はてなキーワード: oNとは
we shall fight on the beaches
we shall fight on the landing grounds
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets
we shall fight in the hills
we shall never surrender!
え?は?って思っておじさん見てたらおじさんも私の視線に気づいてこっちを見て目が合った瞬間「Aces High!!」って歌うんだよ。うぜぇええええええっ!!!!
はぁ?って思った。何なん!?唐突なIron Maiden何なん!?チャーチル演説何なん!?
ここはHard Rock Cafeじゃないから。
名刺も渡して、やっと終わりだって思ったけどおじさん別れ際に振り返って「Aces High!!」って言うんだよ。
話題の最新画像生成AI flux.1てのが、無料で試せるっていうので、またやってみた。
プロンプトは a zebra riding a big turtle swimming across the ocean with some birds でな
a painting by Alphonse Mucha, smiling middle-aged long haired lady, holding a Katsu-don bowl in the left hand and a pair of chopsticks, flower ornaments on her head
平成31年1月27日 記録
立ち上がらなくなったという。 起案者 木田
平成31年2月8日 記録
主が、 蓮根のサイクルハウスヒロで、8000円のサイモトの軽快自転車を購入したということ。また、それとともに、志村健康福祉センターに相談をしたという。
平成31年2月14日 記録
平成31年2月23日 記録
主が 拡声器でGLAYの歌をシャウトしているという。 近くにいた若者が通報し臨場した警官が朝霞水門まで追跡したが途中で見当たらなくなったという。主によれば、
朝霞水門の横の草むらから打間木通りに出て、朝霞大橋→和光高校を通って帰ってきたと言う。 シェアハウスの入り口に警官が張っていたことからシェアハウスの裏側から入り
平成31年2月25日 記録
平成31年3月2日 記録
平成31年3月20日 記録
平成31年4月20日 記録
の診断で、 気に入らないことがあること大声を上げる、 自閉、感情平板化、意欲の減退の状態像を呈していて、日常の簡単なことは行えるが労働は不能、とされている。
主が荒川河川敷で午後10時に拡声器とパソコンをつないで、テレビゲームFF8の主題歌のEyes on meを大音量で流した件で、軽犯罪で取り調べを受けることになったという。
令和元年10月31日 記録
令和元年11月12日 記録
令和元年11月17日 記録
令和元年12月25日 記録
8月23日 福岡高裁宮崎支部の、 小田島靖人、が、 しているので民事雑事件で立件するように指示。
令和元年9月4日 FF8のeyes on me を流しているが、 なぜその日の、 eyes on me になったのか不明。 この時代は現在とは動機が違うように思う。
本稿は、イギリスのラディカル・フェミニストでマルクス主義者でもあるジェン・アイザクソンさんが、彼女の主催するサイト「On the Woman Question」に掲載された論文の全訳です。著者の許可を得て、ここに掲載します。クィア理論が本質的にペドフィリアを肯定するものであり、欧米左翼とアカデミズムがクイア理論によって蝕まれ、それがいかに政治的に危険であるかが明らかにされています。
クィア理論の成立を画するのは、ゲイル・ルービンが1984年に発表した「性を考える――性の政治学のラディカルな理論のための覚書(Thinking Sex: Notes For A Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality)」という広く知られている文書だ。
# Entity Relation Diagram
# ```mermaid
# ---
# title: Rental Office example
# ---
# erDiagram
# OFFICE ||--|{ ROOM : x
# number office_id
# }
# ROOM {
# number office_id
# number room_id
# }
# ROOM ||--|{ SCHEDULE : x
# number room_id
# datetime start_at
# datetime end_at
# }
# number office_id
# enum week_of_day
# datetime start_at
# datetime end_at
# }
# ```
# Directed Acyclic Graph
# ```mermaid
# graph LR
# D --> C
# A --> C
# ```
# 基底クラス: EntityLock
class EntityLock
attr_accessor :entity_name, :entity_locked, :attribute_locks
def initialize(entity_name)
@entity_name = entity_name
@entity_locked = false # エンティティ全体のロック状態を保持
@attribute_locks = {} # IDに対するロックを管理するハッシュ
def lock_entity
@entity_locked = true
puts "Entity '#{@entity_name}' is now locked."
