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This case is a suit for rescission of a trial decision on a request for invalidation of trademark registration. The issues are (1)

(1) Whether the registered trademark (hereinafter referred to as "the trademark") (1) Whether or not the registered trademark (hereinafter referred to as the "Trademark") in the following paragraph (1) falls under the trademark

(2) Whether or not the trademark falls under Article 3(1)(iii) of the Trademark Law, (3) Whether or not the trademark falls under

(iii) Whether or not the trademark falls under Article 4(1)(xvi) of the Trademark Law.

1 Registered trademark

The defendant is the owner of the following registered trademark (the "Trademark") (A-1-1 and A-2,

(A1-1 and A2; hereinafter referred to as the "Registered Trademarks"). (1) Registration number

(1) Registration number Trademark registration No. 6399042

(2) Date of registration May 24, 2021 (hereinafter referred to as the "Date of Decision")

(3) Date of registration: June 7, 2021

(4) Trademark consists of the words "curly bangs curler" (standard characters)

(5) Classification of goods and services and designated goods

Class 26 "Headgear, hair curlers (excluding electric ones) (hereinafter referred to as "hair curlers")

15, Class 26 "Hair curlers (excluding electric ones)" (hereinafter the "goods in question") (Hereinafter, the "hair curlers (excluding electric ones)" in Class 26 of this Article are referred to as "the goods in question").

(2) Background of the proceedings before the Japan Patent Office

On June 2, 2022, the plaintiff filed a request for a trial for invalidation of the trademark registration for the goods in question.

The Japan Patent Office examined the case as invalidation case No. 2022-890041 (not disputed).

The Patent Office examined the case as Case No. 2022-890041, which is invalid (no dispute). The Patent Office examined the case as invalidation case No. 2022-890041 (no dispute).

On February 14, 2023, the JPO issued a decision that "the request for a trial in this case does not stand. (hereafter, "the trial decision").

(hereinafter referred to as "the trial decision"), and a transcript of the trial decision was filed. A certified copy of the decision was served upon the plaintiff on February 27, 2023 (summary of arguments).

The transcript of the trial decision was served upon the plaintiff on March 27, 2023 (summary of argument).

On March 27, 2023, the plaintiff filed this lawsuit seeking revocation of the trial decision.

3 Summary of reasons for the trial decision

25 (1) Applicability to Article 3(1)(iii) of the Trademark Law

(a) The trademark in this case represents the words "curly bangs curler" in standard characters.

  • 3 - 3

The letters of the trademark are of the same size and typeface and are arranged in a horizontal line without any space between the letters.

The letters of the trademark should be "hair curler" and the letters of the trademark should be "hair curler".

The component characters of the trademark are "Spinning on a spur of the moment. The component characters of the trademark are "Spinning with a spritz.

The component characters of the trademark are "the state of spinning with a spur of the moment. (A8), which is an onomatopoeic word indicating "a bundle of hair on the forehead of a man or woman" (A9), and "a bundle of hair on the forehead of a man or woman" (A10).

(A8); the character for "bangs" (A11), which means "a bundle of hair on the forehead of a man or woman"; the character for "bangs" (A11), which means "a cylindrical piece of hair that is

The character for "curler" (A12), which means "a cylindrical tool for curling hair around the head", is used in the same way as the character for "curler" (A13).

The character for "curler" (A12), which means "a cylindrical tool for curling hair," is combined with the characters for "bangs" (A11) and "curler" (A12), which means "a cylindrical tool for curling hair.

The constituent characters as a whole are insufficient to specify the meaning of the word or sentence, and therefore, the meaning of each character is not clear.

Therefore, even though the letters may evoke vague meanings corresponding to the meanings of the letters, the specific meanings are not immediately recognizable or understandable.

Therefore, even if the words are associated with vague meanings corresponding to the meanings of the letters, they are not immediately recognizable or understandable as a quality indication of the goods.

The words lack specificity as an indication of the quality of the product.






