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はてなキーワード: communicationとは


502 Bad Gateway」の文字列を見るたびに

「HEYHEY わかんない イミシン言葉で カクシンにせまらないで.

Hey, hey, speak up, we need. Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow. Bad communication!」



















[質問1] オリンピックを中止を求めるデモやってるらしいけど、まじ?オリンピックは無観客で、しか選手選手村に隔離されてるじゃん!実際にパンデミックも起こってないし、デモする意味わからんけども・・・

[自分の回答] 今オリンピック中止のデモやってる奴らは、極々少数で、400人とか。無視できるレベル。こういう連中はデモをするのが仕事または趣味で、年中なんらかのデモをやってる。普通人間オリンピックを中止すべきと思っておらず、好意的に受け止めてるよ。

[質問2] 今日本で完全にワクチン接種が済んでいる人が全人口の7%ってまじ?wオリンピックが行われるのがわかっていたのに、何でこんなに接種率が低いの?wオリンピックに向けて普通はバシバシ打つもんじゃないの?意味わからんでしょw

[自分の回答] 7/23時点では、2回の接種が完了した人が全人口23%で、1回以上の人は35%やで。まぁ全体から言ったら全然すくないけども。日本他国に比べて接種が遅れてるんやで。ワクチン国内での治験日本向けにローカライズして独自にやったから、承認時間がかかって、結果として接種も遅れてるんやで~。日本は65歳以上が世界一多くて、それらの人が政治的な基盤を形成してる。そういうわけで、めちゃくちゃ保守的な国だから、遅れてるのはしゃーないやで。

[質問3] 東京での感染者が1300人/日でてて、日本政府には"激震"が走ってるらしいけども、まじ?アテネ人口東京の1/3だけど、同じくらい感染者数でてるよ?大騒ぎすることなの?

[自分の回答] 激震なんて走っとらん!w以下は俺の個人的意見だけども:政府関係者は1300人程度なら想定の範囲内だとおもうで~おそらく2500人とか3000人程度までなら想定内じゃないかな?これが東京だけで感染者数が10,000人/日とかいくようになると、ロックダウンとかやるかもな~。ちな日本は未だに強制力のある移動制限とかはしたことないよ!8月のなかば日本ホリデーシーズンがあって、そこでみんな故郷に帰ったりするから感染拡大する見込み。本番はオリンピックというよりお盆終わりの9月からや!コロナ先生次回作にご期待ください!



Dear Prof. Masuda,

This email may come as a surprise to you, as it is irrelevant to research or fellowships. In Greece we try to understand the situation with the Olympic games in Tokyo and the pandemic, but the reports on Greek media is fuzzy. Once my colleagues found out that I have some communication with a Professor in Tokyo, they asked me if I could possibly contact you and ask you what exactly is the situation there. So, with all the respect to your valuable time, whenever you have some spare time, could you please inform me about the following points that our journalists reporting from Tokyo only confuse us further?

Is it true that people organize demonstrations in the streets to stop the Olympic Games, because they are afraid that the games will spread the coronavirus in Japan? We do not understand this, as the games are held with no spectators (unfortunately) and the athletes are isolated in the Olympic Village, anyway (even with no pandemic).

Is it true that only 7% of the overall population in Japan is vaccinated against the Coronavirus? If yes, how is this possible, knowing that the Olympic Games are going to be held there ?

Today, they said on the news that 1300 new infections have been reported in Tokyo and that caused some "vibrations" to the government. Is this number significant for the Japanese people? In Athens alone (that is only 5 million people, 3 times less than Tokyo) we count that many infections every day for the past month.

As you can see, everything that is reported from Tokyo is unclear and contradicting: demonstrations for the cancellation of the Games due to the pandemic, vaccination level, infection rate. Today I heard on out national radio straight from the head of our Olympic Team that everything is calm and under absolute control in the Games. So could you please shed some light to all this, please? Again, if you are busy I will understand if you do not reply, as this is just curiosity and not urgent at all.


[Your question1]

Is it true that people organize demonstrations in the streets to stop the Olympic Games, because they are afraid that the games will spread the coronavirus in Japan? We do not understand this, as the games are held with no spectators (unfortunately) and the athletes are isolated in the Olympic Village, anyway (even with no pandemic).

[My opinion]

The people who is engaging the demonstrations are very few such as 400 and they could be ignored. These people always participate in the demonstrations as a work or just enjoying their free time. They don't have any political ideology. General people is enjoying the Olympic Games as usual on TV.

[Your question2]

Is it true that only 7% of the overall population in Japan is vaccinated against the Coronavirus? If yes, how is this possible, knowing that the Olympic Games are going to be held there ?

[My opinion]

As of July 23, 23% of the population had received two doses of the vaccine, and 35% had received at least once. Japan is behind other countries in terms of vaccination. Japan government took a long time to approve the vaccine produced outside of Japan, and as a result, the vaccination has been delayed. Japan has the largest rate of people over 65 in the world; about 30% is over 65 years old. These people form the political base of the country, so it's no wonder it's so conservative.

