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もちろん、意識の高い皆さんはご存知だろうがアファーマティブアクションはこれを解決するかと思われていた。しかし、例えばカリフォルニア州ではアファーマティブアクション違憲であるとの判決が出され、アファーマティブアクションをやめたのにもかかわらず黒人学位取得者の数はほぼ変わらなかったという(出典:wikipedia アファーマティブアクション)。アメリカ大学は入ることより出ることのほうが難しい。そもそもアファーマティブアクションのようないびつなやり方で教育の機会の均等を確保しようとしても、「地頭」の時点で違いすぎてドロップアウトする学生が多かったということである。これは例えば幼少時の教育だとか、家庭の文化程度だとかそういう根深問題があるということを示唆している。





Shouldn't "whites" be correctly discriminated against in corona?

Shouldn't "white people" be correctly discriminated against in corona?


Discrimination and persecution related to coronaviruses is now widespread worldwide.

There is a concrete and wide-ranging summary of the situation.


"List of Incidents of Foreign Fear and Racism Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic"



That is the English version of Wikipedia article.

With Google Chrome, right-click → Translate to Japanese, but the translation is a bit rough, but anyone can read it in Japanese.

The contents are like this.


>> In France, after the new coronavirus was confirmed on January 24, 2020, a lot of harassment and discrimination against Asians occurred [41]. It is aimed at Asians such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino [42], and taxis and trains that refuse to board Chinese, Korean, Japanese have appeared [41] [43] ].

>> French newspaper Le Courrier Picard featured an Asian woman in a mask on the top page on January 26, 2020 with the heading "Yellow Alert".

>> On March 8, 2020, a Japanese restaurant in Rivoli, Turin, Piedmont, was targeted for arson by a teenager who teased his owner and called him an epidemic carrier. [191]


Not limited to the above, Wuhan and Africans in China, Chinese and infected people in Japan.

Discrimination, whether in the United States, Egypt, Africa or anywhere in the world, exists at all.

In a sense, it's almost equal. Under extreme circumstances, it is not uncommon for "weak" people to be able to keep themselves without creating enemies.


However, what I want to say is not a used phrase such as "Let's live kindly with philanthropy."

There is no objection to it. If the world can eliminate discrimination and prejudice, I naturally want it.

But what I felt was a big question before that. It can be called academic interest.


Chinese discriminate against Wuhan natives, Japanese discriminate against Chinese, and Europeans discriminate against Asians.

I see, there is a reason to that, considering the spread of coronavirus infection. "From what you see, what's dangerous is that area".

Roughly, it may be the result of thinking about "weak" people.


But here's the strange thing. Asians, Africans, yellows and blacks, they are discriminated against in many places around the world.

Frankly speaking, it's safe to say that blacks have little to do with the coronavirus. It's just that the original sense of discrimination has surfaced.

These ethnic groups and regions are equally discriminated against. It is a sense of discrimination that is based on fear but is incorrect but makes sense.


However. Then why isn't "white people" discriminated against?


From April to May, the coronavirus showed an explosive spread in the West.

In the ranking of the number of infected people in the world, the United States is alone, with 1.34 million people, accounting for more than a quarter of the total infected people of 402 million people as of May 10.

After the second place, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia, Germany, Brazil and France are followed, and each has more than 100,000 domestic cases.

Excluding Brazil, everything from 2nd to 7th is Europe. The word "Western Europe" is clearly the most dangerous coronavirus-contaminated area / infectious zone in the world.


However. Strangely enough, there is little talk that "white people, Europeans, and Americans are discriminated against in the world."

Of course it is not zero, but while looking for one "white discrimination", it is possible to find "Asian discrimination", "Black discrimination" and "Yellow discrimination".

It is said that what is currently expanding in the world is not the first wave from China, but the second wave from Europe, which is the pandemic.


With this, it is still understandable that the "white man" continues to do the right thing cleanly and correctly and has succeeded in corona countermeasures.