def unlock_entity
@entity_locked = false
puts "Entity '#{@entity_name}' is now unlocked."
def lock(attributes)
entity_id = attributes["#{@entity_name.downcase}_id"]
if entity_id && !@attribute_locks[entity_id]
@attribute_locks[entity_id] = true
puts "#{@entity_name} with ID '#{entity_id}' is now locked."
def unlock(attributes)
entity_id = attributes["#{@entity_name.downcase}_id"]
if entity_id && @attribute_locks[entity_id]
puts "#{@entity_name} with ID '#{entity_id}' is now unlocked."
def locked?(attributes)
# まずエンティティ全体がロックされているかチェック
return true if @entity_locked
# 次に特定のIDがロックされているかチェック
entity_id = attributes["#{@entity_name.downcase}_id"]
if entity_id && @attribute_locks[entity_id]
return true
# ロックされていなければfalseを返す
# 子クラス: OfficeLock, RoomLock, ScheduleLock
class OfficeLock < EntityLock
def initialize
class RoomLock < EntityLock
def initialize
class ScheduleLock < EntityLock
def initialize
# 子クラス: BusinessHourLock
class BusinessHourLock < EntityLock
def initialize
@attribute_locks = [] # BusinessHour用のロックを配列で管理
def lock(attributes)
start_at = attributes["start_at"]
end_at = attributes["end_at"]
if start_at && end_at
@attribute_locks << [start_at, end_at]
puts "BusinessHour from '#{start_at}' to '#{end_at}' is now locked."
def unlock(attributes)
start_at = attributes["start_at"]
end_at = attributes["end_at"]
if @attribute_locks.include?([start_at, end_at])
@attribute_locks.delete([start_at, end_at])
puts "BusinessHour from '#{start_at}' to '#{end_at}' is now unlocked."
def locked?(attributes)
# まずエンティティ全体がロックされているかチェック
return true if @entity_locked
# 次に特定の時間範囲がロックされているかチェック
start_at = attributes["start_at"]
end_at = attributes["end_at"]
if start_at && end_at
@attribute_locks.each do |(locked_start, locked_end)|
if locked_start <= start_at && end_at <= locked_end
return true
# ロックされていなければfalseを返す
# TreeNodeクラス
class TreeNode
attr_accessor :name, :children, :parents, :lock
def initialize(name, lock)
@name = name
@children = []
@parents = [] # 複数の親ノードを保持する配列
@lock = lock # TreeNodeにロックを持たせる
def add_child(child_node)
child_node.parents << self # 子ノードにこのノードを親として追加
@children << child_node
def display(level = 0)
indent = " " * (level * 4)
puts "#{indent}#{@name}"
@children.each { |child| child.display(level + 1) }
def has_dependency
return false if @parents.empty?
