はてなキーワード: Beginとは
むとうじゅん @FootballerMutoG
玉造c2-C 30代目生徒会長⇨東京学館1-3➡️2-7理系物理小栗旬石原さとみAqua TimezコブクロBEGINが大好き。 切実に運動神経とセンスが欲しいすぎる爬虫類飼いたい! リムブロ。オナ禁since5/10 next6/10頑張って我慢する大切な人→@ooooo_xoxo777
むとうじゅん @FootballerMutoG
むとうじゅん @FootballerMutoG
嵐 / HKT48 / AKB48 / A.B.C-Z / SKE48 / NMB48 / エレファントカシマシ / 奥田民生 / KAT-TUN /
加山雄三 / 関ジャニ∞ / KinKi Kids / 工藤静香 / 倖田來未 / コブクロ / 小室哲哉 / 近藤真彦 /
ジャニーズWEST / JUJU / スキマスイッチ / SEKAI NO OWARI / Sexy Zone / タッキー&翼 / TRF /
TOKIO / 西野カナ / NEWS / 乃木坂46 / BEGIN / 一青窈 / V6 / Hey! Say! JUMP / ポルノグラフィティ /
槇原敬之 / モーニング娘。'15 / ももいろクローバーZ / 森高千里 / 森山直太朗 / 山崎まさよし /
ゆず / 初音ミク / aiko / 秋川雅史 / E-girls / いきものがかり / EXILE / GACKT / 三代目 J Soul Brothers from EXILE TRIBE /
椎名林檎 / GENERATIONS from EXILE TRIBE / SMAP / 徳永英明 / T.M.Revolution / 秦基博 / Perfume /
浜崎あゆみ / 平井堅 / 福山雅治 / L'Arc-en-Ciel / and more
Today’s the day! LHC physics planned to begin at a new energy frontier #13TeV! Read more: http://t.co/Zko4yfjD2R pic.twitter.com/A3qvyFV18O— CERN (@CERN) 2015, 6月 3
Kappa Symmetry, Dp-Brane Super-Lagrangian Action(s), and SuSy Calabi-Yau ‘Tipping’ of… http://t.co/hRRWz5o6GO pic.twitter.com/6YuhurQdxm— George Shiber (@GeorgeShiber) 2015, 6月 26
【トピックス】大型低温重力波望遠鏡KAGRAの地下トンネル完成式典 http://t.co/FQQiPeOyOb 7/4に神岡で開催されました。KEKの加速器で培った低温、真空技術が発展的に応用されることになっています。 pic.twitter.com/8C8p8809Pe— KEK 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 (@KEK_JP) 2014, 7月 10
が、予想と反して陽子がなかなか崩壊しない。寿命は伸び続けて今は 10^(34) 年以上?
Japón estudia el origen del universo debajo de una montaña. #Kamiokande #ciencia #Koshiba #neutrinos http://t.co/5x39aPRSHW vía @el_pais— Neoyorkino Tupepino (@tupepinonyc) 2015, 2月 21
・BEGIN 定番と蘊蓄について吸収します。定期的にベーシック特集が組まれているので、過去3回分位をAmazonでポチってください。短期集中で記載しているブランド名と歴史を全て覚えてください。定番には定番になった理由があります。「何故この服が定番になったのか?」と常に問いながら読んでみてください。
・POPEYE 2014年現在一番オサレな雑誌です。BEGINだけだと大企業の高給エリートが金とガリ勉知識で格好つけた感じになってしまうので、POPEYEで流行とセンスを補填します。POPYEは頭を一切使わずに、繰り返し繰り返し読んで(眺めて)ください。夜寝る直前と朝起きた直後にPOPEYEを読む、というのを習慣化し、潜在意識に刷り込んでください。
小保方さんはコネ採用だった、は本当か? に関する参考資料(一部重複)
【笹井氏の会見詳報(2)】「ほとんど若山氏の…小保方氏をリーダー抜擢した理由は…京大に詫び、仲直り」(4/4ページ) - MSN産経west
【笹井氏の会見詳報(2)】「ほとんど若山氏の…小保方氏をリーダー抜擢した理由は…京大に詫び、仲直り」(2/4ページ) - MSN産経west
1. How did the STAP stem cell collaboration begin between the Vacanti lab and your group? What made you decide to team up with them? Can you please tell us more about the beginnings of this research?
Teru: Dr. Kojima (Vacanti’s lab) contacted me by e-mail to help with chimera experiments. At that time, the project looks very much impossible. That’s why I accepted. I like such impossible experiments.
First time, Dr. Obokata brought strange cells, and there was no chimera after blastocyst injection. However, nearly 2 year later, Dr. Obokata found a very good method to generate STAP cell. Then, we could obtain good chimera.
神戸新聞NEXT|社会|小保方さん、理研入り転機は震災 STAP細胞作製
なお、研究のチェック機能が果たされなかったことについては、小保方氏が他 の機関で行った研究を若山研において客員研究員の身分で継続し、その後、自ら がリーダーを勤める研究室において発展させたという研究環境の変遷や、成果と りまとめに近づいた段階に入って笹井氏と丹羽氏というそれぞれ若山氏とは独立 した立場のシニア研究者がデータの補強や論文作成のために協力することになっ たなどの事情もあるのではないかとうかがえる面がある。
Team Leader
Research Scientist
Visiting Scientist
(中略) Haruko OBOKATA (後略)
Visiting Scientist = 客員研究員
Scientists at early to middle stages of their careers will be considered. The most important evaluation criteria in this recruitment are the novelty and creativity of the research plan; those seeking to undertake new research challenges are welcomed, irrespective of their scientific background or stage of career development.
【Application and required documents】
[Application Documents]
1) Curriculum vitae, including a brief summary of research experience
2) Proposal for a five-year research project
3) Name and contact information of three references
Please write all documents in English.
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2012 and continue on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.
Handling of Personal Data: All private data sent to RIKEN in application for employment is handled in strict confidentiality, and such data is not utilized for any other purpose or disclosed to any third party.
