「need」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: needとは


There is no need to be afraid



wow that nice investigation

but if you can use it, then you can talk to me right?

im so alone i need conversation but almost nobody can talk in english

and that is totally suck




近藤麻理恵は一冊目の本である人生がときめく片づけの魔法」が2014年アメリカ出版されたときから社会現象であり続けている。「日本の片付けと整理の術」を詳しく記したその本は、コンマリ・メソッドまたは「Kondoする」と呼ばれる、持ち物に触ってときめきを感じる(it sparks joy)かで判断する片付け法を誕生させた。しかし、やはり近藤の人気が急上昇したのはNetflixで「近藤麻理恵とお片付け」(邦題:KonMari ~人生がときめく片づけの魔法~)が放送されてからだ。ところが、この人気の急上昇により本にまつわる予期せぬ騒動が発生した。著述家であり「We Need Diverse Books」(多様な人種の子供に向けて本を与える活動をする非営利団体)の創設者の一人でもあるエレン・オーを含むSNS上の大勢の人々によれば、近藤への反発には明確な人種差別と階級意識の要素が含まれているという。Bustle(訳注:原文の掲載サイト)はオーにコメントを求めた。


すべての始まりはこうだ。Netflix番組の第5話で、近藤若いカップルが本を片付けるのを手伝う。番組の中で、そして著書の中で、近藤コンマリ・メソッドで蔵書を片付けるやり方について広く語っている。Deseret News記事に書かれた近藤が語ったことの要点はこうだ。読んでいない本や、いつかもう一度読むかもしれないという思いにとらわれている本がたくさんあるのなら、それは捨てるべきだ。また近藤は、もしほんの一部だけにときめきを感じるのであれば、一部のページだけをちぎって残すことも薦めている。





オーは、アナカナ・スコフィールド近藤についてのツイートの後で書いたガーディアン誌の記事を、自分意見に合わせるために近藤言葉意図的に誤解している例の一つとしてあげている。「ときめき(spark joy)という表現が過剰に強調されていて、その言葉近藤が本当に伝えようとしていることが置き去りにされています」。「ときめき」は実際には喜び(joy)と同じ意味ではなく、鼓動や興奮や動悸を意味する。この基本的なことさえ理解すれば、本は喜びだけでなく挑戦や動揺を読者に与えるべきだというスコフィールドの主張が無意味だということがわかるだろう。「ときめき」という言葉意味するのは、本が読者に挑戦や動揺を与えてそれが良い反応をもたらすのならとっておくべきだということなのだ。











How about making Masuda only written in English?

We dont need Japanese anymore.

We all need is English, right?



No,no! I really want your penis! Need your penis!

No penis you are not a man.

You are the English woman. OMG


Bohemian Rhapsody

Is this the real life?


Is this just fantasy?


Caught in a landslide


No escape from reality


Open your eyes

さあ 目を開いて

Look up to the skies and see


I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

僕は惨めな男 同情はいらぬ

Because I'm easy come, easy go


A little high, little low


Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

どこ吹く風さ 僕のことはどうかお構い無く

Mama, just killed a man

母さん 人を殺しちまった

Put a gun against his head


Pulled my trigger, now he's dead

引き金を握ったら 死んじまった

Mama, life had just begun

母さん 人生は始まったばかり

But now I've gone and thrown it all away

なのに もう台無しだよ

Mama, ooo

ああ 母さん

Didn't mean to make you cry


If I'm not back again this time tomorrow


Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters


Too late, my time has come

もう手遅れさ 俺の番だ

Sends shivers down my spine


Body's aching all the time


Goodbye, everybody I've got to go

さらばみんな もう行かねば

Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth

お別れさ あの世に旅立つ時だ

Mama, ooo (anyway the wind blows)

ああ母さん (どこ吹く風さ)

I don't wanna die


I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all


I see a little silhouetto of a man


Scaramouche, Scaramouche will you do the fandango

よう旦那 冥土お祭りかい

Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me

閃く雷電 眩い雷光

Galileo, Galileo,

神様? 神様

Galileo, Galileo,

神様? 神様

Galileo Figaro - Magnifico

神様? ああ あなたは 閻魔様!