@parents.each do |parent|
puts "#{@name} is dependent on #{parent.name}"
return true
def locked?(attributes = {})
# 自身がロックされているか確認
return true if @lock.locked?(attributes)
# 親ノードがロックされているか再帰的に確認
@parents.any? { |parent| parent.locked?(attributes) }
# 木構造の組み立て
# ロックオブジェクトの作成
office_lock = OfficeLock.new
room_lock = RoomLock.new
schedule_lock = ScheduleLock.new
business_hour_lock = BusinessHourLock.new
# ノードの作成
office_node = TreeNode.new("Office", office_lock)
room_node = TreeNode.new("Room", room_lock)
schedule_node = TreeNode.new("Schedule", schedule_lock)
business_hour_node = TreeNode.new("BusinessHour", business_hour_lock)
# ノード間の依存関係の設定
office_node.add_child(room_node) # Office -> Room
room_node.add_child(schedule_node) # Room -> Schedule
office_node.add_child(business_hour_node) # Office -> BusinessHour
business_hour_node.add_child(schedule_node) # BusinessHour -> Schedule
# 木構造の表示
# ロックの確認
puts "Case 1. Office全体がロックされた場合"
puts "Is office_node locked? #{office_node.locked?({})}" # false
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({})}" # false
puts "Is office_node locked? #{office_node.locked?({})}" # true
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({})}" # true
puts "Case 2. Room id:1 がロックされた場合"
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({ "room_id" => 1 })}" # false
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({ "room_id" => 2 })}" # false
room_lock.lock({ "room_id" => 1 })
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({ "room_id" => 1 })}" # true
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({ "room_id" => 2 })}" # false
room_lock.unlock({ "room_id" => 1 })
puts "Case 3. BusinessHour start_at:0 end_at:5 がロックされた場合"
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({ "room_id" => 1, "start_at" => 0, "end_at" => 5 })}" # false
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({ "room_id" => 1, "start_at" => 5, "end_at" => 10 })}" # false
business_hour_lock.lock({ "start_at" => 0, "end_at" => 5 })
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({ "room_id" => 1, "start_at" => 0, "end_at" => 5 })}" # true
puts "Is schedule_node locked? #{schedule_node.locked?({ "room_id" => 1, "start_at" => 5, "end_at" => 10 })}" # false
business_hour_lock.unlock({ "start_at" => 0, "end_at" => 5 })
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, name, attributes=None):
self.name = name
self.attributes = attributes or {}
self.children = []
def add_child(self, child_node):
def display(self, level=0):
indent = " " * level
print(f"{indent}{self.name} {self.attributes}")
for child in self.children:
child.display(level + 1)
def has_dependency(self):
# ルートノードや属性を持たないノードは依存関係を判定しない
if not self.children:
return False
for child in self.children:
# 子ノードがBusinessHourかScheduleかをチェック
if "start_at" in child.attributes and "end_at" in child.attributes:
child_start = child.attributes["start_at"]
child_end = child.attributes["end_at"]
# 現在のノードがBusinessHourで、子がScheduleの場合
if "start_at" in self.attributes and "end_at" in self.attributes:
self_start = self.attributes["start_at"]
self_end = self.attributes["end_at"]
if self_start <= child_start and self_end >= child_end:
print(f"{child.name} (start_at: {child_start}, end_at: {child_end}, room_id: {child.attributes['room_id']}) is dependent on {self.name} (start_at: {self_start}, end_at: {self_end})")
print(f"{child.name} (start_at: {child_start}, end_at: {child_end}, room_id: {child.attributes['room_id']}) is NOT dependent on {self.name} (start_at: {self_start}, end_at: {self_end})")
# 現在のノードがRoomで、子がScheduleの場合
elif self.name.startswith("Room"):
print(f"{child.name} (start_at: {child_start}, end_at: {child_end}, room_id: {child.attributes['room_id']}) is dependent on Room {self.name[-1]}")
# 子ノードが属性を持たない場合、再帰的に依存関係をチェック
# ノードの作成
root = TreeNode("Root")
office_node = TreeNode("Office")
# Roomノードの作成
room1_node = TreeNode("Room1")
room2_node = TreeNode("Room2")
# BusinessHourノードの作成
business_hour1_node = TreeNode("BusinessHour1", {"start_at": 9, "end_at": 12})
business_hour2_node = TreeNode("BusinessHour2", {"start_at": 13, "end_at": 17})
# Scheduleノードの作成
schedule1_node = TreeNode("Schedule1", {"start_at": 10, "end_at": 11, "room_id": 1})
schedule2_node = TreeNode("Schedule2", {"start_at": 14, "end_at": 15, "room_id": 1})
schedule3_node = TreeNode("Schedule3", {"start_at": 10, "end_at": 11, "room_id": 2})