【Selection process】
Screening of application documents, presentation seminar; interviews, etc
111 :名無しゲノムのクローンさん:2014/04/20(日) 03:36:53.36
2002年04月 早稲田大学理工学部応用化学科入学、AO入試
2007年 再生医療に転向、女子医大の研修生で大和・岡野指導
2008年04月 学振研究員DC1獲得。3年間「月20万円奨励金+年60万円研究費」
2011年03月 ハーバードメディカルスクールVacanti lab研究員
2011年03月 小島からの連絡でハーバードと共同研究で理研CDB入り。若山ラボ「ゲノム・リプログラミング研究」所属
2005年(東京湾の微生物等を研究 ) のソースだけ見つけられなかった。
STAP細胞・私の見方:まだ20点、本質的な研究を 笹井芳樹、理化学研究所発生・再生科学総合研究センター副センター長
Q. どれだけの分量の書き直しをさせた?
A. natureから返されて半年ぐらいした後で、小保方氏が直したものを見て指導した。論旨がジャンプしている箇所があったので、どういうロジックで書くべきか彼女と議論しながら指導した。
Q. 小保方さんの資質
A. ゆたかな発想力がある。そして実験を進める集中力がある。ただ、同時にトレーニングが足りなかったものがある。未熟という言葉はあまり使いたくはないが、科学者として早くに身につけるべきものが足りなかった。両極端の能力があった。シニアとして自戒するのは、彼女が強いところを出すのは伸ばせたと思うが、弱いところを強化してあげることができなかった。背伸びだけでなく足下をしっかりとさせることができなかったのは自分として足りなかった。
Q. 笹井先生が囲い込んだという話があるが?
A. 所内での発表が2月だったが、ちょうどその時に不正の話になった。それまで彼女が所内で話す機会はなかった。笹井研ではプレゼン機会はあって、議論はしている。バカルディ先生の同意なしで情報を広めることが難しいことがあった。私達の判断で自由に情報を発信することは難しい状況。
Q. 人事について
Q 小保方さんは未熟と言うが、そういう人がなぜユニットリーダーになったのか。
竹市 私たちの研究室のヘッドとなる人は公募だ。書類審査と、どんな研究をし、今後何をしようとしているかのプレゼンで決める。STAPにインパクトを感じて採用したが、過去の調査が不十分だったことを非常に強く反省している。
(小保方さんのやつは「実績のない若手にチャンスを与える云々で5年任期」との事なので、理研の 基礎科学特別研究員 あたりを思い浮かべながら書いてるよ)
(追記:小保方さんのポジションの公募情報 だいたい同じようだ)
小保方さんの経歴 [ バカンティ研2年 → 早稲田でD取得 → 若山研で客員(無給)2年 ] を見ると、評価書を書くとしたらバカンティさんかな?(若山さんかもしれないけど)
2ch 見ててみつけた
[Application Documents]
1) Curriculum vitae, including a brief summary of research experience
2) Proposal for a five-year research project
3) Name and contact information of three references
Please write all documents in English.
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2012 and continue on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.
>December 1, 2012
1) 研究業績リスト 2) 研究計画書5年分 3) 申請者を評価できる3人の連絡先
【Selection process】
Screening of application documents, presentation seminar; interviews, etc
毎日新聞 http://mainichi.jp/feature/news/20140314mog00m040006000c6.html
Q 小保方さんは未熟と言うが、そういう人がなぜユニットリーダーになったのか。
竹市 私たちの研究室のヘッドとなる人は公募だ。書類審査と、どんな研究をし、今後何をしようとしているかのプレゼンで決める。STAPにインパクトを感じて採用したが、過去の調査が不十分だったことを非常に強く反省している。
倖田來未(どうしても ぎょうだくみ と読んでしまう)も偉そうなポジションから歌いたがりそうだ。よくわかんないアカペラとかで。
おだかずまさもいるんだろうな。 あのへんの人たちが再結成して世界中をおいてけぼりにしそう。誰それ?みたいに。
ID;PCALCOOO32 C;X1;Y3;K"ArtsAndCrafts" C;X2;Y3;K"YsSeven" C;X3;Y3;K"MaiItsu" C;X4;Y3;K"iM@S" C;X5;Y3;K"ED6-3(7)" C;X7;Y3;K"CharZekken" C;X1;Y5;K"ケビン" C;X2;Y5;K"○アイシャ/シグルーン" C;X6;Y5;K"(セレビシエ)" C;X7;Y5;K5 C;X1;Y6;K"リース" C;X4;Y6;K"○P(ぷちます!/ウェントスP)" C;X6;Y6;K"(オリゼー(エマ))" C;X7;Y6;K6 C;X8;Y6;K"s(5)" C;X1;Y7;K"エステル" C;X2;Y7;K"○クルシェ(ムスタファ)" C;X4;Y7;K"(春香)" C;X5;Y7;K"(ロイド)" C;X6;Y7;K"(クリソゲヌム)" C;X7;Y7;K"⑧" C;X8;Y7;K"及川(8月)にはなれず" C;X9;Y7;K"葉月と長月ごたまぜにしてました。" C;X1;Y8;K"ヨシュア" C;X2;Y8;K"○エルク" C;X4;Y8;K"(千早)" C;X6;Y8;K"(蛍)" C;X7;Y8;K13 C;X8;Y8;K"XIII" C;X1;Y9;K"'(レン)" C;X2;Y9;K"○アドル" C;X6;Y9;K"(ラクチス)" C;X7;Y9;K15 C;X8;Y9;K"XV" C;X1;Y10;K"リシャール" C;X2;Y10;K"○ガッシュ" C;X7;Y10;K24 C;X1;Y11;K"シェラザード" C;X3;Y11;K"○ジュン" C;X4;Y11;K"(あずさ)" C;X5;Y11;K"(エリィ)" C;X6;Y11;K"(長谷川/イーディ)" C;X7;Y11;K222 C;X8;Y11;K"なにみてはねる" C;X1;Y12;K"オリビエ" C;X2;Y12;K"○マイシェラ" C;X4;Y12;K"(黒井)" C;X7;Y12;K961 C;X1;Y13;K"ミュラー" C;X2;Y13;K"○ドギ" C;X6;Y13;K"(沢木/ヨグルティ)" C;X7;Y13;K962 C;X8;Y13;K"s(961)" C;X9;Y13;K"「かもたべ」だとむしろオリビエなんですが。" C;X1;Y14;K"(クローゼ+ティオ)" C;X3;Y14;K"○トロ[?ユーリ+?