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英語文化圏から「Bitch」という言葉の本来の意味をもぎとってやったのだ!イェー!Tally Hooooooooooo!!













貞操観念というか、衛生観念がない。なんでも食べるし、なんでも飲む。娘さんはこんなに強い娘に育ちましたよおとうさん!(先述の○笠原祥子奴隷調教ドキュメンタリーマリア様見ちゃダメ! ~アヘ顔WPでいろんな体液がまじったのをがぶ飲みするシーン











































135 名前名無しさん@12周年[] 投稿日:2012/05/07(月) 13:54:53.84 ID:YLArA5Il0





























  • まず、あなたがこれから手がけようとしている仕事社会に売り込むことを想定します。
  • ここで成果というのは君がこれから手がける卒業研究で得られるだろう結果を指します。
  • つの質問について、15秒以内で答えられるようまとめます
  • 書き出す場合文章を三つ以内にまとめてください。一文当たり5秒の換算です。
    • つの文章組み立て方、答え方の例
      • 1)それは……です。2)それは……だということです。3)だから……となります
      • 1)私は……をします。2)なぜなら……だからです。3)その結果、……となります
  • とにかく素早く反射的に回答する。内容よりもスピードを強く意識してください。
  • 答えは正確に簡潔に。
  • 書き言葉に捕われず、実際の会話でのやり取りをイメージして、自分の持っている言葉で答えてください。
  • 現実的で具体的な回答を心がける。
  • 端的に答えを言う。Get straight to the point、回りくどいと時間が足りなくなります
  • 闇雲に答えない。言葉を濁さない。答えに迷わない。会話においては「あの~」「う~ん」などで時間を費やさない。知的さを疑われます。答えに詰まったら潔く「あいにくこれまでそのことについて考えたことはありませんでした/今は分かりません/今必要データを思い出すことができません」なので「全ての質問に一度取り組んだ後、改めてお答えします」とすぐに次へ。
  • 例えば「就職活動面接では、自分という開発中の製品投資してくれる会社に売り込むもの」など、ご自身シチュエーションに合わせて適宜設問を読み替えてください。


プロジェクト目的目標(ゴール)の設定 Research Question
  1. これから何をしようとしてる?
  2. 今、何に取り組んでいる?
  3. 何を知ろうとしている?厳密に、過不足無く答えられる?
  4. つまるところ、君は何がしたい?

  5. この仕事は君に取って面白い?それはなぜ?
  6. 具体的に君が作ろうとしているものは何?
  7. 君はこの仕事でいくつの問いに答えようとしてる?


  1. もし君がそれをやらなかったら、誰がどんな不便を強いられる?
  2. その仕事の成果は誰の役に立つ?誰がそれを欲しがってる?
  3. どうやって君はその仕事が役立つと知った?どうやってその人達にこの成果が必要だと君は知った?
  4. まだ君の成果が出ていない現状で、その人達はどうしている?どうやってその状況を凌いでいる?
  5. 具体的に、君の成果で現状はどう変わるだろう?
  6. 部外者理解されない、伝わらないけれど、君の専門領域で鍵となることは何?
  7. 誰がその成果を利用する?
  8. ターゲットは誰?
  9. なぜ君はこのテーマを選んだ?
  10. なぜ君はこのアプローチを選んだ?
  11. その仕事ユニークな部分はどこ?
  12. もしこの仕事成功したら、その後を追う人がいる?真似したくなる?
  13. もしこの仕事成功したら、次にどう展開させる?
  14. 君はこの仕事最後まで続けられる?その原動力モチベーションは何?
  15. 君の取り上げている問題がその分野中で一番大きな(深刻な)問題
  16. 君や君のグループは、なぜこれよりももっと大きな問題に取り組まない?
  17. 君の仕事セールスポイントは?専門外の人にもアピールできる?
  18. なぜ皆はその成果を欲しがる?
  19. なぜ、まだその問題は解決していない?
  20. 君は、皆がその問題を抱えていることをどうやって知った?
  21. 君の仕事の成果を利用する者にとってのメリットとは?
  22. どういった立場の人がその問題の解決を一番求めてる?
  23. その成果が利用される市場規模はどれくらい?
  24. 利用者はどこにいる?どうやってその成果を届ける?どうやって見つけてもらう?
  25. その成果は売り物になる?なるとすれば利用者はどれくらい対価を支払うだろう?
  26. その成果を皆に利用してもらう為にかかるコストはどれくらい?
  27. 君がこの道で成功するために、この仕事はどれくらい重要だと考えている?
  28. なぜ君の仕事需要がある?
  29. 競合相手はいる?いないならそれはなぜ?
  30. 競合相手よりも自分プランが優れている点はどこ?
  31. この仕事で、他の誰もまね出来まいと自信を持っているのは何?
  32. 他の誰もまだ指摘していない、君だけが気付いている問題点はある?
  33. 君の成果でその分野が前進する理由は?


  1. 君の仕事、いくつのステップに分けられる?
  2. そのプロジェクト、まず君はどこから手がける?その次は?
  3. これまでの君の仕事能力は誰にどう評価されてる?
  4. プロジェクト予算はどれくらい?
  5. 予算はどこから手配する?
  6. 君はこの仕事にふさわしい?それを他人はどうやって評価できる?
  7. 君の仕事はどれくらい価値があると認められてる?その指標は?
  8. なぜ君達がその仕事に適任なの?
  9. 君が解決しようとしている問題、それについて君はどう関わってきた?どんな知識、どんなスキルを持ってる?
  10. この仕事アプローチに、どこか飛び抜けて素晴らしい技術アイディアは含まれてる?それはどこ?
  11. 君はその仕事にどう携わってる?どれくらい努力した?どれくらい苦労した?(あるいは、これからどれくらい関わっていく?どれくらい苦労しそう?)
  12. どうして君の仕事成功すると言える?
  13. この仕事成功を確かにする為に君自身に何ができる?
  14. 君のスキルお金を支払う人はいる?どれくらいの価値がある?
  15. この仕事成功に、どれくらいの見返りを期待してる?
  16. 君の成果は、どのようなもので「ない」と言える?
  17. 一番近い競合相手は、今どう評価されてる?
  18. 一番近い競合相手と君の評価にはどれくらいの差がある?
  19. 君の問題解決策以外に、皆はそれについてどのように対応してる?
  20. 君が解決したこれまでで一番の難題とは?
  21. 君に力を貸してくれるのは誰?その人達とどういう経緯で出会った?
  22. 君はこの仕事にどれくらい労力を注いで、どれくらいの成果を挙げてる?
  23. 君はこれからどれくらいの成果を挙げられる?
  24. 三年前、一年前、三ヶ月前と比べて、今の君のスキルはどれくらいレベルアップしてる?
  25. 君の仕事特別な仕掛けはある?それを入れたのはなぜ?他にアプローチの仕方はない?


