「BASE」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: BASEとは











それはさておき、前提を結論と直結させる論法特に刑法で禁じられてはいませんが、世人と申しますか俺はムカつきます。たとえば、上司が部下相手に「サビ残はうちのルールから(=You are belonging to our base over the night.)」と言い放ち、かつ部下の反論を拒否した場合激怒されます。それは羊と遊んで暮らす牧人でも理解できる感情のはずです。リアルに許されないことは、増田相手にはなおさら許されません。ネットで、誰も暴力指導論なんか肯定しない同士の喧嘩なら、より許されないと考えるべきです。



この質問、前提に則ったら「体罰は悪だから『ある程度』だろうがダメ」でよくないですか? それはさておき。


おや? お笑いになる? 愛なんて相対的なものから、正しいも間違うもあるか、と? 



では子供のほうから「いや、あれは愛だった。自分の為になった」と言い出した場合は? 感情は常に即時的に評価されるわけではありませんよ? そもそも利益でいうなら、その時にためになるかならないかは本人にわかりようがないじゃありませんか。





この質問、前提に則ったら「体罰は悪だから『ある程度』だろうがダメ」でよくないですか? それはさておき。


よく言うでしょ? 「喧嘩はプロより素人の方が危ない。なぜなら素人は加減がわからいから、うっかり殺してしまうこともあるって」。何の漫画でしたっけ? カノセ先生? 











一理あるとは思えませんか? 実験は「褒めると運動機能が向上する」ことは証明していますが、「体罰を加えると伸びない」ことは証明していません。

海馬がぶっこわれるですって? 愛あふれる体罰が生徒にストレスを与えるわけないじゃないじゃありませんか。そもそも厳しいプレッシャーなら、試合で感じてしかるべきです。










一般化しているのは体罰否定派の方では? なぜ某バスケ部のケースを「特別」と考えないのです? 高校はひとつひとつ違うのですからひとつの高校にゆきすぎがあったからといって、他校で自殺者が出ているわけではありません。

あと前述の桑田さんのアンケートですが、サンプル約550人のうちの83%、つまり約456人が体罰の効果を肯定しています。彼らは「一般」ではないのですか? 彼らは個別の約456人であり、ひとりひとりがテロリストですか?














いかがでしょう、と問うたところで「そんなものは間違った萎縮じゃないか」とお答えになる向きもございましょう。しかし、ちょっと待って欲しい。風のささやきに耳をすませてもらいたい。「正しい萎縮」ってそもそもなんですか? あなたはそのものさしをどこで? おお、おお! なんということか! もしや……体罰の意義を曲解しておられる!? なんたること。







根性論ですか。体罰教師っぽいですね。欧米では底辺は底辺であり、暴力の使用不使用にかかわらずみんなが天使みたいな良い子に育ってるわけじゃないと思いますが? 「言って聞かせる」なんてチンタラ効率の悪いことしてるから米国で銃乱射事件が耐えないのでは? 

「言って聞かせる」は万能ではありません。もちろん、一手段ではあるでしょう。ならば「言って聞かせ」てもダメな子を身体から矯正するのもまた一手段なのでは? 使える道具があるのになぜわざわざ禁止する必要が? あと今時「殴って解決」がハリウッド映画て、ハリウッドて。



 障碍者定義に「精神が未熟な状態」にあるもの、なんて差別的な文言はどこにもありません。偏見をぶつの勝手ですが、まともな民主国家では認められません。っていうか、たぶんゴリラゴリラ学名なので差別語ではない)は子供障碍者平等に扱うと思います。なぜ分ける必要があるのですか? 彼らをおなじカテゴリーとしてみなすなら、「正当化」は可能です。















Half Moon Dairy http://ralf-halfmoon.jugem.jp/


ロリコンファル http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kagami/


August Dojin Data Base http://addb.jp/index.php


鍵っ子ブログ  http://www.i-love-key.net/



■思考錯誤(当時=ネットの片隅で適当なこと書く人のブログ)  http://tekitounaotoko.blog4.fc2.com/

■Something Orange  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kaien/

■りきおの雑記  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/rikio0505/

■アセティック・シルバー  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hasidream/

■tukinohaの絶対ブログ領域  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tukinoha/

REV日記 @はてな  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/REV/


■sixtysevenの日記  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sixtyseven/

美少女ゲーム年代記  http://rosebud.g.hatena.ne.jp/

エロヒャク(当時=エロゲー批評空間を100倍楽しむ方法)  http://dakuryu.at.webry.info/


■散録イリノイア http://irimadonna2.blog105.fc2.com/

■notable or ordainary  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Nota/

■ニトロサイボーグ  http://nitrocyborg.blog50.fc2.com/

BLUE ON BLUE(XPD SIDE)  http://d.hatena.ne.jp/crow_henmi/


適応係数17  http://3thgrade.blog79.fc2.com/

■羽山(当時=羊肉うまうま) http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hachimasa/


■モノーキー http://blog.goo.ne.jp/kamimagi/

■かぎにっき http://d.hatena.ne.jp/son_air/

■ForExample… http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sakuraIarukas/

ということで、大多数のブログが当時のようにエロゲについて書かなくなってしまいました。みんな死んだ、みんな死んだんだ……! 実際のところTwitterで元気にエロゲ話されていたり、別のブログをやっていたりという方は結構いらっしゃるのですが。しかし当時と同じ情熱ブログでぶちまける方は最早片手で数えられるほどで、自分もいつの間にか老けておったんだなと感じております。たぶんエロゲ論系ブログをやめちゃった理由は、

エロゲ論系テキストサイトは2年で飽きる? - August Dojin Data Base



はいものの、当時はてブにはあまり出ていなかったので上には書いていませんが、某店長さんとかnix in desretisさんなどなど、この頃から(今でも現役で)エロゲについて書かれたりしている方もいらっしゃるわけで。それを見ると嬉しく思います













リリース予定時期が過ぎているのにいまだ「coming soon」になっているサービス=4つ
  • OREPON(2012.08 coming soon…)
  • Lilac(2012.08 coming soon…)
  • サロン(2012.07 coming soon…)
  • KazmaAD(2012.06.XX coming soon...)











  • 7月28万円(すげえ!)
  • 8月:13万円(だいぶ減ったね)
  • 9月:3万円(お…おお…)




street DJ in Tachikawa120129

cast - guiding star

岡村靖幸 - だいすき

luminous orange - how high

advantage lucy - グッバイ

Death Cab For Cutie - Sleep Spent

electric president - insomnia

bus stop - Navratilova!

small black - despicable dog

N'夙川BOYS - プラネットマジック

nokko -ライブがはねたら

Forever Lost The Magic Numbers

clap your hands say yeah - over and over again

Polaris - 天気図

ohana - 予感

marimari - indian summer

picicatto five - 君みたいなきれいなおんなのこ

ももいろクローバーZ - ミライボウル

小沢健二 - 強い気持ち 強い愛

beastie boys - sabotage

weezer - no one else

Stone Temple Pilots - Cinnamon

the muffs - lucky guy

SUGIURUMN - electrify my love

yuki - joy

Kylie Minogue - Wow

ace of base - the sign

ミドリ - 自己嫌悪

buhda brand - 人間発電所

藤原ヒロシ - natural born dub

modest mouse - float on

N'夙川BOYS - 物語はちと?不安

the replacements - can't hardly wait

The Seldon Plan - Lullabies for Old Hearts

松たか子 - white reply

The Chewinggum Weekend - ICE

pretty chat - wake up,girls!

the twinklestars - please! please! please!

能瀬恵子 - アテンション・プリーズ

椎名林檎 - 翳りゆく部屋

chappie - 水中メガネ


Types of digital cameras

Digital cameras are made in a wide range of sizes, prices and capabilities. The majority are camera phones, operated as a mobile application through the cellphone menu. Professional photographers and many amateurs use larger, more expensive digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLR) for their greater versatility. Between these extremes lie digital compact cameras and bridge digital cameras that "bridge" the gap between amateur and professional cameras. Specialized cameras including multispectral imaging equipment and astrographs continue to serve the scientific, military, medical and other special purposes for which digital photography was invented.

[edit]Compact digital cameras

Subcompact with lens assembly retracted

Compact cameras are designed to be tiny and portable and are particularly suitable for casual and "snapshot" uses. Hence, they are also called point-and-shoot cameras. The smallest, generally less than 20 mm thick, are described as subcompacts or "ultra-compacts" and some are nearly credit card size.[2]

Most, apart from ruggedized or water-resistant models, incorporate a retractable lens assembly allowing a thin camera to have a moderately long focal length and thus fully exploit an image sensor larger than that on a camera phone, and a mechanized lens cap to cover the lens when retracted. The retracted and capped lens is protected from keys, coins and other hard objects, thus making it a thin, pocketable package. Subcompacts commonly have one lug and a short wrist strap which aids extraction from a pocket, while thicker compacts may have two lugs for attaching a neck strap.

Compact cameras are usually designed to be easy to use, sacrificing advanced features and picture quality for compactness and simplicity; images can usually only be stored using lossy compression (JPEG). Most have a built-in flash usually of low power, sufficient for nearby subjects. Live preview is almost always used to frame the photo. Most have limited motion picture capability. Compacts often have macro capability and zoom lenses but the zoom range is usually less than for bridge and DSLR cameras. Generally a contrast-detect autofocus system, using the image data from the live preview feed of the main imager, focuses the lens.

Typically, these cameras incorporate a nearly silent leaf shutter into their lenses.

For lower cost and smaller size, these cameras typically use image sensors with a diagonal of approximately 6 mm, corresponding to a crop factor around 6. This gives them weaker low-light performance, greater depth of field, generally closer focusing ability, and smaller components than cameras using larger sensors.

Starting in 2011, some compact digital cameras can take 3D still photos. These 3D compact stereo cameras can capture 3D panoramic photos for play back on a 3D TV.[3] Some of these are rugged and waterproof, and some have GPS, compass, barometer and altimeter. [4]

[edit]Bridge cameras

Sony DSC-H2

Main article: Bridge camera

Bridge are higher-end digital cameras that physically and ergonomically resemble DSLRs and share with them some advanced features, but share with compacts the use of a fixed lens and a small sensor. Like compacts, most use live preview to frame the image. Their autofocus uses the same contrast-detect mechanism, but many bridge cameras have a manual focus mode, in some cases using a separate focus ring, for greater control. They originally "bridged" the gap between affordable point-and-shoot cameras and the then unaffordable earlier digital SLRs.

Due to the combination of big physical size but a small sensor, many of these cameras have very highly specified lenses with large zoom range and fast aperture, partially compensating for the inability to change lenses. On some, the lens qualifies as superzoom. To compensate for the lesser sensitivity of their small sensors, these cameras almost always include an image stabilization system to enable longer handheld exposures.

