はてなキーワード: Caseとは
Profile features characterizing High and Low anti-vaccine sentiment groups
From: Anti-vaccine rabbit hole leads to political representation: the case of Twitter in Japan
アディクテッド トゥ ホストは宇多田ヒカルの曲名をもじったジョークのつもりで書いた
いわゆる「ホス狂」について、朝日新聞 英語版では「Host crazy」と直訳してるようだ。
> She had become a “hos-kyo” (host crazy).
‘Host crazy’ women fall into debt hell through pay-later system
なお「ホストクラブ依存」は「Host Club Addiction」と訳す模様。
Chapter X—Of the Mode of Voting.
The polling places should be so numerous as to be within easy reach of every voter, and no expenses of conveyance, at the cost of the candidate, should be tolerated under any pretext. The infirm, and they only on medical certificate, should have the right of claiming suitable carriage conveyance at the cost of the state or of the locality. Hustings, poll clerks, and all the necessary machinery of elections, should be at the public charge. Not only the candidate should not be required, he should not be permitted to incur any but a limited and trifling expense for his election. Mr. Hare thinks it desirable that a sum of £50 should be required from every one who places his name on the list of candidates, to prevent persons who have no chance of success, and no real intention of attempting it, from becoming candidates in wantonness or from mere love of notoriety, and perhaps carrying off a few votes which are needed for the return of more serious aspirants. There is one expense which a candidate or his supporters can not help incurring, and which it can hardly be expected that the public should defray for every one who may choose to demand it—that of making his claims known to the electors, by advertisements, placards, and circulars. For all necessary expenses of this kind the £50 proposed by Mr. Hare, if allowed to be drawn upon for these purposes (it might be made £100 if requisite), ought to be sufficient. If the friends of the candidate choose to go to expense for committees and canvassing, there are no means of preventing them; but such expenses out of the candidates's own pocket, or any expenses whatever beyond the deposit of £50 (or £100), should be illegal and punishable. If there appeared any likelihood that opinion would refuse to connive at falsehood, a declaration on oath or honor should be required from every member, on taking his seat, that he had not expended, nor would expend, money or money's worth beyond the £50, directly or indirectly, for the purposes of his election; and if the assertion were proved to be false or the pledge to have been broken, he should be liable to the penalties of perjury. It is probable that those penalties, by showing that the Legislature was in earnest, would turn the course of opinion in the same direction, and would hinder it from regarding, as has hitherto done, this most serious crime against society as a venial peccadillo. When once this effect has been produced, there need be no doubt that the declaration on oath or honor would be considered binding. [6] "Opinion tolerates a false disclaimer only when it already tolerates the thing disclaimed." This is notoriously the case with regard to electoral corruption. There has never yet been, among political men, any real and serious attempt to prevent bribery, because there has been no real desire that elections should not be costly. Their costliness is an advantage to those who can afford the expense by excluding a multitude of competitors; and any thing, however noxious, is cherished as having a conservative tendency, if it limits the access to Parliament to rich men. This is a rooted feeling among our legislators of both political parties, and is almost the only point on which I believe them to be really ill-intentioned. They care comparatively little who votes, as long as they feel assured that none but persons of their own class can be voted for. They know that they can rely on the fellow-feeling of one of their class with another, while the subservience of nouveaux enrichis who are knocking at the door of the class is a still surer reliance; and that nothing very hostile to the class interests or feelings of the rich need be apprehended under the most democratic suffrage, as long as democratic persons can be prevented from being elected to Parliament. But, even from their own point of view, this balancing of evil by evil, instead of combining good with good, is a wretched policy. The object should be to bring together the best members of both classes, under such a tenure as shall induce them to lay aside their class preferences, and pursue jointly the path traced by the common interest, instead of allowing the class feelings of the Many to have full swing in the constituencies, subject to the impediment of having to act through persons imbued with the class feelings of the Few.
it is simply not the case that the SAT is merely a proxy for family income and parental education.
