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おおよそ中立的立場であると見受けられるC.Sarah Sohという研究者2009年出版された"The Comfort Women"という本は海外でも評判が高いようなので、色々調べようと思った。


検索すると、Google Readersで一部内容が見ることができ、その部分にちょうど韓国慰安婦制度について記述しているところがあったので、メモ代わりに引用しておく。




"The Comfort Women: Sexual Violence and Postcolonial Memory in Korea and Japan" by C.Sarah Soh


After its liberation from Japanese rule in August 1945,the Korean Peninsula was divided into two: Soviet troops occupied the northern half and the US military the southern half. The ongoing US military presence in South Korea led to the formation and maintenance of “Camp towns” (kijich’on, in Korean) around the military bases, a development that has had a striking social impact on Korean communities. Kijich’on (literally, base or camp [kiji] village [ch’on]) refers to the civilian world of commercial establishments and residential buildings that have sprung up around the US military bases and cater to the needs of the American GI’s. It is “ a place where Koreans and Americans- mostly male military personnel- meet in an economic and emotional marriage of convenience”. As of the end of 1996, 37,000 American troops supported the economies of ninety-six kijich’on. The estimated number of kijich’on prostitutes over the first four decades of the American presence ranges between 250,000 and 300,000.


The kijich'on sex trade consolidated and expanded during the second phase, which began with the Korean War. In her testimony, Pak Sun-i who had laboured at three different comfort startions in Japan 1944 to the end of the war, recalled:

"At twenty-seven years of age, I was having a hard time making ends meet in Tongduch'on (the largest kijich'on just outside Seoul). I ended up cohabiting with a staff sergeant of the USArmy for about two years... One of my friends from the days at a comfort station in Japan also worked as yang-gonju, but she passed away."

An American veteran who served in Korea in the 1950s after the end of the Korean War recounted that on Friday nights half-ton trucks would bring into the base a few hundred women to stay the night or the weekend with the soldiers. In 1958, five years after the armistice, the majority of about 300,000 prostitutes in Korea reportedly served American soldiers. Some of them, like their earlier Japanese counterparts(RAA), married and emigrated to the United States as wives of servicemen.

The fact that the Korean military also availed themselves of the "special comfort unit" during the Korean War has received little public attention even after the Korean women's movement in support of the "comfort women" began in the 1990s. Only piecemeal anecdotal materials on it had come to light from memoirs written by retired generals and generals and the testimony of soldiers who fought in the war.


Characterizing the Korean military comfort system as an "unfortunate offspring" of the Japanese colonial legacy, Kim Kwi-ok called for victimized women, civic organizations, and scholars to come together and confront the unresolved issues of this historical injustice. The media reports of Kim's work, however, have generated little response. There has been no public outcry regarding the Korean military's use of "comfort women" during the Korean War or its violation of women's human rights. Korean silence over these issues is reminiscent of earlier societal indifference toward survivors of imperial Japan's comfort system, It mirrors the reticence of many Japanese to come to terms with the history of their country's wartime comfort system. As in the case of Japan, many in Korea, including retired military leaders, apparently regard the women's sexual labour simply as the performance of gendered customary sex labour in order to meet the needs of fighting men. It is noteworthy that military authorities have acknowledged that the system of special comfort units contradicts the national policy of banning licensed prostitution. Nonetheless, they have insisted that the special units were created to fulfill an important strategic end.



However, when it comes to the issue of Japan's wartime "comfort women" system, which has been redefined by the international community as a prominent case of violence against women in armed conflict, no social critic or public intellectual in Korea would dare to take the customary masculinist position that such a system benefits the economy or promotes national security. This is because the comfort women issue has been redefiend as military sexual slavery and a war crime by the international community owing largely to women's collaborative movement for redress in Japan and Korea.

Still, little critical public discourse has occurred on the legacies of that historical institution or the social structural dimension of Korea'S comfort women tragedy. Few are willing to consider the unsavoury fact that, accustomed to indigenous public institutions that have granted customary sex rights to men, and licensed by the colonial government, many Koreans did not hesitate to collaborate in recruiting and runing comfort stations by trafficking in girls and young women. Rather than deal with the messy and unpleasant complications of the historical record, Korean public discourse has simplistically elevated the survivors to heroic symbols of national suffering under Japanese colonialism and its imperialist war of aggression.

By contrast, Japan, which is unavoidably seen as the perpetrator nation, has been in turmoil over contested representations of the comfort women phenomenon and its responsibility in the matter. Meanwhile, the international - as well as domestic - trade in public sex prospers in capitalist economies of Japan and Korea despite endless incidents of criminal abuse of women so employed by both foreigners and compatriots. The social historical legacies of masculinist sexual culture and political economic realities in the two countries continue to help construct women'S sexual labour as stigmatized yet customary care labour for masculine "need".


劇場版 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ [新編] 叛逆の物語 ネタバレ








・初戦ナイトメア空間すぐの『welcome to cinema』京さやの次のシーンに小さくマミサンが写るらしい。












さやかリリアン きょうこ、編みこみ結界 まどまみ、ティロ・デュリェットの演出等(ナイトメアに関するするものすべて)が手芸に関するもの


























・Do you Enjoy the Movie?の文字







































































I kill myself

they glorify death

to master





ざくろ…花言葉 愚かしさ、優美

りんご…実言葉 誘惑、好物




の子供がまどか石像にザクロ投げる時に言ってるのは、Gott ist tot!。ニーチェの言葉で「神は死んだ












べべ  : サントイッチ

マミ  : 和風弁当

まどか : からあげ

さやか : キャラ弁

ほむら : ジェム弁

きょうこ: コンビニパン







































































まどか :裂けちゃう//

ほむら :愛よ

さやか :転校生


まみ  :私は、チーズ

ベベ  :マジョマ○コカマンベール!

なぎさ :チーズを食べたかっただけなのです

QB  :「「「わけがわからないよ!」」」





まだダメよ (No! Night)

まだダメよ (No! Night)

何色の朝が来る? (No? Yes!)

まだダメよ (No? No!)

まだダメよ (No? No! Night)

まだ夜は食べかけよ (No? Yes, no!)

眠るベルが鳴る どこにいる?)

さぁ おはよう Nightmare (まだダメよ まだダメよ 何色の)

悪いお夢は これっきり (悪いお夢は まだダメよ まだ)---

歌っているのはFictionJunction ASUKA(=結城アイラ)












  • ^









  • 1




 1段目:「** IS** SC**」





 裏下部:「MADE IN CAY*N*T」(杏子に相談するシーンと同じ)






 左の扉(1段目):「DOES NOT」


 左の扉(2段目):「THE LET'S」












 ほむほむ_1_1段目:「ZU MEISTERN」


 ほむほむ_2:「LCH TOTE MICH」(1文字目は私が2回確認した限りでは「L」でした。)









313+1 :魔女文字解析_2/3 [↓] :2013/11/04(月) 23:59:58.19 ID:8AftkQx50 (2/4) [PC]

  • 2







 左側の文:「**** UNI**** DANK**」(未確認)



 閉じている窓の絵(右上):SYUKU MEI

 閉じている窓の絵(右下):KYU USAI

 横を向いてるアルまどっち:ENKAN NO KOTO WARI






 (WER TR;aUMTと同じ?)













 1段目:[結界紋章] 「HOMU [**LL*]」([]の中は白抜き部分。HOMU LILLYで確定っぽいですね)



レシピ見出し部分:「MAHOU SHOUJO」


 2段目:「SOUL JEM」


















 「WER TR:aUMT」(:aはウムラウト)




























































Now comes Shinzo Abe. As Noah Smith informs us, he is not anybody’s idea of an economic hero; he’s a nationalist, a denier of World War II atrocities, a man with little obvious interest in economic policy. If he’s defying the orthodoxy, it probably reflects his general contempt for learned opinion rather than a considered embrace of heterodox theory. - Is Japan the Country of the Future Again?


It will be a bitter irony if a pretty bad guy, with all the wrong motives, ends up doing the right thing economically, while all the good guys fail because they’re too determined to be, well, good guys. But that’s what happened in the 1930s, too …






Dear Yuki,


Thank you for accepting my interview. These are my question.

1. How long have you been to China?

2. What's your impression of China and Chinese people before? Have your impression of China or Chinese people changed a lot since you came to China for study?

