はてなキーワード: MOVE ONとは
Japan review it's been a year since I
moved to Japan and I thought it made
sense to finally rate Japan I will talk
about things I like and the things I
don't like which seems to be the only
two options available if you have
so sugoi or did you know Japan is
actually really bad it's got a lot of
survival issues okay I will list one
good thing and bad thing and I will not
hold back there's no trash bins
I have to put in my pocket
there's always these generic things that
you hear or yes when we you visit it's
kind of weird but then you realize it's
not a big deal anyway let's start off
with number one reason I like Japan
it feels like a giant playground no I
don't mean in the Logan Paul kind of
sense of doing whatever the hell you
but rather there's a infinite things all
right lazy feels like to explore and
experience and I've been here a year now
and I don't think I'm gonna get bored
anytime soon although I am having a
child so I don't know how much more I
but it really feels like a whole new
world and if you visited you can
probably relate to it and I'm glad that
even a year in it still feels incredibly
fresh and I even would say that you
realize that the best part of Japan
aren't the touristy places kind of
obviously but there are so many areas
that I found that I really enjoy
visiting and this is probably more
specific to me but you know Tokyo is
very busy and so many times I just catch
myself surrounded by what feels like
hundreds of people and they have no idea
everyone is just doing their own thing
now once it was staring at me no one's
following me no one's being weird you
guys are weird and I'm just kidding I
just love the feeling of being able to
exist in public and uh not worrying
about what everyone else is doing like
I've said this before but I genuinely
enjoy talking to fans or when people
approach me it always makes me happy but
it can be kind of frustrating to always
wanting to just do your own thing and
always be
you know so yeah let's move on to the
bad things of Japan number one reason
Japan is bad it's kind of a heavy
subject and I haven't seen anyone else
really talk about it it's not brought up
very often at least and that is cones
there's too many cones in Japan once you
see it you cannot unsee it they're
everywhere they say oh Japan has so many
vending machines there's like five per
there's more cones than people why are
there so many cones I need to know we
got the tall ones we got the small ones
we got the funny ones the cute ones the
sexy ones I do like those I just don't
understand that whoever plays these
cones think I'm just gonna barge through
oh thank God there's cones here
otherwise I had no idea what I was gonna
and I realized the cone history of Japan
stretches centuries okay if you played
Animal Crossing sometimes it's a
Japanese game so sometimes you get these
items right you're like oh that's kind
of weird I don't know exactly what that
is but it's probably something Japanese
and then you get the bamboo thing and
you're like what the hell is that what
am I even gonna do with that and then
you see it in real life here in Japan
you're like holy [ __ ] it's a cone that's
I feel like they are following me
I'm glad I was able to talk about this
I'm for one and willing to call out
Japan knock it off man no more cones
there's enough cones let me tell you
something even better than cones you may
have noticed new merch finally it's been
forever my mom came over she had
unofficial merge because I literally
have no other merch I've hadn't hadn't
merch I'm sorry Mom so we spruced up the
logo got a cool back design the team
that worked on it really truly
understand how my brand and I think they
did such a good job these pieces look
amazing and I think you guys are gonna
really like them as well these are
available for limited time only so make
sure you order now so excited to finally
have this merch available thanks to
amaze for making this happen we are
gonna have one piece that will stay on
the store so my mom will not buy the
wrong merch but for a limited time that
piece will be available in this color
off-white kind of color it looks really
nice and then after that you can still
get it but not in this color that's
you want this one yeah I get it
so yeah check that out if you're
interested I'm so happy about these
designs and I hope you guys would like
them as well all right reason number two
I like Japan yay when we first announced
that we were gonna move to Japan there
was so many people just saying how bad
Japan is actually did you know Japan is
really bad did you know this I have to
list all these reasons now because
everyone is like thing and then thing
Japan ah so I have to tell them and I
it's actually but one thing in
particular that people said was that old
people really don't like foreigners they
hate them so when I was gonna stop by to
say hi to our neighbors who was a little
older at least some of them I was
terrifying I heard all these stories you
know like what are they gonna do to us
so I had my guard up ready for the worst
and I was met with nothing but kindness
and welcoming and I felt like a total
dick for having this preconceived ideas
and just a side comment like yes there
are definitely probably people that
don't like foreigners and all that stuff
but I realized I should let my own
experience is dictate how I feel about
certain things maybe that's just
ignoring a problem I don't know it just
feels like it's a bad way to approach
life if you always have a negative
expectation you know it's smiling people
smiled back
thank you sometimes they don't and
that's okay you know anyway my point
being Japanese people are very in my own
are very nice and friendly the majority
at least and yes even to foreigners I
feel like they are especially nice to
foreigners because they think we're like
a kid lost at Disneyland or something
I just asked for directions I didn't
