「Was」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: Wasとは



That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime


My Girlfriend is Shobitch


Shomin Sample: I Was Abducted by an Elite All-Girls School as a Sample Commoner


I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying




Why does Japanese wear strange T-shirts which shows strange English?

When I was a college student I found the girl who wear shirts with "Too Drunk To F**k!".


English lesson feat. Hatena

In short, don’t you have any guts, do you?


I’m saying the animals should stay locked in a cage.


Whoof. Alas. No. This is just no. Ah no. A killing happiness vibe. Light attribute. Hitting my weak point. Mm. I’m dying. Dying right here. Gee. Am I done. I’m done. I knew my Dark attribute is done. Geez.


Put on a murderer face, at least.


Though you haven’t published solo work.


Long eared rabbit-chan! Long necked giraffe-san! Impressive bookmarker aukusoe! Me, me, it was me!!!

(耳が長くてウサギちゃん! 首が長くてキリンさん! ブコメ面白くてaukusoe! 俺だ俺だ! 俺だった!!!


ラスアス2がめっちゃ賛否両論でIGN Japanの70点が再評価されててワロタ

PS4の『The Last of Us 2』が事前のメタスコア大絶賛一色とは一転していざ発売されると前作ユーザーから賛否両論となりユーザースコアが激低で結果的に主要サイトの中でほぼ唯一批判的に評価していた日本のIGN Japanレビュー海外ユーザーから評価される怪現象が起きている。


2020年6月19日に発売されたPS4ゲームThe Last of Us Part II』。日本では「ラスアス2」、海外では「TLOU2」と略されることが多い。ソニー・インタラクティブエンタテインメント (SIE) のファーストパーティー(傘下スタジオであるノーティドッグ (Naughty Dog) が開発を担当し、SIEより発売された。アメリカヴァージニア州本拠地を置くノーティドッグは、『クラッシュバンディクーシリーズや『ジャック×ダクスターシリーズ、そして近年では『アンチャーテッドシリーズによって知られている開発会社であり、2001年よりSIEの傘下スタジオとなっている。

前作『The Last of Us』は2013年PS3で発売され、2014年にはPS4リマスター版が発売された。PS3版とPS4版を合わせると現在までに約2000万本以上を売り上げている。メタスコアでは95点を獲得し、数え切れないほどのメディアによって表彰された( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_accolades_received_by_The_Last_of_Us )。






The Last of Us Part II』は世界各国のメディアによるレビューで絶賛され、2020年6月20日10時(JST)時点では94件のレビューを平均して95点という非常な高評価を受けた。過半数を越える実に50件ものレビューが同作に100点満点を与えている。

このメタスコアは2020年に発売されたゲームのなかで最高評価であり、その下には同じく95点の『ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤル』、93点の『Half-Life: Alyx』、91点の『あつまれ どうぶつの森』などが続く。なお日本ユーザーに馴染みが深いタイトルで言うと、『ファイナルファンタジーVII リメイク』は87点、『仁王2』は85点、『バイオハザード RE:3』は84点である。( https://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/score/metascore/year/all/filtered

PS4タイトル全体の中では、97点の『Red Dead Redemption 2』(2018年)と『グランド・セフト・オートV』(2014年)に次ぐ順位である。( https://www.metacritic.com/browse/games/score/metascore/all/ps4/filtered?sort=desc&view=detailed

しかしその中にあって、日本のIGN Japan10点満点で7点とやや厳しめの点数をつけている( 過去との決別で残された物語The Last of Us Part II』レビュー https://jp.ign.com/the-last-of-us-2/44388/review/the-last-of-us-part-ii )。レビュアー福山幸司は前作が「ビデオゲーム史上に残る、マスターピースであることが疑いようがない」とした上で、「残念ながら『The Last of Us Part II』は、前作を超えるどころか、共に並び立つことすら許されないほど、いびつ出来栄えとなってしまった。」と評した。福山が同作に批判的な評価を下している原因は、主にそのストーリー面についてのものだ。Metacriticに収集された94件のレビューのうち、ラスアス2にIGN Japanと同程度またはそれ以下の評価を与えているメディアは、ほかにGAMINGbibleとGame Revolutionだけである