語り手]" C;X4;Y14;K"(涼[ε語り手])" C;X5;Y14;K"(ティオ)" C;X6;Y14;K"(ナユタ)" C;X7;Y14;K106 C;X8;Y14;K"TORO" C;X1;Y15;K"ユリア" C;X3;Y15;K"○ピエール" C;X5;Y15;K"(ミシェル)" C;X7;Y15;K963 C;X1;Y16;K"ジョゼット" C;X3;Y16;K"○スズキ" C;X4;Y16;K"(サイネリア[学校司書])/(真)" C;X6;Y16;K"(ホーマー=ピエローニ)" C;X7;Y16;K7 C;X8;Y16;K"'BEL/×BOX(U+2610)" C;X1;Y17;K"アガット" C;X3;Y17;K"○テレビさん" C;X5;Y17;K"(ランディ)" C;X7;Y17;K980 C;X8;Y17;K"Change for Thousand Yen" C;X1;Y18;K"'---" C;X4;Y18;K"麗華(preTorne)" C;X5;Y18;K"(ティータ)" C;X6;Y18;K"(中山ちさ)" C;X7;Y18;K1054 C;X8;Y18;K"×s(980)" C;X1;Y19;K"(ティータ+ドルン)" C;X3;Y19;K"(ぼっちP)" C;X4;Y19;K"(舞[hidden])" C;X5;Y19;K"○エリカ博士" C;X6;Y19;K"(宏岡)" C;X7;Y19;K4294966316 C;X8;Y19;K"'=2^32-980" C;X6;Y20;K"'18446744073709550636" C;X8;Y20;K"'=2^64-980" C;X1;Y21;K"アネラス" C;X4;Y21;K"○コトリ" C;X6;Y21;K"(武藤)" C;X7;Y21;K801 C;X1;Y22;K"ジン" C;X3;Y22;K"○リッキー" C;X6;Y22;K"(樹)" C;X7;Y22;K1 C;X8;Y22;K"(×RET)" C;X1;Y24;K"tends victim" C;X3;Y24;K"クロ" C;X4;Y24;K"絵理" C;X5;Y24;K"レン[?語り手]" C;X7;Y24;K96 C;X3;Y26;K"(軍師役)" C;X4;Y26;K"伊織" C;X5;Y26;K"(キーア)" C;X7;Y26;K127 C;X8;Y26;K"DEL" C;X1;Y28;K"ATC trainee on RJAH" C;X4;Y28;K"(響[エイエイ])" C;X5;Y28;K"エコー" C;X6;Y28;K"(ソーエ)" C;X7;Y28;K10 C;X8;Y28;K"LF" C;X1;Y29;K"〃" C;X5;Y29;K"(シード)" C;X1;Y30;K"〃" C;X6;Y30;K"(ホーマー(再掲))" C;X1;Y32;K"[Sequel story actors]" C;X4;Y32;K"(夢子[ミルカ])" C;X6;Y32;K"(ライラ)" C;X7;Y32;K105 C;X8;Y32;K"'=x;; 106=s(x)" C;X1;Y33;K"〃" C;X4;Y33;K"(美希[テトラ])" C;X6;Y33;K"(タナキョー)" C;X7;Y33;K14 C;X1;Y34;K"〃" C;X4;Y34;K"(愛[?ユーリ])" C;X6;Y34;K"(西野)" C;X7;Y34;K101 C;X7;Y36;K"⑨" C;X8;Y36;K"(長月)(チルノ)" E begin-base64 664 MaiItsuMeetsYsSevenBasedED6-3-3.tgz H4sIAAAAAAACC+1d63MTRxLna/grBl1dYV+QtC+9bMuJsU2FHAYKzF1yLo5aa1fWhtWusrvC+FJX haQL4WVILlC+BMI7YCCEBIoAiROqLt/vj8jGxnzKv3A9sytLtmVbGhlFlnYL27uzMz3T3b/p6Z7H MiQqOy0zOyTLlvmuuV8+ImvbRVOWBgfCft7PB46mrLS6qb6LZZhwOIw2MeQq/UX4YjlW4ELwhwlx PBeJhEKQFg5xAuTb1IAra1qiAU16O6u9p+zu+3Pf2zuH+ja1zdXzxtG0io7IhqnoWtzHBhgfkrWE LinaWNx3YHiHP+p7o3dzz5aBPf3D7+4dRBgPmxHae2D7rp39yOcPBv/K9weDA8MD6J23hod2ITbA ooyaNdGQaKXgmQswweDgbh/ypSwr0xUMjo+PB8b5gG6MBXEWXDSYhpu0ygUJ3Pz4iWX9yYBkST6o HCciaKdmxisQYWOxmFPQ19uzxe8fTikmSiqqjMZFEyV0DbizZAlZOiK50OgE2pORtT3JpJKQMQnk R6YsI5c0VBTQ4b2+8D6oS0nOKZvUDZTWDRkpWlIP+P29PSlZlFDG0HGNC82TsqOqAmI0nPKSnsim Zc0yg1Iirfgt2UibQWhtWrZEUq1ffj+rHIn7+nXNgnz+4YmM7MNtx09xn5jJqEpCtEBHDqevQyO7 USIlGqZsxbNWEtQU7O2xFAvYhnddqoj1J2v+A/t9vX6k6ch5Z2bkhJJUZKknSBLcNmhiGho/0D88 uG9of4C8Kavet4xksGI5nCMrjpUXdbIjM5GSy3Pu29EvhIXwCnRMPWskyqlUoZkVSIFiwKSJWoKG HzM7+p6csMpKbqtYFFR9GBmyGvcRPsXAQL8PpQw5udDyTNZQHSQkgrIqO1iAnhJ08hXprUCMtGYV ii6eqiIFfXgVShieFmCvOmJ9Q6uSEtMVyJjWBMAQ1xH3WfJRK5gwTejjr72ZAeCgDxD65+bXLHFU xfejuiHJhj+hq6qYMeWu4k138Y2ZERNgqLqYbiSnM9aEPyGrqtllpvRxQkfahqwUEMIWAPqP6hdV ZUzrsvRMN/Rk6Gem8g+5i2UyVjdkT7HbUIqDHx5+BPgJwU8YiidUWTS6RnWgBdl0dRvKqpCcFo0x RcOVZ0RJctoB71UF3qmKCdQxr13Q+TRo8gq5scVCPigDvGgBgPMuZVCTfGCSdg6iCFJMMyuDmSFk SZaF9iDcoG6oSZP9KVkZS1mY+LgiWSl8U0qqVDNmhJBL6rql6ZK8O5selQ0g7ubxG6Q4K6dLeUVN 0y1ihQ4R1g6NThwCs2eRciV5xkJ/dMWbFNOKOtHVZygimKtRMXF4zNCzmoRVqhtdf0gmk+AJdKOy JjqaXdJY3II/lUscngOWyELSuKFYuLlp4KFLNfzWKGkvvOVWfcuv8nbwKODoEMcc2p4F7vyKhu93 60ZaVIuMrsGZZYgaiMyAfl4CK0GDA4YlgARNWnq6qCm/KidBcQlIWNRC3EPA6Duic5yoZTB2n92q cIu7Ee5mfjMlSvq4Wz1JkWQYn4g2SSragpR0RjcsUSuSGXcgVKSDRZOQsdBr5nflRnMrNLpSA5aJ ZzlnFZSzNrMraKOC8F0RMNXKYLEsTF1VpO4ys1YukxVFFGs+CaUVSVLl1STU1ihxWXNy+Jc8VoKC +2oJ/+5LzMgiMbnpxEBXegHDm7/8vlKNOH1Jda7muEZiuxkVuza4+UoiwoMZXJ54WMFD0FoiCnnm sTHmsZKxXEzceVOZdn2WNNzySl4F6JW0ukg/zau3iNc5f0e9lZN2FRL1Qg425oFyLVBWQOhi6JEX lZG3qjO9HJLcih5gGU3PrDfEPHCM1zXW1ZlqZD/y5gl+P7NG7SFxVZm/to3uuMrzAwzjzQ8Q8Qhe n6ceQNe9K3szERtmJqLC8NnWUwyuDCLt6ou7/EerGW2q4j/cgqFII53ZmDfht3FtKd/eZoRnVuAf G5J24J9taf0392p1hd7Y9svQa04J83xL99i1+RdWdHxq7bHhjcj++kZuYW/mrB7fjw972mgGbRC2 nAaTMotZcnUVaWNduSKItqu34/Ifa1f+q+kgghfHNtUKp8Cs2xTPhuytAtvqBnvN8FTg2lgEVdks