schedule4_node = TreeNode("Schedule4", {"start_at": 14, "end_at": 15, "room_id": 2})
# 木構造の構築
# Room1にSchedule1, Schedule2を追加
# Room2にSchedule3, Schedule4を追加
# BusinessHour1にSchedule1, Schedule3を追加
# BusinessHour2にSchedule2, Schedule4を追加
# 木構造の表示
# 依存関係のチェック
Root {}
Office {}
Room1 {}
Schedule1 {'start_at': 10, 'end_at': 11, 'room_id': 1}
Schedule2 {'start_at': 14, 'end_at': 15, 'room_id': 1}
Room2 {}
Schedule3 {'start_at': 10, 'end_at': 11, 'room_id': 2}
Schedule4 {'start_at': 14, 'end_at': 15, 'room_id': 2}
BusinessHour1 {'start_at': 9, 'end_at': 12}
Schedule1 {'start_at': 10, 'end_at': 11, 'room_id': 1}
Schedule3 {'start_at': 10, 'end_at': 11, 'room_id': 2}
BusinessHour2 {'start_at': 13, 'end_at': 17}
Schedule2 {'start_at': 14, 'end_at': 15, 'room_id': 1}
Schedule4 {'start_at': 14, 'end_at': 15, 'room_id': 2}
Schedule1 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 1) is dependent on Room 1
Schedule2 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 1) is dependent on Room 1
Schedule3 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 2) is dependent on Room 2
Schedule4 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 2) is dependent on Room 2
Schedule1 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 1) is dependent on BusinessHour1 (start_at: 9, end_at: 12)
Schedule3 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 2) is dependent on BusinessHour1 (start_at: 9, end_at: 12)
Schedule2 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 1) is dependent on BusinessHour2 (start_at: 13, end_at: 17)
Schedule4 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 2) is dependent on BusinessHour2 (start_at: 13, end_at: 17)
Schedule1 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 1) is dependent on Room 1
Schedule2 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 1) is dependent on Room 1
Schedule3 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 2) is dependent on Room 2
Schedule4 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 2) is dependent on Room 2
Schedule1 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 1) is dependent on BusinessHour1 (start_at: 9, end_at: 12)
Schedule3 (start_at: 10, end_at: 11, room_id: 2) is dependent on BusinessHour1 (start_at: 9, end_at: 12)
Schedule2 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 1) is dependent on BusinessHour2 (start_at: 13, end_at: 17)
Schedule4 (start_at: 14, end_at: 15, room_id: 2) is dependent on BusinessHour2 (start_at: 13, end_at: 17)
朝日新聞デジタル on X: "<おわび>当初の記事にあった、国立科学博物館の谷健一郎研究主幹の発言は、しんかい6500ではなく支援母船「よこすか」についてでした。記者が有識者会議を傍聴しましたが、ご本人への確認を怠りました。おわびいたします。
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, name, attributes=None):
self.name = name
self.attributes = attributes or {}
self.children = []
def add_child(self, child_node):
def display(self, level=0):
indent = " " * level
print(f"{indent}{self.name} {self.attributes}")
for child in self.children:
child.display(level + 1)
def has_dependency(self):
# ルートノードや属性を持たないノードは依存関係を判定しない
if not self.children or "start" not in self.attributes or "end" not in self.attributes:
return False
# Aノードのstartとendを取得
start = self.attributes["start"]
end = self.attributes["end"]
# すべての子ノード(Bノード)に対して依存関係をチェック
for child in self.children:
if "position" in child.attributes:
position = child.attributes["position"]
if start <= position <= end:
print(f"{child.name} (position: {position}) is dependent on {self.name} (start: {start}, end: {end})")
return True
print(f"{child.name} (position: {position}) is NOT dependent on {self.name} (start: {start}, end: {end})")
return False
# ノードの作成
root = TreeNode("Root")
a_node = TreeNode("A", {"start": 10, "end": 20})
b1_node = TreeNode("B1", {"position": 15})
b2_node = TreeNode("B2", {"position": 25})
# 木構造の構築
# 木構造の表示
# 依存関係のチェック
"Aah, the glory of Meiji!" How often do we hear these words, filled with nostalgia for an era that many see as the pinnacle of Japan’s greatness? It’s easy to be seduced by the past, to look back at a time when Japan emerged as a modern nation, strong, unified, and respected on the world stage. The Meiji era is often lauded as a period of unprecedented progress and reform, a time when Japan transformed itself from a feudal society into a major global power. But is this glorification of Meiji truly serving us today, or is it holding us back from facing the realities of the present and the challenges of the future?
