はてなキーワード: ADDとは
サイト名 | onalife(オナライフ) |
URL | http://www.onalife.com |
説明 | xvideos動画の共有・ユーザー参加型のまとめサイト |
試験リリース → テスターによるテスト → 問題抽出 → 問題解決のためのプラン → 解決 → 最初に戻る
お仕事 | 主に組み込みLinux系 |
Web開発経験 | なし(Wordpressを昔にちょこっと触った程度) |
プログラミング歴 | 10年目くらい |
使える言語 | C言語、ShellScript、Perl、Make |
お触りした言語 | C++、C#、VisualBasic、Python |
Ruby on Railsの動画を何度も見て、基本的なプロジェクトの立ち上げ方・コーディング方法などが学べました。
平日 | 1時間/日 |
休日 | 2~3時間/日 |
平日 | 0時間 |
休日 | 1時間/日 |
勿論当時の上司も同僚も全員( ゚д゚)ポカーン。
それの「Add Content」で記事を探されるのも手かと存じます。
「プロテクトかけたアルゴリズムを実装したバージョンに差し替え」たなんて言われると本当に「プロテクト」がかかっているのか確かめてみたくなるのが人情というもの。というわけで、プロテクト強化後のもふったー(v0.9.6b)からconsumer secretが抜けるか試してみた。結論から言うと、あっけなく取り出せた。以下に手順を記す。
この場合も同様だ。TwitterのGUIクライアントを頭から読むのは到底無理なので、どうやって解析すべきコードの範囲を狭めるかを考えた。それにはOAuth認証においてconsumer secretがどのような役割を果たすのかを知る必要がある。
OAuth認証で、consumer secretはそのままサーバーに送信されたりはしない。signatureの生成にHMAC-SHA1が使われ、その鍵にconsumer secretが使われる。HMACは次のように算出される。
HMAC (K,m) = H ((K ⊕ opad) ∥ H ((K ⊕ ipad) ∥ m))
CPU Disasm Address Hex dump Command Comments 00401311 |. 33F6 xor esi, esi 00401313 | 8D8C24 A40000 /lea ecx, [local.54] 0040131A |. 394C24 14 |cmp dword ptr ss:[local.90], ecx 0040131E |. 75 0E |jne short 0040132E 00401320 |. 3BF5 |cmp esi, ebp 00401322 |. 73 29 |jae short 0040134D 00401324 |. 0FB68434 A400 |movzx eax, byte ptr ss:[esi+esp+0A4] 0040132C |. EB 21 |jmp short 0040134F 0040132E | 3BF5 |cmp esi, ebp 00401330 |. 73 1B |jae short 0040134D 00401332 |. 8B5424 18 |mov edx, dword ptr ss:[local.89] 00401336 |. 52 |push edx ; /Arg1 = [LOCAL.89] 00401337 |. 8D8C24 FC0000 |lea ecx, [local.33] ; | 0040133E |. 8BD6 |mov edx, esi ; | 00401340 |. E8 CB4D0000 |call 00406110 ; \mofooter.00406110 00401345 |. 83C4 04 |add esp, 4 00401348 |. 0FB6C0 |movzx eax, al 0040134B |. EB 02 |jmp short 0040134F 0040134D | 33C0 |xor eax, eax 0040134F | 34 5C |xor al, 5C 00401351 |. 888434 B80000 |mov byte ptr ss:[esi+esp+0B8], al 00401358 |. 83C6 01 |add esi, 1 0040135B |. 83FE 40 |cmp esi, 40 0040135E |.^ 72 B3 \jb short 00401313 00401360 |. 895C24 3C mov dword ptr ss:[local.80], ebx
0040134F | 34 5C |xor al, 5C
00401351 |. 888434 B80000 |mov byte ptr ss:[esi+esp+0B8], al
Hex dump 64 2E 16 64|37 04 32 6D|0F 0D 26 29|3A 37 1F 2F| 18 69 6E 6E|0D 25 29 33|11 34 29 69|12 36 24 1E| 05 16 33 6A|04 3B 0E 68|7A 5C 5C 5C|5C 5C 5C 5C| 5C 5C 5C 5C|5C 5C 5C 5C|5C 5C 5C 5C|5C 5C 5C 5C|
あとはこれと5Cとをxorすればconsumer secretが手に入る。終わり。
CPU Disasm Address Hex dump Command Comments 00401324 |. 8D4424 20 |lea eax, [local.102] 00401328 |. 50 |push eax ; /Arg1 = 00401329 |. E8 623A0400 |call 00444D90 ; \mofooter.00444D90