[Your question3]

Today, they said on the news that 1300 new infections have been reported in Tokyo and that caused some "vibrations" to the government. Is this number significant for the Japanese people? In Athens alone (that is only 5 million people, 3 times less than Tokyo) we count that many infections every day for the past month.

[My opinion]

The following is my personal opinion: I think 1,300 new infections in Tokyo in a day is not big deal for the government. Maybe 2,500 or 3,000 is still within the expectation. If the new infections in Tokyo become over massive amount such as 10,000/day, we might need to go into a lock-down. Japan has yet to impose any enforceable movement restrictions. Japan has a holiday week in mid-August, and people go back to their hometowns, so the infection is expected to spread.





Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox







Google Messages

ちなみにRakuten LinkRCS準拠しているので相互RCSを送受信できる

どうやら国内ではGoogle Messages間同士のみという情報を頂いたので修正

Hangouts Chat

もともとGoogle Talkユーザーだったので流れで

















Subway Tooter



Google Map











Google Files


Google Photo


Open Camera


Google Lens


Ghost Commander


Google Drive


Resilio Sync

巨大ファイルのやり取りはGoogle Driveよりも速いし転送上限も無い(大手クラウドストレージダウンロードを繰り返すと転送上限に達してダウンロード停止されたりすることがある)







X Server XSDL

X Window Systemクライアント


CUIな同名タスクマネージャーAndroid GUI



SKK for Android







スマホよりはタブレット向きでAndroid Appが動作するChrome OSにも対応





Google Play Games




Abuse for Android




Soul of Eden












これはひどい 宗教 頭が悪い 死ねばいいのに 買い物 くたばれ 死 狂人 地獄 あとで読む チャンコキモい ネタ ヤクザ うんこ ブコメがひどい アホか オカルト idolm@ster 変態 spam報告リスト 首を刎ねよ 歴史修正主義 ニコマス これはひどい 女装 中国 iDOLM@STER 花澤香菜 馬鹿の見本市 けいおん!hiphop DS 富野由悠季 ロシア C77 ラブプラス 読んでない 呪詛 豊崎愛生 myspace どうでもいい 耳鼻科GO 下衆 沖縄 爆発 コズミックホラー カニバル C81 堀江由衣 自アン 押井守 音楽 天文 トンデモ なんだかなあ 戸松遥 C87 C76 釣り electronica 田村ゆかり 前提 venetian snares アホ 山本弘 梅原大吾 忍法コロニー落とし 馬鹿 大塚英志 ヱヴァCthulhu お前が言うな 釘宮理恵 drug アメリカ 反知性主義 IDOLM@STER 国語の成績が悪い WEG メキシコ インド サマーウォーズ カレー アニメ spam 平野綾 ソ・ラ・ノ・ヲ・ト C83 ネタ C84 SM プリントアウト C85 今井麻美 阿澄佳奈 映画 舛成孝二 クズ バカの見本市 冲方丁 たかはし智秋 三瓶由布子 下田麻美 耳鼻科go 國府田マリ子 図書館 ニコ厨 古橋秀之 死ね 滋賀 中村九郎オランダ文章 エジプト 水樹奈々 アフリカ ウザい ささめきこと 井上麻里奈 差別 日本語不自由 Love Parade ちょっといい話 平沢進 お笑い 清水マリコ 南アフリカ DTB 倉田英之 神戸守 坂本真綾 ていどひくい 東方 これはすごい アルカナハート ホラー おまえが言うな 山本寛 Go-qualia 沢城みゆき 小林ゆう 浅野真澄 直結 同人 kitty エヴァ ガンダム 佐藤竜雄 涼宮ハルヒの消失 キチガイ 歴史捏造主義 youtube 原紗友里 サウジアラビア 頭の悪い Breakcore 本田透 山田尚子 C86 ドイツ 茅原実里 クラムボン勉強 同人音楽 歴史 なのは やくしまるえつこ 金田朋子 被害妄想 野中藍 今敏 わかつきひかる イタリア スパIV アフガニスタン 中村うさぎ 観測範囲 arcade 秋葉原 かなめも バカ android 片岡あづさ 死刑 あそびにいくヨ! 井口裕香 塗壁木綿 高垣彩陽 プロレス はやくしにたい 新宿 電気グルーヴ ニーチェ 新條まゆ 声優 桃井はるこ 伊藤かな恵 能登麻美子 v系 techno あとで見る 片渕須直 C80 高遠るい マイマイ新子 文学少女 DG-10 残念 ゲーム 人間の屑 内海賢二 池澤春菜 忠臣蔵 ニコニコ動画 詐欺 チベット MySpaceXENOGLOSSIA 演劇 竹達彩奈 TM NETWORK 空気奴隷 秋田 HMV 厨房 人間クズ ゾンビ オカルト学院 FF14 犯罪 ナイジェリア 地獄へ落ちろ 火星 perfume くっつり会 あとで読まない 何を今更 怪文書 谷山浩子 フィンランド シムーン テロリズム 性差別 平田オリザ C97 嶽本野ばら 小野坂昌也 AVATOR THA BLUE HERB ブンブン丸 新城カズマlain レイシスト アリュージョニスト フランス 警察 中島愛 セルクマ 中村繪里子 sonic draglgo まどか☆マギカ 阿呆 ばらスィー 若林直美 北朝鮮 アニソン HIPHOP 寿美菜子 YOU THE ROCK★ 橋本由香利 愛知県警 日笠陽子 clammbon ネット マリア様がみてる SLUM DANK なかよし c88 Chouchou いつか天魔の黒ウサギ タラ コーラン