「ペーパーテストだけで選抜した子」の人生を35年間追跡調査すると、ペーパーテストで劣った子と比較してクリエイティビティ・芸術の分野でも上回っていたという身も蓋も無い話が書いてあった😁 さすがピンカー
引用元: https://twitter.com/supremeeigo/status/1723484644635783387
リンクされている論文は「Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth After 35 Years」ってやつで、所謂「SMPY (参考:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Study_of_Mathematically_Precocious_Youth)」 の進路選択における調査の話。SAT-Iの推論テストで高得点をたたき出した13歳の才能ある子供にたいしてどのような教育を提供するべきかとかそんなはなしっぽい。 アブストラクトを読む限り、これらの子供にTWA(Theory of work adjustment )を使うことで適切な評価や教育の提供ができるのでは?また、女子に関しては理系に行かなくてもほかのジャンルでも理系進学したのと同等ぐらいのキャリアを築いてましたよ、みたいな話らしい。
SES(socioeconomic status、つまり実家の太さ)とSATスコアの相関係数は0.22でかなり弱い
引用元: https://twitter.com/supremeeigo/status/1723497832861306930
アブストラクトから若干キレ気味なことからわかる通り、これはSATのスコアはSES(socioeconomic status - 社会経済状況:https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E7%B5%8C%E6%B8%88%E7%8A%B6%E6%B3%81) にめっちゃ依存しててアテにならん、という批判に対するレポートで、まあポジショントークっつーか、結論ありきでデータをかき集めた感じのやつかなって感じ。ただ、俺は学がないのでレポート内の個々のデータの検討はできない。
ただ、元ツイ主の言う「SES(socioeconomic status、つまり実家の太さ)とSATスコアの相関係数は0.22でかなり弱い」が書かれている箇所は、恣意的な引用というか、ネットユーザーなんて英語読まねーだろバーカって感じで雑にやっていってる感じがする。
(1) に関しては特定の大学に在籍しているグループ、SAT受験者全体とかでサンプルする集団の属性で相関にブレがあるっつー話。ツイ主の「相関係数は0.22で」ってのは特定の大学に在籍しているグループでは相関係数は0.22だったという記述から読み取ったと思われる。でもレポート上ではSAT受験者全体では 0.42 ってなってるんで、そこは検討が必要よねって記述なのでここから0.22です!って読み取るのはなんだかなあというって感じ。レポートでこれらをどう検討したかは時間が無くて読めなかったのだけど、結論としては「グループの性質や偏りを考慮した相関係数は0.47であるが、SESの統計的な制御を行うと推定される相関係数は0.44」って結論付けてる。なので制御って何なん・・・?ここらへんが高等教育を受けてないオラの限界って気がするな。
(2)については、そのように書いてあるのだけど、ツイ主の引用してる「In conclusion,~」の前の部分に結構大事なことが書いてある。
Although our work does not address the mechanisms underlying the SES–SAT relationship, which may include issues such as access to higher-quality education, access to out-of-school educational experiences, parental role models and support for academic achievement, and genetic factors, it is simply not the case that the SAT is merely a proxy for family income and parental education.
親の財力が高いことによる高度な教育へのアクセスや遺伝的要因 などなどについては検討していない。
USのWikipediaだと、実際にそのような指摘に対して CollegeBoard が反論したみたいな記述もあるし、CollegeBoard自身がSATの勉強資料を無料配布して低所得者層でも不公平にならないように見たいな取り組みをしている。(え、てことは実際にコーチングってある程度有効って暗に認めてるんじゃ。。。)
This case is a suit for rescission of a trial decision on a request for invalidation of trademark registration. The issues are (1)
(1) Whether the registered trademark (hereinafter referred to as "the trademark") (1) Whether or not the registered trademark (hereinafter referred to as the "Trademark") in the following paragraph (1) falls under the trademark
(2) Whether or not the trademark falls under Article 3(1)(iii) of the Trademark Law, (3) Whether or not the trademark falls under
(iii) Whether or not the trademark falls under Article 4(1)(xvi) of the Trademark Law.