01 23 45 67|89 AB CD EF|FE DC BA 98|76 54 32 10| F0 E1 D2 C3|00 02 00 00|00 00 00 00|40 00 00 00| 40 4F 73 53|62 54 5C 7E|59 57 53 42|55 45 7A 57| 61 47 7A 5B|42 4F 7B 61|5D 66 5E 7A|42 7F 40 63| 79 66 05 55|79 4C 60 42|02 10 36 36|36 36 36 36| 36 36 36 36|36 36 36 36|36 36 36 36|36 36 36 36|
前のはこれ http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20121219191602
601 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/07/10(火) 15:04:00.62 今月はじめ、職場に古いパソコン(i486DX2の結構ローエンド構成)が入りました。 多分私が運用保守をまかされそうな雰囲気です。業務的にとある構造分析や シミュレーションなど行う必要がありハードにパソコン系を採用するのは聞いていたの ですが、搬入されたパソコンのダンホール箱に印刷されていたのはPC-9801という 文字でした。 「うへぇ~、よりによって98かよ」 NetBSD/OpenBSDインストール不可、Solarisも不可、SATA-HDDからブートできるのか、 今時のLCDディスプレイにつながるのか、FreeBSD9.xは対応してるのか、 今時のネットに繋いでもセキュリティは大丈夫なのか不安はつきませんし、 非メジャーなのでネット上の情報も少なく調べるのも大変です。 おそらく導入に際して、大学など教育機関で最初にそれに触れて刷りこまれた人間が 強気の知ったかぶりをして発言権を得て「俺流」をつらぬき紛れ込ませたのでしょう。 昔、当時、唯一コンソールでの漢字ROMによる日本語表示ができたPC-98は大学など 教育機関に浸透していて、日本のパソコン界に多くのバカを輩出しました。 これから私は、おそらくそういうバカが、makeしてもemacsが入らない、 TeXが入らない、firefoxは使えないのか、Rubyが使えないのかなどと、 サバ管気取りの偏ったどうでもいい我侭を言い出し、(だから鯖にするんじゃねーよ、 鯖の常識で話すなつーのに)それと戦わなければならないのでしょう。 そして時代によって決着している、過去20年のパソコン界隈のくだらないそれらの 議論が再現され、それに巻き込まれるのでしょう。もう今からうんざりです。 だからお願いです。教育現場ではPC/ATでもSPARCでもPA-RISCでも PowerPCでもなんでもいいですがメジャーかつ現行のマシンにしてください。 教育機関で懐古趣味のバカを量産されると現場が非常に苦労するのです。
737 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/09/16(日) 16:27:31.40 今月はじめ、職場に新しい組み込みマシン(ファンレスの結構省電力構成)が入りました。 多分私が開発全般をまかされそうな雰囲気です。業務的にとある構造分析や シミュレーションなど行う必要があり、プログラムにアセンブラを使用するのは 聞いていたのですが、添付のサンプルソースコードからチラッと見えたのは LD A,(HL)という命令でした。 「うへぇ~、よりによってZ80かよ」 アドレッシングモード皆無、リロケート不可、使いにくいインデックスレジスタ、 今時の関数引数のスタック渡しに対応できるのか不安はつきませんし、 今の若者はこんなCPU使わないので人材も少なくソフト開発も大変です。 おそらく導入に際して、大学など教育機関で最初にZ80に触れて刷りこまれた人間が 強気の知ったかぶりをして発言権を得て「俺流」をつらぬき紛れ込ませたのでしょう。 昔、当時、8bitCPUでi8080上位互換でi8085よりも多くのツギハギ命令を追加拡張した Z80は大学など教育機関に浸透していて、日本のCPU界に多くのバカが輩出しました。 これから私は、おそらくそういうバカが、ADD A,(HL)はできるのにADD B,(HL)は できないのかとか、相対アドレスのCALL命令はないのとか、 スタックフレームポインタとして使いたいのにLD HL,SPっていう命令ないじゃんとか、 アセンブラ通気取りの偏ったどうでもいい我侭を言い出し(だからZ80使うんじゃねーよ) それと戦わなければならないのでしょう。そして時代によって決着している、 過去30余年のCPU界隈のくだらないそれらの議論が再現され、それに巻き込まれるの でしょう。もう今からうんざりです。 だからお願いです。教育現場ではi386でもi568でもi686でも x86_64でもなんでもいいですが現行のCPUにしてください。 教育機関で懐古趣味のバカを量産されると現場が非常に苦労するのです。
134 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/07/15(日) 14:17:53.53 今月はじめ、職場に新しいPC(Core i7の結構ハイエンド構成)が入りました。 多分私が運用保守をまかされそうな雰囲気です。業務的にとある構造分析や シミュレーションなど行う必要があり、X Window System上のアプリケーションを 使用するのは聞いていたのですが、OSを起動して黒いバックに白い文字だけの 英語の画面に表示されていたのはlogin:というプロンプトでした。 「うへぇ~、よりによってxinit方式かよ」 CUIログインなんて古い、コマンド入力なんて古い、今の奴は日本語入力設定大丈夫 なのか(XMODIFIERS)、今時のマルチシート環境に対応できるのか不安はつきませんし、 xinitユーザーが少ないのでネット上の情報も少なく調べるのも大変です。 