はてなキーワード: cdとは
「抱かれたい男1位だった俺を抱く? 何言ってんだコイツ!」
この曲はどうせ生きるなら艶やかに生きようという事を歌っている 人生の応援ソング(ちょっと恋心要素が強いかな?)
そのままじゃん! そうです、申し訳ない
生きている限り、様々な辛いことや悲しいことがあり、進むために何かを失い、何かを失い人生を進めていき、その上で人は変わってしまっていく が、
この曲、歌詞だけを見るとどうせ生きるなら艶やかにという部分以外は結構ネガティブな事を言っている しかし石鹸屋というバンドの良い部分が出ており、ダウナーさは感じない
疼くんだ 生暖かくて今にも破れそうな傷跡が
痛痒い心も 邪な気持ちも 増え続ける傷も どうせ生きるなら艶やかに で〆る
この邪な気持ちもという歌詞が非常に良いんです。わかりますか? ここでちょっとだけ人間のいやらしい部分が入る
そうなんです、みんな清廉じゃないんです 邪な気持ちを持っているんです それもひっくるめて行けば良いんです 皆さん、それも含めて生きてください
↑これはCD版 これを聴いてくれれば良い こっちの方が個人的には好み
↑PV版 若干違う ボーカルの恰好について思う事があるかもしれないが、そういうものだと思ってほしい
この曲が収録されている For Child というアルバムの最後に Bye Bye Blues という曲がある
歌ってる人が若かりし頃(二十歳くらいと言っていた)に書いた曲らしいが、これも非常に良い 卒業間近の高校生の気持ちを最大限のエモーショナルで歌っている
どうせ生きるなら艶やかにはこの曲があって生まれているんじゃないかな(特に最後の部分の心情)、と勝手に思っている セルフアンサーソング?
日 | 記事数 | 文字数 | 文字数平均 | 文字数中央値 |
01 | 2676 | 261637 | 97.8 | 43 |
02 | 2807 | 270971 | 96.5 | 39 |
03 | 2780 | 274256 | 98.7 | 40 |
04 | 3265 | 319094 | 97.7 | 44 |
05 | 2838 | 297266 | 104.7 | 41 |
06 | 3386 | 316646 | 93.5 | 41 |
07 | 2292 | 248028 | 108.2 | 41 |
08 | 2515 | 238270 | 94.7 | 40 |
09 | 3474 | 310913 | 89.5 | 40 |
10 | 2883 | 262827 | 91.2 | 37 |
11 | 3515 | 348934 | 99.3 | 39 |
12 | 3230 | 311146 | 96.3 | 40 |
13 | 2501 | 227064 | 90.8 | 35 |
14 | 2285 | 225846 | 98.8 | 39 |
15 | 2490 | 273127 | 109.7 | 42 |
16 | 2539 | 282095 | 111.1 | 42 |
17 | 2562 | 245876 | 96.0 | 38 |
18 | 2422 | 232913 | 96.2 | 36 |
19 | 2948 | 298362 | 101.2 | 40 |
20 | 2689 | 259287 | 96.4 | 38 |
21 | 2221 | 203943 | 91.8 | 34 |
22 | 2208 | 236363 | 107.0 | 41 |
23 | 2686 | 271097 | 100.9 | 39 |
24 | 2475 | 270609 | 109.3 | 42 |
25 | 2455 | 242272 | 98.7 | 39 |
26 | 2690 | 238536 | 88.7 | 37 |
28 | 2091 | 237341 | 113.5 | 40 |
29 | 2508 | 259989 | 103.7 | 38 |
30 | 2634 | 260334 | 98.8 | 37 |
1月 | 78065 | 7725042 | 99.0 | 39 |
■彼女が妊娠した /20240917144927(109), ■1時間かけて作った料理を5分で食べる夫 /20240901132543(91), ■日本人は少子化に対してガチで危機感を持ったほうがいいと思う /20240902215013(85), ■任天堂ファンとして今回の訴訟は残念 /20240919122024(79), ■獣医と結婚したが後悔している /20240914232547(78), ■はてな匿名の非モテ男子の共通点がわかってきたプライド高すぎる /20240912074918(74), ■30歳になってもう取り返しがつかないんだなと理解した話 /20240910012217(72), ■なんで自民党が選挙で勝つんだろ /20240922175832(71), ■牛角擁護のレベルが低すぎて日本の人権意識が心配になる /20240902101741(62), ■清潔になりたい男たちへ /20240904005812(60), ■anond:20240922175832 /20240922190600(60), ■パワーレズつらいので男と結婚した /20240902175640(57), ■人生で肉体的に一番痛かったのって何? /20240924192332(56), ■Fラン不要とかいうやつ /20240915210019(55), ■インドとインドネシアぐらい違うみたいなやつ /20240918125808(51), ■ニートになるか死ぬしかない弟 /20240906053646(48), ■30超えてまともな恋愛経験ないとマジで救いはないんだな /20240911123323(48), ■英文学科進学希望の息子(追加しました) /20240916153057(47), ■妻にちんこが勃たなくなってしまった /20240914205105(47), ■ /20240924231756(46), ■その界隈にいないと分からない用語を知りたい /20240908192541(45), ■ソープに行け /20240914091056(44), ■女性は頭を使いたくないのか? /20240925182241(44), ■何で女って急にモテるモテないの話に飛びがちなんやろな /20240906103407(44), ■50歳、職歴なしから入れる業界教えて /20240907104920(44), ■学生時代に恋愛を経験しておかないと何故詰むのか /20240918111123(43), ■繊細さんの行動原理 /20240913011757(43), ■Fラン大学はなぜ必要か /20240913090759(43), ■オマエラの初めて買ったCDおしえろ /20240904032316(42), ■男性のどこが論理的なのか。はてなを見ているとわからなくなる /20240906115024(42), ■弱者男性と弱者女性をマッチングさせれば少子化解決じゃん /20240922151539(41), ■極めて平凡な33歳男性に婚活のアドバイスください /20240906115527(39), ■家で練習できる対戦系の趣味って少ない? /20240904223624(39), ■可愛い服を着る資格がない /20240923210018(39), ■(追記)ビュッフェで男叩きは分が悪いからやめた方がいい /20240904105350(39), ■俺が初期だけ好きなもの! /20240916122038(38), ■途中で読まなくなったマンガ /20240921223015(38), ■清潔感から降りたい /20240907133906(38), ■結婚相談所に入ったんだけど女の人ってなんでこんな稼ぎ悪いの /20240918002726(37), ■「清潔になりたい男たちへ」に倣っておすすめアイテム書くよ /20240904185451(37), ■女子はいらないってずっと言われてきたんだよ。 /20240922210302(37), ■自殺に向けて /20240925192931(36), ■(追記)婚活相手がおばちゃんで辛い /20240913192852(36), ■新婚だけど離婚しようか悩んでる /20240915172212(36), ■結婚すると男は長生き? /20240907182829(36), ■女に性欲を求める男がキモい /20240912192847(35), ■ /20240902133653(35), ■おすすめの料理漫画教えて /20240916105358(34), ■三大日本のゲーム市場が終わった理由 /20240909140932(34), ■【追記】「選択的夫婦別姓」ができないことで彼女を苦しめてるクズの話を聞いてくれ /20240917134400(34), ■吹奏楽部員のほとんどが高校限りで楽器辞める本当の理由 /20240904083938(34), ■20代前半でも救いなんてないよ /20240911222903(34), ■家事禁止って言われてる /20240911221912(34), ■「自分のサイズに合った服を着る」って概念、消失してね? /20240907143707(34)
『自民党 失敗の本質』(2021年 宝島新書)という自民党批判本の著者の1人。共著書は石破茂、内田樹、御厨貴、前川喜平、古賀茂明、望月衣塑子、小沢一郎。
51. Policy Rate (PR) - Interest rate set by the central bank.
- Inflation (π) - General increase in prices.
52. Government Regulations (GR) - Laws that control the way that businesses can operate.
- Innovation (IN) - Introduction of new products or services.