However, white people have continued to discriminate among Asians since the beginning of the spread.

In January and February, it was not uncommon to hear that Asians were already walking around in the country, calling them "Corona Corona."

By all means, white people are the incarnation of evil. It's not a good thing.


Regardless of the early stages of the epidemic, now that the "hotbed of corona infection" has moved there, it should be possible for white people to hate it.

Otherwise, it cannot be called "equal discrimination". As a result, it is wrong.



If you think about the reason here, after all, "targets are races / objects that originally had hostility",

The hypothesis may be that "there are restrictions on mobility and there are white Asian societies, but few non-white societies are white."

It must be interesting to study the area academically.


However, historically, I've seen that "white people" crusade various places with the Crusades and do all they can to the contrary.

I think that the trilingual diplomacy of Britain has created the situation in the Middle East, where terrorism is frequent nowadays, and has repeatedly carried out wrongdoing by repeatedly discriminating against blacks, Indians, and yellow races.

So, isn't it right here to try to discriminate against white people correctly?


Non-white society is a little too kind to "white people".

It was around this time today when I was thinking about that.








新型コロナウイルス医師 Sandro Giannini の発見から見えた希望の光(英訳


Coronavirus: speranze dalla scoperta di Sandro Giannini, 10 Aprile, 2020


1) 英訳Google translate を利用させて頂きました)

Coronavirus: hopes from the discovery of Sandro Giannini

10 April, 2020

Bologna - From social media comes good news about the Coronavirus, perhaps decisive, which has scientific foundations and is disseminated by an authoritative doctor from Rizzoli of Bologna, Sandro Giannini. His is a highly qualified curriculum: Full Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology and of Physical Medicine at the University of Bologna since 1989, director of Clinic I at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and of the Gait Analysis Laboratory, partner in European projects and in national and international research programs, author of more than 600 presentations at national and international conferences and more than 400 articles in Science Citation Index journals. His message gives great hope. Let's read:

“I don't want to seem overwhelming to you, but I think I've demonstrated the cause of coronavirus lethality. Only at Blessed Matthew are there 2 cardiologists who turn over 150 beds to do echocardium with enormous effort and one is me. Terrible fatigue! However, of what some supposed, but could not be sure, we now have the first data. People go to resuscitation for generalized venous thromboembolism, especially pulmonary. If this were the case, resuscitations and intubations are of no use because first of all you have to dissolve, indeed prevent these thromboembolisms. If you ventilate a lung where blood does not reach, it is not needed! In fact 9 out of 10 die. Because the problem is cardiovascular, not respiratory! It is venous microthrombosis, not pneumonia that determines fatality!

And why are thrombi formed? Because inflammation, as per school text, induces thrombosis through a complex but well-known pathophysiological mechanism. Then? Contrary to what scientific literature, especially Chinese, said until mid-March, it was that anti-inflammatories should not be used. Now in Italy anti-inflammatories and antibiotics are used (as in the influences) and the number of inpatients collapses. Many deaths, even 40 years old, had a history of high fever for 10-15 days that was not treated properly. Here inflammation has destroyed everything and prepared the ground for thrombi formation. Because the main problem is not the virus, but the immune reaction that destroys the cells where the virus enters. In fact, our COVID departments have never entered patients with rheumatoid arthritis! Because they make cortisone, a powerful anti-inflammatory!

Therefore, hospitalizations in Italy are decreasing and it is becoming a disease that is treated at home. By taking care of it well at home, you avoid not only hospitalization, but also the thrombotic risk. It was not easy to understand it because the signs of microembolism have faded, even at the echocardium. But this weekend I compared the data of the first 50 patients between those who breathe badly and those who don't and the situation appeared very clear. For me you can go back to playing and reopen the business. Quarantine street. Not now. But time to publish this data. Vaccine can arrive calmly. In America and other states that follow the scientific literature that calls for NOT to use anti-inflammatories is a disaster! Worse than in Italy. And they are old and cheap drugs. " (Associated Medias - Red / Giut)