おそらく導入に際して、大学など教育機関で最初にxinitに触れて刷りこまれた人間が 強気の知ったかぶりをして発言権を得て「俺流」をつらぬき紛れ込ませたのでしょう。 昔、当時、X11で唯一$HOME/.xinitrcを手書きするというCUI的方法で環境設定できた xinit方式は大学など教育機関に浸透していて、日本のX11界に多くのバカが輩出しました。 これから私は、おそらくそういうバカが、GNOME/KDEはどうやって起動するのか、 ウィンドウマネージャを終了したらXごと落ちたとか、ck-xinit-sessionはないのか などと、X11通気取りの偏ったどうでもいい我侭を言い出し(だからxinit方式にするん じゃねーよ)それと戦わなければならないのでしょう。そして時代によって 決着している、過去25年のX11界隈のくだらないそれらの議論が再現され、 それに巻き込まれるのでしょう。もう今からうんざりです。 だからお願いです。教育現場ではgdmでもkdmでもwdmでも xdmでもなんでもいいですがグラフィカルなディスプレイマネージャにしてください。 教育機関で懐古趣味のバカを量産されると現場が非常に苦労するのです。
383 :名無しさん@お腹いっぱい。:2012/07/12(木) 19:20:13.06 今月はじめ、職場に新しいPC(Core i7の結構ハイエンド構成)が入りました。 多分私が運用保守をまかされそうな雰囲気です。業務的にとある構造分析や シミュレーションなど行う必要があり、制御コマンドとしてシェルスクリプトを 使用するのは聞いていたのですが、そのファイルを開いて1行目に書かれていたのは #!/bin/tcshという文字列でした。 「うへぇ~、よりによってtcshかよ」 ファイル記述子のリダイレクト不可、クオートのネスティング等に無理あり、 今の奴でさえシェル関数は使えないし、パイプラインの終了ステータスもおかしいし、 今時の担当者が扱ってセキュリティは大丈夫なのか不安はつきませんし、 スクリプトとしてのcshは嫌われるのでネット上の情報も少なく調べるのも大変です。 おそらく導入に際して、大学など教育機関で最初にcshに触れて刷りこまれた人間が 強気の知ったかぶりをして発言権を得て「俺流」をつらぬき紛れ込ませたのでしょう。 昔、当時、シェルで唯一aliasやhistoryやジョブコントロールの機能が使えた cshは大学など教育機関に浸透していて、日本のシェル界に多くのバカを輩出しました。 これから私は、おそらくそういうバカが、$*でスペース入りファイル名が扱えないとか $<でファイルから読めないのかとか、if文の条件式のコマンドでリダイレクト できないのかなどと、シェル通気取りの偏ったどうでもいい我侭を言い出し (だからcshスクリプト書くんじゃねーよ)それと戦わなければならないのでしょう。 そして時代によって決着している、過去25年のシェル界隈のくだらないそれらの議論が 再現され、それに巻き込まれるのでしょう。もう今からうんざりです。 だからお願いです。教育現場ではbashでもzshでもkshでもashでも Bourne shでもなんでもいいですがBシェル系のシェルにしてください。 教育機関で懐古趣味のバカを量産されると現場が非常に苦労するのです。
http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20120917013417 の続き。
my $condition = SQL::Maker::Condition->new; $condition->add('colom1' => "$value1"); # colum1 = $value1 $condition->add('colom2',{'like' => "%$value2%"}); # colum2 like '%$value1%' $condition->add('colom3',{'between' => ["$value3","$value4"]}); # colom3 between $value3 and $value4 my $q = SQL::Maker::Select->new(driver => 'XXXXX'); # XXXXXは、MySQL等の指定をする # where句に条件を設定 $q->set_where($condition); # where句を抽出。select項目やテーブルの指定を全くしてないので、$sql_conditionには # "FROM WHERE (colum1 = ?) and (colom2 like ?) and (colom3 between ? and ?)" という文字列がセット my $sql_condition = $q->as_sql(); # "FROM" を消して、WHERE句だけにする $sql_condition =~ s/FROM//; # 設定した条件の配列 my @binds = $q->bind; # SQLの読み込み(条件部分をのぞく) open my $fh, "<", "./sql.txt"; my $sql = do{ local $/; <$fh>}; close $fh; # 生成したWHERE句とソート順をSQLに追加 $sql = $sql.$sql_condition; # コネクションを取得 my $conection = DBI->connect($datasource) or die ( 'could not connect' ); my $sth = $conection->prepare($sql); # 条件に値を埋め込む for(my $i = 0; $i<= $#binds; $i++){ $sth->bind_param($i+1,$binds[$i]); } # SQLの実行 $sth->execute;
