「i know」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: i knowとは


Was what I told her really the right thing to say?

In reality, I couldn't grow up, and became a NEET.

And those awful bullies probably still have their jobs.

I know the real truth is uglier.

Maybe it wasn't the ugly truth.

But it wasn't a lie.

It's what you really meant, so isn't that enough?

She'll remember someone yelling at her, if not who.

I think what happened today will stay with her.

From the line of "ReLIFE".


[] She's Playing Hard to Get

"She's Playing Hard to Get"は米国ボーカルグループHi-Five楽曲

1992年8月リリースされた2ndアルバム"Keep It Goin' On"からリードシングル




I can feel her vibe for me

Even though she hasn't said a word




So why are you doing this playing hard to get

I know that you want me

I see it in your eyes

You can't hide it

You're playing hard to get









Hi-Five - She's Playing Hard to Get





Why I'm finding somewhere I can help people.

You told me that you might find a reason to live if you lived in a world of violence and bloodshed.

You won't find it.

You must know it already.

Whether you're on the side who kills people or the side who saves people, nothing beyond what you would expect will appear. Nothing in this world can fill that lonely hole you have. You will wander the darkness for eternity.

Be on the side that saves people. If both sides are the same for you, become a good man. Save the weak, and protect the orphans. Neither good nor evil means much to you, I know, but that'd make you at least a little bit better.

Why I knew it and why I say about you?

Because, I am your friend.

People exist to save themselves, How true.

from the line of "Bungo Stray Dogs"


People who feel the same way will find you right away

When you go on a journey, there are things you learn for the first time.

That this scenery is indispensable.

That people change, the world changes, even when you're not looking.

That there's no such thing as a "nothing" day.

If you want to learn those things, you've got to get moving.

Then just keep moving until you see something you've never seen before.

No matter how far you go, the world is so big...

You'll definitely find something new.

It's a little scary, but I know you can do it.



Just because, People who feel the same way will find you right away.

So We'll go on another journey someday together.

from the line of "A Place Further Than Universe- Sora yori mo toi Basho"


Hug me and say…

Sometimes, I just want someone to hug me and say, "I know it's hard. You are going to be okay. Here is chocolate and 6 million dollars."



Nothing has been disliked even in emergencies related to human dignity ... .... It may be arrested by the police as the "molester".

I know that the toilet is divided by gender. The same room, a room of making things facing the same aisle. It is discrimination to make women exclusively for one?

Even that a man existed in the same space, was it uncomfortable?








まず単語について。日本語は「交渉、高尚、考証、公傷、公称」のように同音異義語が多い言語だ。「こうしょう」は広辞苑で50の見出し語を持っているという。対して英語単語意味時代とともに付け加わり多義的になっている。Random HouseTakeを引くと126の意味登録されている。
























ちなみに英語でもIt isは省略されて全く発音されないことがある。しか英語字幕の中では、ないと不自然なため補われていることがあり、学習からすると「字幕と言ってることが違うぞ!」という困った事態になる。





w音が来た場合willかwouldであるほとんど聞き取れない一瞬の休符を感じたらそこにはcanが入っている可能性が高い。r音を感じたらYou're, They're, We'reの'reの部分だ。




動詞はその次に目的語をとるもの補語として形容詞も取れるものgo toのように前置詞を置かないと目的語が取れないもの目的語が二つ取れるもの二つ目目的語の前に前置詞が必要もの二つ目目的語位置動詞の原形が入るものing形が入るもの、to+動詞が入るものなど、様々なものがある。一つの動詞に様々な使い方があり、句動詞と言って動詞の後に続く前置詞や副詞コンビネーションにより意味が大きく変わるものも多い。リスニング成功させるためには、動詞ごとの文の展開の全パターンを把握し、脳に刷り込んでおく必要がある。




目的語を二つとれる動詞giveで説明すると、「I gave him a ○○」私は彼に○○をあげた、という場合は、何をあげたかに話の力点があり、彼にあげたというのは話の流れから明らかな場合が多い。