2) 原文:イタリア語

Coronavirus: speranze dalla scoperta di Sandro Giannini

10 Aprile, 2020

Bologna – Dai social arriva una buona notizia sul Coronavirus, forse risolutiva, che ha fondamenta scientifiche ed è diffusa da un medico autorevole del Rizzoli di Bologna, Sandro Giannini. Il suo è un curriculum molto qualificato: Professore ordinario di Ortopedia e Traumatologia e di Medicina Fisica presso l’Universidi Bologna dal 1989, direttore della Clinica I presso l’Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli e del Laboratorio di Gait Analysis, partner in progetti europei e in programmi di ricerca nazionali e internazionali, autore di più di 600 presentazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali e più di 400 articoli in riviste Science Citation Index. Il suo messaggio dà grande speranza. Leggiamolo:

“Non vorrei sembrarvi eccessivo ma credo di aver dimostrato la causa della letalità del coronavirus. Solo al Beato Matteo ci sono 2 cardiologi che girano su 150 letti a fare ecocardio con enorme fatica e uno sono io. Fatica terribile! Però, di quello che alcuni supponevano, ma non ne riuscivano a essere sicuri, ora abbiamo i primi dati. La gente va in rianimazione per tromboembolia venosa generalizzata, soprattutto polmonare. Se così fosse, non servono a niente le rianimazioni e le intubazioni perché innanzitutto devi sciogliere, anzi prevenire queste tromboembolie. Se ventili un polmone dove il sangue non arriva, non serve! Infatti muoiono 9 su 10. Perche il problema è cardiovascolare, non respiratorio! Sono le microtrombosi venose, non la polmonite a determinare la fatalità!

E perché si formano trombi? Perche l’infiammazione come da testo scolastico, induce trombosi attraverso un meccanismo fisiopatologico complesso ma ben noto. Allora? Contrariamente a quello che la letteratura scientifica, soprattutto cinese, diceva fino a metà marzo era che non bisognava usare antinfiammatori. Ora in Italia si usano antinfiammatori e antibiotici (come nelle influenze) e il numero dei ricoverati crolla. Molti morti, anche di 40 anni, avevano una storia di febbre alta per 10-15 giorni non curata adeguatamente. Qui l’infiammazione ha distrutto tutto e preparato il terreno alla formazione dei trombi.  Perche il problema principale non è il virus, ma la reazione immunitaria che distrugge le cellule dove il virus entra. Infatti nei nostri reparti COVID non sono mai entrati malati di artrite reumatoide! Perche fanno il cortisone, un potente antinfiammatorio!

Pertanto, in Italia ospedalizzazioni si riducono e sta diventando una malattia che si cura a casa. Curandola bene a casa eviti non solo ospedalizzazione, ma anche il rischio trombotico.  Non era facile capirlo perché i segni della microembolia sono sfumati, anche all’ecocardio. Ma questo week end ho confrontato i dati dei primi 50 pazienti tra chi respira male e chi no e la situazione è apparsa molto chiara. Per me si può tornare a giocare e riaprire l’attività commerciali. Via quarantena. Non subito. Ma il tempo di pubblicare questi dati. Vaccino può arrivare con calma. In America e altri stati che seguono la letteratura scientifica che invita a NON usare antinfiammatori e’ un disastro! Peggio che in Italia. E sono farmaci vecchi e che costano pochi euro.”

(Associated MediasRed/Giut)


3) 追記


FDAが、COVID-19への非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAIDs)使用について助言, 2020年4月1日






[][] 海外底辺排斥主義者は底が抜けている






[oxygen] Stabbing Of Asian-American Family At Texas Grocery Store Being Investigated As Coronavirus-Related Hate Crime





GoogleAsian American hate crimes coronavirus もしくはCOVID-19 を入れて幾らでも見れるけど、


[Stop-AAPI-Hate] 日本ドキュメント














Dr. Edward Chew, the head of the emergency department at a large Manhattan hospital, is on the front lines of fighting the coronavirus. He said that over the past few weeks, he had noticed people trying to cover their nose and mouth with their shirts when they are near him.


