はてなキーワード: 10 YEARSとは
The fact you speak more definitively in a formal setting, and the fact "going to" is informal (or not) are 2 different things. Cambridge dictionary is correct in that "going to" is used in more informal setting. It's that YOU are reading it wrong. It is not an informal expression. And by the way, some people take being proficient in one language not being in another, but they can actually co-exist. I write more in English than Japanese. Have been for over 10 years.
”I have figured out how to do the impossible.
You see, the human brain contains 86 billion neurons, each of which transmit thoughts, feelings and emotions to one another at about 286 miles per hour.
ご存知の通り 人間の脳には860億の神経細胞があり それぞれの神経細胞が思考、感情、感覚を時速約286マイルで互いに伝達し合っています。
10 years ago, this was far from a reality.
But now I can know anything I want to talk to anyone I want, laugh, cry, ponder, stimulate cringe, all in an instant.
And, honestly, it feels horrible.
Maybe we weren't meant to sidestep physiology and force ourselves to switch emotions at rapid speed, one after the other constantly at every single second of every moment of every day.
Maybe that's why this is impossible.
And I know it's bad for me, all of the constant switching the interconnectedness everything about it.
But the worst part is, I have no idea how to stop it.
Do you?”
(In my mind) Celia has completely surpassed Daso Edit
First of all, Japanese-made goods are now clearly marked with "Made in Japan" tags.
This is probably an improvement over the past year or two. Based on user feedback, the company has been promoting Japanese products.
Good Japanese-made kitchen tools account for half of the products.
My favorite Tupperware has been a best-seller for more than 5 years, and I have not changed the design at all.
In other words, I get the impression that this is a steady company that does not change its best-selling products at all, but improves them one millimeter at a time.
Even in 2022, many of DASO's products are still made in China, and there is little sense of progress.
When I visit the sales floor, the atmosphere is much the same as it was 10 years ago.
Celia seems to be getting more upscale every year. Without changing the price.
I want to support places where I can feel this kind of corporate effort.
Celia has completely surpassed Dasoh in my opinion.
What are you saying to a product that's 100 yen a pop? Are you a poor person?
But in fact, the quality of Japanese-made Tupperware and chopsticks is so good that you would not believe they are 100 yen.
If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
What is your favorite family vacation?
What would you change about yourself if you could?
What motivates you to work hard?
What is your biggest complaint about your job?
What is your favorite book to read?
What makes you laugh the most?
What was the last movie you went to? What did you think?
What did you want to be when you were small?
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
What would you sing at Karaoke night?
How would your friends describe you?
36. What is the best gift you have been given?
37. What is the worst gift you have received?
40. Where do you see yourself in five years?
42. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
43. What would you do if you won the lottery?
44. What form of public transportation do you prefer? (air, boat, train, bus, car, etc.)
45. What's your favorite zoo animal?
46. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be?
48. How many pillows do you sleep with?
49. What's the longest you've gone without sleep (and why)?
52. How often do you buy clothes?
53. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
54. What's your favorite holiday?
55. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
56. What was the last thing you recorded on TV?
57. What was the last book you read?
58. What's your favorite type of foreign food?
59. Are you a clean or messy person?
60. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
61. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
62. What kitchen appliance do you use every day?
63. What's your favorite fast food chain?
64. What's your favorite family recipe?
65. Do you love or hate rollercoasters?
66. What's your favorite family tradition?
67. What is your favorite childhood memory?
68. What's your favorite movie?
69. How old were you when you learned Santa wasn't real? How did you find out?
70. Is your glass half full or half empty?
71. What's the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love?
72. What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?
73. What was your favorite subject in school?
74. What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?
76. Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?
77. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
78. Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
79. Have you ever had a surprise party? (that was an actual surprise)
80. Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?
81. What do you do to keep fit?
82. Does your family have a “motto” – spoken or unspoken?
83. If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?
84. Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?
85. What three things do you think of the most each day?
86. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
87. What song would you say best sums you up?
88. What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?
time clocks alarms appointments schedules tan sign up form team volunteers meeting black recruitment recruiting need sign up form 5k marathon running race marathon green shoes sign up form
90. What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?
91. On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
92. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
94. If you could join any past or current music group which would you want to join?
95. How many languages do you speak?
96. What is your favorite family holiday tradition?
97. Who is the most intelligent person you know?
98. If you had to describe yourself as an animal, which one would it be?
お前たちが、繰り言を弄して僕の夢や、子ども時代を奪い去ったんだ! それだけじゃない、僕なんて運が良い方なんだ! たくさんの人が苦しみ、死にかけて……生態系全体が崩壊しかけてるんだぞ! 僕たちを絶滅のふちに追い込んでおきながら、それなのに話すのはカネのこと! 永遠の経済成長だとか、おとぎ話じゃあないんだぞ! よくも!