There is no denying the achievements of the Meiji era. The rapid modernization, the establishment of a constitutional government, and the successful adaptation of Western technology and ideas were remarkable feats. However, to idealize this period without acknowledging its complexities and flaws is to oversimplify history. The Meiji era was not without its contradictions—authoritarianism, social upheaval, and the seeds of militarism were all part of this narrative. By focusing solely on the glory, we risk ignoring the lessons that history has to offer.
Nostalgia for the Meiji era often comes with a longing for a time when Japan was perceived as strong and united, a beacon of progress in a rapidly changing world. But this nostalgia can be a trap. It encourages us to look backward instead of forward, to seek solutions in the past rather than confronting the challenges of the present. In a world that is constantly evolving, clinging to the past can prevent us from adapting and growing. It can lead to a narrow vision of what Japan can be, limiting our potential to innovate and thrive in the future.
Rather than idealizing the Meiji era as a golden age, we should strive to build upon its lessons while recognizing that the world has changed. The challenges we face today—climate change, technological disruption, social inequality—require new solutions, not old ones. We must be willing to innovate, to think creatively, and to embrace the complexities of the modern world. This means letting go of the romanticized image of Meiji and focusing on what we can achieve now and in the future.
Greatness is not defined by a single era or by clinging to the achievements of the past. True greatness lies in our ability to adapt, to learn from history without being bound by it, and to create a future that reflects the values and aspirations of today’s society. The Meiji era was significant, but it is not the blueprint for our future. Instead of longing for a return to a bygone era, let us redefine what greatness means for Japan in the 21st century.
It is time to move beyond the glorification of Meiji. We can honor the achievements of that era without being trapped by them. Japan’s future lies not in a return to the past, but in embracing the opportunities and challenges of the present. By letting go of the idealized image of Meiji, we can free ourselves to imagine and build a Japan that is not only strong and united but also innovative, compassionate, and forward-thinking. Let us look to the future with the same spirit of determination and vision that once defined the Meiji era, but with a focus on what we can achieve here and now.
Japanese people, the time has come to awaken from the deep slumber that has dulled our senses and weakened our resolve. Are we truly satisfied with our current state, where we have grown complacent and indifferent? The Japan our ancestors once built with pride and determination now appears as a mere shadow of its former self. Where has our pride gone?
We were once a people who stood tall, guided by a strong sense of identity and purpose. Our culture, our traditions, and our way of life were the cornerstones of our nation. Yet today, we find ourselves adrift, losing sight of the values that made us who we are. The influence of foreign ideas and the allure of modernity have eroded the very essence of what it means to be Japanese.
Is this the Japan we wish to pass on to our children? A nation that has forgotten its roots and lost its sense of purpose? We have a duty to reclaim what has been lost. It is not enough to merely remember our heritage; we must actively restore it. We must rise and take action, for the future of our nation depends on it.
We must reject the forces that seek to dilute our identity and reaffirm our commitment to the values that have defined us for centuries—honor, loyalty, and a deep respect for our culture. These ideals must be lived and breathed in every aspect of our lives. Our education, our economy, our society—all must be revitalized with the spirit that once made us great.
This is not a call to return to the past, but rather a call to reclaim our future. Japan must once again stand strong, guided by the unity and resolve of its people. We cannot afford to continue sleepwalking through history. The time to act is now, before it is too late. We must awaken, take responsibility, and strive for greatness, not only for ourselves but for the generations yet to come.