助動詞本来弱く発音されるが、否定形のcan'tとかwon'tのようなもの否定であることを強調するために比較的強く発音されるため、普通動詞との判別が難しい。また、I want you to ~のように「君に~をして欲しい」の~の部分に力点が置かれる場合I want you toの辺りはゴニョゴニョと発音されて弱くなるので、won'tと区別がつかないといった事が起こる。












関係代名詞主語を修飾している場合は、その後でメインの動詞が来ることになるので、それを忘れないようにしなければならない。「主語 who 動詞」や「主語 that 動詞」で関係代名詞を聞き逃すと、ただの「主語動詞」と認識されるので、その後に動詞が出てくると激しく混乱することになる。




関係代名詞whatや関係副詞where, whenなども弱く発音されるので聞き逃しやすい。I know where you live(あなたの住所を知っている)と言った時にはwhereとyouが弱くなってウェユリヴ、what it is(それが何であるか)といった場合はwhatもitisも頻出語のため全部ごちゃっとなってワリリズといった感じになる。














また、これらのポイント意識できていれば、「何だこの発音は! 全く聞き取れないじゃないか! 納得いかない!」といった混乱をすることが少なくなり、学習スムーズに行くのではないかと考えている。






I wonder how many people in Japan can understand English of such level.

Many people around me may be able to figure out these English easily.

But the other hand, I know some Japanese who do not understand English at all. They do not use English regularly.

Then, I wonder how many Japanese understand or can't understand English.

Are we minority? or majority?





そんなに英語力あるのかみんな。明らかに間違いじゃないかって言ってるのもあるけど翻訳でついたものはただの訳じゃなくて文化風習ジョークとかも全部ひっくるめて別の言語にしなきゃいけないものから多少の違いはあるものじゃないの(有名な翻訳だとMtGI know my ABC'sのフレーバーテキストとか)。







振られた私からしてみれば突然放り出され言い分も聞いてもらえないままなので仕方ないからここに書くけれど、あんたは私が会えない夜にどんだけ『Telephone』と『逢いたくて逢いたくてたまらない』を聴いて泣いたか知らないだろ。私があんたの心情を慮れなかったのと同じように、私にだって悟られたくない不安心配や悩みはいつもあった。恋しくて恋しくて眠れない夜だってちゃんとあったのだ、でも重荷になりたくなくて言えなかった。「何でじゃーーーーーー!!!」って『Why?』聴きながら激昂した夜もあれば会えた日のドライブでは私の想いを忘れないでほしくて延々『Duet』を流し続けたことも、あんたは覚えてなくても私は覚えている。『Thank you my girl』が好きだと笑った顔も、ライブDVDチャンミンMCに大爆笑した顔も、巨人の真似したユノに手を叩いて笑ってた姿も。『One More Thing』を傍で歌ってくれているようなそんな安心感がいつもほしい、そう思ってはいても遂に言えなかった。

いっそ『Catch Me』の男主人公みたいに思わせぶりに匂わせてほしかった。そしたら「行くなーーーーーーー!」って全力で言えた。せめて正直に「他に好きな人ができた」と言われたら、『Before U Go』をもじって上手いことの一つでも言えたかもしれない。あんたを愛していたのはばかだけどばかになれるくらい一途だったこの私だと、最後にこれくらい知っていけと、少しは自画自賛という名の自己満足自分を慰めることもできたかもしれない。それももう叶わない。何も言われないまま振られた私は、今日も車の中で不意に流れる『STILL』で全力で泣く。もう一度出会えたら、もう一度笑ってくれたら、そう思いながら二度と顔も見られず声も聴けない事実絶望して子供みたいに泣いてしまう。運転しながら。一日一日思い出さない日はなくて、格好悪いけどひたすら苦しくて愛しくて切ない想いばかりを抱えて、でもそんな自分を駄目だなと戒めるために『I KNOW』を聴いて我に返る。ばかでしょ、私。

