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November 11, 2018


The Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced BTS, an internationally popular Korean band whose live performance on Japan TV was cancelled.


“Wearing a T-shirt in Japan mocking the victims of the Nagasaki A-bomb, is just the latest incident of this band mocking the past,” charged Rabbi Abraham Cooper. Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish Human Rights NGO.


Members of the band posed for a photo shoot wearing hats with the Nazi SS Death Head logo. The SS was a key component of the Nazi mass murder of 6 million Jews during the WWII Holocaust. “Flags appearing on stage at their concert were eerily similar to the Nazi Swastika. It goes without saying that this group, which was invited to speak at the UN, owes the people of Japan and the victims of the Nazism an apology.”


“But that is not enough. It is clear that those designing and promoting this group’s career are too comfortable with denigrating the memory of the past. The result is that on young generations in Korea and around the world are more likely to identify bigotry and intolerance as beingcool’ and help erase the lessons of history. The management of this group, not only the front performers, should publicly apologize,” Rabbi Cooper added.




この2点はかなり気になる――なぜなら日本人でも知らない「長崎広島キノコ雲の違い」を明らかにして非難していること、Mocking the victimsという表現を使って「被爆者侮辱している」とSWC認識していることを明らかにしていることから、決して「ナチの方は謝るけど、原爆部分は言いがかり」というメッセージを受け入れないという姿勢が伝わるからだ。はっきり言ってこのメッセージナチ部分がかすむほどに反核的に読み取れる。謝罪すべき対象については「日本の人々(被爆者)とナチズムの犠牲者」と「日本の人々」を最初に置く念のいりようだ――これはそういう流儀なのかもしれないが。



In das Narrenschiff, in a small family company, idiot stuffs and idiot boss and his mother are committing incest with themselves.


Leon主題歌にもなっているstingのShape of My Heart


those who play never suspectで



勿論play cards with the girlsみたいにも使えるらしくて


1.play 人の場合



2.play cards with the girlsの場合









In 2001 Kofi Annan received the Nobel Prize in conjunction with the United Nations.

The focus of his speech was global inequality.

"Ladies and gentlemen,

Today in Afghanistan a girl will be born.

Her mother will hold her, feed her and comfort her and care for her just as any mother would anywhere else in the world.

In those most basic acts of human nature, humanity knows no divisions.

But to be born a girl in Afghanistan today, is to begin life centuries away from the prosperity that one small part of humanity has achieved.

Even thought her mother would do all in her power, to protect her and sustain her.

There is a one in four risk that the girl will not live to see her fifth birthday.

Whether she does is just one of the tests of our common humanity of our belief in our individual responsibility for our fellow men and women.

But it is the only test that matters.

Remember this girl then our large aims to fight poverty, prevent conflict or cure disease will nothing distant or impossible.

Indeed those aims would seem very near and very achievable as they should.

Because beneath the surface of stats and nations, ideas and language lies the fate of individual human beings in need.

Answering their needs will be the mission of the United Nations in the century to come.

Thank you very much."




Hirai T et al. Adverse effects of human papilloma virus vaccination on central nervous system: Neuro-endocrinological disorders of hypothalamo-pituitary axis. The Autonomic Nervous System 53: 49 -64, 2016

Matsudaira T, et al. Cognitive dysfunction and regional cerebral blood flow changes in Japanese females after human papillomavirus vaccination. Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience. 4: 220–227, 2016

Takahashi Y, et al. Immunological studies of cerebrospinal fluid from patients with CNS symptoms after human papillomavirus vaccination. Journal of Neuroimmunology. 298: 71-78, 2016

Aratani S, et al. Murine hypothalamic destruction with vascular cell apoptosis subsequent to combined administration of human papilloma virus vaccine and pertussis toxin. Scientific Reports 6: Article number: 36943 (2016)

Beppu H et al. Lessons learnt in Japan from adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine: a medical ethics perspective. Indian J Med Ethics. 2: 82-88, 2017.

Ozawa, K., Hineno, A., Kinoshita, T. et al. Suspected adverse effects after human papillomavirus vaccination: A temporal relationship between vaccine administration and the appearance of symptoms in Japan. Drug Saf 40: 1219, 2017.

