「ukraine」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: ukraineとは











7、ていうかさ、冷静に考えれば日本をどうこうしたところでたいして役に立たないし、ウロ戦争において欧米は全く日本挙動に興味を持ってないし、日本演説にはチームのリソースは割かずに適当日本反戦反核意識を褒めて消化試合で済まして、やっぱ欧米向けプロパガンダがんばろ (いまここ)







「WE Ukraine need your ''GENKI''.

We ask you JAPANESE people all that,


Let's make "GENKI-DAMA" together.

Let's make peace together.」










侵略者フリーザとか、平和を脅かす独裁者セルとか、そのあたりまで寄せてこようとしたらディティールをミスると逆に世界中OTAKU MONSTERに叩かれるので元気玉くらいでいいと思う。


Video game war (NINTENDO war)からSNS war (DRAGON BALL war) へ。





第三次世界大戦は始まったようだ; 同僚たちはシャンパンの封を切っている[1] - イラン米国間の戦争は核合意を阻害しロシア産原油イラン原油による置き換え余地を封じる。ホルムズ海峡の避けられぬ封鎖は原油価格をうなぎ上りにする。筆者は[ロシアイラン間の]一般的には理解不能合意がある可能性すら信じているが、裏付けるいっさいの事実は持ち合わせていない。





  • 第二段階: (西側の)反応の分析 - 1-2日間。 V.に.か.ん.し.て.永.遠.の.謎.が.あ.る.─.か.な.す.こ.や.の.帽.で.あ.る.。.ロ.ー.ル.と.声.の.権.威.的.圧.が.整.合.し.な.い.。

  • 4) 明確な協調した信号が(西側から)訪れない場合、これは考えにくいが許容されると思料されるが、挙動(ロシアの)は状況 #2と類似する(同じく)。某.な.ち.ゃ.ん.寝.る.は.よ.い.の.だ.た.だ.の.イ.ン.タ.ー.ネ.ッ.ト.だ.か.ら.。.お.か.げ.ん.は.M.D.,I.r.l.だ.ろ.う.。.女.の.趣.味.も.幼.児.退.行.の.仕.方.も.い.か.に.も.だ.。

  • 上の(6つの)すべての状況において、左記の仮定は極めて確度が高いと分析される:







友達 "be careful out there"

増田 "何に"

友達 "North Korea is firing at you"

増田 "よくあることだし多分大丈夫だと思うよ"

友達 "I guess we're gonna be disabled from the global internet"

増田 "そうしたらもう本当に終わりだね。どこで知ったの?"

友達 "Underground news sources"

増田 "そうなんだ。プロキシとかtorとかも使えないの?"

友達 "tor is blocked. proxies are not working. at least, most of them.

but i'm prepared. i got tor, i got proxies. dunno if it will work."

増田 "そうなんだ"

友達 "Portuguese menu for Russian tourists: "We don't service the Russians. Go eat some stones. Bon appetit."


増田 "あー"

友達 "Russians are becoming the worldwide exiles"

増田 "レストランロシア人とそうでない人の見分けがつくんだろうか"

友達 "I can't even speak Russian in online games anymore.

they don't even care that I don't support the war"

増田 "ははは"

友達 " "Customers with Russian passport are not welcomed in our restaurant. We do understand that "normal" Russians are not responsible for criminal decisions of their government, but we have to do something already. By prohibiting the Russians to come in, we're making our contribution into the free Europe for our children." "


増田 "そう"

友達 "i'm disappointed in reddit"

増田 "何?"

友達 "i read a topic "stop shout abuse at russians"

they said "fuck you, we hated you russians before the war too" "

増田 "そう"

友達 "now i see the true face of the west.

I'm so disappointed...

I'm being witchhunted just because I'm Russian.

How does this differ from what Hitler did"

増田 "国同士なんて仲がいい方が珍しいしそんなもんだよ。今ごろ気がついたの?