The defendant is the owner of the following registered trademark (the "Trademark") (A-1-1 and A-2,
(A1-1 and A2; hereinafter referred to as the "Registered Trademarks"). (1) Registration number
(1) Registration number Trademark registration No. 6399042
(2) Date of registration May 24, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the "Date of Decision")
(3) Date of registration: June 7, 2021
(4) Trademark consists of the words "curly bangs curler" (standard characters)
(5) Classification of goods and services and designated goods
Class 26 "Headgear, hair curlers (excluding electric ones) (hereinafter referred to as "hair curlers")
15, Class 26 "Hair curlers (excluding electric ones)" (hereinafter the "goods in question") (Hereinafter, the "hair curlers (excluding electric ones)" in Class 26 of this Article are referred to as "the goods in question").
(2) Background of the proceedings before the Japan Patent Office
On June 2, 2022, the plaintiff filed a request for a trial for invalidation of the trademark registration for the goods in question.
The Japan Patent Office examined the case as invalidation case No. 2022-890041 (not disputed).
The Patent Office examined the case as Case No. 2022-890041, which is invalid (no dispute). The Patent Office examined the case as invalidation case No. 2022-890041 (no dispute).
On February 14, 2023, the JPO issued a decision that "the request for a trial in this case does not stand. (hereafter, "the trial decision").
(hereinafter referred to as "the trial decision"), and a transcript of the trial decision was filed. A certified copy of the decision was served upon the plaintiff on February 27, 2023 (summary of arguments).
The transcript of the trial decision was served upon the plaintiff on March 27, 2023 (summary of argument).
On March 27, 2023, the plaintiff filed this lawsuit seeking revocation of the trial decision.
3 Summary of reasons for the trial decision
25 (1) Applicability to Article 3(1)(iii) of the Trademark Law
(a) The trademark in this case represents the words "curly bangs curler" in standard characters.
The letters of the trademark are of the same size and typeface and are arranged in a horizontal line without any space between the letters.
The letters of the trademark should be "hair curler" and the letters of the trademark should be "hair curler".
The component characters of the trademark are "Spinning on a spur of the moment. The component characters of the trademark are "Spinning with a spritz.
The component characters of the trademark are "the state of spinning with a spur of the moment. (A8), which is an onomatopoeic word indicating "a bundle of hair on the forehead of a man or woman" (A9), and "a bundle of hair on the forehead of a man or woman" (A10).
(A8); the character for "bangs" (A11), which means "a bundle of hair on the forehead of a man or woman"; the character for "bangs" (A11), which means "a cylindrical piece of hair that is
The character for "curler" (A12), which means "a cylindrical tool for curling hair around the head", is used in the same way as the character for "curler" (A13).
The character for "curler" (A12), which means "a cylindrical tool for curling hair," is combined with the characters for "bangs" (A11) and "curler" (A12), which means "a cylindrical tool for curling hair.
The constituent characters as a whole are insufficient to specify the meaning of the word or sentence, and therefore, the meaning of each character is not clear.
Therefore, even though the letters may evoke vague meanings corresponding to the meanings of the letters, the specific meanings are not immediately recognizable or understandable.
Therefore, even if the words are associated with vague meanings corresponding to the meanings of the letters, they are not immediately recognizable or understandable as a quality indication of the goods.
The words lack specificity as an indication of the quality of the product.
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BTOなんて気にしたことすらなかったので標準的なブランドがわからん…なので取り敢えず「BTO パソコン おすすめ」でぐぐって出てきたサイトのお勧め1位にあったマウスコンピュータで試算。
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13700K「F」、ブランド不明32GBx2メモリ、ブランド不明4070、ブランド不明1TB SSD、ブランド不明750W電源(80PLUS GOLD)、その他オプション無し。
当然OS(Win11 Home)含む構成なので公平のためDSP版の価格15,000円を差し引いても6万ぐらいお高い。この差額分が組み上げとOSインストール、梱包と発送費用と考えるとまあそんなもんやろなではある。
In a discussion about the case, someone raised an objection to "someone who was not a party to the incident, who was not from Nagasaki, and who was not from Hiroshima, complaining about it. Seeing that opinion made me aware of my position, so I will say what I must say.
I was born in Nagasaki and am a third-generation A-bomb survivor.