need you to walk me for half an hour to
this specific place I was going but
thank you I appreciate it a lot of times
I go bouldering alone and there's always
other groups of people being supportive
and yelling like I'm about there like go
you can do it I love it I think it's
great you know or if you're small
talking with people people generally
want to communicate with you and I love
having those moments but of course
there's times where people are like oh
you're a foreigner I don't feel like
even trying
which again it's fine speaking of which
reason I don't like Japan number two
their language
I have lived here for a year and I'm not
fluent in Japanese
I am dumb I am very dumb I remember the
moment we moved here I had studied some
Let's test out this knowledge that I
have acquired let's go I'm just gonna
come in it's gonna be dangerous and you
enter a store for the first time and
they're like
what oh
what the classic the most common
experiences that you have aren't
necessarily what you're taught in the
textbook yay I know I think that's the
same for anyone learning a language for
the first time but don't even get me
started on the kanji main what the [ __ ]
is this I feel like Japanese is such a
hard language obviously but I don't
think people realize how hard it is at
least me personally because the more you
learn the more you realize you don't
know [ __ ]
for English speakers Japanese is
considered one of the most difficult
languages and because it's just so
different I listed it as bad because
that was my first kind of experience
with it coming here but the more I
interact with people the more it feels
like I'm unlocking new skills you know
oh I made a phone call for the first
time oh I could ask someone over the
phone I know big deal but it's like oh I
can actually do that or even just having
a small tiny yes shittiest conversation
with a stranger it's still something and
it feels good you start to all of a
sudden understand you know a movie if
you're watching oh I understand actually
what's going on here or I can play games
and kind of get what this they're saying
I have to look up words obviously but to
me all those new experiences that it
unlocks to me is very rewarding even
though it's such a challenge I would
actually now say it's a good thing I
played it on its head it was a good
thing all along but I obviously have a
and it just I don't think it will damage
time reason number three I like Japan
this is nothing to do with Japan to say
it's more related to me taking a more
relaxed approach to YouTube for my
entire 20s I did nothing but YouTube
that was my life and that's okay but I
also think it was a little toxic
probably you know if I wasn't making
videos I sure as hell was thinking about
making videos I uploaded videos during
and it feels really good to finally be
free from it you know and I can discover
other things in life there are other
things in life
a new hobbies and interest that I've
always wanted to do I can do and have so
much fun with it surfing I know I would
love for the longest time and I finally
get to do it and it's so [ __ ] amazing
I love learning new things anything that
isn't necessarily connected to all of
this on the internet and that is
something I'm very very grateful that I
discovered so yeah it's not really Japan
I could have done that anywhere but it's
largely why I enjoyed so much here
reason I don't like Japan number three
this is probably the most trickiest one
and it's the rules what are the rules
Japan has so many rules and it's a bit
conflicting for me to complain about
because a lot of the best stuff about
Japan not the best stuff but a lot of
the reasons why Japan works so well is
because of the rules you know the trains
are always on time things just work in
general it's hard to explain the streets
are clean people aren't loud in public
and so on and these are sort of societal
rules that make it happen more or less
but sometimes There are rules that just
don't make any sense and I have no
problem following rules as long as I
understand the reason for it you know
don't talk on the phone on the train
because it's generally annoying when
other people do that to you A lot of it
is just be thoughtful of other people
it's not just about you and that just
makes it more pleasant for everyone but
one rule is especially which I talked
about before is the fact that because of
kovid I'm not allowed to be in the
delivery room for our baby for more than
two hours that's because of covered
rules it just doesn't make sense to me
and I tell people about this like uh
family and friends and they're always
like well why don't you just ask them or
like why don't you talk to them I'm sure
you can there's got to be somewhere and
it's like no it's Japan okay there are
rules and people follow the rules for
『はじけりゃYea! 素直にGood! だからちょいと重いのは Boo!』
同じアイドル…というかアニメのアイドルだけどアイカツ!シリーズの初代トップアイドル神崎美月が歌う「Move on now!」もラップ調ではじまるんだけど
『強気にMove ハートにKiss このまま未来も変えれそう』
『はじけりゃ Yea! 素直に Good!このまま未来も変えれそう』
私はアイカツオタクなためツイッターでちょくちょく「強気にMoveハートにKiss明日はポイント5倍デー」とか呟いては「Move on now構文」と言っていたんだけど嵐サクラップ構文として「はじけりゃ Yea! 素直に Good!明日はポイント5倍デー」って言ってもいいし都々逸っぽく楽しめそうだなって思った。他にも面白い言い回し探したいな。
今日Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL 2)関連の記事を読んで、そういえばWSL 2をまだインストールしていないことを思い出した。数か月前にWSL 2をインストールしようとしたものの、何かの理由で中断したのだ。改めて
を少し読んでその理由を思い出した。手順1でMicrosoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux 機能を有効にするときに
ここで、手順 2 に進み、WSL 2 に更新することをお勧めしますが、WSL 1 のみをインストールする場合は、マシンを 再起動 して、「手順 6 - 選択した Linux ディストリビューションをインストールする」に進むことができます。 WSL 2 に更新するには、マシンの 再起動を待ってから、次の手順に進みます。
と再起動が必要になるが、次いで手順3でもVirtualMachinePlatform 機能を有効にしてまた再起動が必要だという。2回も再起動が要るのか、と億劫になって後回しにしたのだった。
しかしその時も思ったのだが、どうも手順1の日本語が妙だ。WSL 1をインストールするときにはマシンを再起動。WSL 2に更新するときもマシンの再起動。どちらにしろ再起動が必要なら、こんな書き方をする必要はない。「ここで、再起動します。WSL 1のみインストールする場合は手順6に、WSL 2の場合は手順2に進みます」のようになるはずだ。
To update to WSL 2, wait to restart your machine and move on to the next step.