友達 "USA talks about "peace in all the world" is a pack of fucking shit.

when they bomb the shit out Yugoslavia, it's legit, it's legal, it's OK, nobody hates americans.

when Russia is in war, every Russian should be burned"

増田 "アメリカは仕方ないね東京裁判も不当だったみたいだし"

友達 "i'm gonna stick to Asia. I'll learn Chinese and Japanese"(注:このstickをどう訳すべきかわからない)

友達 "I always made a distinction between government and people.

When USA and other countries do some shit, that's the government.

But when usual people say that they hate Russians...

I have to get out of Russia. In that manner, we're even worse than North Korea"

増田 "そういえば脱北者っていたね"

友達 "people who ran from NK are treated well. they're heroes.

but Russian people are not wanted anywhere"

増田 "そう"

友達 "there is information that there's gonna be a martial law in Russia. 5 or 6 of march"

増田 "本当?"

友達 "only rumors"

増田 "そうなんだ"

友達 "i'm against killing at all. hide.

友達 "I guess, we're repeating the history of Germany and Japan

増田 "そこそこ良いんじゃない?"

友達 "well, in Russian reality, it'll be worse"

増田 "知らん"

友達 "60% of our people is fucking stupid. they're lazy. they were taught that war is good. that nazis are everywhere around them. that stealing is good. they're corrupted. most of those people was born in USSR"

増田 "そう"

友達 "We have to be our own country, but free. Free of Putin and corruption and violence. Though I do not want to be Russian anymore.I love Russian culture but I hate the government"

増田 "そう"

友達 "people are saying that all Russians are guilty. fucking hypocrits. when USA bombed Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Hiroshima and Nagasaki, nobody seemed to mind.

when the West says: "We're tolerant, we're free, we're not racists", know that they lie"

増田 "そう"

友達 "the only nation that didn't say that all russians are guilty, was Japanese. I've heard that Japanese people think that only Putin is guilty. and not all Russians"

増田 "はいはい。というかそれ本当に言ってるの?"

友達 "I've asked a couple of my japanese friends"

増田 "this is.. probably very biased sample actually"(注:増田もたまに英語を使うことがある)

友達 "Well..."

増田 "私が知る限りそのredditトピック日本ネットでそこまで雰囲気変わらないと思う。ロシア食品店が襲われて壊されたらしいし"

友達 "then humankind is doomed"

増田 "ところで他の国の友達にもロシア人についてどう思ってるか聞いたの?"

友達 "they won't even speak to me, most of them"

増田 "あっ"

友達 "if they are affected by public opinion and ready to betray their friends, they're no longer my friends"

増田 "そう"

友達 "in Russia, we have a proverb "You can only find true friends in a trouble" "Друг познаётся в беде" "

増田 "日本語に似たようなことわざがあった気がしたけど今調べたら『昨日の友は今日の敵』しかなかった"

友達 "lol"


増田 "よかったね。……あ、ウクライナ人友達は話してくれるんだ"

友達 "we speak. ukrainian friends are still with me. just imagine. the victims of war are still friends with me. and this two-faced West fucks are not"

増田 "正直なところあんまり意外でもない"

友達 "those West fuck just love to write hate messages knowing that we can't do anything in return. that they are in comfort. they scream "NO TO WAR", and after that they go to a happy dinner with their families"

増田 "●●さんは本当に自分のことを西洋人とは思ってないんだな"

友達 "maybe i had some sparks of western in me. but now i fucking don't"

増田 "たいていの日本人にとって白人西洋。私も●●さんに会って話すまではそう思ってた"

友達 "well you know now that it's not"

増田 "うん"

増田 "制裁ロシア国民政府反旗を翻すことを目的に行われているらしい"(注:よく調べずに適当なことを言ったので間違ってるかも)

友達 "yes. but it's useless. people won't turn against government. they are zombified by propaganda"

増田 "デモ風景見たよ"

友達 "but there are not too much people. Russia is basically like Hitler's Germany now"

増田 "it's optimistic predict"

友達 "it's not optimistic at all. russians are being equated to fascists. they don't make the distinction. they say that we all are guilty

増田 "you have to hope you all aren't like german in Traité de Versailles"

友達 "well..."

友達 "in fact, if I say in Internet that I don't support war, I can go in jail for 15 years"

増田 "それにしてはあのredditロシア人普通にプーチン批判戦争反対を言ってたけど"

友達 "the law came after that post."