These cameras are sometimes marketed as and confused with digital SLR cameras since the appearance is similar. Bridge cameras lack the reflex viewing system of DSLRs, are usually fitted with fixed (non-interchangeable) lenses (although some have a lens thread to attach accessory wide-angle or telephoto converters), and can usually take movies with sound. The scene is composed by viewing either the liquid crystal display or the electronic viewfinder (EVF). Most have a longer shutter lag than a true dSLR, but they are capable of good image quality (with sufficient light) while being more compact and lighter than DSLRs. High-end models of this type have comparable resolutions to low and mid-range DSLRs. Many of these cameras can store images in a Raw image format, or processed and JPEG compressed, or both. The majority have a built-in flash similar to those found in DSLRs.

In bright sun, the quality difference between a good compact camera and a digital SLR is minimal but bridgecams are more portable, cost less and have a similar zoom ability to dSLR. Thus a Bridge camera may better suit outdoor daytime activities, except when seeking professional-quality photos.[5]

In low light conditions and/or at ISO equivalents above 800, most bridge cameras (or megazooms) lack in image quality when compared to even entry level DSLRs. However, they do have one major advantage: their much larger depth of field due to the small sensor as compared to a DSLR, allowing larger apertures with shorter exposure times.

A 3D Photo Mode was introduced in 2011, whereby the camera automatically takes a second image from a slightly different perspective and provides a standard .MPO file for stereo display. [6]

[edit]Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera

Main article: Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera

In late 2008, a new type of camera emerged, combining the larger sensors and interchangeable lenses of DSLRs with the live-preview viewing system of compact cameras, either through an electronic viewfinder or on the rear LCD. These are simpler and more compact than DSLRs due to the removal of the mirror box, and typically emulate the handling and ergonomics of either DSLRs or compacts. The system is used by Micro Four Thirds, borrowing components from the Four Thirds DSLR system.

[edit]Digital single lens reflex cameras

Cutaway of an Olympus E-30 DSLR

Main article: Digital single-lens reflex camera

Digital single-lens reflex cameras (DSLRs) are digital cameras based on film single-lens reflex cameras (SLRs). They take their name from their unique viewing system, in which a mirror reflects light from the lens through a separate optical viewfinder. At the moment of exposure the mirror flips out of the way, making a distinctive "clack" sound and allowing light to fall on the imager.

Since no light reaches the imager during framing, autofocus is accomplished using specialized sensors in the mirror box itself. Most 21st century DSLRs also have a "live view" mode that emulates the live preview system of compact cameras, when selected.

These cameras have much larger sensors than the other types, typically 18 mm to 36 mm on the diagonal (crop factor 2, 1.6, or 1). This gives them superior low-light performance, less depth of field at a given aperture, and a larger size.

They make use of interchangeable lenses; each major DSLR manufacturer also sells a line of lenses specifically intended to be used on their cameras. This allows the user to select a lens designed for the application at hand: wide-angle, telephoto, low-light, etc. So each lens does not require its own shutter, DSLRs use a focal-plane shutter in front of the imager, behind the mirror.

[edit]Digital rangefinders

Main article: Rangefinder camera#Digital rangefinder

A rangefinder is a user-operated optical mechanism to measure subject distance once widely used on film cameras. Most digital cameras measure subject distance automatically using electro-optical techniques, but it is not customary to say that they have a rangefinder.

[edit]Line-scan camera systems

A line-scan camera is a camera device containing a line-scan image sensor chip, and a focusing mechanism. These cameras are almost solely used in industrial settings to capture an image of a constant stream of moving material. Unlike video cameras, line-scan cameras use a single row of pixel sensors, instead of a matrix of them. Data coming from the line-scan camera has a frequency, where the camera scans a line, waits, and repeats. The data coming from the line-scan camera is commonly processed by a computer, to collect the one-dimensional line data and to create a two-dimensional image. The collected two-dimensional image data is then processed by image-processing methods for industrial purposes.

Further information: Rotating line camera


Many devices include digital cameras built into or integrated into them. For example, mobile phones often include digital cameras; those that do are known as camera phones. Other small electronic devices (especially those used for communication) such as PDAs, laptops and BlackBerry devices often contain an integral digital camera, and most 21st century camcorders can also make still pictures.

Due to the limited storage capacity and general emphasis on convenience rather than image quality, almost all these integrated or converged devices store images in the lossy but compact JPEG file format.

Mobile phones incorporating digital cameras were introduced in Japan in 2001 by J-Phone. In 2003 camera phones outsold stand-alone digital cameras, and in 2006 they outsold all film-based cameras and digital cameras combined. These camera phones reached a billion devices sold in only five years, and by 2007 more than half of the installed base of all mobile phones were camera phones. Sales of separate cameras peaked in 2008. [7]

Integrated cameras tend to be at the very lowest end of the scale of digital cameras in technical specifications, such as resolution, optical quality, and ability to use accessories. With rapid development, however, the gap between mainstream compact digital cameras and camera phones is closing, and high-end camera phones are competitive with low-end stand-alone digital cameras of the same generation.


A Canon WP-1 waterproof 35 mm film camera

Waterproof digital cameras are digital cameras that can make pictures underwater. Waterproof housings have long been made but they cost almost as the cameras. Many waterproof digital cameras are shockproof and resistant to low temperatures; one of them is Canon PowerShot D10, one of the first underwater digital cameras.

These cameras become very popular during the holiday season, because many people want to save the best moments from their holidays at the seaside. Waterproof watches and mobile phones were produced earlier. Most makers of digital cameras also produce waterproof ones and every year they launch at least one new model, for example Sony, Olympus, Canon, Fuji.

Healthways Mako Shark, an early waterproof camera,[8] was launched in 1958 and cost around 25 dollars. It was a huge camera and pictures were black and white.






Summer scenery to take pictures of small skills

Undesirable cameras benefits us many 100 % satisfaction, leading to numerous spectacular images, as well as the hot months is operating relating to dependable summertime. This specific classmate through break free will be able to figure out any tons in addition to waterways, downtown along with far-away beautiful gardening, and yet may these pure attractiveness to become a memento playing hit decrease, apart from skin color boil due to the high-end digicam purpose, a great deal more simple could be to evaluation whatever taking pictures competency as well as having photos. The amount, smaller try to make your work latest many of the summer season harvesting powerful see to it, typically the classmate need to next image have a go through, you become this confidently unexpected wonder.

Digital cameras would bring us lots of enjoyment, leaving a myriad of unique images, and summertime is journeying in wonderful summer season. The classmate throughout the getaway can recognize that reams together with estuaries and rivers, metropolitan and also countryside attractive panoramas, yet take place all these charm being a memento opportunity straight down, together with steam as a result of a camcorder operation, a lot more crucial is usually to examine ones own taking functionality and also taking photographs. That period, the little generate your choice have quite a few summer months firing effective be mindful, the particular classmate may as well within the next snapshot have a shot at, you will get the particular total surprising stun.

Household landscapes

By out of doors firing indoors panoramas, basic will need throughout the Windows 7, out-of-doors mild typically currently have more substantial indoors light-weight, now a couple of challenges ought to be sorted out, is the particular coverage time frame, a couple of it truly is in order to avoid a display reflective, when pics of any camera through hands-on management operate, might take number of years coverage setting up, when photographic camera goes so that you can twit style, can easily will likely be ISO level of sensitivity Surroundings bump up, this ISO 2 hundred or perhaps ISO six hundred aiming.

Inside panorama 's best golf shot employing a tripod, in any other case, wants a spot to guide, one example is in opposition to any divider and entry, and even the true reason for executing it is because very long coverage is quite effortless construct any digital camera protein shake, producing photographs regarding fluffy envision. It's best to utilize the shutter launch, or perhaps utilize to get center-weighted avoiding relocate a video camera. Notice: except if absolutely necessary, tend not to available the particular pen, stay clear of a lot more reflective.

Out-of-doors landscapes

Bring that landscape designs from the probability with the photo may well schedule some individuals or even factors, and this also may help the room inside the operation of your view photos. Get a large surfaces area photos, as an example the veranda as well as the roof top, hillside, for example. Typically inside the mid-day is without a doubt the most suitable time frame filming this landscapes. Filming, having a polarizer to adjust a illumination with the stars, produce the particular heavens develop into dreary quite a few, well known from the glowing blue stars the white kind of fog up, as a way to boost the space or room repeatedly.

Several virtually no guidebook vulnerability management of any camera together with location form, as well as the landscape designs way is completely features on the list of manner, you are able to use landscape designs way to adopt shots. Together with handbook vulnerability restrain photographic camera might opt for aperture goal option that will movie, aperture to help acquired far better pick out F8 to help you photograph or maybe F11, this photo will be extra management concentrations senses.


The particular modify on the urban center is without a doubt switching, specifically together with a lot of approach large establishing intended for symbolize, and also this are at recent many portrait digital photography buffs including firing template.

Yet typical photographic camera through simply how much suitable container distortion, hence as a way to make an effort to reduce the photograph of your deformation belonging to the accumulating " up ", thus you ought to pick around substantial thoughts and opinions filming. One example is inside the steps, or perhaps some other might help the beliefs with area. If you fail to find the correct destination for a reside, you can from the again, clear of the particular lead entity to cut back a distortion. Maybe you've employed the greatest wide-angle standard zoom lens. Vivid stars will be able to replace with a developing with the darkish. Having a polarizer to cut back or perhaps wipe out construction with reflective a glass. In addition to, certainly, consume an excellent know with the can make one of a kind imaginative results.

mineral water

Firing apply or maybe a aerosol in waters, incorporate the use of part mild and also backlight try to make waters intended for introducing see through pattern. Several novices all of coveted by a really "splash with photos, in truth, I am able to effortlessly applied for, so the hurrying h2o glance alot more downy, have got a form of passionate blur. Shutter possibly inside 1/10 so that you can 1/6 erinarians regulate might get move cosmetic perception for splash pics.

At night and also night time

Local plumber to be able to sunset taking scenario regarding is usually 15-30 moments, next the stars always possess some colouring failed to ends. As a way to raise the graphic with the amount with subject, can easily on the ending with the passage and also uncover several regarding an individual's special world. It is as well the location where the tripod on has to be, commonly programmed coverage is definitely o . k ., yet you should attempt to utilize hands-on visibility, and also the employment of the particular shutter put out restrain taking, respectively for 2, 5, 8, 12 and also of sixteen secs shutter tempo so that you can capture some photo contrast.

Needless to say now and again continue to are able to use ISO200 to help you photograph, yet so that you can be aware of an electronic camcorder with disturbance handle is normally adequate, when pixels will be overweight, or maybe together with ISO100 contrasting by using base style to help motion picture.

In truth firing night time scenarios, at times to be able to as well do not require that filming with step-by-step developing oh, this streets these kinds of, a small amount convert tips plus aiming design and style, might get the result of experiencing a specialized pattern.