これまで三十年以上、科学はこれ以上ないぐらい明瞭だったんだ。必要な政策だって解決策だって、どこにもないんですよ! それに目を背けたままノコノコとここに来て「十分やっている」だなんて、どうして言えるんだよ!
なのにあなたがたは、5割の勝率で十分だというんでしょう。でもね、この数字は、暴走が始まる一線も、変化を加速させるフィードバックループも、大気汚染による隠れ温暖化も考えに入れちゃあいない。公平性だってなければ、正義すらないんだ。なのに、まともに存在すらしない技術で、僕たちの世代がなんとかしてくれると当てにして! 何千億トンもの二酸化炭素をバラまいてるのは、お前らなんだぞ!
5割の勝率だなんて、受け入れられるわけないんだよ! 結果を抱えて生きてかなきゃなんないのは、僕たちなんだぞ!
それなのに、今まで通りのやり方と技術で、何とかできるだなんて、どうかしてるだろ?! 現状の排出レベルじゃあ、あと8年半で限界が来るってわかってるのに!
"My message is that we'll be watching you.
"This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!
"You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!
"For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear. How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you're doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight.
"You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil. And that I refuse to believe.
"The popular idea of cutting our emissions in half in 10 years only gives us a 50% chance of staying below 1.5 degrees [Celsius], and the risk of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control.
"Fifty percent may be acceptable to you. But those numbers do not include tipping points, most feedback loops, additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution or the aspects of equity and climate justice. They also rely on my generation sucking hundreds of billions of tons of your CO2 out of the air with technologies that barely exist.
"So a 50% risk is simply not acceptable to us — we who have to live with the consequences.
"To have a 67% chance of staying below a 1.5 degrees global temperature rise – the best odds given by the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] – the world had 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit back on Jan. 1st, 2018. Today that figure is already down to less than 350 gigatons.
"How dare you pretend that this can be solved with just 'business as usual' and some technical solutions? With today's emissions levels, that remaining CO2 budget will be entirely gone within less than 8 1/2 years.
"There will not be any solutions or plans presented in line with these figures here today, because these numbers are too uncomfortable. And you are still not mature enough to tell it like it is.
"You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you.
"We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not.
"Thank you."
グレタ・トゥーンベリ氏のU.N. Climate Action Summit 2019におけるスピーチが話題になってるわね。
My message is that we'll be watching you.
This is all wrong. I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us young people for hope. How dare you!
You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I'm one of the lucky ones. People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction. And all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!
For more than 30 years, the science has been crystal clear. How dare you continue to look away and come here saying that you're doing enough, when the politics and solutions needed are still nowhere in sight.
You say you hear us and that you understand the urgency. But no matter how sad and angry I am, I do not want to believe that. Because if you really understood the situation and still kept on failing to act, then you would be evil. And that I refuse to believe.
The popular idea of cutting our emissions in half in 10 years only gives us a 50% chance of staying below 1.5 degrees [Celsius], and the risk of setting off irreversible chain reactions beyond human control.
Fifty percent may be acceptable to you. But those numbers do not include tipping points, most feedback loops, additional warming hidden by toxic air pollution or the aspects of equity and climate justice. They also rely on my generation sucking hundreds of billions of tons of your CO2 out of the air with technologies that barely exist.
So a 50% risk is simply not acceptable to us — we who have to live with the consequences.
To have a 67% chance of staying below a 1.5 degrees global temperature rise – the best odds given by the [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] – the world had 420 gigatons of CO2 left to emit back on Jan. 1st, 2018. Today that figure is already down to less than 350 gigatons.
How dare you pretend that this can be solved with just 'business as usual' and some technical solutions? With today's emissions levels, that remaining CO2 budget will be entirely gone within less than 8 1/2 years.
There will not be any solutions or plans presented in line with these figures here today, because these numbers are too uncomfortable. And you are still not mature enough to tell it like it is.
You are failing us. But the young people are starting to understand your betrayal. The eyes of all future generations are upon you. And if you choose to fail us, I say: We will never forgive you.
We will not let you get away with this. Right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, whether you like it or not.
Thank you.