今の私は『Fated』を聴いてもテンション上がらず、この悲しみの向こうに輝きがあるなんて、そもそも自分がこれをいつ乗り越えられるのかもうどうしたって分からない。こんなになるくらいなら本当に、ドン引きされても罵られてもいいからもっと好きだと言えばよかったなぁと心から思う。明日は、明日こそは元気になって輝くぞと念じながら『Back to Tomorrow』を聴いてもいつも迎える朝は後悔や悲しみを含んでいて、寝てる間に泣いた瞼はやっぱり腫れている。




まぁ私は無理やりでも元気出していこう。『Easy Mind』とか『Cheering』とか流してテンション上げて、大声で泣きながら笑って歌ってこう。そしていつか『STILL』を聴きながら、こんな素敵な恋をしたんだと心から笑顔で振り返れる日が来るといい。

ありがとう。そして本当にこれでさようなら。私の報われない恋に、大好きな東方神起を捧ぐ。You were my chandelier.


Independent Games Festival 2015にて




プレゼンターNathan Vella (Capybara Games CEO)

This past year has exposed a lot of hatred and some significant unpleasantness in our industry. As of tonight, there continue to be women, people of color, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer artists who are being trolled, and spammed, and threatened, and doxxed, and hacked, and even driven from their homes. It's no longer possible for those of us in this room to ignore or minimise these issues with our industry or these issues with our art.


I know you all believe it. I know you do.

(Standing ovation)

But just as this year has exposed all that ugliness, it has also exposed a new generation of creators and activists who are fighting for video games and video game culture. They are fighting for us, the independent games community. I really don't think they want our gratitude at all. I think they need our support. I think they need us to work together as a community to show people a new way to engage with each other and play. So let's all fight back against this hate, the best way we know how: through our games, and through our teams, and through our collaborations. Let's make sure our games are not embodying any stereotypes or caricatures. Let's make sure as a community we are supportive of one another, and we are as welcoming as possible to any and all new voices. To me, it really gets to the core of what it's about to be an independent developer. We don't have any stock prices to fret over. We don't have any entrenched political dogmas. We own our art. This gives us a real opportunity to be the change that we all want see in the industry. And I think that we can change for the better, together.















※なお面倒な場合は多分 maybe と I think だけ使っておけばいいと思います

Personally speaking, ...


例:Personally speaking, I don't trust Nikkei's reporting. (個人的には、日経報道は信用していない)

IMO (in my opinion), IMHO (in my humble opinion) も類句だが、主語との対応に注意。

Personally ... の場合は後続文中のどこかに「I」が入り、後続文だけでも「私」の意見だと分かることが多い(例 Personally, I don't like that.)。

一方「*I don't like that, IMO」のように IMO と I を併用するとぎこちない。



I'm sure ...


例: I'm sure he will get it back to you soon. (彼はすぐに返事してくれると思いますよ)

maybe のように優柔不断な印象を与えずに言質も与えないことができる便利フレーズ

I believe ... も類句。

If I'm not mistaken, ...


例: If I'm not mistaken, he is the person responsible for this. (思い違いでなければ、彼がこれの責任者だったかと)



If I recall correctly, ...


例: If I recall correctly, that was back in 2010. (たしか2010年だったと思います


IIRC と略して使うくらい頻出なので、これも意味字面より幾分か軽くなっていると思う。

recall が remember になることもある。

As far as I knowAs far as I understand も概ね同じ(動詞意味微妙に違うが)。

I wouldn't be surprised if ...


例:I wouldn't be surprised if it were a fake. (偽物だということも充分ありうると思う)



I wonder if ...



例:I wonder if we can lower the budget a little more. For example, some teams might be overstaffed.(予算をもう少し下げられないですかね。たとえば、人員過剰なチームがあるかもしれないですし)


It sounds like ...