3. As you know, China-Japan relationship is not quite good in recent days because of the SENKAKU ISLANDS(DIAOYU ISLANDS) dispute. How do you think about it?

4. Few weeks ago, there are many anti-Janpan protests over China. And I know that Japan doesn't have this kind of protest. As you are a Janpanese, how doyou think bout the protest in China by comparing your country?

That's all my questions. Hope that none of them would make annoy. Thank you for your time and kindness again.



hi kit!

1. How long have you been to China?


1 year. from 2012.2~2013.1

2. What's your impression of China and Chinese people before? Have your impression of China or Chinese people changed a lot since you came to China for study?


My impression before i coming shanghai has never changed....in fact, some people is noisy, no manner, and there are garbage on streets. but my image that chinese people is honest and they are good at merchandise is also true actually.

The changed point is ....fact that chinese elite is not so smart. I mean they are good at studying and getting a good score on the paper test but they dont have mind of creation. Deeply thinking, there are nothing good product originated in china...many are made in america or japan. Basement of economic of china is rehash...? and that have not still changed? that culture make chinese elite boring? anyway, i can meet earnest guy easily, but it is difficult to find guy beyond my mind. their opinion tend to be like newspapers, just there is little different from which newspaper they choose as their opinion.

more or less, i have some prejudice. what do u think about it?

3. As you know, China-Japan relationship is not quite good in recent days because of the SENKAKU ISLANDS(DIAOYU ISLANDS) dispute. How do you think about it?


As many japanese, i also think diaoyudao is japanese. also historically...lol

And i wanna present u two mistakes made by both country.

from japanese side..... goverment shouldnt buy that island. buying is too radical and they dont know chinese calture...讲究面子.

after that, chinese goverment cant go back.....for thier mianzi and national interest.

from chinese side... chinese goverment always choose radical way especially in territory problem and always depends on their force... not only with japan but also with vietnam, philipine...

4. Few weeks ago, there are many anti-Janpan protests over China. And I know that Japan doesn't have this kind of protest. As you are a Janpanese, how doyou think bout the protest in China by comparing your country?

the people taking part in is no manner and selfish...i think.

thank u kit, anyway i love china, and i wanna live in chinese world( shanghai ,hongkong, singapole if i can!) after graduating university.

if u have time, plz tell me ur opinion, thank u!
































hey pal my boss showed me this fantastic program that I wanted to share with friends

I currently making $4,000 /ea month with very little work also it was completely risk free receiving the kit which costs less than $3 for shipping


You should order your free kit before they run out

your pal




How do you know to the Nikon D90

It had been a little situation of one's before one of the many high-end camera makers learned the particular Live life Access manner with a DIGITAL SLR requested a good online video media picture after which you can created a way to help you listing the item. Olympus seemed to be hinting at the capability in Present cards 2006, as soon as E-330 (the very first video camera by means of survive viewing) is released. Nonetheless Nikon was towards the blog post while using the D90 along with Cannon is definitely soon after along with the just-announced Canon EOD 5D Mark II Battery.

Typically the 12. 3-megapixel D90 carries LARGE DEFINITION online video from a conclusion with 1280 back button 720 pixels at 27 frames/second using the understanding and also depth-of-field restrain which usually simply a DIGITAL SLR offer. Naturally, Nikon isn't going to space an expensive precedence about this skill (and not undertake most people, finding the software when alot more of the adjunct you'll take advantage of once in a while, than only a main objective just for obtaining that D90). But, because this can be a 'world first', Photography Analyze is going to tackle the application ahead of moving on that will alternative further important qualities.

Virtually no owner guide book was initially supplied with a analysis camera still (after some hassles) most of us made it possible to down load an important PDF FILE type from Nikon European union ?nternet site. Surprisingly, this manually operated exclusively devotes one-and-a-half of 270 pages of content for you to video clip producing tasks and approximately a couple thirds of the site to help you videos playback. Less a page can be specified up to a show frame proportions in addition to appear possible choices : the 120 websites following on from the primary arguments belonging to the video clip manner.

Picture Abilities

Training video in any DIGITAL CAMERA is really a important loan -- primarily for the Nikon D90 Battery cost. Beforehand, any time you required a fabulous video camera by using compatible contact lenses, which you were taking a look at round $7000 for just a unit which will would not quite possibly track record high-definition, widescreen picture. However the D90 presents way more for just a cheaper package price by providing visitors while using same sorts of manipulate in excess of centering, subjection and additionally depth-of-field like they have having a DIGITAL CAMERA digicam, combined internet site snap by using almost any Nikkor website.

But, the actual D90's online video media model is absolutely not fantastic. As movie can certainly sole often be captured throughout Are located Perspective application, you are jammed aided by the prohibitions this means that (see below). The actual noise is normally taped monaurally and then the video recording formatting is certainly AVI which will, even though it truly is best with a large number of updating functions, uses so much ram (roughly 400MB for minute). Within assessments, some 24-second cut saved for 1280 times 720 LARGE DEFINITION method for 176 kbps appeared to be 40. 7MB dimensions.

Amazingly, this high-end camera works iwth using the premier random access memory playing cards. SOME SORT OF 32GB SDHC should help you track record as much as sixty units for training video, even though a different reduction is definitely which will video plans will be available to personal training minutes for HARLEY-DAVIDSON function and 20 short minutes with typical quality.

Saddest of can be the possibility that any autofocusing procedure :Nikon D90 Charger as well as some other primary adjustments - are not to be implemented if you find yourself photographing online video media. You can actually place emphasis quickly well before taking any preview not to mention make use of the manual place emphasis wedding ring within the contact lens even while photographing. Although if the content steps near as well as from everyone as long as you're taking, blurring might be unavoidable.

Different works that need to be placed well before taking a good movie involve getting exposed compensation, vivid white stability in addition to tact surroundings. For anyone utilizing aperture-priority AE, you can actually transformation a aperture functions even though tracking your movie and as well lens quality in and additionally available - nevertheless it will be hazardous seeing that sticking to center is usually hard.

Well before beginning online video grab you have to find the wished-for audio mode from Dvd movie Controls sub-menu while in the firing navigation. 3 selections are offered: 1280 back button 720 (16: 9), 640 back button 424 (3: 2) not to mention 320 x 216 (3: 2). You too can change this reasonable producing at as well as out (the default setting up might be ON).

Most of online video media photographing pattern goes as follows:

1. Arranged this high-end camera to have Perspective way by simply hitting a LV tab.

step 2. Target about them just by half-pressing a shutter mouse if you are throughout autofocus form; also concentrate personally.

3. Marketing a O . K . key in the center from the arrow topper to get started producing.

check out. Prevent the theme presented plus centred throughout the taking progression.Nikon Coolpix S3100 Charger for anyone within information option, you can actually switch totally focus by hand while you step on the way to and / or clear of this issue. Cautious mainly vigilant while blasting close-ups when smallish differences within the place emphasis position can display simply because blurring on the content. (To confuse issues, you'll find it tough to ascertain if the appearance within the LCD is definitely pin-sharp through bright normal light while you can not use a viewfinder on Take up residence Check out manner. )

5. To cure documenting, advertising OKAY all over again.

Taking part in lower back taped video tutorials is simple. Mass media all the LV control key the next time for you to disengage Live life Watch consequently touch typically the review button in the software. Make use of the arrow mattress pad to pick out your snap you need to have fun with not to mention press RIGHT to begin the process preventing this video clip playback.


Purchasing a Photos Occupation

Like any job from where the pathway is often a difficult an individual, a very important attribute you must have got is normally dedication to ensure success. If you agree perhaps nice becoming a specialist photography, nevertheless there are actually other occupations you might equally end up being completely happy throughout, really don't go for digital photography!

Hence, considering it is a career way you will completely ought to carry out, which inturn course may be for you?

Symbol photos

Your portrait digital photographer should possibly come up with to a facility, and have unexpected location career; education beautiful photos, and also headshots designed for celebrities, performers, plus dancers. They should demand exceptional organisational skills, as they simply will probably be carrying out their unique diary-management, and keeping by themselves well apprised belonging to the most recent tendencies the two throughout photography not to mention post-production. Nevertheless zero formal certification are crucial,HP laptop keyboard a new reasonably dangerous regarding workout as well as pro knowledge essential.

