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(後記)テキスト入力専用機としてiPad mini + Magic Keyboardお勧めする理由




できるだけコンパクトな機材で長時間ものを書き続けられる環境を作るというとりくみは、自分場合Asus Eee PC PE1005 というWindows 7の端末からはじまっている。これはバッテリが実際に10時間くらい持ち、当時としてはすばらしい持続性だったから、大切に使い続けて愛着を持っていた。(最近までLubuntuを入れて使っていたが、持ち歩くにはもう重いな、と感じていた。それにしても、図書館などに行くと、いまだにEee PCを使っている人がときどきいて、なんて息の長い商品なんだと驚く。)

このPE 1005を使って自分1000枚くらいの原稿を書いた。作業のピーク時には手首と指の関節が毎日痛んで、後遺症がのこらないかと心配だった。キーボードが小さくて、プラスチックがパチパチいう打鍵感だった。コンパクト環境を追求するのもいいけど、安く、小さく作ってある機材に自分の身体を合わせるようなことをしていると、長時間書き続ける場合はさきに自分の身体が壊れてしまうのではないかと思ったのは、この時だ。それ以来いろいろ試して、現在環境に落ち着いている。

ASUS TransBook T90CHIとEeebook X205TAを同時に検討していたけど、店頭で実機を触ってみて、よした。Eee PCを使っていた頃の、Windowsもっさり感がずっと気になっていたせいもあるが、いま必要なのは機能が全部入っているPCじゃなくて、ものを書く道具だと思ったからだ。ものを書いている時にブラウザアイコンや他のウィンドウが見えないようにしたかった(iOSマルチタスキング機能はOFFにしている)。




テキスト入力専用機としてiPad mini + Magic Keyboardお勧めする理由


iPad mini 4 16GB + Magic Keyboardの組み合わせでMacbook Air最安モデルの約半額で、macの快適なキーボードを使って高速で仕事ができ、電源がない場所でも一日中問題ない。




現在の組み合わせにたどり着く前に、Macbook AirWindowsノートWindowsタブレットAndroidタブレットChromebookPomera DM100を買って使ってみたが、常に以下のいずれかの点で問題があった。










特にキーボードの選択は、一日8時間以上タイピングを続ける人間にとっては致命的であった。現在出回っているMicrosoftモバイルキーボードAmazon等での評価が高かったので全種類試してみたが、打鍵の快適さはMagic Keyboardに比べると、どれも3万円前後格安Windowsタブレットについてくるキーボードと変わりない。

携帯性と重さという点では、最初のうちはMacbook Airに満足していたが、やはりこの機械の独特のゴツゴツ感と肌触りの冷たさには最後まで抵抗があった。また、あのアダプタをつねに持ち歩くと、けっこうかさばるのである(あのアダプタの華奢な感じが携帯時に与える不安は、Macbook Airをずっと持ち歩いている人ならわかってくれるだろう)。

iPad miniの分解できるアダプタ&ケーブルは、カバンに入れるときに大きな安心感を与える。また、旅行中以外はそれすら持ち歩く必要がないことにあとで気づいた。

iPad mini 4 16GB + Magic Keyboardで約530g、好みのケースを付けて600 - 650g 、


一方、最近話題になったキングジムの小さなpcポータブック XMC10は、本体重量が約830g、


Surfaceをはじめとして、携帯性を重視したWindows機を最近各社がこぞって出しているが、サクサク動くスペックにして15 - 20万の価格帯を考えるとどれもライトユーザーにとっては高嶺の花だという感じがする。フルwindowsで1kg以下というのは、現時点でそんなに高い付加価値なのだろうか。



そういう評判をネットで読んでChromebookを購入して使ってましたが、オフライン環境で電源OFFから立ち上げるとゲストユーザーとしてしか使えず、いろいろ制限が多すぎて面倒なので結局売ってしまいました。(再追記:映像ありがとうございます。去年秋頃までAsus C200MAを使っていて、何回やってもオフライン環境では自分アカウントログインできなかったんですが、その後アップデート改善されたという理解でよいのでしょうか。ちなみに、このエントリの著者です→http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20150927211800



iPad miniのバッテリ残量:38%

Magic Keyboardのバッテリ残量:100%

自分場合は、特定仕事必要な条件を列挙していって、あとのことには目をつぶったら消去法でこの組み合わせになった。最初iPad miniなんて割高な情弱向けの端末だと思って、見向きもしなかったが、いろいろ試してみて結局現時点でこれが残った感じか。