例:It sounds like we should get started as soon as possible. (できるだけ早くとりかからないといけないみたいですね)





it seems (like|as if|as though) も類句でより広い範囲に使える。

it sounds like は言葉に反応して言うことが多い。

相手に直接言う You sounded like ... などもあるが、人を主語にしない方がソフトな感じ。





















プレイ時間 2:15 おつきみやまの目の前まで進行


ケチャップピカチュウ) LV17

しお(ピカチュウ) LV:7







Poker Face

Hey Mami

I Know You Want Me

Evacuate The Dancefloor


Galng ’05


Can’t Get You Out Of My Head







Dr,dreのwatcherに「But everywhere I go,I got people I know」って歌詞がある。異邦人でいたいわけじゃないが、発言一貫性を求められるのが正直堪える。それならまだアノニムのほうがいいよ。アイデンティティは一つだけとか、本当勘弁して欲しい。






V W X and A K B

Now I know my A K B

Next time won't you A K B




日:you ignorant,how much the chinese pay you??

the shrine are full of brave soilders and great generals who free asia and kick the colonists back to europe

外:Right.... And the Nazis were brave souls who only wished to stem the rising tide of communism in Europe. The Confederate states only wished to defend their individual freedoms as white men. The Mongols were heralds of peace who united Asia and spread joy wherever they went. Oh, and there were no natives on the American continent when settlers arrived.

日:nazis were evil ,janpan is not

dont compare both ,its not comparable!!

外:Are you not aware that Japan and Nazi Germany were allies in WW2 ? Japan agressively invaded other countries, massacred their civilian populations, and enslaved countless others.

外:Japan is equally evil, they murdered millions of prisoners just as much as the Nazis.

外:I know you love your country and you want to protect it. But sometimes you have to admit the truth.


















I can't tell where the journey will end,but I know where to start.










"Yes" is "yep", and "No" is "nope", in colloquial english? right? ちぃ覚えた。 Well, your linked page describe, Nop is an abbreviation for "not our publication". "not our publication"? What's mean? But I know another mean in computer science ver...


きみが「英語ぺらぺら」でなくとも、your linked page describe ... がおかしいことはわかるだろ?

それを言うなら、the page you linked describes ... だ。(describeという動詞の選択も変だが)








Dear Yuki,


Thank you for accepting my interview. These are my question.

1. How long have you been to China?

2. What's your impression of China and Chinese people before? Have your impression of China or Chinese people changed a lot since you came to China for study?

3. As you know, China-Japan relationship is not quite good in recent days because of the SENKAKU ISLANDS(DIAOYU ISLANDS) dispute. How do you think about it?

4. Few weeks ago, there are many anti-Janpan protests over China. And I know that Japan doesn't have this kind of protest. As you are a Janpanese, how doyou think bout the protest in China by comparing your country?

That's all my questions. Hope that none of them would make annoy. Thank you for your time and kindness again.



hi kit!

1. How long have you been to China?


1 year. from 2012.2~2013.1

2. What's your impression of China and Chinese people before? Have your impression of China or Chinese people changed a lot since you came to China for study?


My impression before i coming shanghai has never changed....in fact, some people is noisy, no manner, and there are garbage on streets. but my image that chinese people is honest and they are good at merchandise is also true actually.

The changed point is ....fact that chinese elite is not so smart. I mean they are good at studying and getting a good score on the paper test but they dont have mind of creation. Deeply thinking, there are nothing good product originated in china...many are made in america or japan. Basement of economic of china is rehash...? and that have not still changed? that culture make chinese elite boring? anyway, i can meet earnest guy easily, but it is difficult to find guy beyond my mind. their opinion tend to be like newspapers, just there is little different from which newspaper they choose as their opinion.

more or less, i have some prejudice. what do u think about it?

3. As you know, China-Japan relationship is not quite good in recent days because of the SENKAKU ISLANDS(DIAOYU ISLANDS) dispute. How do you think about it?