[The New York Times] Spit On, Yelled At, Attacked: Chinese-Americans Fear for Their Safety













楽園こちら側」の「事実に誠意を」をほぼdeepLで翻訳してみた その1








1 Most of what I'm about to write is no different from what I've said and done in the past. However, I have been asked the same question repeatedly, so I would like to reiterate it. We have received many inquiries from overseas as well, so we should have prepared the same content in English, but due to time constraints, I'm afraid I'll have to skip it. This article is designed to be read without basic knowledge of infectious diseases and jargon, but it is rather difficult to understand. Please forgive me for that.


2 The fact that the number of COVID-19 reports in Japan is very low compared to other countries is attracting attention from home and abroad. Is it true? It has been pointed out that the number of tests is so small that we may be misreading the actual number of infected people.

感想home and abrodeでいいんだろうか?

3 However, this point is wrong at various layers. In the first place, Japan does not aim to capture all the numbers of COVID-19. Whether it's administrative testing or insured care, the state basically has a testing strategy in mind to diagnose, hospitalize, and isolate critically ill patients who need to be hospitalized. It is natural that they "haven't figured it out" and they don't intend to. That's not a bad thing.In fact, the situation is the same in every country, large or small, and no country, whether in the United States, Europe, or Asia, is aiming to "capture the whole number.




The WHO is not asking for such a thing. But instead, Japan gives PCR to asymptomatic returnees and isolates asymptomatic test-positive people in hospital (wasn't it home for people with minor illnesses?). It has not been coherent in its principles. So, people get anxious because "we're not sure what they want to do". It's a failure in the press.



4 The difference between Korea and Japan is the "result" and not the "purpose". In South Korea, where the number of infected people had surged in one place, we had to focus on inspections in and around the area. If such a phenomenon (let's call it an overshoot) occurs in Japan, the number of inspections will increase. When the situation is different, arguing only on the basis of the number of tests without observing the situation is like trying to say, "That team made 50 sliding tackles while this team made only one," without watching a football game. In games where you don't have to slide (e.g., when you're in possession the whole time), even 0 times isn't a "mistake," and of course 50 times isn't a mistake.


5 全数把握ができていない疾患など山のようにある。日本ではインフルエンザの「全数」把握はしておらず、定点観測である疫学上、感染対策上、それで十分な情報が得られているからだ。日本で毎年風邪が何例発生しているか、正確に把握したデータはない。レセプトデータを見ればわかるじゃないか、というのも間違いで、なぜなら多くの風邪患者は(ぼくのように)受診せずに自然に治るまで待っている。医療に限らず、経済学でも政治学でもデータサンプリングから母数を推定するのがほとんどで、「全数」は非効率的状態把握法なのだ

There are many diseases for which the total number of patients is not known. In Japan, we do not have a "total" number of influenza cases, but only a fixed-point observation. Because that's enough information, both epidemiologically and in terms of infection control. There is no accurate data on how many cases of the common cold occur each year in Japan. It's also a mistake to say that you can tell by looking at the receipt data, because many cold patients (like me) don't see a doctor and wait until they are cured naturally. Not only in medicine, but also in economics and political science, data are mostly based on sampling to estimate population numbers, and "whole numbers" is an inefficient way of grasping the situation.


6 We have not seen the devastation in Japan as in Italy, Spain or New York City. There is no medical collapse in a critically ill patient, no use of the operating room as an ICU, no piling up of bodies on a skating rink with no place to put them. Even if the "numbers" are not known, it is a fact that the current situation in Japan (including Tokyo) is much better controlled than in other countries.


7 Even so, you may be interested in "Well, what about the actual situation? There are estimates. For example, Dr. Hiroshi Nishiura and his group estimate that the number of mild illnesses in Japan may be twice the reported number. The catch rate is 0.44, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.37-0.50.