vp2NVlUSaut1tzIJ4VZUFFCo7f1CoZ3DmCogEvLW28LrNuuyIdmPeAiItrQ3uib73k7cJlss0Fn3 3Di+ZUr3XOmWL90KpdtQ6TZcuo2UbqOl21jx1ihVZ5SqMBaqIAe69wzsQKSdJhpXrBT+/kLG0DNY zJBkyBlDNgEq5Jy7aKL+/fsROeT9AaEQJEV7e4L42xK9PaO6NIEkxYj7VMvwOXTjvrR41O/iAaTS 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It had been a little situation of one's before one of the many high-end camera makers learned the particular Live life Access manner with a DIGITAL SLR requested a good online video media picture after which you can created a way to help you listing the item. Olympus seemed to be hinting at the capability in Present cards 2006, as soon as E-330 (the very first video camera by means of survive viewing) is released. Nonetheless Nikon was towards the blog post while using the D90 along with Cannon is definitely soon after along with the just-announced Canon EOD 5D Mark II Battery.
Typically the 12. 3-megapixel D90 carries LARGE DEFINITION online video from a conclusion with 1280 back button 720 pixels at 27 frames/second using the understanding and also depth-of-field restrain which usually simply a DIGITAL SLR offer. Naturally, Nikon isn't going to space an expensive precedence about this skill (and not undertake most people, finding the software when alot more of the adjunct you'll take advantage of once in a while, than only a main objective just for obtaining that D90). But, because this can be a 'world first', Photography Analyze is going to tackle the application ahead of moving on that will alternative further important qualities.
Virtually no owner guide book was initially supplied with a analysis camera still (after some hassles) most of us made it possible to down load an important PDF FILE type from Nikon European union ?nternet site. Surprisingly, this manually operated exclusively devotes one-and-a-half of 270 pages of content for you to video clip producing tasks and approximately a couple thirds of the site to help you videos playback. Less a page can be specified up to a show frame proportions in addition to appear possible choices : the 120 websites following on from the primary arguments belonging to the video clip manner.
Picture Abilities
Training video in any DIGITAL CAMERA is really a important loan -- primarily for the Nikon D90 Battery cost. Beforehand, any time you required a fabulous video camera by using compatible contact lenses, which you were taking a look at round $7000 for just a unit which will would not quite possibly track record high-definition, widescreen picture. However the D90 presents way more for just a cheaper package price by providing visitors while using same sorts of manipulate in excess of centering, subjection and additionally depth-of-field like they have having a DIGITAL CAMERA digicam, combined internet site snap by using almost any Nikkor website.
But, the actual D90's online video media model is absolutely not fantastic. As movie can certainly sole often be captured throughout Are located Perspective application, you are jammed aided by the prohibitions this means that (see below). The actual noise is normally taped monaurally and then the video recording formatting is certainly AVI which will, even though it truly is best with a large number of updating functions, uses so much ram (roughly 400MB for minute). Within assessments, some 24-second cut saved for 1280 times 720 LARGE DEFINITION method for 176 kbps appeared to be 40. 7MB dimensions.