I say this because I grew up hearing the stories of the A-bomb damage directly from those who suffered from the atomic bombings.
I feel that it is unacceptable for someone like me to speak about the A-bomb damage.
However, there are few A-bomb survivors left, so I will speak up.
In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about the atomic bombing. We were made to sit in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle of summer, where there was not even an air conditioner or a fan, and for nearly an hour we were made to listen to stories about the atomic bombing. It was hard for me anyway.
I think it was even more painful for the elderly people who told the stories. But I don't think an elementary school kid could have imagined that. I, too, have forgotten most of the stories I was told. I can only remember one or two at most.
Another thing is that at this time of year, pictures of the victims of the atomic bombing are pasted up in the hallways.
In other parts of the country, these are grotesque images that would cause a fuss from the parents who are always nagging about them.
Recently, even the A-bomb museum has become more gentle in its exhibits, and most of the radical and horrifying exhibits that would have traumatized visitors have been removed.
I don't know how elementary schools now teach about the A-bomb damage. But when I was in elementary school, there were photos on display.
There was one photo that I just couldn't face as an elementary school student. It was a picture of Taniguchi Sumiteru(谷口稜曄). If you search for it, you can find it. It is a shocking picture, but I would still like you to see it.
I couldn't pass through the hallway where the photo was displayed, so I always took the long way around to another floor to avoid seeing the photo.
My grandfather was under the bomb and went to the burnt ruins of the bomb to look for his sister. I can understand now that he couldn't turn away or go another way.
There would have been a mountain of people still alive and moaning in the ruins of the burnt ruins. There would have been many more who would have died out in agony.
My grandfather walked for miles and miles, towing a rear wheelchair, through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search of his sister.
My grandfather was not a child then. But of course there were elementary school children who did the same thing he did. I am not speculating that there were. There were. I heard the story from him, and I still remember it.
A young brother and sister found their father's corpse in the ruins of the fire and burned it themselves. They didn't have enough wood to burn him alive, and when they saw his brain spilling out, they ran away, and that was the last time they ever saw him again.
I can never forget that story I heard when I was a kid, and even now it's painful and painful, my hands are shaking and I'm crying.
I keep wondering how that old man who ran away from his father's brain was able to expose to the public the unimaginably horrible trauma, the scar that will never heal, even after all these years.
Now I think I understand a little.
Why I can't help but talk about my grandfather and the old man now, even as I remember my own trauma.
Because this level of suffering is nothing compared to their words being forgotten.
It's nothing compared to the tremendous suffering that once existed that will be forgotten, like my hands shaking, my heart palpitating, my nose running with vertigo, and so on.
My grandfather, who went through an unimaginable hell, lived to see his grandchildren born, and met his sister's death in the ruins of the fire.
In other words, my grandfather was one of the happiest people in the ruins of the fire.
My grandfather and that old man were, after all, just people wading in the depths of hell.
I think that the suffering that even people who had experienced unimaginable pain could not imagine was lying like pebbles on the ground in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and no one paid any attention to it.
Their suffering, which I can't even imagine, is nothing compared to the countless, unimaginable suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.
Memories fade inexorably with each passing human mouth. The memories that those people could never allow to be forgotten are almost forgotten.
The tremendous suffering of 78 years ago is mostly gone, never to be recounted.
Those who suffered the most from the atomic bombing died rotting in the ruins of the fire without being able to tell anyone about it.
Many of those who saw it with their own eyes kept their mouths shut and took it with them to their graves. Most of those who spoke a few words are still in their graves.
Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are so light. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in such light words.
But still, someone has to take over. I realize that even my words, which are so light, are only the top of the voices that are left in this world to carry on the story of the atomic bombing.
I know how it feels to think that I am the only one. Still, I hope that you will not shut your mouth. I know that I have closed my mouth because I thought I shouldn't talk about it, and that is the result.
Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering and live my life consuming other people's suffering for fun.
I am writing this while I still have some imagination of the suffering of the old people whose voices, faces, and even words I can no longer recall.