  1. 何が進路を塞いでる?何がやりたいことを邪魔してる?
  2. 君がこれからその分野に飛び込んで、その仕事ものにするために、壊してやらなくちゃならない障壁は何?
  3. なぜ、これまで他の誰もそれをやっていない?
  4. その仕事を成し遂げるのに、何が障害になる?それを君はどう乗り越える?
  5. 仮に誰かが、君にこの仕事を任せることを躊躇わせるものがあるとすれば、それは何?仕事の成果に抵抗感を覚える人がいるとすれば、それはなぜ?
  6. 仕事やその成果に対する批判や抵抗を、君はどう予測してる?
  7. 予測される批判や抵抗について、誰かと議論したことはある?
  8. 仕事やその成果に対する批判や抵抗を、君はどう乗り越える?
  9. から半年後、この仕事で何が一番大きな問題になりそう?
  10. どうしても削らなければならない部分があるとすれば、どれをまず削る?
  11. 後回しにしても良い部分が有るとすればどれ?
  12. 君が今抱えている問題は何?それに気付いたのはいつ?どう対処してる?
  13. 君の成果を利用するときに障害となるものはある?
  14. 君がこの仕事をやり遂げる為に必要スキルは足りてる?
  15. 君に足りないものは?それを補う為にどんなコストを払ってる?
  16. 皆にいつも尋ねられることは何?
  17. 君の挙げた成果は信頼できる?その根拠は?
  18. 君の成果を利用するのを躊躇わせるものがあるとすれば、それはなぜ?
  19. 自分のやり方を変えることに抵抗は無い?どうなったらやり方を変える?
  20. 似たようなアイディアが前にもあった。君のプランはそれとどう違う?
  21. 自身が今まで犯した一番深刻な失敗は?そのとき君はどう対応した?その対応を君自身はどう評価する?
  22. 君が一番不安に思う部分はどこ?このプロジェクトの弱点は何?
  23. この仕事の成果が悪影響を及ぼす可能性はない?仮に悪用しようと思ったら何ができる?
  24. 君の成果が仮に何らかの悪影響を及ぼすとして、それを君はどうやって感知する?
  25. 君のプロジェクトを誰かに披露したことはある?そこでリクエストされたことは何?
  26. このプロジェクトに期待出来る成果の限界はどこにある?


  1. この仕事をいつまでに終わらせる?
  2. 君の仕事を真っ先に評価してくれるのは誰?
  3. はいつ誰にこの仕事評価してもらう?
  4. 君の仕事に対する評価を、いつどうやって君は知る?
  5. それまで君の取り組み方が正しいことを、どうやって君は知る?
  6. 仕事に対する皆の評価を、君はどうやって計る?それは数字で出せる?
  7. 自分の成果に対する君の正否判断基準は?どうなれば成果を公表できる?正否の判断はいつどの段階で下す?
  8. 利用者にとって、その成果のどこが一番大事
  9. 君の成果について、世間の評判を知る方法は?
  10. 君の成果を君自身はどれくらい期待していた?それに対して実際の成果はどれくらいだった?
  11. 一番リアクションがあったのは成果のどの部分?
  12. 実際にその成果は利用されてる?それはどのように?
  13. 君の成果に皆はどこからアクセスしてきてる?
  14. 君の成果を見つけるためのキーワードは?それで検索したとき、君の仕事順位はどれくらいになる?
  15. 君のプランに対して、意外な反応をもらったことはある?
  16. 君の仕事の成果について意外な利用法を目にしたことはある?


  1. 君の成果を必要とする人達に、君の仕事をどうやって知ってもらう?
  2. その人達に、君自身をどうやって見つけてもらう?
  3. その成果を持って、君は次に何をする?どうやってそれを軌道に乗せる?
  4. 誰がまずその成果を利用し始める?誰がどう利用することを目指す?それはいつまでに?
  5. 君の成果に付加価値を付けるとしたら?
  6. その成果をどの分野で公表したい?
  7. この成果を活用し続けてもらう為に何をする?利用者に君はどう働きかける?
  8. 君の挙げた成果をGoogleでどう検索すれば見られる?
  9. これまでにこの仕事からなにを学んだ?
  10. その成果は、どんなポジションの人にどうやって活用されるだろう?
  11. その成果を最初利用者にどう説明すれば利用してもらえる?
  12. 3年後、自分けが持つツールシステムを構築できているだろうか?あるとすればそれはどんな強みになる?
  13. 次の5年間、何か君が力を注ぎたいものはある?それは何?それはなぜ?
  14. 君の仕事評価から君は何を学んだ?



プロジェクト目的目標(ゴール)の設定 Research Question





  • 実現性 成功する見込みはあるか
  • 論理性 取り組みの根拠はあるか







  • SMARTゴール設定
    • 具体的にSpecific、測定可能なMeasurable、達成可能なAchivable、関連付いたRelated、時間制限あるTime-bound ゴールにたどり着いたかどうかを評価する














give and takeか。いわれてみればそうだな。








Excellent Strategies Regarding Open-air Wedding event Images Throughout Leeds

Wedding event images isn't any additional restricted to capturing for the duration of wedding ceremony party on the site one elected to get wedding rituals and also in the few chapels. Bride and groom, dressed inside heart warming wedding dresses, may possibly check out different beautiful locations to obtain splendid injections how they would most likely keep on using them always to delight in the recollection of your marriage ceremony after inside their lives. Those people images would as well function simply because old artifacts for his or her infants every time they mature and additionally prefer to observe its parents checked if they were new,laptop cpu fan and also to observe how wedding parties occurred on outdated periods. There are numerous gorgeous locations to get wedding ceremony photos around Leeds that all happy couple on Leeds wish to head to to their wedding and reception costume if you are shot in a very picturesque experience.

Leeds is rather exquisite and also is among the most well-known towns in The uk getting selection of venues to turn into great qualifications just for open-air wedding digital photography training. You can find a long list of old websites dating back coming from 19th millennium to B . C . period, a lot of pretty gorgeous amusement parks and even fantastic church buildings, along with other areas for instance squares and even halls which represents splendour of your metropolis.

Get ready for open-air wedding party digital photography training on Leeds

Before training is essential regarding wonderful photos while in the wedding gowns. The backdrop, make-up, and also costume outfit distressed through the young couples participate in an important function in level of quality associated with beautiful photos furthermore lighting products and laptop keyboard additionally dslr camera settings. A great digital photographer would go on a very few check vaccinations on the open-air websites you end up picking just for wedding and reception photography in advance of taking particular marriage ceremony shots to establish in cases where illumination spot as well as other practical requirements will be attained to generate good shots.

Advised regions regarding wedding and reception photos

Produced around 1899, Leeds Urban center Rectangle is undoubtedly an available place in the center of town. Form most important constructing, there are plenty of destinations on Metropolis Rectangular that can be used since backdrop to your snap shots, for instance, the particular water fall and the particular sculpture from the African american Prince for horseback produced from bronze. There are numerous some other figurines which will moreover assist while fantastic backdrops.

