はてなキーワード: the Worldとは
He thought back to the one he'd chased solo almost to the East River, through Fairing's Parish.
It had lagged, let him catch up. Had been looking for it. It occurred to him that somewhere--when he was drunk, too horny to think straight, tired--he'd signed a contract above the paw-prints of what were now alligator ghosts.
It occurred to him thatが訳されていない。
of what were now alligator ghostsが訳されていない。
この段落ではこのalligator ghostsなるものがどういう存在なのか、このあと縷々綴られていくので、これを落としてしまうのはちょっと。ここは訳すなら「今や幽霊であるワニたちが、かつてそうであった存在の」となるのでしょうか。あまり自信はないですが。
Almost as if there had been this agreement, a covenant, Profane giving death, the alligators giving him employment: tit for tat.
Almost as if there had been this agreement, a covenantが訳されていない。
上に出てきた「なにか取り決めでもあったのか」が訳文なのかもしれないけど、this agreement, a covenantとわざわざ言い直して二回言っているのを「取り決め」の一語にまとめるのはどうなんですか。しかもcovenantなんて「(神との)聖約」という強い意味の語なのに。そんな語がワニ相手に使われているというのがこの文のミソだと思うのですが。うーん。
He needed them and if they needed him at all it was because in some prehistoric circuit of the alligator brain they knew that as babies they'd been only another consumer-object, along with the wallets and pocketbooks of what might have been parents or kin, and all the junk of the world's Macy's.
the world's Macy'sを「世界中のデパート」としているのは明らかに誤訳です。メイシーズは基本的にアメリカにしか展開していないようですし、なによりもこの挿話の元になった都市伝説はニューヨークのメイシーズで、ペット用に売られた赤ちゃんワニがトイレに流されて下水道で成長していたというものだったわけです。なのでthe world'sはここでは「ここらの界隈の」みたいな意味ではないでしょうか。
And the soul's passage down the toilet and into the underworld was only a temporary peace-in-tension, borrowed time till they would have to return to being falsely animated kids' toys.
Of course they wouldn't like it. Would want to go back to what they'd been; and the most perfect shape of that was dead--what else?--to be gnawed into exquisite rococo by rat-artisans, eroded to an antique bone-finish by the holy water of the Parish, tinted to phosphorescence by whatever had made that one alligator's sepulchre so bright that night.
to go back to what they'd beenが「もとの自分たちの暮らしにある」でいいんでしょうか。このあとに続く文に則して意味をとるなら「暮らし」では変では? それに原文はto go backなのに「帰る」という意味が訳文から感じとれないです。
まず、ダッシュで囲まれたwhat else?が訳されていない。
tinted toが訳されていない。
by whatever以後の節を「燐光」にかけて訳していますが、これは英文解釈的に無理なのではないでしょうか。また、そのせいなのか原文の語順がぐちゃぐちゃにされてしまっています。なぜeroded to an antique bone-finishとひとまとまりなっているのを千切って「浸食され」と「アンティークな骨細工」をかけ離れたところに置いているのでしょうか。
原文を素直に読めば、ワニは死後、gnawed-齧られてrococo-ロココ彫刻になって、そのロココ彫刻がeroded-浸食されてan antique bone-finish-骨仕上げのアンティークになり(bone-finishというのは妙な言い方ですが、matte finish-つや消し仕上げをもじったような表現だととりました)、そのアンティークがtinted-染められてphosphorescence-燐光になると読めます。
さらにこの段落の一番最後に来るのは原文ではwhatever had made that one alligator's sepulchre so bright that nightなわけで、ここに意味上の大きな負荷がかかっていると思えるのですが翻訳では「燐光」の前に置かれて目立ちません。
共訳者の一人、佐藤氏は何十年もピンチョンの研究、翻訳をされてきた人で、こんな訳をするとは思えないのですが。それとも、このころ『重力の虹』の翻訳に集中していて実は『V.』にはあまり関わっていなかったとか? しかしもうひとりの小山氏もイギリスの大学院に留学して英語の著作もある人だそうですし。学生に下訳させて、ろくに直さずに出版したとか? まさか。
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Yesterday, 31, Dec. '18 was the last day of iPhone Battery replacement program.
