「Active」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: Activeとは








Auchan, Total, Renault… L’embarras des entreprises françaises en Russie



European chains Metro, SPAR still active in Ukraine, Russia | Reuters



Metro : Statement on war in Ukraine | MarketScreener



S-ryhmä jättää Venäjän



Simple Mail Access Protocol(サーバーに保存された電子メールアクセスするためのプロトコル一種

Sapporo Multi Access Port(札幌市実験された非接触ICカードの規格のこと)

Soil Moisture Active and Passive(地表面の水分や凍結・溶融状態観測するためにNASA打ち上げ人工衛星のこと)









高周波活性オーロラ調査プログラム(こうしゅうはかっせいオーロラちょうさプログラム、英: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program、略称HAARPハープ




Domain Information: [ドメイン情報]

[Domain Name] YAHOO-NET.JP

[登録者名] ヤフー株式会社

[Registrant] Yahoo Japan Corporation

[Name Server] ns01.yahoo.co.jp

[Name Server] ns02.yahoo.co.jp

[Name Server] ns11.yahoo.co.jp

[Name Server] ns12.yahoo.co.jp

[Signing Key]

[登録年月日] 2008/08/29

[有効期限] 2021/08/31

[状態] Active

[最終更新] 2020/09/01 01:05:08 (JST)

Contact Information: [公開連絡窓口]

[名前] ヤフー株式会社

[Name] Yahoo Japan Corporation

[Email] nic-admin@mail.yahoo.co.jp

[Web Page]

[郵便番号] 102-8282

[住所] 東京都千代田区紀尾井町1番3号

[Postal Address] 1-3 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku

Tokyo 102-8282 Japan

[電話番号] 03-6898-8200







もともとマイナポータル日本代表するITベンダー通信キャリアの3社が開発したんだけど、大臣からの叱責を受け「ちゃんお金を払うから直してよ」って見積もり依頼したところ「無理です。電子申請にはActive XかJavaを使うのが常識で、それを簡単にするなんてことは技術的に不可能です」と逃げ出されてしまった。国際的通信網を運用したり、世界一スパコンを組み上げるよりはずっと簡単なはずで、大臣の手厚いサポートで億単位予算を用意したにも関わらず本当にケツを捲られた。これは役所調達としては極めて珍しいことで、自分たちが納品したシステム調達仕様書に定めた要件を実現できず、それが社会問題となって新聞に大きく載り、大臣が直接叱責するほどの大事件となって、それでも全く責任を取らずにケツを捲るというのは、日本代表する一流企業公共営業部隊が常識的にはやることではない。








2018年3月内閣官房様 | NTTデータ






by year average Weekly Active Uniq User なんだけど もう1個Uなんかねぇ?(1年を通じて1週間当たりのアクティブユニークユーザが100万を突破)


Meeting of Male Leaders to Accelerate the Active Participation of Shining Women




アクティブヒアリングするプロカウンセラー使ったら解決しそう (anond:20200721180526)



○ 「傾聴」の英語は「active hearing」

「傾聴」は英語で「active hearing」または「attentive hearing」です。「active hearing」は臨床心理学で「積極的傾聴」と呼ばれ、アメリカ心理学者カール・ロジャース提唱した手法として知られています


○ 傾聴:共感理解



○ 傾聴:無条件の肯定的関心



○ 傾聴:自己一致












会社福利厚生カウンセラー 自慢乙

そんなのクレーマーに耐える接客業と同じで、 彼らはみんなが嫌がる人間相手をすることで対価をもらうんだから、 逆キレしないことは最低限の技能だよ

覚えたての言葉披露したい小学生かよ 笑顔が嘘くさくなるし、共依存になるから、余計なことすんな






Domain Information: [ドメイン情報]


[登録者名] 株式会社 美術出版社


[Name Server] ns1.dns.ne.jp

[Name Server] ns2.dns.ne.jp

[Signing Key]

[登録年月日] 2019/09/11

[有効期限] 2020/09/30

[状態] Active

[最終更新] 2019/10/25 10:41:57 (JST)

Contact Information: [公開連絡窓口]