Middleton Recreation area, by using outdated woodlands dating back so that you can 17th millennium, is among the most well-known destinations within the place regarding Leeds. You will find superb displays, for example unique h2o fish ponds, oak woods, and various scenarios that you can use simply because again decline of one's wedding party pictures.













































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https でも GET.... とか POST ...とか見られる(コンテンツ暗号化されてるけど)

























建物内にいた人が“Everybody get out!!”と叫んだことでようやく現状を認識しました。

















































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「あのですね、放射脳だなんだって話ありますけど…」→あのですね、放射能がー、とか言いつつ(意図してかしないでか)被災地被災者への差別行動に走る人たちの残念なお脳のことを放射脳と呼んでるんですよ? 2012/03/04

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『「放射能をシャワーのように浴びるべき」な極論を持ち出す人』何それW 誰?誰であってもそんな発言を支持する人間がいるとは思えないが。 2012/03/04

a-lex666 a-lex666 Get him up against the wall!, Every Breath You Take

天秤棒を宇宙の端から端まで伸ばして中立に立ったつもりで嘲笑わせる 2012/03/04

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もはや「放射脳」な人を探すのが目的となっているんだと思っていた 2012/03/04

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A rising tide lifts all boats

Bulls make money. Bears make money. Pigs get slaughtered.

Buy high, sell higher.

Buy low, sell high.

The market is driven by fear and greed.


How do you know to the Nikon D90

It had been a little situation of one's before one of the many high-end camera makers learned the particular Live life Access manner with a DIGITAL SLR requested a good online video media picture after which you can created a way to help you listing the item. Olympus seemed to be hinting at the capability in Present cards 2006, as soon as E-330 (the very first video camera by means of survive viewing) is released. Nonetheless Nikon was towards the blog post while using the D90 along with Cannon is definitely soon after along with the just-announced Canon EOD 5D Mark II Battery.

Typically the 12. 3-megapixel D90 carries LARGE DEFINITION online video from a conclusion with 1280 back button 720 pixels at 27 frames/second using the understanding and also depth-of-field restrain which usually simply a DIGITAL SLR offer. Naturally, Nikon isn't going to space an expensive precedence about this skill (and not undertake most people, finding the software when alot more of the adjunct you'll take advantage of once in a while, than only a main objective just for obtaining that D90). But, because this can be a 'world first', Photography Analyze is going to tackle the application ahead of moving on that will alternative further important qualities.

Virtually no owner guide book was initially supplied with a analysis camera still (after some hassles) most of us made it possible to down load an important PDF FILE type from Nikon European union ?nternet site. Surprisingly, this manually operated exclusively devotes one-and-a-half of 270 pages of content for you to video clip producing tasks and approximately a couple thirds of the site to help you videos playback. Less a page can be specified up to a show frame proportions in addition to appear possible choices : the 120 websites following on from the primary arguments belonging to the video clip manner.

Picture Abilities

Training video in any DIGITAL CAMERA is really a important loan -- primarily for the Nikon D90 Battery cost. Beforehand, any time you required a fabulous video camera by using compatible contact lenses, which you were taking a look at round $7000 for just a unit which will would not quite possibly track record high-definition, widescreen picture. However the D90 presents way more for just a cheaper package price by providing visitors while using same sorts of manipulate in excess of centering, subjection and additionally depth-of-field like they have having a DIGITAL CAMERA digicam, combined internet site snap by using almost any Nikkor website.

But, the actual D90's online video media model is absolutely not fantastic. As movie can certainly sole often be captured throughout Are located Perspective application, you are jammed aided by the prohibitions this means that (see below). The actual noise is normally taped monaurally and then the video recording formatting is certainly AVI which will, even though it truly is best with a large number of updating functions, uses so much ram (roughly 400MB for minute). Within assessments, some 24-second cut saved for 1280 times 720 LARGE DEFINITION method for 176 kbps appeared to be 40. 7MB dimensions.

Amazingly, this high-end camera works iwth using the premier random access memory playing cards. SOME SORT OF 32GB SDHC should help you track record as much as sixty units for training video, even though a different reduction is definitely which will video plans will be available to personal training minutes for HARLEY-DAVIDSON function and 20 short minutes with typical quality.

Saddest of can be the possibility that any autofocusing procedure :Nikon D90 Charger as well as some other primary adjustments - are not to be implemented if you find yourself photographing online video media. You can actually place emphasis quickly well before taking any preview not to mention make use of the manual place emphasis wedding ring within the contact lens even while photographing. Although if the content steps near as well as from everyone as long as you're taking, blurring might be unavoidable.

Different works that need to be placed well before taking a good movie involve getting exposed compensation, vivid white stability in addition to tact surroundings. For anyone utilizing aperture-priority AE, you can actually transformation a aperture functions even though tracking your movie and as well lens quality in and additionally available - nevertheless it will be hazardous seeing that sticking to center is usually hard.

Well before beginning online video grab you have to find the wished-for audio mode from Dvd movie Controls sub-menu while in the firing navigation. 3 selections are offered: 1280 back button 720 (16: 9), 640 back button 424 (3: 2) not to mention 320 x 216 (3: 2). You too can change this reasonable producing at as well as out (the default setting up might be ON).

Most of online video media photographing pattern goes as follows:

1. Arranged this high-end camera to have Perspective way by simply hitting a LV tab.

step 2. Target about them just by half-pressing a shutter mouse if you are throughout autofocus form; also concentrate personally.

3. Marketing a O . K . key in the center from the arrow topper to get started producing.

check out. Prevent the theme presented plus centred throughout the taking progression.Nikon Coolpix S3100 Charger for anyone within information option, you can actually switch totally focus by hand while you step on the way to and / or clear of this issue. Cautious mainly vigilant while blasting close-ups when smallish differences within the place emphasis position can display simply because blurring on the content. (To confuse issues, you'll find it tough to ascertain if the appearance within the LCD is definitely pin-sharp through bright normal light while you can not use a viewfinder on Take up residence Check out manner. )

5. To cure documenting, advertising OKAY all over again.

Taking part in lower back taped video tutorials is simple. Mass media all the LV control key the next time for you to disengage Live life Watch consequently touch typically the review button in the software. Make use of the arrow mattress pad to pick out your snap you need to have fun with not to mention press RIGHT to begin the process preventing this video clip playback.


The way to Take the place of a fabulous Personal computer Computer keyboard

Changing a new laptop computer keyboard will be difficult regarding someone considering that it is without a doubt defined to become tech function though really isn't. Just by subsequent a number of easy steps one could replace the actual laptop key pad comfortably.

1st step is actually to ensure that you will have powered down the vitality and taken off the particular battery. Equally you might want to unplug this from switchboard to prevent just about any hassle. An individual will be through with the software, you ought to start all the laptop computer along with remove lots of the screws behind that. Even if various mobile computer models possess different screws but it is simple to choose the anchoring screws in order to them all.

Typically, all the keyboards are generally devote a plastic material sheet which happens to be screwed throughout the equipment. For that reason right here anyone must also get rid of the screws in an effort to get rid of those plastic-type sheets. Any time one can find absolutely no plastic-type material sheets after that probably right now there may be some clamps which is often deleted readily.

An individual will be through with the actual taking away the plastic material sheets right now there may be some cosmetic outstanding on the computer keys. All of these plastic material bits has to be removed cautious and it could be completed any help in various cosmetic choose and tooth find. It is actually highly recommended will not use almost any needle which is able to really problems another aspects of machines.

At this time you might be through with just about all screws inside the back, you need to take away the screws towards the top because in some laptop or pc units often times there are anchoring screws beginning which should end up being deleted before you really replace all the computer keys. When most of anchoring screws really are eliminated, you will see the laptop computer keyboard is something related to any thin knowledge lead that is straightaway that come with the actual motherboard best in the bottoom. To eliminate any laptop correctly, feel free to use the equivalent enamel pick to enable you to raise the plastic-type connectors which you'll find storing with this knowledge lead. You will see of the fact that entirely computer keyboard can be free professionals who log in very easily lift that up.