※1 これは「世界の指導者たちへ向けてのメッセージはありますか?」という司会からの質問を受けて始まるスピーチなので、話の相手方は大人たち全般ではないことに注意が必要よ。
※2 Tipping point:NHKの方にも注釈があるけれど、気候変動が急転するポイントのことよ。具体的には正のフィードバックループが止められなくなったりする気温だったりするわね。例えば、気温が上がれば水蒸気が増える、水蒸気が増えれば温室効果がアップ、そしてさらに……、といった具合。演説中で触れられていた1.5℃の温度上昇もtipping pointの一つよ。
※3 Climate justice:「先進国が出した二酸化炭素のせいで温暖化してるのに、途上国にしわ寄せが来すぎるのはおかしいだろう。」的な話。先進国(や富裕層)は途上国(や貧困層)に対して温暖化被害の点で責任があるし、対策はそれを踏まえて両者に公平な形で進められるべきであるという考え方よ。多少人権周りの話も絡んでくるので詳細はもっと複雑ね。こっちにも注釈付けた方が良かったんでないのNHKさん。
The House | ハウス?ホワイトハウスかな? | the House of Representativesな。pass the tax billでわかるやろ。英語じゃなくて常識問題。 |
is set on Thursday | なぜ受動態。set on…?どういう意味だ。ハウスがon Thursdayにsetされる??? | set, get, goに意味はない。ながせ。on [いつ] to [何する] の部分が本体。 |
to pass | もうこの時点で理解放棄しているが一応続きを読む。パスしたんやね | is to pass やからこれからやね。 |
its own version of the tax bill | the tax billのits own versionってなんやねん。税法案のown version? 草案かな…? (ちなみにこの時点でThe Houseが主語であることは記憶から吹っ飛んでいる) | 日本でもいろんなやつがそれぞれ違う法案作るやろ。常識問題やって。 |
which would cut taxes by more than $1.4 trillion over 10 years | よくわからんけど10年間で1.4trillionドル以上の税金をカットするtax billなんやな。あと毎回思うけどこれはどういう感覚のbyなんだ | by half とか by 20% とか言うわな。 |
and broadly rewrite the business tax code. | (would からover 10 yearsまでを解析していたために何に対してここがかかっているのか忘れている) business tax codeってなんやねん。rewriteはrewritesじゃないの? | which would rewriteな、当然。パッと見分からなくても考えればわかるやろ。rewrite"s"になってないからな。 |
まず、単純にTOEIC 750点くらいって小学生低学年くらいの言語力なんだから大人向けをすらすら新聞読めなくても全くおかしくない。
The House is set on Thursday to pass its own version of the tax bill, which would cut taxes by more than $1.4 trillion over 10 years and broadly rewrite the business tax code.
下院 - 木曜日 - 税制法案 - 減税 - 1.4兆ドル - 10年 - 書き換える - 法人税制
下院 / 木曜日にセットされる / 下院のバージョンの税制法案を通すために / その法案っていうのは減税する / 1.4兆円以上も / 10年以上かけて / それで、広く書き換える / 税制法案を
But as with the health care debate earlier this year, the Senate emerged as the inconstant ally in President Trump’s pursuit of a major legislative accomplishment in his first year.
医療・健康保険 - 今年早く - 上院 - 一定しない仲間 - トランプ大統領 - 追求 - 法案実績 - 1年目
上院が現れる / 一定しない(常に賛成するとは限らない)仲間として / トランプ大統領が追い求めること / 主要な法案の実績 / (トランプの)1年目の
タネ明かしすれば、これは朝日新聞のニュースな。合区解消へ、47条と92条改憲の方針 自民の推進本部:朝日新聞デジタル
The House is set on Thursday to pass its own version of the tax bill, which would cut taxes by more than $1.4 trillion over 10 years and broadly rewrite the business tax code.
Tax Bill Thrown Into Uncertainty as First G.O.P. Senator Comes Out Against It - The New York Times
GOP Senator Ron Johnson said he opposed both the House and Senate tax plans, and 3 other GOP senators voiced concerns https://t.co/faahZxl200— The New York Times (@nytimes) 2017年11月15日
Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat of Oregon, left, clashed with Senator Orrin G. Hatch, Republican of Utah, right, during a hearing of the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday. Credit Eric Thayer for The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Uncertainty gripped the Senate on Wednesday over efforts to pass a sweeping $1.5 trillion tax cut after a Wisconsin Republican became the first senator in his party to declare that he could not vote for the tax bill as written, and other senators expressed serious misgivings over the cost and effect on the middle class.