But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me

俺は惨めな男 嫌われ者

He's just a poor boy from a poor family

奴も同じだ 貧しい身の上

Spare him his life from this monstrosity


Easy come easy go will you let me go

楽勝 じゃあ俺も 出してくれよ

Bismillah! No, we will not let you go - let him go

ならぬ! 貴様は行かせるものか 奴を連れ出せ!

Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go!

ならぬ! 貴様は行かせるものか 奴を連れ出せ!

Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go!

ならぬ! 貴様は行かせるものか 出してくれよ!

Will not let you go let me go (never)

貴様は行かせないぞ 出してくれよ! (だめだ)

Never let you go - let me go

行かせぬぞ 出してくれよ!

Never let me go ooo


No, no, no, no, no, no, no

ダメだ そんな 殺生な

Oh, mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go

なあ お願いだよ 出してくれ

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me


For me


For me


So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye


So you think you can love me and leave me to die


Oh baby, can't do this to me baby

なああんた できっこないだろ

Just gotta get out just gotta get right outta here

ならほっといてくれ ここから出て行ってくれよ

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah

Nothing really matters


Anyone can see


Nothing really matters Nothing really matters to me

どうでもいいんだ 僕のことはどうかお構いなく

Anyway the wind blows





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PDF printers are supported natively in Linux and Unix environments, so you only need the PPD file for your printer, no driver executables, to get access to all printing functionality.





どこでそんな事が起きているの? そう疑問を思ったそこの君、Artifactというゲームでそれは起きているのだ。






発表時の第一印象Dota 2をモチーフにして作られたHearthstoneであり、そのどちらもが基本無料だったのだから何もおかしくはない。


Reary?Start TCG need Real MONEY???WHY????W------H---------Y?????





















What It Really Costs

According to the Wall Street Journal, the average data, texting and minute plan for a smartphone costs about $2,100 for a

two-year contract. However, that's not the real cost. The average tax on smartphones is about 15% and some can be as high as

20%. On top of the taxes, you need to factor in costs like overage charges and other fees. When all of these are added together,

the average cost for owning a smartphone is $3,400 over two years.

There are a lot of comparisons out there between iPhone and Android phones, so if you're trying to decide which one is cheaper

overall, keep in mind that according to appleinsider.com, paid Android apps cost an average of 2.5 times more than paid iPhone

apps. Techcrunch.com reports that 57% of Android apps are free, versus only 28% of iPhone apps. This does not mean that if you

go with an Android phone your bill will definitely be more expensive, but you may want to keep it in mind when you decide which

phone is best for you.



In 2001 Kofi Annan received the Nobel Prize in conjunction with the United Nations.

The focus of his speech was global inequality.

"Ladies and gentlemen,

Today in Afghanistan a girl will be born.

Her mother will hold her, feed her and comfort her and care for her just as any mother would anywhere else in the world.

In those most basic acts of human nature, humanity knows no divisions.

But to be born a girl in Afghanistan today, is to begin life centuries away from the prosperity that one small part of humanity has achieved.

Even thought her mother would do all in her power, to protect her and sustain her.

There is a one in four risk that the girl will not live to see her fifth birthday.

Whether she does is just one of the tests of our common humanity of our belief in our individual responsibility for our fellow men and women.

But it is the only test that matters.

Remember this girl then our large aims to fight poverty, prevent conflict or cure disease will nothing distant or impossible.

Indeed those aims would seem very near and very achievable as they should.

Because beneath the surface of stats and nations, ideas and language lies the fate of individual human beings in need.

Answering their needs will be the mission of the United Nations in the century to come.

Thank you very much."


アメリカくんだりまでMSイベントいってきたけど、みんなでAll You Need Is Loveを歌ったりして割とマジでブラック企業なノリだったわ





GIMP 2.10.4 Released



Asynchronous Fonts Loading

Loading all available fonts on start-up can take quite a while, because as soon as you add new fonts or remove existing ones, fontconfig (a 3rd party utility GIMP uses) has to rebuild the fonts cache. Windows and macOS users suffered the most from it.