In a distant town, after replaced the battery, walked and took some pictures.
On my way home, on the unknown dark and narrow road, with new battery, I thought about who am I.
The world is broken, but we do continue to fly without any future, with hope.
welcome 2019.
うーん、きみ古文にがて? 原文が二重主語とか二重否定で相当な悪文でもあるけどさ
六 われらは無責任な軍国主義が世界から駆逐されてしまうまでは、平和、安全、および正義の新秩序がうまれるわけがないことを主張する者である、ということによって日本国国民をだまし、日本国民に世界征服しようとするという間違いを犯させた者の権力および勢力は、永久に除去されないといけない。
六 われらは無責任な軍国主義が世界から駆逐されないと平和、安全、および正義の新秩序があり得ないと主張する者だ。このことによって「日本国国民をだまし、日本国民に世界征服トライという間違いを犯させた者」の権力および勢力は、永久に除去されないといけない。
There must be eliminated for all time the authority and influence of those who have deceived and misled the people of Japan into embarking on world conquest, for we insist that a new order of peace, security and justice will be impossible until irresponsible militarism is driven from the world.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced BTS, an internationally popular Korean band whose live performance on Japan TV was cancelled.
“Wearing a T-shirt in Japan mocking the victims of the Nagasaki A-bomb, is just the latest incident of this band mocking the past,” charged Rabbi Abraham Cooper. Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish Human Rights NGO.
Members of the band posed for a photo shoot wearing hats with the Nazi SS Death Head logo. The SS was a key component of the Nazi mass murder of 6 million Jews during the WWII Holocaust. “Flags appearing on stage at their concert were eerily similar to the Nazi Swastika. It goes without saying that this group, which was invited to speak at the UN, owes the people of Japan and the victims of the Nazism an apology.”
“But that is not enough. It is clear that those designing and promoting this group’s career are too comfortable with denigrating the memory of the past. The result is that on young generations in Korea and around the world are more likely to identify bigotry and intolerance as being ‘cool’ and help erase the lessons of history. The management of this group, not only the front performers, should publicly apologize,” Rabbi Cooper added.
この2点はかなり気になる――なぜなら日本人でも知らない「長崎と広島のキノコ雲の違い」を明らかにして非難していること、Mocking the victimsという表現を使って「被爆者を侮辱している」とSWCが認識していることを明らかにしていることから、決して「ナチの方は謝るけど、原爆部分は言いがかり」というメッセージを受け入れないという姿勢が伝わるからだ。はっきり言ってこのメッセージはナチ部分がかすむほどに反核的に読み取れる。謝罪すべき対象については「日本の人々(被爆者)とナチズムの犠牲者」と「日本の人々」を最初に置く念のいりようだ――これはそういう流儀なのかもしれないが。
英語だと、Thank you very muchまで丁寧に言っても母音は5つ。つまり「ありがとう」と同じテンポで言えるのだ
In 2001 Kofi Annan received the Nobel Prize in conjunction with the United Nations.
The focus of his speech was global inequality.
"Ladies and gentlemen,
Today in Afghanistan a girl will be born.
Her mother will hold her, feed her and comfort her and care for her just as any mother would anywhere else in the world.
In those most basic acts of human nature, humanity knows no divisions.
But to be born a girl in Afghanistan today, is to begin life centuries away from the prosperity that one small part of humanity has achieved.
Even thought her mother would do all in her power, to protect her and sustain her.
There is a one in four risk that the girl will not live to see her fifth birthday.
Whether she does is just one of the tests of our common humanity of our belief in our individual responsibility for our fellow men and women.
But it is the only test that matters.
Remember this girl then our large aims to fight poverty, prevent conflict or cure disease will nothing distant or impossible.
Indeed those aims would seem very near and very achievable as they should.
Because beneath the surface of stats and nations, ideas and language lies the fate of individual human beings in need.
Answering their needs will be the mission of the United Nations in the century to come.