IGN Japan6月13日福山によるレビューを発表し、さらにその翌日には同編集部のクラベ・エスラによる同作のレビューをめぐる分析記事掲載された( 世界各国のメディアが『The Last of Us Part II』を大絶賛! IGN JAPAN評価が激しく異なる理由を紐解く https://jp.ign.com/the-last-of-us-2/44460/news/the-last-of-us-part-ii-ign-japan )。相反する評価を受けるビッグタイトルは時々あるが、それを分析した記事投稿されるのは頻繁にあることではなく、それだけラスアス2が注目を集めるタイトルであること、IGN Japanレビューが異色であったことを示していると言えるだろう。



そして、このような酷評を与えられるにつれ、IGN Japanレビューが再評価されつつある。興味深いのは、海外ゲーマーの多くが(日本ゲーマーが『ファミ通』のクロスレビューに対して揶揄するのと同様に)多くのメディアの絶賛レビューメーカーから受け取った金銭によって操作されており信用に値しないと信じ込んでいる点だろう。以下、ツイッターでひっかかった意見の一部。



MichiruBOSS @N6Gi7

I think one of the best review about Tlou2 is from IGN Japan. If you are interestes, go check it out.

(ラスアス2に関する最高のレビューひとつはIGN Japanによるものでした。興味があれば是非確認して。)

Sublem @DarthSublem

Whooo boy, friend is pissed off at TLOU2, he says it's a PoS because the fucked the story so hard. IGN Japan was right. Gameplay and graphics are great, but the story is complete ass. He told me about the story and ending, and I have to agree. It's basically a big FU to TLOU1

(友人がラスアス2に立腹している。ストーリーがとても酷くて凹んでいるらしい。IGN Japanは正しかった。ゲーム性とグラフィックは素晴らしい、しかストーリーは本当に最低。彼はストーリーエンディングについて語ってくれて、私も同意した。今作は基本的に前作に対するFU (Fuck You) だ)


The Last Of Us Part IIを5時間程度プレイしてみたが、IGN Japanレビューで言いたいことが序盤をプレイしただけで、非常によく伝わってきた。7/10という点数になるかはともかく、賛否両論になるのがほぼ確実なゲームクリア時に今の感想を塗りつぶすほどの展開になっていると嬉しいな。


IGN Japan forever god



IGN japan god forever #TLOU2


IGN Japanレビュー70点が結果的ユーザー体感に近いスコアだったということでそういうあれだったのか……。

Rich Price@richprice16

I’m only 3 hours in, but the IGN Japan review of game resonates the most so far. They basically said it’s a good game, but not 10/10. The gameplay is virtually identical to the original, which is 7 years old.

(まだ3時間プレイしただけだが、いまのところIGN Japanレビューが最も共感できる。基本的には良いゲームだと言えるが、10点満点はない。ゲーム性は7年前のオリジナルとほぼ同じだ。)

Lt. Senpai@Lt_Senpai

Metacritic needs to make it that the Critic Reviews are based on actual critics and not paid off journalists. The only legitimate review on there is from IGN Japan. Even THEY were generous.

(Metacriticは、そのCritic Reviewsが実際の批評家に基づいたものであって報酬を受け取ったジャーナリストによるものではないことを明らかにする必要がある。唯一の正当なレビューはIGN Japanによるものだった。それですらまだ手ぬるい。)

David Camões@mephis87

IGN Japan did a better job review this game.

This game is not a masterpiece, is not a 10/10 or 9/10.

I don't care about gay or bi characters, i think that is amazing but the story of this game is a 6/10.

Yes the graphics are amazing but that alone is not what makes a great game.

(IGN Japanはこのゲームレビューで最も良い仕事をした。このゲームマスターピースではないし、10点満点でも9点でもない。私はゲイバイキャラクターは気にしない、それは素晴らしいことだと思うけれど、でもこのストーリー10点満点で6点だ。)

Sublem @DarthSublem

Friend has, he says the story is dog shit and just takes a shit on TLOU 1.

