Research shows women are still responsible for the majority of domestic chores and keeping households running smoothly.
In fact, when it comes to basic tasks like washing and cleaning men are nowhere to be seen.
Men might take out the rubbish or put up a shelf but are shirkers when it comes to washing up or ironing, a new survey reveals.
A paltry 10 per cent of men are capable of sewing a button on to an item of clothing, eight per cent will fold and put clothes away while just six per cent will empty laundry baskets and put the washing on.
旅館でおひつを女の側に置いたり、彼女が洗濯物をたたんだら、外国人が日本は文明国じゃないと思うのかだれか外国人に聞いてみてほしい。 あいつら、貧乏で外国に行ったことがなく...
イギリスの新聞。2017/3/10の記事。 Google翻訳。 Research shows women are still responsible for the majority of domestic chores and keeping households ...
イギリスの男は40%くらいで日本男の倍家事を分担してるのに まだそんな記事になるくらい問題にされてるんだな