Relatives photos

The family unit professional photographer can be almost entirely-studio centered. Usually addressing fractious youngsters, ones own men and women skills are usually like essential mainly because his or her knowledge for a shooter. The family unit photo throw requires diplomacy,uk panasonic charger shop and even the capacity to keep folks concentrated however laid-back. Including the symbol professional photographer, professional requirements are attractive rather then imperative.

Design photos

Removing straight into this attractive team of your business is certainly amazingly tough. The style digital photographer will stipulate a substantial real bodily portfolio of their job, and even a terrific personal internet site to make sure you function as being a gallery. His or her digital adjustment experience of your pictures these throw should really be extraordinary. Different from alot of job areas of specialist taking photographs, the style photographer need to have a realtor, that will negotiate the particular sales agreement with their function for the kids.


That image journalist is actually any storyteller, displaying the fact, by using shots hardly ever doctored before they will look for their own strategy straight into produce. Professional coaching may just be more crucial right compared to during various other job areas,vw-vbk360 for a degree can have difficulties and additionally theoretical situations to the college for you to take on. AN IMPORTANT move on course can even offer imperative connections.

Wild animals photos

Just as before, that creatures photographer needs any stand-out accounts, including a willing concern in the normal country. Through investment agencies full of photos, your budding creatures photography needs severe numbers of patience, perseverance, along with enable you to read the long video game. In need of wonderful organization and marketing and advertising proficiency, some people will surely have to allure their approach right into great romances using canine parking facilties, making admission to confined areas.

Wedding and reception photos

One particular for any adrenaline junkies belonging to the photography planet, professional wedding photographers need nervousness about metal to remain professional in the excellent picture. Addressing that availability of peoples' once-in-a-lifetime reminiscences, its many people,us nikon battery shop as well as crowd-management knowledge should really be exceptional. Ones own croping and editing skills might also want to become top-notch, for a little refined photoshopping can certainly make all the distinction somewhere between a fantastic image, including a appropriate one particular.

Your way during the occupation relies all the about your current disposition like your own skill : if you customize your career further development to be able to which you can be, you will see increasing your current skills really pleasant.


Article 14 the mobile phone will know the battery skills

If users want to prolong battery the efficient use of the time, in addition to the quality of the charger to have the guarantee, the right skills and charging is essential, because of low quality charger or wrong charging methods would affect battery time and life cycle, the following is about to charge skills:

1. The battery before they leave the factory, manufacturers were activated processing, and the charge, so the battery are more electricity, my friends say battery charging adjustment period in accordance with the time, standby still seriously insufficient, assuming that the battery is really quality goods battery of words, this kind of circumstance should extend the setting and then 3 ~ 5 times fully charge and discharge.

2. If new phone is lithium ion battery, so before 3 ~ 5 times charging commonly known as adjustment period, should be charged more than 14 hours, in order to ensure that the fully activate lithium ion activity. The lithium ion battery no memory effects, but have very strong sui sex, should give full activated PANASONIC CGR-D220 Battery, to guarantee the use of after can reach the right performance.

3. Some automation intelligent quick charger when instructions lights change, said only full of 90%. The charger will automatically change with slow charge will batteries. Best will use after batteries, otherwise, it will shorten use time.

4. Before charging and discharging lithium battery does not need special, but will not discharge damage to the battery. As far as possible when charging at the slow ChongChongDian, reduce the way quick charge; Time don't more than 24 hours. The battery after three to five times fully recharge cycles of internal after chemical will be all "activate" to achieve the best use effect.

5. Please use the original or the reputation of the good brand charger, li-ion battery to lithium battery charger with special, and follow the instructions, otherwise, it will damage to the battery, and even dangerous.

6. Have many users often in charge still leave her cell phone, actually such will be very easy to PANASONIC CGA-S101E/1B Battery damage the service life of the mobile phone, because in charge of the process, the circuit boards of mobile phone can calorific, if this time more exotic phone, may produce instant backflow current, internal parts to mobile phone damage.

7. The battery life depends on the number repeatedly charging and discharging, so should try to avoid more battery electric charge when, this will shorten battery life. Cell phone time more than 7 days, supposed to completely discharge the cell phone battery, enough electricity before use.

8. The cell phone battery have self-discharge, need not when the nimh batteries will press the residual capacity every day, about 1% of the discharge, lithium battery every day to 0.2% ~ 0.3% discharge. In for the battery, try to use the special socket, don't will the home appliance such as the Shared and the TV charger socket.

9. Though the phones in the network coverage area, but in the cell phone charge, cell phones have been unable to accept and call. At this time, can use of the mobile phone is not transfer function, will be transferred to the mobile phone side of fixed telephone in order to prevent calls lost, this kind of method for mobile phone is not in the network coverage of the area or weak signal and temporarily unable to the applicable also.

10. Don't will be exposed to high temperature or cold PANASONIC DMW-BCG10E Battery , as the dog, should not put the phone on the car, and the sun blazed through the; Or get air conditioning room, in air conditioning to be blown continuously place. When charging, the battery is a little heat is normal, but can't let it what the high temperature "suffer". In order to avoid the happening of this kind of circumstance, had better be in charge at room temperature, and don't cover anything on the mobile phone.

11. Nickel cadmium (N iCd) before the battery must ensure that the batteries are no electricity, recharging the battery must ensure that sufficient electricity after.

12. If the cell phone battery placed too long and not use, the best maintenance department to cell phones to the application for a live processing, also can use a constant dc voltage is the voltage adjustment for 5 ~ 6 V, current 500 ~ 600 mA reverse connect battery. Note that a touch namely release, the most repeated three times can, through such treatment after another, with the original adapter to "adaptation" charge.

13. Charge is not as long as possible, to no protection circuit batteries that should stop after charging, or the battery will with fever or overheating impact performance.

14. Lithium ion battery must choose special charger, otherwise may not reach the saturated state, affect their performance. Charging completes, should avoid to place in charger on more than 12 hours or more, long-term need not when should make a battery and cell phone separation.


Choose the best digital camera rechargeable batteries

Due to the nature of a digital camera, they need a lot of voltage and also need to keep good battery long periods of inactivity digital camera rechargeable batteries to a big hit, many current digital camera has a flash, may also make a short film, the two characteristics is very good, but can drain battery two times normal speed, photo shooting.

Most people are familiar with basic rechargeable battery, but the key to finding a good a doctor to give your digital camera is to look at the battery material, how will charge, and how long will the cost in use and sitting on the shelf or in the digital camera.

A little I look in my purchase any digital camera I buy is to ensure that there is a common battery size. The reason is, no matter how you plan a photo shoot, things happen, you may have to resort to the old alkaline batteries solve your problems, then. Panasonic battery my first choice is a rechargeable battery, but you never know, this is a very good thing can find a new set of batteries.

There are several important factors to consider, rechargeable batteries is the best. The first is the amount of voltage, followed by long time, then the battery of the time; Four is charge (how long shelf life will be held responsible for the storage battery).

Here are a series of typical rechargeable batteries and their voltage output:

Ni-Cad rechargeable battery, 12 volts

Nickel metal hydride rechargeable batteries-1.2 to 1.5

Ni-ZN rechargeable batteries-160 volts

Standard alkalines is 1.5 volts

Also have a level a reference number of energy storage, from the ability to represent called milli ampere hour. These level general fleeing to 2100 from 750 from is high, the more the number of the battery capacity (higher digital better).

The Ni-Cad and nimh most common, almost every major brand battery multiple versions. The latest technology is Ni-ZN are excellent storage capacity and long shelf life. Many types of rechargeable batteries can be charging many times, but they didn't mention that drop down power amount of recharges x.

And this is the real factors to consider. Let us say that if you find new battery you can use about 100 photos before they go to the south. Recharges Numbers increase, reduce many pictures. Some can only continue to before they start, recharges loose the ability to completely costs. Clever cost is still good savings from an ordinary AA alkaline battery cost $1.15 and the comparable charge is $2.50, according to the figures from $5.00.

Recent Ni-ZN cost about $5 each request and take over 500 recharges in any losses before the injury charge ability. But they also play more voltage so for example your flash recycling half the time to complete the normal alkaline batteries. If you have 100 threw a set of alkaline, you should get at least 175 vote of Ni-ZN are the same size. Plus storage life N-ZN than any other choice.