You will have successfully carried out the most important part and it's the moment you are able to replace that classic laptop or pc computer keyboard while using unique 1. Very first thing earliest, take the popular computer hp laptop keyboard out from the plastic page and remedy a repair anywhere between that cosmetic fittings that are existing for the chief panel. You will need to ensure that your comprehensive brand new keyboard set is set. These days include the info line very carefully. You need to use similar choose anyone used formerly to try the equivalent. Be sure that the entire openings as well as clamps are straight aligned along with the mess space as a result for all those securing that screws repeatedly, it is possible to finished the software as necessary. Lastly refasten your current laptop computer keyboard within the top and also if you wish to remove any specific cosmetic articles replicate the equivalent option a person achieved it up to now.

Now restricted most of the screws from again and get that laptop's solar battery funding the area to enable you to observe regardless if your own laptop have been replaced instead systematically or even in no way. An individual will be through with tensing all the screws, start up your current laptop considering the fact that a person hear numerous beeps in the beginning then very likely you might want to eradicate all of the procedures once again. See a BIOS through important F2 or DEL button to be sure of whether or not keyboard is actually tracked down to be had and not even.


HP DV7-2020x Keyboard

HP DV7-2022tx Keyboard

HP DV7-2040us Keyboard

HP DV7-2043cl Keyboard

HP DV7-2100 Keyboard

HP DV7-2103tx Keyboard

HP DV7-2104tx Keyboard

HP DV7-2105tx Keyboard

HP DV7-2108tx Keyboard



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Article 14 the mobile phone will know the battery skills

If users want to prolong battery the efficient use of the time, in addition to the quality of the charger to have the guarantee, the right skills and charging is essential, because of low quality charger or wrong charging methods would affect battery time and life cycle, the following is about to charge skills:

1. The battery before they leave the factory, manufacturers were activated processing, and the charge, so the battery are more electricity, my friends say battery charging adjustment period in accordance with the time, standby still seriously insufficient, assuming that the battery is really quality goods battery of words, this kind of circumstance should extend the setting and then 3 ~ 5 times fully charge and discharge.

2. If new phone is lithium ion battery, so before 3 ~ 5 times charging commonly known as adjustment period, should be charged more than 14 hours, in order to ensure that the fully activate lithium ion activity. The lithium ion battery no memory effects, but have very strong sui sex, should give full activated PANASONIC CGR-D220 Battery, to guarantee the use of after can reach the right performance.

3. Some automation intelligent quick charger when instructions lights change, said only full of 90%. The charger will automatically change with slow charge will batteries. Best will use after batteries, otherwise, it will shorten use time.

4. Before charging and discharging lithium battery does not need special, but will not discharge damage to the battery. As far as possible when charging at the slow ChongChongDian, reduce the way quick charge; Time don't more than 24 hours. The battery after three to five times fully recharge cycles of internal after chemical will be all "activate" to achieve the best use effect.

5. Please use the original or the reputation of the good brand charger, li-ion battery to lithium battery charger with special, and follow the instructions, otherwise, it will damage to the battery, and even dangerous.

6. Have many users often in charge still leave her cell phone, actually such will be very easy to PANASONIC CGA-S101E/1B Battery damage the service life of the mobile phone, because in charge of the process, the circuit boards of mobile phone can calorific, if this time more exotic phone, may produce instant backflow current, internal parts to mobile phone damage.

7. The battery life depends on the number repeatedly charging and discharging, so should try to avoid more battery electric charge when, this will shorten battery life. Cell phone time more than 7 days, supposed to completely discharge the cell phone battery, enough electricity before use.

8. The cell phone battery have self-discharge, need not when the nimh batteries will press the residual capacity every day, about 1% of the discharge, lithium battery every day to 0.2% ~ 0.3% discharge. In for the battery, try to use the special socket, don't will the home appliance such as the Shared and the TV charger socket.

9. Though the phones in the network coverage area, but in the cell phone charge, cell phones have been unable to accept and call. At this time, can use of the mobile phone is not transfer function, will be transferred to the mobile phone side of fixed telephone in order to prevent calls lost, this kind of method for mobile phone is not in the network coverage of the area or weak signal and temporarily unable to the applicable also.

10. Don't will be exposed to high temperature or cold PANASONIC DMW-BCG10E Battery , as the dog, should not put the phone on the car, and the sun blazed through the; Or get air conditioning room, in air conditioning to be blown continuously place. When charging, the battery is a little heat is normal, but can't let it what the high temperature "suffer". In order to avoid the happening of this kind of circumstance, had better be in charge at room temperature, and don't cover anything on the mobile phone.

11. Nickel cadmium (N iCd) before the battery must ensure that the batteries are no electricity, recharging the battery must ensure that sufficient electricity after.

12. If the cell phone battery placed too long and not use, the best maintenance department to cell phones to the application for a live processing, also can use a constant dc voltage is the voltage adjustment for 5 ~ 6 V, current 500 ~ 600 mA reverse connect battery. Note that a touch namely release, the most repeated three times can, through such treatment after another, with the original adapter to "adaptation" charge.

13. Charge is not as long as possible, to no protection circuit batteries that should stop after charging, or the battery will with fever or overheating impact performance.

14. Lithium ion battery must choose special charger, otherwise may not reach the saturated state, affect their performance. Charging completes, should avoid to place in charger on more than 12 hours or more, long-term need not when should make a battery and cell phone separation.


Choose the best digital camera rechargeable batteries

Due to the nature of a digital camera, they need a lot of voltage and also need to keep good battery long periods of inactivity digital camera rechargeable batteries to a big hit, many current digital camera has a flash, may also make a short film, the two characteristics is very good, but can drain battery two times normal speed, photo shooting.

Most people are familiar with basic rechargeable battery, but the key to finding a good a doctor to give your digital camera is to look at the battery material, how will charge, and how long will the cost in use and sitting on the shelf or in the digital camera.

A little I look in my purchase any digital camera I buy is to ensure that there is a common battery size. The reason is, no matter how you plan a photo shoot, things happen, you may have to resort to the old alkaline batteries solve your problems, then. Panasonic battery my first choice is a rechargeable battery, but you never know, this is a very good thing can find a new set of batteries.

There are several important factors to consider, rechargeable batteries is the best. The first is the amount of voltage, followed by long time, then the battery of the time; Four is charge (how long shelf life will be held responsible for the storage battery).

Here are a series of typical rechargeable batteries and their voltage output:

Ni-Cad rechargeable battery, 12 volts

Nickel metal hydride rechargeable batteries-1.2 to 1.5

Ni-ZN rechargeable batteries-160 volts

Standard alkalines is 1.5 volts

Also have a level a reference number of energy storage, from the ability to represent called milli ampere hour. These level general fleeing to 2100 from 750 from is high, the more the number of the battery capacity (higher digital better).

The Ni-Cad and nimh most common, almost every major brand battery multiple versions. The latest technology is Ni-ZN are excellent storage capacity and long shelf life. Many types of rechargeable batteries can be charging many times, but they didn't mention that drop down power amount of recharges x.