The New York Timesでこの記事を読む人は、Ron Wydenが民主党だって知ってるよ?Orrin Hatchが共和党なのも当たり前の知識だぜ。
How to Lower Your Blood Pressure - The New York Times
はてなに巣食うんだったらこんな記事とかさ→A New Phone Comes Out. Yours Slows Down. A Conspiracy? No. - The New York Times
The House is set on Thursday to pass its own version of the tax bill, which would cut taxes by more than $1.4 trillion over 10 years and broadly rewrite the business tax code.
・The Houseは次の文章で Senateが出てきてることからもわかるけど、下院
・受動態は主語を言いたくない時に使う(主語 set the House だと主語を言わないといけないので受動態になってる)
・, + which は追加の説明。限定用法と非限定用法という言葉を聞いたこと無い? I have a child who loves dogs. だと、何人子供がいるかわからないけどとにかくそのうちの犬が好きな子供のことをさしていて、I have a child, who loves dogs だと子供が一人いて、その子供は犬が好き。
to pass its own version of the tax bill 自分のとこのバージョンの法案を通すために
・・・この時点で、ああ、木曜日に法案通すための会議がセットされるのね。でもその法案って何よ? と理解した(the tax bill なので、一般常識を持ったみなさんならご存知のあの法案ですよ、なのかこれから説明されるのか、あるいは前の文章で説明されてるのかはまだわからない)
で、, which がでてきて、ここから the tax bill の補足説明がはじまるのね、と気づいた。
ちなみにこの by は he is older than her by 5 years とかの by だね。
The House : よく分からんけど国会的な物でしょう。
is set on Thursday : 受動態なのは動作の主体が他だから。大統領? / 国会(みたいなの)が木曜に開催される。
its own version of the tax bill : 今回の会のという意味のits own version。
which would cut taxes by more than $1.4 trillion over 10 years : byは普通に「〜による」みたいな感じで良いんじゃない。
and broadly rewrite the business tax code. : 法人税やね。would rewriteやからs抜ける・・・。
But as with the health care debate earlier this year, the Senate emerged as the inconstant ally in President Trump’s pursuit of a major legislative accomplishment in his first year.
But〜year,まで : オバマケアをトランプが止めた話・・・。(政治の話になってるね・・・)
the Senate emerged as the inconstant ally : Senateがトランプの味方として出てきた。
in President Trump’s pursuit of a major legislative accomplishment in his first year. : トランプの初年度の立法的成果。
Section 94. Any person who conspires with one or more persons for the purpose of
committing any of the felonies mentioned in sections 83, 84, 86, 86 b, 88, 89 or 90, or
any felony contrary to section 81 a of the Military Penal Code, cf. sections 83 and 86 of
the present code, shall in the latter case be liable to imprisonment for a term of from one
to 12 years and otherwise to detention or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years,
though in no case to a penalty exceeding two-thirds of the maximum penalty applicable to
such a felony.
The same penalty shall apply to any person who
1. publicly encourages the commission of such a felony,
2. with the intent of committing such a felony has dealings with a foreign power,
3. with such intent usurps or exercises any military command, or assembles or keeps
ready, or prepares to assemble or keep ready, soldiers or a group supplied with weapons
or other equipment.
4. offers or undertakes to commit or receives money or other advantages for committing
any such felony,
5. aids and abets any such act as is mentioned in this section.
1. conspires with any person to commit a robbery, or
2. for the purpose of committing a robbery equips or begins to equip any vessel,
or who aids and abets thereto, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
three years.
Section 233 a. Any person who conspires with another person to commit any act referred
to in section 231 or 233 shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.
