということでしょ。橋下はともかく、山田知事はそこまでアホではない。


id:kojitaken 橋下, 原発, これはひどい 橋下がついに原発再稼働を容認、というより橋下自身が提言。橋下十八番の「掌返し」が炸裂した







id:atawi ハシズム, 原発, これはひどい 信念もなければ恥も知らない日和見維新、支離滅裂、掌返し、厳しいツッコミには逆ギレの橋下流無敵論法三原則で今日も大勝利。/話の肝は限定稼働のリスクって全稼働と変わらなくね、ってことだな




id:hidamari1993 これはひどい, 社会, 政治 電気を貯蓄できると思ってるのと同レベル。「政治家安全を確認できるわけがない」っていうくらいなら専門家の判断を仰ぐまで一切意見しないでくれる?そもそも案になってないか野次馬と変わらない、迷惑

id:Hiro0138 原発, 無知, これはひどい 原発の特性を全然知らない事がわかる発言だな

id:georgew そんな簡単に停めたり動かしたりできへんやろ??

id:yasumu1975 大阪, これはひどい こんなん技術的に可能なん?

id:Dursan できるできないの問題は横に置いといて(できないんだけど)、ハブコウモリと化してしてしまい橋下さん自身にとって最悪の言動であることは間違いがない。

id:yajicco 家電製品じゃないんだからかしました、止めました、なんてできねえよ


id:j_whiskey ↓なんかしたり顔で「ピーク時とは夏の間だけという意味だ(キリッ」な人がたくさんいるけど、燃料を投入しちゃったら夏の間だけも一年中稼動もリスクは変わらないと思うんですけど(苦笑


id:kani_shuumai 振り上げた拳をちょっとずつ下ろしていく様子がおもしろい


id:wackunnpapa Gleichshaltung, ハシズム 原子力発電所蛍光灯じゃねーぞw

id:hokuto-hei 原発ってガスタービンとは違うんだからさ。6-10月とかならまだわかるけどさ。

id:legoboku 政治, 政府, 社会, 大阪, 橋下, 原発 蛍光灯みたい。


id:zakinco よくわからないけど再稼動させないための努力ってどれくらいしたのかね?


id:yingbb これはひどい, あたまがわるい  えっ???ちょっと流石に橋下が馬鹿なんじゃないかと思えてきたぞ??



id:roadman2005 どのようなコンテクストでの発言なのかがわからないので判断保留。一市長エネルギー問題に前のめりなのは政治的野心からだろうが、自分権力の使い道を間違っている。側近にもアブナイ人が多いしな。


id:myogab チキンレース自分で煽って、今からブレーキ踏んで止まれるのかねぇ。交渉手段のつもりで煽って止まれなくなるって、先の戦争を煽って止められなくなった連中とまんま重なる。経産相のがよっぽど先を見据えてる。


id:agricola 政府の再稼働方針を「専門家差し置いて政治家が!」とか批判してたけど、その後保安院だか安全委員会だかの安全宣言って出たんだっけ>大飯原発。まさか「民意」とか言わないだろうな。


id:zions 橋下徹 限定稼働が短期間であれば、原発を理解してない事を意味し、長期間であるほど、再稼働反対との矛盾が大きくなる。


id:sora-papa これはひどい 詭弁の塊&居酒屋政治談議レベル。こんなんで原発政策が回ってるのかと思うと暗鬱な気分。


id:rakusupu 地方, 政治 手のひら返しフラグの履行がじわじわと… /と思ったが、ピーク時だけ稼働の運用ができるのは水力で、原子力はそもそも長期間RUNさせる運用しか出来ないじゃん、寝言だよ寝言


id:FTTH # |ω・)…… (反原発ではなく、電力不足時に何が起こるかへの興味の観点から日和るなよ橋下ォ!



細野担当相、大飯再稼働理解求める 広域連合委、橋下市長は「期間限定稼働」言及 - MSN産経ニュース






How to make digital camera battery more durable

Digital camera battery is the key for the key, second in importance only lens I’m afraid, and in order to photograph in your heart, a powerful battery to provide power as a follow-up is essential. But even the best battery time, if not properly carry out maintenance and maintenance, will not take long to lose the strong power, so battery maintenance is very important.

Battery Maintenance

For a (section) digital camera battery for the duration of use, not just its quality, power on, in fact, the use of operations with the user also has great relevance. Most photographers are used after every use of the camera on the camera bag inside, or on the cupboard, took out the battery is not kept separately, this approach sounds fine, but not conducive to battery protection.

If more than 15 days do not usually use the camera, it is best to remove the battery from the camera inside the store alone, save the environment, it is best to dry and cool place, and do not store the battery together with metal objects.

According to our survey, you can buy in the market most digital cameras use lithium batteries, it is relatively easy to store. The only caveat is that if not used for long, preferably at intervals of 2 months to activate a battery, which is the charge and discharge time, this can effectively extend battery life.

As for the Ni-MH battery 5, the most annoying is the memory effect, this effect will reduce the overall battery capacity and the use of time, and as time goes on, less and less stored charge, the battery will consume the more you have to faster. Therefore, we should try to run out of power rechargeable, each charge must be sufficient to power the most full.

If you go out, the temporary use of alkaline batteries, we must remember that time out, or when unused for long periods, the battery is easy to Tangshui corrosion circuit, the digital camera battery could not escape the destiny scrapped.

For users of alkaline batteries, already mentioned above, remember the point is finished using the digital camera, remove the battery must remember to avoid the phenomenon of cell sap and damage the machine.