53. Budget Surplus (BS) - Financial situation where income exceeds expenditures.
- National Debt (ND) - Total amount of money that a country's government has borrowed.
54. National Debt (ND) - Sum of all government borrowings less repayments.
- Interest Payments (IP) - Payments made for the use of borrowed money.
55. Trade Deficit (TD) - Situation where a country's imports exceed its exports.
- Exchange Rate (ER) - Price of a nation's currency in terms of another currency.
56. Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital equipment.
- Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the production of goods and services.
57. Immigration (IM) - Movement of people into a country to live.
- Labor Supply (LS) - Total hours workers are willing to work.
58. Population Aging (PA) - Increase in the median age of a population.
- Dependency Ratio (DR) - Ratio of non-working to working population.
59. Income Inequality (II) - Unequal distribution of household or individual income.
- Social Tension (ST) - Strain on relationships in society.
60. Economic Freedom (EF) - Ability of people to make their own economic decisions.
- Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - Investment from one country into business interests in another.
61. Corporate Profits (CP) - Earnings of companies after expenses.
- Stock Prices (SP) - Market value of publicly traded company shares.
62. Interest Rates (IR) - Rate charged by lenders to borrowers.
- Savings (S) - Portion of income not spent on consumption.
63. Inflation (π) - Increase in prices and fall in purchasing value of money.
- Real Interest Rates (RIR) - Interest rates adjusted for inflation.
64. Labor Union Power (LU) - Influence of labor unions in wage negotiations.
- Wages (W) - Monetary compensation for labor.
65. Economic Sanctions (ES) - Penalties applied by one country onto another.
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - Total value of goods produced and services provided.
66. Environmental Regulations (ER) - Rules aimed at protecting the environment.
- Production Costs (PC) - Costs associated with manufacturing.
67. Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency in production.
- Wages (W) - Payment for labor services.
68. Trade Barriers (TB) - Measures that governments introduce to make imported goods less competitive.
- Consumer Prices (P) - Prices paid by consumers for goods and services.
69. Unemployment Rate (U) - Proportion of unemployed individuals.
- Wage Growth (WG) - Rate at which wages increase over time.
70. Fiscal Stimulus (FS) - Government policy aimed at increasing economic activity.
- Aggregate Demand (AD) - Total demand for goods and services.
71. Currency Devaluation (CD) - Reduction of the value of a currency with respect to other currencies.
- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold abroad.
72. Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing.
- Capital Outflow (CO) - Movement of assets out of a country.
73. Fiscal Deficit (FD) - When a government's total expenditures exceed the revenue.
- Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing.
74. Tax Cuts (TC) - Reductions in the amount of taxes imposed.
- Disposable Income (Yd) - Income after taxes.
75. Quantitative Easing (QE) - Monetary policy where a central bank buys securities.
- Money Supply (M) - Total amount of monetary assets.
76. Bank Reserve Requirements (RR) - Minimum reserves a bank must hold.
- Money Supply (M) - Total monetary assets in the economy.
77. Corporate Taxes (CT) - Taxes on company profits.
- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital goods.
78. Consumer Expectations (CE) - Outlook of consumers on future financial conditions.
- Consumption (C) - Spending on goods and services.
79. Healthcare Spending (HS) - Expenditure on health services.
- Life Expectancy (LE) - Average period a person is expected to live.
80. Education Level (EL) - Average level of education achieved.
- Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency in production processes.
81. Environmental Taxes (ET) - Taxes intended to promote ecologically sustainable activities.
- Pollution (P) - Introduction of contaminants into the environment.
82. Military Spending (MS) - Government expenditure on defense.
- Budget Deficit (BD) - Excess of expenditure over income.
83. Exchange Rate (ER) - Rate at which one currency exchanges for another.
- Foreign Debt Burden (FDB) - Cost of servicing foreign-denominated debt.
84. Stock Market Index (SM) - Statistical measure of stock market performance.
- Consumer Confidence (CC) - Degree of optimism about the economy.