R.O.D ファシスト HEROMAN ナゴム murder コミティア91 かわいそうです マクロス7 SETI HARO b-flower MC Hammer ∀ガンダム dubstep イギリス ゆとりちゃん ヤクザ巣窟 ゼノグラシア Richie Hawtin ドール ショタ Rasmus Faber Amazon ロウきゅーぶ読め knifehandchop GIGAZINE ハァ? ブラウザ TSUTAYA なんでもいいかPSP TOKYO NO.1 SOUL SET テキストサイト だろおっさんども ラノたの アルトネリコ3 サエキけんぞう pal@pop KENTARO TAKAHASHI SoundCloud スフィア タルコフスキー C79 okama 中田ヤスタカ スウェーデン piana 上野千鶴子 ルッキスインターネットこわい 上連雀三平 ポルノ club ボリビア ここに隕石を落とそう ゴア SW アイスランド ゆかな c97 Girls' Work いばらの王 デブ yarnmoor pixiv microscope weg F91 ディスクユニオン squarepusher アフタヌーン好きすぎ スパム ハルカリ The Black Eyed Peas フィリピン she また産経か しんうちっ! ドクター中松 エリック・ロメール NERVANA ROD やぶうち優 フィギュア バーチャファイター triphop おぷぷん グラスハープ るりあ046 サウンドボード なんじゃこりゃ スターウォーズ MEZZO PIANO GG SHARPNEL 井上喜久子 バカテス いけだたかし 9.11 V系 サイケアウツ icons ハンガリー レイヴ Google らき☆すた DOMMUNE けいおん! rei harakami ラーメン □□□ エヴァ脳の恐怖 丹下桜 ゼーガペイン ソマリア ハロプロ プーチン JAMES PANTS スト4 Star Wars ばくはつ ken ishii kindle グアテマラ アート four tet drum'n bass やまとなでしこ Jさいろー ミステリ ブルーレイ ラブライブ! Afrika Bambaataa Nujabes murder channel フォーチュンクエスト トヨタ 中野テルヲ あとで SEGA オッサン 中川浩二 バンコク TRPG DJ ヱヴァ ときメモ4 Kobe Briant いわみて ヨーガ センコロール yura 京大 PS3 jazz raycrisis C89 P-MODEL デマ おまえがいうな まこぴー インドネシア CS これはひどすぎる 人種差別 TLC エウロパ 七尾旅人 GUNDAM RIOW ARAI しりあがり寿 マッチポンプ ベルギー GA xbox360 シリアルキラー BUBBLE-B KOTOKO ドナドナ サイケ ヘイトスピーチ baby princess KAGAMI JamesCameron SF DRAWERS imoutoid imaginion Joseph Nothing sister princess 2pac おまもりんごさん ゴミ EINHANDER わくわく7 c87 FF13 なんでやねん ブコメもひどい がっかり game ガガガ文庫 コロニー落とそう ラベリング コミックREX どうかと思う antihoney ガンダム00 ビートたけし リーンの翼 コメがひどい アニメ質問スタチャ ぼくらのウォーゲーム バクマン *宗教 ILL-BOSSTINO データベース ストライクウィッチー VO4 上田大王 セクシスM3 JAシーザー trf




これはひどい society crime Twitter law Fantastic Korea university media work business communication medical 支那 military hatena history tax これはひどいw money bookmark religion 女権拡張運動 education politic TV book security game animal ただしソースは売日 anime 2ch technology comic blog sports eat wヘ√レv-(゚∀゚)-wヘ√ 出羽守 はてな私小説 また××か! review movie science boomerang keyword interview YouTube economy Wikipedia music Onanie tips discrimination Russia word culture language web item health 富山 comment 現代アート() 被害資産化 ( ;∀;) イイハナシ copyright grotesque これだから女同人 enquete ( ´_ゝ`)流石(´<_` ) amazon LGBT し J レ J ('A`;)うわあ fashion novel dan the 何とか alchemy AV ちんぽ騎士 あとで読む 饂飩屋の釜 はてな紙礫 memo NIMBY art ぬこころ それが小町クオリティ ↓君達には失望したよ intelligence design ADHD event 薩摩守 uriginal yonium まなざし村 mixi はてなpreferentialism literature BI 非モテ poem よし!ワーパチパチ AI はいはいクマクマ ×NPO→○NGO AA 雌車privacy radio auction energy ressentiment Amazon image ITmedia weather collage 801 Uncyclopedia American Dream tinycafe SNS twitter Intelligence ひなぎくはてな 積水マウス ( ;∀;)イイハナシ wiki Akiba-Hater Fantastic korea politics よし!ワーパチパチ authoritarianism Jリーグカレー PC 漫画 univeristy これはひどいw memory ヒャッハー やる夫 また✕✕か! ( ;∀;)イイハナシ 日本死ね死ねpropaganda はてなファイトクラブ 国民世論の力なの diplomacy また××か! Africa 大都会岡山 まんこ二毛作 鏡の法則 PR 三丁目の夕日 boookmark nicovideo パプティマス様の literacy NTR ⬇君達には失望したよ # |ω・)…… Misery ASD Australia 生活困窮者 Fatastic Korea ethics extreme sports uncyclopedia 留保のない生の肯定を univerisity Tibet 事件 comunication 後で読む あとでみる ┌(┌^o^)┐ discrimincation extreme 女権各地運動 これが若さか… 文学()</p>