途中までスルーしてたんだけどある時見てからはまった。最後はいい年して涙腺崩壊 (T_T)



曲はZONEカバー曲『secret base~君がくれたもの~(10 years after Ver)』


花が落下しながらサビの手前でズームアウト後に上昇っていう演出も d(・∀・)Good !



























前提として、小学生の頃に初代ポケモンで遊び、ZONEsecret base」を高校時代に聴いたような層でないと、ノスタルジーは感じないと思われる。



2010年の日本のヒップホップ音楽 【作業用BGM】 ‐ ニコニコ動画(原宿) の曲目。

01. LOST IDENTITY - 道(TAO) (YouTube)

"Lost Identity", 08.15. ILL EAST RECORDS

02. 都市伝説 - 韻踏合組合 (YouTube)

"都市伝説", 10.10. IFK RECORDS

03. 極悪JAZZ feat. 鬼 - キリコ (YouTube)


"DIS IS IT", 09.22. 術ノ穴

04. Black File 200回記念フリースタイル (Vimeo)

"Black File", 06.24. スペースシャワーTV

05. 夕方 - S.L.A.C.K. (YouTube)

"Swes Swes Cheap", 08.04. Dog Ear Records

06. 思考品M.T.B.D. feat B.D. - DJ Mitsu the Beats (YouTube)



Produced by DJ GQ


08. MECCHA MECHA - コッペパン (YouTube)

exclusive, 10.09. MySpace

09. GOOD MORNING BABY - やけのはら (YouTube)

"THIS NIGHT IS STILL YOUNG" 08.04. felicity

10. 捕食 - asa x CUBEc.u.g.p (YouTube)

"捕食-hoshoku-", 06.11. Jar-BeatRecord

11. イッちゃってイイ? (SUGAR CRACK REMIX) - SD JUNKSTA (YouTube)

"Remix EP", 03.10. 諭吉レコード



13. SUNDAYfeat. WAX - PONY (YouTube)

Produced by KURABEATS

"Verseday", 05.05. 桃源響RECORDS

14. Get Da Passports - Black Mont Blanc (YouTube)

"Sullen Faces", 12.22. 33Records

15. 音楽ワルキューレ - DOTAMA (YouTube)

Produced by Fragment

"音楽ワルキューレ", 04.07. 術ノ穴

16. いつもそう - WAX from SD JUNKSTA (YouTube)

Produced by KYN

"神成り", 07.21. 諭吉レコード

17. MADE IN JAPAN feat. X-MAN - L-VOKAL (YouTube)

Produced by 1689

"Lovin'", 03.03. MATENRO RECORDS

18. Homeward Journey - Uyama Hiroto (YouTube)

"Homeward Journey", hydeout productions

19. G.H.E.T.T.O - SHINGO☆西成 (YouTube)

Produced by TRAMP

"I・N・G", 11.10. 昭和レコード



21. ILLMATIC RACER feat. 来門 - UNDER BROS (YouTube)

Produced by TAKE-C


22. トーキョー難民 - あるぱちかぶと (YouTube)

"◎≠", 02.03. Slye Records 在音

23. 森羅万象 - AXIS (YouTube)

"UNPOPULAR -在日外国人奇声集-", 04.21. Libra Records

24. iPhone for GAGLE - GAGLE (YouTube)

Produced by DJ Mitsu The Beats

exclusive, 07.02. (twitter)

25a. 24 BARS TO KILL feat. ANARCHY, RINO LATINA II, 漢, MACCHO - Ski Beatz (YouTube)


25b. 24 Bars To Kill "IFK REMIX" feat. Hidaddy, Erone, Satussy, 遊戯 - Ski Beatz (YouTube)

exclusive, 11.05.

25c. 24 Bars To Kill "MYC REMIX" feat. RYUZO, DABO, SUIKEN, 般若 - Ski Beatz (YouTube)

exclusive, 11.06.

26. 東京哀歌-トウキョウエレジイ- - 空也MC (Youtube)

Produced by fanfan

"東京哀歌‐トウキョウエレジイ‐", 05.05. 術ノ穴

27. 禁断の惑星 feat. 志人 - TABOO1 (YouTube)

Produced by DJ KENSEI

"LIFE STYLE MASTA", 10.20. Libra Records

28. Break Boy in the Dream feat. 七尾旅人 - 環ROY (YouTube)


29. DREM SKY - RAU DEF (YouTube)

Produced by PUNPEE


30. MOTHER feat. MMM, CHIYORI - おみゆきChannel (YouTube)

"おみゆきさん", 03.10. Mary Joy Recordings



32. WAKE UP feat. MARIA - QN from SIMI LAB (Amebreak)

Produced by Earth No Mad



福島原子力発電所CNNコメント欄 MIT科学者見解2【東日本巨大地震

When the diesel generators were gone, the reactor operators switched to emergency battery power. The batteries were designed as one of the backups to the backups, to provide power for cooling the core for 8 hours. And they did.

Within the 8 hours, another power source had to be found and connected to the power plant. The power grid was down due to the earthquake. The diesel generators were destroyed by the tsunami. So mobile diesel generators were trucked in.

This is where things started to go seriously wrong. The external power generators could not be connected to the power plant (the plugs did not fit). So after the batteries ran out, the residual heat could not be carried away any more.

At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a “loss of cooling event”. It is again a step along the “Depth of Defense” lines. The power to the cooling systems should never have failed completely, but it did, so they “retreat” to the next line of defense. All of this, however shocking it seems to us, is part of the day-to-day training you go through as an operator, right through to managing a core meltdown.

It was at this stage that people started to talk about core meltdown. Because at the end of the day, if cooling cannot be restored, the core will eventually melt (after hours or days), and the last line of defense, the core catcher and third containment, would come into play.

But the goal at this stage was to manage the core while it was heating up, and ensure that the first containment (the Zircaloy tubes that contains the nuclear fuel), as well as the second containment (our pressure cooker) remain intact and operational for as long as possible, to give the engineers time to fix the cooling systems.

Because cooling the core is such a big deal, the reactor has a number of cooling systems, each in multiple versions (the reactor water cleanup system, the decay heat removal, the reactor core isolating cooling, the standby liquid cooling system, and the emergency core cooling system). Which one failed when or did not fail is not clear at this point in time.

So imagine our pressure cooker on the stove, heat on low, but on. The operators use whatever cooling system capacity they have to get rid of as much heat as possible, but the pressure starts building up. The priority now is to maintain integrity of the first containment (keep temperature of the fuel rods below 2200°C), as well as the second containment, the pressure cooker. In order to maintain integrity of the pressure cooker (the second containment), the pressure has to be released from time to time. Because the ability to do that in an emergency is so important, the reactor has 11 pressure release valves. The operators now started venting steam from time to time to control the pressure. The temperature at this stage was about 550°C.

This is when the reports about “radiation leakage” starting coming in. I believe I explained above why venting the steam is theoretically the same as releasing radiation into the environment, but why it was and is not dangerous. The radioactive nitrogen as well as the noble gases do not pose a threat to human health.

At some stage during this venting, the explosion occurred. The explosion took place outside of the third containment (our “last line of defense”), and the reactor building. Remember that the reactor building has no function in keeping the radioactivity contained. It is not entirely clear yet what has happened, but this is the likely scenario: The operators decided to vent the steam from the pressure vessel not directly into the environment, but into the space between the third containment and the reactor building (to give the radioactivity in the steam more time to subside). The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can “disassociate” into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture. And it did explode, outside the third containment, damaging the reactor building around. It was that sort of explosion, but inside the pressure vessel (because it was badly designed and not managed properly by the operators) that lead to the explosion of Chernobyl. This was never a risk at Fukushima. The problem of hydrogen-oxygen formation is one of the biggies when you design a power plant (if you are not Soviet, that is), so the reactor is build and operated in a way it cannot happen inside the containment. It happened outside, which was not intended but a possible scenario and OK, because it did not pose a risk for the containment.

So the pressure was under control, as steam was vented. Now, if you keep boiling your pot, the problem is that the water level will keep falling and falling. The core is covered by several meters of water in order to allow for some time to pass (hours, days) before it gets exposed. Once the rods start to be exposed at the top, the exposed parts will reach the critical temperature of 2200 °C after about 45 minutes. This is when the first containment, the Zircaloy tube, would fail.

And this started to happen. The cooling could not be restored before there was some (very limited, but still) damage to the casing of some of the fuel. The nuclear material itself was still intact, but the surrounding Zircaloy shell had started melting. What happened now is that some of the byproducts of the uranium decay – radioactive Cesium and Iodine – started to mix with the steam. The big problem, uranium, was still under control, because the uranium oxide rods were good until 3000 °C. It is confirmed that a very small amount of Cesium and Iodine was measured in the steam that was released into the atmosphere.

It seems this was the “go signal” for a major plan B. The small amounts of Cesium that were measured told the operators that the first containment on one of the rods somewhere was about to give. The Plan A had been to restore one of the regular cooling systems to the core. Why that failed is unclear. One plausible explanation is that the tsunami also took away / polluted all the clean water needed for the regular cooling systems.

The water used in the cooling system is very clean, demineralized (like distilled) water. The reason to use pure water is the above mentioned activation by the neutrons from the Uranium: Pure water does not get activated much, so stays practically radioactive-free. Dirt or salt in the water will absorb the neutrons quicker, becoming more radioactive. This has no effect whatsoever on the core – it does not care what it is cooled by. But it makes life more difficult for the operators and mechanics when they have to deal with activated (i.e. slightly radioactive) water.

But Plan A had failed – cooling systems down or additional clean water unavailable – so Plan B came into effect. This is what it looks like happened:

In order to prevent a core meltdown, the operators started to use sea water to cool the core. I am not quite sure if they flooded our pressure cooker with it (the second containment), or if they flooded the third containment, immersing the pressure cooker. But that is not relevant for us.

The point is that the nuclear fuel has now been cooled down. Because the chain reaction has been stopped a long time ago, there is only very little residual heat being produced now. The large amount of cooling water that has been used is sufficient to take up that heat. Because it is a lot of water, the core does not produce sufficient heat any more to produce any significant pressure. Also, boric acid has been added to the seawater. Boric acid is “liquid control rod”. Whatever decay is still going on, the Boron will capture the neutrons and further speed up the cooling down of the core.

The plant came close to a core meltdown. Here is the worst-case scenario that was avoided: If the seawater could not have been used for treatment, the operators would have continued to vent the water steam to avoid pressure buildup. The third containment would then have been completely sealed to allow the core meltdown to happen without releasing radioactive material. After the meltdown, there would have been a waiting period for the intermediate radioactive materials to decay inside the reactor, and all radioactive particles to settle on a surface inside the containment. The cooling system would have been restored eventually, and the molten core cooled to a manageable temperature. The containment would have been cleaned up on the inside. Then a messy job of removing the molten core from the containment would have begun, packing the (now solid again) fuel bit by bit into transportation containers to be shipped to processing plants. Depending on the damage, the block of the plant would then either be repaired or dismantled.