From what I can tell, IGN Japan was right, and everyone who gave a 10/10 was obviously paid off

(友人は今作のストーリーはラスアス1の上にひりだした犬の糞だと言った。私の知る限りではIGN Japanは正しかったし、10点満点を付けたやつは明らかに金をもらっている)








It means IGN Japan is less biased than IGN USA in terms of criticism

(これは批評面においてIGN JapanがIGN USAよりも偏っていないことを示している)

krikor||Read vinland saga


Let me tell you this IGN gave the game a 10/10 and most def is sucking up to ND and sony but IGN japan gave the game a 7/10 and said the story is bad and did not follow the same route as the first one so i wouldn't trust any gaming journalists or company on an honest review

(IGNは10点満点で10点を与え、Naughty Dogソニーにおもねっているが、IGN Japanは同作に7点を与え、ストーリーは良くなく、前作のようにはなれなかったと言う。だから私はゲームジャーナリスト企業が誠実なレビューをするとは信用できない)


I don't believe to the 100% ratings, I don't believe to 0% ratings either...

IGN Japan gave the game a 70% score, probably what it really deserves.

(私は100点の評価は信じていないし、0点の評価も信じていない……。IGN Japanは本作に70点を付けたが、おそらくそれが実情に近い。)


The thing with IGN is that you can pay them for a review. Like almost any "credible" reviewer. IGN Japan tho, thats a realistic review

(IGNについて重要なのはレビューのために彼らに金銭を支払うことができるということです。ほとんどの「信頼できる」レビュアーと同様に。ING Japan現実的レビューだったけれども)


Awosome. IGN japan is without censorship.

(すごい。IGN Japanには検閲がない。)


IGN Japan summed that up pretty good there.

Graphics are out of this world. Its beautiful.

But well... new characters only to throw them away.

It seems like they couldn't buy IGN Japan in the end haha

(IGN Japanはかなり上手くまとめている。グラフィックはこの世のものとは思えない。美しい。でも、、、新キャラはそれらを投げ捨ててしまった。結局のところ彼らはIGN Japanを買収できなかったようだ。笑)




前作から引き続き主人公を務める女性主人公エリーは、本作ではレズビアンであることが明らかになり、新キャラクターバイセクシャルのディーナと接近する。新キャラクターのレブはトランスジェンダー少年である。今作でメインキャラクターの一人となるアビーは、発売前に誤って噂されていたようなトランスジェンダー女性ではなく、単に「女性らしさ」がないだけの筋肉質な女性である。ラスアス2のシナリオを手掛けたNaughty Dogイスラエルアメリカ人のライターNeil Druckmann(ニールドラックマン)は、自身シスジェンダー男性であるものの、フェミニスト評論家Anita Sarkeesian(アニータ・サーキシアンからの影響を公言しており、ジェンダーコーリティ多様性配慮したゲーム作りを心がけている。2004年よりNaughty Dogで働く彼は、前作『The Last of Us』や『アンチャーテッド 海賊王と最後の秘宝』のクリエイティブディレクターおよびライターを務めた。

ユーザースコア世界には、Troll荒らし)によるreview bombレビュー爆弾レビュー爆撃)というものがある。『Death Stranding』のケースでは、1万8000件以上のユーザーレビューから約6000件以上が削除され、それにより「5.1」だったスコアは「7.3」まで上昇した。有名作の発売の際には、このようなreview bomb存在もまたよくある光景となっている( レビューサイトが「デス・ストランディング」への「疑わしいユーザー評価」を大量削除してスコアが一気に急上昇 - GIGAZINE https://gigazine.net/news/20191210-removed-death-stranding-suspicious-ratings/ )。おそらく今回のラスアス2でも、後日いくらかのレビューが削除され、揺り戻しが起こるだろう。





The jasper was held in high favor by the ancients, and Babylonian seals as old as 1,000 years before the Christian era have been found. The THET or Buckle of Isis was made chiefly of jasper. In those times the stone was found in quantities in the vicinity of the historic town of On or Heliopolis.


Bloodstone{heliotrope}—massive quartz, variety plasma, but with small spots of red jasper that resembled drops of blood. Hardness is seven, composition SiO2. found in Heliopolis, Egypt. Checking hemorrhages in ancient times and medieval times. Have the power to cause tempests.








"But perhaps most surprisingly, four years after the procedure, samples of Long’s semen show only his donor’s DNA."



"...[Long]’s surprising semen is likely due to the fact that Long had a vasectomy after his second child was born."





"Three bone marrow transplant experts consulted by the NYT all agreed that it would be impossible for the procedure to result in a recipient producing sperm containing their donor’s DNA."