I have seen some posts asking if they should talk about "the case" even though they were not involved in it and were not born in Nagasaki or Hiroshima, and I am a bit aware of it, so I have to say what I have to say. I say this because I was born in Nagasaki, am a third generation atomic bomb survivor, and grew up hearing the stories of those who experienced the atomic bombing firsthand. I know it's a little bit too much for me, but I'm going to say this because there are very few survivors left.
In Nagasaki, children grow up hearing stories about the atomic bombing. They were stuffed into sushi for nearly an hour in the gymnasium of an elementary school in the middle of summer, with no air conditioner or fan, and told stories about the atomic bombing. That was a hard time for me. I think it must have been even harder for the old people who told the stories, but there was no way an elementary school kid could imagine such a thing, and I had forgotten most of the stories I had been told for a long time. I have forgotten most of the stories I was told. I can only remember one or two at most. There is one more hard thing. Every year around this time, a row of grotesque images that would drive the PTA crazy in other areas are prominently displayed in the hallways. These days, I hear that the atomic bomb museum has been bleached out and many of the radical and horrifying exhibits that traumatized visitors have been taken down. I don't know if they are still there, but they were there when I was in elementary school.
There was one photo that I just couldn't face when I was in elementary school. It is a picture of Sumiteru Taniguchi. If you search for it, you can find it. It is a shocking picture, but I would like you to take a look at it. I couldn't pass through the hallway where the photo was posted, so I always took the long way around to another floor of the school building to avoid seeing the photo.
Now I'm thinking that my grandfather, who headed into the burnt ruins to look for his sister, couldn't have turned away or taken a different path. There would have been a mountain of people still alive and moaning, not just pictures, and a mountain more who would have given up at the end of their suffering. He walked for miles and miles, towing his handcart through the narrow streets of rubble-strewn Nagasaki in search of his sister. My grandfather was not a child at the time, but of course there were children who did similar things. Not that there wouldn't have been. There were. I heard the story from him, and I still remember it. A young brother and sister found their father's body in the ruins of a fire and they burned it. They didn't have enough wood to burn his body, and when they saw the raw brain that spilled out, they ran away and that was the last time they ever saw him anymore.
I can never forget the story I heard when I was a kid, and even now it is painful and painful, my hands are shaking and I am crying. I keep wondering how the old man who escaped from that father's brain could have been able to unravel the most horrible trauma imaginable and expose it to the public with scars that will never heal.
Now I think I can understand a little.
The reason I can't help but talk about my grandfather and that old man, even if I have to rehash my own trauma, is that this level of suffering is nothing compared to the fact that their words will be forgotten. My hands shaking, my heart palpitating and dizzy, my nose running with tears, it's nothing compared to the tremendous suffering that was once there and will be forgotten.
My grandfather, who went through an unimaginable hell, lived to see his grandchildren born, and met his sister's death in the ruins of the fire. In other words, my grandfather was one of the happiest people in the ruins of the fire. My grandfather and that old man were, after all, just people wading in the depths of hell. I think that the suffering that even people who had experienced unimaginable pain could not imagine was lying like pebbles in Nagasaki 78 years ago, and no one paid any attention to it. Their suffering, which I can't even imagine, is nothing compared to the countless, tremendous suffering they witnessed, which they pretend never happened.
Memories fade inexorably every time people talk about them. The memories that those people could not allow to be forgotten are now largely forgotten; the tremendous suffering of 78 years ago is mostly gone, never to be recounted again. Those who suffered the most from the atomic bombing died rotting in the ruins of the fire, unable to tell anyone about it. Many of those who saw it with their own eyes kept their mouths shut and took it with them to their graves. Most of those who spoke a few words are now under the grave.
Compared to the words of the old men, my own words are so light. I would rather keep my mouth shut than speak in such light words. But still, someone has to take over. I realize that even my words, which are so light, are only the top of the voices that are left in this world to carry on the story of the atomic bombing. I know how it feels to wonder if someone like myself is allowed to speak about this. Still, I hope that you will not shut your mouth. This is the result of our silence.
Sometimes I almost choose to stop imagining the unimaginable suffering and live my life consuming other people's suffering for the fun of it. I am writing this while I still have some imagination of the suffering of the old people whose voices, faces, and even words I can no longer recall.