Thanks to Jehan Pagès and Ell, GIMP now performs the loading of fonts in a parallel process, which dramatically improves startup time. The caveat is that in case you need to immediately use the Text tool, you might have to wait till all fonts complete loading. GIMP will notify you of that.




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She was born from my kiss and your anguish.

So, you gotta come back, You should've left this Space already!

You definitely can't part from me. You're the one who gave birth to me. I'm the child you made to eat your anguish and sadness. It doesn't matter how many times you kill me, I'll always be born again. Because I'm your true soul. You wanted to throw away your feelings for your brother, and become an adult without me. I won't allow that. In this place, your don't need anything. neither the pain, nor the anguish of becoming an adult.

You're courageous, You don't fear the pain. you're courageous, who be named to be brave. You shall come back to present.

That way, there is nothing but pain and anguish.

That's why, That's why I have to go. Because from now on, I have to carry on living by myself without you.

In the direction where you feel the pain, there's an exit!

I was afraid to open my heart to someone. But I'm not afraid anymore. Even if I lose sight of it, there's always a path somewhere. People are connected through narrow paths. Even if sometimes they lose sight of them, there's no doubt they're connected. Welcome back, you. I'm back ,you.

I don't really know what is means "to be friends."

But you, Yup, you were a companion who got lost on the same path as me, and you looked for the same path I did.

But we're companions only when we're looking for the same path. A person like me, if I always stay with other people;e, I lose sight of my own path.

May be you're right.

But Let's meet again. When we get lost again. Until that time, goodbye.

I'm courageous, You're the one who gave me my name.

From the line of "Dennou Coil"


Ichinose must have been very disappointed.

You're the first like-minded friend he's ever had.

Your performance yesterday was inspiring. I'm impressed though not surprised.

I was hoping your praise in particular wouldn't be so generic.


Can I ever hope to move people with my playing the way Kai did? Can I someday..?

I want the honest truth, so please don't hold back.

Fair enough. Since you're aiming to be a professional, I'll give you the unfettered, honest truth. Amamiya, you need to learn to appreciate your own piano playing more. Do that, and you'll understand. You need compare yourself against others. you gave a good performance. Your future excites me.

From the line of "Piano Forest"