ウィキディア『骨髄』: https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%AA%A8%E9%AB%84









"But perhaps most surprisingly, four years after the procedure, samples of Long’s semen show only his donor’s DNA."


Semen (精液). Not sperm(精子).


"Three bone marrow transplant experts consulted by the NYT all agreed that it would be impossible for the procedure to result in a recipient producing sperm containing their donor’s DNA."


"...[Long]’s surprising semen is likely due to the fact that Long had a vasectomy after his second child was born."









例文1: The heat wave gripping India has killed 2,330 people, officials announced on Tuesday, as meteorologists warned that monsoon rains could still be days away.


ちげーよ."officials announced..." と "meteorologists warned..." をまとめてるんじゃねーよ.





例文2: Sources said that after ticket sales fizzled for an intimate, $2,700-per-person, “just for women” meeting on Monday, the event was thrown open to men at the 11th hour, and the deadline extended to buy tickets.




みらい翻訳日本語おかしいな.どれも "intimate" を「親密な」って訳してるのがイマイチだ.



Black Lives Matter と All Lives Matter

昨今の米国でのプロテスト世界刮目する中、"Black Lives Matter" というフレーズをご存知の方も増えてきたことと思う。



米国では、"Black Lives Matter"に対し"All Lives Matter" (="みんなの命は大切である") という発言を様々な場所で読む、又は耳にする機会が多数存在する。

日本でも、この運動やその根底にある人種差別問題への関心が少しずつ高まっている中で、"All Lives Matter"という、(恐らく多くの日本人にとって)一見自明で無害のように見える一文の意味するところを、とあるRedditでの投稿引用する形で紹介しようと思う。

以下引用及び拙訳 (r/explainlikeimfive/comments/3du1qm/eli5_why_is_it_so_controversial_when_someone_says/ より)

Imagine that you're sitting down to dinner with your family, and while everyone else gets a serving of the meal, you don't get any. So you say "I should get my fair share." And as a direct response to this, your dad corrects you, saying, "everyone should get their fair share." Now, that's a wonderful sentiment -- indeed, everyone should, and that was kinda your point in the first place: that you should be a part of everyone, and you should get your fair share also. However, dad's smart-ass comment just dismissed you and didn't solve the problem that you still haven't gotten any!


The problem is that the statement "I should get my fair share" had an implicit "too" at the end: "I should get my fair share, too, just like everyone else." But your dad's response treated your statement as though you meant "only I should get my fair share", which clearly was not your intention. As a result, his statement that "everyone should get their fair share," while true, only served to ignore the problem you were trying to point out.


That's the situation of the "black lives matter" movement. Culture, laws, the arts, religion, and everyone else repeatedly suggest that all lives should matter. Clearly, that message already abounds in our society.

これこそが、"Black Lives Matter" 運動対峙している状況なのです。文化法律芸術作品宗教、その他全てが繰り返し、みんなの命が大切であるべきだ、と主張しています米国社会においては、このメッセージは至る所で目にすることでしょう。

The problem is that, in practice, the world doesn't work the way. You see the film Nightcrawler? You know the part where Renee Russo tells Jake Gyllenhal that she doesn't want footage of a black or latino person dying, she wants news stories about affluent white people being killed? That's not made up out of whole cloth -- there is a news bias toward stories that the majority of the audience (who are white) can identify with. So when a young black man gets killed (prior to the recent police shootings), it's generally not considered "news", while a middle-aged white woman being killed is treated as news. And to a large degree, that is accurate -- young black men are killed in significantly disproportionate numbers, which is why we don't treat it as anything new. But the result is that, societally, we don't pay as much attention to certain people's deaths as we do to others. So, currently, we don't treat all lives as though they matter equally.