And this is the real factors to consider. Let us say that if you find new battery you can use about 100 photos before they go to the south. Recharges Numbers increase, reduce many pictures. Some can only continue to before they start, recharges loose the ability to completely costs. Clever cost is still good savings from an ordinary AA alkaline battery cost $1.15 and the comparable charge is $2.50, according to the figures from $5.00.

Recent Ni-ZN cost about $5 each request and take over 500 recharges in any losses before the injury charge ability. But they also play more voltage so for example your flash recycling half the time to complete the normal alkaline batteries. If you have 100 threw a set of alkaline, you should get at least 175 vote of Ni-ZN are the same size. Plus storage life N-ZN than any other choice.

Rapid turnover a flash can be a big problem, because it is a very painful, but when photographs in the interior, need to wait for two minutes of the flash is full of power. Or, if you are shooting a series of short a minute video and ran out of the juice in the middle is not a good thing.

So, based on the pricing and ability, if you can recharge the battery is more than 500 times more the highest price, they use more cheap long-term development. If they hold up close to claim 500 cost, well, you can do the math. This is a no brainer, Ni-ZN provide more voltage, better life, and more fees each battery.




Portable electronic equipment battery technology

1, about the trickle charge, rapid charging and stable battery charging algorithm

According to the energy requirements of the final application, a battery may contain up to 4 lithium ion or lithium polymer battery core, its configuration will have a variety of change, at the same time with a mainstream power adapter: direct adapter, USB interface or car charger. Remove the core quantity, core configuration or power adapter type difference, the battery has the same charge characteristics. So they charge algorithm. Lithium ion and li-ion polymer battery best charging algorithm can divided into three phases: trickle charge, rapid charging and stable charge.

trickle charge. For depth discharge core to charge. When core voltage in less than about 2.8 V, use a constant 0.1 C of the current charging for it.

fast charging. Core voltage trickle charge more than the threshold, improve the charging current rapid charging. Fast charging current should be lower than 1.0 C.

stable voltage. In the fast charging process, once the core 4.2 V voltage, stable voltage phase began. This is through the minimum charge current or timer or of the two joint to interrupt charge. When the minimum current below about 0.07 C, can interrupt charge. The timer is to rely on a default to trigger the timer interrupt.

Advanced battery charger with additional security function normally. For example, if the core temperature exceeds the given window, usually 0 ℃-45 ℃, charge will be suspended.

Remove some very low-end equipment, now on the market/li-ion polymer lithium ion battery solutions are integrated with the outer components or, in accordance with the characteristics of the charging to charge, this is not just to get better effect charge, but also for safety.

lithium ion/polymer battery charge is an example of applications-double input 1.2 A lithium battery charger LTC4097

LTC4097 can be used to exchange adapter or USB power supply for single quarter/polymer lithium ion battery. Figure 1 for double input 1.2 A lithium battery charger LTC4097 schemes. It USES constant current/constant voltage algorithm charging, from exchange adapter power charge, programmable filling up to 1.2 electric current A, and with USB power can be as high as 1 A, at the same time, automatic detection in each input voltage whether there. This device also provide USB the current limit. Applications include PDA, MP3 players, digital camera, light portable medical and test equipment and big color cellular phone. The performance characteristics: no external micro controller charging termination; The input power automatic detection and choice; Through the resistance from the exchange of charging adapter input can be as high as 1.2 A programming charge current; The resistance of programmable USB charging current is up to 1 A; 100% or 20% USB charging current set; The input power output and existing bias NTC (VNTC) pin as a 120 mA drive ability; NTC thermistors input (NTC) pin for temperature qualified charged; Pre-settings battery voltage with floating plus or minus 0.6% accuracy; Thermal regulation maximize charge rate and free hot air LTC4097 can be used to exchange adapter or USB power supply for single quarter/polymer lithium ion battery. The use of constant current/constant voltage algorithm charging, from exchange adapter power charge, programmable filling up to 1.2 electric current A, and with USB power can be as high as 1 A, at the same time, automatic detection in each input voltage whether there. This device also provide USB the current limit. Applications include PDA, MP3 players, digital camera, light portable medical and test equipment and big color cellular phone.

2, lithium ion/polymer battery scheme

Lithium ion/polymer battery charge scheme for different number of core, core configuration, and power types are different. At present mainly have three main charging scheme: linear, Buck (step-down) switch and SEPIC (booster and step-down) switch.

2.1 linear scheme

When the input voltage in big with the charger with sufficient clearance of core after opening voltage, it is linear scheme, especially 1.0 C fast charging current than 1 A big too much. For example, MP3 players usually only one core, capacity from 700 to 1500 mAh differ, full charge voltage is open 4.2 V. MP3 player power is usually the AC/DC adapter or USB interface, the output is the rule of 5 V; At this time, the linear scheme is the most simple, most charger of the efficiency of the scheme. Figure 2 shows for lithium ion/polymer battery solution linear scheme, basic structure and linear voltage neat device.

linear scheme charger application examples-double input Li + charger and intelligent power source selector MAX8677A

MAX8677A is double input USB/AC adapter linear charger, built-in Smart Power Selector, used for rechargeable single quarter by Li + batteries portable devices. The charger integration of the battery and the external power source and load switch charging all the power switch, so that no external MOSFET. MAX8677A ideal used in portable devices, such as smart phones, PDA, portable media players, GPS navigation equipment, digital camera, and digital cameras.

MAX8677A can work in independent USB and the power input AC adapter or two input either one of the input. When connecting external power supply, intelligent power source selector allows the system not connect battery or can and depth discharge battery connection. Intelligent power source selector will automatically switch to the battery system load, use the system did not use the input power supply parts for battery, make full use of limited USB and adapter power supply input. All the needed electric current detection circuit, including the integration of the power switch, all integration in the piece. DC input current highest limit can be adjusted to 2 A and DC and USB input all can support 100 mA, 500 mA, and USB hung mode. Charge current can be adjusted to as high as 1.5 A, thus support wide range of battery capacitive. Other features include MAX8677A thermal regulation, over-voltage protection, charging status and fault output, power supply good surveillance, battery thermistors surveillance, and charging timer. MAX8677A using save a space, hot enhanced, 4 mm x 4 mm, 24 of the pins TQFN encapsulation, regulations, work in exceptional temperature range (40 ~ + 85 ℃).

2.2 Buck (step-down) switch scheme

When A 1.0 C of the charging current more than 1 A, or the input voltage of the core than with high voltage open many, Buck or step-down plan is A better choice. For example, based on the hard drive in the PMP, often use single core lithium ion battery, the full of open is 4.2 V voltage, capacity from 1200 to 2400 mAh range. And now PMP is usually use the car kit to charge, its output voltage in a 9 V to 16 between V. In the input voltage and battery voltage is the voltage difference between high (minimum 4.8 V) will make linear scheme lowers efficiency. This kind of low efficiency, plus more than 1.2 A 1 C fast charging electric current, have serious heat dissipation problems. To avoid this kind of situation, will the Buck scheme. Figure 3 for lithium ion/polymer battery charger scheme Buck diagram, basic structure with Buck (step-down) switching voltage regulators completely the same.