コミュニケーション (Communication)


















>>マスコミュニケーション(英: mass communication)あるいは大衆伝達(たいしゅうでんたつ)とは、マスメディア(具体的にはテレビラジオインターネット新聞雑誌書籍など)を用いて、不特定多数大衆(マス)に大量の情報を伝達すること。<<






















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## Intellectual Property/Ownership

All materials that are part of the Service (including, but not limited to, designs, text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, and their selection and arrangement) are protected by law from unauthorized use.

We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited scope license to use the Service solely for the purpose of viewing and using the applicable Services and for no other purpose whatsoever. Your license to use the Services is limited by these Terms.

User Content

You agree that you are willingly publishing the content on the Service using technology and tools provided by us. You understand and agree that you may not distribute, sell, transfer or license this content and/or application in any manner, in any country, or on any social network or another medium without the explicit written permission of us. We reserve the right to remove and permanently delete any User Content from the Service with or without notice.

Rules of Conduct/Usage

You agree that all your communications with the Communication Channels are public, and thus you have no expectation of privacy regarding your use of the Communication Channels. We is not responsible for information that you choose to share on the Communication Channels, or for the actions of other users.

Privacy and Protection of Personal Information

By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We may amend the Privacy Policy from time to time, and we encourage you to consult the Privacy Policy regularly for changes.


A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer’s hard disk, generally to quickly identify a user's computer and to "remember" things about the user's visit, such as your preferences or a user name and password. The Service sends cookies to your computer when you access or view the content of us. The information contained in a cookie may be linked to your personal information for purposes such as improving the quality of our service, tailoring recommendations to your interests, and making the Service easier to use. You can disable cookies at any time, although you may not be able to access or use features of the Service.

Third-Party Advertising Companies

We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on the Service. We do not provide any personal information to third-party advertising companies on a non-aggregate basis. Our system and the third-party advertising technology may use aggregate information, non-personal information, Our cookies on your hard drive and your use of the Service to target advertisements. In addition, advertisers may use other third-party advertising technology to target advertising on other sites. If advertisements are served to you, a unique third-party cookie or cookies may be placed on your computer. Similarly, third-party advertising companies may provide us with pixel tags (also called “clear gifs” or “beacons”) to help manage and optimize online advertising. Beacons enable us to recognize a browser’s cookie when a browser visits the site on which is a beacon is located, and to learn which banner ads bring users to a given site.

Changing or Deleting Your Information

You may review, update, correct or delete any personal information by changing the applicable information in your profile page on Facebook and/or another social network (s). If you completely delete all this information, your account may become deactivated. If you would like us to delete your record in our system, please contact us and we will attempt to accommodate your request if we are not legally obligated to retain the record.


We have put in place reasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to overcome those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. Also please note that email and messaging systems are not considered secure, so we discourage you from sending us personal information through these mediums.

Policy Regarding Children

The Service is not geared toward children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information we will delete such information from our files as quickly as possible.

Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability

You agree that your use of the Service shall be at your sole risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, We, its officers, directors, employees, and agents disclaim all warranties, express or implies, in connection with the website and your use thereof including implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, accuracy, authority, completeness, usefulness, and timeliness. We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Service and of the content of any sites linked to the Service; We assume no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and use of the Service, (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service, (v) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Service by any third party, and/or (vi) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Service.

In no event will We, its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners and employees, be liable to you or any third person for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever including any lost profits or lost data arising from your use of the Service or other materials on, accessed through or downloaded from the Service, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not We have been advised of the possibility of these damages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction. You specifically acknowledge that We shall not be liable for user submissions or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party and that the risk of harm or damage from the foregoing rests entirely with you.

You agree to indemnify and hold We, and each of its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners, and employees, harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or in connection with (i) your use of and access to the Service; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms of Service; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; (iv) any claim that one of your User Submissions caused damage to a third party; or (v) any Content you post or share on or through the Service.