[名前] Whois情報公開代行サービス by お名前.com

[Name] Whois Privacy Protection Service by onamae.com

[Email] proxy@whoisprotectservice.com

[Web Page]

[郵便番号] 150-8512

[住所] 東京都渋谷区

桜丘町 26-1

セルリアンタワー 11

[Postal Address] Shibuya-ku

26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho

Cerulean Tower 11F

[電話番号] +81.354562560







○ 「傾聴」の英語は「active hearing」

「傾聴」は英語で「active hearing」または「attentive hearing」です。「active hearing」は臨床心理学で「積極的傾聴」と呼ばれ、アメリカ心理学者カール・ロジャース提唱した手法として知られています


○ 傾聴:共感理解



○ 傾聴:無条件の肯定的関心



○ 傾聴:自己一致




疫学調査に「積極的」と付けたこ言葉は、医学疫学用語ではなく厚労省用語のように見える。英語ではActive epidemiological investigationと呼ぶと厚労省は述べているものの、厚労省日本政府以外がこの術語を用いていることはないように思う。





企業規模によっては Active Director 導入しないところもあるんだろうけど


2018-08-14 anond:20180814213814












202あとで/2672users ブログ: 「平常に戻る」ことはない - イギリスNESTA(科学技術芸術国家基金)より | okuranagaimo.blogspot.com

144あとで/741users 電子情報学特論:Chromiumアーキテクチャを解き明かす - Google スライド

142あとで/2292users 0403「NY感染体験記(未確定)」|qanta|note

132あとで/1569users イラスト図解! これが新型コロナウイルスSARS-CoV-2)だ|ぬまがさワタリnote

124あとで/1229users [PDF]COVID-19への対策概念 | 東北大学大学院医学研究科・押谷仁

116あとで/578users API 設計ガイド  |  Cloud API  |  Google Cloud

116あとで/1677users 緊急事態宣言から3週間 流行状況はどう変わったか(忽那賢志) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース

114あとで/911users 米ジャズプレーヤーが解き明かす“J-POP”の正体、音楽アイデンティティKAI-YOU Premium)

114あとで/609users Google Cloud Platform のトレーニングコースハンズオンを 1 か月間無料提供 | Google Cloud Blog

111あとで/506users ドキュメント作成スキル向上を目指す人向けおすすめ記事まとめ - Qiita

106あとで/970users 月例マグコミマンガ大賞2020 - マッグガーデン / 2月期 入選「賢者教室」朝野茶柱 | MAGCOMI

104あとで/668users 論文の読み方 / How to survey - Speaker Deck

103あとで/617users SPAログイン認証ベストプラクティスがわからなかったのでわりと網羅的に研究してみた〜JWT or Session どっち?〜 - Qiita

102あとで/452users Git / GitHub使用したチーム開発時のガイドラインを制定しました | Developers.IO

102あとで/1032users 「日本人幻想を抱く」新型コロナと闘うウイルス学者の『情熱大陸』のドキュメントがすごい!(追記あり)(水島宏明) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース

100あとで/549users Mr. ベイエリア on Twitter: "自分機械学習を学びたい全ての人類に(CourseraのAndrew Ngコースをやった後に)Andrew NgStanfordのCS229の講義を見ることをオススメしてるんですけど、その講義2018年バージョンが公開され… https://t.co/OUokFft3ea"

97あとで/600users 自宅で学ぼう!AWS学者向けの勉強方法 6ステップ! | Amazon Web Services ブログ

96あとで/435users 文字コード再入門 ─ Unicodeでのサロゲートペア、結合文字正規化書記クラスタ理解しよう! - エンジニアHub|若手Webエンジニアキャリアを考える!