As many japanese, i also think diaoyudao is japanese. also historically...lol

And i wanna present u two mistakes made by both country.

from japanese side..... goverment shouldnt buy that island. buying is too radical and they dont know chinese calture...讲究面子.

after that, chinese goverment cant go back.....for thier mianzi and national interest.

from chinese side... chinese goverment always choose radical way especially in territory problem and always depends on their force... not only with japan but also with vietnam, philipine...

4. Few weeks ago, there are many anti-Janpan protests over China. And I know that Japan doesn't have this kind of protest. As you are a Janpanese, how doyou think bout the protest in China by comparing your country?

the people taking part in is no manner and selfish...i think.

thank u kit, anyway i love china, and i wanna live in chinese world( shanghai ,hongkong, singapole if i can!) after graduating university.

if u have time, plz tell me ur opinion, thank u!


Brain distant a person

Nights, downward the actual curtain on the darkish. Rather busy day time people hurried towards home, along with the family unit. Daily belonging to the noisy town also proceeds towards the an old days or weeks all the tranquility. You bent LengYue has quietly hung in the shrubs, conceal behind the cloud towards relaxation daily belonging to the famous actors equally slowly awaken, start that rudiments associated with eyes, for the pulsating complete too stunning light.

I'm keen on private, to be a person at dusk the actual quiet not to mention delightful roadway for any go around. Additionally helpful to wander by themselves from this peaceful tiny most people about the roadways of skip anyone far away. While, WE need to know your location, also need to know in case you have consider me personally, however Actually, i know that right now, AS I genuinely wish to, beneficial presume a person......

If a wind power blowing into my personal heart, a center on instantly from the thoughts from films for hills. Because a vibrant moonlight on when in front of me personally, AS I view the moon has your own shadow. After the very first planet that's delightful some blasting music artist presently of the nighttime sky, WE apparently read the your wish and your ideal. In the event the moment meteor throughout from prior to me, as i similar my personal eyes, their hands collapsed for the shooting take the leading role developed a small amount, that is certainly, I allow meteor is actually my would like most people not to mention lose for you, and even inform you about, Now i am that quiet night, not a soul, great issue around far-away place of a person......

Winter weather event really black, extended, moreover very cold, AS I nevertheless wandering in this particular lengthy long occasion, for the reason that event WE surround, allow ice cold blowing wind blowing such as me, WHEN I is not aware. My center will be as if from most people glow thinkings from the terminate, getting rid of, this steamy the actual fire. The continue within boiling, the brain within rolling, the sensing stuffed, I adore floating within......

Guess what happens? So i'm scared on the dark, though adore within the night. So i'm scared on the cold, just who dropped fond of snow. I adore one, not saying you. WHEN I forget a person, though cannot explain. Since you also contain your own dream, you could have ones own goal, you could have your task, you could have much more the position and responsibilities. Well, i find it difficult to trouble you, find it difficult to supply you with difficulty, alot more cannot help you for WE distractions. Although I'm sure your own with the mind even wish to everybody, however I am able to only place you with the spirit. Silence from the heart belonging to the range to pass-up most people...






I know how to become a super-easy Your Life?

Tips on how to live it happily for everyone

I become more comfortable with the power off

Also suffering are all spicy sloppy vision, and white security.

The world's vanities,

The emptiness of the first pain and sadness.

The world is going to change.

Can even change to ease the suffering.

If you can make your day burdened with dirty

It should be possible to throw away what we have so

I understood just how sloppy or the world?

Suffering and illness, and we insist on such things.

And stick to what I see.

Cling to the things that you hear.

Taste and smell differ from person to person

What is also not helpful.

The bad stick to tea mind wavers.

It is "free" What is he.

A big talk and while it is alive, various things are.

You can see what a miserable so difficult.

But I go place to place with us.

Which is invisible to anyone.

I try to be bright and without force.

Because you will enjoy about You can not see the future.

What guy I'm feeling it alive.

Be difficult to live and certainly correctly.

But I'll live can even brighter to anyone.

Tips have a Bodhisattva living. There is no need to live in suffering.

I enjoy living in it becomes Buddha.