Maki Y et al. Differential Diagnosis of Immune-Mediated Encephalopathies: “Neurological Symptoms of Diffuse Brain Damage”: A New Concept. Brain Nerve 69: 1131-1141

Kuroiwa Y et al. Pathophysiological hypothesis for neurological disorders occurring after human papillomavirus vaccination. Neurol Med (Tokyo) 85: 567-5821, 2016

Kinoshita T, et al. Peripheral sympathetic nerve dysfunction in adolescent Japanese girls following immunization with the human papillomavirus vaccine. Intern Med. 2014; 53:2185-2200.

Martínez-Lavín M. Hypothesis. Human papillomavirus vaccination syndrome — small fiber neuropathy and dysautonomia could be its underlying pathogenesis. Clin Rheumatol. 2015; 34:1165-1169.

Inbar R et al: Behavioral abnormalities in female mice following administration of aluminum adjuvants and the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil. Immunol Res (2016). doi:10.1007/s12026-016-8826-6

Geier DA, Geier MR. Quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine and autoimmune adverse events: a case-control assessment of the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) database. Immunol Res. 2016. doi:10.1007/s12026-016-8815-9.

Geier DA, Geier MR. Quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine and autoimmune adverse events: a case-control assessment of the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) database. Immunol Res. 2016. doi:10.1007/s12026-016-8815-9.


Auschwitz surviver "Beware of hate".

The memory of my mother, going with her three children, with my little baby sister and my two younger brothers, going to the gas chamber, is the worst memory that I carry with me for the rest of my life.

My name is Max Eisen, and I'm a survivor of Auschwitz.

I saw her walk, I remember, all I could see was her back.

Carrying a baby in her arm, and my two little brothers.

There were no goodbyes said.

Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. Over 1.1 million of those were killed here, in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

I was fifteen years old when I arrived here, May of 1944.

A9892. Hungarian Transports.

Max has returned every year for the past two decades to tell his story.

Here we are,

I want you to sort try to smell what this place smelled like.

Can you hear the voices?

Scratches with their hands. They were trying to go through cement walls just to get away from the gas that was killing them.

Imagine 2,000 people fighting each other for a breath of air.

You could to say that this is the last will and testament of people who died here.

From darkness to light, what a wonderful thing it is to know that you're alive.

Every year Max joins the March of the Living, in memory of those forced on 'death marches' from the camps.

Some 12,000 people recently marched with Max from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I'm thinking of my family, who have to no markers, no graves, whose ashes have been blown to the four corners of the earth.

I don't know how I survived.

I'm amazed how I survived.


I'd like to tell a lot to the world.

Respect each other, no matter what religion or colour you are.

Hatred against Jewish people is alive and well all over the world.

I come back here to tell others not to go down this terrible road of hatred and intolerance.


It' a warning. Beware.

This place reminds you to beware of hatred.

from BBC.


iPhone Xノッチが美しい理由」って記事があがってて、おいおいあんなにダサいって言われてるのにそういうステマがくるか!と思ってリンク踏んだら

STOP - there might be a problem with the requested link




It's a bit like the crossroads of the sea, isn't it?

Is it?

Then people leave here to go all over the world, huh?


It's kind of amazing, isn't it?

What is?

In two days, we're leaving here. But this view will remain the same, right?

Of course, will.

We'll go to Antarctica, and come back to home, but boats will still come here every day, and the city will be full of people, going to school, working their jobs, hanging out with their friends, They'll all keep living their lives..

It' the same in our home country.

School's still being held, They're probably having dinner right about now.

In places we've never seen, locations we've never been, so many people are living so many kinds of lives, every day, without stopping. That's amazing!

Even though it's common sense, but we know you're getting at.

From the line of "A Place Further Than The Universe"


You don't alone. I don't want to anybody to die.

To my mother and my father.

Dad. Mom.

Thank you for raising me.

This might be my last letter.

If you're ever reincarnated…

and marry each other again,

I would want to be your son again.


I wasn't supposed to end like this.

I was supposed to find happiness, and show you I was happy.

That was the plan. So…

So, I'm praying…

that you would have me as your son again.


How with that sound?

I think it's good as is.

Sir, Is there anyone else you would want to send a letter to?

Maria. To Maria.

Ones to Ms.Maria?

Yes, she's a girl I grew up with. We've known each other since we were kids. She was like a sister to me. She told me she liked me. I think I liked her, too.