KinKi Kidsの音源のみをコンプリートしたい場合に購入すべきCDリストの個人的まとめ(2017年12月1日現在版)
アルバム名 | 発売日 | 主な収録曲 | |
1 | A album | 1997.7.21 | デビュー前のドラマ主題歌(#2, 4, 7, 9など)が収録されている。 |
2 | B album | 1998.8.12 | 「硝子の少年」〜「ジェットコースター・ロマンス」までのシングル収録 |
3 | C album | 1999.8.4 | 「全部だきしめて」〜「フラワー」 |
4 | D album | 2000.12.13 | 「夏の王様/もう君以外愛せない」 |
5 | E album | 2001.7.25 | 「ボクの背中には羽根がある」「情熱」 |
6 | F album | 2002.12.26 | 「Hey!みんな元気かい?」〜「solitude〜真実のサヨナラ」 |
7 | G album -24/7- | 2003.10.22 | 「永遠のBLOODS」〜「薄荷キャンディー」 |
8 | H album -H・A・N・D- | 2005.11.16 | 「Anniversary」「ビロードの闇」、メンバー共作「恋涙」 |
9 | I album -iD- | 2006.12.13 | 「SNOW!SNOW!SNOW!」〜「Harmony of December」、共作「futari」 |
10 | Φ | 2007.11.14 | 「BRAND NEW SONG」「永遠に」、共作「銀色 暗号」 |
11 | J album | 2009.12.9 | 「Secret Code」〜「スワンソング」 |
12 | K album | 2011.11.9 | 「Family〜ひとつになること」、「Time」 #14, 15は通常盤のみ |
13 | L album | 2013.12.4 | 「変わったかたちの石」、「まだ涙にならない悲しみが/恋は匂へと散りぬるを」 Disc1-#10, Disc2-#8は通常盤のみ |
14 | M album | 2014.12.10 | 限定発売だった「Glorious Days 〜ただ道を探してる」収録。Disc1-#7,12,14は通常のみ。Disc2はリアレンジのセルフカバー集 |
15 | N album | 2016.9.21 | 「鍵のない箱」〜「薔薇と太陽」 #11,13は通常盤のみ |
2017年12月のThe BESTの発売で、Single Selection I(2000年), II(2004年)は買わなくて良くなったはず。
アルバム名 | 発売日 | ベストアルバムでの初出・スタジオアルバム未収録曲 他 | |
1 | 39 | 2007.7.18 | 愛のかたまり(1-#1), 雪白の月(1-#3), Music of Life(1-#11), HELLO(2-#8), いつも僕は恋するんだろう(2-#12),春雷(3-#7), 君のためのうた(3-#8), KinKi Kids forever (English version)(3-#14) |
2 | Ballad Selection(通常盤) | 2017.1.6 | White Avenue(#14), 道は手ずから夢の花 -20th Anniversary Ver.-(#15), 過去音源のリマスター済 |
3 | The BEST(通常盤) | 2017.12.6 | すべてのひとかけら(3-#15),Next to you(3-#16),過去音源のリマスター済 |
タイトル | 発売日 | アルバム未収録のC/W | |
2 | 愛されるより 愛したい | 1997.11.12 | ひとりぼっちのクリスマス(#2) |
6 | やめないで,PURE | 1999.2.24 | BABY LOVE(#2) |
7 | フラワー | 1999.5.26 | 元気がくたくた(#2) |
13 | Hey! みんな元気かい? | 2001.11.14 | 見上げてごらん夜の星を※剛ソロ(#5) |
14 | カナシミブルー | 2002.5.2 | 生まれた時からのサヨナラを僕達は(#2) |
15 | Solitude〜真実のサヨナラ(初回) | 2002.10.23 | 太陽の扉(#2), 5×9=63(#3) |
16 | 永遠のBLOODS(通常) | 2003.4.9 | Funky Party(#2), その花を見るな(#3) |
17 | 心に夢を君には愛を/ギラ☆ギラ(通常) | 2003.6.18 | この恋眠ろう(#2) |
18 | 薄荷キャンディー(通常) | 2003.8.13 | ふたつの引力(#2), I(#3) |
19 | ね、がんばるよ。(通常) | 2004.1.15 | コハルビヨリ(#2), Sweet days(#3) |
20 | Anniversary | 2004.12.22 | Anniversary -20th. memorial version-(#2) |
21 | ビロードの闇(初回) | 2005.6.15 | 10 years(#3) |
21 | ビロードの闇(通常) | 2005.6.15 | Anniversary - Live at Tokyo Dome(#3) |
22 | SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!(初回) | 2005.12.21 | ミゾレ(#2), ユキノキャンバス(#3) |
23 | 夏模様(初回) | 2006.7.26 | NOASIS(#3) |
23 | 夏模様(通常) | 2006.7.26 | 星のロマンティカ(#2), いつでもどこへでも(#3) |
24 | Harmony of December(初回) | 2006.11.29 | Nothing but you(#3) |
24 | Harmony of December(通常) | 2006.11.29 | 孤独の街角(#2), さよなら(#3) |
25 | Brand New Song(初回) | 2007.4.25 | アプリシエ(#3) |
25 | Brand New Song(通常) | 2007.4.25 | Stay(#2), hesitated(#3) |
26 | 永遠に(初回) | 2007.9.12 | 夢幻ノスタルジー(#3) |
26 | 永遠に(通常) | 2007.9.12 | 旅路〜you're my buddy.〜(#3) |
27 | Secret Code(初回) | 2008.8.27 | strategie(#3), Secret Code〜KinKi you Live Version〜(#4) |
27 | Secret Code(通常) | 2008.8.27 | Fu Fu Fu(#2), ビターショコラ(#4) |
28 | 約束(初回) | 2009.1.28 | 旅立ちの日(#3) |