By visiting or using the Service, you agree that the laws of UK, without regard to principles of conflict of laws and regardless of your location, will govern these Terms of Service and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and us.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at reposting23334.contact@gmail.com


Privacy Policy - リポスト for インスタ

## Accepting the Terms and Privacy Policy

These Terms of Service ("Terms") are a legal agreement between we and you ("you"). By installing or using any application ("Service") you agree to be bound by these Terms. By accessing or using the Service, you agree that you have read, understood, and accept to be bound by the Terms. We reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or revise these Terms at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. If you do not agree to the Terms, do not use the Service.

Users are responsible for periodically viewing the Terms. Your continued use of the Service after a change or update has been made will constitute your acceptance to the revised Terms. If you do not agree to the Terms your only remedy is to discontinue your use of the Service and cancel any accounts you have made using the Service.

We reserve the right to refuse any user access to the Services without notice for any reason, including, but not limited to, a violation of the Terms.

You represent that you are 13 years old or older. If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, you represent that your legal guardian has reviewed and agrees to the Terms.

## Intellectual Property/Ownership

All materials that are part of the Service (including, but not limited to, designs, text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, and their selection and arrangement) are protected by law from unauthorized use.

We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited scope license to use the Service solely for the purpose of viewing and using the applicable Services and for no other purpose whatsoever. Your license to use the Services is limited by these Terms.

User Content

You agree that you are willingly publishing the content on the Service using technology and tools provided by us. You understand and agree that you may not distribute, sell, transfer or license this content and/or application in any manner, in any country, or on any social network or another medium without the explicit written permission of us. We reserve the right to remove and permanently delete any User Content from the Service with or without notice.

Rules of Conduct/Usage

You agree that all your communications with the Communication Channels are public, and thus you have no expectation of privacy regarding your use of the Communication Channels. We is not responsible for information that you choose to share on the Communication Channels, or for the actions of other users.

Privacy and Protection of Personal Information

By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We may amend the Privacy Policy from time to time, and we encourage you to consult the Privacy Policy regularly for changes.


A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer’s hard disk, generally to quickly identify a user's computer and to "remember" things about the user's visit, such as your preferences or a user name and password. The Service sends cookies to your computer when you access or view the content of us. The information contained in a cookie may be linked to your personal information for purposes such as improving the quality of our service, tailoring recommendations to your interests, and making the Service easier to use. You can disable cookies at any time, although you may not be able to access or use features of the Service.

Third-Party Advertising Companies

We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on the Service. We do not provide any personal information to third-party advertising companies on a non-aggregate basis. Our system and the third-party advertising technology may use aggregate information, non-personal information, Our cookies on your hard drive and your use of the Service to target advertisements. In addition, advertisers may use other third-party advertising technology to target advertising on other sites. If advertisements are served to you, a unique third-party cookie or cookies may be placed on your computer. Similarly, third-party advertising companies may provide us with pixel tags (also called “clear gifs” or “beacons”) to help manage and optimize online advertising. Beacons enable us to recognize a browser’s cookie when a browser visits the site on which is a beacon is located, and to learn which banner ads bring users to a given site.

Changing or Deleting Your Information

You may review, update, correct or delete any personal information by changing the applicable information in your profile page on Facebook and/or another social network (s). If you completely delete all this information, your account may become deactivated. If you would like us to delete your record in our system, please contact us and we will attempt to accommodate your request if we are not legally obligated to retain the record.


We have put in place reasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to overcome those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. Also please note that email and messaging systems are not considered secure, so we discourage you from sending us personal information through these mediums.

Policy Regarding Children

The Service is not geared toward children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information we will delete such information from our files as quickly as possible.

Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability

You agree that your use of the Service shall be at your sole risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, We, its officers, directors, employees, and agents disclaim all warranties, express or implies, in connection with the website and your use thereof including implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, accuracy, authority, completeness, usefulness, and timeliness. We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Service and of the content of any sites linked to the Service; We assume no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and use of the Service, (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service, (v) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Service by any third party, and/or (vi) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Service.

In no event will We, its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners and employees, be liable to you or any third person for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever including any lost profits or lost data arising from your use of the Service or other materials on, accessed through or downloaded from the Service, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not We have been advised of the possibility of these damages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction. You specifically acknowledge that We shall not be liable for user submissions or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party and that the risk of harm or damage from the foregoing rests entirely with you.

You agree to indemnify and hold We, and each of its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners, and employees, harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or in connection with (i) your use of and access to the Service; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms of Service; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; (iv) any claim that one of your User Submissions caused damage to a third party; or (v) any Content you post or share on or through the Service.


By visiting or using the Service, you agree that the laws of UK, without regard to principles of conflict of laws and regardless of your location, will govern these Terms of Service and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and us.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at reposting23334.contact@gmail.com

Privacy Policy - リポスト for インスタ

## Accepting the Terms & Privacy Policy

These Terms of Service ("Terms") are a legal agreement between we and you ("you"). By installing or using any application ("Service") you agree to be bound by these Terms. By accessing or using the Service, you agree that you have read, understood, and accept to be bound by the Terms. We reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or revise these Terms at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. If you do not agree to the Terms, do not use the Service.