Now, where does that leave us?

・The plant is safe now and will stay safe.

Japan is looking at an INES Level 4 Accident: Nuclear accident with local consequences. That is bad for the company that owns the plant, but not for anyone else.

・Some radiation was released when the pressure vessel was vented. All radioactive isotopes from the activated steam have gone (decayed). A very small amount of Cesium was released, as well as Iodine. If you were sitting on top of the plants’ chimney when they were venting, you should probably give up smoking to return to your former life expectancy. The Cesium and Iodine isotopes were carried out to the sea and will never be seen again.

・There was some limited damage to the first containment. That means that some amounts of radioactive Cesium and Iodine will also be released into the cooling water, but no Uranium or other nasty stuff (the Uranium oxide does not “dissolve” in the water). There are facilities for treating the cooling water inside the third containment. The radioactive Cesium and Iodine will be removed there and eventually stored as radioactive waste in terminal storage.

・The seawater used as cooling water will be activated to some degree. Because the control rods are fully inserted, the Uranium chain reaction is not happening. That means the “main” nuclear reaction is not happening, thus not contributing to the activation. The intermediate radioactive materials (Cesium and Iodine) are also almost gone at this stage, because the Uranium decay was stopped a long time ago. This further reduces the activation. The bottom line is that there will be some low level of activation of the seawater, which will also be removed by the treatment facilities.

・The seawater will then be replaced over time with the “normal” cooling water

・The reactor core will then be dismantled and transported to a processing facility, just like during a regular fuel change.

Fuel rods and the entire plant will be checked for potential damage. This will take about 4-5 years.

・The safety systems on all Japanese plants will be upgraded to withstand a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami (or worse)

・I believe the most significant problem will be a prolonged power shortage. About half of Japan’s nuclear reactors will probably have to be inspected, reducing the nation’s power generating capacity by 15%. This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. That will increase your electricity bill, as well as lead to potential power shortages during peak demand, in Japan.

If you want to stay informed, please forget the usual media outlets and consult the following websites:




















■個人金融資産の各国比較 /投資十八番 (2008/10/11)


■ Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base



アメリカ日本米国債を買わせる仕組み ~為替介入編~ (2008/01/22)



富士通ScanSnap S1500による自炊スキャン方法まとめ。(コミック/本ともに)







 とWEBカメラ UCAM-DLU130H を使って、書籍バーコードを読み取りISBN番号を書き出しておく。



 にまとめて登録(登録 →一括登録)











 #アプリ選択 タブ

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 #保存 タブ

  ・ファイル名の設定  →yyyyMMddHHmmss

 #読み取りモード タブ

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 #原稿 タブ

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  ・マルチフィード検出 →重なりで検出(超音波)

 #ファイルサイズ タブ








 ScanSnap Organizerで、編集したファイルダブルクリックすると、ScanSnap Organizer ビューアーが立ち上がる。




 ScanSnap Organizer上のファイル右クリック →開く、で、Adobe Acrobatで開く。

 →文書 →OCRテキスト認識 →OCRを使用してテキスト認識







  ・ →OK



















  テキストスムージング 液晶画面用








  -Sub作成 にチェック

  -Origin優先 にチェック →よくわからないが一応

  -BASE 0、 STEP 1

  -Colmun 3



  「pic2pdf.ini」という名前で「C:\Program Files\pic2pdf」のフォルダ内に入れると、設定が保存される。


















































 ・イメージ→綴じ方向 で、綴じ方向を合わせる(横組みは左綴じ、縦組みは右綴じ)


  表示→並び順→降順 にして昇順から降順に変える。(ファイル一覧の「名前」をクリックし、▽を△にしてもOK)

 ・イメージフィルタ で、設定をいじって見やすくする。

  4: グレースケール・レベル補正





   輝度補正する にチェックを入れる。













素人がやったら、All your base are belong to usなっちゃうんだ。そういうこと、わかってる?




そもそも、科学技術表現する際の言語というのは、豊饒日常語に比べて非常に幅が狭い。たとえば"base"あたりが専門用語なら、"All your base are belong to us"でも十分意味が通じてしまう。数学論文なんかであれば極端な話、ルーマニア語あたりで書かれていても、その分野の専門知識があれば読めてしまう。そういう世界だ。


社会に出ちゃほとんど役立たないでしょ? あるいは、後からだって学ぶことは十分できる。



だからね、あまり目くじらたてて、英語ができない人間が排斥される! みたいな反応しなくていいんだよ。


どうしても英語勉強したいけど金がない! という学生、全国にそれくらいいるだろう。






inline U64 powmod(U64 base, U64 power, U64 mod){

return base >= UINT_MAX ? powmod_gmp(base, power, mod)

: power >= UINT_MAX ? powmod_gmp(base, power, mod)

: mod >= UINT_MAX ? powmod_gmp(base, power, mod)

: powmod_64(base, power, mod);



if(base  >= UINT_MAX){
 return powmod_gmp(base, power, mod);
}else if(base  >= UINT_MAX){
 return powmod_gmp(base, power, mod);
}else if(mod   >= UINT_MAX ){
 return powmod_gmp(base, power, mod)
 return powmod_64(base, power, mod);


if(base < UINT_MAX && power <  UINT_MAX && mod < UINT_MAX){
 return powmod_64(base, power, mod);
} else {
 return powmod_gmp(base, power, mod)

って事じゃないのか?実際Cは左辺優先評価で1つ目がFALSEの場合2つめ以後は評価されない(してはいけない)でelseにジャンプ だからif演算の回数だけなら等価





if(base >= UINT_MAX || base  >=  UINT_MAX || mod >= UINT_MAX){ 
 return powmod_gmp(base, power, mod)
 return powmod_64(base, power, mod);








どうでもいいけど・・・UINT_MAX って、最大値+1じゃなくて、最大値だよなぁ・・・。確か>=の=の有り無し逆じゃね?



google発のProtocol Buffersについて



Protocol Buffers 本家


XMLはもう不要!? Googleシリアライズツール「Protocol Buffer」


Protocol Buffers (Protocol Buffers の内部解説記事。とても参考になります)






  • address.proto
package tutorial;

message Person {
  required string name = 1;
  required int32 id = 2;        // Unique ID number for this person.
  optional string email = 3;

  enum PhoneType {
    MOBILE = 0;
    HOME = 1;
    WORK = 2;

  message PhoneNumber {
    required string number = 1;
    optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];

  repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;

// Our address book file is just one of these.
message AddressBook {
  repeated Person person = 1;


googleによってC++, Java, Python用のライブラリ作成されましたが、他の言語対応したサードパーティー製のライブラリがいくらでもあるので、実質的にほぼすべての言語で使えると言っても過言ではありません。



数字が多きければ大きいほど、長いバイト長で保存されます。ただし、負数の場合符号ビットが立つ関係で、ほとんど常に変換後のバイト数が最長バイト数(10)になってしまいます。フィールドの型をsint32, sint64で宣言しると、各数値にzig-zags変換が行われるため、負数であってもその値の絶対値で使用バイト数が決まるようになります。





すでに存在する継承関係のあるクラスを、Protocol Buffersでシリアライズ/デシリアライズしたい場合は次のようにします。

(Base, Derived はすでに存在するとします)


message PbBase {
        require int32 id = 1;
        require int32 value = 2;

        require Derived derived = 10; // - Point !!!

message PbDerived {
        require string string_value = 1;



Base *Base_DeserializeFrom(PbBase &pbobj)
    // Arrange the classes which inherits from Base.
    if (pbobj.has_derived()) {
        return new Derived(pbobj);

class Base {
    virtual void Base::SerializeTo(PbBase &pbobj) {
        // Set the fields of 'pbobj',

class Derived {
    virtual void Base::SerializeTo(PbBase &pbobj)
        PbDerived *derived = pbobj.mutable_derived();

        // Set the fields of 'derived',


message PbBase {
        require int32 id = 1;
        require int32 value = 2;

message PbDerived {
        required PbBase base = 1; // - Here is the point !!!
        require string string_value = 2;



25 名前名無しさん@恐縮です 投稿日: 2010/03/31(水) 00:33:11 ID:cssNv1uk0





  A 「 ( 浅田は ) 間違いなく素晴らしい! でユナ? って誰?」

  B 「 ハッハッハッ 」

  B 「 素晴らしかった、でも残酷システム。 たとえば3A、今夜はもう2度と見れないのです。

     それほど難しいジャンプなのにコンビの点数は9.5! 誰かさんの3lz + 3tより、低いのですよ!」 ← ★★★

  A 「 おかしいよね 」

  B 「 本当に間違ってます!」


  A 「 ごちゃごちゃ言う前に確認しましょう。。。うん、完璧クリーンな3A 」


  A 「 !? 驚きました・・・( 浅田の点が ) 低い! バッカバカしい!! 」


浅田真央 2010 世界選手権 FS  ラジオカナダ(仏語)の実況 日本語訳付き























Rank Site Computer/Year Vendor Cores Rmax Rpeak Power1 DOE/NNSA/LANL

United States Roadrunner - BladeCenter QS22/LS21 Cluster, PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz / Opteron DC 1.8 GHz, Voltaire Infiniband / 2008

IBM 129600 1105.00 1456.70 2483.47

2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory

United States Jaguar - Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 150152 1059.00 1381.40 6950.60

3 Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ)

Germany JUGENE - Blue Gene/P Solution / 2009

IBM 294912 825.50 1002.70 2268.00

4 NASA/Ames Research Center/NAS

United States Pleiades - SGI Altix ICE 8200EX, Xeon QC 3.0/2.66 GHz / 2008

SGI 51200 487.01 608.83 2090.00


United States BlueGene/L - eServer Blue Gene Solution / 2007

IBM 212992 478.20 596.38 2329.60

6 National Institute for Computational Sciences/University of Tennessee

United States Kraken XT5 - Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 66000 463.30 607.20

7 Argonne National Laboratory

United States Blue Gene/P Solution / 2007

IBM 163840 458.61 557.06 1260.00

8 Texas Advanced Computing Center/Univ. of Texas

United States Ranger - SunBlade x6420, Opteron QC 2.3 Ghz, Infiniband / 2008

Sun Microsystems 62976 433.20 579.38 2000.00


United States Dawn - Blue Gene/P Solution / 2009

IBM 147456 415.70 501.35 1134.00

10 Forschungszentrum Juelich (FZJ)

Germany JUROPA - Sun Constellation, NovaScale R422-E2, Intel Xeon X5570, 2.93 GHz, Sun M9/Mellanox QDR Infiniband/Partec Parastation / 2009