いや、ごめん。再帰というのは、木構造による再帰、でも、Switchによる再帰でも同じ。そのアルゴリズムで Call命令を使うのか?って事。
あとCでもswitchが嫌で かつ 再帰によるCall命令が許容されるなら、Treeに関数ポインタ持たせて、関数ポインタで評価関数呼び出せばいいじゃん。
struct leaf{
int (*eval)(leaf *);
でよかろ 値を入れるときにAddなら eval_add sub なら eval_sub を呼び出せばいい (データー構造と アルゴリズムの分離はCでもできる。)
どっちみち C++でも、子どものevalを親が呼ぶ 時点で call が呼ばれているから、それ再帰。
というかC++自体が こういう vtableのC実装から 生まれている実装なので C++でできて、Cで実装できないって、テンプレとかそういうのぐらいだから。
何が言いたいかというと、別に データー構造と アルゴリズムの分離は関数ポインタとVtableの実装によりCでもできる。
switchテーブルが巨大化するのも 小さいクラスが無数にあるのも どっちも同じ事だよ。
Swithならよい Classならよいってことはない。
struct interface_tree{ virtual double eval() const = 0; virtual std::size_t subtree_num() const = 0; virtual interface_tree *subtree(std::size_t) = 0; virtual ~interface_tree(){} }; // expression tree, add struct tree_add : public interface_tree{ tree_add(std::size_t n, interface_tree **t){ subtree_[0] = t[0], subtree[1] = t[1]; } virtual double eval(){ return subtree(0)->eval() + subtree(1)->eval(); } virtual std::size_t subtree_num() const{ return 2; } virtual interface_tree *subtree(std::size_t i){ return subtree_[i]; } virtual ~tree_add(){ delete subtree_[0]; delete subtree_[1]; } interface_tree *subtree_[2]; }; // expression tree, sub struct tree_sub : public interface_tree{ tree_add(std::size_t n, interface_tree **t){ subtree_[0] = t[0], subtree[1] = t[1]; } virtual double eval(){ return subtree(0)->eval() - subtree(1)->eval(); } virtual std::size_t subtree_num() const{ return 2; } virtual interface_tree *subtree(std::size_t i){ return subtree_[i]; } virtual ~tree_add(){ delete subtree_[0]; delete subtree_[1]; } interface_tree *subtree_[2]; }; // expression tree, value struct tree_val : public interface_tree{ tree_val(double n_) : n(n_){} virtual double eval(){ return n; } virtual std::size_t subtree_num() const{ return 0; } virtual interface_tree *subtree(std::size_t i){ assert(0); } virtual ~tree_add(){} double n; }; // ...
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1, about the trickle charge, rapid charging and stable battery charging algorithm
According to the energy requirements of the final application, a battery may contain up to 4 lithium ion or lithium polymer battery core, its configuration will have a variety of change, at the same time with a mainstream power adapter: direct adapter, USB interface or car charger. Remove the core quantity, core configuration or power adapter type difference, the battery has the same charge characteristics. So they charge algorithm. Lithium ion and li-ion polymer battery best charging algorithm can divided into three phases: trickle charge, rapid charging and stable charge.