95あとで/406users “アカウント作成後すぐやるセキュリティ対策” 編を公開しました!- Monthly AWS Hands-on for Beginners 2020年4月号 | Amazon Web Services ブログ

94あとで/538users 大幅にリニューアルされた Next.jsチュートリアルをどこよりも早く全編和訳しました - Qiita

94あとで/1004users 「一生役に立つ」人に質問するときに覚えておきたい…とある大学の授業で配られた『質問の仕方』のスライド - Togetter

93あとで/1447users ヨーロッパコロナ感染して入院した話 - にゃんぶろ

93あとで/782users これからは「一番最初に思い出してもらえるブランドしか生き残れない|池田紀行@トライバルnote

92あとで/2071users 一人暮らし新型コロナウイルスにかかった話|ROnote

88あとで/794users 見ずして死ねない日本の伝統建築10

87あとで/1317users リモートワークが 超快適になる製品9選 〜仕事に本気なあなたに〜|村上僚|note

86あとで/425users 「AIをどう習得したのか教えて」と大募集し、技術から集まった記事49本を紹介 - 週末スペシャル日経クロステック Active

86あとで/809users API 設計: gRPC、OpenAPIREST概要と、それらを使用するタイミング理解する | Google Cloud Blog

86あとで/778users Gitでよく使用するコマンドGIFアニメ解説 | コリス

85あとで/395users TypeScript 練習問題集 · GitHub

85あとで/2211users コロナの影響でスーパーで買うカツオ刺身が美味すぎる。|すずきまことnote




Active Cases 7409

Cured / Discharged 764

Deaths 273




Privacy Policy: Follow Checker

We("developer") provides this app to users("you").

While providing our services, we recognize the importance of your privacy and carry out our activities in line with the applicable data protection regulation including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other related laws.

This Privacy Policy aims to specify how we collect, use and disclose your personal data to provide you with the best level of our service.

Personal Data We Collect

We collect and process your personal data such as:

identity information including your Instagram username, Instagram full name, user ID, gender,

contact information including your phone number and e-mail address,

online identifiers including Identifier for Vendors (IDFV), Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) and IP address,

visual information including your photo,

customer transaction information including your purchase history, payment details, subscription ID, transaction ID, subscription start and end date, receipt of subscription, version of Follower Check +,

behavioural information including your usage activity, language preference, how much time you have spent and your last active time in the Follower Check +,

marketing information including your push notification device token, information about the campaign (advertisement, Instagram phenomenon etc.) you come from, the ads you see in Follower Check +.

Collection Method of Your Personal Data

We collect your personal data in a number of ways, including:

directly from you via e-mail, telephone, mobile application, SMS, printed form and/or other electronic devices.

from publicly available sources of information,

from our own records of how you use Follower Check + services.

Use of Your Personal Data

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data for the purposes including to:

provide you with a better and more personalized level of service,

review your requests, suggestions and complaints regarding our service,

fulfil contractual obligations to you and anyone involved in the process,

monitor metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic and demographic patterns,

show you ads that are more tailored to your interests.

identify and resolve errors, problems or bugs in our products and services,

meet legal and regulatory requirements including compliance with applicable law, respond to requests from public and government authorities, including authorities outside your country of residence and to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

We collect and process your personal data on the following bases under the GDPR:

to comply with our contractual obligation (for example, providing you with our service),

to comply with our legal obligations,

because of our company’s legitimate interests which include the provision of our mobile application and/or relevant services, provided always that our legitimate interests are not outweighed by any prejudice or harm your rights and freedoms,

to establish, exercise or defend our legal claims before the courts, arbitrations, authorized data protection authorities or similar legal proceedings,

because you have explicitly given us your consent to process your personal data in that manner.

We will only provide you with marketing related information after you have, where legally required to do so, opted in to receive those communications and having provided the opportunity for you to opt out at any time.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

We disclose your personal data

with our employees, other Follower Check + users, company executives, representatives, suppliers, service providers, business partners and solution partners for the purposes specified in Section 3,

with government and regulatory authorities and other organizations to meet legal and regulatory requirements, or to protect or defend our rights or property in accordance with applicable laws.

For the compliance with the GDPR, we ensure that our suppliers and business or solution partners whether they are located outside the EEA or not, takes appropriate technical and organizational security measures in accordance with applicable data protection laws and use it solely for the purposes specified by us.

Your Rights

If you are from the European Economic Area or in certain countries, you are also entitled (with some exceptions and restrictions) to:

Access: You have the right to request information about how we process your personal data and to obtain a copy of that personal data.

Rectification: You have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data about you and for any incomplete personal information about you to be completed.

Objection: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information, which is based on our legitimate interests (as described above).

Deletion: You can delete your account by using the corresponding functionality directly on the service.