28 | 約束(通常) | 2009.1.28 | ユメハジメハナ(#2), Loving(#4) |
29 | スワンソング(初回) | 2009.10.28 | 深紅の花(#3) |
29 | スワンソング(通常) | 2009.10.28 | サマルェカダス(#2), 面影(#4) |
30 | Family〜ひとつになること(初回) | 2010.12.1 | Tears(#2) |
30 | Family〜ひとつになること(通常) | 2010.12.1 | me 〜地球のいろ(#2) |
31 | Time(通常) | 2011.6.15 | 灰色の花(#2), 君と僕のうた(#3) |
32 | 変わったかたちの石(通常) | 2012.1.11 | ナミダ 空に輝く(#2), 輪郭 -l'e contour d'amour-(#3), ユキムシ(#4) |
33 | まだ涙にならない悲しみが/恋は匂へと散りぬるを(初回) | 2013.10.23 | 雨虫(#3), 流星(#4) |
34 | 鍵のない箱(初回B) | 2014.11.12 | キラメキニシス(#2) |
34 | 鍵のない箱(通常) | 2014.11.12 | No More Tears(#2), blue new moon(#3) |
35 | 夢を見れば傷つくこともある(初回A) | 2015.11.28 | ちがう道、おなじ空(#2) |
35 | 夢を見れば傷つくこともある(初回B) | 2015.11.28 | 鼓動、千々に(#2), もう一度信じて(#3) |
35 | 夢を見れば傷つくこともある(通常) | 2015.11.28 | こたえ(#2), ココロがあったんだ(#3), Alright!(#4) |
36 | 薔薇と太陽(初回B) | 2016.7.20 | Unlock Baby(#2) |
36 | 薔薇と太陽(通常) | 2016.7.20 | Fall Dance(#2), 今の僕がある理由(#3) |
37 | 道は手ずから夢の花(初回B) | 2016.11.2 | マフラー(#2) |
37 | 道は手ずから夢の花(通常) | 2016.11.2 | Pure Soul(#2), パズル(#3) |
38 | The Red Light(初回B) | 2017.7.12 | 僕だけの椅子(#2) |
38 | The Red Light(通常) | 2017.7.12 | Shiny(#2), Million Secrets of Love(#3) |
シングル1 - 明日が聴こえる/Children's Holiday(1998年1月21日)
ミニアルバム1 - People Of The World(1999年1月13日)
シングル2 - Next 100 Years(1999年12月22日)
シングル3 - I WILL GET THERE(2000年11月29日)
I noticed that 10 years passed since I started writing blogs.
While the world is increasingly connected to NET and scarping the gap between those who have information and those who do not have it every day, I think that it is unhappy that violence due to concentration of wealth is increasingly increasing power.
It is "religion" that is surprisingly personally surviving.
A certain great scholar is said to have said that "Religion is a drug of the poor"
Now that mobile phones are spreading in countries called poorest countries and the Internet covers the world now
I want to wish that such common sense is another few years of life.
"Enlightenment" which is the difference between religious leader and believer is only a concept,
The fact that Islam society does not accept social advancement as much as treating women,
It does not match the present era.
I feel even dizzy to the extent of Americans who still do not believe in the theory of evolution,
I think that it is sick if you are watching Korea who is singing and saying that it is the place of origin of its own country keyy.
I welcome the fact that China, which is misunderstood as a nationwide all countries other than his country, is finally getting cold from a hangover,
I am impressed with Putin who is handling Russia brilliantly but vodka is about to expire soon.
President of the world's largest military superpower, Christians of discrimination will truly be overworked by esprit.
The door to World War III has been opening much more than I feel.
It might be a trial from Gaia against an overly populated population.
途中までスルーしてたんだけどある時見てからはまった。最後はいい年して涙腺崩壊 (T_T)
曲はZONEのカバー曲『secret base~君がくれたもの~(10 years after Ver)』
花が落下しながらサビの手前でズームアウト後に上昇っていう演出も d(・∀・)Good !