85. Inflation (π) - General increase in prices.
- Real Interest Rates (RIR) - Nominal interest rates adjusted for inflation.
86. Commodity Prices (CP) - Prices of raw materials.
- Trade Balance (TB) - Difference between exports and imports.
87. Financial Crisis (FC) - Significant disruption in financial markets.
- Unemployment (U) - Joblessness among the labor force.
88. Capital Controls (CC) - Measures to regulate flows from capital markets.
- Foreign Investment (FI) - Investment in domestic markets by foreign entities.
89. Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of a currency.
- Inflation (π) - Rate at which prices increase.
90. Money Supply (M) - Total amount of monetary assets.
- Exchange Rate (ER) - Price of one currency in terms of another.
91. Household Debt (HD) - Combined debt of all people in a household.
- Financial Stability (FS) - Condition where the financial system is resistant to economic shocks.
92. Tax Evasion (TE) - Illegal non-payment or underpayment of tax.
- Government Revenue (GR) - Money received by the government.
93. Global Economic Growth (GEG) - Increase in worldwide economic activity.
- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold internationally.
94. Corporate Governance (CG) - System of rules and practices by which a company is directed.
- Investor Confidence (IC) - Trust investors have in the financial markets.
95. Income Tax Rates (IT) - Percentage at which income is taxed.
- Labor Supply (LS) - Total hours workers are willing to work.
96. Budget Cuts (BC) - Reductions in government spending.
- Public Services (PS) - Services provided by the government.
97. Economic Recession (ER) - Significant decline in economic activity.
- Business Failures (BF) - Closure of businesses due to inability to make a profit.
98. Interest Rates (IR) - Rate at which interest is paid by borrowers.
- Capital Inflow (CI) - Movement of capital into a country.
99. Public Debt (PD) - Money owed by the government.
- Tax Burden (TB) - Impact of taxation on individuals and businesses.
100. Consumer Spending (C) - Total spending by consumers.
- Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the production of economic goods and services.
1. Interest Rate (IR) - The cost of borrowing money.
- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital goods by firms.
2. Taxes (T) - Compulsory charges imposed by the government.
- Consumption (C) - Household spending on goods and services.
3. Government Spending (G) - Expenditure by the government on public services.
- Aggregate Demand (AD) - Total demand for goods and services in the economy.
4. Money Supply (M) - Total amount of monetary assets available in an economy.
- Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general price level of goods and services rises.
5. Inflation (π) - General increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.
- Purchasing Power (PP) - The value of currency expressed in terms of the amount of goods or services one unit of money can buy.
6. Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of one currency for the purpose of conversion to another.
- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold to other countries.
7. Wages (W) - Payment to labor for its contribution to the production process.
- Production Costs (PC) - Expenses incurred in manufacturing a product or providing a service.
8. Unemployment Rate (U) - Percentage of the labor force that is jobless.
- Consumer Spending (C) - Total money spent by consumers.
9. Interest Rate (IR) - The proportion of a loan charged as interest.
- Consumption (C) - Expenditure by households on consumption goods.
10. Investment (I) - Purchase of goods that are not consumed today but used in the future.
- Capital Stock (K) - Total physical capital available in the economy.
11. Consumer Confidence (CC) - Degree of optimism that consumers feel about the overall state of the economy.
- Consumption (C) - Spending by households on goods and services.
12. Taxes (T) - Mandatory financial charges imposed by a government.
- Disposable Income (Yd) - Income remaining after deduction of taxes.
13. Inflation (π) - Sustained increase in the general price level.
- Real Wages (RW) - Wages adjusted for inflation.
14. Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the inflation-adjusted market value of goods and services.
- Employment (E) - The condition of having paid work.
15. Oil Prices (OP) - Cost per barrel of crude oil.
- Production Costs (PC) - Costs related to making or acquiring goods and services that directly generate revenue.
16. Government Debt (GD) - Total amount of money owed by the government.
- Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing capital.
17. Demand (D) - Consumer desire and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service.
- Price (P) - Amount of money required to purchase something.
18. Supply (S) - Total amount of a specific good or service available to consumers.
- Price (P) - The cost required to gain possession of something.
19. Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency of production measured by output per unit of input.
- Costs (C) - Expenses incurred in the production of goods or services.
20. Savings (S) - Portion of income not spent on consumption.
- Investment (I) - Allocation of resources, usually money, with the expectation of generating income or profit.
21. Population (P) - Total number of people inhabiting a country or region.
- Labor Supply (LS) - Total hours that workers wish to work at a given real wage rate.
22. Tariffs (Tar) - Taxes imposed on imported goods and services.
- Imports (M) - Goods and services purchased from other countries.
23. Exchange Rate (ER) - The price of one country's currency in terms of another's.
- Imports (M) - Foreign goods and services bought by residents of a country.
24. Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services.
- Cost of Living (CL) - Amount of money needed to sustain a certain level of living.
25. Interest Rates (IR) - Percentage charged on a loan or paid on savings.
- Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of a country's currency vs. that of another country.
26. Budget Deficit (BD) - Financial situation where expenditures exceed revenues.
- National Debt (ND) - Total amount of money that a country's government has borrowed.
27. Economic Uncertainty (EU) - Lack of predictability in the economy.
- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital goods not consumed today.
28. Minimum Wage (MW) - Lowest remuneration employers can legally pay their workers.
- Unemployment (U) - Situation where individuals who can work are unable to find a job.
29. Tax Incentives (TI) - Reductions in tax designed to encourage economic activity.
- Investment (I) - Allocation of capital to gain profitable returns.
30. Subsidies (S) - Financial support extended to an economic sector.
- Production (P) - Total output of goods and services.
31. Trade Restrictions (TR) - Government-imposed limitations on the international exchange of goods.
- Exports (X) - Goods produced domestically and sold abroad.
32. Labor Productivity (LP) - Amount of goods and services produced by one hour of labor.
- Output (O) - Total quantity of goods or services produced.
33. Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising.
- Interest Rates (IR) - Amount charged by lenders to borrowers.
34. Public Spending (PS) - Expenditure by the government sector.
- Inflation (π) - Sustained increase in the general price level.
35. Exchange Rate (ER) - Rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another.
- Foreign Investment (FI) - Investment originating from other countries.
36. Money Supply (M) - Total value of monetary assets available in an economy at a specific time.
- Interest Rates (IR) - Amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower.
37. Consumer Confidence (CC) - Economic indicator measuring consumer optimism.
- Savings (S) - Money that is not spent or used.
38. Business Taxes (BT) - Taxes imposed on business profits.
- Investment (I) - Expenditure on capital assets.
39. Infrastructure Spending (IS) - Government spending on physical systems.
- Economic Growth (EG) - Increase in the inflation-adjusted market value of the goods and services.
40. Education Spending (ES) - Expenditure on educational institutions and resources.
- Human Capital (HC) - Economic value of a worker's experience and skills.
41. Technological Advancement (TA) - Innovations improving production processes.
- Productivity (Prod) - Efficiency of production.
42. Inflation Expectations (IE) - Rate at which people expect prices to rise in the future.
- Wage Demands (WD) - Increases in pay requested by employees.
43. Exchange Rate (ER) - Value of a currency compared to others.
- Tourism (T) - Travel for recreation or leisure.
44. Employment (E) - The condition of having paid work.
- Tax Revenue (TR) - Government income from taxation.
45. Regulatory Burden (RB) - Compliance costs of regulations on businesses.
- Business Growth (BG) - Expansion of business activities.
46. Trade Agreements (TA) - Treaties facilitating trade between countries.
- Exports (X) - Goods and services sold to other countries.
47. Consumer Debt (CD) - Debts owed as a result of purchasing goods that are consumable.
- Consumption (C) - Action of using up a resource.
48. Commodity Prices (CP) - Market price for raw materials.
- Inflation (π) - Rate at which the general level of prices rises.
49. Interest Rates (IR) - Cost of borrowing or the gain from lending.
- House Prices (HP) - The market value of residential properties.
50. Unemployment Benefits (UB) - Payments made by the state to unemployed individuals.