2.3 SEPIC (booster and step-down) switch scheme

In some use of three or four lithium ion/polymer core series equipments, charger of the input voltage is not always greater than the battery voltage. For example, laptop computers use 3 core lithium ion battery, full charge voltage is open 12.6 V (4.2 V x3), capacity is 1800 mAh to 3600 mAh from. Power supply input or output voltage is 1 6 V AC/DC adapter, or is car kit, the output voltage in a 9 V to 16 between V. Apparently, the linear and Buck solutions are not for this group of batteries. This is about to use SEPIC scheme, it can in the output voltage is higher than when the battery voltage, can be in the output voltage less than when the battery.

3, and power detection algorithm is proposed

Many portable products use voltage measurements to estimate the remaining battery power, but the battery voltage and surplus power relationship but will with the discharge rate, temperature and battery aging degree of change, make this kind of method can top 50% margin of error. The market for longer to use product demand unceasingly strengthens, so the system design personnel need more accurate solution. Use capacity check plan come to measure battery or consumption of electricity, will be in a wide range of application power to provide more accurate estimate of the battery power.

3.1 power detection algorithm is one of the examples of application, function complete list, double the battery portable battery application design

power detection principle. Good capacity check plan at least to have battery voltage, temperature and battery electric current, measuring method; A micro 9 a; And a set of and the verification of the punishment power detection algorithm is proposed. Bq2650x and bq27x00 is full capacity check program function, with a measuring voltage and temperature of the digital converter (ADC) and a measuring electric current and charging sensor the asp. These capacity check plan also has a microprocessor, is responsible for the implementation of the Texas instruments power detection algorithm is proposed. The algorithm can compensate the lithium ion battery life.low self-discharge, aging, the temperature and discharge rate, and other factors. Chip embedded microprocessor as host system processor save these calculation burden. Capacity check program can provide remaining power state information, bq27x00 series products also offer surplus can Run Time (Run Time to Empty) host may at any Time to capacity check plan these information query, then LED indicator light through or displays will inform the user battery. Capacity check meter is very easy to use, the system processor need only configuration 12 C or HDQ communication drive can.

The battery circuit description. Figure 4 (a) can be used for identification of IC functions with typical application circuit batteries. According to the use of IC testing program is different, the battery needs to have at least three to four outside the terminal.

VCC and BAT pins will even to the battery voltage, so that for, C power and the battery voltage measurement. The battery is connected a grounding resistance smaller detection resistors, let capacity check meter high impedance SRP and SRN input can monitor sensor resistance on both ends of the voltage. Through testing the current flows through a resistor can be used to judge the battery or release the amount of electricity. Designers choose detection resistance value must be considered when resistance on both ends of the voltage can't more than 100 mV, low resistance may be more hours in current errors. Circuit board layout must ensure that SRP and SRN to testing from as close as possible to the connection of the resistor sensor resistance end; In other words, they should be the Kelvin attachment.

HDQ pin need external and resistors, this resistance should be located the host or the main application, such capacity check plan to the battery and portable devices when sleep function enable connection broken. Advice and resistance choose 10 k Ω.

battery identification. A low cost WeiMao batteries are getting more and more serious, these cells may not contain OEM requirements of security protection circuit. So, genuine battery may contain figure 4 (a) shows the appraisal circuit. When to identify the battery, the host to contain IC (bq26150, the function is cyclic redundancy check (CRC)) issued the battery packs a ask value (challenge), the CRC will contain battery according to this inquiry value and, in the building of the IC in CRC polynomial calculation the CRC value. CRC is based on the host of command and IC secret in the query of the definition of the CRC polynomial completed, the host in CRC values calculated with the calculation result of well battery comparison to identify the appraisal success.

Once the battery through the appraisal, bq26150 will issue commands to ensure that the host and quantity test plan of material lines between normal communication. When the battery connection interruption or to connect, the whole the identification process will be repeated again.

double the battery application. Figure 4 (b) for use bq26500 support double the typical application of lithium ion battery circuit. In order to support more battery, and this circuit is adding a adjustable regulators. Capacity check millions of BAT pin and the bottom of a battery anode linked to complete the variable voltage measurement of the battery.

Host to be able to read capacity check plan of variable voltage measurement battery, to make sure the end of discharging threshold and charging terminate threshold. As for the remaining state power (RemainingStateofCapacity), do not need to read can use directly.

The above bq2650x and bq27x00 etc capacity check plan provides the battery manufacturer a simple to use options, this scheme L [just measuring battery voltage to be precise, so these capacity check plan can be applied to various battery framework, and can support the battery identification and double the battery application '

3.2 power detection algorithm is an example of applications another, can apply to all kinds of general voltmeter new IC.

Today's many manufacturers can provide a variety of voltmeter IC,, the user can choose the suitable function device, to optimize the product price. Use voltmeter measurement of storage battery parameters, the separate architecture allows users in the host custom power measurement algorithm within. Eliminating embedded processor battery cost. On this to Dallase semicconductor company called cases of DS2762 chip for typical analysis. A new separate voltmeter IC, its structure see chart 5 (a) below.

DS2762 application characteristics

DS2762 is a single quarter of lithium battery voltmeter and protection circuit, integrated into a tiny 2.46 mm x 2.74 mm inversion of packaging. Due to internal integration for power detection of high precise resistance, this device is very save a space. It is the small size and incomparable high level of integration, for mobile phone battery and other similar handheld products, such as PDA, etc, are all very ideal. Integrated protection circuit continuously monitoring the battery voltage, over voltage and flow fault (charging or discharge period). Different from the independent protection IC, DS2762 allow main processor surveillance/control protection FET conduction state, such, can DS2762 through the protection of the power system and the control circuit implementation. DS2762 can also charge a battery consumption has depth, when the battery voltage within three V, provide a limit of the charging current recovery path.

DS2762 accurate monitoring battery current, voltage and temperature, the dynamic range and resolution of common satisfy any mobile communication product testing standards. The measurement of current for internally generated when the integral, realize the power measurement. Through the real-time, continuous automatic disorders correct, the precision of power measurement can be increased. The built-in measuring resistance due to eliminate manufacturing process and temperature and cause resistance change, further improve the precision of the voltmeter. Important data stored in 32 bytes, can add the lock EEPROM; 16 bytes of SRAM are used to keep dynamic data. And DS2762 all communication all through the 1-Wire, more communication interface node, minimize the battery and the connection to the host. Its main features for; Single quarter of lithium battery protector; High precision current (power measurement), voltage and temperature measurement; Optional integrated 25 m Ω measuring resistance, each DS2762 after fine-tuning alone; 0 V battery restore charge; 32 bytes can lock EEPROM, 16 bytes SRAM, 64 a ROM;

1-Wire, node, digital communication interface; Support more battery power management, and through the protection system control FET power; Dormancy mode power supply current only 2 µ A (most); Work mode power supply current for 90 µ A (most); 2.46 mm x 2.74 mm inversion of packaging or 16 feet SSOP package led, and both are can choose with or without detection resistance; After has with e


Summer scenery to take pictures of small skills

Undesirable cameras benefits us many 100 % satisfaction, leading to numerous spectacular images, as well as the hot months is operating relating to dependable summertime. This specific classmate through break free will be able to figure out any tons in addition to waterways, downtown along with far-away beautiful gardening, and yet may these pure attractiveness to become a memento playing hit decrease, apart from skin color boil due to the high-end digicam purpose, a great deal more simple could be to evaluation whatever taking pictures competency as well as having photos. The amount, smaller try to make your work latest many of the summer season harvesting powerful see to it, typically the classmate need to next image have a go through, you become this confidently unexpected wonder.