しかしながら、現実社会においては決してその通りではなく、命の重みは平等ではありません。あなたは、Nightcrawlerという映画を見ましたか?その映画の中で、Renee RussoがJake Gyllenhalに対して、黒人もしくはラテン系アメリカ人が命を落とすような映像ではなく、裕福な白人殺害されたといったようなニュースが欲しい、と伝えるシーンがあります。実はこのシーンは、ニュースの大部分の受け手である白人層が共感できるような報道を重視するというような、現実に即したメディアバイアス如実に反映しています現実として、若い黒人男性殺害されることはニュースにならない一方で、中年女性殺害事件はニュースとして世間に扱われますさらに言えば、統計有意に多数の若い黒人男性が日々命を落としてしまっているという現状において、そういった死のニュース性が少ないということは単なるバイアスとして存在するわけではなく、ほとんどの場合事実なのです。その結果、一部のグループの人々の死に対しては他のグループの人々の死ほどに、私たち社会全体として注目しません。人の命は本来全て平等であるにも関わらず、現実として私たちはそれらを平等に扱っていないのです。

Just like asking dad for your fair share, the phrase "black lives matter" also has an implicit "too" at the end: it's saying that black lives should also matter. But responding to this by saying "all lives matter" is willfully going back to ignoring the problem. It's a way of dismissing the statement by falsely suggesting that it means "only black lives matter," when that is obviously not the case. And so saying "all lives matter" as a direct response to "black lives matter" is essentially saying that we should just go back to ignoring the problem.

あなた父親自分の分の食事を求めた時のように、"Black Lives Matter"というフレーズにも"too"、すなわち黒人の命”も”大切であるという前提があります。他の人種の人々の命と同様、黒人の命も大切に扱われるべきだ、というメッセージがそこにはあるのです。これに対して"All Lives Matter"と応えることは、その根底にある(黒人の命が他の命と同様に大切に扱われていないという)問題恣意的無視していることになるのです。そのような問題共通認識が前提として明らかに存在しているにも関わらず、さも"黒人の命だけが大切だ"という主張である曲解することで、"Black Lives Matter"という本来の主張を退けてしまっています。"Black Lives Matter"というメッセージに対して、"All Lives Matter"と応えることは、黒人の日々対峙するそのような問題無視し、そのままの現状を維持しよう、と主張する事と本質的に変わりはないのです。

I have a girlfriend who is living with me.

I have a girlfriend who is living with me. Yesterday, I picked up some food on the way home from work. My girlfriend saw it and told me "PLEASE, NOT TO BUY SWEETS" . Because she has been working at home recently due to the COVID19, she feels guilty because she eats all the sweets in the house. It made me sad. I just wanted to give her a break while she was working at home.こんちくしょーが She too was tired from the end of the workday. I was also exhausted at the end of the work day. That's just the way it is. But that doesn't change the fact that I felt sad. I'm writing this because I wanted to look back on the situation at that time and put a stop to my feelings so that I could say "I'm home" with her when I get home today.




The Tokugawa Shogunate was established by Tokugawa Ieyasu after victory at the Battle of Sekigahara, ending the civil wars of the Sengoku period following the collapse of the Ashikaga Shogunate. Ieyasu became the Shōgun and the Tokugawa clan governed Japan from Edo Castle in the eastern city of Edo (Tokyo) along with the daimyō lords of the samurai class. The Tokugawa Shogunate organized Japanese society under the strict Tokugawa class system and banned most foreigners under the isolationist policies of Sakoku to promote political stability. The Tokugawa and daimyō de facto administered Japan through their system of han (feudal domains) alongside the de jure Imperial provinces. The Tokugawa Shogunate saw rapid economic growth and urbanization in Japan which led to the rise of the merchant class and Ukiyo culture. The Tokugawa Shogunate declined during the Bakumatsu ("Opening of Japan") period from 1853 and was overthrown by supporters of the Imperial Court in the Meiji Restoration in 1868. The Empire of Japan was established under the Meiji government and Tokugawa loyalists continued to fight in the Boshin War until the defeat of the Republic of Ezo at the Battle of Hakodate in June 1869.








関ヶ原の戦い勝利した徳川家康によって徳川幕府が成立し、足利幕府崩壊に伴う戦国時代内乱終結した。家康将軍となり、徳川氏は武家大名とともに江戸 (東京) 東部江戸から日本を治めた。徳川幕府は、政治の安定を図るため、厳格な徳川階級の下で日本社会組織し、鎖国政策の下ではほとんどの外国人禁止しました。徳川事実上大名は、日本を藩制(藩)で実質的支配した。日本徳川幕府による高度経済成長都市化が進み、町人階級や浮世文化が興った。1853年から幕末(「日本開国」)の間に徳川幕府は衰退し、1868年明治維新で勤皇志士たちによって倒され、明治政府のもとに大日本帝国が成立し、1869年6月箱館戦争蝦夷共和国が敗れるまで戊辰戦争を戦った。


Shouldn't "whites" be correctly discriminated against in corona?