Rapid turnover a flash can be a big problem, because it is a very painful, but when photographs in the interior, need to wait for two minutes of the flash is full of power. Or, if you are shooting a series of short a minute video and ran out of the juice in the middle is not a good thing.

So, based on the pricing and ability, if you can recharge the battery is more than 500 times more the highest price, they use more cheap long-term development. If they hold up close to claim 500 cost, well, you can do the math. This is a no brainer, Ni-ZN provide more voltage, better life, and more fees each battery.





Summer scenery to take pictures of small skills

Undesirable cameras benefits us many 100 % satisfaction, leading to numerous spectacular images, as well as the hot months is operating relating to dependable summertime. This specific classmate through break free will be able to figure out any tons in addition to waterways, downtown along with far-away beautiful gardening, and yet may these pure attractiveness to become a memento playing hit decrease, apart from skin color boil due to the high-end digicam purpose, a great deal more simple could be to evaluation whatever taking pictures competency as well as having photos. The amount, smaller try to make your work latest many of the summer season harvesting powerful see to it, typically the classmate need to next image have a go through, you become this confidently unexpected wonder.

Digital cameras would bring us lots of enjoyment, leaving a myriad of unique images, and summertime is journeying in wonderful summer season. The classmate throughout the getaway can recognize that reams together with estuaries and rivers, metropolitan and also countryside attractive panoramas, yet take place all these charm being a memento opportunity straight down, together with steam as a result of a camcorder operation, a lot more crucial is usually to examine ones own taking functionality and also taking photographs. That period, the little generate your choice have quite a few summer months firing effective be mindful, the particular classmate may as well within the next snapshot have a shot at, you will get the particular total surprising stun.

Household landscapes

By out of doors firing indoors panoramas, basic will need throughout the Windows 7, out-of-doors mild typically currently have more substantial indoors light-weight, now a couple of challenges ought to be sorted out, is the particular coverage time frame, a couple of it truly is in order to avoid a display reflective, when pics of any camera through hands-on management operate, might take number of years coverage setting up, when photographic camera goes so that you can twit style, can easily will likely be ISO level of sensitivity Surroundings bump up, this ISO 2 hundred or perhaps ISO six hundred aiming.

Inside panorama 's best golf shot employing a tripod, in any other case, wants a spot to guide, one example is in opposition to any divider and entry, and even the true reason for executing it is because very long coverage is quite effortless construct any digital camera protein shake, producing photographs regarding fluffy envision. It's best to utilize the shutter launch, or perhaps utilize to get center-weighted avoiding relocate a video camera. Notice: except if absolutely necessary, tend not to available the particular pen, stay clear of a lot more reflective.

Out-of-doors landscapes

Bring that landscape designs from the probability with the photo may well schedule some individuals or even factors, and this also may help the room inside the operation of your view photos. Get a large surfaces area photos, as an example the veranda as well as the roof top, hillside, for example. Typically inside the mid-day is without a doubt the most suitable time frame filming this landscapes. Filming, having a polarizer to adjust a illumination with the stars, produce the particular heavens develop into dreary quite a few, well known from the glowing blue stars the white kind of fog up, as a way to boost the space or room repeatedly.

Several virtually no guidebook vulnerability management of any camera together with location form, as well as the landscape designs way is completely features on the list of manner, you are able to use landscape designs way to adopt shots. Together with handbook vulnerability restrain photographic camera might opt for aperture goal option that will movie, aperture to help acquired far better pick out F8 to help you photograph or maybe F11, this photo will be extra management concentrations senses.


The particular modify on the urban center is without a doubt switching, specifically together with a lot of approach large establishing intended for symbolize, and also this are at recent many portrait digital photography buffs including firing template.

Yet typical photographic camera through simply how much suitable container distortion, hence as a way to make an effort to reduce the photograph of your deformation belonging to the accumulating " up ", thus you ought to pick around substantial thoughts and opinions filming. One example is inside the steps, or perhaps some other might help the beliefs with area. If you fail to find the correct destination for a reside, you can from the again, clear of the particular lead entity to cut back a distortion. Maybe you've employed the greatest wide-angle standard zoom lens. Vivid stars will be able to replace with a developing with the darkish. Having a polarizer to cut back or perhaps wipe out construction with reflective a glass. In addition to, certainly, consume an excellent know with the can make one of a kind imaginative results.

mineral water

Firing apply or maybe a aerosol in waters, incorporate the use of part mild and also backlight try to make waters intended for introducing see through pattern. Several novices all of coveted by a really "splash with photos, in truth, I am able to effortlessly applied for, so the hurrying h2o glance alot more downy, have got a form of passionate blur. Shutter possibly inside 1/10 so that you can 1/6 erinarians regulate might get move cosmetic perception for splash pics.

At night and also night time

Local plumber to be able to sunset taking scenario regarding is usually 15-30 moments, next the stars always possess some colouring failed to ends. As a way to raise the graphic with the amount with subject, can easily on the ending with the passage and also uncover several regarding an individual's special world. It is as well the location where the tripod on has to be, commonly programmed coverage is definitely o . k ., yet you should attempt to utilize hands-on visibility, and also the employment of the particular shutter put out restrain taking, respectively for 2, 5, 8, 12 and also of sixteen secs shutter tempo so that you can capture some photo contrast.

Needless to say now and again continue to are able to use ISO200 to help you photograph, yet so that you can be aware of an electronic camcorder with disturbance handle is normally adequate, when pixels will be overweight, or maybe together with ISO100 contrasting by using base style to help motion picture.

In truth firing night time scenarios, at times to be able to as well do not require that filming with step-by-step developing oh, this streets these kinds of, a small amount convert tips plus aiming design and style, might get the result of experiencing a specialized pattern.





Tonight, the star are obsessed heart

【 1 】 searching. Summer mood

Warm sunshine in the body and melted the remaining the sorrow, but increase some warm meaning. Half a narrowed her eyes, look long rear its head, the suspension of the golden ball still smiled at me. The window, have always liked position, whether in the coffee shop or the teahouse or is a fast-food restaurant, as long as is the place all to sit down for the habitual by a window. So, I can clearly see the outside world, see clearly in the outside walk every one.

I am a fear of stay in that vague world people, can now, are steps into the relationship that vague. Once the countless times told himself, the person to work to clear and plainly, clean, neat. But, now of oneself, not only drag, ya, indecision is at sixes and sevens, blurred.

Summer, is a hot season, also is a easily lose season. Each people all have everyone's temper, and summer, let everyone's temper to acme. Stimulate each other's sensory nerve, little the release of anger. They have with anger, with anger passing, also have with anger of fighting the performance...

All kinds of people are full of all kinds of release methods, and I still slowly, don't worry about being by your side. Pay attention to you every day the fickle mood, ponder your mood every day of good and bad. Sometimes think, time is like a medicine, and like a poison. It makes us forget the pain before, but start the next paragraph sad. It let we abandon our past and desolate, but to a desolate.

【 2 】 summer. Away from grief

Spring as the fallen petal go, wearing a suit LuYeEr of summer in the jump in the warm wind coming, I like winning, jubilant welcome the arrival of the summer. I like summer, like the warm sunshine. Like the sunrise, also like the sunset. Like the golden sun, also like the warmth of sunshine.

Where there is sun, and I feel that my world will not too cold.

Where there is sun, and I feel that my life not too dark.

Where there is sun, and I think the world is full of hope.

Had the sunlight, I have confidence has been waiting for you.

The recent weather and began to change is full of sunshine in the morning, and at noon, will see the sun's trail, the change is the roaring winds, bully touching each corner, don't allow a little resistance. Recently is always looking for a variety of ways, to ease his trouble and sorrow. No longer let oneself and sad hook, no longer let yourself with tears become attached to, so, no longer let their sorrow.

Recently, always looking for all kinds of things to do, like have do not like, just like it or not, will be serious to do. So it won't have too much time to think some the mess of things, so that it doesn't always have my insignificant problem into the inside and you weep alone.

[3] night. sensational

With only a sunshine gradually exit out of the window, the moonlight slowly emerging, tight with all kinds of the stars also slowly appeared in the sky. The earth is a light moonlight and the stars into romantic ornament night. Little stars sings like pearl inlaid in under the canopy, ShanShanDe with a light, and the next you said nothing, as if to see this wonderful night.

