
Are the Japs fucked up?

Awaken from Your Slumber

Japanese people, the time has come to awaken from the deep slumber that has dulled our senses and weakened our resolve. Are we truly satisfied with our current state, where we have grown complacent and indifferent? The Japan our ancestors once built with pride and determination now appears as a mere shadow of its former self. Where has our pride gone?

A Nation Adrift

We were once a people who stood tall, guided by a strong sense of identity and purpose. Our culture, our traditions, and our way of life were the cornerstones of our nation. Yet today, we find ourselves adrift, losing sight of the values that made us who we are. The influence of foreign ideas and the allure of modernity have eroded the very essence of what it means to be Japanese.

The Duty to Reclaim Our Heritage

Is this the Japan we wish to pass on to our children? A nation that has forgotten its roots and lost its sense of purpose? We have a duty to reclaim what has been lost. It is not enough to merely remember our heritage; we must actively restore it. We must rise and take action, for the future of our nation depends on it.

Reaffirming Our Commitment

We must reject the forces that seek to dilute our identity and reaffirm our commitment to the values that have defined us for centuries—honor, loyalty, and a deep respect for our culture. These ideals must be lived and breathed in every aspect of our lives. Our education, our economy, our societyall must be revitalized with the spirit that once made us great.

The Call to Action

This is not a call to return to the past, but rather a call to reclaim our future. Japan must once again stand strong, guided by the unity and resolve of its people. We cannot afford to continue sleepwalking through history. The time to act is now, before it is too late. We must awaken, take responsibility, and strive for greatness, not only for ourselves but for the generations yet to come.

Our Responsibility

The responsibility to restore Japan’s glory lies with us, the people of Japan. We must not settle for mediocrity; we must pursue excellence in all that we do. The future of our nation is at stake, and we must rise to the challenge. Japanese people, wake up, and let us reclaim the destiny that is rightfully ours. The time for action is now.

  • Japanese sisters and we shall overcome

  • chromeの翻訳使ったら「彼女を取り戻す義務​」とか「姉妹に対する私たちの責任」とか出るのだが何だこれ

    • 翻訳は「日本人はおかしいのか」って出るね 異端キリスト教の蔓延のため結婚困難者が多いと思う https://anond.hatelabo.jp/20240816115340


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