Shouldn't "white people" be correctly discriminated against in corona?


Discrimination and persecution related to coronaviruses is now widespread worldwide.

There is a concrete and wide-ranging summary of the situation.


"List of Incidents of Foreign Fear and Racism Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic"



That is the English version of Wikipedia article.

With Google Chrome, right-click → Translate to Japanese, but the translation is a bit rough, but anyone can read it in Japanese.

The contents are like this.


>> In France, after the new coronavirus was confirmed on January 24, 2020, a lot of harassment and discrimination against Asians occurred [41]. It is aimed at Asians such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino [42], and taxis and trains that refuse to board Chinese, Korean, Japanese have appeared [41] [43] ].

>> French newspaper Le Courrier Picard featured an Asian woman in a mask on the top page on January 26, 2020 with the heading "Yellow Alert".

>> On March 8, 2020, a Japanese restaurant in Rivoli, Turin, Piedmont, was targeted for arson by a teenager who teased his owner and called him an epidemic carrier. [191]


Not limited to the above, Wuhan and Africans in China, Chinese and infected people in Japan.

Discrimination, whether in the United States, Egypt, Africa or anywhere in the world, exists at all.

In a sense, it's almost equal. Under extreme circumstances, it is not uncommon for "weak" people to be able to keep themselves without creating enemies.


However, what I want to say is not a used phrase such as "Let's live kindly with philanthropy."

There is no objection to it. If the world can eliminate discrimination and prejudice, I naturally want it.

But what I felt was a big question before that. It can be called academic interest.


Chinese discriminate against Wuhan natives, Japanese discriminate against Chinese, and Europeans discriminate against Asians.

I see, there is a reason to that, considering the spread of coronavirus infection. "From what you see, what's dangerous is that area".

Roughly, it may be the result of thinking about "weak" people.


But here's the strange thing. Asians, Africans, yellows and blacks, they are discriminated against in many places around the world.

Frankly speaking, it's safe to say that blacks have little to do with the coronavirus. It's just that the original sense of discrimination has surfaced.

These ethnic groups and regions are equally discriminated against. It is a sense of discrimination that is based on fear but is incorrect but makes sense.


However. Then why isn't "white people" discriminated against?


From April to May, the coronavirus showed an explosive spread in the West.

In the ranking of the number of infected people in the world, the United States is alone, with 1.34 million people, accounting for more than a quarter of the total infected people of 402 million people as of May 10.

After the second place, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Brazil and France are followed, and each has more than 100,000 domestic cases.

Excluding Brazil, everything from 2nd to 7th is Europe. The word "Western Europe" is clearly the most dangerous coronavirus-contaminated area / infectious zone in the world.


However. Strangely enough, there is little talk that "white people, Europeans, and Americans are discriminated against in the world."

Of course it is not zero, but while looking for one "white discrimination", it is possible to find "Asian discrimination", "Black discrimination" and "Yellow discrimination".

It is said that what is currently expanding in the world is not the first wave from China, but the second wave from Europe, which is the pandemic.


With this, it is still understandable that the "white man" continues to do the right thing cleanly and correctly and has succeeded in corona countermeasures.

However, white people have continued to discriminate among Asians since the beginning of the spread.

In January and February, it was not uncommon to hear that Asians were already walking around in the country, calling them "Corona Corona."

By all means, white people are the incarnation of evil. It's not a good thing.


Regardless of the early stages of the epidemic, now that the "hotbed of corona infection" has moved there, it should be possible for white people to hate it.

Otherwise, it cannot be called "equal discrimination". As a result, it is wrong.



If you think about the reason here, after all, "targets are races / objects that originally had hostility",

The hypothesis may be that "there are restrictions on mobility and there are white Asian societies, but few non-white societies are white."

It must be interesting to study the area academically.


However, historically, I've seen that "white people" crusade various places with the Crusades and do all they can to the contrary.

I think that the trilingual diplomacy of Britain has created the situation in the Middle East, where terrorism is frequent nowadays, and has repeatedly carried out wrongdoing by repeatedly discriminating against blacks, Indians, and yellow races.

So, isn't it right here to try to discriminate against white people correctly?