Into that familiar with the place, the habitual open air conditioning, open the curtains, the outside world is still so wonderful, the stars and not because night and receding, but more glow. At the moment, finally understand, why do so many people like stars in the night, the night the crush.

Tonight's you, different from ordinary, striking a little can't believe. Don't know is his vision, or a real feelings, whether true or not true world. All like tonight's you, suddenly a few days before the fall of all scores brought. Perhaps that is part of your charm.

Night, still as black, so quiet. Just, tonight's night, less afraid.

I and, as usual, quiet looking at the sleeping you, the mouth cape raise filar silk smile and this is that light taste happiness?





Along the way, thank you

Do all the way, the dream all the way, and read all the way, the injury all the way, the youth of this shore, I eyebrow XinWei cu, listening to the wind tells the years of the past; Go all the way, appreciate all the way, listen to all the way, drunk all the way, time of the other side, you gently walk, bring me for my whole life the oath. Smile, as a jade, just like the cold winter la month of a warming Yang; Words, amiable and gentle, like stroke and a wisp of spring breeze; The heart, clear as bright, filled with tolerance and forthright.

In the boundless huge crowd, you I meet by chance, and then silence who know each other, as world all the fate, we own the roaming in, repeated a story of others. Looking at today's you and me, read the yesterday's he and she, original all is so similar to the ends of the earth, the same scene, every moment thousands of deduction. The different stage, the same script, different actors, the same lines, perhaps, that is what the world had said the world of mortals.

Life, seems to be a little spring and fall streams, no waves without wind, go light, so of the day, that you and I, is I have dreamed of. But he is always thinking of, perhaps our stories will be something different, always feel, I want life probably shouldn't so, always think, and the story you and I should deducing other wonderful. Perhaps this is the so-called is not satisfied with it.

Not content with me, occasionally also play a song in life all much ado about nothing. The occasional upset, the occasional sentimentality, occasionally sad sorrow bosom, such me, sometimes not even willing to tolerance, but you will always smiled and said it doesn't matter. A that's ok, covers the you to my tolerance. Thank you, thank you willing to listen to me, thank you willing to understand me, thank you for your concern and care of understanding.

Along the way, just behind the one season blossom has collected, have already in the years flows through place vanished, lift. Magging issues.it, those flowers, then no longer in those days Ming yan; Walk off, those figure, also do not know when from my life disappear; For a around, those familiar with smile, and those who agreed upon oath, and has set up a file in the baptism of the mood swept away. Looking back, QiFengChuYu also only you have been, from beginning to end with reckless abandon.

I know, you are always on, maybe not at nearby, but has lived in my heart. You are in my heart, so, I count the mirror in flower, and cicadas in the eyes of the tender you smile and looked at on the water, and know that you SiQi born rich, and son ChengYue vow.

You know, more than any other, I in the character of the much a slightly thin cool. Those who love, I do not say, and not understand; Those good, I don't talk, and not unknown; Those who warm, those carefully, I pretended that I don't know, but one can see in the eye, and talks to heart. I'm not good at expressing, doesn't mean I don't have felt in the heart, on the contrary, a warm action, a concern of look in the eyes, a warm words, of all things, I kept away, and put it in my heart.

Since always, all don't understand you in my life to a role play, from that year to now, you and I walked all the way from strangers, to close right now, our story is in what the beat is a? Perhaps the story is finalizing a play, also or two hearts were there, but I thank you have in this warm attitude in my MingTu.

Thank you for the lonely in my time took me by the hand, and thank you for making me again believe a fairy tale of aestheticism, thank you for your face my unreasonable never give up, thank you for your tender feelings with the whole life the warmth of my I thin cool, thank you to accompany me along the way. To you, please make I say thank you, thank you let me in such years can also ease dream, let me be able to a insignificant posture face a window to listen.

The dream flowers, quietly away, and in a hurry fell, some people, quietly, and silently walk, that time, like water flowing silence, from refused to make a little I stopped, and our story? Our story will end in where? Tomorrow's you I is near at hand, or the apart?










Facebook gets it. That's what really worries me. That's what got me off my lazy butt to write this thing. I hate blogging. I hate... plussing, or whatever it's called when you do a massive rant in Google+ even though it's a terrible venue for it but you do it anyway because in the end you really do want Google to be successful. And I do! I mean, Facebook wants me there, and it'd be pretty easy to just go. But Google is home, so I'm insisting that we have this little family intervention, uncomfortable as it might be.








まあ要は Facebook が僕を呼んでいるし、きっとそっちでやるほうがずっと楽なんだろうけど、

Google は僕にとって家だし、だからこういう家族同士のお節介焼きのようなことをやっていこうよと言ってるわけだ。


Start with a Platform, and Then Use it for Everything.




It's not even super clear whose mom he was talking about, and doesn't really matter, because nobody's mom can use the goddamn website.





















I managed my schedule and went to see my colleagues at the course of seminar, because they said all the girls were coming.

I thought we were going to talk about our presentation of studies after the summer vacation. However, all they did was to gossip about male colleagues and their love affairs.

I talked as little as possible, when someone asked me if I have a boyfriend. I thought I might be in an embarrassing situation if they knew that I lied, and said No, honestly.

She said, "I know." Don't ask me if you know that.

She even asked if I "have ever talked with boys".

Of course I have. Nuts to you!





既にプライベートモードになっていて再生出来ないので解説すると、8月7日に放送されたフジテレビドラマの出演者のTシャツ背中に「LITTLE BOY」の文字がプリントされてる。

表には「FOOL ON THE HILL FIRENDS」と書いてあるがこれは何を意味してるのかちょっと分からん。「丘の上の愚者」?ビートルズにそんな曲があったな。












“We knew that what we were doing here could be about a little more than just a football tournament. If winning this makes one person, someone who lost something or someone or was hurt or damaged by the events that touched our country, feel better for even one moment, then we have really achieved a most special thing. If it makes everyone happy and joyful and gives them a reason to cheer after such difficult times, then we have been successful. Japan has been hurt and so many lives have been affected. We can not change that but Japan is coming back and this was our chance to represent our nation and show that we never stop working. This is like a dream to us and we hope our country shares it with us.”




















遺書の代わりのプレイリスト もしくは無人島に持っていくプレイリス

茉莉(昆蟲白)、Happy New-Yearが言いたくて(南野陽子)、一直到底(Nipples)、赤い戦車ヤプーズ)、南方蝶道(甜梅號)、

一個人的水道(甜梅號)、Air on the G stringBach)、春夏秋(チャットモンチー)、激光中(羅文)、Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence坂本龍一)、

恋愛スピリッツチャットモンチー)、安眠藥(歐陽靖 陳奐仁)、甜蜜蜜(薛凱琪)、MAY斉藤由貴)、ダンシングヒーロー荻野目洋子)、

雙失情人節(Twins)、青山黛瑪(何韻詩)、汽水樽裡的咖啡(何韻詩)、情歌(側田)、when i listen to the field mice(my little airport)、


東風Yellow Magic Orchestra)、Lucky(スーパーカー)、我有一段情(吳鶯音)、曙(ゲルニカ)、2EM12_KK_A09(ヱヴァ破)、

光榮之家(何韻詩)、北歐是我們的死亡終站(my little airport)、隆重登場(容祖兒)、電力組曲 C:電化の暮らしゲルニカ)、妮歌(何韻詩)、

Komm, Susser Tod/甘き死よ、来たれ(Arianne )、ホープ(testpattern)、給十年後的我(薛凱琪)、安靜了(S.H.E)、女朋友(歐陽靖 陳奐仁)、

体操YMO)、You Only Live Twice(Nancy Sinatra)、小茉莉楊丞琳)、Oh!(少女時代)、圓謊(容祖兒)、

管他什麼音樂(范曉萱&100%)、Blue Paradise(Martin Denny)、泡泡(魏如萱)、Sunny Road To Salina(Christophe)、Be True(容祖兒)、

しいたそがれ(南野陽子)、最後的歌(楊千嬅)、Le premier chagrin d'amour(France Gall)、眼球綺譚(戸川純ユニット)、愛しのキッズ小島麻由美)、

月世界旅行アポジー&ペリジー)、韻律泳(何韻詩)、飛べない翼(Lily Chou Chou)、手のなるほうへ(チャットモンチー)、ヒステリヤ(ヤプーズ)、

Green Grass Of Tunnel(Mum)、夢伴(梅艷芳)、舊約(何韻詩)、再見...露絲瑪莉(何韻詩)、AXIA~かなしいことり~(斉藤由貴)、



愛一個上一課(容祖兒)、最後一課(容祖兒)、時不與我(容祖兒)、Dear. Mom少女時代)、男孩像你(薛凱琪)、

沙堡壘(容祖兒)、A Wishful Way(Hopscotch)、ONE斉藤由貴)、拳銃チャットモンチー)、脆弱(謝安琪)、


想想(何欣穗)、リフトの下で逢いましょう(南野陽子)、ギルガメッシュヤプーズ)、Roller Coaster Rock(selfkill)、a love songEGO-WRAPPIN')、

愛將(梅艷芳)、手のなるほうへ(チャットモンチー)、petsounds(the beach boys)、香格里拉(魏如萱)。




I was at home the other night inth middle of my dinner when the phone rang.


