はてなキーワード: DROPとは
Whole grains" such as brown rice and barley rice improve diabetes, sleep, and depression
Eating "whole grains" such as whole grain bread, brown rice, sprouted brown rice, millet rice, and barley rice lowers the risk of diabetes and obesity.
Studies have also shown that a whole grain eating style can improve sleep and prevent depression.
Not All Carbohydrates Are Created Equal
Choosing the right carbohydrates and adjusting the amount of carbohydrates you eat is the best approach to controlling diabetes. Of the three macronutrients, carbohydrates are the ones that have the most immediate impact on blood sugar, so we need to be careful about how we consume them.
Eating refined flour or white rice, for example, may contain the same amount of carbohydrates, but because they contain less fiber, they are absorbed more quickly, leading to an increase in postprandial blood glucose." For diabetics who need to control their blood sugar, the recommendation is whole grains," says Carla Duenas.
Duenas is a dietitian with Baptist Health South Florida, a clinical care network with seven hospitals in the U.S. state of Florida. She stresses, "To achieve a healthy diet, whole grains should be included in the diet, along with high-quality protein, vegetables, and fruits."
What to do about diabetic staples? '50-55% carbs' is healthiest
Not a fan of brown rice? Glutinous brown rice can help.
Wakame seaweed suppresses postprandial blood glucose spike Lower GI of white rice
Replace white rice with brown rice
Whole grains are grains that have not had their hulls, seed skins, embryos, or endosperm removed by processing such as milling.
Many studies have shown that a diet rich in whole grains reduces the risk of diabetes, obesity, and heart disease more than a diet rich in refined grains.
Familiar whole grains include foods such as bread, pasta, and oatmeal made from whole wheat grains, brown rice, sprouted brown rice, millet rice, and barley rice containing barley.
Brown rice is a whole grain and rich in fiber. Although whole grains are not necessarily the best choice, replacing white rice with brown rice is recommended for people with diabetes or obesity," Duenas advises.
You get the fiber you tend to lack.
Carbohydrates can be divided into simple carbohydrates, which raise blood glucose levels quickly, and complex carbohydrates, which raise them slowly. Simple carbohydrates are those found in sweets and fruits, while complex carbohydrates are those found in grains, potatoes, beans, and other foods.
Complex carbohydrates take longer to be absorbed and raise blood glucose levels at a slower rate because they are broken down into simple carbohydrates before being digested and absorbed.
Complex carbohydrates are "healthy carbohydrates. Whole grains such as unrefined flour and brown rice have properties similar to complex carbohydrates. They are rich in nutrients that are often lacking, such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are lost during the refining process," Duenas points out.
Refined carbohydrates can also cause insomnia.
Thirty percent of adults suffer from insomnia, and part of the cause may be dietary style. Refined carbohydrates may increase the risk of insomnia in women, according to a study.
The study showed that postmenopausal women who eat junk foods and soft drinks, especially those high in carbohydrates, are more likely to develop insomnia.
Conversely, women who consume more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables have a decreased risk of insomnia.
The study was conducted by James Ganwish and colleagues from the Bagelos School of Medicine at Columbia University in the United States.
77,860 women were studied for three years.
Insomnia is often treated with pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, both of which are costly to the patient and expensive. Improving one's diet is low-cost, easy to implement, and free of side effects," says Ganwish.
The study is based on data from observational studies conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Women's Health Initiative Study (WHI) to obtain information to prevent and treat health problems among women.
The researchers examined the association between insomnia and 77,860 postmenopausal women who participated in the WHI. They surveyed them about their dietary habits and followed them for three years from 1997 to 2001.
The participants were analyzed by dividing them into five groups according to GI level, an index that indicates the ease with which blood glucose levels rise after a meal.
The results revealed a 16% higher risk of developing insomnia and an 11% higher prevalence in the group with higher dietary GI values. The study also found that the higher the intake of vegetables and fruits, the lower the risk of insomnia.
The study also found a lower risk of developing depression.
The study found that "a spike in blood glucose levels after a meal stimulates the secretion of insulin, which lowers blood glucose, and may lead to a state of hyperinsulinemia. As a result, blood glucose levels drop and the secretion of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol increases, which may disrupt sleep," explains Ganwish.
The foods that trigger insomnia may be processed foods that contain high levels of isomerized sugar, which is composed of fructose and glucose. Such foods are not found in nature, but are mass-produced industrially and sold cheaply.