Amazingly, this high-end camera works iwth using the premier random access memory playing cards. SOME SORT OF 32GB SDHC should help you track record as much as sixty units for training video, even though a different reduction is definitely which will video plans will be available to personal training minutes for HARLEY-DAVIDSON function and 20 short minutes with typical quality.
Saddest of can be the possibility that any autofocusing procedure :Nikon D90 Charger as well as some other primary adjustments - are not to be implemented if you find yourself photographing online video media. You can actually place emphasis quickly well before taking any preview not to mention make use of the manual place emphasis wedding ring within the contact lens even while photographing. Although if the content steps near as well as from everyone as long as you're taking, blurring might be unavoidable.
Different works that need to be placed well before taking a good movie involve getting exposed compensation, vivid white stability in addition to tact surroundings. For anyone utilizing aperture-priority AE, you can actually transformation a aperture functions even though tracking your movie and as well lens quality in and additionally available - nevertheless it will be hazardous seeing that sticking to center is usually hard.
Well before beginning online video grab you have to find the wished-for audio mode from Dvd movie Controls sub-menu while in the firing navigation. 3 selections are offered: 1280 back button 720 (16: 9), 640 back button 424 (3: 2) not to mention 320 x 216 (3: 2). You too can change this reasonable producing at as well as out (the default setting up might be ON).
Most of online video media photographing pattern goes as follows:
1. Arranged this high-end camera to have Perspective way by simply hitting a LV tab.
step 2. Target about them just by half-pressing a shutter mouse if you are throughout autofocus form; also concentrate personally.
3. Marketing a O . K . key in the center from the arrow topper to get started producing.
check out. Prevent the theme presented plus centred throughout the taking progression.Nikon Coolpix S3100 Charger for anyone within information option, you can actually switch totally focus by hand while you step on the way to and / or clear of this issue. Cautious mainly vigilant while blasting close-ups when smallish differences within the place emphasis position can display simply because blurring on the content. (To confuse issues, you'll find it tough to ascertain if the appearance within the LCD is definitely pin-sharp through bright normal light while you can not use a viewfinder on Take up residence Check out manner. )
5. To cure documenting, advertising OKAY all over again.
Taking part in lower back taped video tutorials is simple. Mass media all the LV control key the next time for you to disengage Live life Watch consequently touch typically the review button in the software. Make use of the arrow mattress pad to pick out your snap you need to have fun with not to mention press RIGHT to begin the process preventing this video clip playback.
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20111006234714 http://twitter.com/i315 さんでしょうか さてわたしも不登校なわけですが,お前とはどうかんがえても方向性が違うので ただおもしろがって見ているだけにしますね!!!! sora_h でした!!! 匿名性ないね!!! 追記: http://twitter.com/#!/Glass_saga/status/124131595606167554 ということでPGP署名を施しました. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin) iQEcBAEBAgAGBQJOlaZiAAoJEIHMzVZz47asMIsH/0AUmA8eAkXrtNzDVX7asUYs 5FO06sNUxMYZEeVDTyOwDsYxjPkDnW7QGe7na7ZRHFm1/WeaYepRhvf7Q4QePCjX B0ZTPwt0liQpRecZIwh615UmDVv5nd6wLJiNNQZqJQc+CMfeT1tzqr/nwuqfTJSz wU1MeVBVaxKbpl+iOIDGu/nbXlcTsNSE0gKieTuLFcoHOmXyKDwbF27+s2vt0TkK oBwJZWZVCQRHTMCLSRc/iAaQnV6zjQpeRPVxyd8fzuLedcArKYGDQsgvpPP7Gycy yxPuJHc5q5Q5LiHVYkcMQ1FzzGTKy7U0b5MIkm6es6qMutPTOM3CA7BA6fuGDgw= =qKpD -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
gpg: Signature made Wed Oct 12 23:38:26 2011 JST using RSA key ID 73E3B6AC
gpg: Good signature from "Shota Fukumori <sorah@tubusu.net>"
I was at home the other night inth middle of my dinner when the phone rang.
ME:Thie is AT&T,
ME:Is this AT&T.?
AT&T:Yes! This is AT&T, may I speak to Mr.Byron, please?
ME:OK, hold on.
At this point I put the phone down for a solid 5 minutes thinking that, surely, this person would have hung up the phone. I ate my salad. Much to my surprise, when I picked up the receiver, they were still waiting,
ME:May I ask who is calling, please?
ME:This is AT&T?
ME:The phone company.
ME:I thought you said this was AT&T.
AT&T:Yes, sir, we are phone company.
ME:I already have a phone.
AT&T:We aren't selling phones today, Mr.Byron. We world like to offer you 10 cents a minute, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
ME:Now, that's 10 cents a minute, 24 hours a day?
AT&T:(getting a little excited at this point by my interest) Yes, sir, that's right! 24 hours a day!
ME:7 days a week?
ME:I am definitely interested in that! Wow!! That's amazing!
AT&T:We think so!
ME:That's quite a sum of money!
AT&TYes, sir, it's amazing how it adds up.
ME:OK, so will you send me checks weekly, monthly or just one big one at the end of the year for the full $52,560; and if you send an annual check, can I get a cash advance?
AT&T:Excuse me?
ME:You know, the 10 cents a minute.
AT&T:What are you talking about?
ME:You said you'd give me 10 cents a minute, 24 horus a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Thats comes to $144 per day, $1008 per week and $52,560 per year, I'm just interested in knowing how you will be making payment.
AT&T:Oh, no sir. I didn't mean we'd be peying you, You pay us 10 cents a minute.
ME:Wait a minutes. how do you figure that by saying that you'll give me 10 cents a minute, that I'll give YOU 10 cents a minute? Is this some kind of subliminal telemarketing scheme? I've read about things like this in the Enquirer, you know.
AT&T:No, sur, we are offering 10 cents a minute for
ME:THERE YOU GO AGAIN! Can I speak to supervisor please?