AT&T:Yes, thie is AT&T...

ME:Thie is AT&T,

AT&T:Yes, this is AT&T.

ME:Is this AT&T.?

AT&T:Yes! This is AT&T, may I speak to Mr.Byron, please?

ME:May I ask who is calling?

AT&T:This is AT&T.

ME:OK, hold on.

At this point I put the phone down for a solid 5 minutes thinking that, surely, this person would have hung up the phone. I ate my salad. Much to my surprise, when I picked up the receiver, they were still waiting,


AT&T:Is this Mr.Byron?

ME:May I ask who is calling, please?

AT&T:Yes, this is AT&T...

ME:This is AT&T?

AT&T:Yes, this is AT&T...

ME:The phone company.

AT&T:Yes, sir.

ME:I thought you said this was AT&T.

AT&T:Yes, sir, we are phone company.

ME:I already have a phone.

AT&T:We aren't selling phones today, Mr.Byron. We world like to offer you 10 cents a minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

ME:Now, that's 10 cents a minute, 24 hours a day?

AT&T:(getting a little excited at this point by my interest) Yes, sir, that's right! 24 hours a day!

ME:7 days a week?

AT&T:That's right.

ME:I am definitely interested in that! Wow!! That's amazing!

AT&T:We think so!

ME:That's quite a sum of money!

AT&TYes, sir, it's amazing how it adds up.

ME:OK, so will you send me checks weekly, monthly or just one big one at the end of the year for the full $52,560; and if you send an annual check, can I get a cash advance?

AT&T:Excuse me?

ME:You know, the 10 cents a minute.

AT&T:What are you talking about?

ME:You said you'd give me 10 cents a minute, 24 horus a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Thats comes to $144 per day, $1008 per week and $52,560 per year, I'm just interested in knowing how you will be making payment.

AT&T:Oh, no sir. I didn't mean we'd be peying you, You pay us 10 cents a minute.

ME:Wait a minutes. how do you figure that by saying that you'll give me 10 cents a minute, that I'll give YOU 10 cents a minute? Is this some kind of subliminal telemarketing scheme? I've read about things like this in the Enquirer, you know.

AT&T:No, sur, we are offering 10 cents a minute for

ME:THERE YOU GO AGAIN! Can I speak to supervisor please?

AT&T:Sir, I don't think that necessary.

ME:I insist on speaking to supervisor!

AT&T:Yes, Mr.Byron. Pleas hold.

At this point, I begin trying to finish my dinner.



SUPERVISOR:I understand you are not quite understanding our 10 cents a minute program.

ME:is This AT&T?

SUPERVISOR:Yes, sir, it sure is.

ME:(I had to swallow before I choked on my food, It was all I could do to suppress my laughter and I had to be Careful not to produce a snort.) No, actually, I was just waiting for someone to get back to me so that I could sign up fo the plan.

SUPERVISOR:Ok, no problem, I'll transfer you back to the person who was helping you.

ME:Thank you.

I was on hold once again and managed a few more monthfuls. I need to end this conversation. Suddenly, there was an aggravated but polite voice at the other end of the phone.

AT&T:Hello, Mr.Byron, I understand that you are interested in sighning up for our plan?

ME:No, but I was wondering - do you have that "Friend and Family" thing because I'm an only child and I'd really like to have a little brother...



木を隠すために森を作る 捜索編


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福島原子力発電所CNNコメント欄 MIT科学者見解2【東日本巨大地震

When the diesel generators were gone, the reactor operators switched to emergency battery power. The batteries were designed as one of the backups to the backups, to provide power for cooling the core for 8 hours. And they did.

Within the 8 hours, another power source had to be found and connected to the power plant. The power grid was down due to the earthquake. The diesel generators were destroyed by the tsunami. So mobile diesel generators were trucked in.

This is where things started to go seriously wrong. The external power generators could not be connected to the power plant (the plugs did not fit). So after the batteries ran out, the residual heat could not be carried away any more.

At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a “loss of cooling event”. It is again a step along the “Depth of Defense” lines. The power to the cooling systems should never have failed completely, but it did, so they “retreat” to the next line of defense. All of this, however shocking it seems to us, is part of the day-to-day training you go through as an operator, right through to managing a core meltdown.

It was at this stage that people started to talk about core meltdown. Because at the end of the day, if cooling cannot be restored, the core will eventually melt (after hours or days), and the last line of defense, the core catcher and third containment, would come into play.

But the goal at this stage was to manage the core while it was heating up, and ensure that the first containment (the Zircaloy tubes that contains the nuclear fuel), as well as the second containment (our pressure cooker) remain intact and operational for as long as possible, to give the engineers time to fix the cooling systems.

Because cooling the core is such a big deal, the reactor has a number of cooling systems, each in multiple versions (the reactor water cleanup system, the decay heat removal, the reactor core isolating cooling, the standby liquid cooling system, and the emergency core cooling system). Which one failed when or did not fail is not clear at this point in time.

So imagine our pressure cooker on the stove, heat on low, but on. The operators use whatever cooling system capacity they have to get rid of as much heat as possible, but the pressure starts building up. The priority now is to maintain integrity of the first containment (keep temperature of the fuel rods below 2200°C), as well as the second containment, the pressure cooker. In order to maintain integrity of the pressure cooker (the second containment), the pressure has to be released from time to time. Because the ability to do that in an emergency is so important, the reactor has 11 pressure release valves. The operators now started venting steam from time to time to control the pressure. The temperature at this stage was about 550°C.

This is when the reports about “radiation leakage” starting coming in. I believe I explained above why venting the steam is theoretically the same as releasing radiation into the environment, but why it was and is not dangerous. The radioactive nitrogen as well as the noble gases do not pose a threat to human health.

At some stage during this venting, the explosion occurred. The explosion took place outside of the third containment (our “last line of defense”), and the reactor building. Remember that the reactor building has no function in keeping the radioactivity contained. It is not entirely clear yet what has happened, but this is the likely scenario: The operators decided to vent the steam from the pressure vessel not directly into the environment, but into the space between the third containment and the reactor building (to give the radioactivity in the steam more time to subside). The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can “disassociate” into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture. And it did explode, outside the third containment, damaging the reactor building around. It was that sort of explosion, but inside the pressure vessel (because it was badly designed and not managed properly by the operators) that lead to the explosion of Chernobyl. This was never a risk at Fukushima. The problem of hydrogen-oxygen formation is one of the biggies when you design a power plant (if you are not Soviet, that is), so the reactor is build and operated in a way it cannot happen inside the containment. It happened outside, which was not intended but a possible scenario and OK, because it did not pose a risk for the containment.

So the pressure was under control, as steam was vented. Now, if you keep boiling your pot, the problem is that the water level will keep falling and falling. The core is covered by several meters of water in order to allow for some time to pass (hours, days) before it gets exposed. Once the rods start to be exposed at the top, the exposed parts will reach the critical temperature of 2200 °C after about 45 minutes. This is when the first containment, the Zircaloy tube, would fail.

And this started to happen. The cooling could not be restored before there was some (very limited, but still) damage to the casing of some of the fuel. The nuclear material itself was still intact, but the surrounding Zircaloy shell had started melting. What happened now is that some of the byproducts of the uranium decay – radioactive Cesium and Iodine – started to mix with the steam. The big problem, uranium, was still under control, because the uranium oxide rods were good until 3000 °C. It is confirmed that a very small amount of Cesium and Iodine was measured in the steam that was released into the atmosphere.