Once knowing the risk would be quite bad

Reasonable fear of living is help.

It is misread

Throw away your heart you are, It's not to say.

Do not forget your dreams and fantasies, and compassion,

Once nirvana But even where it is located.

Life is no need to change anything, just the perception of change.

If you have plenty in mind, anyone become a Buddha.

Remember the wisdom of this melt. But few words.

Make sense I know that I'm fine without thinking.

It would be nice suffering becomes smaller.

You all suffering admits even lie no more bullshit, I like that.

Let the past may be a prelude to forget all.

But just want to remember it.

Look tweeting If you're so inclined,

It's just good chanting in the mind

You see, open your ears listen well

"You'll cast, the bad idea is disappears, the soul is silenced, all things in here, it's beyond everything. "

"At that enlightenment will come true. All will be fulfilled in this mantra. "

don't worry -- that's OK


Along the way, thank you

Do all the way, the dream all the way, and read all the way, the injury all the way, the youth of this shore, I eyebrow XinWei cu, listening to the wind tells the years of the past; Go all the way, appreciate all the way, listen to all the way, drunk all the way, time of the other side, you gently walk, bring me for my whole life the oath. Smile, as a jade, just like the cold winter la month of a warming Yang; Words, amiable and gentle, like stroke and a wisp of spring breeze; The heart, clear as bright, filled with tolerance and forthright.

In the boundless huge crowd, you I meet by chance, and then silence who know each other, as world all the fate, we own the roaming in, repeated a story of others. Looking at today's you and me, read the yesterday's he and she, original all is so similar to the ends of the earth, the same scene, every moment thousands of deduction. The different stage, the same script, different actors, the same lines, perhaps, that is what the world had said the world of mortals.

Life, seems to be a little spring and fall streams, no waves without wind, go light, so of the day, that you and I, is I have dreamed of. But he is always thinking of, perhaps our stories will be something different, always feel, I want life probably shouldn't so, always think, and the story you and I should deducing other wonderful. Perhaps this is the so-called is not satisfied with it.

Not content with me, occasionally also play a song in life all much ado about nothing. The occasional upset, the occasional sentimentality, occasionally sad sorrow bosom, such me, sometimes not even willing to tolerance, but you will always smiled and said it doesn't matter. A that's ok, covers the you to my tolerance. Thank you, thank you willing to listen to me, thank you willing to understand me, thank you for your concern and care of understanding.

Along the way, just behind the one season blossom has collected, have already in the years flows through place vanished, lift. Magging issues.it, those flowers, then no longer in those days Ming yan; Walk off, those figure, also do not know when from my life disappear; For a around, those familiar with smile, and those who agreed upon oath, and has set up a file in the baptism of the mood swept away. Looking back, QiFengChuYu also only you have been, from beginning to end with reckless abandon.

I know, you are always on, maybe not at nearby, but has lived in my heart. You are in my heart, so, I count the mirror in flower, and cicadas in the eyes of the tender you smile and looked at on the water, and know that you SiQi born rich, and son ChengYue vow.

You know, more than any other, I in the character of the much a slightly thin cool. Those who love, I do not say, and not understand; Those good, I don't talk, and not unknown; Those who warm, those carefully, I pretended that I don't know, but one can see in the eye, and talks to heart. I'm not good at expressing, doesn't mean I don't have felt in the heart, on the contrary, a warm action, a concern of look in the eyes, a warm words, of all things, I kept away, and put it in my heart.

Since always, all don't understand you in my life to a role play, from that year to now, you and I walked all the way from strangers, to close right now, our story is in what the beat is a? Perhaps the story is finalizing a play, also or two hearts were there, but I thank you have in this warm attitude in my MingTu.

Thank you for the lonely in my time took me by the hand, and thank you for making me again believe a fairy tale of aestheticism, thank you for your face my unreasonable never give up, thank you for your tender feelings with the whole life the warmth of my I thin cool, thank you to accompany me along the way. To you, please make I say thank you, thank you let me in such years can also ease dream, let me be able to a insignificant posture face a window to listen.