Users are responsible for periodically viewing the Terms. Your continued use of the Service after a change or update has been made will constitute your acceptance to the revised Terms. If you do not agree to the Terms your only remedy is to discontinue your use of the Service and cancel any accounts you have made using the Service.

We reserve the right to refuse any user access to the Services without notice for any reason, including, but not limited to, a violation of the Terms.

You represent that you are 13 years old or older. If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, you represent that your legal guardian has reviewed and agrees to the Terms.

## Intellectual Property/Ownership

All materials that are part of the Service (including, but not limited to, designs, text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, and their selection and arrangement) are protected by law from unauthorized use.

We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited scope license to use the Service solely for the purpose of viewing and using the applicable Services and for no other purpose whatsoever. Your license to use the Services is limited by these Terms.

User Content

You agree that you are willingly publishing the content on the Service using technology and tools provided by us. You understand and agree that you may not distribute, sell, transfer or license this content and/or application in any manner, in any country, or on any social network or another medium without the explicit written permission of us. We reserve the right to remove and permanently delete any User Content from the Service with or without notice.

Rules of Conduct/Usage

You agree that all your communications with the Communication Channels are public, and thus you have no expectation of privacy regarding your use of the Communication Channels. We is not responsible for information that you choose to share on the Communication Channels, or for the actions of other users.

Privacy and Protection of Personal Information

By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We may amend the Privacy Policy from time to time, and we encourage you to consult the Privacy Policy regularly for changes.


A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer’s hard disk, generally to quickly identify a user's computer and to "remember" things about the user's visit, such as your preferences or a user name and password. The Service sends cookies to your computer when you access or view the content of us. The information contained in a cookie may be linked to your personal information for purposes such as improving the quality of our service, tailoring recommendations to your interests, and making the Service easier to use. You can disable cookies at any time, although you may not be able to access or use features of the Service.

Third-Party Advertising Companies

We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on the Service. We do not provide any personal information to third-party advertising companies on a non-aggregate basis. Our system and the third-party advertising technology may use aggregate information, non-personal information, Our cookies on your hard drive and your use of the Service to target advertisements. In addition, advertisers may use other third-party advertising technology to target advertising on other sites. If advertisements are served to you, a unique third-party cookie or cookies may be placed on your computer. Similarly, third-party advertising companies may provide us with pixel tags (also called “clear gifs” or “beacons”) to help manage and optimize online advertising. Beacons enable us to recognize a browser’s cookie when a browser visits the site on which is a beacon is located, and to learn which banner ads bring users to a given site.

Changing or Deleting Your Information

You may review, update, correct or delete any personal information by changing the applicable information in your profile page on Facebook and/or another social network (s). If you completely delete all this information, your account may become deactivated. If you would like us to delete your record in our system, please contact us and we will attempt to accommodate your request if we are not legally obligated to retain the record.


We have put in place reasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to overcome those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. Also please note that email and messaging systems are not considered secure, so we discourage you from sending us personal information through these mediums.

Policy Regarding Children

The Service is not geared toward children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information we will delete such information from our files as quickly as possible.

Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability

You agree that your use of the Service shall be at your sole risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, We, its officers, directors, employees, and agents disclaim all warranties, express or implies, in connection with the website and your use thereof including implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, accuracy, authority, completeness, usefulness, and timeliness. We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Service and of the content of any sites linked to the Service; We assume no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and use of the Service, (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service, (v) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Service by any third party, and/or (vi) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Service.

In no event will We, its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners and employees, be liable to you or any third person for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever including any lost profits or lost data arising from your use of the Service or other materials on, accessed through or downloaded from the Service, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not We have been advised of the possibility of these damages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction. You specifically acknowledge that We shall not be liable for user submissions or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party and that the risk of harm or damage from the foregoing rests entirely with you.

You agree to indemnify and hold We, and each of its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners, and employees, harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or in connection with (i) your use of and access to the Service; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms of Service; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; (iv) any claim that one of your User Submissions caused damage to a third party; or (v) any Content you post or share on or through the Service.


By visiting or using the Service, you agree that the laws of UK, without regard to principles of conflict of laws and regardless of your location, will govern these Terms of Service and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and us.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at reposting23334.contact@gmail.com


Terms of use: Follower Check +

Registered users (hereinafter referred to asusers”) shall use the Service in accordance with the Terms.

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") determine the terms of use for the services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the "Services").

Article 1 (Apply)

These Terms shall apply to any relationship between you and us regarding the use of the Services.

Article 2 (Registration)

A registration applicant shall apply for use registration according to the method prescribed by the Company, and the use registration shall be completed when the Company approves this.

The Company may not approve the application for use registration if it determines that the applicant for use registration has any of the following reasons, and shall have no obligation to disclose the reason.

(1) When filing false information when applying for use registration

(2) When the application is from a person who has violated these Terms

(3) In addition, if we judge that the use registration is not appropriate

Article 3 (User ID and Password Management)

Users shall manage the user ID and password of this service at their own risk.