Automated decision-making: You have the right to object a decision made about you that is based solely on automated processing if that decision produces legal or similarly significant effects concerning you.

Restriction: You have the right to ask us to restrict our processing of your personal data, so that we no longer process that personal data until the restriction is lifted.

Portability: You have the right to receive your personal data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have that personal data transmitted to another organization in certain circumstances.

Complaint: You have a right to lodge a complaint with the authorized data protection authority if you have concerns about how we process your personal data. The data protection authority you can lodge a complaint with notably may be that of your habitual residence, where you work or where we are established.

You may, at any time, exercise any of the above rights, by contacting us via info@followcheckx.com together with a proof of your identity, i.e. a copy of your ID card, or passport, or any other valid identifying document.

In some cases, we may not be able to give you access to your personal data that we hold, if making such a disclosure would breach our legal obligations to our other customers or if prevented by any applicable law or regulation.

Right to withdraw consent

If you have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal data, you have the right to fully or partly withdraw your consent. To withdraw your consent please follow the opt-out links on any marketing message sent to you or contact us via info@followcheckx.com.

Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose(s) to which you originally consented unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for further processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Collection of Children’s Personal Data

We attach great importance of protecting children’s privacy. Therefore, we make an effort to not collect personal data of any children under the age of 13. If you have any concerns about your child’s privacy with respect to our services, or if you believe that your child may have provided his/her personal data to us, please contact us using the details provided below. We ensure to delete such personal data from our records immediately.

Security of Your Personal Data

We take appropriate and reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the personal data.

Retention of Your Personal Data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil our collection purposes, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements, and where required for our company to provide services, until the end of the relevant retention period.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. Upon expiry of the applicable retention period, we will securely delete, destroy or anonymize your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Links to Third Party Sites

Our mobile application includes links to other websites or apps whose privacy practices may differ from those of our companies. If you submit personal information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their Privacy Policies. We encourage you to carefully read the Privacy Policy of any website or app you visit.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update and change this Policy from time to time in order to reflect any changes to the way in which we process your personal data or changing legal requirements. Any changes we may make to our Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail or push notification. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices or would like to exercise any of the rights mentioned in this Privacy Policy, please contact us via info@followcheckx.com. You may also contact us by postal at our address stated above.

Privacy Policy: Follow Checker

We("developer") provides this app to users("you").

While providing our services, we recognize the importance of your privacy and carry out our activities in line with the applicable data protection regulation including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other related laws.

This Privacy Policy aims to specify how we collect, use and disclose your personal data to provide you with the best level of our service.

Personal Data We Collect

We collect and process your personal data such as:

identity information including your Instagram username, Instagram full name, user ID, gender,

contact information including your phone number and e-mail address,

online identifiers including Identifier for Vendors (IDFV), Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) and IP address,

visual information including your photo,

customer transaction information including your purchase history, payment details, subscription ID, transaction ID, subscription start and end date, receipt of subscription, version of Follower Check +,

behavioural information including your usage activity, language preference, how much time you have spent and your last active time in the Follower Check +,

marketing information including your push notification device token, information about the campaign (advertisement, Instagram phenomenon etc.) you come from, the ads you see in Follower Check +.

Collection Method of Your Personal Data

We collect your personal data in a number of ways, including:

directly from you via e-mail, telephone, mobile application, SMS, printed form and/or other electronic devices.

from publicly available sources of information,

from our own records of how you use Follower Check + services.

Use of Your Personal Data

We collect, hold, use and disclose your personal data for the purposes including to:

provide you with a better and more personalized level of service,

review your requests, suggestions and complaints regarding our service,

fulfil contractual obligations to you and anyone involved in the process,

monitor metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic and demographic patterns,

show you ads that are more tailored to your interests.

identify and resolve errors, problems or bugs in our products and services,

meet legal and regulatory requirements including compliance with applicable law, respond to requests from public and government authorities, including authorities outside your country of residence and to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

We collect and process your personal data on the following bases under the GDPR:

to comply with our contractual obligation (for example, providing you with our service),

to comply with our legal obligations,

because of our company’s legitimate interests which include the provision of our mobile application and/or relevant services, provided always that our legitimate interests are not outweighed by any prejudice or harm your rights and freedoms,

to establish, exercise or defend our legal claims before the courts, arbitrations, authorized data protection authorities or similar legal proceedings,

because you have explicitly given us your consent to process your personal data in that manner.