増田 "ええっ"

友達 "when they wrote it, it was OK. but now Putin does everything he can to stay in power. they're frantically making new laws. so they can stay in power for a little longer. what happens now is the blackest page in Russia's history. since Russia-Japan war"

増田 "日露戦争か"

友達 "USA always hated Russia. They are using every chance they get to destroy us. if instead of Russia it was Finland or China, attacking Ukraine, they wouldn't do shit about it. we several times tried to have friendly relationships with USA and each time they basically said "Fuck off, Russians". I didn't have any illusions about them before. but now I plainly fucking hate them. Japanese are the best"

増田 "また始まったよ"

増田 "具体的にアメリカは何をしてきたの?"

友達 "first time was during World War 2 lend-lease they helped us (注: チャットなので文章がところどころ適当になることがある)

we tried to be friends with them after, but they had secret plan to conquer USSR while it's weak. it was cancelled"

友達 "then Cold War, a lot of hating each other. next time we tried to be friends in 90s. "Bush's chicken legs", helping each other"

友達 "USA's bombing of Yugoslavia made us enemies again. since then, we were not friends"

増田 "どうしてそれがロシア関係あるの?"

友達 "when that happened, Russian premier Primakov was on the flight to USA. there was gonna be a deal that could help Russia greatly. when Primakov heard about Yugoslavia, he asked his pilot to turn around, back to Moscow, and cancelled that deal. in Russia, it's known as "Primakov's turn" "

増田 "なんでそれで帰るの?"

友達 "he didn't want to work with countries that act like that. it was a war crime"

増田 "プリマコフという人は今の日本ではあまり知られてませんよ。私も今初めて聞きました"

友達 "he's not well known in Russia too :D "

増田 "失脚させられたみたいだからね。こんな政治家について今のロシア報道されないのは自然だ"

友達 "he's still in government, if i remember correct"

増田 "……

エフゲニー・マクシモヴィチ・プリマコフロシア語: Евгений Максимович Примаков、ラテン文字転写の例:Evgenii Maksimovich Primakov、1929年10月29日 - 2015年6月26日」 "

友達 "ah"

増田 "やっぱりさ、西洋の人たちがロシア人全部を雑に罵倒してくるの仕方ないと思うんだよ"

友達 "meh. fuck them then. i'm not gonna contact them then"

増田 "charmという単語があるでしょう。likable appealという意味だよね"

友達 "you can say it that way, yes"

増田 "でもmagicという意味もある。超自然的で恐ろしくて強いものだ"

友達 "ok. and?"

増田 "日本語では魅力というけどこの"魅"は実は化け物のこと。


なんでアメリカ空爆ときロシア侵略とき世論全然違うのか? それはアメリカウクライナには魅力があるけどロシアやユーゴにはないからだよ。人間にはかわいくもかっこよくもない人々の命より好きな人ひとりのほうが大事なんだ"

友達 "for me, all people are the same. every life is equal. (注:ここでは彼は「生命尊い」とは言っていないが、普段の態度と前後文脈からそう思っているのが明らかなので勝手に足しておいた)

death of Yugoslavians person is as tragic as the death of American and other people"

増田 "●●さんはそうでもたいていの人はそうではないからね。だから仕方がないんだ。実のところ私も他人のこと言えないんだよ。だって私もシリア内戦とかクリミア侵略とか外国ニュースは気にしなかったのに、●●さんに出会たからってだけでウクライナ侵略ばかり気にしてるからその『西洋人たち』と同じなんだよ。だから、仕方がないと思う"

友達 "wakatta"



Laughing Man




Maria Dubovikova


· 13時間

Zelenskiy fled Ukraine. He is in Poland in the US embassy. Ukrainian sources confirm.


She is president of the Moscow-based International Middle Eastern Studies Club (IMESClub).





Insider Paper




BREAKING: Ukraine nuclear power plant situation: “Unit 1 and Unit 2 have damage,” plant spokesperson Andrii Tuz told CNN.