The dream flowers, quietly away, and in a hurry fell, some people, quietly, and silently walk, that time, like water flowing silence, from refused to make a little I stopped, and our story? Our story will end in where? Tomorrow's you I is near at hand, or the apart?






Feeling of the cat

Translated from http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20110907020451

For a long time, I am in a dark box.

According to someone's comment I heard outside of the box, a tiny bottle containing deadly poison is located in this box. Although the bottle is completely sealed, a hammer is positioned in the vicinity of the bottle. And they said the hammer would fall down at a certain time.

When is "the certain time"? I don't know. In this very moment? Or distant future? Possibly, it already has come (I don't want to think about it). No one can affect the hammer. As an independent event, it will fall down with probability 50%. The probability is exactly 50%. Possibly, the bottle may be broken, or may not. About myself, dead, or, alive.

I must say, how terrible the situation is.

It is impossible for me to avoid having a furious indignation. My life, the most important issue for me, is completely away from me, and is solely dependent on the simple figure, FIFTY PERCENT! Too much terrible.

Additionally, and I think it is completely unreasonable, I am shackled in many ways to keep the probability at exactly 50%.

Visual perception. The box is completely shielded from any light. It's for avoiding me from finding and destroying the bottle and apparatus. Complete darkness. I am in the total darkness. Thus, now I can’t see even the outline of myself. Possibly it sounds strange, the darkness makes me have a doubt about the existence of my body itself.

Acoustic perception. Maybe, from the reason I mentioned above, a perfect sound insulation is used. I can’t hear even the voice of my own. I don't know the mechanism. In the first place, as I can’t see anything, how can I investigate it? So, this is only a speculation, possibly, my drum membranes were damaged before enclosure in this box, or, some special material is used for the wall of the box.

Anyway, in a dark box too much good at shielding light and sound, my visual and acoustic perception is dead just as the term indicates.

As if further confirmation are needed, a huge fatigue weighing heavily upon me is another shackle for me. It seems that they gave me some kind of muscle relaxant to avoid me from struggling. As I can’t change from the same posture, my tactile perception is almost paralyzed.

No light. No sound. Smell and taste are unreliable. Tactile perception is in malfunction. I am like a puppet. All the five senses are out of control of mine. Too much cruel. Perfect shackles. I wish if they had given a sleeping medicine. I feel I am in agony without any external injury. My life, my existence itself, is completely ignored. Such a humiliation keeps my sanity. Only such a humiliation can.

The right to control the life and death of myself is completely deprived. I hate such situation. The core determinant of the continuity of my life is completely dependent upon, solely upon, a pure probability. Completely away from anyone's will. I hate it, again, I hate it!

Why do I have to be enclosed in such a box? In such a ridiculous box, why do I have to be in fear of life and death with such perfect shackles?

Unreasonable. Cruel.

I am lonely. Am I feeling empty and flat? Difficult to avoid sobbing? No. My loneliness is much deeper. I am in a sea of void. I am alone. Completely alone. As an orphan, I was thrown into this endless darkness. I am quivering in the absolute zero.

There is no perspective in this box. Only the darkness is here. I can’t feel the bottle and the hammer. I can’t feel the wall, the bottom, and the ceiling neither. They should be there. But all the five senses of mine are deprived. I feel like there is nothing. While those things have some meanings.

Speaking honestly, I am not so sure I am in a box. I am sure that what I am exists. I am thinking. I am fantasizing. It is the evidence showing the uniqueness of mine, which is called the ego or the consciousness or the mind, is solid. But, is the uniqueness is truly enclosed in the box? Is it possible that it is floating in another space? I can’t eliminate such doubts.

Possibly, what I am here is floating in the end of the universe, or is lying down at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Or going down from a vent of the Kilauea volcano, maybe.

I don't have any method to know how the box (enclosing me) is. All the senses of mine are dead. It is impossible for me to determine whether here is inside of a box or not.