But I shipped out before we started acting like a true couple. We didn't even kiss.

Maria, How are you doing?

Do you remember the time you confessed your feelings for me?

I was really, really, really happy.

Maria. Maria, I want to go home to be by your side.

I don't want to die.

I want to go home, to be beside you.

Wait for me, please.

I can't open my eyes anymore,

Are you getting everything down?

Yes, I am.

Violet. Send off the letters for me.

Thank you for helping me.

I don't feel alone.

I am right here. I am right by your side.

I need touch you me. I need your touch.

I am holding your hand now, sir.

Oh I'm getting cold

Dad Mom Maria

"Kiss me"

"Thank you"

"Everything will be okay, sir. I promise your letters will be delivered.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect him.

I'm sorry that let him die.

I don't want to anybody to die.

from the line of "Violet Evergarden"

from a battlefield with love.





まだ眠いテレビも見たいしお腹すいた (Good morning!)






ドンマイ ドンマイ


I say, がんばれ私! がんばれ今日


Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,

Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly.

When the world gets in my face,

I say, Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day



Do you think I'll feel better if I forgive them?

You want to forgive them?

If it would make me feel better, I might.

But the I imagine them looking all relieved afterwords, it gets under my skin.

"Piss off" ?

Yeah.. I'm a pretty petty person, aren't it?

I beg your pardon, but could you leave Miyake Hinata alone?

You might think Hinata has been holding a grudge against you since she quit school, that she's been suffering badly.

Maybe you think she spends every day crying, thinking about what happened to her.

But, but,

But that's not true!

Hinata-chan is having a super, amazing fun time with us!

She's having a really fulfilling trip of the sort you can't get where you are!

Hinata is already looking forward!

She's already walking!

She's taking her steps with us!

Unlike Hinata, I'm a real jerk, so I'll say it outright.

You can't live your lives in this halfway state forever!

You hurt someone and made them suffer!

Now you get to live with that!

That's what you get for hurting someone!

That's what you get for hurting my friend!

You think you can come crawling back now?

Piss Off!

fro the line of "Sora yori mo toi basho -- A Place Further Than the Universe"



Welcome to the article

It's pleasure that you had acceess this QR.

The man on that sticker is called "Takahiro Karasawa" and he actually exists.

He became famous as a kind of "Internet memes" and become popular in Japan.

So I want to spread this memes into world, when you find this please tweet this sticker with tags #尊シール ,#TakahiroKarasawa and it will expand!




  • Sing
  • 声をかくす人









Tillerson also addressed the U.S.'s relationship with China amid the tension with North Korea. He said the two countries have had talks about how to secure North Korea's nuclear weapons in the event of the regime's collapse -- with the U.S. reassuring China that it would retreat back below the 38th parallel that divides North and South Korea if it ever had to invade the North.








まず、単純にTOEIC 750点くらいって小学生低学年くらいの言語力なんだから大人向けをすらすら新聞読めなくても全くおかしくない。







The House is set on Thursday to pass its own version of the tax bill, which would cut taxes by more than $1.4 trillion over 10 years and broadly rewrite the business tax code.


下院 - 木曜日 - 税制法案 - 減税 - 1.4兆ドル - 10年 - 書き換える - 法人税



下院 / 木曜日にセットされる / 下院バージョン税制法案を通すために / その法案っていうのは減税する / 1.4兆円以上も / 10年以上かけて / それで、広く書き換える / 税制法案


But as with the health care debate earlier this year, the Senate emerged as the inconstant ally in President Trump’s pursuit of a major legislative accomplishment in his first year.

医療健康保険 - 今年早く - 上院 - 一定しない仲間 - トランプ大統領 - 追求 - 法案実績 - 1年目

でも/ 健康保険議論と同様に / 今年早くの

上院が現れる / 一定しない(常に賛成するとは限らない)仲間として / トランプ大統領が追い求めること / 主要な法案の実績 / (トランプの)1年目の




その as は、「〜と同様に」という意味接続詞。だから、この as with the health care debate は、「健康保険議論におけるのと同様に」つまり健康保険についての討論の場合にもそうであったように」という意味日本語では、こういう時は普通は「健康保険についての討論でもそうだったが、」というように、逆接でない「が」を使ってなんとなくつなぐ。(こういう日本語に関する知識も役に立つ)