Bull SA 26304 274.80 308.28 1549.00


United States Franklin - Cray XT4 QuadCore 2.3 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 38642 266.30 355.51 1150.00

12 Oak Ridge National Laboratory

United States Jaguar - Cray XT4 QuadCore 2.1 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 30976 205.00 260.20 1580.71

13 NNSA/Sandia National Laboratories

United States Red Storm - Sandia/ Cray Red Storm, XT3/4, 2.4/2.2 GHz dual/quad core / 2008

Cray Inc. 38208 204.20 284.00 2506.00

14 King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Saudia Arabia Shaheen - Blue Gene/P Solution / 2009

IBM 65536 185.17 222.82 504.00

15 Shanghai Supercomputer Center

China Magic Cube - Dawning 5000A, QC Opteron 1.9 Ghz, Infiniband, Windows HPC 2008 / 2008

Dawning 30720 180.60 233.47

16 SciNet/University of Toronto

Canada GPC - iDataPlex, Xeon E55xx QC 2.53 GHz, GigE / 2009

IBM 30240 168.60 306.03 869.40

17 New Mexico Computing Applications Center (NMCAC)

United States Encanto - SGI Altix ICE 8200, Xeon quad core 3.0 GHz / 2007

SGI 14336 133.20 172.03 861.63

18 Computational Research Laboratories, TATA SONS

India EKA - Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c, Xeon 53xx 3GHz, Infiniband / 2008

Hewlett-Packard 14384 132.80 172.61 786.00

19 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

United States Juno - Appro XtremeServer 1143H, Opteron QC 2.2Ghz, Infiniband / 2008

Appro International 18224 131.60 162.20

20 Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif - Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement Supérieur (GENCI-CINES)

France Jade - SGI Altix ICE 8200EX, Xeon quad core 3.0 GHz / 2008

SGI 12288 128.40 146.74 608.18

21 National Institute for Computational Sciences/University of Tennessee

United States Athena - Cray XT4 QuadCore 2.3 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 17956 125.13 165.20 888.82

22 Japan Agency for Marine -Earth Science and Technology

Japan Earth Simulator - Earth Simulator / 2009

NEC 1280 122.40 131.07

23 Swiss Scientific Computing Center (CSCS)

Switzerland Monte Rosa - Cray XT5 QC 2.4 GHz / 2009

Cray Inc. 14740 117.60 141.50


France Blue Gene/P Solution / 2008

IBM 40960 116.01 139.26 315.00


United Kingdom Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

IBM 8320 115.90 156.42 1329.70


United Kingdom Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 8320 115.90 156.42 1329.70

27 DKRZ - Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum

Germany Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 8064 115.90 151.60 1288.69


Japan Fujitsu FX1, Quadcore SPARC64 VII 2.52 GHz, Infiniband DDR / 2009

Fujitsu 12032 110.60 121.28

29 Total Exploration Production

France SGI Altix ICE 8200EX, Xeon quad core 3.0 GHz / 2008

SGI 10240 106.10 122.88 442.00

30 Government Agency

Sweden Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c, Xeon 53xx 2.66GHz, Infiniband / 2007

Hewlett-Packard 13728 102.80 146.43

31 Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Science

China DeepComp 7000, HS21/x3950 Cluster, Xeon QC HT 3 GHz/2.93 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

Lenovo 12216 102.80 145.97

32 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

United States Hera - Appro Xtreme-X3 Server - Quad Opteron Quad Core 2.3 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

Appro International 13552 102.20 127.20

33 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft MPI/IPP

Germany VIP - Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 6720 98.24 126.34 1073.99

34 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

United States Chinook - Cluster Platform 4000 DL185G5, Opteron QC 2.2 GHz, Infiniband DDR / 2008

Hewlett-Packard 18176 97.07 159.95

35 IT Service Provider

Germany Cluster Platform 3000 BL2x220, E54xx 3.0 Ghz, Infiniband / 2009

Hewlett-Packard 10240 94.74 122.88

36 EDF R&D

France Frontier2 BG/L - Blue Gene/P Solution / 2008

IBM 32768 92.96 111.41 252.00

37 IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

United States BGW - eServer Blue Gene Solution / 2005

IBM 40960 91.29 114.69 448.00

38 Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)/CCRT

France CEA-CCRT-Titane - BULL Novascale R422-E2 / 2009

Bull SA 8576 91.19 100.51

39 Naval Oceanographic Office - NAVO MSRC

United States Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 12733 90.84 117.13 588.90

40 Institute of Physical and Chemical Res. (RIKEN)

Japan PRIMERGY RX200S5 Cluster, Xeon X5570 2.93GHz, Infiniband DDR / 2009

Fujitsu 8256 87.89 96.76

41 GSIC Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Japan TSUBAME Grid Cluster with CompView TSUBASA - Sun Fire x4600/x6250, Opteron 2.4/2.6 GHz, Xeon E5440 2.833 GHz, ClearSpeed CSX600, nVidia GT200; Voltaire Infiniband / 2009

NEC/Sun 31024 87.01 163.19 1103.00

42 Information Technology Center, The University of Tokyo

Japan T2K Open Supercomputer (Todai Combined Cluster) - Hitachi Cluster Opteron QC 2.3 GHz, Myrinet 10G / 2008

Hitachi 12288 82.98 113.05 638.60

43 HLRN at Universitaet Hannover / RRZN

Germany SGI Altix ICE 8200EX, Xeon X5570 quad core 2.93 GHz / 2009

SGI 7680 82.57 90.01

44 HLRN at ZIB/Konrad Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik

Germany SGI Altix ICE 8200EX, Xeon X5570 quad core 2.93 GHz / 2009

SGI 7680 82.57 90.01

45 Stony Brook/BNL, New York Center for Computational Sciences

United States New York Blue - eServer Blue Gene Solution / 2007

IBM 36864 82.16 103.22 403.20


Italy Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

IBM 5376 78.68 101.07 859.19

47 Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba

Japan T2K Open Supercomputer - Appro Xtreme-X3 Server - Quad Opteron Quad Core 2.3 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

Appro International 10368 77.28 95.39 671.80

48 US Army Research Laboratory (ARL)

United States Cray XT5 QC 2.3 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 10400 76.80 95.68 481.00

49 CSC (Center for Scientific Computing)

Finland Cray XT5/XT4 QC 2.3 GHz / 2009

Cray Inc. 10864 76.51 102.00 520.80


United States ASC Purple - eServer pSeries p5 575 1.9 GHz / 2006

IBM 12208 75.76 92.78 1992.96

51 National Centers for Environment Prediction

United States Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 4992 73.06 93.85 797.82

52 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Computational Center for Nanotechnology Innovations

United States eServer Blue Gene Solution / 2007

IBM 32768 73.03 91.75 358.40

53 Naval Oceanographic Office - NAVO MSRC

United States Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 4896 71.66 92.04 782.48

54 Joint Supercomputer Center

Russia MVS-100K - Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c/BL2x220, Xeon 54xx 3 Ghz, Infiniband / 2008

Hewlett-Packard 7920 71.28 95.04 327.00

55 US Army Research Laboratory (ARL)

United States SGI Altix ICE 8200 Enhanced LX, Xeon X5560 quad core 2.8 GHz / 2009

SGI 6656 70.00 74.55


United States Abe - PowerEdge 1955, 2.33 GHz, Infiniband, Windows Server 2008/Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 / 2007

Dell 9600 68.48 89.59

57 Cray Inc.

United States Shark - Cray XT5 QC 2.4 GHz / 2009

Cray Inc. 8576 67.76 82.33

58 NASA/Ames Research Center/NAS

United States Columbia - SGI Altix 1.5/1.6/1.66 GHz, Voltaire Infiniband / 2008

SGI 13824 66.57 82.94

59 University of Minnesota/Supercomputing Institute

United States Cluster Platform 3000 BL280c G6, Xeon X55xx 2.8Ghz, Infiniband / 2009

Hewlett-Packard 8048 64.00 90.14

60 Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Spain MareNostrum - BladeCenter JS21 Cluster, PPC 970, 2.3 GHz, Myrinet / 2006

IBM 10240 63.83 94.21


United States Cerrillos - BladeCenter QS22/LS21 Cluster, PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz / Opteron DC 1.8 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 7200 63.25 80.93 138.00

62 IBM Poughkeepsie Benchmarking Center

United States BladeCenter QS22/LS21 Cluster, PowerXCell 8i 3.2 Ghz / Opteron DC 1.8 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 7200 63.25 80.93 138.00

63 National Centers for Environment Prediction

United States Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

IBM 4224 61.82 79.41 675.08

64 NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research)

United States bluefire - Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 4064 59.68 76.40 649.51

65 National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)

Japan Plasma Simulator - Hitachi SR16000 Model L2, Power6 4.7Ghz, Infiniband / 2009

Hitachi 4096 56.65 77.00 645.00

66 Leibniz Rechenzentrum

Germany HLRB-II - Altix 4700 1.6 GHz / 2007

SGI 9728 56.52 62.26 990.24


United States Jade - Cray XT4 QuadCore 2.1 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 8464 56.25 71.10 418.97

68 University of Edinburgh

United Kingdom HECToR - Cray XT4, 2.8 GHz / 2007

Cray Inc. 11328 54.65 63.44

69 University of Tokyo/Human Genome Center, IMS

Japan SHIROKANE - SunBlade x6250, Xeon E5450 3GHz, Infiniband / 2009

Sun Microsystems 5760 54.21 69.12

70 NNSA/Sandia National Laboratories

United States Thunderbird - PowerEdge 1850, 3.6 GHz, Infiniband / 2006

Dell 9024 53.00 64.97

71 Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)

France Tera-10 - NovaScale 5160, Itanium2 1.6 GHz, Quadrics / 2006

Bull SA 9968 52.84 63.80


France Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 3584 52.81 67.38 572.79

73 United Kingdom Meteorological Office

United Kingdom UKMO B - Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

IBM 3520 51.86 66.18 562.60

74 United Kingdom Meteorological Office

United Kingdom UKMO A - Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

IBM 3520 51.86 66.18 562.60

75 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base/DoD ASC

United States Altix 4700 1.6 GHz / 2007

SGI 9216 51.44 58.98

76 University of Southern California

United States HPC - PowerEdge 1950/SunFire X2200 Cluster Intel 53xx 2.33Ghz, Opteron 2.3 Ghz, Myrinet 10G / 2009

Dell/Sun 7104 51.41 65.64

77 HWW/Universitaet Stuttgart

Germany Baku - NEC HPC 140Rb-1 Cluster, Xeon X5560 2.8Ghz, Infiniband / 2009

NEC 5376 50.79 60.21 186.00

78 Kyoto University

Japan T2K Open Supercomputer/Kyodai - Fujitsu Cluster HX600, Opteron Quad Core, 2.3 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

Fujitsu 6656 50.51 61.24

79 SARA (Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum)

Netherlands Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 3328 48.93 62.57 531.88