The memory of my mother, going with her three children, with my little baby sister and my two younger brothers, going to the gas chamber, is the worst memory that I carry with me for the rest of my life.
My name is Max Eisen, and I'm a survivor of Auschwitz.
I saw her walk, I remember, all I could see was her back.
Carrying a baby in her arm, and my two little brothers.
Six million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust. Over 1.1 million of those were killed here, in Auschwitz-Birkenau.
I was fifteen years old when I arrived here, May of 1944.
A9892. Hungarian Transports.
Max has returned every year for the past two decades to tell his story.
Here we are,
I want you to sort try to smell what this place smelled like.
Can you hear the voices?
Scratches with their hands. They were trying to go through cement walls just to get away from the gas that was killing them.
Imagine 2,000 people fighting each other for a breath of air.
You could to say that this is the last will and testament of people who died here.
From darkness to light, what a wonderful thing it is to know that you're alive.
Every year Max joins the March of the Living, in memory of those forced on 'death marches' from the camps.
Some 12,000 people recently marched with Max from Auschwitz to Birkenau on Holocaust Remembrance Day.
I'm thinking of my family, who have to no markers, no graves, whose ashes have been blown to the four corners of the earth.
I don't know how I survived.
I'm amazed how I survived.
I'd like to tell a lot to the world.
Respect each other, no matter what religion or colour you are.
Hatred against Jewish people is alive and well all over the world.
I come back here to tell others not to go down this terrible road of hatred and intolerance.
This place reminds you to beware of hatred.
from BBC.
It's a bit like the crossroads of the sea, isn't it?
Then people leave here to go all over the world, huh?
It's kind of amazing, isn't it?
In two days, we're leaving here. But this view will remain the same, right?
Of course, will.
We'll go to Antarctica, and come back to home, but boats will still come here every day, and the city will be full of people, going to school, working their jobs, hanging out with their friends, They'll all keep living their lives..
It' the same in our home country.
School's still being held, They're probably having dinner right about now.
In places we've never seen, locations we've never been, so many people are living so many kinds of lives, every day, without stopping. That's amazing!
Even though it's common sense, but we know you're getting at.
When you go on a journey, there are things you learn for the first time.
That this scenery is indispensable.
That people change, the world changes, even when you're not looking.
That there's no such thing as a "nothing" day.
If you want to learn those things, you've got to get moving.
Then just keep moving until you see something you've never seen before.
No matter how far you go, the world is so big...
You'll definitely find something new.
It's a little scary, but I know you can do it.
Just because, People who feel the same way will find you right away.
So We'll go on another journey someday together.
from the line of "A Place Further Than Universe- Sora yori mo toi Basho"
Yes, I've never seen a star that close before.
It's not a star, it's a comet.
We'll never encounter it again.
It's a once-in-a-lifetime encounter!
Yes, I'm looking at it. It's magnificent!
Its parting was not a tragedy, In the eternity of the land of fairies, they were blessed with a new vessel, and its soul would be protected forevermore.
But I just decided I'm gonna travel the world like you.
I might face some danger. And even die!
But I'm gonna choose to go down this path.
Then, maybe one day, we could meet again somewhere under the starry sky.
We'll both be travelers!
Can we watch the stars together if we cross path again?
Can we!?
from the line of "Violet Evergarden"
One day, a school teacher wrote on the board following:
When he was done, looked to the students and they were all laughing at him, because of the first equation which was wrong, and then the teacher said the following.
"I wrote that first one wrong on purpose, because I wanted you to learn something important. This was for you to know how world out there will treat you. You can see that I wrote RIGHT 9 times, but none of you congratulated me for it; you all laughed and criticized me because of one wrong thing I did.
"The world will never appreciate the good you do a million times, but will criticize the one wrong thing you do...
But don't get discouraged, Always rise above all the Laughter and Criticism.
まだ眠いしテレビも見たいしお腹すいた (Good morning!)
I say, がんばれ私! がんばれ今日も
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,
Standing on the ledge, I show the wind how to fly.
When the world gets in my face,
I say, Have A Nice Day.
Have A Nice Day