Advanced battery charger with additional security function normally. For example, if the core temperature exceeds the given window, usually 0 ℃-45 ℃, charge will be suspended.
Remove some very low-end equipment, now on the market/li-ion polymer lithium ion battery solutions are integrated with the outer components or, in accordance with the characteristics of the charging to charge, this is not just to get better effect charge, but also for safety.
LTC4097 can be used to exchange adapter or USB power supply for single quarter/polymer lithium ion battery. Figure 1 for double input 1.2 A lithium battery charger LTC4097 schemes. It USES constant current/constant voltage algorithm charging, from exchange adapter power charge, programmable filling up to 1.2 electric current A, and with USB power can be as high as 1 A, at the same time, automatic detection in each input voltage whether there. This device also provide USB the current limit. Applications include PDA, MP3 players, digital camera, light portable medical and test equipment and big color cellular phone. The performance characteristics: no external micro controller charging termination; The input power automatic detection and choice; Through the resistance from the exchange of charging adapter input can be as high as 1.2 A programming charge current; The resistance of programmable USB charging current is up to 1 A; 100% or 20% USB charging current set; The input power output and existing bias NTC (VNTC) pin as a 120 mA drive ability; NTC thermistors input (NTC) pin for temperature qualified charged; Pre-settings battery voltage with floating plus or minus 0.6% accuracy; Thermal regulation maximize charge rate and free hot air LTC4097 can be used to exchange adapter or USB power supply for single quarter/polymer lithium ion battery. The use of constant current/constant voltage algorithm charging, from exchange adapter power charge, programmable filling up to 1.2 electric current A, and with USB power can be as high as 1 A, at the same time, automatic detection in each input voltage whether there. This device also provide USB the current limit. Applications include PDA, MP3 players, digital camera, light portable medical and test equipment and big color cellular phone.
2, lithium ion/polymer battery scheme
Lithium ion/polymer battery charge scheme for different number of core, core configuration, and power types are different. At present mainly have three main charging scheme: linear, Buck (step-down) switch and SEPIC (booster and step-down) switch.
When the input voltage in big with the charger with sufficient clearance of core after opening voltage, it is linear scheme, especially 1.0 C fast charging current than 1 A big too much. For example, MP3 players usually only one core, capacity from 700 to 1500 mAh differ, full charge voltage is open 4.2 V. MP3 player power is usually the AC/DC adapter or USB interface, the output is the rule of 5 V; At this time, the linear scheme is the most simple, most charger of the efficiency of the scheme. Figure 2 shows for lithium ion/polymer battery solution linear scheme, basic structure and linear voltage neat device.
MAX8677A is double input USB/AC adapter linear charger, built-in Smart Power Selector, used for rechargeable single quarter by Li + batteries portable devices. The charger integration of the battery and the external power source and load switch charging all the power switch, so that no external MOSFET. MAX8677A ideal used in portable devices, such as smart phones, PDA, portable media players, GPS navigation equipment, digital camera, and digital cameras.
MAX8677A can work in independent USB and the power input AC adapter or two input either one of the input. When connecting external power supply, intelligent power source selector allows the system not connect battery or can and depth discharge battery connection. Intelligent power source selector will automatically switch to the battery system load, use the system did not use the input power supply parts for battery, make full use of limited USB and adapter power supply input. All the needed electric current detection circuit, including the integration of the power switch, all integration in the piece. DC input current highest limit can be adjusted to 2 A and DC and USB input all can support 100 mA, 500 mA, and USB hung mode. Charge current can be adjusted to as high as 1.5 A, thus support wide range of battery capacitive. Other features include MAX8677A thermal regulation, over-voltage protection, charging status and fault output, power supply good surveillance, battery thermistors surveillance, and charging timer. MAX8677A using save a space, hot enhanced, 4 mm x 4 mm, 24 of the pins TQFN encapsulation, regulations, work in exceptional temperature range (40 ~ + 85 ℃).