We will only provide you with marketing related information after you have, where legally required to do so, opted in to receive those communications and having provided the opportunity for you to opt out at any time.

Disclosure of Your Personal Data

We disclose your personal data

with our employees, other Follower Check + users, company executives, representatives, suppliers, service providers, business partners and solution partners for the purposes specified in Section 3,

with government and regulatory authorities and other organizations to meet legal and regulatory requirements, or to protect or defend our rights or property in accordance with applicable laws.

For the compliance with the GDPR, we ensure that our suppliers and business or solution partners whether they are located outside the EEA or not, takes appropriate technical and organizational security measures in accordance with applicable data protection laws and use it solely for the purposes specified by us.

Your Rights

If you are from the European Economic Area or in certain countries, you are also entitled (with some exceptions and restrictions) to:

Access: You have the right to request information about how we process your personal data and to obtain a copy of that personal data.

Rectification: You have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data about you and for any incomplete personal information about you to be completed.

Objection: You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information, which is based on our legitimate interests (as described above).

Deletion: You can delete your account by using the corresponding functionality directly on the service.

Automated decision-making: You have the right to object a decision made about you that is based solely on automated processing if that decision produces legal or similarly significant effects concerning you.

Restriction: You have the right to ask us to restrict our processing of your personal data, so that we no longer process that personal data until the restriction is lifted.

Portability: You have the right to receive your personal data, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have that personal data transmitted to another organization in certain circumstances.

Complaint: You have a right to lodge a complaint with the authorized data protection authority if you have concerns about how we process your personal data. The data protection authority you can lodge a complaint with notably may be that of your habitual residence, where you work or where we are established.

You may, at any time, exercise any of the above rights, by contacting us via info@followcheckx.com together with a proof of your identity, i.e. a copy of your ID card, or passport, or any other valid identifying document.

In some cases, we may not be able to give you access to your personal data that we hold, if making such a disclosure would breach our legal obligations to our other customers or if prevented by any applicable law or regulation.

Right to withdraw consent

If you have provided your consent to the collection, processing and transfer of your personal data, you have the right to fully or partly withdraw your consent. To withdraw your consent please follow the opt-out links on any marketing message sent to you or contact us via info@followcheckx.com.

Once we have received notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will no longer process your information for the purpose(s) to which you originally consented unless there are compelling legitimate grounds for further processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Collection of Children’s Personal Data

We attach great importance of protecting children’s privacy. Therefore, we make an effort to not collect personal data of any children under the age of 13. If you have any concerns about your child’s privacy with respect to our services, or if you believe that your child may have provided his/her personal data to us, please contact us using the details provided below. We ensure to delete such personal data from our records immediately.

Security of Your Personal Data

We take appropriate and reasonable technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the personal data.

Retention of Your Personal Data

We will only retain your personal data for as long as necessary to fulfil our collection purposes, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements, and where required for our company to provide services, until the end of the relevant retention period.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. Upon expiry of the applicable retention period, we will securely delete, destroy or anonymize your personal data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Links to Third Party Sites

Our mobile application includes links to other websites or apps whose privacy practices may differ from those of our companies. If you submit personal information to any of those sites, your information is governed by their Privacy Policies. We encourage you to carefully read the Privacy Policy of any website or app you visit.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update and change this Policy from time to time in order to reflect any changes to the way in which we process your personal data or changing legal requirements. Any changes we may make to our Policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail or push notification. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our Policy.

Contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices or would like to exercise any of the rights mentioned in this Privacy Policy, please contact us via info@followcheckx.com. You may also contact us by postal at our address stated above.


多くの場合、求めてられているのは傾聴です anond:20200208181649





「傾聴」の英語は「active hearing」

「傾聴」は英語で「active hearing」または「attentive hearing」です。「active hearing」は臨床心理学で「積極的傾聴」と呼ばれ、アメリカ心理学者カール・ロジャース提唱した手法として知られています







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