となっている。この英文だけからでは私の英語力ではどう解釈すべきか自信がなかったが、そもそも手順1と手順3の機能有効化はWindows + X キー→「アプリと機能」→「プログラムと機能」→「Windows の機能の有効化と無効化」の設定を変更する操作と思われる。このダイアログで2か所変更したいとなったとき、1個変更してマシンを再起動してから、残りの一つを変更してまた再起動する必要があるだろうか?いや、ない。ということから、先の英文でのwait to restart は「マシンの再起動を行い、それが終わるのを待つ」ではなく「マシンの再起動を思い止まる。再起動しない。」の意味と思われる。
※ ひょっとすると「マシンの 再起動を待ってから、次の手順に進みます。」を、私は第一感では再起動すると解釈したが、再起動しないと解釈する人が多いのかもしれない。であれば、私の国語力不足だ。
ウェブ上の辞書でwait to ~ を調べると、大体はcan't wait to ~ で「待ちきれない、すぐにでもやる」という意味を大きく載せていた。また、手元のジーニアス英和辞典第4版を引いたが、「思い止まる、~しない」という意味ははっきりとは載っていなかった。あまりない用例なのかもしれない。
このWSL 2のインストールドキュメントは機械翻訳ではなく人の手によるものと思うのだが(最近の翻訳技術の向上はすごいらしいので断言はできないが)、翻訳する人もなかなか大変だなと思った次第。
そして、この文章を書くのに疲れたので、WSL 2のインストールはまた後回しになりそうだ。CentOS をインストールしようと思っていたが何やらサポートが終わるらしいので、ゆっくり候補を考えようと思う。
・1 中 第7話 つぶやきにご用心
・2 右 第147話 輝きのルミナス
・5 一 第37話 太陽に向かって
神崎美月はやっぱ最強やな!と思わず再評価する回でもある。あの時アイドルを志したのはいちごだけじゃないんやな、どれほど影響力あるんや美月さん…SHINING LINE*強過ぎやろ…。
・9 投 第16・17話 ドッキドキ!! スペシャルライブ PART1/PART2
そんないちごを応援するあお蘭おとめにそれを近くで見守るジョニー先生があったかいんや……;; アイカツ!という作品は人の想いで出来てるんやなぁ…。
12 Dr. Hiroshi Nishiura is one of the few professionals of mathematical models of infectious diseases in Japan, and it is well known that his ability is outstanding. However, many people don't understand mathematical models themselves (I must confess that I can't say that I understand all of the findings because I'm not a professional of mathematical models either), so his findings and comments are easily deified. Because the contents of the mathematical model are a complete black box to many people, it makes it seem like the oracle is coming out like a shrine's oracle. Much of Japan's infection control policy relies on the Nishiura theory. So there is nothing wrong with that, but one of the problems in Japan is that there is no plan B in case plan A goes bust. Dr. Nishiura is an excellent scholar. It is not God. Hence the need to have that Plan B with the possibility of making a mistake. I am greatly concerned that bureaucrats and politicians who are prone to infallibilism will mistake science for an oracle. It is only when falsifiability is assured that science can continue to be scientific.