なお、こういう as や with の意味や使い方は、辞書や基本例文集に載っているので、しっかり調べればわかる。僕は高校1年で授業で教わった。辞書ジーニアスオススメ。基本例文集は丸暗記しよう。







The House : よく分からんけど国会的な物でしょう。

is set on Thursday : 受動なのは動作主体が他だから大統領? / 国会(みたいなの)が木曜に開催される。

to pass : (法案を)通す。

its own version of the tax bill : 今回の会のという意味its own version

which would cut taxes by more than $1.4 trillion over 10 years : by普通に「〜による」みたいな感じで良いんじゃない。

and broadly rewrite the business tax code. : 法人税やね。would rewriteからs抜ける・・・

But as with the health care debate earlier this year, the Senate emerged as the inconstant ally in President Trump’s pursuit of a major legislative accomplishment in his first year.

But〜year,まで : オバマケアトランプが止めた話・・・。(政治の話になってるね・・・

the Senate emerged as the inconstant ally : Senateがトランプの味方として出てきた。

in President Trump’s pursuit of a major legislative accomplishment in his first year. : トランプの初年度の立法的成果。



Two years have passed since I moved to a developed country



I am working as an engineer in the IT area, but I managed to hold it for some 2 years.

I do not have confidence yet, and I feel even more confident about my confidence for the rest of my life, the excellence of my colleague.

If I do not desperately do it I am working everyday with feelings that it is not amusing even if I receive a notification outside the fighting strength.

Still, in Japan, I think that Japan has much better skill than CTO in that area.

In the future I thought that if I could return to Japan and contribute to the Japanese society, Japan that is visible from the outside is bad.

What is bad, first aspect of politics.


The point that democracy is not fully functioning against the fact that there are stupid citizens who blind the LDP, such as Abe's descent.

That other party is also not good. Hope party? What is that lady like that disciple of Ru Ooshiba? Rou Koike?

The more you do not have it, the stupid will be clouded in katakana and psychology. You idiots, you guys say this. I love Katakana anyway, I love psychology, 100% I do not say big things. What is Y's Spending. Do not fix what you normally call katakana.

Since the political system is over in the first place, I think that it is the cause of failure of not receiving popular people, especially elderly people, only short-term and useless policies absolutely. So we will not attack only the LDP.

It is too fatal that politics is not rational and it is impossible to include the policy that should be done. Because it ends with poppiness if I can not vote.

Unfortunately, the trend of changing the political system probably will not happen if it fails.

In recent decades, politicians have accelerated the declining birthrate and aging society to a distortion with outlook on the preferential treatment for the elderly + measures against the declining birthrate.

The decline in Japan's birthrate and birthrate is partly spontaneous, but the world's low birthrate and aging society is not caused by natural phenomena.

There is not any future that putting all the energy to surrender the tax to the old man by tax free over medical care. It was already late when we were discussing whether a large amount of tax would be used due to politicians' old elderly votes or ten years ago, so it was already late, we have not corrected the orbit again so far I am going to politate on the same route.

An aged politician does not think about a short-circuiting policy, the future. Citizens delight in the immediate economic policy.

Grass grows now, as the nation 's collapse has become a reality.

If the declining birthrate and the aging population advanced at this pace as it is, the Japanese boat will sink in 20 years. Two years ago I thought I would have 30 years.

I gave up completely to Japan's politics. Defeated entertainment is not funny. I'm saying that it is japanese, but I do not dislike it. To give up means to accept failures.

Next is the aspect of business.


Did you have a business anywhere other than bidding? I do not have pieces of creativity. There is no further ethics.

What is it, Mercari or DeNA or moral business or something is a social sin. I just confused society, did not I? The country and the country came to know not ethics.

Ethics of the Japanese are lower than the Japanese think.

Although I derail for a while, accident happens in front of my eyes, the idiots who take pictures with smaho are not minorities at all Nationality is bad.

Even though there is service only where money is involved, do not say hospitality as if it were the national character of the Japanese.

It is not a minority to be a completely individualist society and people are troubled and help people.

At this time new creative business is born from one to the next. It is at an unthinkable pace in Japan. Of course, there are many doubtful businesses as to whether it will become money, but it is better than Japanese society where there is no brain except copying the business of another company at all.

So almost no company wants to work in Japan.

And the fall of the company. Almost no international competitiveness. Even large corporations will be crushed.