Translator's note: The original post in Japanese is a response to a post by a Japanese contributor who wondered if he was qualified to speak out on the subject of the A-bomb when he was not from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but still spoke out about Barbie and the A-bomb. I translated it here because I think it deserves to be read by the world.
CCP’s increasingly sophisticated cyber-enabled influence operation
!!!!!!!上周,美国司法部公布了一项重大刑事诉讼。 中国公安部 (MPS) 的警官被指控在包括 Twitter 在内的社交媒体网站上创建“数千个虚假的在线角色,通过在线骚扰和威胁来针对中国持不同政见者”,并传播“其唯一目的是散布谣言的宣传” 美国内部的分歧”。!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!先週、米国司法省は重要な刑事訴状を公開しました。 中国の公安省 (MPS) の警察官は、「Twitter を含むソーシャル メディア サイトで何千もの偽のオンライン ペルソナを作成し、オンラインでの嫌がらせや脅迫を通じて中国の反体制派を標的に」し、「種をまくことのみを目的とするプロパガンダを広めた」として起訴されました。 米国内の部門」。!!!!!!!!!
この発表は、特定の中国政府機関がソーシャル メディア上で秘密裏に悪意のある活動を行っていることを公に明らかにした初めての事例です。 しかし、MPS は、ソーシャル メディアのユーザーに影響を与えるために秘密裏に強制的な操作を行っているとアナリストが長い間疑っていた多くの政党支配組織の 1 つです。
中国共産党 (CCP) は、天安門事件の直後に遡る政策概念である「世論の誘導」を装い、社会の安定と中国に対する政治的支配を維持するための情報操作を正当化しています。 最近では、中国の権威主義的指導者である習近平は、文化大革命時代の「世論闘争」という用語を復活させ、人権や民主主義などの価値観やアイデアを広める能力があるため、ソーシャル メディアを「主要な戦場」と宣言しました。 党の政治的正当性に対する脅威とみなされた。
オンラインで世論を形成しようとする中国共産党の取り組みは、現在、単に反体制派を検閲し、政府寄りのプロパガンダを広めるだけではありません。 彼らはよりグローバルで攻撃的であり、多くの場合、国家主権と民主主義の言説に直接干渉し、党のより広範な戦略的および経済的目標をサポートしています。
ASPI の国際サイバー ポリシー センターは、「ゲームの世論: 中国共産党のますます洗練されたサイバー対応の影響力作戦」というタイトルの新しいレポートを発行しました。 ソーシャル メディアを通じて民主主義国家内で行われる CCP のサイバー対応の影響力作戦。
このレポートは、中国から発信された秘密のサイバー対応の影響力作戦の既存の公的に入手可能な証拠を調査して、CCPの進化する能力の評価を提供します。 中国共産党はペルソナの調整されたネットワークを維持するための永続的な能力を開発しており、複数の中国政府機関が、おそらく集団ではないにしても並行して、ソーシャルメディアで秘密の影響力作戦を行っていることがわかりました. これらの作戦は、国内および外交の政策と意思決定プロセスを混乱させることにより、民主主義を標的とすることにおいて、より頻繁で、洗練され、効果的になっています.
ケーススタディとして、Twitter と Meta が 2019 年に中国政府に起因する Spamouflage ネットワークにリンクされた、これまで報告されていなかった CCP のサイバー対応の影響力操作を明らかにします。 米国が無責任に中国やその他の国に対してサイバースパイ活動を行っているという未確認の主張を広めるために、米国ベースのソーシャルメディアプラットフォーム。 Spamouflage にリンクされたアカウントによって誤ってツイートされた画像で識別可能な開いているブラウザー タブのような手違いを利用して、この影響力のある操作を実行している中国政府機関はそれを「Operation Honey Badger」と名付けたと考えられます。
Last week, the US Department of Justice unsealed a significant criminal complaint. Police officers from China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS) were charged with creating ‘thousands of fake online personas on social media sites, including Twitter, to target Chinese dissidents through online harassment and threats’ and for spreading ‘propaganda whose sole purpose is to sow divisions within the United States’.