As for the use of rechargeable nickel-metal hydride batteries and lithium users. Battery charge is very particular about, bought back the batteries are generally very low or no power consumption, the first charge must be adequate. Lithium battery charging time is generally longer than 8 hours, while the Ni-MH battery charging time is generally more than 16 hours. To achieve best results, that is, the battery has reached its maximum capacity, generally more than 3 times repeated charge-discharge can. Battery with three times, the best opportunity to find a completely exhausted battery to charge again, try not to charge the battery when there are remnants of repeated charge, or will shorten battery life. After the battery charge is generally more heat, it is best to be cool and then into the camera battery.

But note that lithium batteries because there is no memory effect, so do not discharge, otherwise it will damage the digital camera battery structure, loss of battery life.

In addition, in order to avoid the loss of electricity, the use of nickel-metal hydride battery user, charging is completed, remove the battery, do not let the battery contact with the conductor while the positive and negative poles, for example, do not use your fingers touch both ends of the battery. The use of lithium users should try to keep the camera inside the battery positive and negative battery contacts clean, if necessary, wipe with a dry cloth and then gently wipe the battery.

Also note that, even if the user is to use lithium batteries, digital camera in a long time when not in use, should be completely discharged, remove the battery, stored in a dry, cool environment. The other thing to note is that both the nickel-hydrogen batteries or lithium batteries using the user, it is best not to have a charged battery on the purse, pocket, bag or container with metal objects, in order to prevent short-circuit .

Digital camera battery power Dafa:

1, to avoid frequent use of flash: If you are not professional photographers, then, except in the invisible fingers of the night, the light intensity of an ordinary day for the average digital camera, it is enough.

2, try to avoid unnecessary zoom operation: zoom the camera lens stretched it out a reduction, is power digital camera battery. You can move the pace of hyperactivity, with “artificial zoom” approach instead of “camera zoom” to save power.

3, Do not let the screen has been lit: If the case of small power, can turn off the LCD screen, use the viewfinder to adjust the picture composition, is for a digital camera, LCD should be considered the most power-hungry components, general digital camera, LCD screen after closing time can be used when the original length of about 3 times.

4, less shooting and video: minimize the use of multi-shot feature and video capture video, as the completion of these functions is to use the built-in buffer body to temporarily save the screen shot, the power consumption a lot.

5, should not frequently open, shut down: Many users know that the display stays lit is power, so in order to save electricity use to frequent opening and shutdown. In fact, frequently open, shut down the electricity wasted consumption than bright display even more, especially for larger diameter lenses, but also requires a substantial expansion of the camera, the switch is power. Most digital cameras have automatic shutdown option, this setting should not be set too short, otherwise easily lead to frequent opening and shut down. Of course, frequent artificial opening, shut down and should be avoided.

6, optical image stabilization not normally open: Optical image stabilization is by driving the lens or image sensor pack components, offset by the subject matter images and the relative motion between the sensor achieved. Either way the optical image stabilization, would result in no small power consumption, in particular some models can be anti-shake mode is set to “always on” so that power loss will be caused by the more powerful. To this end, we have a good scene in the light should turn off the optical image stabilization feature, you must use, should also be less “always on” mode.






Winter warming Yang

Early winter sky, like the patient's face the overcast, day to sink. Anxiety emotions such as this pervading the mist, tightly in my mind, catch my breath. This noon, the sun finally broke through the cloud and mist, show smiling face. The golden sunshine, the clear as on snow, warm warm silver fai in the flow. My heart like this in the window sunshine, suddenly lit up. On the vast expanse of the forms.it, bathed in the warm sunshine, the in the mind unspeakable joy, really want to in the sparkling on snow run, to release under pressure in the life, the one anxious heart, make it in the warm Yang blowing quiet quiet stretch open, as Snow White pure it gently the each place, leave a light the tranquil, calm in heart ripples.

The winter warm Yang heartily of vent to their hot, sprinkle with golden way way, the snow on glaring multicoloured halo, like in a split up around me gorgeous flowers. And as a series of colorful picture, in my sight of dreaming floating, I stand still didn't dare move, very afraid that move will put it like running scared. The sun be warm in my body, face and hands gently touched, a thick warm meaning in my heart rise, and then a puzzling to love is full whole body. Oh! I see, the soft touch, it's like my lover it. As the sun jade-like stone son bright smile, as if appear in the shadows. And when she left the same way, or that naughty smile, two small dimples with the face. She bantered said "to chase me! After a good deal for you win." I'm excited, but at a loss, just gazing at the light faded away in her in in the distance, RenXue the ground I do the footprints of the lonely, in lightly sigh.

Sunshine slowly breeze snow, the BaiXueShan quietly accept this trust god's touch. Like the girl like falling in love with lover's arms in school, doing the colorful dream. I was the true meaning of the snow moved and also enjoy stealthily warm winter sun kissing. The light sad like the like melted, had been in my memory, such as the white as forms.it of, did not leave traces. My heart immersed in the warmth of sunshine, and in the winter it forms.it quietly in fell asleep.

The winter warming Yang, don't abandon not to leave, waiting at my side, as my mother was waiting for the I, with all my heart, have no complaint. It let me understand, life not only it is the exhaustion of body and mind, worried restlessness. There is a kind of beautiful scenery, on our side. In fact they have been waiting for us, as long as pay attention side a flower, a leaf, a wisp of spring breeze, a rain, a snow, a blue sky, and so on. Like I say to this winter warm sample, calm down to, fine fine ground to observe, and deeply to taste, will get unexpected harvest.



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