Users may not transfer or lend their user IDs and passwords to third parties under any circumstances. If the combination of the user ID and password matches the registered information and the user logs in, the company considers the use by the user who has registered the user ID.

Article 4 (Usage Fee and Payment Method)

Only when the user consents to the purchase to use the Service, the Company shall separately determine the price for the use of the Service and pay the usage fee displayed before the purchase of the Service by the method specified by the Company.

The free trial campaign applies only to the first registration.

No refunds will be made for any paid services purchased, regardless of the reason.

Article 5 (Prohibitions)

Users must not do any of the following when using this service:

(1) Acts that violate laws or public order and morals

(2) Acts related to criminal acts

(3) Acts that destroy or obstruct our server or network functions

(4) Acts that may interfere with the operation of our services

(5) Acts that directly or indirectly benefit anti-social forces in connection with our services

(6) Other acts deemed inappropriate by the Company

Article 6 (Suspension of provision of this service, etc.)

The Company may suspend or suspend the provision of all or a part of the Service without prior notice to the User if it determines that any of the following events occur.

(1) When performing maintenance or updating of the computer system related to this service

(2) When it becomes difficult to provide this service due to force majeure such as earthquake, lightning, fire, power outage or natural disaster

(3) When a computer or communication line stops due to an accident

(4) In addition, if we judge it is difficult to provide this service

The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by the user or any third party due to suspension or interruption of the provision of this service for any reason.

Article 7 (Restrictions on use and cancellation of registration)

In the following cases, the Company may restrict the use of this service in whole or in part, or cancel the registration as a user without prior notice.

(1) In the case of violating any provision of these Terms

(2) When it turns out that the registered items are false

(3) In addition, if we judge that the use of this service is not appropriate

The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to Users due to the actions performed by the Company based on this section.

Article 8 (Disclaimer)

Our default liability shall be waived if not due to our intentional or gross negligence.

The Company shall not be liable for any transactions, communications or disputes arising between the User and other users or third parties with respect to the Service.

Article 9 (Changes in service content, etc.)

We may change the contents of this service or stop providing this service without notifying the user, and we do not take any responsibility for any damage caused to the user by this.

Article 10 (Change of Terms of Use)

We may change these Terms at any time, without notice, if we deem it necessary.

Article 11 (Notification or communication)

Notice or communication between the user and us shall be made in a manner determined by us.

Article 12 (Prohibition of transfer of rights and obligations)

You may not transfer or provide security to any third party without your prior written consent to your position in the terms of use or any rights or obligations under these Terms.

Article 13 (Governing law and jurisdiction)

In interpreting these Terms, the laws of Japan shall be the governing law.

In case of any dispute regarding this service, the exclusive jurisdiction of the court having jurisdiction over the location of our head office shall be exclusive





There are three levels at which we may communicate about things: object, experience and concept. As we go up the levels of abstraction, ideas increase and reality recedes.

1. Object

At the 'object' level, we talk about tangible material things, many of which we can touch and pick up. The truth of an object is independent of people (unless, of course, you are an existentialist). It exists whether we are there or not.

2. Experiences

At the experience level, we talk about the experiences we have had. This now has the abstraction of interpretation. However, it is still very real to us, at least.

When two people talk about a common experience, they refer to the same objects, but may have different feelings about them. This is a common source of conversation, interest and maybe conflict, as we often expect others to have the same experiences as us.

3. Concepts

At the conceptual level of communication, we talk about ideas and thoughts we have had. Concepts include our beliefs, values and schemas. These are internal constructions that are abstracted away from reality, although we often mistake them to be that reality they represent.

Words are effectively concepts in the way they are little packets of meaning by which we try to communicate. Concepts can be accepted or rejected, however and the same word may be interpreted differently by different people.

When I listen to your experience, I receive it as a concept and hence can evaluate it and put my own interpretation on it. When we communicate, much of what we say is conceptual, which is one reason why communication is so difficult.








Hey, Hey Give me your body

no, no それだけでいい

ホンネ押し殺して 夜が明けるまで

Hey, Hey ワカラナイ

Any more 君のこと


Hey, Hey Give me your body

no, no それだけでいい

Kissで唇を Shut it up! 触れないで

Hey, Hey ワカラナイ

Any more 僕のこと

wow wow wow wow wow wow wow

Bad Communication...










Privacy Policy

Accepting the Terms & Privacy Policy

These Terms of Service ("Terms") are a legal agreement between we and you ("you"). By installing or using any application ("Service") you agree to be bound by these Terms. By accessing or using the Service, you agree that you have read, understood, and accept to be bound by the Terms. We reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to modify or revise these Terms at any time, and you agree to be bound by such modifications or revisions. If you do not agree to the Terms, do not use the Service.

Users are responsible for periodically viewing the Terms. Your continued use of the Service after a change or update has been made will constitute your acceptance to the revised Terms. If you do not agree to the Terms your only remedy is to discontinue your use of the Service and cancel any accounts you have made using the Service.