This announcement marked the first definitive public attribution to a specific Chinese government agency of covert malign activities on social media. However, the MPS is one of many party-controlled organisations that analysts have long suspected of conducting covert and coercive operations to influence users on social media.
Under the guise of ‘guiding public opinion’, a policy concept that dates back to the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) justifies its manipulation of information to maintain social stability and political control over China. More recently, China’s authoritarian leader, Xi Jinping, has revived the Cultural Revolution-era term ‘public opinion struggle’ and declared social media ‘the main battlefield’ because of its ability to spread values and ideas—like human rights and democracy—that are perceived as threats to the party’s political legitimacy.
The CCP’s efforts to shape public opinion online now go beyond simply censoring dissidents and spreading pro-government propaganda. They are more global and aggressive, often directly interfering in state sovereignty and democratic discourse and supporting the party’s broader strategic and economic goals.
ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre has published a new report entitled ‘Gaming public opinion: The CCP’s increasingly sophisticated cyber-enabled influence operations’, alongside reporting by The Washington Post which explores the he alongside reporting by The Washington Post, which explores the growing challenge of CCP cyber-enabled influence operations conducted within democracies through social media.
The report canvasses the existing publicly available evidence of covert cyber-enabled influence operations originating from China to provide an assessment of the CCP’s evolving capabilities. We find that the CCP has developed a persistent capability to sustain coordinated networks of personas and that multiple Chinese government agencies probably conduct, in parallel if not collectively, covert influence operations on social media. Those operations have become more frequent, sophisticated, and effective in targeting democracies by disrupting domestic and foreign policies and decision-making processes.
As a case study, we reveal a previously unreported CCP cyber-enabled influence operation linked to the Spamouflage network, which Twitter and Meta attributed to the Chinese Government in 2019. This new iteration of the network is using inauthentic accounts on US-based and China-based social media platforms to spread unverified claims that the US is irresponsibly conducting cyber-espionage operations against China and other countries. Drawing on slip-ups like an open browser tab identifiable in an image accidentally tweeted by a Spamouflage-linked account, we believe the Chinese Government agencies conducting this influence operation named it ‘Operation Honey Badger.’
CCP’s increasingly sophisticated cyber-enabled influence operation
!!!!!!!上周,美国司法部公布了一项重大刑事诉讼。 中国公安部 (MPS) 的警官被指控在包括 Twitter 在内的社交媒体网站上创建“数千个虚假的在线角色,通过在线骚扰和威胁来针对中国持不同政见者”,并传播“其唯一目的是散布谣言的宣传” 美国内部的分歧”。!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!先週、米国司法省は重要な刑事訴状を公開しました。 中国の公安省 (MPS) の警察官は、「Twitter を含むソーシャル メディア サイトで何千もの偽のオンライン ペルソナを作成し、オンラインでの嫌がらせや脅迫を通じて中国の反体制派を標的に」し、「種をまくことのみを目的とするプロパガンダを広めた」として起訴されました。 米国内の部門」。!!!!!!!!!
この発表は、特定の中国政府機関がソーシャル メディア上で秘密裏に悪意のある活動を行っていることを公に明らかにした初めての事例です。 しかし、MPS は、ソーシャル メディアのユーザーに影響を与えるために秘密裏に強制的な操作を行っているとアナリストが長い間疑っていた多くの政党支配組織の 1 つです。
中国共産党 (CCP) は、天安門事件の直後に遡る政策概念である「世論の誘導」を装い、社会の安定と中国に対する政治的支配を維持するための情報操作を正当化しています。 最近では、中国の権威主義的指導者である習近平は、文化大革命時代の「世論闘争」という用語を復活させ、人権や民主主義などの価値観やアイデアを広める能力があるため、ソーシャル メディアを「主要な戦場」と宣言しました。 党の政治的正当性に対する脅威とみなされた。
オンラインで世論を形成しようとする中国共産党の取り組みは、現在、単に反体制派を検閲し、政府寄りのプロパガンダを広めるだけではありません。 彼らはよりグローバルで攻撃的であり、多くの場合、国家主権と民主主義の言説に直接干渉し、党のより広範な戦略的および経済的目標をサポートしています。
ASPI の国際サイバー ポリシー センターは、「ゲームの世論: 中国共産党のますます洗練されたサイバー対応の影響力作戦」というタイトルの新しいレポートを発行しました。 ソーシャル メディアを通じて民主主義国家内で行われる CCP のサイバー対応の影響力作戦。
このレポートは、中国から発信された秘密のサイバー対応の影響力作戦の既存の公的に入手可能な証拠を調査して、CCPの進化する能力の評価を提供します。 中国共産党はペルソナの調整されたネットワークを維持するための永続的な能力を開発しており、複数の中国政府機関が、おそらく集団ではないにしても並行して、ソーシャルメディアで秘密の影響力作戦を行っていることがわかりました. これらの作戦は、国内および外交の政策と意思決定プロセスを混乱させることにより、民主主義を標的とすることにおいて、より頻繁で、洗練され、効果的になっています.