文章を書く時は横置き。iPad miniだと、縦置きでPagesを使うと字が小さすぎる。Wordドラフト表示みたいなのができて、プレーンテキストだけじゃなくて、傍線を引いたりスタイル設定できるアプリがあったらそっちに乗り換えて縦置きで書くかも。






帰宅してから古くて大きい方のiPad + Microsoft Universal Mobile Keyboardでこれを書いてみたが、やっぱりこのキーボードは長時間執筆には向いていないと感じる。ちなみにこれは、最近話題だったASUS Transbook T90 CHI のキーボードによく似ていると思うのは自分だけ? まったく使えないほどひどくはないが、どこかおもちゃっぽい。



エディタ無料PagesUI好き嫌いで選んでますが、結果的アイディア出しをやりながら草稿を貯めていく作業にけっこう向いているようです。起動すると文書カード形式で並び、それまで自分が考えてきたことがおよそ俯瞰できますCommand + Spaceキースポットライト機能を出して検索するとpagesファイル全文検索がかかるので、ipadに入れてある他の資料複数の草稿の間を行き来しながら納品原稿を仕上げていくイメージです。縦書き状態のチェック等は最後docx形式エクスポートしてノートpcでやりますpagesファイルdocxファイル互換性、見た目の再現性等については、校正が入るので基本的には問題になりません。



日本語入力を切って半角入力にしただけでは入力しにくい欧文の記号はたくさんありますアクセント記号、"と違うかたちの引用符、改行できないスペース記号等)。日本語英語だけを混在させる分にはこれは問題になりませんが、他の欧文を表示させる段階になると問題になってきて、Androidはこういった処理がひどく弱いので実用に耐えませんでした。Windows + Word文書を書いている分にはこの問題クリアされていますが、日本語版windowsにたとえばフランスで作られた辞書アプリインストールすると、文字化けします。OS全体の言語設定をフランス語に変更しても解消されません。一方、同じアプリmac版は、OS言語設定に関係なく適切に表示されます。こうした処理をユーザーの側がいちいち気にしないレベルで解決されているのがmaciOSという消極的理由で、少々高くてもしょうがなく使うわけです。Androidキーボード周りがもう少し洗練されてきたら乗り換える可能性もあります


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Macro Portrait digital photography In the region of Factors

We tend to possibly be caused along with entirely noticed together with the motive for hunting through physical objects by a additionally mind-set is intriguing. This is certainly because of this element aided by the motive in people generally uncover further factors primarily by searching by way of familiar target at a rare slant in any other case place emphasis. This will hit typically the senses master individuals bait through online digital macro picture taking.

Handheld macro photographs is undoubtedly an knack. There are thumbs decrease dilemma of this type aided by the purpose with. It's going to take a legend associated with professional to try an item consequently regular then one consequently dismissible in addition to shape it in to something while using the goal involving entirely encapsulates an aspect of everyday living. Pro player together with the goal connected with is actually is it possible you recurring which will? Knack is definitely. Thumbs downwards knack consistently advertised to help include many of the facts in everyday life. Knack is actually a manifestation of this earth via the view on the actor or actress. By browsing by using a structure from knack these sort of similarly a digital macro digital photography, everyone get to express all the viewpoint connected with various other public and with a goal of can land on an exceedingly potent link. sell keyboard

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Excellent Strategies Regarding Open-air Wedding event Images Throughout Leeds

Wedding event images isn't any additional restricted to capturing for the duration of wedding ceremony party on the site one elected to get wedding rituals and also in the few chapels. Bride and groom, dressed inside heart warming wedding dresses, may possibly check out different beautiful locations to obtain splendid injections how they would most likely keep on using them always to delight in the recollection of your marriage ceremony after inside their lives. Those people images would as well function simply because old artifacts for his or her infants every time they mature and additionally prefer to observe its parents checked if they were new,laptop cpu fan and also to observe how wedding parties occurred on outdated periods. There are numerous gorgeous locations to get wedding ceremony photos around Leeds that all happy couple on Leeds wish to head to to their wedding and reception costume if you are shot in a very picturesque experience.