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 これ日本でもたまにありますが、複数案が用意されていました。またそれぞれの案のメリットデメリットについて、高裁検事弁護士グループマスメディアなどに意見聴取しています。それぞれの意見が述べられています。多くの団体は、参加罪の有罪境界条件判定が難しいことを理由共謀罪を支持しています共謀罪は既に、内乱殺人などについて経験が有るから前例に従ってできる。結社の自由ノルウェー憲法では明記されていないが、人権問題があることを理由に反対しています。そのなかで、裁判所検事は、共謀罪に反対しています。これが意外でしたが、共謀罪表現は非常にあいまいで、合意があるかどうかについての証拠集めは難しい、これでは有罪判決を出すことはできないから空文化する恐れがある、それに対して参加罪なら参加しているかどうかの証拠を挙げるのはよりやりやすい、という主張をしています。この主張は2015年時点でも変わっていないようで、Convention against Corruptionの訪問調査においても、検事総長(Director of public Prosecutors)がそもそもノルウェーではごく限られた犯罪以外に準備行為すら犯罪化しておらず、49条や162条cのような条文があることは望ましくない、と回答しています



EOS committeeの存在が大きいのか



Komiteen har merket seg at det i proposisjonen legges til grunn at det ikke skal være et krav for domfellelse etter ny straffeloven § 162 c at påtalemyndigheten kan føre bevis for hvilken konkret forbrytelse avtalen gjelder, så lenge den kan bevise at det gjelder en forbrytelse med en nedre strafferamme på minst 4 år.Komiteen antar at de fleste domfellelsene etter § 162 c vil bygge på at retten har funnet forbundet knyttet til konkrete forbrytelser.Komiteen er enig i at det derimot ikke bør være et krav til at forbrytelsen konkretiseres, men bemerker at hvis det ikke i det hele tatt errt bevis for noen hovedgrupper av handlinger, vil det være vanskelig å føre tilstrekkelige bevis for domfellelse.

ということなので、is to be commitedというのは単なる未来形を表しているだけで、要件は無い、という理解でいいようです。しか検事がこの法律での有罪化は難しいと述べている通り、薬物犯罪検挙された400ほどの例の捜査対象者900名ほどのうち、162cが適用されたのは5件というような状態になっているということは、やはりこのようなあいまい表現をもって有罪にすることはノルウェーでは難しいという事なのでしょうか。 60aや162cのようなvague and circularな表現弁護士にとって格好の攻撃材料になる、とFighting・・・の本にも書いてありました。

 有罪判決は出ない、ということですが、捜査対象にはなるだろうということですが、捜査令状の取得のためには、その疑惑について、裁判所に詳細を説明する必要がある、警察は令状を取得し、被疑者逮捕した後、4時間以内に捜査の内容、それによって得られた容疑の内容、拘留正当性についての書類裁判所EOSCommitteeに提出、裁判所は土日を除いて24時間以内に拘留を認めるか、仮釈放するかを決定するという手続きのようです。起訴の有無に関わらず、EOS committeeは捜査妥当性について検証し、国会に報告する。ということのようです。EOS committee(Stortingets kontrollutvalg for etterretnings-, overkings- og sikkerhetstjeneste)は国会に任命される独立組織で、国の諜報活動警察活動のすべてにアクセスできるということです。これがイギリスの例でも出てきたようなセーフガードなんでしょうね。ただし、ノルウェーでも2011年に大規模な個人によるテロ事件が起きたのち、インターネット空間をpublicスペースと規定し、その中でのテロリスト活動については、133条のテロ組織への勧誘行為根拠にした監視の強化は進んでいるようです。






Longman Dictionary(ロングマン英英辞書
  • words and expressions used in a particular profession or by a particular group of people, which are difficult for other people to understand - often used to show disapproval:
The American Heritage(アメリカ国語辞書?)
  • Nonsensical, incoherent, or meaningless talk.
  • A hybrid language or dialect; a pidgin.
  • The specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group. See Synonyms at dialect.
  • Speech or writing having unusual or pretentious vocabulary, convoluted phrasing, and vague meaning.


Longman Dictionary(ロングマン英英辞書
  • very informal, sometimes offensive, language that is used especially by people who belong to a particular group, such as young people or criminals:
The American Heritage(アメリカ国語辞書?)
  • A kind of language occurring chiefly in casual and playful speech, made up typically of short-lived coinages and figures of speech that are deliberately used in place of standard terms for added raciness, humor, irreverence, or other effect.
  • Language peculiar to a group; argot or jargon: thieves' slang.









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