2.2 Buck (step-down) switch scheme
When A 1.0 C of the charging current more than 1 A, or the input voltage of the core than with high voltage open many, Buck or step-down plan is A better choice. For example, based on the hard drive in the PMP, often use single core lithium ion battery, the full of open is 4.2 V voltage, capacity from 1200 to 2400 mAh range. And now PMP is usually use the car kit to charge, its output voltage in a 9 V to 16 between V. In the input voltage and battery voltage is the voltage difference between high (minimum 4.8 V) will make linear scheme lowers efficiency. This kind of low efficiency, plus more than 1.2 A 1 C fast charging electric current, have serious heat dissipation problems. To avoid this kind of situation, will the Buck scheme. Figure 3 for lithium ion/polymer battery charger scheme Buck diagram, basic structure with Buck (step-down) switching voltage regulators completely the same.
2.3 SEPIC (booster and step-down) switch scheme
In some use of three or four lithium ion/polymer core series equipments, charger of the input voltage is not always greater than the battery voltage. For example, laptop computers use 3 core lithium ion battery, full charge voltage is open 12.6 V (4.2 V x3), capacity is 1800 mAh to 3600 mAh from. Power supply input or output voltage is 1 6 V AC/DC adapter, or is car kit, the output voltage in a 9 V to 16 between V. Apparently, the linear and Buck solutions are not for this group of batteries. This is about to use SEPIC scheme, it can in the output voltage is higher than when the battery voltage, can be in the output voltage less than when the battery.
3, and power detection algorithm is proposed
Many portable products use voltage measurements to estimate the remaining battery power, but the battery voltage and surplus power relationship but will with the discharge rate, temperature and battery aging degree of change, make this kind of method can top 50% margin of error. The market for longer to use product demand unceasingly strengthens, so the system design personnel need more accurate solution. Use capacity check plan come to measure battery or consumption of electricity, will be in a wide range of application power to provide more accurate estimate of the battery power.
3.1 power detection algorithm is one of the examples of application, function complete list, double the battery portable battery application design
The battery circuit description. Figure 4 (a) can be used for identification of IC functions with typical application circuit batteries. According to the use of IC testing program is different, the battery needs to have at least three to four outside the terminal.
VCC and BAT pins will even to the battery voltage, so that for, C power and the battery voltage measurement. The battery is connected a grounding resistance smaller detection resistors, let capacity check meter high impedance SRP and SRN input can monitor sensor resistance on both ends of the voltage. Through testing the current flows through a resistor can be used to judge the battery or release the amount of electricity. Designers choose detection resistance value must be considered when resistance on both ends of the voltage can't more than 100 mV, low resistance may be more hours in current errors. Circuit board layout must ensure that SRP and SRN to testing from as close as possible to the connection of the resistor sensor resistance end; In other words, they should be the Kelvin attachment.
HDQ pin need external and resistors, this resistance should be located the host or the main application, such capacity check plan to the battery and portable devices when sleep function enable connection broken. Advice and resistance choose 10 k Ω.
Once the battery through the appraisal, bq26150 will issue commands to ensure that the host and quantity test plan of material lines between normal communication. When the battery connection interruption or to connect, the whole the identification process will be repeated again.
Host to be able to read capacity check plan of variable voltage measurement battery, to make sure the end of discharging threshold and charging terminate threshold. As for the remaining state power (RemainingStateofCapacity), do not need to read can use directly.
The above bq2650x and bq27x00 etc capacity check plan provides the battery manufacturer a simple to use options, this scheme L [just measuring battery voltage to be precise, so these capacity check plan can be applied to various battery framework, and can support the battery identification and double the battery application '
3.2 power detection algorithm is an example of applications another, can apply to all kinds of general voltmeter new IC.
Today's many manufacturers can provide a variety of voltmeter IC,, the user can choose the suitable function device, to optimize the product price. Use voltmeter measurement of storage battery parameters, the separate architecture allows users in the host custom power measurement algorithm within. Eliminating embedded processor battery cost. On this to Dallase semicconductor company called cases of DS2762 chip for typical analysis. A new separate voltmeter IC, its structure see chart 5 (a) below.
DS2762 is a single quarter of lithium battery voltmeter and protection circuit, integrated into a tiny 2.46 mm x 2.74 mm inversion of packaging. Due to internal integration for power detection of high precise resistance, this device is very save a space. It is the small size and incomparable high level of integration, for mobile phone battery and other similar handheld products, such as PDA, etc, are all very ideal. Integrated protection circuit continuously monitoring the battery voltage, over voltage and flow fault (charging or discharge period). Different from the independent protection IC, DS2762 allow main processor surveillance/control protection FET conduction state, such, can DS2762 through the protection of the power system and the control circuit implementation. DS2762 can also charge a battery consumption has depth, when the battery voltage within three V, provide a limit of the charging current recovery path.