The responsibility to restore Japan’s glory lies with us, the people of Japan. We must not settle for mediocrity; we must pursue excellence in all that we do. The future of our nation is at stake, and we must rise to the challenge. Japanese people, wake up, and let us reclaim the destiny that is rightfully ours. The time for action is now.
Auto Copy 反転しただけでコピーしてくれる。引用に便利だけど単純機能ほど代わりに何を選べばいいのか選びにくい
AutoPagerize オートページ。これは代わりのオススメ拡張機能で出てきたパワーアップ版で解決
Clearly 記事の文章だけ読みやすく抜き出して整えてくれる。Evernote亡き今、代わりは全く見つからないから終わりまで使い倒す
Easy Window Resize 最近入れたばかりなのにもう代わりを探さないといけないとは
Feedly Notifier 今は使ってないので削除
Kimetrak ネット記事読んで入れたけどとっくの昔に使えなくなったみたい
minerBlock ネット記事読んで入れたけどブラウザで採掘してるサイトもうないから消していいよね
No Coin - Block miners on the web! ネット記事読んで入れたけどこんなことしてるサイトもうないよね
Papago Translate 韓国語に強い自動翻訳として入れたけどもう使ってない
Reading List 全く使ってなかった。なんで入れたのかも覚えてない
RevEye Reverse Image Search デマ検証ツールとして入れた画像検索機能だけど、オススメに出てくる代わりの機能を入れとけば何とかなりそう
Tampermonkey これ消えたら「増田のトラバツリーを開閉するTamperMonkeyスクリプト」が使えなくなってしまうので困るけど代わりを知らない
uBlock Origin 一応代わりはあるみたいだから安心
Vandal 記事読んで入れてみたけどWayback Machineがある限り必要性はあまりなかった
VPN Free - Betternet Unlimited VPN Proxy あまり使わないけどVPN拡張機能は代わりが色々ありすぎてウィルスが怖い
Wayback Machine これ消えたらWebArchive利用が面倒くさいので更新してほしい
例えばさ、"a" と "the" の違いなんか、全然気にしたことなかったんだけど、最近読んだ本で「なるほど、そういうことか!」って納得したんだよね。
"a" ってただの "いくつかある中の一つ" なんだよ。
例えば、「a cat」って言ったら、猫がたくさんいる中の一匹って感じで、特定の猫を指してないんだ。
でも、「the cat」って言ったら、その猫は特定の、みんなが知ってる猫を指すことになる。
他にも、"I like apples." と "I like the apples." の違いとかもさ、前者は「リンゴが好き」って一般的な話なんだけど、後者になると「そのリンゴが好き」って急に具体的なリンゴの話になってくるんだよね。
あとは、"in" と "on" と "at" の使い分けとかも。
例えば、"in the morning" とか "in Japan" っていうときの "in" は、時間とか場所の中に入ってるイメージなんだよ。
一方で、"on the table" って言うときの "on" は、何かの上に乗っかってる感じだし、"at the station" って言うときの "at" は、ピンポイントでその場所にいる感じになる。
There are some things that people who come to Japan to visit should be aware of. I have not read much mention of this and it may be new to many of you.
That is, many Japanese do not like the smell of perfume. On trains, in crowded places, and in restaurants, the smell of perfume is considered very annoying. In Japan, it is considered good public manners to wear perfume only to the extent that it is only faintly fragrant or faintly scented.
Some people may want to use perfume to control body odor. Even in Japan, body odor is an important issue, especially during the hot and humid summer months.
The single most important measure against body odor in Japan is to keep the body clean. Take a bath at least once a day, or twice if necessary. This is the norm in Japan, a country blessed with abundant water resources.
In addition, paper wet-sheets for wiping perspiration are sold everywhere, including convenience stores and pharmacies. They are a necessity during Japan's dangerous summers.
In short, the important thing is to get rid of body odor. If you try to cover it up with a stronger smelling perfume, you will be disliked by the Japanese.
Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was like “here comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony as “unethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?
If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?