なぜなら、"おはようございます"、"こんにちは"、"こんばんは "が言えないのです。


このような表現があります。"ウクライナヨーロッパを選んでいる" 私たちが目指してきたもの、目指してきたもの、そして今も目指しているものです。








President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has addressed the European Parliament.

Thank you very much! Ladies and gentlemen, you know, in recent days I don’t know how to greet anyone. Because I can't say "Good morning," or "Good afternoon," or "Good evening." I can't, and this is absolutely true because every day, that day is definitely not good for some, that evening is the last one for some, every day. I’m talking today, now, about my citizens of Ukraine, who are defending our walls and freedom at the cost of their lives.

I’m very glad that what I saw here is this unifying mood. I’m glad that we have united all of you today – the EU countries, but I didn’t know that it would be at such a price. And this is a tragedy for me, a tragedy for every Ukrainian, a tragedy for every state.

You know, I don’t speak from, I don’t read from papers because the papers are gone from my country’s life. All of this is real, including these dead bodies, this is real life. And you know, I believe that today we sacrifice for values, for rights, for freedom, just for our desire to be close, just like you, like everyone else, we sacrifice our best people: the strongest, mightiest, most extraordinary Ukrainians.

And we very often like to say that we will all win, and I’m very glad that you are not only talking about it, but also seeing it. And we will all win for sure, I'm positive. There is such an expression: "Ukraine is choosing Europe." That’s what we’ve been aspiring to, what we’ve been going, and still going toward. And I would very much to hear from you something addressed to us: "Now it’s Europe choosing Ukraine."

I have a couple of minutes to talk to you because there are small strikes and missile attacks. This morning was tragic to all of us. Two cruise missiles hit Kharkiv. The city, which is near the border with Russia, where there have always been a lot of Russians and they have always been friends, there used to be very warm relations, there are more than 20 universities there, it was and is the hub hosting the largest number of universities in our country. The youths there are bright, smart, always gathering for all holidays in our country’s largest square. Freedom Square. Also, this is the largest square in Europe. And this is true, it’s Freedom Square. Imagine this: in the morning, two cruise missiles hit Freedom Square. Dozens of casualties. So this is the price of freedom.

We are simply fighting for our land and our freedom, and believe me, despite the fact that all the big cities of our state are now under blockade, no one will penetrate our freedom and state. Believe me. Every square today, whatever it is called, will be referred to as Freedom Square. In every city of our state. Nobody will break us, we stand strong, we are Ukrainians.

We want our children to live on. It seems to me that this is fair. Yesterday, 16 children died. And again, President Putin will say that this is some kind of an “operation,” and that they are bombing only our military infrastructure. Where are our children? At what military plants do they work? Which rockets do they operate? Maybe they drive our tanks? You killed 16 children!

We have very motivated people, very much. We are fighting for our rights – freedom and life. And now we are fighting for survival, and this is our main motivation, but we are also fighting to be equal members of Europe. And I think today we are all showing that we are. With us on board, the EU will definitely be stronger. Without you, Ukraine will be lonely. We have proven our strength, that we are at least the same as you. Prove that you’re with us. Prove that you are not giving up on us, prove that you’re truly Europeans, and then life will beat death, and light will beat darkness.

Glory to Ukraine!



Western media’s coverage of Ukraine crisis normalises conflicts in other areas: Press body

The Arab and Middle Eastern Journalists Association cited examples from CBS News, Al Jazeera and ‘The Telegraph’.































日本共産党ウクライナ侵略を断固糾弾する ロシア軍事作戦直ちに中止せよ)










2/25 21:00 時点で談話声明コメントいずれもなし





2/22 山本太郎代表によるウクライナ問題についての見解(切り抜き動画





赤毛のアン オープニングテーマ:きこえるかしら

Allowed countries

AD - Andorra

AE - United Arab Emirates

AF - Afghanistan

AG - Antigua and Barbuda

AI - Anguilla

AL - Albania

AM - Armenia

AO - Angola

AQ - Antarctica

AR - Argentina

AS - American Samoa

AT - Austria

AU - Australia

AW - Aruba

AX - Åland Islands

AZ - Azerbaijan

BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina

BB - Barbados

BD - Bangladesh

BE - Belgium

BF - Burkina Faso

BG - Bulgaria

BH - Bahrain

BI - Burundi

BJ - Benin

BL - Saint Barthélemy

BM - Bermuda

BN - Brunei Darussalam

BO - Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

BR - Brazil

BS - Bahamas

BT - Bhutan

BV - Bouvet Island

BW - Botswana

BY - Belarus

BZ - Belize

CA - Canada

CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands

CD - Congo (Democratic Republic of the)