13 数理モデルは演繹法の活用産物である。演繹法は帰納法やアブダクションで補完するのが、学問の基本であり、臨床医学の常識である。演繹法的にどんなに正しく見えても実はそれは違っていた、ということはこの業界ではよくあることなのだ。ヘーゲルやマルクスのような巨大な知性でも演繹法オンリーでは間違うのである。
Mathematical models are the product of deductive methods. The deductive method is complemented by the inductive or abduction method, which is the basis of scholarship and the common sense of clinical medicine. It's a common occurrence in this industry that no matter how deducibly correct it may seem, it's actually not true. Even a huge intellect like Hegel or Marx can make a mistake by deduction alone.
14 モデルを使うな、といっているのでは決してない。ぼく自身、モデルを用いて論文を書く。しかし、モデルは無謬ではなく、そこには前提である仮定があり、仮定はしばしば間違っている。グラム染色を活用するとは、グラム染色にできないこと、分からないことを知悉していることであり、グラム染色万能論者にグラム染色は使えない。同じことだ。英国でも数理モデルは活用されているが、だからこそ英国人はその結語には非常に懐疑的で、常に反論、異論が起きている。健全で科学的な態度である。
I'm not saying don't use the model at all. I myself write a paper using a model. However, the model is not infallible, there are assumptions that are assumptions, and the assumptions are often wrong. Making use of Gram's stain means having full knowledge of what Gram's stain cannot do and does not understand, and Gram's stain cannot be used by Gram's stain universalists. It's the same thing. Mathematical models are also utilized in the UK, which is why Brits are very sceptical of their conclusions, and there are always counter-arguments and objections. It is a sound and scientific attitude.
感想:「前提たる仮定」がうまく訳せていなかったので「前提である仮定」にしたが、assumptions that are assumptionsになってしまった。
15 Japan's "now" is a well-controlled state of infection, which is much better than Wuhan at its worst, or Italy, Spain, France, England, or New York at the present time. The problem is that it doesn't guarantee that it will "always work".
16 懸念されるのは東京だ。感染報告が増えたことだけが問題なのではない。クラスターを形成できない、トレースできない感染者が増えているのが問題である。そして、その陽性患者数に比べて検査数がずっと少ない。47人の感染者を捕捉するために100人未満(陽性者の検査日が不明だが、おそらくこのへんだろう)しか検査していないのは少なすぎる。
It is Tokyo that is of concern. The increase in reports of infection is not the only problem. The problem is that more and more infected people are unable to form clusters and cannot be traced. And the number of tests is much lower than that number of positive cases; it's too little that they only tested less than 100 people (the date of testing for the positives is unknown, but it's probably around here) to capture 47 infected people.
Again, it's not necessary to figure out all the infected people. However, it is troubling that the flow of infection, movement and clusters are out of sight. Therefore, the threshold for testing must be lowered in Tokyo. The threshold for testing varies with the circumstances. That's what I explained with the Korean example. Sticking to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "standards" will lead to a misunderstanding of the phenomenon itself. Already in the Kansai region, infected people have been found with taste and smell abnormalities, and clusters have been detected from there. I would like to make more use of the athletic sensibilities of these clinicians. I'm not sure "where" in Tokyo is the barrier to lowering the number of inspections, but that barrier needs to be removed immediately.
17 This conceptual diagram that everyone is looking at - lowering the peak of the infection and shifting it to the side. This is all a product of deduction, and I don't know if it's really true. As mentioned above, the UK estimates already suggest that this is not enough. It is possible that the damage that was shifted to the side could simply be "extra-long damage".
18 そして、ここが肝心なのだが、ピークを下げるという理念が、「ピークを下げなければいけない」という観念になり、「ピークは下がっているはずだ」という確信になり、「ピークは起きていないんだ」という自己暗示に転じてはいけないということだ。プランAに固執する日本あるあるの失敗のパターンで、ダイヤモンド・プリンセスでは「二次感染が起きてはいけない」が「起きているはずがない」に転じてノーガード下船を許してしまった。「ピークが起きてはいけない」が「ピークなんて見たくない」にならないように現実を見据える必要がある。たとえ、それが我々の見たくない不都合な真実であったとしても。
And this is the key point: the idea of lowering the peak should not become the notion that the peak must be lowered, or the belief that the peak must be lowered, or the self-implication that the peak is not happening. In a pattern of Japanese failure to stick to Plan A, Diamond Princess allowed no-guard disembarkation by changing "secondary infection should not occur" to "it can't have happened". We need to keep our eyes on reality so that "peak shouldn't happen" doesn't become "I don't want to see a peak. Even if it is an inconvenient truth that we don't want to see.