Fruits also contain fructose, but they are also rich in fiber. Fruits have a low GI and are thought to be less likely to cause postprandial blood sugar elevation.
A study of 69,954 women who participated in the WHI, published by Ganwish and colleagues in 2015, also showed that women who ate a high GI diet had a 22% higher risk of developing depression.
Gunwish noted, "We need randomized clinical trials to determine the benefits of improving diet and increasing intake of whole grains and complex carbohydrates to prevent and treat insomnia and depression."
・TOEIC L&Rテスト これ1冊で600はとれる(旺文社) トレーニング Part3 Q7,8,9
問題を下見する→どこを集中して聞き取るか判断→リスニング の作業ができるように訓練していく必要がある。問題の解き方を体に染み込ませる重要性を実感した。
わからなかった表現一覧: reception, proposal, drop by〜, in person
X rather than Yの意味で、XとYが逆になっていたので注意する。
When I was in college, I had a part-time job writing moaning voices incessantly.
It was a part-time job at an erotic game company that I was introduced to by one of my seniors.
The company put a lot of effort into the story of their erotic games, and the writers who worked there were all people who took pride in their writing.
From their point of view, it was a pain to write the moaning voices in the sex scenes, so they decided to leave it to the part-time workers.
First, I was given the "gist" of the sex scene, such as "unzipping" or "moving hips faster.
2. I would then add my own moaning voices, such as "mmm ......" and "ahhhhhh", in a reasonable amount of salt.
3. the scenario writer checks it and it's done.
This may sound easy, but it is surprisingly difficult.
First of all, there is a certain length to an sex scene, so it is necessary to make it exciting precisely within that range.
The sounds used must be gradual, so that the audience does not get bored, and the excitement must be gradually increased.
It is also important to adjust the length of the text.
If the text is too short, it won't convey a sexual pleasure feeling, but if it is too long, the voice will become redundant.
In this way, a sense of balance and systematic pacing is required to get a bird's eye view of eroticism.
It was definitely not a job that I could just bang on the keyboard as I pleased.
My first work was a "younger sister" story, and I had a hard time allocating the "a" sound for the second sex scene.
If she said "aaaaah" from the beginning, it would sound like a seasoned whore's moaning voices, but if She said "an", it would not be erotic enough.
I finished it after much effort, but the writer said, "Couldn't you make it faster?” I'm disappointed.
As I was puzzling over what to do with ...... in front of the computer left by my predecessor (only the "A"key on the keyboard was strangely shiny), I noticed the existence of a file.
It was an Excel file titled "moaning-editor.xls," and it was a macro left by my predecessor specifically for making moaning voice.
By entering lines one by one in the vertically aligned cells, the phonetic elements such as vowels and consonants in each line were automatically converted into numerical values.
Furthermore, by adding and subtracting the numerical values, a value called "climax level" was calculated.
This "climax level" make a breakthrough to creating the ideal moaning voice.
If the sentence is constructed in such a way that this value gradually increases from the beginning to the end of the scene, the voice comes ideally.
It seemed that my predecessor had single-handedly created such an amazing and awesome Excel program.
I guess he wanted to share it with me, his successor, while hiding it from his boss as a secret tool.
Thanks to this tool, my work became much easier, and I could continue to make moving sounds with a stable quality.
One day, while I was working, I noticed something.
Theoretically, any text can be entered into the cell where the moaning voice is supposed input.
In other words to that, any text other than a moaning voice could be used to calculate the "climax level".
So I tried to calculate the "climax level" of famous works in the history of literature.
For example, "I have always called him teacher." for exampleis 12, and "He is reckless like his parents and has been doing nothing but losing money since he was a child. " is 30.
I have always called him teacher.
Author , Natume Soseki
Out , in 1914
Story of distressed man who robbed lover from his friend by lying.
He is reckless like his parents and has been doing nothing but losing money since he was a child.
Author , Natume Soseki
Out , in 1906
Story that revenge of one teacher, who was naughty boy in youth ,to nasty coworker.
I hadn't expected this, but as I researched, I found that many of the masterpieces were written on the same principle as my work.
In other words, the degree of "climax" increases toward the end.
The most notable example is Akutagawa's "Nobody knows where the servant" is. The number of climaxes in this story is 367.