We reserve the right to refuse any user access to the Services without notice for any reason, including, but not limited to, a violation of the Terms.

You represent that you are 13 years old or older. If you are between the ages of 13 and 18, you represent that your legal guardian has reviewed and agrees to the Terms.

Intellectual Property/Ownership

All materials that are part of the Service (including, but not limited to, designs, text, graphics, pictures, video, information, applications, software, music, sound and other files, and their selection and arrangement) are protected by law from unauthorized use.

We grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable, limited scope license to use the Service solely for the purpose of viewing and using the applicable Services and for no other purpose whatsoever. Your license to use the Services is limited by these Terms.

User Content

You agree that you are willingly publishing the content on the Service using technology and tools provided by us. You understand and agree that you may not distribute, sell, transfer or license this content and/or application in any manner, in any country, or on any social network or another medium without the explicit written permission of us. We reserve the right to remove and permanently delete any User Content from the Service with or without notice.

Rules of Conduct/Usage

You agree that all your communications with the Communication Channels are public, and thus you have no expectation of privacy regarding your use of the Communication Channels. We is not responsible for information that you choose to share on the Communication Channels, or for the actions of other users.

Privacy and Protection of Personal Information

By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. We may amend the Privacy Policy from time to time, and we encourage you to consult the Privacy Policy regularly for changes.


A cookie is a small data file that we transfer to your computer’s hard disk, generally to quickly identify a user's computer and to "remember" things about the user's visit, such as your preferences or a user name and password. The Service sends cookies to your computer when you access or view the content of us. The information contained in a cookie may be linked to your personal information for purposes such as improving the quality of our service, tailoring recommendations to your interests, and making the Service easier to use. You can disable cookies at any time, although you may not be able to access or use features of the Service.

Third-Party Advertising Companies

We may use third-party advertising companies to serve ads on the Service. We do not provide any personal information to third-party advertising companies on a non-aggregate basis. Our system and the third-party advertising technology may use aggregate information, non-personal information, Our cookies on your hard drive and your use of the Service to target advertisements. In addition, advertisers may use other third-party advertising technology to target advertising on other sites. If advertisements are served to you, a unique third-party cookie or cookies may be placed on your computer. Similarly, third-party advertising companies may provide us with pixel tags (also called “clear gifs” or “beacons”) to help manage and optimize online advertising. Beacons enable us to recognize a browser’s cookie when a browser visits the site on which is a beacon is located, and to learn which banner ads bring users to a given site.

Changing or Deleting Your Information

You may review, update, correct or delete any personal information by changing the applicable information in your profile page on Facebook and/or another social network (s). If you completely delete all this information, your account may become deactivated. If you would like us to delete your record in our system, please contact us and we will attempt to accommodate your request if we are not legally obligated to retain the record.


We have put in place reasonable technical and organizational measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration or disclosure. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to overcome those measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. Also please note that email and messaging systems are not considered secure, so we discourage you from sending us personal information through these mediums.

Policy Regarding Children

The Service is not geared toward children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If we learn that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information we will delete such information from our files as quickly as possible.

Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability

You agree that your use of the Service shall be at your sole risk. To the fullest extent permitted by law, We, its officers, directors, employees, and agents disclaim all warranties, express or implies, in connection with the website and your use thereof including implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement, accuracy, authority, completeness, usefulness, and timeliness. We make no warranties or representations about the accuracy or completeness of the content of the Service and of the content of any sites linked to the Service; We assume no liability or responsibility for any (i) errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of content, (ii) personal injury or property damage, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from your access to and use of the Service, (iii) any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any and all personal information and/or financial information stored therein, (iv) any interruption or cessation of transmission to or from the Service, (v) any bugs, viruses, trojan horses, or the like which may be transmitted to or through the Service by any third party, and/or (vi) any errors or omissions in any content or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any content posted, emailed, transmitted, or otherwise made available via the Service.

In no event will We, its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners and employees, be liable to you or any third person for any special, direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages whatsoever including any lost profits or lost data arising from your use of the Service or other materials on, accessed through or downloaded from the Service, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory, and whether or not We have been advised of the possibility of these damages. The foregoing limitation of liability shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law in the applicable jurisdiction. You specifically acknowledge that We shall not be liable for user submissions or the defamatory, offensive, or illegal conduct of any third party and that the risk of harm or damage from the foregoing rests entirely with you.

You agree to indemnify and hold We, and each of its directors, officers, agents, contractors, partners, and employees, harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damages, costs and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising out of or in connection with (i) your use of and access to the Service; (ii) your violation of any term of these Terms of Service; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; (iv) any claim that one of your User Submissions caused damage to a third party; or (v) any Content you post or share on or through the Service.


By visiting or using the Service, you agree that the laws of UK, without regard to principles of conflict of laws and regardless of your location, will govern these Terms of Service and any dispute of any sort that might arise between you and us.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, please contact us at otoco.contact@gmail.com





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