80 SciNet/University of Toronto

Canada Power 575, p6 4.7 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

IBM 3328 48.93 62.57 531.88

81 IT Service Provider (B)

United States Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c, Xeon 54xx 3.0GHz, GigEthernet / 2009

Hewlett-Packard 7600 48.14 91.20

82 Moscow State University - Research Computing Center

Russia SKIF MSU - T-Platforms T60, Intel Quadcore 3Mhz, Infiniband DDR / 2008

SKIF/T-Platforms 5000 47.17 60.00 265.00

83 National Supercomputer Centre (NSC)

Sweden Neolith - Cluster Platform 3000 DL140 Cluster, Xeon 53xx 2.33GHz Infiniband / 2008

Hewlett-Packard 6440 47.03 60.02

84 IBM - Rochester

United States Blue Gene/P Solution / 2007

IBM 16384 46.83 55.71 126.00

85 IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center

United States Blue Gene/P Solution / 2009

IBM 16384 46.83 55.71 126.00

86 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft MPI/IPP

Germany Genius - Blue Gene/P Solution / 2008

IBM 16384 46.83 55.71 126.00

87 Texas Advanced Computing Center/Univ. of Texas

United States Lonestar - PowerEdge 1955, 2.66 GHz, Infiniband / 2007

Dell 5848 46.73 62.22

88 HPC2N - Umea University

Sweden Akka - BladeCenter HS21 Cluster, Xeon QC HT 2.5 GHz, IB, Windows HPC 2008/CentOS / 2008

IBM 5376 46.04 53.76 173.21

89 Clemson University

United States Palmetto - PowerEdge 1950/SunFire X2200 Cluster Intel 53xx/54xx 2.33Ghz, Opteron 2.3 Ghz, Myrinet 10G / 2008

Dell/Sun 6120 45.61 56.55 285.00

90 Financial Services (H)

United States Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c G1, Xeon L5420 2.5 GHz, GigE / 2009

Hewlett-Packard 8312 43.75 83.12

91 Ohio Supercomputer Center

United States xSeries x3455 Cluster Opteron, DC 2.6 GHz/QC 2.5 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

IBM 8416 43.46 68.38

92 Consulting (C)

United States Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c G1, Xeon E5450 3.0 GHz, GigE / 2009

Hewlett-Packard 6768 43.00 81.22

93 National Institute for Materials Science

Japan SGI Altix ICE 8200EX, Xeon X5560 quad core 2.8 GHz / 2009

SGI 4096 42.69 45.88

94 IT Service Provider (D)

United States Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c, Xeon 54xx 3.0GHz, GigEthernet / 2009

Hewlett-Packard 6672 42.41 80.06

95 Maui High-Performance Computing Center (MHPCC)

United States Jaws - PowerEdge 1955, 3.0 GHz, Infiniband / 2006

Dell 5200 42.39 62.40

96 Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA)

France CEA-CCRT-Platine - Novascale 3045, Itanium2 1.6 GHz, Infiniband / 2007

Bull SA 7680 42.13 49.15

97 US Army Research Laboratory (ARL)

United States Michael J. Muuss Cluster (MJM) - Evolocity II (LS Supersystem) Xeon 51xx 3.0 GHz IB / 2007

Linux Networx 4416 40.61 52.99

98 University of Bergen

Norway Cray XT4 QuadCore 2.3 GHz / 2008

Cray Inc. 5550 40.59 51.06 274.73

99 Jeraisy Computer and Communication Services

Saudia Arabia Cluster Platform 3000 BL460c, Xeon 54xx 3 GHz, Infiniband / 2009

Hewlett-Packard 4192 39.70 50.30

100 R-Systems

United States R Smarr - Dell DCS CS23-SH, QC HT 2.8 GHz, Infiniband / 2008

Dell 4608 39.58 51.61



fmccabeで、 今日(7時間前)報告

I have been working on a programming language, also called Go, for the last 10 years.私は、プログラミング言語にも、移動と呼ばれ、過去10年間のために働いている。 There haveが存在して

been papers published on this and I have a book.された論文は、この上で公開され、私の本がある。

I would appreciate it if google changed the name of this language; as I do not want to have toもしGoogleがこの言語名前を変更私はそれをお願い申し上げます。私にはしたくない

change my language!私の言語を変更!

Comment 1 by dsymonds , Today (7 hours ago) コメント1 dsymondsで 、 今日(7時間前)


Comment 2 by fmccabe , Today (7 hours ago) コメント2 fmccabeで 、 今日(7時間前)

If you google (sic) francis mccabe go you will find some references.場合は()を原文のままGoogleフランシス、いくつかの参照を見つける行くマッケイブ

I published the book on lulu.com私lulu.com上の本を出版

Comment 3 by reidellis , Today (4 hours ago) コメント3 reidellisで 、 今日(4時間前)

I think Mr McCabe's language is called "Go!".私は氏マッケイブ言語"と呼ばれてみろ!"。 Here's the Lulu link:ここでは、ルルのリンクです:

http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/lets-go/641689 http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/lets-go/641689

Comment 4 by niral.n95 , Today (3 hours ago) コメント4 niral.n95で 、 今日(3時間前)

reidellis: is right! reidellis:ですね! its "Lets Go!"その"はLets Go!" or "Go!".や"ゴー!"。 This is google "go", "The Goこれは、"行くに"google、"移動されます

Programming Language" Bigg Difference.. :)プログラミング言語"Biggの違い..:)

Ps Anyone hearing the release of Google "go" would have picked up their book that psの誰""行っても本を手にしてはGoogleリリース公聴会では

never sold and started finding the work "GO" and as they would find their 1st "GO"販売されなかったとの仕事"Go"を見つけることを始め、などに気づくような、その第一の"Go"

they wil go , Eureka!彼らはエウレカ行くウィル! :) :)

Comment 5 by fmccabe , Today (3 hours ago) コメント5 fmccabeで 、 今日(3時間前)

My language is called Go!.自分言語へと呼ばれます!。 The book is called Let's Go!.本の行こうと呼ばれます!。

The issue is not whether or not Google's go will be well known.問題かどうかは、Googleの移動も呼ばれることもありません。 It is one of fairness.これは1つの公平性の一つです。

Comment 6 by zhenshe41 , Today (3 hours ago) コメント6 zhenshe41で 、 今日(3時間前)

In Go!行くで! , can the IDE know the differences between Go!は、IDEへの違いを知ることができます! and go ?行く?

Comment 9 by shirish4you , Today (2 hours ago) コメント9 shirish4youで 、 今日(2時間前)

ah...ああ... Google should change the name... Googleは、名前を変更する必要があります...

Comment 11 by spronkey , Today (2 hours ago) コメント11 spronkeyで 、 今日(2時間前)

Indeed they should.確かにそうあるべきだ。 Full support for you, Mr. McCabe.あなたのためのフルサポートミスターマッケイブ。 It's not that hard to findそれを見つけるために、ハードではない

references to your language online either - it was on the first page of Bing, secondあなたの言語オンラインへの参照のいずれか-それはビンビンの最初のページに2番目だった

of Google for 'go programming language'. Googleの'のために行くのプログラミング言語'。

In fact, the title of the Google go tutorial page is even "Let's Go".実際には、Googleタイトルチュートリアルページに行っても"行こう"です。

It would be pretty poor for you folks Google to keep this name given your "do noそれはかなりあなたのための人々 、Googleはこの名が指定さを維持する貧困層になるお客様の"ありませんか

evil" slogan!悪"のスローガン

Comment 12 by nofakesallowed , Today (2 hours ago) コメント12 nofakesallowed、 今日(2時間前 に )

Google should totally change the name, fmccabe you should find a (cheap) lawyer just Googleの完全に、あなたは(安い)弁護士を見つける必要がありますだけfmccabeの名前を変更する必要があります

in case...場合には...

Google has deep pockets. Googleの深いポケットにしています。

Comment 13 by nofakesallowed , Today (2 hours ago) コメント13 nofakesallowed、 今日(2時間前 に )

btw, what's up redditところで、どうしたのreddit

Comment 14 by alex.salkever , Today (2 hours ago) コメント14 alex.salkeverで 、 今日(2時間前)

fmcabe -- could you contact me at alex @ dailyfinance.com? fmcabe -あなたalex@dailyfinance.comで、私に連絡だろうか? Might want to write a可能性のある記述する

little article about this.このことについて少し記事 Thanks.ありがとう。

Comment 16 by matthew.m.mckenzie , Today (2 hours ago) コメント16 matthew.m.mckenzieで 、 今日(2時間前)

google should change!グーグル変更してください!

Comment 17 by senthil.nayagam , Today (2 hours ago) コメント17 senthil.nayagamで 、 今日(2時間前)

maybe name it Goo or Foo多分グーかはFooという名前を付けます

Comment 18 by mail2ankitgupta , Today (119 minutes ago) コメント18 mail2ankitguptaで 、 今日(119分前)

A company claiming to capture world's info, missed it!!!同社は、世界情報キャプチャすると主張し、それを逃した!

Comment 19 by terence.stuart , Today (117 minutes ago) コメント19 terence.stuartで 、 今日(117分前)

Let the language with the most users keep its name.ほとんどのユーザーは、その名前のままにして言語をしましょう。

Er... Erを... That's not yours, is it?それは、あなたではないって?

Comment 20 by blair.briggs , Today (113 minutes ago) コメント20 blair.briggsで 、 今日(113分前)

Go, find a new name.移動し、新しい名前を探します。 ;) ;)

Comment 21 by josecamporro , Today (111 minutes ago) コメント21 josecamporroで 、 今日(111分前)

I agree with majority on this.私はこの上の部分に同意する。 Google should change the name of this language... Googleはこの言語名前を変更する必要があります...