8 Although the study was based on data from China, there is no guarantee that the Chinese COVID-19 demographic is the same as the Japanese one. Also, since the original study did not include asymptomatic patients or those with minor illnesses that did not require hospitalization, the number of infected patients estimated on that basis would inevitably be an underestimate. If you are more paranoid, it's not unreasonable to believe that "the Japanese and Chinese viruses are different because of the mutation" (although I don't think so).


9 This does not diminish the value of the paper itself. The model must always use existing parameters, and it is often impossible to prove the external validity of these parameters. If the underlying parameters are not reasonable, the predictions will not be correct. A model assumes a simplified world insofar as it is a model. A model without simplification, which is an adjectival contradiction.


To complain about these "assumptions" of the mathematical model is like complaining, for example, "You can't explain disease B," when a randomized controlled trial is conducted for disease A. This is a meaningless tirade against the honor of the industry.


10 しかし、論文読み手にとっては別である

However, it is different for the reader of the paper.

A mathematical model that assumes a certain hypothesis should have internal academic validity, but it is the responsibility of the reader, as a resident of the real world, to appraise it in the real world.


Just as the RCT findings for disease A should not be used for disease B, it is natural to understand the limitations of the mathematical model and to be careful when applying it to the real world. For example, it would be wrong to read the paper and conclude that the total number of infected people in Tokyo is about 500 as of March 26.

感想;「読み手は別である」を「読み手にとっては別である」に変更し、「制限限界」は「limitations and limitations」になったので片方削った。

11 People make mistakes. The models are also wrong. Being wrong is not a big deal. The problem is to notice your mistakes and make corrections. Already, a group at Imperial College London has admitted that its original estimate that the peak of the infection should be moderated was "wrong" and has revised its prediction that the ICU will soon fail if it does not fight the virus fairly aggressively.




attracting commerce. Conditions on the island improved during the Taiping Rebellion in the 1850s, when many Chinese refugees, including wealthy merchants, fled mainland turbulence and settled in the colony.[16] Further tensions between the British and Qing over the opium trade escalated into










hough European demand for Chinese commodities like tea, silk, and porcelain was high, Chinese interest in European manufactured goods was insignificant, so that Chinese goods could only be bought with precious metals. To reduce the trade imbalance, the British sold large amounts of Indian opium to China. Faced with a drug crisis, Qing officials pursued ever-more-aggressive actions to halt the opium trade.[56]










reigners to enter Chinese ports in 1684.[54] Qing authorities established the Canton System in 1757 to regulate trade more strictly, restricting non-Russian ships to the port of Canton.[55] Although European demand for Chinese commodities like tea, silk, and porcelain was high, Chinese interest in European ma










a trading post called Tamão in Hong Kong waters, and began regular trade with southern China. Although the traders were expelled after military clashes in the 1520s,[52] Portuguese-Chinese trade relations were re-established by 1549. Portugal acquired a permanent lease for Macau in 1557.[53]










Etymology Hong Kong Hong Kong in Chinese 2.svg "Hong Kong" in Chinese characters Chinese 香港 Cantonese Yale About this soundHēungng or Hèungng Literal meaning "Fragrant Harbour" [33][34] Transcriptions Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Traditional Chinese 香港特別行政區 (香港特區) Simplified Chinese 香港特别行政区 (香港特区) Cantonese Yale Hēungng Dahkbiht Hàhngjingui (Hēungng Dahkkēui) or Hèungng Dahkbiht Hàhngjingui (Hèungng Dahkkēui) Transcriptions The name of the territory, first romanised as "He-Ong-Kong" in 1780,[35] originally referred to a small inlet located between Aberdeen Island and the southern coast of Hong Kong Island.