Nobody knows where the servant
Author , Akutagawa Ryunosuke
Out , in 1915
Story of one fired servant struggle to survive and he decide throw aside his human conscience.
The scene in which a drugged married woman faints with the whites of her eyes is at most 330, so you can see how astonishing the number is.
It turns out that "climax" is a universal rule that applies to all kinds of writing.
After realizing this fact, I started to write every sentence as if it were a gasp.
And I have been successful in every aspect of my life.
In job-hunting entry sheets, too, it is the distribution of the "climax level" that is important.
For example, in the education section, if you drop out of the university with the name that has the highest "climax level" and use it as your final education, it will look very different.
(It depends on the name of the university, but in general, "dropped out" has a higher climax level than "graduated.)
As some of you may have noticed, I've been writing this article in such a way as to gradually increase the climax level.
↑The climax level of this sentence is 290.
I'd like to end this sentence here, since it's getting quite high.
Ohhhh! Aaahhhh!
3チームに別れて対戦するチームモードでも、のんびりしている味方を邪魔だと言わんばかりにあしらいつつ、自分一人で敵を仕留めてしまう。Cross teamerがいても、淡々と一人で立ち向かう。自分のチームに割とスキルがあって協力的な人がいると、めっちゃ生き生きと協力プレイするけど、そんな状況はまだ一度しか見たことがない。
他の人は結構動画内にミスの言い訳とか動きの意図を書いたりするんだけど、この人はそういうことをしない。「I should have ...」とか「I was gonna ...」みたいなことを言ってるの、たぶん見たことがないと思う。そういえば昔、助けてくれた人が傍にいたのに気づいてなかった時、「Sorry bro, didn’t see you there」的なことを書いてたことはあったかも。
チャット機能があるゲームだと、負かした相手に恨まれて悪口を書かれていることもある。「F*ck you」、「this nigga」、「f*cking noob」とか、オンラインゲームのノリを知らない私にとっては過激すぎる言葉で煽られてるけど、この人は全く言い返さず、向かってくる相手をただ黙々と潰し続けていた。
BGMのdropを好プレーにぴったりなタイミングに合わせ、そのために曲をキリのいいところで繰り返したりする(たまに繋ぎが雑だけど)。曲の種類も組み合わせ方も無限にあるから難しそうだなぁと思うけど、毎回ちゃんと揃っていてすごい。以前、TROLLって名前でいいプレーができたところに「Let the darkness take conTROL」って歌詞を完璧なタイミングで合わせたことがあって、見ていてめっちゃ爽快だった。
プライベートを全く明かさないし、顔出しもない。性別も年齢も不明。毎回の動画は、ちょっと過激なタイトルと、「Thank you all for your support」という3年間変わらぬテンプレdescription、そしてプレー中の画面レコーディングのみ。😊って顔文字も使うけど、どう見ても文がコピペだし無表情で書いてそう。
前はSublime Textがタスクバーに入っていたし、今はVSCodeを使ってるみたい。
母国語はロシア語だし、初期はロシア語で動画投稿してたけど、英語も普通に書ける。自分のプレー動画投稿してね、とか、giveawayあるから応募してね、とか。「Can I play with you?」とか「1v1?」って誘われたときの肯定の返事が「ye」なんだけど、そのカジュアルな感じがめっちゃ好き。
17世期Sancte Ioannesの頭文字の Si が加わり、
DO se do qualcosa a te
e cosi` ritorno al DO
(Tutti insieme appassionatamente)
あげる 君になにかをあげるなら
私 私にと言うためのmi
FA ミの次の音
あっち こっちでないなら
はい いいえと言わないなら
Doe, a deer, a female deer
Tea, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to Doe
ドゥは 鹿、雌鹿
ファーは 遠い、走っていく長い道のり
ソーは 針で糸をひくこと
ラは ソに続く音符
Si, c'est siffler comme un merle
Et comme ca on r'vient a Do-o-o-o
Do Doは
Re 黄金の太陽の光
Mi 全体の半分
Fa 歌うのは易しい
さあ Doに戻りましょう
Re masmavi bir dere
Sol papatyali(*) bir yol
(*)トルコ語で文字化けするといけないので、u 、i 、g で代用
ドは 1カップの アイスクリーム
レは 真っ青な 1つの渓流
ミは 海に 一隻の船
ファは 海に 一人の船員
ソは 真白菊の咲く 一本の道
do wa mesu no shika
soshite mou ichido
ユニゾン「fake town baby」の歌詞の意味は?解釈と考察!