It seems this was the “go signal” for a major plan B. The small amounts of Cesium that were measured told the operators that the first containment on one of the rods somewhere was about to give. The Plan A had been to restore one of the regular cooling systems to the core. Why that failed is unclear. One plausible explanation is that the tsunami also took away / polluted all the clean water needed for the regular cooling systems.

The water used in the cooling system is very clean, demineralized (like distilled) water. The reason to use pure water is the above mentioned activation by the neutrons from the Uranium: Pure water does not get activated much, so stays practically radioactive-free. Dirt or salt in the water will absorb the neutrons quicker, becoming more radioactive. This has no effect whatsoever on the core – it does not care what it is cooled by. But it makes life more difficult for the operators and mechanics when they have to deal with activated (i.e. slightly radioactive) water.

But Plan A had failed – cooling systems down or additional clean water unavailable – so Plan B came into effect. This is what it looks like happened:

In order to prevent a core meltdown, the operators started to use sea water to cool the core. I am not quite sure if they flooded our pressure cooker with it (the second containment), or if they flooded the third containment, immersing the pressure cooker. But that is not relevant for us.

The point is that the nuclear fuel has now been cooled down. Because the chain reaction has been stopped a long time ago, there is only very little residual heat being produced now. The large amount of cooling water that has been used is sufficient to take up that heat. Because it is a lot of water, the core does not produce sufficient heat any more to produce any significant pressure. Also, boric acid has been added to the seawater. Boric acid is “liquid control rod”. Whatever decay is still going on, the Boron will capture the neutrons and further speed up the cooling down of the core.

The plant came close to a core meltdown. Here is the worst-case scenario that was avoided: If the seawater could not have been used for treatment, the operators would have continued to vent the water steam to avoid pressure buildup. The third containment would then have been completely sealed to allow the core meltdown to happen without releasing radioactive material. After the meltdown, there would have been a waiting period for the intermediate radioactive materials to decay inside the reactor, and all radioactive particles to settle on a surface inside the containment. The cooling system would have been restored eventually, and the molten core cooled to a manageable temperature. The containment would have been cleaned up on the inside. Then a messy job of removing the molten core from the containment would have begun, packing the (now solid again) fuel bit by bit into transportation containers to be shipped to processing plants. Depending on the damage, the block of the plant would then either be repaired or dismantled.

Now, where does that leave us?

・The plant is safe now and will stay safe.

Japan is looking at an INES Level 4 Accident: Nuclear accident with local consequences. That is bad for the company that owns the plant, but not for anyone else.

・Some radiation was released when the pressure vessel was vented. All radioactive isotopes from the activated steam have gone (decayed). A very small amount of Cesium was released, as well as Iodine. If you were sitting on top of the plants’ chimney when they were venting, you should probably give up smoking to return to your former life expectancy. The Cesium and Iodine isotopes were carried out to the sea and will never be seen again.

・There was some limited damage to the first containment. That means that some amounts of radioactive Cesium and Iodine will also be released into the cooling water, but no Uranium or other nasty stuff (the Uranium oxide does not “dissolve” in the water). There are facilities for treating the cooling water inside the third containment. The radioactive Cesium and Iodine will be removed there and eventually stored as radioactive waste in terminal storage.

・The seawater used as cooling water will be activated to some degree. Because the control rods are fully inserted, the Uranium chain reaction is not happening. That means the “main” nuclear reaction is not happening, thus not contributing to the activation. The intermediate radioactive materials (Cesium and Iodine) are also almost gone at this stage, because the Uranium decay was stopped a long time ago. This further reduces the activation. The bottom line is that there will be some low level of activation of the seawater, which will also be removed by the treatment facilities.

・The seawater will then be replaced over time with the “normal” cooling water

・The reactor core will then be dismantled and transported to a processing facility, just like during a regular fuel change.

Fuel rods and the entire plant will be checked for potential damage. This will take about 4-5 years.

・The safety systems on all Japanese plants will be upgraded to withstand a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami (or worse)

・I believe the most significant problem will be a prolonged power shortage. About half of Japan’s nuclear reactors will probably have to be inspected, reducing the nation’s power generating capacity by 15%. This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. That will increase your electricity bill, as well as lead to potential power shortages during peak demand, in Japan.

If you want to stay informed, please forget the usual media outlets and consult the following websites:




福島原子力発電所CNNコメント欄 MIT科学者科学者見解1【東日本巨大地震



I'm going to copy paste a full blog post of a research scientist at MIT here, who explains the situation at Fukushima much better than anyone else has, his message: no worries.

This post is by Dr Josef Oehmen, a research scientist at MIT, in Boston.

He is a PhD Scientist, whose father has extensive experience in Germany’s nuclear industry. I asked him to write this information to my family in Australia, who were being made sick with worry by the media reports coming from Japan. I am republishing it with his permission.

It is a few hours old, so if any information is out of date, blame me for the delay in getting it published.

This is his text in full and unedited. It is very long, so get comfy.

I am writing this text (Mar 12) to give you some peace of mind regarding some of the troubles in Japan, that is the safety of Japan’s nuclear reactors. Up front, the situation is serious, but under control. And this text is long! But you will know more about nuclear power plants after reading it than all journalists on this planet put together.

There was and will *not* be any significant release of radioactivity.

By “significant” I mean a level of radiation of more than what you would receive on – say – a long distance flight, or drinking a glass of beer that comes from certain areas with high levels of natural background radiation.

I have been reading every news release on the incident since the earthquake. There has not been one single (!) report that was accurate and free of errors (and part of that problem is also a weakness in the Japanese crisis communication). By “not free of errors” I do not refer to tendentious anti-nuclear journalism – that is quite normal these days. By “not free of errors” I mean blatant errors regarding physics and natural law, as well as gross misinterpretation of facts, due to an obvious lack of fundamental and basic understanding of the way nuclear reactors are build and operated. I have read a 3 page report on CNN where every single paragraph contained an error.

We will have to cover some fundamentals, before we get into what is going on.

Construction of the Fukushima nuclear power plants

The plants at Fukushima are so called Boiling Water Reactors, or BWR for short. Boiling Water Reactors are similar to a pressure cooker. The nuclear fuel heats water, the water boils and creates steam, the steam then drives turbines that create the electricity, and the steam is then cooled and condensed back to water, and the water send back to be heated by the nuclear fuel. The pressure cooker operates at about 250 °C.

The nuclear fuel is uranium oxide. Uranium oxide is a ceramic with a very high melting point of about 3000 °C. The fuel is manufactured in pellets (think little cylinders the size of Lego bricks). Those pieces are then put into a long tube made of Zircaloy with a melting point of 2200 °C, and sealed tight. The assembly is called a fuel rod. These fuel rods are then put together to form larger packages, and a number of these packages are then put into the reactor. All these packages together are referred to as “the core”.

The Zircaloy casing is the first containment. It separates the radioactive fuel from the rest of the world.

The core is then placed in the “pressure vessels”. That is the pressure cooker we talked about before. The pressure vessels is the second containment. This is one sturdy piece of a pot, designed to safely contain the core for temperatures several hundred °C. That covers the scenarios where cooling can be restored at some point.

The entire “hardware” of the nuclear reactor – the pressure vessel and all pipes, pumps, coolant (water) reserves, are then encased in the third containment. The third containment is a hermetically (air tight) sealed, very thick bubble of the strongest steel. The third containment is designed, built and tested for one single purpose: To contain, indefinitely, a complete core meltdown. For that purpose, a large and thick concrete basin is cast under the pressure vessel (the second containment), which is filled with graphite, all inside the third containment. This is the so-called “core catcher”. If the core melts and the pressure vessel bursts (and eventually melts), it will catch the molten fuel and everything else. It is built in such a way that the nuclear fuel will be spread out, so it can cool down.

This third containment is then surrounded by the reactor building. The reactor building is an outer shell that is supposed to keep the weather out, but nothing in. (this is the part that was damaged in the explosion, but more to that later).