Francis McCab is right, Go!フランシスMcCabが正しいでGO! and Go are not that different.と移動の違いはありませんです。 And he went first, public.彼は、公共の最初に行った。

Comment 22 by sebastian.krause , Today (104 minutes ago) コメント22 sebastian.krauseで 、 今日(104分前)

Google should consider a different name simply for the reason that "Go" is just a too Googleはその理由は、"移動"されに別の名前を検討する必要がありますだけでも

common word and it might eventually become difficult to google for references and一般的な単語と、最終的に参照するためにGoogleが困難になる可能性があります

examples about this language.この言語についての例です。 A somewhat more unique name can have its benefits.もう少しユニーク名前は、その利点を持つことができます。

Comment 23 by Afro.Systems , Today (95 minutes ago) コメント23 Afro.Systemsで 、 今日(95分前)

I think lango would be a great name and I am hereby to give away to google any私はランゴすばらしい名前だと思うと私は、ここから何かグーグルに与えるために午前

copyrights for the name.名の著作権

Comment 24 by ismetdere , Today (94 minutes ago) コメント24 ismetdereで 、 今日(94分前)

Goo, whould be just fine.グー、されるだけで罰金whould。

Comment 25 by QrczakMK , Today (68 minutes ago) コメント25 QrczakMKで 、 今日(68分前)

Goo is already taken too, although it has been dead for a few years I think.ただし、それが思う数年前に死んだがグー、すでにも、撮影されます。

Comment 26 by zak.wilson , Today (68 minutes ago) コメント26 zak.wilsonで 、 今日(68分前)

Goo is the name of a Lisp dialect.具は、Lisp方言名前です。

Comment 27 by daniel.kolman , Today (67 minutes ago) コメント27 daniel.kolmanで 、 今日(67分前)

Both Google and fmccabe should find a new name, "Go" is silly name for a programming Googleとfmccabe、"Go"をテコな名前プログラミングされている新しい名前を見つける必要があります


Comment 28 by br...@silcon.com , Today (67 minutes ago) コメント28 brで... silcon.com @、 今日(67分前)

how about GOOP = Google Object Oriented Programming?方法については無神経な人= Googleオブジェクト指向プログラミング

mccabe- personally, I agree with you, but while you may be first, and you may beマッケイブ、個人的に、私はあなたと、しかし、中に最初にすることに同意し、することがあります

published, your issue title begs not to take you seriously regardless of your actual公開され、あなたの問題のタイトル真剣にかかわらず、お客様の実際の場合を取らないように頼む


I do hope this is resolved in your favor though.私はあなたのおかげでも解決されてほしいですか。

Comment 29 by jwb.public , Today (66 minutes ago) コメント29 jwb.publicで 、 今日(66分前)

how about ogle?方法については色目を使う?

Comment 30 by srikumarks , Today (60 minutes ago) コメント30 srikumarksで 、 今日(60分前)

Given that is derives from Limbo, "Bo" would be short and sweet as well.つまり、辺獄から、"ボー"不足しているだろうと甘いだけでなく派生を考える。 They can alsoこれらのこともできます。

use "boroutines" :P "boroutines":pを使用

Comment 31 by ismetdere , Today (57 minutes ago) コメント31 ismetdereで 、 今日(57分前)

Goo is gone too?具も行ったですか? damn..気.. what about Goat?何ヤギは?

Comment 32 by killercore , Today (52 minutes ago) コメント32 killercoreで 、 今日(52分前)

I'd go for JAgo: Just Another go私JAgoのために行くだろう:ちょうど別のものへ

Comment 33 by jason.lee.quinn , Today (51 minutes ago) コメント33 jason.lee.quinnで 、 今日(51分前)

Goat Special Editionヤギスペシャルエディション

Comment 34 by nikola.tepper , Today (50 minutes ago) コメント34 nikola.tepperで 、 今日(50分前)

It is completely absurd to use name of an already existing language.それは完全に既存の言語名前を使用するのはばかげている。 Hey Google,ちょっとGoogleは、

couldn't you, i don't know... 、私を知らない場合が...。 google it?とGoogleの? Oh right, the name is so generic, that isそう、名ので、つまり、汎用的なもの

almost impossible to get relevant matches.ほとんどの関連性と一致を得ることは不可能。 If this language catches on, it'll be aこの言語キャッチし、それになります

nightmare to search for problems and solutions.問題と解決策を検索する悪夢のような。

Comment 36 by jsykari , Today (40 minutes ago) コメント36 jsykariで 、 今日(40分前)

May I humbly suggest "go2"? 5私は謙虚に""go2いかがでしょう?

Even C++ got away with naming the language after an esoteric feature of C -- perhapsも、C + +の距離Cの難解な機能の後に、言語名前付け規則だ-おそらく

naming a language after "goto" isn't that bad. "の後に、後藤は"悪くはない言語のネーミングになります。

Comment 37 by Linnsey , Today (38 minutes ago) コメント37 Linnseyで 、 今日(38分前)

There are so many hobby and specialist programming languages it'd be hard to find aあるので趣味や専門のプログラミング言語でそれを見つけることは難しいですね、多くの

name that's not taken.名は、撮影ではない。

Comment 39 by david.kitchen , Today (32 minutes ago) コメント39 david.kitchenで 、 今日(32分前)

@33 Disturbing but funny... @ 33不穏がおかしい... I can imagine the logo now: 3OE私は今のロゴ想像することができます:3OE

@34 Look at the dates of these things, it would appear that go started around the @これらのものの日程を34歳で見て、その周りを開始へ表示されます

same time that the book was being written (but Go! already existed).同じ時間には、図書(ただし、移動書かれていた!既に存在していた)。 I wouldn't be私ではない

surprised to learn that due diligence was done at the time but simply that since thenは、デューデリジェンス時間でも行われていた知って驚く人は、単にそれ以来、

it just hadn't been revisited.それだけで再訪されていませんでした。

@36 http://xkcd.com/292/ @ 36 http://xkcd.com/292/

Comment 40 by patla073 , Today (31 minutes ago) コメント40 patla073で 、 今日(31分前)

Why not just name it Golang?理由だけではなく、それGolang名前は?

Erlang - "Ericsson Language"アーラン- "エリクソン言語"

Golang - "Google Language" Golang - "Google言語"

Comment 41 by drc.uvic , Today (31 minutes ago) コメント41 drc.uvic、 今日(31分前 に )

Does anyone use 'Go!'?誰'移動を使用しますか!'? If yours is better, or has a decent user base then a name change might be the right thingもしあなたの優れているか、またはその名前の変更は正しいかもしれませんが、まともなユーザーベースを持って

to do.を行う。 If you're bringing it up for academic pride then I don't see why they should have to change anything.もし私はなぜ何も変更する必要がありますが表示されない学問の誇りをのために育てている。

Comment 42 by abouthors , Today (29 minutes ago) コメント42 abouthorsで 、 今日(29分前)

Jago is already taken by a program to play the game of go. Jago既に行くのゲームプレイするためのプログラムによって行われる。

Comment 44 by charles.majola , Today (18 minutes ago) コメント44 charles.majolaで 、 今日(18分前)

This is issue 9 ......この問題は9 ...... Plan 9..... Plan 9の.....


Comment 45 by tuxthelinuxdood , Today (14 minutes ago) コメント45 tuxthelinuxdoodで 、 今日(14分前)

It is obvious that Google employees did not research the name in terms of existingこれは、Google従業員の面では、名前研究していない明らかにされ、既存の

languages before release.リリース前の言語。 In such a situation I believe Google is at fault and the nameこのような状況では私はGoogle断層の名前ではと考えています

should be changed.変更する必要があります。 I doubt it will happen but it to change it would be in line with "do私はそれが起こるとは思えませんが、それを行となる"を変更するか

no evil".邪悪な"。

Comment 46 by GeoffreyJ.Lee , Today (14 minutes ago) コメント46 GeoffreyJ.Leeで 、 今日(14分前)

How about "Google Go"?方法については"Googleの移動"?

Go2 is pretty clever though, so my vote is on that. Go2かなりかかわらず、僕の投票をするには利口だ。

Comment 47 by roblesjm , Today (9 minutes ago) コメント47 roblesjmで 、 今日(9分前)

Google always releases new products with the prefix "Google". Googleでは常に接頭辞"Googleとの"新製品リリースします。 In this case, I don'tこの場合、私はしないでください

know if Google want release a new product or make an Alliance like Android.知っている場合、Googleは新製品リリースしたい、またはするアライアンスAndroidのような。

In the first case, I would use "GoogleC".最初のケースで、私は"を使用します。GoogleC"。 For the second, something like "GCP" fromについては、2番目の、何か"GCPの"からのような

(Google C Python). (GoogleのĈパイソン)。

Comment 48 by ismetdere , Today (4 minutes ago) コメント48 ismetdereで 、 今日(4分前)

Goat it is...ヤギって... there, settled.そこに定住した。

Comment 49 by Peter.Schweizer , Today (4 minutes ago) コメント49 Peter.Schweizerで 、 今日(4分前)

i'd suggest "giggity giggity goo" as new name since quagmire is a very funny guy私は""新しい名前として泥沼非常に面白いやつなんだからgiggity giggityグーをお勧めしたい

btw.ところで。 hi reddit :)ハイテクしかし:)

Comment 50 by ruivaldo , Today (4 minutes ago) コメント50 ruivaldoで 、 今日(4分前)

"Do" ? ""ですか? Makes sense, check the purpose of the lang.理にかなっては、langの目的をご確認ください。



10/18 改訂





use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use GD;

my $cmdline = join(" ", $0, @ARGV);
my $usage = "usage: $0 -sx=116423 -sy=51603 -ex=116426 -ey=51605 -dx=4 -dy=3 -z=17 -size=300 -get=30 -dir=cache -output=output.jpg -nodebug";
my ($sx, $sy) = (0, 0);
my ($ex, $ey) = (0, 0);
my ($dx, $dy) = (4, 3);
my $z = 17;
my $size = 300;
my $get = 30;
my $dir = "cache";
my $output = "output.jpg";
my $debug = 0;
GetOptions("sx=i" => \$sx, "sy=i" => \$sy,
	   "ex=i" => \$ex, "ey=i" => \$ey,
	   "dx=i" => \$dx, "dy=i" => \$dy,
	   "z=i" => \$z,
	   "size=i" => \$size, "get=i" => $get,
	   "dir=s" => \$dir, "output=s" => \$output,
	   "debug!" => \$debug) or die "$usage\nDied";
if ($ex == 0) {
    $ex = $sx + $dx;
} else {
    $dx = $ex - $sx;
if ($ey == 0) {
    $ey = $sy + $dy;
} else {
    $dy = $ey - $sy;
$sx>0 and $dx>0 and $sy>0 and $dy>0 and $z>0 and $dir and $output
    or die "$usage\nBad arguments";
$dx*$dy > $size and die "Getting too large.";