I’m sane, but it’s trick or treat?
I’m right, but it’s truth certainly.
Well then “awesome!” welcome to tragedy.
Fake town, Fake town, baby?
直訳すると「おいらは正気だが、そりゃまるで「トリックオアトリート」だ。おいらは正しい、でもそれは確かに真実だ。"まあすげえんだよ" 悲劇へようこそ。ここはフェイクタウンだぜフェイクタウン、ベイベー?」
Hello me, Hello you, 「待った」は効かない
Fake town, Fake town
せっかく勝てる準備してたのに 残念だな 騒々しくて
Hello me, Hello you, time to Rock ‘n’ Roll
Fake town, Fake town
始まるぞ 揺さぶられたら
「嫌いなもんは嫌い うるせえ 黙れ」
それじゃ 多分とうに立ち行かない
ぐだぐだ言ってるだけじゃ 見向きされないのが この街のルール
またとない このcall or dropに乗るだけ
悪鬼羅刹さえも手を叩く さあ喝采万来、お待たせ
前提享受して 走れ 進め
それで もしも叶っちゃうのならば
どこまでが本当で どこからが嘘なのか
愛してる この街を 愛してる それでも
ああ 生きるsession もう当分は 飽きる気配がない
「嫌いなもんは嫌い うるせえ 黙れ」
それじゃ 多分 ぶっ飛ばされちゃうぜ
苦言雑言言ってるだけじゃ 見向きさえされないから
生命session 全部巻き込んで 楽しむのが この街のルール
ああ またとない このcall or dropに乗るだけ
もう驚天動地 バカ騒ぎ 後悔するぐらいで just just
ああ またとない このcall or dropに乗るだけ
悪鬼羅刹さえも手を叩く さあ喝采万来、お待たせ
Web ブラウザとは (Chrome, デベロッパーコンソール, alert)
はじめてのHTML (VSCode, HTML, Emmet)
さまざまなHTMLタグ (h, p, a, img, ul, tableタグ)
HTMLで作る自己紹介ページ (HTMLタグ組み合わせ, コンテンツ埋め込み)
はじめてのJavaScript (JS, ES6, エラー)
JavaScriptでの計算 (値, 算術演算子, 変数, 代入)
JavaScriptで論理を扱う (論理値, 論理積, 論理和, 否定, 比較演算子, if)
JavaScriptのループ (ループ, for)
JavaScriptのコレクション (コレクション, 配列, 添字, undefined)
JavaScriptの関数 (関数, 関数宣言, 引数, 戻り値, 関数呼び出し, 再帰)
JavaScriptのオブジェクト (オブジェクト, モデリング, プロパティ, 要件定義)
はじめてのCSS (CSS, セレクタ, background-color, border)
CSSを使ったプログラミング (transform, id, class)
Webページの企画とデザイン (企画, 要件定義, モックアップ, 16進数カラーコード)
診断機能の開発 (const, let, JSDoc, インタフェース, 正規表現, テストコード)
診断機能の組込み (div, 無名関数, アロー関数, ガード句, truthy, falsy)
ツイート機能の開発 (リバースエンジニアリング, URI, URL, URIエンコード)
LinuxというOS (VirtualBox, Vagrant, Ubuntuのインストール, OS, CUIの大切さ)
コンピューターの構成要素 (ノイマン型コンピューター, プロセス, lshw, man, ps, dfの使い方)
ファイル操作 (pwd, ls, cd, mkdir, rm, cp, mv, find, ホストマシンとの共有ディレクトリ)
標準出力 (標準入力、標準出力、標準エラー出力、パイプ、grep)
vi (vimtutor)
シェルプログラミング (シバン, echo, read, 変数, if)
通信とネットワーク (パケット, tcpdump, IPアドレス, TCP, ルーター, ping)
サーバーとクライアント (tmux, nc, telnet)
HTTP通信 (http, https, DNS, hostsファイル, ポートフォワーディング)
GitHubでウェブサイトの公開 (GitHub, リポジトリ, fork, commit, 情報モラル)
イシュー管理とWikiによるドキュメント作成 (Issues, Wiki)
GitとGitHubと連携 (git, ssh, clone, pull)
GitHubへのpush (init, add, status, インデックス, commit, push, tag)
Gitのブランチ (branch, checkout, merge, gh-pages)