AT&T:Sir, I don't think that necessary.
ME:I insist on speaking to supervisor!
AT&T:Yes, Mr.Byron. Pleas hold.
At this point, I begin trying to finish my dinner.
SUPERVISOR:I understand you are not quite understanding our 10 cents a minute program.
ME:is This AT&T?
SUPERVISOR:Yes, sir, it sure is.
ME:(I had to swallow before I choked on my food, It was all I could do to suppress my laughter and I had to be Careful not to produce a snort.) No, actually, I was just waiting for someone to get back to me so that I could sign up fo the plan.
SUPERVISOR:Ok, no problem, I'll transfer you back to the person who was helping you.
ME:Thank you.
I was on hold once again and managed a few more monthfuls. I need to end this conversation. Suddenly, there was an aggravated but polite voice at the other end of the phone.
AT&T:Hello, Mr.Byron, I understand that you are interested in sighning up for our plan?
ME:No, but I was wondering - do you have that "Friend and Family" thing because I'm an only child and I'd really like to have a little brother...
Please help us to protest, please!
Hello. I am a Japanese womanlives in Tokyo. I am now pregnant.
I am deeply grateful for the BBC to the report on serious accident of the nuclear power plant of first in Fukushima.
Because Japanese mainstream media did not report radioactive contamination seriously.
To happen is a new serious problem in Japan now. Would you cooperate with us?
Is about to be burned debris contaminated radioactive material In Kawasaki City, next to Tokyo.
This debris brings from Fukushima.
If this debris is incinerated in Kawasaki, it would be contaminated by radioactive material to the entire Kanto region.
This problem has been determined at the discretion of the Mayor of Kawasaki City, Takao Abe.
Of course, citizens in Kawasaki are protesting against Kawasaki to accept the debris.
This public protests over two thousand.
However, the mayor is ignoring this protest.
It is an act that violates the right to life of its inhabitants.
We want to stop the radioactive contamination of children and pregnant women and young men and women in Japan.
But, Japanese government has not come up with something even while knowing that measures have been flooded with protests in Kawasaki City.
Japan's mainstream media are not widely reported this problem.
There is no time to start burning debris.
Kawasaki City commented on the transport of debris to begin in April.
Please take this issue on BBC.
Now, many foreigners are in Kawasaki and Tokyo and the Kanto region.
Also spans the risk of radioactive contamination on them.
This issue is no longer just for the Japanese.
Please take this matter greatly on BBC networks.
In Japan today, keeping a close eye on this issue for some Internet users.
But many Japanese are indifferent to this issue.
The report of this issue in Japan
When the diesel generators were gone, the reactor operators switched to emergency battery power. The batteries were designed as one of the backups to the backups, to provide power for cooling the core for 8 hours. And they did.
Within the 8 hours, another power source had to be found and connected to the power plant. The power grid was down due to the earthquake. The diesel generators were destroyed by the tsunami. So mobile diesel generators were trucked in.
This is where things started to go seriously wrong. The external power generators could not be connected to the power plant (the plugs did not fit). So after the batteries ran out, the residual heat could not be carried away any more.
At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a “loss of cooling event”. It is again a step along the “Depth of Defense” lines. The power to the cooling systems should never have failed completely, but it did, so they “retreat” to the next line of defense. All of this, however shocking it seems to us, is part of the day-to-day training you go through as an operator, right through to managing a core meltdown.
It was at this stage that people started to talk about core meltdown. Because at the end of the day, if cooling cannot be restored, the core will eventually melt (after hours or days), and the last line of defense, the core catcher and third containment, would come into play.
But the goal at this stage was to manage the core while it was heating up, and ensure that the first containment (the Zircaloy tubes that contains the nuclear fuel), as well as the second containment (our pressure cooker) remain intact and operational for as long as possible, to give the engineers time to fix the cooling systems.
Because cooling the core is such a big deal, the reactor has a number of cooling systems, each in multiple versions (the reactor water cleanup system, the decay heat removal, the reactor core isolating cooling, the standby liquid cooling system, and the emergency core cooling system). Which one failed when or did not fail is not clear at this point in time.
So imagine our pressure cooker on the stove, heat on low, but on. The operators use whatever cooling system capacity they have to get rid of as much heat as possible, but the pressure starts building up. The priority now is to maintain integrity of the first containment (keep temperature of the fuel rods below 2200°C), as well as the second containment, the pressure cooker. In order to maintain integrity of the pressure cooker (the second containment), the pressure has to be released from time to time. Because the ability to do that in an emergency is so important, the reactor has 11 pressure release valves. The operators now started venting steam from time to time to control the pressure. The temperature at this stage was about 550°C.
This is when the reports about “radiation leakage” starting coming in. I believe I explained above why venting the steam is theoretically the same as releasing radiation into the environment, but why it was and is not dangerous. The radioactive nitrogen as well as the noble gases do not pose a threat to human health.
At some stage during this venting, the explosion occurred. The explosion took place outside of the third containment (our “last line of defense”), and the reactor building. Remember that the reactor building has no function in keeping the radioactivity contained. It is not entirely clear yet what has happened, but this is the likely scenario: The operators decided to vent the steam from the pressure vessel not directly into the environment, but into the space between the third containment and the reactor building (to give the radioactivity in the steam more time to subside). The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core had reached at this stage, water molecules can “disassociate” into oxygen and hydrogen – an explosive mixture. And it did explode, outside the third containment, damaging the reactor building around. It was that sort of explosion, but inside the pressure vessel (because it was badly designed and not managed properly by the operators) that lead to the explosion of Chernobyl. This was never a risk at Fukushima. The problem of hydrogen-oxygen formation is one of the biggies when you design a power plant (if you are not Soviet, that is), so the reactor is build and operated in a way it cannot happen inside the containment. It happened outside, which was not intended but a possible scenario and OK, because it did not pose a risk for the containment.