Leeds is rather exquisite and also is among the most well-known towns in The uk getting selection of venues to turn into great qualifications just for open-air wedding digital photography training. You can find a long list of old websites dating back coming from 19th millennium to B . C . period, a lot of pretty gorgeous amusement parks and even fantastic church buildings, along with other areas for instance squares and even halls which represents splendour of your metropolis.

Get ready for open-air wedding party digital photography training on Leeds

Before training is essential regarding wonderful photos while in the wedding gowns. The backdrop, make-up, and also costume outfit distressed through the young couples participate in an important function in level of quality associated with beautiful photos furthermore lighting products and laptop keyboard additionally dslr camera settings. A great digital photographer would go on a very few check vaccinations on the open-air websites you end up picking just for wedding and reception photography in advance of taking particular marriage ceremony shots to establish in cases where illumination spot as well as other practical requirements will be attained to generate good shots.

Advised regions regarding wedding and reception photos

Produced around 1899, Leeds Urban center Rectangle is undoubtedly an available place in the center of town. Form most important constructing, there are plenty of destinations on Metropolis Rectangular that can be used since backdrop to your snap shots, for instance, the particular water fall and the particular sculpture from the African american Prince for horseback produced from bronze. There are numerous some other figurines which will moreover assist while fantastic backdrops.

Middleton Recreation area, by using outdated woodlands dating back so that you can 17th millennium, is among the most well-known destinations within the place regarding Leeds. You will find superb displays, for example unique h2o fish ponds, oak woods, and various scenarios that you can use simply because again decline of one's wedding party pictures.


The way to Take the place of a fabulous Personal computer Computer keyboard

Changing a new laptop computer keyboard will be difficult regarding someone considering that it is without a doubt defined to become tech function though really isn't. Just by subsequent a number of easy steps one could replace the actual laptop key pad comfortably.

1st step is actually to ensure that you will have powered down the vitality and taken off the particular battery. Equally you might want to unplug this from switchboard to prevent just about any hassle. An individual will be through with the software, you ought to start all the laptop computer along with remove lots of the screws behind that. Even if various mobile computer models possess different screws but it is simple to choose the anchoring screws in order to them all.

Typically, all the keyboards are generally devote a plastic material sheet which happens to be screwed throughout the equipment. For that reason right here anyone must also get rid of the screws in an effort to get rid of those plastic-type sheets. Any time one can find absolutely no plastic-type material sheets after that probably right now there may be some clamps which is often deleted readily.

An individual will be through with the actual taking away the plastic material sheets right now there may be some cosmetic outstanding on the computer keys. All of these plastic material bits has to be removed cautious and it could be completed any help in various cosmetic choose and tooth find. It is actually highly recommended will not use almost any needle which is able to really problems another aspects of machines.

At this time you might be through with just about all screws inside the back, you need to take away the screws towards the top because in some laptop or pc units often times there are anchoring screws beginning which should end up being deleted before you really replace all the computer keys. When most of anchoring screws really are eliminated, you will see the laptop computer keyboard is something related to any thin knowledge lead that is straightaway that come with the actual motherboard best in the bottoom. To eliminate any laptop correctly, feel free to use the equivalent enamel pick to enable you to raise the plastic-type connectors which you'll find storing with this knowledge lead. You will see of the fact that entirely computer keyboard can be free professionals who log in very easily lift that up.

You will have successfully carried out the most important part and it's the moment you are able to replace that classic laptop or pc computer keyboard while using unique 1. Very first thing earliest, take the popular computer hp laptop keyboard out from the plastic page and remedy a repair anywhere between that cosmetic fittings that are existing for the chief panel. You will need to ensure that your comprehensive brand new keyboard set is set. These days include the info line very carefully. You need to use similar choose anyone used formerly to try the equivalent. Be sure that the entire openings as well as clamps are straight aligned along with the mess space as a result for all those securing that screws repeatedly, it is possible to finished the software as necessary. Lastly refasten your current laptop computer keyboard within the top and also if you wish to remove any specific cosmetic articles replicate the equivalent option a person achieved it up to now.