19 Repeatedly. It's common knowledge in this industry that deductive methods are complemented by inductive methods. Nevertheless, PCR is often false-negative and has little power to determine the status of infection. That's why "testing everything" is so wrong. However, a serum test measuring immunoglobulin IgM and IgG would provide a more accurate picture of the "status of infection in the population. This, however, is not infallible. It is difficult to use for individual cases because it misses early infection, which is why it misses early HIV infection.Whether antibody testing is useful in individual cases remains to be tested, but it is well suited for epidemiological studies on a population basis. Roughly speaking, we can confirm whether the "infection is rampant" in Tokyo right now, or whether it's just an unfounded fear.
As a precedent, serology tests in London showed that the 2009 pandemic flu was 10 times more likely than previously predicted. Antibody testing is often performed after an outbreak, but now is a good time to examine COVID-19, which is becoming a chronic pandemic.
20 英国はさらにアグレッシブだ。家庭で抗体検査を行い、「感染者である」とわかればそれを自宅での自己隔離の根拠に使おうというのだ。ロックダウンが起きている中で、検査陰性は「自己隔離不要」を意味しないため、その戦略に欠陥はある。が、考え方としては「感染全体を抑え込みたい」というもので、検討の価値はあると思う。
The UK is even more aggressive. The idea is to test for antibodies at home, and if they are found to be infected, they will use it as a basis for self-isolation at home. That strategy is flawed because with the lockdown in place, a negative test does not mean "no self-sequestration". However, the idea is that we want to control the infection as a whole, and I think it is worth considering.
21 東京でどのくらいの感染が起きているか、帰納法的確認は必要であり、有用だ。その結果がどうなるかは預言者ではないぼくには分からない。が、どんな結果が出てきても、それを受け入れ、場合によっては自説を変えて、プランBに移行することにも躊躇しない態度が科学者には必要だ。科学者は、首尾一貫していないことにかけて、首尾一貫していなければならないのだ。形式においては首尾一貫していなくても、プリンシプルやプロフェッショナリズムにおいて一貫しなければならないのだ。事実に誠意を。
Inductive legal confirmation of how many infections are occurring in Tokyo is necessary and useful. I'm not a prophet, so I don't know what the outcome will be.However, no matter what the outcome, scientists need to accept it and not hesitate to change their thesis and move on to Plan B in some cases. Scientists have to be coherent in their inconsistencies.They may not be coherent in form, but they must be coherent in principles and professionalism. Good faith in the facts.
この映画のテーマはmove on(先に進む)と言っていい。前作で人生の唯一の救いである婚約者(仮)が吹き飛んだことでブルースは失意に暮れる。
最初はブレイクが、みんな孤児にmove onというがそれは無理だ、という文脈。ここで字幕ではこの訳は消滅している。確かに、この部分だけなら不要だ。削っても理解できる。
二度目はアルフレッドがブルースに言う場面。そろそろ"先に進んで"くださいと言った部分。ここでは字幕でもmove onが強調される。
三度目はアルフレッドが去るシーン。ブルースの口からmove onという表現が使われる。ここでも対訳はなし。洞窟から出る のみが字幕として現れる。
で、実際のストーリーとしては死の恐怖を再び感じ始めたブルースが奈落から"rise"して、その結果、move onできるようになったため、爆発の前に脱出して自分の人生を生き始めた、ということになる。
「じゃカーティス・メイフィールドの『MOVE ON UP』をお願いします」とリクエストしたところ
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That image journalist is actually any storyteller, displaying the fact, by using shots hardly ever doctored before they will look for their own strategy straight into produce. Professional coaching may just be more crucial right compared to during various other job areas,vw-vbk360 for a degree can have difficulties and additionally theoretical situations to the college for you to take on. AN IMPORTANT move on course can even offer imperative connections.
Wild animals photos
Just as before, that creatures photographer needs any stand-out accounts, including a willing concern in the normal country. Through investment agencies full of photos, your budding creatures photography needs severe numbers of patience, perseverance, along with enable you to read the long video game. In need of wonderful organization and marketing and advertising proficiency, some people will surely have to allure their approach right into great romances using canine parking facilties, making admission to confined areas.
One particular for any adrenaline junkies belonging to the photography planet, professional wedding photographers need nervousness about metal to remain professional in the excellent picture. Addressing that availability of peoples' once-in-a-lifetime reminiscences, its many people,us nikon battery shop as well as crowd-management knowledge should really be exceptional. Ones own croping and editing skills might also want to become top-notch, for a little refined photoshopping can certainly make all the distinction somewhere between a fantastic image, including a appropriate one particular.
Your way during the occupation relies all the about your current disposition like your own skill : if you customize your career further development to be able to which you can be, you will see increasing your current skills really pleasant.
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