In addition to that, I am not so sure that I am truly alive. I don't have any way to confirm such a simple thing. Possibly, the 50% probability has already passed beyond me. Maybe I am already dead. I am still alive, maybe. Injected with muscle relaxant, shallow breathes, weak heartbeats. Or, cessation of all of them, simply leaving meat bolus.

I am deprived of any capability of controlling my own body. Who can say that my mind resides in the body continuing vital activities? The five senses have been poisoned with the total darkness. They can’t function as sensory organs. I don't have any chance to know the truth. Possibly, any supposition is fabricated by myself. The situation surrounding me and the uniqueness of myself are components of programmed role-play, possibly.

About the existence of mine, I can’t determine the behavior. I hate to admit it, but I am in the middle of fluctuation.

I wish someone could find me. I wish someone could open the box and observe how I am, and determine what I am. There is not enough power inside me to do so. All I can do is to continue to quiver in the loneliness.

If I were the Almighty, I could say "Let there be light". I know it is impossible. But I can‘t help feeling how nice it would be if I could say so.

My own free will! It could fix every fluctuation surrounding myself!

At the same time, longing produces shadow. If the box is opened, I will be found and observed. As a result, what I am will be determined. To tell the truth, I can’t look away from the fact I am anxious about being determined.

Although I am unable to determine whether I am alive or dead by myself, I am afraid of the death. I am afraid that I am determined as a dead. I can’t accept. Still I can’t feel, I can’t imagine the death as a specific phenomenon. Probably, that is why I am afraid of death.

No, it should not be restricted to me. King of virtue. Deadly murderer. Regular folks. All the same. Maybe, the elder people or patients of bad disease could have some imagination sufficiently close to the true death. But, even so, it is impossible to know the specific experience of death.

In the end, death is the final destination with overwhelming significance. The time and the consciousness have an absolute irreversibility. Death also has the absoluteness which can’t be changed. Even if it is a ritual pass point or an outstanding impressive event.

Myself, the mind of mine here is, will be vanished at the moment at which how I am is determined. If they deprive the lukewarm water, in which I can’t feel the temperature, it is impossible for me to avoid exposing myself to the air.

I am afraid of such an irreversible change. It is not limited to the determination of death. Also I am so anxious that I am determined being alive.

The current existence of myself is like a tiny, tiny illusion standing on an endless point. Not larger than that. Not smaller than that. Not longer than that. Not shorter than that. No expansion. No shrinkage. Standing upon a unique single point. It is mathematically correct. I am something like a ghost staying upon such a point, having confusion about identity of myself.

The point exists at every position on a plane of coordinates, at the same time, not existing at a certain position. If a certain event occurs, on that moment, it will converge me to a single point among all the space-times, in which the event has occurred, as if having me step off a bus. Without any concern. Even if the point and I have been a one. The illusion, which has stayed in such a point, has possibilities of being real and being vanished like a mist, to an equal degree.

Now, I am existing in every time-space, I have every nature. At the same time, I am suffering from the loneliness that I am away from every nature. I wish someone can find me. At the same time, I am so anxious that where I will be, and that how I will be at that moment.

I have been released from the law of cause and effect. I am undetermined ever, for ever.




- [ ] I don't feel angry and hate.

- [ ] I still cry, worry and sad. That is ok. Life is not that simple to anybody

- [ ] What I really want is for you to be happy.

- [ ] I still want to disappear sometimes because I can't imagine I can be happy without you. You changed my life definition of happiness.

- [ ] this line needs to be considered

- [ ] But I always could not do it. There are too many people around me to do that.

- [ ] this line is not good.

- [ ] So I'm very lucky that I got a lot of friends and words that I need at the moment I need. I was thinking in a different way sometimes. But now I can see I am very lucky.

- [ ] You changed me a lot. There's a lot of things i know in my mind. You gave me a chance to make that happen.

日付は 2008 年 4月になってる。

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