Now restricted most of the screws from again and get that laptop's solar battery funding the area to enable you to observe regardless if your own laptop have been replaced instead systematically or even in no way. An individual will be through with tensing all the screws, start up your current laptop considering the fact that a person hear numerous beeps in the beginning then very likely you might want to eradicate all of the procedures once again. See a BIOS through important F2 or DEL button to be sure of whether or not keyboard is actually tracked down to be had and not even.


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Purchasing a Photos Occupation

Like any job from where the pathway is often a difficult an individual, a very important attribute you must have got is normally dedication to ensure success. If you agree perhaps nice becoming a specialist photography, nevertheless there are actually other occupations you might equally end up being completely happy throughout, really don't go for digital photography!

Hence, considering it is a career way you will completely ought to carry out, which inturn course may be for you?

Symbol photos

Your portrait digital photographer should possibly come up with to a facility, and have unexpected location career; education beautiful photos, and also headshots designed for celebrities, performers, plus dancers. They should demand exceptional organisational skills, as they simply will probably be carrying out their unique diary-management, and keeping by themselves well apprised belonging to the most recent tendencies the two throughout photography not to mention post-production. Nevertheless zero formal certification are crucial,HP laptop keyboard a new reasonably dangerous regarding workout as well as pro knowledge essential.

Relatives photos

The family unit professional photographer can be almost entirely-studio centered. Usually addressing fractious youngsters, ones own men and women skills are usually like essential mainly because his or her knowledge for a shooter. The family unit photo throw requires diplomacy,uk panasonic charger shop and even the capacity to keep folks concentrated however laid-back. Including the symbol professional photographer, professional requirements are attractive rather then imperative.

Design photos

Removing straight into this attractive team of your business is certainly amazingly tough. The style digital photographer will stipulate a substantial real bodily portfolio of their job, and even a terrific personal internet site to make sure you function as being a gallery. His or her digital adjustment experience of your pictures these throw should really be extraordinary. Different from alot of job areas of specialist taking photographs, the style photographer need to have a realtor, that will negotiate the particular sales agreement with their function for the kids.


That image journalist is actually any storyteller, displaying the fact, by using shots hardly ever doctored before they will look for their own strategy straight into produce. Professional coaching may just be more crucial right compared to during various other job areas,vw-vbk360 for a degree can have difficulties and additionally theoretical situations to the college for you to take on. AN IMPORTANT move on course can even offer imperative connections.

Wild animals photos

Just as before, that creatures photographer needs any stand-out accounts, including a willing concern in the normal country. Through investment agencies full of photos, your budding creatures photography needs severe numbers of patience, perseverance, along with enable you to read the long video game. In need of wonderful organization and marketing and advertising proficiency, some people will surely have to allure their approach right into great romances using canine parking facilties, making admission to confined areas.

Wedding and reception photos

One particular for any adrenaline junkies belonging to the photography planet, professional wedding photographers need nervousness about metal to remain professional in the excellent picture. Addressing that availability of peoples' once-in-a-lifetime reminiscences, its many people,us nikon battery shop as well as crowd-management knowledge should really be exceptional. Ones own croping and editing skills might also want to become top-notch, for a little refined photoshopping can certainly make all the distinction somewhere between a fantastic image, including a appropriate one particular.

Your way during the occupation relies all the about your current disposition like your own skill : if you customize your career further development to be able to which you can be, you will see increasing your current skills really pleasant.


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UKファームにはまだ通知がこないので、Nordic あたりに偽装して試してみる。