$debug and print "debug: mkdir $dir\n";
mkdir $dir;
-d $dir or die "can't make dir $dir: $!";

my $base = sprintf("http://khm%d.google.co.jp/kh/v=46&z=%d", int(rand(4)), $z);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
printf "now get %d images...\n", $dx*$dy;
for (my $x=$sx; $x < $ex; $x++) {
    for (my $y=$sy; $y < $ey; $y++) {
	my $file = sprintf("%s/%02dz%06dx%06d.jpg", $dir, $z, $x, $y);
	$debug and print "debug: check of $file\n";
	-s $file and next;
	--$get < 0 and last;
	my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>+"$base&x=$x&y=$y");
	$debug and print "debug: fetch from ".$req->uri."\n";
	my $res = $ua->request($req);
	unless ($res->is_success) {
	    print "fail fetch from $file: ", $res->status_line, "\n";
	if (open(my $fh, ">", $file)) {
	    $debug and print "debug: write of $file\n";
	    binmode $fh;
	    print $fh $res->content;
	    close $fh;
	} else {
	    print "fail open in $file: $!\n";
$get < 0 and print "reach the getting limit, skip after all.\n";

printf "creating %dX%d image...\n", 256*$dx, 256*$dy;
my $image = new GD::Image(256*$dx, 256*$dy);
for (my $x=$sx; $x < $ex; $x++) {
    for (my $y=$sy; $y < $ey; $y++) {
	my $file = sprintf("%s/%02dz%06dx%06d.jpg", $dir, $z, $x, $y);
	$debug and print "debug: check of $file\n";
	-s $file or next;
	$debug and print "debug: read of $file\n";
	my $part = GD::Image->newFromJpeg($file);
	$debug and print "debug: image copy\n";
	$image->copy($part, 256*($x-$sx), 256*($y-$sy), 0, 0, 256, 256);
#$image->string(gdSmallFont, 0, 0, $cmdline, $image->colorAllocate(255, 255, 255));
open(my $fh, ">", $output) or die "fail open $output: $!";
$debug and print "debug: write of $output\n";
binmode $fh;
print $fh $image->jpeg();
close $fh;


perl gmwall.pl -sx=116423 -sy=51603 -ex=116427 -ey=51606


perl gmwall.pl -sx=465701 -sy=206420 -ex=465705 -ey=206423 -z=19









<style type="text/css"&gt;dt{float:left;clear:left;width:10em;}</style&gt;

<meta content="charset=Shift_JIS"/&gt;



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<p&gt;}</p&gt; <p&gt;var id = [</p&gt; <p&gt; "2007 参院比", "2005 衆院比", "2005 都議会", "2004 参院比", "2003 衆院比",</p&gt; <p&gt; "2001 参院比", "2001 都議会", "2000 衆院比", "1998 参院比", "1997 都議会"</p&gt; <p&gt;];</p&gt; <p&gt;var ku = [</p&gt; <p&gt; "千代田","中央","港","新宿","文京",</p&gt; <p&gt; "台東","墨田","江東","品川","目黒",</p&gt; <p&gt; "大田","世田谷","渋谷","中野","杉並",</p&gt; <p&gt; "豊島","北","荒川","板橋","練馬",</p&gt; <p&gt; "足立","葛飾","江戸川"</p&gt; <p&gt;];</p&gt; <p&gt;var regexku = new RegExp("(" + ku.join("|") + ")区");</p&gt; <p&gt;var iframe = [];</p&gt; <p&gt;var data = {};</p&gt; <p&gt;var parse = [ function(){</p&gt; <p&gt; var d = iframe[0].contentWindow.document;</p&gt; <p&gt; var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.nodeValue)){</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<10; j++){</p&gt; <p&gt; e = e.nextSibling;</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "0"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"");</p&gt; 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<p&gt; var k = 0;</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "2"] = 0;</p&gt; <p&gt; while(e2){</p&gt; <p&gt; if(e2.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf("公明党") != -1){</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "2"] += parseInt(e2.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[k+2].firstChild.nodeValue.replace(",",""), 10);</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; e2 = e2.nextSibling;</p&gt; <p&gt; k++;</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "2"] = int2str(data[RegExp.$1 + "2"]);</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; show();</p&gt; <p&gt;}, function(){</p&gt; <p&gt; var d = iframe[3].contentWindow.document;</p&gt; <p&gt; var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.nodeValue)){</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<19; j++){</p&gt; <p&gt; e = e.nextSibling;</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "3"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"");</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; show();</p&gt; 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<p&gt; for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue)){</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<10; j++){</p&gt; <p&gt; e = e.nextSibling;</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "5"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"");</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; show();</p&gt; <p&gt;}, function(){</p&gt; <p&gt; var d = iframe[6].contentWindow.document;</p&gt; <p&gt; var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue)){</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<7; j++){</p&gt; <p&gt; e = e.nextSibling;</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "6"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"").replace("-","0");</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; show();</p&gt; <p&gt;}, function(){</p&gt; <p&gt; var d = iframe[7].contentWindow.document;</p&gt; <p&gt; var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue)){</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<9; j++){</p&gt; <p&gt; e = e.nextSibling;</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "7"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; show();</p&gt; <p&gt;}, function(){</p&gt; <p&gt; var d = iframe[8].contentWindow.document;</p&gt; <p&gt; var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue)){</p&gt; <p&gt; data[RegExp.$1 + "8"] = int2str(td[i].nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue);</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; show();</p&gt; <p&gt;}, function(n){ return function(){</p&gt; <p&gt; var d = iframe[n+9].contentWindow.document;</p&gt; <p&gt; var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p&gt; <p&gt; data[ku[n]+"9"] = 0;</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; if((((td[i].firstChild || 0).firstChild || 0).nodeValue || "").indexOf("公明") == 0){</p&gt; <p&gt; data[ku[n]+"9"] += parseInt(td[i].parentNode.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(",",""));</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; data[ku[n]+"9"] = int2str(data[ku[n]+"9"]);</p&gt; <p&gt; show();</p&gt; <p&gt;}}];</p&gt; <p&gt;function init(){</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0; i<23; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; var dl = document.createElement("dl");</p&gt; <p&gt; dl.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n【" + ku[i] + "区における公明票】\n"));</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var j=0; j<10; j++){</p&gt; <p&gt; var dt = document.createElement("dt");</p&gt; <p&gt; var dd = document.createElement("dd");</p&gt; <p&gt; dt.innerText = id[j];</p&gt; <p&gt; dl.appendChild(dt);</p&gt; <p&gt; dl.appendChild(dd);</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; document.body.firstChild.appendChild(dl);</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0; i<32; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; var e = document.createElement("iframe");</p&gt; <p&gt; iframe[i] = e;</p&gt; <p&gt; e.style.display = "none";</p&gt; <p&gt; if(i<9) var f = parse[i];</p&gt; <p&gt; else var f = parse[9](i-9);</p&gt; <p&gt; e.attachEvent("onload", f);</p&gt; <p&gt; e.src = url[i];</p&gt; <p&gt; document.body.appendChild(e);</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt;}</p&gt; <p&gt;function show(){</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var i=0; i<23; i++){</p&gt; <p&gt; var dl = document.body.firstChild.childNodes[i];</p&gt; <p&gt; for(var j=0; j<10; j++){</p&gt; <p&gt; var dt = dl.childNodes[j*2+1];</p&gt; <p&gt; dt.innerText = id[j] + " " + (data[ku[i]+j] || "");</p&gt; <p&gt; dt.nextSibling.innerText = bar(data[ku[i]+j], j);</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt; }</p&gt; <p&gt;}</p&gt; <p&gt;function int2str(num){</p&gt; <p&gt; return new String(num).split("").reverse().join("").replace(/(\d{3})/g,"$1,").split("").reverse().join("");</p&gt; <p&gt;}</p&gt; <p&gt;function bar(str, flag){</p&gt; <p&gt; str = str || "";</p&gt; <p&gt; if(str == "" || str.length < 5) return "";</p&gt; <p&gt; var num = parseInt(str.match(/\d+/)) + 1;</p&gt; <p&gt; var arrow = (flag == 2 || flag == 6 || flag == 9) ? " ←" : "";</p&gt; <p&gt; var _bar = new Array(num).join("|") + arrow;</p&gt; <p&gt; return _bar;</p&gt; <p&gt;}</p&gt; <p&gt;</script&gt;








.refererlist .box-curve p {
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村上春樹:「常に卵の側に」( http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1064909.html )でハアレツに寄せられたコメントの一部です。


Title: To Mr. Murakami: a few words of reply from an egg

Name: A Philosopher

City: State:

First, let me welcome you to the region. Second, I would like to disagree with you about your description of literature as a skilful lie. A lie must, by definition, involve malice, deception, whereas literature is about imagination: there is no malice about that. Unfortunately, much of what you hear lately on international TV about Israel are indeed lies, not even fiction. You say that Israel is the wall and the Palestinians are the eggs, just because we have Tanks. You tend to forget that the Palestinians are part of more than one billion Muslims in the world, many of whom would like to get rid of Israel if they just could. You also forget that if the situation were reversed and the Palestinians were instead in possession of tanks, there wouldn`t be any eggs left in the middle-east. The wall we build is exactly to protect us, as eggs, from the wolf lurking outside. And If the terrorists didn`t use their own eggs as shield, they wouldn`t break either. All the best to you.





Title: Like Quixote tilting at windmills

Name: Fed Up

City: Barcelona State:

I don`t doubt that this fellow`s books may be addictive, but I do doubt the value of getting hooked on stories that are all, apparently, based on a false ontology of the world being clearly divided into "walls" and "eggs." As talkback #1 points out, even tank-drivers have their fragility, and to deny their humanity by summarily labeling them "walls," and considering them to be part of some chimerical menace called "the system," is to paint a thin veneer of chivalry over a rotten base of moral recklessness.

What`s been going on in Sderot over the last several years? Have Gazans, driven to desperation by the evil system-monster, been left with no option but to toss their eggs against the walls that surround them? Is it evil for people on the receiving end to retreat unto bomb-shelters (aka "walls") against which these eggs can`t help but break?

Mr. Murakami, walls don`t break eggs unless there is someone throwing those eggs.




Title: wall &amp; eggs

Name: JR

City: Amsterdam State:

bit folish to say that the only option is that the hurt civilians are the eggs and the israeli tank and bombs are the wall. Never thought that the israel people are the eggs in a small basket called eretz jisrael which is surrounded by a rather large muslim wall?

No fiction here mr , just hard facts.

Kind regards from the Netherlands


負傷した人々が卵でイスラエル戦車爆弾が壁だとしか言えないなんてちょっとまぬけだね。もっと大きいムスリムの壁に包囲されたイスラエルの地(eretz jisrael)という小さなかごにいる人たちが卵だって考えなかったのかね?フィクションじゃないよ、ちゃんとした事実だ。


Title: re #5

Name: B

City: SF State: CA

I get where you`re coming from because I`m tired of utopian solutions from dreamers in Europe.

But I believe Murakami is a guy who also understands the tank driver and our kids in Sderot. I know we`re not used to having media acknowledge our citizens as people, so we get defensive, but I give Mr. Murakami the benefit of the doubt.

From his speech I feel he`s criticizing the entire system that has our neighbors trying to destroy us in the first place and the world legitimizing it and the common acceptance of boycotting Israel because it`s the in thing to do. This guy is acknowledging our fight to overcome this as individuals and as societies.

This guy is deeper than our critics from Europe, and this guy is a novelist, not a critic.

In Norwegian Wood he painted a really accurate picture of some self-righteous university organizations, quite similar to many of our critics. All I`m saying is before dismissing him or arguing, see that he`s not picking fights or sides.. besides us eggs







かんよう-く くわん― 3 【慣用句












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