Non-white society is a little too kind to "white people".

It was around this time today when I was thinking about that.


chicken curry

Today,I made and eat chicken curry for lunch.

It was good but not very good.

I want to be good at making curry better.

So,I will search and study how to make more delicious curry.I will do it!



In this morning, I ate a fish.

It was a very good fish.

But I do not know whether it was swimming in the river nor sea.


新型コロナウイルス医師 Sandro Giannini の発見から見えた希望の光(英訳


Coronavirus: speranze dalla scoperta di Sandro Giannini, 10 Aprile, 2020


1) 英訳Google translate を利用させて頂きました)

Coronavirus: hopes from the discovery of Sandro Giannini

10 April, 2020

Bologna - From social media comes good news about the Coronavirus, perhaps decisive, which has scientific foundations and is disseminated by an authoritative doctor from Rizzoli of Bologna, Sandro Giannini. His is a highly qualified curriculum: Full Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology and of Physical Medicine at the University of Bologna since 1989, director of Clinic I at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and of the Gait Analysis Laboratory, partner in European projects and in national and international research programs, author of more than 600 presentations at national and international conferences and more than 400 articles in Science Citation Index journals. His message gives great hope. Let's read:

“I don't want to seem overwhelming to you, but I think I've demonstrated the cause of coronavirus lethality. Only at Blessed Matthew are there 2 cardiologists who turn over 150 beds to do echocardium with enormous effort and one is me. Terrible fatigue! However, of what some supposed, but could not be sure, we now have the first data. People go to resuscitation for generalized venous thromboembolism, especially pulmonary. If this were the case, resuscitations and intubations are of no use because first of all you have to dissolve, indeed prevent these thromboembolisms. If you ventilate a lung where blood does not reach, it is not needed! In fact 9 out of 10 die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory! It is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia that determines fatality!

And why are thrombi formed? Because inflammation, as per school text, induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. Then? Contrary to what scientific literature, especially Chinese, said until mid-March, it was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now in Italy anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are used (as in the influences) and the number of inpatients collapses. Many deaths, even 40 years old, had a history of high fever for 10-15 days that was not treated properly. Here inflammation has destroyed everything and prepared the ground for thrombi formation. Because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune reaction that destroys the cells where the virus enters. In fact, our COVID departments have never entered patients with rheumatoid arthritis! Because they make cortisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory!

Therefore, hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and it is becoming a disease that is treated at home. By taking care of it well at home, you avoid not only hospitalization, but also the thrombotic risk. It was not easy to understand it because the signs of microembolism have faded, even at the echocardium. But this weekend I compared the data of the first 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who don't and the situation appeared very clear. For me you can go back to playing and reopen the business. Quarantine street. Not now. But time to publish this data. Vaccine can arrive calmly. In America and other states that follow the scientific literature that calls for NOT to use anti-inflammatories is a disaster! Worse than in Italy. And they are old and cheap drugs. " (Associated Medias - Red / Giut)


2) 原文:イタリア語

Coronavirus: speranze dalla scoperta di Sandro Giannini

10 Aprile, 2020

Bologna – Dai social arriva una buona notizia sul Coronavirus, forse risolutiva, che ha fondamenta scientifiche ed è diffusa da un medico autorevole del Rizzoli di Bologna, Sandro Giannini. Il suo è un curriculum molto qualificato: Professore ordinario di Ortopedia e Traumatologia e di Medicina Fisica presso l’Universidi Bologna dal 1989, direttore della Clinica I presso l’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli e del Laboratorio di Gait Analysis, partner in progetti europei e in programmi di ricerca nazionali e internazionali, autore di più di 600 presentazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali e più di 400 articoli in riviste Science Citation Index. Il suo messaggio dà grande speranza. Leggiamolo:

“Non vorrei sembrarvi eccessivo ma credo di aver dimostrato la causa della letalità del coronavirus. Solo al Beato Matteo ci sono 2 cardiologi che girano su 150 letti a fare ecocardio con enorme fatica e uno sono io. Fatica terribile! Però, di quello che alcuni supponevano, ma non ne riuscivano a essere sicuri, ora abbiamo i primi dati. La gente va in rianimazione per tromboembolia venosa generalizzata, soprattutto polmonare. Se così fosse, non servono a niente le rianimazioni e le intubazioni perché innanzitutto devi sciogliere, anzi prevenire queste tromboembolie. Se ventili un polmone dove il sangue non arriva, non serve! Infatti muoiono 9 su 10. Perche il problema è cardiovascolare, non respiratorio! Sono le microtrombosi venose, non la polmonite a determinare la fatalità!