CF - Central African Republic

CG - Republic of the Congo

CH - Switzerland

CI - Côte d'Ivoire

CK - Cook Islands

CL - Chile

CM - Cameroon

CN - China

CO - Colombia

CR - Costa Rica

CU - Cuba

CV - Cabo Verde

CX - Christmas Island

CY - Cyprus

CZ - Czech Republic

DE - Germany

DJ - Djibouti

DM - Dominica

DO - Dominican Republic

DZ - Algeria

EC - Ecuador

EE - Estonia

EG - Egypt

EH - Western Sahara

ER - Eritrea

ES - Spain

ET - Ethiopia

FI - Finland

FJ - Fiji

FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas)

FM - Micronesia (Federated States of)

FO - Faroe Islands

FR - France

GA - Gabon

GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

GD - Grenada

GE - Georgia (country)

GF - French Guiana

GG - Guernsey

GH - Ghana

GI - Gibraltar

GL - Greenland

GM - Gambia

GN - Guinea

GP - Guadeloupe

GQ - Equatorial Guinea

GR - Greece

GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

GT - Guatemala

GU - Guam

GW - Guinea-Bissau

GY - Guyana

HK - Hong Kong

HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands

HN - Honduras

HR - Croatia

HT - Haiti

HU - Hungary

ID - Indonesia

IE - Republic of Ireland

IL - Israel

IM - Isle of Man

IN - India

IO - British Indian Ocean Territory

IQ - Iraq

IR - Iran (Islamic Republic of)

IS - Iceland

IT - Italy

JE - Jersey

JM - Jamaica

JO - Jordan

KE - Kenya

KG - Kyrgyzstan

KH - Cambodia

KI - Kiribati

KM - Comoros

KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis

KP - North Korea

KR - Korea (Republic of)

KW - Kuwait

KY - Cayman Islands

KZ - Kazakhstan

LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic

LB - Lebanon

LC - Saint Lucia

LI - Liechtenstein

LK - Sri Lanka

LR - Liberia

LS - Lesotho

LT - Lithuania

LU - Luxembourg

LV - Latvia

LY - Libya

MA - Morocco

MC - Monaco

MD - Moldova (Republic of)