Kong (/ˌhɒŋˈkɒŋ/ (About this soundlisten); Chinese: 香港, Cantonese: [hœ́ːŋ.kɔ̌ːŋ] (About this soundlisten)), officially the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (HKSAR), is a city and special administrative region of China in











cast in China on CCTV, begun in 2014, was heavily edited to remove scenes of sex and violence, in accordance with a Chinese practice of censoring Western television series to prevent what the People's Daily called "negative effects and hidden security dangers". This resulted in viewer c
















私は中国人です。中国インターネットからコロナウイルスに関する情報収集しています。ここで、新しいコロナウイルスからあなた保護することができるいくつかの手段を共有します。それはあなたの命を救うかもしれません。多くの外国人は、新しいコロナウイルスは単なるインフルエンザ一種だと考えていることを知っていますしかし、それは真実ではありません。死亡率はインフルエンザよりもはるかに高いです。 HuBei州以外での死亡率は低いです。なぜなら、私たちウイルス拡散遮断するために極端かつ強力な手段を講じているからです。感染人口が急速に増加すると、地元医療システムは短時間故障します。病院は、呼吸困難のある発熱患者でいっぱいになり、医療資源の不足は大きな犠牲者を出します。これが現在武漢で起こっていることです。中国は数千人の医師武漢派遣し、たった1週間で2つの新しい病院建設し、多くの検疫センターを準備しました。しかし、まだ十分ではありません。

まず、個人的機器は非常に重要です。 n95マスク現在中国で長い間売り切れています中国には最大の手術用マスク製造業があることに留意してください。どんなに高価であっても、できるだけ多く購入してください。

n95メディカルマスクを購入できない場合は、n95産業マスク使用できますヨーロッパにいる場合は、FFP2 / FFP3マスクを購入してください。これらは同じフィルタリングレベルを持っていますn95マスクバルブが付いている場合でも、それはあなた保護できますが、感染している場合は他の人を保護できません。

使い捨てマスク理論的には1回しか使用できないため、ご家族のために産業マスク/防毒マスクを準備する必要があります。それは冗談ではありません。中国では、防毒マスクさえ売り切れました。 3M HF-52マスク3M 6500および7500シリーズマスクお勧めします。呼吸器用に十分なn95フィルターを購入することを忘れないでください。 p100フィルターも優れていますn95マスクが完全に売り切れた後、家族のために4つのマスクを購入しました。







薬物に関しては、医師たちがまだ試みているので、私は誰も推薦できません。レムデシビル効果的だと思いますが、まだ実験中であり、市場から購入することはできません。彼らは武漢病院でレムデシビルテストしており、10日後に結果が出ることを願っていますしかし、多くの中国医師によって有効であることが証明された薬物があり、長い間マラリア対処するために使用されてきました。ヒドロキシクロロキンです。 OTCではないため、処方箋なしでは購入できません。医師に尋ねる前に薬を使用しないでください。

ニューヨーク日本香港などの混雑した都市アパートに住んでいる場合は、新しいコロナウイルスエレベーター内に広がる可能性があることに注意してください。コロナウイルス下水道にも広がる可能性があり、2003年に混雑したアパートSARSが発生したとき香港で非常に有名な問題によって証明されました。 。




【How to protect your family from the new coronavirus

I'm a Chinese. I have been gathering information about the coronavirus from the Chinese internet. Here I share some measures that can protect you from the new coronavirus. It may save your life. I know that many foreigners think the new coronavirus is just some kind of flu. However, it's not the truth. The death rate is much higher than the flu. The death rate outside of HuBei province is low because we have taken extreme and strong measures to cut off the virus spreading. When the infected population rises rapidly, the local medical system will breakdown in a short time. The hospitals will be full of fever patients who have breathing difficulties, and the shortage of medical resources will cause huge casualties. This is what happening in WuHan now. China has sent thousands of doctors to Wuhan and built two new hospitals in just one week, and prepared many quarantine centers. BUT it's still not enough now.

First, personal equipment is extremely important. The n95 masks have been sold out for a long time in China now. Keep in mind that China has the largest surgical mask manufacturing industry. Please buy them as many as possible now, no matter how expensive.