Node.js (Node.js, nodebrew, Linux, REPL, コマンドライン引数, プルリク課題)
集計処理を行うプログラム (集計, 人口動態CSV, Stream, for-of, 連想配列Map, map関数)
アルゴリズムの改善 (アルゴリズム, フィボナッチ数列, 再帰, time, プロファイル, nodegrind, O記法, メモ化)
ライブラリ (ライブラリ, パッケージマネージャー, npm)
Slackのボット開発 (slack, mention, bot)
HubotとSlackアダプタ (hubot, yo)
モジュール化された処理 CRUD, オブジェクトライフサイクル, filter)
ボットインタフェースとの連携 (モジュールのつなぎ込み, trim, join)
同期I/Oと非同期I/O (同期I/O, 非同期I/O, ブロッキング)
例外処理 (try, catch, finally, throw)
HTTPサーバー (Web, TCPとUDP, Webサーバーの仕組み, Node.jsのイベントループ, リスナー)
HTTPのメソッド (メソッド, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, CRUDとの対応)
HTMLのフォーム (フォームの仕組み, form, input)
HerokuでWebサービスを公開 (Webサービスの公開, heroku, dyno, toolbelt, login, create, logs)
認証で利用者を制限する (認証, Basic認証, Authorizationヘッダ, ステータスコード)
Cookie を使った秘密の匿名掲示板 (Cookie, Set-Cookie, expire)
UI、URI、モジュールの設計 (モジュール設計, フォームのメソッド制限, リダイレクト, 302)
フォームによる投稿機能の実装 (モジュール性, textarea, 303)
認証された投稿の一覧表示機能 (パスワードの平文管理の問題, 404, テンプレートのeach-in)
データベースへの保存機能の実装 (データベース, PostgreSQL, 主キー)
トラッキングCookieの実装 (トラッキング Cookie, IDの偽装, Cookie の削除)
削除機能の実装 (データベースを利用した削除処理, 認可, サーバーサイドでの認可)
管理者機能の実装 (Web サービスの管理責任, 管理者機能の重要性)
デザインの改善 (Bootstrap, レスポンシブデザイン, セキュリティの問題があるサイトを公開しない)
脆弱性 (脆弱性, 脆弱性で生まれる損失, 個人情報保護法, OS コマンド・インジェクション)
XSS脆弱性の対策 (XSS, 適切なエスケープ処理, リグレッション)
パスワードの脆弱性の対策(ハッシュ関数, メッセージダイジェスト, 不正アクセス禁止法, パスワードジェネレーター, 辞書攻撃)
セッション固定化攻撃脆弱性の対策 (セッション, セッション固定化攻撃, ハッシュ値による正当性チェック)
より強固なセッション管理 (推測しづらいセッション識別子, 秘密鍵)
安全なHerokuへの公開 (脆弱性に対する考え方, HTTPの廃止)
Webフレームワーク (Express.js, フレームワーク導入, 簡単なAPI, セキュリティアップデート, Cookie パーサー, ミドルウェア, 外部認証, ロガー)
ExpressのAPI (app, Properties, Request, Response, Router)
GitHubを使った外部認証 (Passport, OAuth)
テスティングフレームワーク (Mocha, レッド, グリーン, リファクタリング)
継続的インテグレーション (CircleCI)
クライアントのフレームワーク (Webpack, Chrome 以外のブラウザでもES6)
DOM操作のフレームワーク (jQuery, jQueryアニメーション, this)
AJAX (jQuery.ajax, クロスドメイン, 同一生成元ポリシー, x-requested-by, CORS)
WebSocket (WebSocket, WebSocketの状態遷移, Socket.io)
テーブルの結合 (外部結合, 内部結合, 片側外部結合, JOIN ON)
インデックス (インデックス, 複合インデックス, Bツリー)
「予定調整くん」の設計 (要件定義、用語集、データモデル、URL設計、モジュール設計、MVC)
認証とRouterモジュールの実装 (Mocha, supertest, passport-stub, モックテスト)
予定とユーザーの保存 (セキュリティ要件, UUID, 複合主キー)
予定とユーザーの一覧の表示 (非同期処理, Promise, then)
出欠とコメントの表示 (入れ子の連想配列, Promise.all, 子どもからデータを消す)