ケーススタディとして、Twitter と Meta が 2019 年に中国政府に起因する Spamouflage ネットワークにリンクされた、これまで報告されていなかった CCP のサイバー対応の影響力操作を明らかにします。 米国が無責任に中国やその他の国に対してサイバースパイ活動を行っているという未確認の主張を広めるために、米国ベースのソーシャルメディアプラットフォーム。 Spamouflage にリンクされたアカウントによって誤ってツイートされた画像で識別可能な開いているブラウザー タブのような手違いを利用して、この影響力のある操作を実行している中国政府機関はそれを「Operation Honey Badger」と名付けたと考えられます。
Last week, the US Department of Justice unsealed a significant criminal complaint. Police officers from China’s Ministry of Public Security (MPS) were charged with creating ‘thousands of fake online personas on social media sites, including Twitter, to target Chinese dissidents through online harassment and threats’ and for spreading ‘propaganda whose sole purpose is to sow divisions within the United States’.
This announcement marked the first definitive public attribution to a specific Chinese government agency of covert malign activities on social media. However, the MPS is one of many party-controlled organisations that analysts have long suspected of conducting covert and coercive operations to influence users on social media.
Under the guise of ‘guiding public opinion’, a policy concept that dates back to the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) justifies its manipulation of information to maintain social stability and political control over China. More recently, China’s authoritarian leader, Xi Jinping, has revived the Cultural Revolution-era term ‘public opinion struggle’ and declared social media ‘the main battlefield’ because of its ability to spread values and ideas—like human rights and democracy—that are perceived as threats to the party’s political legitimacy.
The CCP’s efforts to shape public opinion online now go beyond simply censoring dissidents and spreading pro-government propaganda. They are more global and aggressive, often directly interfering in state sovereignty and democratic discourse and supporting the party’s broader strategic and economic goals.
ASPI’s International Cyber Policy Centre has published a new report entitled ‘Gaming public opinion: The CCP’s increasingly sophisticated cyber-enabled influence operations’, alongside reporting by The Washington Post which explores the he alongside reporting by The Washington Post, which explores the growing challenge of CCP cyber-enabled influence operations conducted within democracies through social media.
The report canvasses the existing publicly available evidence of covert cyber-enabled influence operations originating from China to provide an assessment of the CCP’s evolving capabilities. We find that the CCP has developed a persistent capability to sustain coordinated networks of personas and that multiple Chinese government agencies probably conduct, in parallel if not collectively, covert influence operations on social media. Those operations have become more frequent, sophisticated, and effective in targeting democracies by disrupting domestic and foreign policies and decision-making processes.
As a case study, we reveal a previously unreported CCP cyber-enabled influence operation linked to the Spamouflage network, which Twitter and Meta attributed to the Chinese Government in 2019. This new iteration of the network is using inauthentic accounts on US-based and China-based social media platforms to spread unverified claims that the US is irresponsibly conducting cyber-espionage operations against China and other countries. Drawing on slip-ups like an open browser tab identifiable in an image accidentally tweeted by a Spamouflage-linked account, we believe the Chinese Government agencies conducting this influence operation named it ‘Operation Honey Badger.’