(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)
I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)
Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
Once I had a quite cold attitude to Nagasaki’s Atomic Bomb Victims Memorial Peace Prayer Ceremony, I was like “here comes another Peace rally LMFAO”. But just look at this, the ambassador of Israel attacked Nagasaki’s mayor fiercely saying “The mayor took over the ceremony for his ideology”, a bigwig at the Simon Wiesenthal Center said “the Nagasaki’s atomic bomb ended World War 2” and now he’s criticizing the non-invitation of Israel’s rep to the ceremony as “unethical”, and top of that, the ambassador of the US, the one who dropped the atomic bomb, is talking nonsense, saying “if Israel don’t join we also don’t join lol.” With hearing all these I’m so surprised of finding myself very much pissed off…are you all making light off victims of such a cruel weapon you sons of bitch?
If you want to beat up the mayor of Nagasaki, it's fine to criticize the Shinkansen project in Kyushu area, corruption, welfare arrangement, or other issues (*This is just an example of some topics, I'm not claiming that I’m actually frustrated by any of these). But don’t these morons know that the Nagasaki’s peace ceremony is essentially a memorial ceremony? No one is crazy enough to start screaming in memorial service about his relatives whom he doesn’t like. If someone was yelling, ”Why didn't you invite me to the memorial service!!”, Its clear in everyone’s mind saying, ”It's because you behave that way..” … If you claim yourself as a grown-up, “it was really a shame, lets talk it over and get things straight” should be your response. Does Gillard Cohen realize that he is making a personal attack on someone who in Western terms would be the director of the Auschwitz museum?
(as a side note, I am fed up also to the vulgar accusation by the Palestinian Ambassador when Hiroshima City invited the Israel rep to their ceremony. Please go ahead and be aggressive in UN conferences, but again is that a proper behavior in connection with the memorial ceremony?)
I haven’t say enough to the reaction of reps of Western countries to Nagasaki. Why don’t you think twice before reacting impulsively? No doubt Japan is one of the most pro-Western countries in Asia, they support Ukraine most earnestly among Non-NATO countries. Still even quiet and shy Japanese people is totally put off by military operations of Israel. It is too easy to imagine how Israel is hated in non-pro-Western countries. When will you have an imagination to realize your such attitude making many countries having distance from Ukraine. If western countries close their eyes to horrors in Gaza and be determined to defend Israel anyway, why aren’t others allowed to keep their relationship with Russia even after devastating scenes in Bucha?
(btw I was so impressed when Zelenskyy expressed his support to Israel, are you serious? Don't you think of a scenario where Ukrainian militias rise up in Donetsk or in Luhansk, resulting in heavy casualties among Russian settlers, leading to Russia denouncing this as a despicable terrorist attack targeting Russian civilians? That's exactly what's happening in Palestine.)
Anyway you morons should come to your senses, and admit Israel’s outrageous actions are no difference from that of Russia. And know that calling the criticism to Israel as “antisemitism” is making you look so smart. Refusing Neo-Nazism ain’t discrimination to Germans, doxing Zaitokukai (*a nationalist group which calls for an end to state welfare and alleged privileges afforded to Koreans in Japan) ain’t Japanese-hate, and impeachment against Zionists ain’t anti-Jewish either.
Il est conçu pour les femmes jeunes et âgées - sans symptômes de péri-ménopause ou de ménopause - mais qui souffrent du trouble du désir sexuel hypo-actif (TBDS).
Les cliniciens la décrivent comme un manque d'intérêt régulier et persistant pour l'activité sexuelle, et on estime qu'elle affecte entre 6% et 10% des femmes en âge de procréer aux Etats-Unis.