12:55 まずは準備。母艦に入ってたソニエリの Update Service をアンインストールした。

13:00 Titanium Backup http://tinyurl.com/22rxwqcアプリバックアップした。

13:01 純正バックアップツールで SMS/MMSバックアップ

13:05 APN Backup Restore http://tinyurl.com/26t6pq7 で APN 設定をバックアップ

13:08 (念のため) SMS Backup+ http://tinyurl.com/24kv56ySMS/MMSgmailバックアップしておこう

13:17 SMS しかバックアップ取れてないぞ。ま、いいか。準備完了。


13:17 build.prop を書き換えよう。Xda developers http://forum.xda-developers.com/情報探しに行く

13:21 日本語情報あるじゃねーか。。。http://tinyurl.com/2uzugyk http://tinyurl.com/2fu9xsy

13:23 build.prop の 1238-0199 を 1238-8536 に書き換え。要 root




13:30 ここら辺 http://tinyurl.com/ydjr8jg から Update Service をインストール

13:36 ダメだ。最新のソフトウェアインストールされています、だそうだ。


15:50 再開。Update Service をアンインストールPC 再起動、再インストール

15:59 Back ボタンを押しながら USB 接続すると、アップデートがあります、だそうだ。

16:05 アップデート完了。


16:24 ここら辺 http://juggly.cn/archives/12187.html を読みながら SuperOneClick で root 化。5分くらい経ったけどまだダメ

16:33 APN Backup Restore http://tinyurl.com/26t6pq7 で APN 設定を復元


16:50 USB Debugging 有効、Unknown Sources 許可、Screen timeout 30分にして再度挑戦。10分くらい放っておいたら root 取れてた。


17:00 Titanium Backup http://tinyurl.com/22rxwqcアプリ復元。一つ一つやると時間かかる。有料版買おうかな

17:15 純正バックアップツールで SMS/MMSリストア

17:26 Auto-sync 有効にして放っておいたら電話帳もリストアされた。


21:34 DroidSansJapanese.ttf (中身はメイリオ) と DroidSansFallback.ttf を /system/fonts に入れて reboot

Nordic ファームなのでキーマップが違うなぁ。

UK ファームのときの qwerty.kcm.bin を取っておけば良かったのかな。

00:45 MMSUserAgent 変えるの忘れてた。custom_settings.xml対処 http://tinyurl.com/29qex3v


11/4 11:13 ここ http://tinyurl.com/33lw734 に添付してある keys.tar を解答して、keyboard-config 以下のファイル全部と、mimmi_keypad.kcm.bin を置き換えたらキーマップも EN 配列になった。qwerty.kcm.bin は mimmi_keypad.kcm.bin へのシンボリックリンクだったので置き換えず。←今ココ


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  1. Arabic Language Course (Fadi's Free Arabic Language Tutorial) - Introduction
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  28. Mongolian English Dictionary
  29. Online Japanese dictionary - new technology
  30. Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation - Pronounce English words correctly
  1. kotobank時事問題ニュースもわかるネット百科事典コトバンク
  2. 漢字辞典ネット
  3. オンライン学術用語
  1. Croatian-English -- English-Croatian Dictionary
  2. EUdict | European dictionary
  3. Croatian - English online dictionary | Hrvatsko - Engleski online rječnik
Multi-Language 多言語マルチリンガル
  1. Translate at Dictionary.com
  2. English-MultiLingual Online Dictionary. Free online English-MultiLingual translation
  3. Foreign Language Online Dictionaries and Free Translation Links
Special Terms 用途
  1. Internet Slang words - Internet Dictionary - InternetSlang.com
  2. 和製英語カタカナ英語を正す【無料】和英辞典

[Tools] <Tools & Web service> 語学学習サポートツール

  1. Online Multilingual Keyboard LEXILOGOS >>
  2. Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian and over 70 languages with Byki software.
  3. Anki - a friendly, intelligent spaced learning system
  4. On-line based typing in Japanese
    1. http://ajaxime.chasen.org/
    2. http://sumibi.org/
  5. Using Japanese font and IME at Internet Cafe
  6. Internet Japanese Test
  7. rikaichan | polarcloud.com
  8. EReK (English Sentence Search)
  9. JReK - Japanese Sentence Search
  10. ライフサイエンス辞書プロジェクト
  11. Browse Language Support / アドオン検索 :: Firefox Add-ons
  12. Mozilla Japan - Firefoxアドオン - 拡張機能 - 辞書翻訳
  13. East Asian Translator :: Firefox Add-ons
  14. Inline Translator :: Add-ons for Firefox
  15. 辞書翻訳/キングソフト辞書
  16. これは快適! Wikipedia検索できるFirefox辞書アドオン「qtl(Quick TransLation)」 - できるネット+ 編集部ブログ
  17. レビュー】入れておきたいFirefoxアドオン-ジャンルリスト翻訳/辞書」 | パソコン | マイコミジャーナル



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