So the pressure was under control, as steam was vented. Now, if you keep boiling your pot, the problem is that the water level will keep falling and falling. The core is covered by several meters of water in order to allow for some time to pass (hours, days) before it gets exposed. Once the rods start to be exposed at the top, the exposed parts will reach the critical temperature of 2200 °C after about 45 minutes. This is when the first containment, the Zircaloy tube, would fail.
And this started to happen. The cooling could not be restored before there was some (very limited, but still) damage to the casing of some of the fuel. The nuclear material itself was still intact, but the surrounding Zircaloy shell had started melting. What happened now is that some of the byproducts of the uranium decay – radioactive Cesium and Iodine – started to mix with the steam. The big problem, uranium, was still under control, because the uranium oxide rods were good until 3000 °C. It is confirmed that a very small amount of Cesium and Iodine was measured in the steam that was released into the atmosphere.
It seems this was the “go signal” for a major plan B. The small amounts of Cesium that were measured told the operators that the first containment on one of the rods somewhere was about to give. The Plan A had been to restore one of the regular cooling systems to the core. Why that failed is unclear. One plausible explanation is that the tsunami also took away / polluted all the clean water needed for the regular cooling systems.
The water used in the cooling system is very clean, demineralized (like distilled) water. The reason to use pure water is the above mentioned activation by the neutrons from the Uranium: Pure water does not get activated much, so stays practically radioactive-free. Dirt or salt in the water will absorb the neutrons quicker, becoming more radioactive. This has no effect whatsoever on the core – it does not care what it is cooled by. But it makes life more difficult for the operators and mechanics when they have to deal with activated (i.e. slightly radioactive) water.
But Plan A had failed – cooling systems down or additional clean water unavailable – so Plan B came into effect. This is what it looks like happened:
In order to prevent a core meltdown, the operators started to use sea water to cool the core. I am not quite sure if they flooded our pressure cooker with it (the second containment), or if they flooded the third containment, immersing the pressure cooker. But that is not relevant for us.
The point is that the nuclear fuel has now been cooled down. Because the chain reaction has been stopped a long time ago, there is only very little residual heat being produced now. The large amount of cooling water that has been used is sufficient to take up that heat. Because it is a lot of water, the core does not produce sufficient heat any more to produce any significant pressure. Also, boric acid has been added to the seawater. Boric acid is “liquid control rod”. Whatever decay is still going on, the Boron will capture the neutrons and further speed up the cooling down of the core.
The plant came close to a core meltdown. Here is the worst-case scenario that was avoided: If the seawater could not have been used for treatment, the operators would have continued to vent the water steam to avoid pressure buildup. The third containment would then have been completely sealed to allow the core meltdown to happen without releasing radioactive material. After the meltdown, there would have been a waiting period for the intermediate radioactive materials to decay inside the reactor, and all radioactive particles to settle on a surface inside the containment. The cooling system would have been restored eventually, and the molten core cooled to a manageable temperature. The containment would have been cleaned up on the inside. Then a messy job of removing the molten core from the containment would have begun, packing the (now solid again) fuel bit by bit into transportation containers to be shipped to processing plants. Depending on the damage, the block of the plant would then either be repaired or dismantled.
Now, where does that leave us?
・The plant is safe now and will stay safe.
・Japan is looking at an INES Level 4 Accident: Nuclear accident with local consequences. That is bad for the company that owns the plant, but not for anyone else.
・Some radiation was released when the pressure vessel was vented. All radioactive isotopes from the activated steam have gone (decayed). A very small amount of Cesium was released, as well as Iodine. If you were sitting on top of the plants’ chimney when they were venting, you should probably give up smoking to return to your former life expectancy. The Cesium and Iodine isotopes were carried out to the sea and will never be seen again.
・There was some limited damage to the first containment. That means that some amounts of radioactive Cesium and Iodine will also be released into the cooling water, but no Uranium or other nasty stuff (the Uranium oxide does not “dissolve” in the water). There are facilities for treating the cooling water inside the third containment. The radioactive Cesium and Iodine will be removed there and eventually stored as radioactive waste in terminal storage.
・The seawater used as cooling water will be activated to some degree. Because the control rods are fully inserted, the Uranium chain reaction is not happening. That means the “main” nuclear reaction is not happening, thus not contributing to the activation. The intermediate radioactive materials (Cesium and Iodine) are also almost gone at this stage, because the Uranium decay was stopped a long time ago. This further reduces the activation. The bottom line is that there will be some low level of activation of the seawater, which will also be removed by the treatment facilities.
・The seawater will then be replaced over time with the “normal” cooling water
・The reactor core will then be dismantled and transported to a processing facility, just like during a regular fuel change.
・Fuel rods and the entire plant will be checked for potential damage. This will take about 4-5 years.
・The safety systems on all Japanese plants will be upgraded to withstand a 9.0 earthquake and tsunami (or worse)
・I believe the most significant problem will be a prolonged power shortage. About half of Japan’s nuclear reactors will probably have to be inspected, reducing the nation’s power generating capacity by 15%. This will probably be covered by running gas power plants that are usually only used for peak loads to cover some of the base load as well. That will increase your electricity bill, as well as lead to potential power shortages during peak demand, in Japan.
If you want to stay informed, please forget the usual media outlets and consult the following websites:
元記事にも100人1000人のユーザーならSQLでも問題ないって話をしたと思うが 1万人ユーザーって簡単なの?そもそも。って話だよね。
ORACLでハイエンドサーバーのグリッド使うのと 自分でMYSQL分散書くのと HADOOPにするのと どれが得かはやってみないと分からん。
Apache.httpdって、MPMがいまだpreforkとか あってWorkerで event とかって、しばらく前は、いまだ不安定とかそういう開発状況だと思ってるんだけど。
event MPMってもう安定化したの?event MPMのコア概念である
『Workerですら遅いから カーネルコールバックを使おうっていう流れ』自体はもう10年近く昔の概念だと思ってるんだけど・・・
今現在 一番イケてるのはHADOOPだとは思うけど。 Rubyが一時期ほどには勢いがないのと一緒で(いちおうRoR前から知っているみとしては、RoRによる隆盛が奇跡のようなものだが)
まだ、怖いよね。 障害復旧の実装もまだ、弱いし。個人的にはZookeeperがもっとちゃんとなったら、もう1度 調査する! という感じで塩漬け状態なのがHadoop.