DS2762 accurate monitoring battery current, voltage and temperature, the dynamic range and resolution of common satisfy any mobile communication product testing standards. The measurement of current for internally generated when the integral, realize the power measurement. Through the real-time, continuous automatic disorders correct, the precision of power measurement can be increased. The built-in measuring resistance due to eliminate manufacturing process and temperature and cause resistance change, further improve the precision of the voltmeter. Important data stored in 32 bytes, can add the lock EEPROM; 16 bytes of SRAM are used to keep dynamic data. And DS2762 all communication all through the 1-Wire, more communication interface node, minimize the battery and the connection to the host. Its main features for; Single quarter of lithium battery protector; High precision current (power measurement), voltage and temperature measurement; Optional integrated 25 m Ω measuring resistance, each DS2762 after fine-tuning alone; 0 V battery restore charge; 32 bytes can lock EEPROM, 16 bytes SRAM, 64 a ROM;
1-Wire, node, digital communication interface; Support more battery power management, and through the protection system control FET power; Dormancy mode power supply current only 2 µ A (most); Work mode power supply current for 90 µ A (most); 2.46 mm x 2.74 mm inversion of packaging or 16 feet SSOP package led, and both are can choose with or without detection resistance; After has with e
"The Artist"? "The Descendants"? "Hugo"? There was no critical consensus following a day of intense voting yesterday when a gaggle of critics groups voted their top honors. These included the Los Angeles Film Critics Association (LAFCA), the Boston Society of Film Critics (BSFC), and the New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO), as well as critics in San Francisco, Detroit and Indiana. The American Film Institute also announced its annual top 10, typically taking no risks.
Best Picture: "The Descendants" got a strong push with a win at the LAFCA, but "The Artist" took the top prize at the BSFC and the NYFCO. Both titles will make the final Academy shortlist. Fortified by nominations for their respective directors Martin Scorsese and Terrence Malick, "Hugo" and "The Tree of Life" should get nominations. The critics groups didn't get "The Help," any more than "The Blind Side," but the Civic Rights-era drama did make the American Film Institute top ten this year, so don't discount it yet.
Best Actor: Michael Fassbender is coming up fast with an LAFCA win. Why should we care about that group in particular? They're on a six-year roll predicting the Oscar winner for Best Actor. Brad Pitt's also a contender for "Moneyball," getting an art-house bump from "The Tree of Life," with Gary Oldman coming up on the outside thanks to the critical and box-office success of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and a nod from the San Francisco Film Critics. How about George Clooney for "The Descendants"? He's still in the race, but not at the forefront. Like going for long shots? Then bet Michael Shannon for "Take Shelter," which won NYFCO. And if there's a sweep for "The Artist," add in Jean Dujardin.
Best Actress: Michelle Williams of "My Week With Marilyn," solidifies her spot with a win at the Boston Film Critics Association. Los Angeles went way out for Yung-Jun Hee in "Poetry" (what?) in their 'we're cool and uncorrupted by the Oscar race' vote. NYFCO went classic with Meryl Streep for "The Iron Lady." She's the Streep, but neither she nor Williams will be helped by an apparent lack of enthusiasm for their moves as a whole. Ditto Viola Davis ("The Help"), who will nonetheless make the top five Oscar nominees. Either SF winner Tilda Swinton ("We Need to Talk About Kevin") or multiple-runner-up Kirsten Dunst ("Melancholia") may slip in or come in sixth or seventh. Keep an eye out for Charlize Theron ("Young Adult"), Elizabeth Olsen ("Martha Marcy May Marlene") and Felicity Jones ("Like Crazy) as wild-card entries.
Best Supporting Actor: This is a two-man race between octogenarian Christopher Plummer and Albert Brooks playing against type as a cold-blooded hands-on killer. On the fringes: Patton Oswalt ("Young Adult"), Kenneth Branagh ("My Week with Marilyn") and Andy Serkis ("Rise of the Planet of the Apes").