臨床医らは、この症状を性行為に対する定期的かつ持続的な無関心と説明しており、米国の出産適齢期の女性の 6% から 10% がこの症状に悩まされていると推定されています。
Selon une étude réalisée en 2016, la baisse du désir sexuel chez les femmes touche une Américaine sur dix, dont beaucoup ne se font jamais traiter.
coke on passに契約して喜んで、 いざ近くの自販機を使っているとエラーとなり使えなかった。 即、 自販機にあるサポートに電話すると修理点検するという話にはなった。 が、 いつ頃修理になるかははっきりとした回答が得られなかった。
その自販機が使えないとなると、 私の生活スタイル上、 契約した意味がないというレベルである (リモートワークで家からあまり出ない、 また、 例の自販機は2,3分歩いたところにあり、 その次のcoke onは遠くなってしまう)。 なので、 返金できるかサポートに問い合わせてみると、 いかなる場合もキャンセル出来ません。 に同意したでしょ。 という杓子定規な回答。 これは覆さないという強い意思が伝わってきた。 まぁそれならそれで仕方ない。 中には酷いクレマーみたいのもいるのだろう、 好きだった飲み物がなくなったから返金しろとか。 それを防ぐような規約なんだろうなと考えながら、 確かに他の自販機だってあるし、 修理の対応も待てばいいとも言える。 が、 今回の件に関してのカスタマー対応としては最悪だと思う。 断る理由だっていくらでもあるはずだ、 自販機が非常に多いので、 個別の故障という理由で受け付けていないのです。 とか、 普通にご不憫おかけしますが、 修理の方お待ち下さい。 とか言ってもいい、 初手で規約です (対話はしません) と言われたら、 印象は最悪だ。
じゃあ修理の方は、 いつになるの? と聞いたら、 再度自分で聞いてくれという。 私は何度も違う箇所を電話することになった。
改めて電話し、 いつ頃まで修理になるのかという見通しを教えてくれといった。 そしたら、 すっきりしない回答だったが要するに担当が電話するということのようだ。
その電話を受けたのだが、 これがまた酷い。 メンテナンスや技術の人かと思いきや、 言われたことはこうだ。 問題の自販機を試したところ、 coke onで購入は出来ましたが、 coke on passでの購入は(その担当者が)契約していないので確かめられなかったのだという。 耳を疑うレベルだが、 さらに続けて修理の依頼出しておきますかと聞かれた。 唖然とした。 え、 顧客の意思で決めるの!? 別にいいですって言ったら、 修理も点検もしないつもりなの!? そもそも、 coke on passが使えないということは最初の電話で間違いなく伝えていたのに、 現場に行った者がそれを確かめられないってどういこと、 やばすぎる。
もう何度も電話したし、 上の対応も笑っちゃうレベルだし、 ブチギレたりしたら返金対応してもらえるかもしれないけど、 もう疲れた。 そもそも自販機が壊れてなかったらこんなことにならなかった。 ブチギレると後々普通にサブスク使いたいと思っても、 嫌な思い出が残ってしまうので、 増田に書いてやり過ごすことにした。
結局、 最初の電話から何度も聞いた修理はいつくらいになるのかの目安、 2,3日なのか1週間なのか1ヶ月なのかの回答を得られていない...。
In Japanese, brown is called 茶色 "chairo". This means "the color of tea.
However, the most common tea in Japan is green tea, and when Japanese people think of tea, they think of green.
For example, Japanese people use matcha green tea in various sweets, and the package design of many such products is based on the color green.
However, 茶色 "chairo," meaning the color of tea, is brown.
Kanji characters are useful ideographs, but often there is a disconnect between the literal meaning and the practical meaning, leading to confusion.
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Takeshi Shinoda on X: "パリオリはべりいまそかり" / X
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パリオリはべりいまそかり. ... パリオリはべりいまそかり. Translate post. 1:53 PM · Jul 29, 2024. ·. 91. Views. 2. Likes.
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2024/07/27 — 今からでも決して遲くはないから直ちに常識の下に復歸する樣にせよ。 3. 84. 180. 4k · 参事官R · @KasparSchmidt. ·. 14t. パリオリはべりいまそかり.
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... パリオリはべりいまそかり(´・ω・`) 0050公共放送名無しさん · 垢版 | 大砲. 2024/06/26(水) 19:05:51.04ID:H5LQLqck しょーへいへーい(´・ω・`) 0051公共放送名無しさん.