どうでもいいけどPHPの方が好きなので PHP for apache event MPMを安定化希望・・・ まぁ、Perlもいいよね。
だがRubyとPASCAL だけは無理だ。BEGINとか書いてあるソースを高速に読みこむのは無理。()ぐらいならいけるけど、BEGINってなんだよ。図形認識できないから読みづらいよ。
How to Begin and End Email
Beginnings and endings are a challenge in most activities, but in email getting off to a good start and ending positively will strengthen the communication and increase understanding.
Start with a specific subject line.
Choose the better subject line in each pair below:
1. a. New Phones
b. New Phone Installation: Your Action Required
2. a. Update on Development of Sales Model
3. a. Summer newsletter
b. 10 Great Tips for Summer vacation
In number 1, the second choice conveys a sense of urgency and action, whereas the first choice falls flat. In 2, the longer title focuses the reader on which update the email is explaining. In 3, you don’t really have much choice. Who would take a?
Next comes the greeting.
• Hi, Fred and Lauri.
• Hi, team.
• Greetings, everyone
• Good morning, Sayed. (If Sayed this message in the morning)
• Jian, we are looking forward to meeting you next week.
• To: Finance and Administration Team
• To all employees:
• David,
• Ruth, Mala and Felicia:
The last five examples must be on a separate line at the top of the message. All the others can be either a separate line or at the beginning of a paragraph.
Choose the greeting that matches your relationship with the reader(s) and the purpose of the message. “Hi” is friendly but too informal in certain situations—for example, in response to a request for a proposal. “Hello” is friendly and professional. “Hey”is too informal and slangy for most messages.
“To” followed by a pronoun like “all” or the name of a group sounds professional but does not convey warmth. Warmth is required in all messages, but please remember that you must always consider the position of the receiver.
Avoid gender-based greetings such as “Ladies.” Even if the group you are writing it is all women, some among them will object to this greeting.
Do not greet people whose name is included on the Cc line. Only greet people whose names are on the To line of the email.
The punctuation of greetings is a topic for discussion. All the punctuation used in the list above is correct. Some people use “Hi team” and “Hello Robin” without the comma, but traditional writers retain the comma. The reason is that these words are in “direct address.” When we directly address the reader, as in “Hi, team” (or in the example that begins with “Jian”) the name is separated from the other words by a comma.
“Dear Mr. Mathews” is followed by a colon in a business letter and in an email that replaces a business letter. However, it is also acceptable to use a comma after a
“Dear” greeting in a business email.
In a quick exchange of email with someone it is not necessary to continually greet your reader. Compare such an exchange with putting the person on hold on the telephone. When you return to the phone call, you say, “Thanks for holding. I have the information: rather than “Hi Laurie.”
The last sentence of an email is like the last words of a phone call. They may be a quick signoff or a courteous close, depending on the formality of the communication.
• See you in Tokyo!
• Have a great trip!
• I will email you in August to schedule lunch.
• Please call me again with any questions
• Thanks again for all your help with the design.
• Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you.
Avoid continually using “Have a great day!” or similar expression as your closing sentence. It became meaningless with constant use and it is a bad fit with email that communicates a policy or serious announcement.
It is not wise to save a request for action or approval until the end of the message. Email readers do not read to the end of a message when they believe they have gotten the main point already.
A complimentary close—yes or no?
Business letters typicall end with phrases called “complimentary closes” such as “Sincerely yours,” “Best wishes,”and “Best regards.” A complimentary close is not required in email. However, business email often uses such a close to sound formal, look professional, or simply communicate courteously.
• Sincerely,(the most formal of the list)
• Best regards, (professional)
• Warm regards, (professional and warm, as you would expect)
• Regards, (less friendly than the other 2 regards choices)
• With best wishes, (or) Best wishes, ( professional)
• With thanks, (professional and grateful)
• Ciao! (friendly and rather informal)
• Cheers, (friendly)
A word like “Greetings” does not belong in a close. It may be used in the last sentence, though, to greet others who might see the message:
• Please give our greetings to Dr. Carr
• Greetings to your colleagues in Systems Research
Although people frequently use “Thanks” as a close, it is not standard, and careful writers avoid it. Do not use “Thanks in advance” as a close, because many people find it presumptuous. Rather than “Thanks” or “Thanks in advance,” create a better sentence, such as “Thanks for considering my request.” Or use “With thanks” as a complimentary close followed by a comma.
Advice for those who receive less-than-perfect Email. You will sometimes receive email that is less than perfect, which means you might feel a bit offended by them. My advice to you on this is to get through them and leave them behind. Bring a bright smile to your face and a kind tone to your email reply. Forgive those whose writing was clumsy, abrupt, or annoying. They were merely experiencing moments of being human and imperfect.
This is a guide for foreign people who want to make money without difficulty.
Now, families will begin receiving about 130 US dollars monthly allowance for every child of junior high school age or younger. From next year, families will get about 260 US dollars month by month. That is to say, if you have 100 children, you can receive about 260,000 US dollar every month. Even adopted children are OK. The only things you need are your certificate of residence in Japan and your children's translated certificates of residence in any countries. Japanese citizenship is not needed. There is no number of children limit.
The Child Allowance is a concrete form of the Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's idealistic theory. He puts emphasis on the spirit of friendship. Thus, you don't need to hesitate to receive. Welcome to Japan.
You can receive about 130 US dollars monthly allowance for every child of junior high school age or younger.
No, there is no limit.
All you have to do is to stay in Japan.
Legally, there is no obvious distinction between biological children and adopted children.
Even if your children live in abroad, you can receive the Child Allowance.
He or she will receive 1.56 million US dollars. From next year, about 3.12 million US dollars will be paid.
The source is a tax which Japanese people pay.
My intention is to make the idiocy of the Child Allowance known all over the world. Now, fool politicians reign over Japan.