Digital cameras would bring us lots of enjoyment, leaving a myriad of unique images, and summertime is journeying in wonderful summer season. The classmate throughout the getaway can recognize that reams together with estuaries and rivers, metropolitan and also countryside attractive panoramas, yet take place all these charm being a memento opportunity straight down, together with steam as a result of a camcorder operation, a lot more crucial is usually to examine ones own taking functionality and also taking photographs. That period, the little generate your choice have quite a few summer months firing effective be mindful, the particular classmate may as well within the next snapshot have a shot at, you will get the particular total surprising stun.

Household landscapes

By out of doors firing indoors panoramas, basic will need throughout the Windows 7, out-of-doors mild typically currently have more substantial indoors light-weight, now a couple of challenges ought to be sorted out, is the particular coverage time frame, a couple of it truly is in order to avoid a display reflective, when pics of any camera through hands-on management operate, might take number of years coverage setting up, when photographic camera goes so that you can twit style, can easily will likely be ISO level of sensitivity Surroundings bump up, this ISO 2 hundred or perhaps ISO six hundred aiming.

Inside panorama 's best golf shot employing a tripod, in any other case, wants a spot to guide, one example is in opposition to any divider and entry, and even the true reason for executing it is because very long coverage is quite effortless construct any digital camera protein shake, producing photographs regarding fluffy envision. It's best to utilize the shutter launch, or perhaps utilize to get center-weighted avoiding relocate a video camera. Notice: except if absolutely necessary, tend not to available the particular pen, stay clear of a lot more reflective.

Out-of-doors landscapes

Bring that landscape designs from the probability with the photo may well schedule some individuals or even factors, and this also may help the room inside the operation of your view photos. Get a large surfaces area photos, as an example the veranda as well as the roof top, hillside, for example. Typically inside the mid-day is without a doubt the most suitable time frame filming this landscapes. Filming, having a polarizer to adjust a illumination with the stars, produce the particular heavens develop into dreary quite a few, well known from the glowing blue stars the white kind of fog up, as a way to boost the space or room repeatedly.

Several virtually no guidebook vulnerability management of any camera together with location form, as well as the landscape designs way is completely features on the list of manner, you are able to use landscape designs way to adopt shots. Together with handbook vulnerability restrain photographic camera might opt for aperture goal option that will movie, aperture to help acquired far better pick out F8 to help you photograph or maybe F11, this photo will be extra management concentrations senses.


The particular modify on the urban center is without a doubt switching, specifically together with a lot of approach large establishing intended for symbolize, and also this are at recent many portrait digital photography buffs including firing template.

Yet typical photographic camera through simply how much suitable container distortion, hence as a way to make an effort to reduce the photograph of your deformation belonging to the accumulating " up ", thus you ought to pick around substantial thoughts and opinions filming. One example is inside the steps, or perhaps some other might help the beliefs with area. If you fail to find the correct destination for a reside, you can from the again, clear of the particular lead entity to cut back a distortion. Maybe you've employed the greatest wide-angle standard zoom lens. Vivid stars will be able to replace with a developing with the darkish. Having a polarizer to cut back or perhaps wipe out construction with reflective a glass. In addition to, certainly, consume an excellent know with the can make one of a kind imaginative results.

mineral water

Firing apply or maybe a aerosol in waters, incorporate the use of part mild and also backlight try to make waters intended for introducing see through pattern. Several novices all of coveted by a really "splash with photos, in truth, I am able to effortlessly applied for, so the hurrying h2o glance alot more downy, have got a form of passionate blur. Shutter possibly inside 1/10 so that you can 1/6 erinarians regulate might get move cosmetic perception for splash pics.

At night and also night time

Local plumber to be able to sunset taking scenario regarding is usually 15-30 moments, next the stars always possess some colouring failed to ends. As a way to raise the graphic with the amount with subject, can easily on the ending with the passage and also uncover several regarding an individual's special world. It is as well the location where the tripod on has to be, commonly programmed coverage is definitely o . k ., yet you should attempt to utilize hands-on visibility, and also the employment of the particular shutter put out restrain taking, respectively for 2, 5, 8, 12 and also of sixteen secs shutter tempo so that you can capture some photo contrast.

Needless to say now and again continue to are able to use ISO200 to help you photograph, yet so that you can be aware of an electronic camcorder with disturbance handle is normally adequate, when pixels will be overweight, or maybe together with ISO100 contrasting by using base style to help motion picture.

In truth firing night time scenarios, at times to be able to as well do not require that filming with step-by-step developing oh, this streets these kinds of, a small amount convert tips plus aiming design and style, might get the result of experiencing a specialized pattern.





Critical Thinking: Film Critics Across the Country Name Their Top Movies and Actors

"The Artist"? "The Descendants"? "Hugo"? There was no critical consensus following a day of intense voting yesterday when a gaggle of critics groups voted their top honors. These included the Los Angeles Film Critics Association (LAFCA), the Boston Society of Film Critics (BSFC), and the New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO), as well as critics in San Francisco, Detroit and Indiana. The American Film Institute also announced its annual top 10, typically taking no risks.

Best Picture: "The Descendants" got a strong push with a win at the LAFCA, but "The Artist" took the top prize at the BSFC and the NYFCO. Both titles will make the final Academy shortlist. Fortified by nominations for their respective directors Martin Scorsese and Terrence Malick, "Hugo" and "The Tree of Life" should get nominations. The critics groups didn't get "The Help," any more than "The Blind Side," but the Civic Rights-era drama did make the American Film Institute top ten this year, so don't discount it yet.

Best Actor: Michael Fassbender is coming up fast with an LAFCA win. Why should we care about that group in particular? They're on a six-year roll predicting the Oscar winner for Best Actor. Brad Pitt's also a contender for "Moneyball," getting an art-house bump from "The Tree of Life," with Gary Oldman coming up on the outside thanks to the critical and box-office success of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and a nod from the San Francisco Film Critics. How about George Clooney for "The Descendants"? He's still in the race, but not at the forefront. Like going for long shots? Then bet Michael Shannon for "Take Shelter," which won NYFCO. And if there's a sweep for "The Artist," add in Jean Dujardin.

Best Actress: Michelle Williams of "My Week With Marilyn," solidifies her spot with a win at the Boston Film Critics Association. Los Angeles went way out for Yung-Jun Hee in "Poetry" (what?) in their 'we're cool and uncorrupted by the Oscar race' vote. NYFCO went classic with Meryl Streep for "The Iron Lady." She's the Streep, but neither she nor Williams will be helped by an apparent lack of enthusiasm for their moves as a whole. Ditto Viola Davis ("The Help"), who will nonetheless make the top five Oscar nominees. Either SF winner Tilda Swinton ("We Need to Talk About Kevin") or multiple-runner-up Kirsten Dunst ("Melancholia") may slip in or come in sixth or seventh. Keep an eye out for Charlize Theron ("Young Adult"), Elizabeth Olsen ("Martha Marcy May Marlene") and Felicity Jones ("Like Crazy) as wild-card entries.