With this aging birthrate and declining birthrate, you can not contribute even to domestic demand with the elderly who can not see the future if it is full of old people.

There are no people with a declining birthrate. It seems that young people are supporting the LDP by thinking positively as being a seller's market completely.

There is only one person who is not merely a policy of an aging population declining birthrate. Your future is pitch dark.

Were I so stupid as to whom I thought of going back to Japan? What? It is certain that at least the field of view and experience has been much lower than it was now.

If I see myself two years ago, I feel mercy only now.

Indeed it is visible that it will collapse in another few decades Indeed it will not be possible to return to Japan.

Why do I have to board a sinking ship? Parents are the only team to surrender, only you are to protect yourself.

Originally I decided not to make children from the uncertain future of society, not myself. I think that choice was right.

Politician Now, if you are not stupid, it means that you are doing intentional bankruptcy activities.

It is good that you are only interested in being inspected. I do not know anymore.

At the very least, please try to make Japanese citizens work in the world. If the hurdle of labor visa goes down, then you will be able to do it if you have English proficiency.

I had a lot of hardships. Although it is inferior to native, I am working without problems.

Oh, I wanted to go back to Japan. . .














Section 2

The Constitution is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards; it recognises and guarantees the right to selfgovernment of the nationalities and regions of which it is composed and the solidarity among them all.

太字にしたところはテストに出るので覚えておいてください。ここではスペインひとつネーションからなり、不可分であること、そしてネーションの他にいくつものナショナリティ存在することが謳われていますナショナリティっていわれると普通は「国籍」って意味なんですが、この文脈では「準ネーション」みたいな意味だと思ってください。つまりネーションひとつしかないけど、準ネーションっぽいものはいくつもあるよ! ってことですね。





Section 3

C1. Castilian is the official Spanish language of the State. All Spaniards have the duty to know it and the right to use it.

C2. The other Spanish languages shall also be official in the respective Self-governing Communities in accordance with their Statutes.

C3. The wealth of the different linguistic forms of Spain is a cultural heritage which shall be especially respected and protected.











Section 155

1. If a Self-governing Community does not fulfil the obligations imposed upon it by the Constitution or other laws, or acts in a way that is seriously prejudicial to the general interest of Spain, the Government, after having lodged a complaint with the President of the Self-governing Community and failed to receive satisfaction therefore, may, following approval granted by the overall majority of the Senate, take all measures necessary to compel the Community to meet said obligations, or to protect the abovementioned general interest.

2. With a view to implementing the measures provided for in the foregoing paragraph, the Government may issue instructions to all the authorities of the Self-governing Communities.








そもそもなんでカタルーニャスペインの一部になってるの? とか、カタルーニャの栄光時代はいつだよ……ジャウマ1世の時か? とかの疑問が湧いてきた時にオススメです。住民投票は……住民投票は今なんだよ!





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Despite in an age of the internet that has connected people of all over the world, Japanese engineers have been left behind latest trends of discussions or services due to the crucial firewall - English. Consequently, they have only been stuck with their quirky ecosystems such as Hatena, Qiita, and niconico. When it comes to their cultures, for example, "Japanese cuisine" or "Japanese Pop Culture", they sometimes give birth to some valuable products, although in technology domain, it's just a damn to be quirky living in isolation from global standard or reinventing the wheel, and they don't produce any value for the world. In fact, despite the population size of Japan, there are the extremely small amount of technologies or services acknowledged in the world those are originated in Japan.


5 reasons why Japanese Engineer are fu*king da*n

  • Because they likes "Technical document" much, though they usually study with books even it's Front-end latest technology, Many of them are just translated original EN contents or da*n not sexy sample code, it's worthless in the world which dynamically changing day by day in few months. Regardless of free latest contents which can be found everywhere, they just get Secondary Information given by some evangelists with passive mindset, it causes making this Evangelist? market stable due to this kind of information gap structure.

See also : https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20170728223725


rant about Fate

Fate is a pretentious load of crap that somehow managed to sustain it's popularity by deforming famous historical figures into sex figurines in order to appeal to the shit head masses. Yes, I loathe fate. I hate the fact that they toy around with actual historical people. They even change some of their sexes, like wtf. And what is up with the alters? If they think they're cool or something, I say they look like a bunch of shameless douchebags under the influence of the capitalistic market.


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