Best Supporting Actress: Coming up on the inside is Melissa McCarthy for "Bridesmaids." Hurray for comedy! Bolstered by a best ensemble award from the LAFCA, this may push McCarthy into the five Oscar nominees. The LAFCA got behind Jessica Chastain, the NYFCO Breakthrough Performer, who was in every movie from "The Tree of Life" to "The Help," where she'll be competing against her popular co-star Octavia Spencer. The San Francisco critics supported Vanessa Redgrave for "Coriolanus," and Janet McTeer ("Albert Nobbs") was an LAFCA runner up in the category.
Who's out of the running in these five major categories? The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, War Horse, J. Edgar and Midnight in Paris all underwhelmed. The X-Factor remains Scott Rudin's buzzy "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," which has not been screened widely after the New Yorker's David Denby flagrantly broke embargo on Rudin's other major film, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Pack the Kleenex box for this one.
"The Artist"? "The Descendants"? "Hugo"? There was no critical consensus following a day of intense voting yesterday when a gaggle of critics groups voted their top honors. These included the Los Angeles Film Critics Association (LAFCA), the Boston Society of Film Critics (BSFC), and the New York Film Critics Online (NYFCO), as well as critics in San Francisco, Detroit and Indiana. The American Film Institute also announced its annual top 10, typically taking no risks.
Best Picture: "The Descendants" got a strong push with a win at the LAFCA, but "The Artist" took the top prize at the BSFC and the NYFCO. Both titles will make the final Academy shortlist. Fortified by nominations for their respective directors Martin Scorsese and Terrence Malick, "Hugo" and "The Tree of Life" should get nominations. The critics groups didn't get "The Help," any more than "The Blind Side," but the Civic Rights-era drama did make the American Film Institute top ten this year, so don't discount it yet.
Best Actor: Michael Fassbender is coming up fast with an LAFCA win. Why should we care about that group in particular? They're on a six-year roll predicting the Oscar winner for Best Actor. Brad Pitt's also a contender for "Moneyball," getting an art-house bump from "The Tree of Life," with Gary Oldman coming up on the outside thanks to the critical and box-office success of "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" and a nod from the San Francisco Film Critics. How about George Clooney for "The Descendants"? He's still in the race, but not at the forefront. Like going for long shots? Then bet Michael Shannon for "Take Shelter," which won NYFCO. And if there's a sweep for "The Artist," add in Jean Dujardin.
Best Actress: Michelle Williams of "My Week With Marilyn," solidifies her spot with a win at the Boston Film Critics Association. Los Angeles went way out for Yung-Jun Hee in "Poetry" (what?) in their 'we're cool and uncorrupted by the Oscar race' vote. NYFCO went classic with Meryl Streep for "The Iron Lady." She's the Streep, but neither she nor Williams will be helped by an apparent lack of enthusiasm for their moves as a whole. Ditto Viola Davis ("The Help"), who will nonetheless make the top five Oscar nominees. Either SF winner Tilda Swinton ("We Need to Talk About Kevin") or multiple-runner-up Kirsten Dunst ("Melancholia") may slip in or come in sixth or seventh. Keep an eye out for Charlize Theron ("Young Adult"), Elizabeth Olsen ("Martha Marcy May Marlene") and Felicity Jones ("Like Crazy) as wild-card entries.
Best Supporting Actor: This is a two-man race between octogenarian Christopher Plummer and Albert Brooks playing against type as a cold-blooded hands-on killer. On the fringes: Patton Oswalt ("Young Adult"), Kenneth Branagh ("My Week with Marilyn") and Andy Serkis ("Rise of the Planet of the Apes").
Best Supporting Actress: Coming up on the inside is Melissa McCarthy for "Bridesmaids." Hurray for comedy! Bolstered by a best ensemble award from the LAFCA, this may push McCarthy into the five Oscar nominees. The LAFCA got behind Jessica Chastain, the NYFCO Breakthrough Performer, who was in every movie from "The Tree of Life" to "The Help," where she'll be competing against her popular co-star Octavia Spencer. The San Francisco critics supported Vanessa Redgrave for "Coriolanus," and Janet McTeer ("Albert Nobbs") was an LAFCA runner up in the category.
Who's out of the running in these five major categories? The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, War Horse, J. Edgar and Midnight in Paris all underwhelmed. The X-Factor remains Scott Rudin's buzzy "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," which has not been screened widely after the New Yorker's David Denby flagrantly broke embargo on Rudin's other major film, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." Pack the Kleenex box for this one.