Fundamentals of nuclear reactions

The uranium fuel generates heat by nuclear fission. Big uranium atoms are split into smaller atoms. That generates heat plus neutrons (one of the particles that forms an atom). When the neutron hits another uranium atom, that splits, generating more neutrons and so on. That is called the nuclear chain reaction.

Now, just packing a lot of fuel rods next to each other would quickly lead to overheating and after about 45 minutes to a melting of the fuel rods. It is worth mentioning at this point that the nuclear fuel in a reactor can *never* cause a nuclear explosion the type of a nuclear bomb. Building a nuclear bomb is actually quite difficult (ask Iran). In Chernobyl, the explosion was caused by excessive pressure buildup, hydrogen explosion and rupture of all containments, propelling molten core material into the environment (a “dirty bomb”). Why that did not and will not happen in Japan, further below.

In order to control the nuclear chain reaction, the reactor operators use so-called “moderator rods”. The moderator rods absorb the neutrons and kill the chain reaction instantaneously. A nuclear reactor is built in such a way, that when operating normally, you take out all the moderator rods. The coolant water then takes away the heat (and converts it into steam and electricity) at the same rate as the core produces it. And you have a lot of leeway around the standard operating point of 250°C.

The challenge is that after inserting the rods and stopping the chain reaction, the core still keeps producing heat. The uranium “stopped” the chain reaction. But a number of intermediate radioactive elements are created by the uranium during its fission process, most notably Cesium and Iodine isotopes, i.e. radioactive versions of these elements that will eventually split up into smaller atoms and not be radioactive anymore. Those elements keep decaying and producing heat. Because they are not regenerated any longer from the uranium (the uranium stopped decaying after the moderator rods were put in), they get less and less, and so the core cools down over a matter of days, until those intermediate radioactive elements are used up.

This residual heat is causing the headaches right now.

So the first “type” of radioactive material is the uranium in the fuel rods, plus the intermediate radioactive elements that the uranium splits into, also inside the fuel rod (Cesium and Iodine).

There is a second type of radioactive material created, outside the fuel rods. The big main difference up front: Those radioactive materials have a very short half-life, that means that they decay very fast and split into non-radioactive materials. By fast I mean seconds. So if these radioactive materials are released into the environment, yes, radioactivity was released, but no, it is not dangerous, at all. Why? By the time you spelled “R-A-D-I-O-N-U-C-L-I-D-E”, they will be harmless, because they will have split up into non radioactive elements. Those radioactive elements are N-16, the radioactive isotope (or version) of nitrogen (air). The others are noble gases such as Xenon. But where do they come from? When the uranium splits, it generates a neutron (see above). Most of these neutrons will hit other uranium atoms and keep the nuclear chain reaction going. But some will leave the fuel rod and hit the water molecules, or the air that is in the water. Then, a non-radioactive element can “capture” the neutron. It becomes radioactive. As described above, it will quickly (seconds) get rid again of the neutron to return to its former beautiful self.

This second “type” of radiation is very important when we talk about the radioactivity being released into the environment later on.

What happened at Fukushima

I will try to summarize the main facts. The earthquake that hit Japan was 7 times more powerful than the worst earthquake the nuclear power plant was built for (the Richter scale works logarithmically; the difference between the 8.2 that the plants were built for and the 8.9 that happened is 7 times, not 0.7). So the first hooray for Japanese engineering, everything held up.

When the earthquake hit with 8.9, the nuclear reactors all went into automatic shutdown. Within seconds after the earthquake started, the moderator rods had been inserted into the core and nuclear chain reaction of the uranium stopped. Now, the cooling system has to carry away the residual heat. The residual heat load is about 3% of the heat load under normal operating conditions.

The earthquake destroyed the external power supply of the nuclear reactor. That is one of the most serious accidents for a nuclear power plant, and accordingly, a “plant black out” receives a lot of attention when designing backup systems. The power is needed to keep the coolant pumps working. Since the power plant had been shut down, it cannot produce any electricity by itself any more.

Things were going well for an hour. One set of multiple sets of emergency Diesel power generators kicked in and provided the electricity that was needed. Then the Tsunami came, much bigger than people had expected when building the power plant (see above, factor 7). The tsunami took out all multiple sets of backup Diesel generators.

When designing a nuclear power plant, engineers follow a philosophy called “Defense of Depth”. That means that you first build everything to withstand the worst catastrophe you can imagine, and then design the plant in such a way that it can still handle one system failure (that you thought could never happen) after the other. A tsunami taking out all backup power in one swift strike is such a scenario. The last line of defense is putting everything into the third containment (see above), that will keep everything, whatever the mess, moderator rods in our out, core molten or not, inside the reactor.







アイドルマスター2 「The world is all one !!」 全員分(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13730283
アイドルマスター2 「Little Match Girl」 全員分(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13724446)
アイドルマスター2 「SMOKY THRILL」 全員分(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13693070)
アイドルマスター2 「MEGARE!」 全員分(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13709786)
【実況】ドリクラからポロロッカした男のアイマス2 part4(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13751221)
アイドルマスター2 パ○チラ集(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13717009)
アイマス2千早 ベストエンディグ その1(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13746056)
アイマス2千早 ベストエンディグ その4(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13746701)
アイマス2千早 ベストエンディグ その7(ラスト)(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13749086)
アイマス2千早 ベストエンディグ その5(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13747645)
アイドルマスター2 ★真・春香・雪歩VSジュピなんとか戦★(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13735075)
アイマス2】やよいルート トゥルーED(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13750325)
アイマス2千早 ベストエンディグ その6(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13748752)
アイドルマスター2 美希 ベストED ※ネタバレ(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13754757)
アイドルマスター いおりんがきゅっきゅってする動画(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13744123)
アイマス2千早 ベストエンディグ その2(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13746261)
アイマス2千早 ベストエンディグ その3(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13746406)
【実況】ドリクラからポロロッカした男のアイマス2 part3(http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm13742053)




I am happiest when I am able to think, that just being alive is happiness.

When you wake up in the morning, it is not good to think “I’m awake” . Instead, please think “I’m alive”. If you died in the middle of the night you would not be able to lift one eyelid. If you think about little things like this, you will notice how happy we are to be alive. Days like these will become better and better and will eventually become the happiest day of your life.



http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20100715165527 の続き、法則じゃなくて実践編。


Good morning.


Good afternoon.


Good night.


Nice to meet you.


I 'm from Japan.


Just a little.


Thank you.


You are welcome.


Not at all.


That's OK.


Don't worry about it.


How are you?


What is up?


Take care.


How about shopping?


I will take it.


Is that enough?


May I come in?


Get out of here.


Please have a seat.


I got it.


Makes sense.


I am not sure.


I didn't know that.


Say it again.


Are you sure?


I need a cab.


I am getting off.


What shuld I do?


Take it easy.


I've got to go.


A couple of minutes.


Give me some medicine.

アカパカーフィ プリーズ

A cup of coffee, please.

ケナイヘヴ スムワラ

Can I have some water?

レンミー ゲラスライス トゥゴウ

Let me get a slice to go.

ドゥヤヴ コウク?

Do you have coke?


Can you take our picture?

クジュウテウミ ダウリルダ ボウスタフェス

Could you tell me the way to the post office?

ハルアイゲットゥ トウキョウ ステイシュン?

How do I get to Tokyo station?

アイワニュル ペクミーアパテオポーッ(t)

I want you to pick me up at the airport.

ジュマインデファイ オウペナドア?

Do you mind if I open the door?


What do you think about it?

プリーッセンミスマネ ズスーネズパセボウ

Please send me some money as soon as possible.

ワッカイナムーヴィズ ドゥユライク?

What kind of movies do you like?

ジュワナ レスナ ミューゼッ(c)?

Do you want to listen to music?

アイムガナ ヴェゼタ ユナイレッステイ

I am going to visit the United States.


That is not what I meant.


I don't feel lile it.


I am supposed to go see a docter.


What is the next stop?


How long does it take?


It is yours, isn't it?


I have to do my best.


Have you been to Seattle?


I was able to swim.


We had a lot of snow.

アイシュダヴ ポーラブレアヌー コンピューロ

I shoud have bought a brand new computer.

ユースピーク ナロンリー ジェアパニーズ バローウソウ エングレッシュ

You speak not only Japanese but also English.


ピアノで食べていく夢に執着が無くなってから、才能あるlittle pianistちゃんたちを心から応援できるようになった。



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