Best Supporting Actor: This is a two-man race between octogenarian Christopher Plummer and Albert Brooks playing against type as a cold-blooded hands-on killer. On the fringes: Patton Oswalt ("Young Adult"), Kenneth Branagh ("My Week with Marilyn") and Andy Serkis ("Rise of the Planet of the Apes").

Best Supporting Actress: Coming up on the inside is Melissa McCarthy for "Bridesmaids." Hurray for comedy! Bolstered by a best ensemble award from the LAFCA, this may push McCarthy into the five Oscar nominees. The LAFCA got behind Jessica Chastain, the NYFCO Breakthrough Performer, who was in every movie from "The Tree of Life" to "The Help," where she'll be competing against her popular co-star Octavia Spencer. The San Francisco critics supported Vanessa Redgrave for "Coriolanus," and Janet McTeer ("Albert Nobbs") was an LAFCA runner up in the category.

Who's out of the running in these five major categories? The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, War Horse, J. Edgar and Midnight in Paris all underwhelmed. The X-Factor remains Scott Rudin's buzzy "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," which has not been screened widely after the New Yorker's David Denby flagrantly broke embargo on Rudin's other major film, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Pack the Kleenex box for this one.




Critical Thinking: Film Critics Across the Country Name Their Top Movies and Actors

"The Artist"? "The Descendants"? "Hugo"? There was no critical consensus following a day of intense voting yesterday when a gaggle of critics groups voted their top honors. These included the Los Angeles Film Critics Association (LAFCA), the Boston Society of Film Critics (BSFC), and the New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO), as well as critics in San Francisco, Detroit and Indiana. The American Film Institute also announced its annual top 10, typically taking no risks.

Best Picture: "The Descendants" got a strong push with a win at the LAFCA, but "The Artist" took the top prize at the BSFC and the NYFCO. Both titles will make the final Academy shortlist. Fortified by nominations for their respective directors Martin Scorsese and Terrence Malick, "Hugo" and "The Tree of Life" should get nominations. The critics groups didn't get "The Help," any more than "The Blind Side," but the Civic Rights-era drama did make the American Film Institute top ten this year, so don't discount it yet.

Best Actor: Michael Fassbender is coming up fast with an LAFCA win. Why should we care about that group in particular? They're on a six-year roll predicting the Oscar winner for Best Actor. Brad Pitt's also a contender for "Moneyball," getting an art-house bump from "The Tree of Life," with Gary Oldman coming up on the outside thanks to the critical and box-office success of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and a nod from the San Francisco Film Critics. How about George Clooney for "The Descendants"? He's still in the race, but not at the forefront. Like going for long shots? Then bet Michael Shannon for "Take Shelter," which won NYFCO. And if there's a sweep for "The Artist," add in Jean Dujardin.

Best Actress: Michelle Williams of "My Week With Marilyn," solidifies her spot with a win at the Boston Film Critics Association. Los Angeles went way out for Yung-Jun Hee in "Poetry" (what?) in their 'we're cool and uncorrupted by the Oscar race' vote. NYFCO went classic with Meryl Streep for "The Iron Lady." She's the Streep, but neither she nor Williams will be helped by an apparent lack of enthusiasm for their moves as a whole. Ditto Viola Davis ("The Help"), who will nonetheless make the top five Oscar nominees. Either SF winner Tilda Swinton ("We Need to Talk About Kevin") or multiple-runner-up Kirsten Dunst ("Melancholia") may slip in or come in sixth or seventh. Keep an eye out for Charlize Theron ("Young Adult"), Elizabeth Olsen ("Martha Marcy May Marlene") and Felicity Jones ("Like Crazy) as wild-card entries.

Best Supporting Actor: This is a two-man race between octogenarian Christopher Plummer and Albert Brooks playing against type as a cold-blooded hands-on killer. On the fringes: Patton Oswalt ("Young Adult"), Kenneth Branagh ("My Week with Marilyn") and Andy Serkis ("Rise of the Planet of the Apes").

Best Supporting Actress: Coming up on the inside is Melissa McCarthy for "Bridesmaids." Hurray for comedy! Bolstered by a best ensemble award from the LAFCA, this may push McCarthy into the five Oscar nominees. The LAFCA got behind Jessica Chastain, the NYFCO Breakthrough Performer, who was in every movie from "The Tree of Life" to "The Help," where she'll be competing against her popular co-star Octavia Spencer. The San Francisco critics supported Vanessa Redgrave for "Coriolanus," and Janet McTeer ("Albert Nobbs") was an LAFCA runner up in the category.

Who's out of the running in these five major categories? The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, War Horse, J. Edgar and Midnight in Paris all underwhelmed. The X-Factor remains Scott Rudin's buzzy "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," which has not been screened widely after the New Yorker's David Denby flagrantly broke embargo on Rudin's other major film, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Pack the Kleenex box for this one.





Winter warming Yang

Early winter sky, like the patient's face the overcast, day to sink. Anxiety emotions such as this pervading the mist, tightly in my mind, catch my breath. This noon, the sun finally broke through the cloud and mist, show smiling face. The golden sunshine, the clear as on snow, warm warm silver fai in the flow. My heart like this in the window sunshine, suddenly lit up. On the vast expanse of the forms.it, bathed in the warm sunshine, the in the mind unspeakable joy, really want to in the sparkling on snow run, to release under pressure in the life, the one anxious heart, make it in the warm Yang blowing quiet quiet stretch open, as Snow White pure it gently the each place, leave a light the tranquil, calm in heart ripples.

The winter warm Yang heartily of vent to their hot, sprinkle with golden way way, the snow on glaring multicoloured halo, like in a split up around me gorgeous flowers. And as a series of colorful picture, in my sight of dreaming floating, I stand still didn't dare move, very afraid that move will put it like running scared. The sun be warm in my body, face and hands gently touched, a thick warm meaning in my heart rise, and then a puzzling to love is full whole body. Oh! I see, the soft touch, it's like my lover it. As the sun jade-like stone son bright smile, as if appear in the shadows. And when she left the same way, or that naughty smile, two small dimples with the face. She bantered said "to chase me! After a good deal for you win." I'm excited, but at a loss, just gazing at the light faded away in her in in the distance, RenXue the ground I do the footprints of the lonely, in lightly sigh.

Sunshine slowly breeze snow, the BaiXueShan quietly accept this trust god's touch. Like the girl like falling in love with lover's arms in school, doing the colorful dream. I was the true meaning of the snow moved and also enjoy stealthily warm winter sun kissing. The light sad like the like melted, had been in my memory, such as the white as forms.it of, did not leave traces. My heart immersed in the warmth of sunshine, and in the winter it forms.it quietly in fell asleep.

The winter warming Yang, don't abandon not to leave, waiting at my side, as my mother was waiting for the I, with all my heart, have no complaint. It let me understand, life not only it is the exhaustion of body and mind, worried restlessness. There is a kind of beautiful scenery, on our side. In fact they have been waiting for us, as long as pay attention side a flower, a leaf, a wisp of spring breeze, a rain, a snow, a blue sky, and so on. Like I say to this winter warm sample, calm down to, fine fine ground to observe, and deeply to taste, will get unexpected harvest.



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