E perché si formano trombi? Perche l’infiammazione come da testo scolastico, induce trombosi attraverso un meccanismo fisiopatologico complesso ma ben noto. Allora? Contrariamente a quello che la letteratura scientifica, soprattutto cinese, diceva fino a metà marzo era che non bisognava usare antinfiammatori. Ora in Italia si usano antinfiammatori e antibiotici (come nelle influenze) e il numero dei ricoverati crolla. Molti morti, anche di 40 anni, avevano una storia di febbre alta per 10-15 giorni non curata adeguatamente. Qui l’infiammazione ha distrutto tutto e preparato il terreno alla formazione dei trombi.  Perche il problema principale non è il virus, ma la reazione immunitaria che distrugge le cellule dove il virus entra. Infatti nei nostri reparti COVID non sono mai entrati malati di artrite reumatoide! Perche fanno il cortisone, un potente antinfiammatorio!

Pertanto, in Italia ospedalizzazioni si riducono e sta diventando una malattia che si cura a casa. Curandola bene a casa eviti non solo ospedalizzazione, ma anche il rischio trombotico.  Non era facile capirlo perché i segni della microembolia sono sfumati, anche all’ecocardio. Ma questo week end ho confrontato i dati dei primi 50 pazienti tra chi respira male e chi no e la situazione è apparsa molto chiara. Per me si può tornare a giocare e riaprire l’attività commerciali. Via quarantena. Non subito. Ma il tempo di pubblicare questi dati. Vaccino può arrivare con calma. In America e altri stati che seguono la letteratura scientifica che invita a NON usare antinfiammatori e’ un disastro! Peggio che in Italia. E sono farmaci vecchi e che costano pochi euro.”

(Associated MediasRed/Giut)


3) 追記


FDAが、COVID-19への非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAIDs)使用について助言, 2020年4月1日




“I think it is safe to say that there has not been much change in the community opinion since 2018,” says Kiran Kedlaya, a number theorist at the University of California, San Diego, who was among the experts who put considerable effort over several years trying to verify the proof.



かつてからある時期までそれは家にあった、を表現するのに It had been at home. でいいんだろうか?

It has been at home.はかつてから今まで家にあり続けている、になる?

It was at home.との違いは?



She had a small role in The Grand Maneuver (1955) for director René Clair, supporting Gérard Philipe and Michelle Morgan. The part was bigger in The Light Across the Street (1956) for director Georges Lacombe. She did another with Hollywood film, Helen of Troy, playing Helen's handmaiden.










site Jean Marais, for director Marc Allégret. Bardot played her first sizeable English-language role in Doctor at Sea (1955), as the love interest for Dirk Bogarde. The film was the third-most popular mo










an Boyer.[28] She was paid 200,000 francs (€4,700 in 2019 euros) for the small role portraying a cousin of the main character.[28] On 21 December 1952, Bardot (then 18 years old) married Vadim, under the consent of her parents. The wedding was held at the Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Church of Passy in the 16t










ginnings: 1952–1955 Bardot appeared on the cover of Elle again in 1952, which landed her a movie offer for the comedy Crazy for Love (1952), starring Bourvil and directed by Jean Boyer.[28] She was paid 200,000 francs (€4,700 in 2019 euros) for the small role portraying a cousin o










s opposed her becoming an actress, but her grandfather was supportive, saying that "If this little girl is to become a whore, cinema will not be the cause."[A] At the audition, Bardot met Roger Vadim, who later notified her that she did not get the role.[24] They subsequently fell in love.[25] Her parents fiercely opposed th










azines Elle and Le Jardin des Modes, hired Bardot in 1949 as a "junior" fashion model.[21] On 8 March 1950, Bardot (aged 15 at the time) appeared on the cover of Elle, which brought her an acting offer for the film Les Lauriers sont coupés from director Marc Allégret.[22] Her parents opposed her becoming an actress, but her grandfather was supportive, saying that "If this little girl is to bec










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