歌詞I love you, I want you, I need youがセットで入っているダサイ曲






空耳 正しい歌詞曲名作品名OPED
おっぱいマイスター What'bout my star? What'bout my star? マクロスF劇中歌
腰を回せ世界の真ん中で 星を廻せ 世界のまんなかで ライオンマクロスFOP
ロリコンエロ~♪はらーぺこーなのー 飛び越えろ ハラペコなの 射手座午後九時 don't be late マクロスF劇中歌
地鶏の長男 一度きりの貴重な Be Ambitious,Guys!Tick! Tack!OPPCゲーム
システムキッチン過失でオープン Such dedication comes through only once Never Say Never ダンガンロンパ The AnimationOP
こころおなにいたとえよおおおおおおお 心を何にたとえよう ルーの唄 ゲド戦記劇中歌
心オナニー 心を何に ルーの唄 ゲド戦記劇中歌
先輩☆全裸 1000%LOVE マジLOVE1000% うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE1000% メインテーマ
赤い貴乃花 赤い薔薇の花 IN MY DREAMブレンパワードOP
クソで固めたナイフ切りつけ 嘘で固めたナイフ切りつけ RISING X-MENOP
メタルオバマメタルオーバーマンキングゲイナーオーバー OVERMAN キングゲイナーOP
石鹸なんてなくたっていい 聖剣なんてなくたっていい 聖剣なんていらない 星刻の竜騎士OP
燃えファイヤー胸のかたまりよ(空耳じゃない) 光の戦士たち 魔動王グランゾートOP
釣りがしてえ…。 連れ出して… moving soulFate/kaleid liner プリズマ☆イリヤ ツヴァイOP
きーみはーまじーでなっとううめーすきー 君は真面目なトーンで好き とまどい→レシピ未確認で進行形OP
ギリギリマンボウ☆チャンス Give me Give me One More Chance I am Just Feeling Aliveヤングブラック・ジャックOP
うんぱかああああ 歌が 楽園の翼 グリザイアの果実OP
勝敗を分けるのは中年さだから I chase you (jojo4部) 勝敗を分けるのは執念さだから I chase youchaseジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けないOP
小学生は最高だぜ! Show you guts cool say what 最高だぜっ SHOOT! ロウきゅーぶ!OP
曖昧賛成 そりゃ無理ってことかい曖昧3センチ そりゃぷにってことかいもってけ!セーラーふくらき☆すたOP
とかちつくちて 溶かしつくしエージェント夜を往くアイドルマスター劇中曲ゲーム
空に災い 空に rise & ride DreamRiserガールズ&パンツァーOP
アレガ あれが 君の知らない物語化物語ED
you 情ってデリケート 愛があるならWord I Need Goin'なcryでも伝えてよ come 情をlisten ペクト A級にね、chat-rangeして 言葉にしてほしい Word 話題 Need! Word I Need - - Aice5
くーそーにまみれたー 空想にまみれた Shangri-La蒼穹のファフナーOP
蒼いバナナが見えるだろうココアソーダクエン酸 今なら言えるだろう此処がそう楽園Shangri-La蒼穹のファフナーOP
ココアソーダクエン酸 此処がそう楽園Shangri-La蒼穹のファフナーOP
ココアソーダクエン酸 此処がそう楽園Shangri-La蒼穹のファフナーOP
ココア ソーダ クエン酸 此処がそう楽園Shangri-La蒼穹のファフナーOP
急に歌うよ 君に歌うよ synchrogazer 戦記絶唱シンフォギアOP
楽しいタマホーム楽しいだろうね 煌めく浜辺宝石の国ED
ロマンチックは寝る ロマンティックあげるよロマンティックあげるよドラゴンボールED
斜め2ミリ韓国語版) Feeling HeartTo HeartOP
早朝は怖い顔して 総長はこわい顔して 天国サンバ激走戦隊カーレンジャーED特撮
ちんぽんばっかんすってんどーん 血を流すけど 君の神話~アクエリオン第二章アクエリオンEVOLOP
自転車自転車自転車自転車自転車トイレトイレトイレトイレトイレ行く~よ 自転車こいで行くよ 自転車NARUTO-ナルト-疾風伝ED


You don't alone. I don't want to anybody to die.

To my mother and my father.

Dad. Mom.

Thank you for raising me.

This might be my last letter.

If you're ever reincarnated…

and marry each other again,

I would want to be your son again.


I wasn't supposed to end like this.

I was supposed to find happiness, and show you I was happy.

That was the plan. So…

So, I'm praying…

that you would have me as your son again.


How with that sound?

I think it's good as is.

Sir, Is there anyone else you would want to send a letter to?

Maria. To Maria.

Ones to Ms.Maria?

Yes, she's a girl I grew up with. We've known each other since we were kids. She was like a sister to me. She told me she liked me. I think I liked her, too.

But I shipped out before we started acting like a true couple. We didn't even kiss.

Maria, How are you doing?

Do you remember the time you confessed your feelings for me?

I was really, really, really happy.

Maria. Maria, I want to go home to be by your side.

I don't want to die.

I want to go home, to be beside you.

Wait for me, please.

I can't open my eyes anymore,

Are you getting everything down?

Yes, I am.

Violet. Send off the letters for me.

Thank you for helping me.

I don't feel alone.

I am right here. I am right by your side.

I need touch you me. I need your touch.

I am holding your hand now, sir.

Oh I'm getting cold

Dad Mom Maria

"Kiss me"

"Thank you"

"Everything will be okay, sir. I promise your letters will be delivered.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect him.

I'm sorry that let him die.

I don't want to anybody to die.

from the line of "Violet Evergarden"

from a battlefield with love.

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