If you can't buy the n95 medical masks, the n95 industry masks can also do the job. If you are in Europe, please buy the FFP2/FFP3 masks, they have the same filtering level. If the n95 masks have a valve, it can still protect you but it can't protect others if you are infected.

The one-time masks can be used only one time theoretically, therefore you need to prepare industry respirators/gas masks for your family. It's not a joke. In China, even the gas masks have been sold out. I recommend the 3M HF-52 respirator, the 3M 6500 and 7500 series respirators. Remember to buy enough n95 filters for your respirators. The p100 filters are also good. I bought four respirators for my family after the n95 masks are completely sold out.

The common surgical masks or medical masks are also important. They can't prevent the coronavirus 100% but they can highly reduce the risks. Please buy them as many as possible. In China, many local governments have announced that it's illegal to use public transmission without a medical mask. The cotton masks are useless, don't buy them.

The eye protectors can help you to prevent being infected through the eye. We have strong evidence that the new coronavirus can spread through the eye-air contact. If you can't buy them, the swimming glass can do the same job (even better).

Considering that you may face masks shortage, the 75% alcohol disinfectant and UV disinfection lamp can disinfect masks for reusing them. Prepare enough alcohol disinfectant and a UV lamp for your family.

Don't use dirty hands to rub your eyes. Clean your hand with a portable hand sanitizer before eating and drinking.

When the new coronavirus outbreaks in your city and you have to go to the hospital to treat other diseases, please remember to wear n95 masks, eye protectors and gloves. Many patients and doctors are infected in Chinese hospitals. They weared the common medical masks but they are not 100% effective.

Before the coronavirus outbreak in your city, please prepare a fueled car. Don't trust the government when they say it's under control. Escape your city before things become too bad and lockdown (I don't know if the US government can lockdown a city). The people who escaped WuHan are lucky now. Those people who believed the government and stayed in WuHan is facing a disaster. Many families are infected. First one person has a fever and breathing difficulty, then all the family members are infected one by one. The hospitals are full of patients and hundreds of patients die every day. Nurses and doctors mentally breakdown. It's a nightmare.

When it comes to drugs, I can't recommend anyone since the doctors are still trying. I believe the Remdesivir is effective however it's still in the experiment and you can't buy them from the market. They have tested Remdesivir in WuHan hospital and hopefully the result will come out in 10 days. However, there is one drug that has been proved effective by many Chinese doctors and it has been used for dealing with malaria for a long time. It's Hydroxychloroquine. It's not OTC, therefore, you can't buy it without a prescription. Don't use any drugs before asking your doctor.

If you are living in an apartment in a crowded city like New York, Japan, and Hong Kong, please remember that the new coronavirus can spread in the elevator. The coronavirus can also spread through the sewer and it has been proved by a very famous issue in Hong Kong when SARS outbreaks in a crowded apartment in 2003. Seal your drains in the toilet if anyone has been infected in your apartment and please avoid using elevators.

When you have a fever, please measure the body temperature many times a day. The patients may only have low fever. Some patients (the percentage is still not sure) will have breathing difficulty in about one week. When you feel it's diffcult to breath, please report to your doctor as soon as possible.


Genomic characterization and infectivity of a novel SARS-like coronavirus in Chinese bats





Doesn't help Japanese is *actually foreign* to most every languages. Not going to work like Chinese speakers catching up with English vocab a bit and start talking day one.





Heaven is

an American salary,

a Chinese Cook,

a British Home,

and a Japanese Wife.














アメリカは、通りすがりに"hi chinese!"って馬鹿にされたことがあるので良いイメージが無い。銃社会がなんとかなるまでもう行かない。西欧と同じくファミキチが駄目。









多分日本人で自分釣り目だと思っている人はそんなに多くないだろうに、海外ではJapanese eyesChinese eyesと呼ばれ、目の端を持ち上げるポーズアジア人侮蔑するジョークとして度々使われている





MLBプレーオフ】元DeNAグリエルWS第3戦中にダルビッシュ人種差別行為か 米国で大きな波紋



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