ME - Montenegro

MG - Madagascar

MH - Marshall Islands

MK - Republic of Macedonia

ML - Mali

MM - Myanmar

MN - Mongolia

MO - Macao

MP - Northern Mariana Islands

MQ - Martinique

MR - Mauritania

MS - Montserrat

MT - Malta

MU - Mauritius

MV - Maldives

MW - Malawi

MX - Mexico

MY - Malaysia

MZ - Mozambique

NA - Namibia

NC - New Caledonia

NE - Niger

NF - Norfolk Island

NG - Nigeria

NI - Nicaragua

NL - Netherlands

NO - Norway

NP - Nepal

NR - Nauru

NU - Niue

NZ - New Zealand

OM - Oman

PA - Panama

PE - Peru

PF - French Polynesia

PG - Papua New Guinea

PH - Philippines

PK - Pakistan

PL - Poland

PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon

PN - Pitcairn

PR - Puerto Rico

PS - State of Palestine

PT - Portugal

PW - Palau

PY - Paraguay

QA - Qatar

RE - Réunion

RO - Romania

RS - Serbia

RU - Russian Federation

RW - Rwanda

SA - Saudi Arabia

SB - Solomon Islands

SC - Seychelles

SD - Sudan

SE - Sweden

SG - Singapore

SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

SI - Slovenia

SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen

SK - Slovakia

SL - Sierra Leone

SM - San Marino

SN - Senegal

SO - Somalia

SR - Suriname

ST - Sao Tome and Principe

SV - El Salvador

SY - Syrian Arab Republic

SZ - Swaziland

TC - Turks and Caicos Islands

TD - Chad

TF - French Southern Territories

TG - Togo

TH - Thailand

TJ - Tajikistan

TK - Tokelau

TL - Timor-Leste

TM - Turkmenistan

TN - Tunisia

TO - Tonga

TR - Turkey

TT - Trinidad and Tobago

TV - Tuvalu

TW - Taiwan

TZ - Tanzania, United Republic of

UA - Ukraine

UG - Uganda

UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands

US - United States of America

UY - Uruguay

UZ - Uzbekistan

VA - Vatican City State

VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

VG - British Virgin Islands

VI - United States Virgin Islands

VN - Viet Nam

VU - Vanuatu

WF - Wallis and Futuna

WS - Samoa

YE - Yemen

YT - Mayotte

ZA - South Africa

ZM - Zambia

ZW - Zimbabwe

Disallowed countries

DK - Denmark

JP - Japan




Eight Melodies - Mother OST

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Allowed countries

AD - Andorra AE - United Arab Emirates AF - Afghanistan AG - Antigua and Barbuda AI - Anguilla AL - Albania AM - Armenia AO - Angola AQ - Antarctica AR - Argentina AS - American Samoa AT - Austria AU - Australia AW - Aruba AX - Åland Islands AZ - Azerbaijan BA - Bosnia and Herzegovina BB - Barbados BD - Bangladesh BE - Belgium BF - Burkina Faso BG - Bulgaria BH - Bahrain BI - Burundi BJ - Benin BL - Saint Barthélemy BM - Bermuda BN - Brunei Darussalam BO - Bolivia (Plurinational State of) BR - Brazil BS - Bahamas BT - Bhutan BV - Bouvet sland BW - Botswana BY - Belarus BZ - Belize CA - Canada CC - Cocos (Keeling) Islands CD - Congo (Democratic Republic of the) CF - Central African Republic CG - Republic of the Congo CH - Switzerland CI - Côte d'Ivoire CK - Cook Islands CL - Chile CM - Cameroon CN - China CO - Colombia CR - Costa Rica CU - Cuba CV - Cabo Verde CX - Christmas Island CY - Cyprus CZ - Czech Republic DE - Germany DJ - Djibouti DK - Denmark DM - Dominica DO - Dominican Republic DZ - Algeria EC - Ecuador EE - Estonia EG - Egypt EH - Western Sahara ER - Eritrea ES - Spain ET - Ethiopia FI - Finland FJ - Fiji FK - Falkland Islands (Malvinas) FM - Micronesia (Federated States of) FO - Faroe Islands FR - France GA - Gabon GB - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland GD - Grenada GE - Georgia (country) GF - French Guiana GG - Guernsey GH - Ghana GI - Gibraltar GL - Greenland GM - Gambia GN - Guinea GP - Guadeloupe GQ - Equatorial Guinea GR - Greece GS - South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands GT - Guatemala GU - Guam GW - Guinea-Bissau GY - Guyana HK - Hong Kong HM - Heard Island and McDonald Islands HN - Honduras HR - Croatia HT - Haiti HU - Hungary ID - Indonesia IE - Republic of Ireland IL - Israel IM - Isle of Man IN - India IO - British Indian Ocean Territory IQ - Iraq IR - Iran (Islamic Republic of) IS - Iceland IT - Italy JE - Jersey JM - Jamaica JO - Jordan KE - Kenya KG - Kyrgyzstan KH - Cambodia KI - Kiribati KM - Comoros KN - Saint Kitts and Nevis KP - North Korea KR - Korea (Republic of) KW - Kuwait KY - Cayman Islands KZ - Kazakhstan LA - Lao People's Democratic Republic LB - Lebanon LC - Saint Lucia LI - Liechtenstein LK - Sri Lanka LR - Liberia LS - Lesotho LT - Lithuania LU - Luxembourg LV - Latvia LY - Libya MA - Morocco MC - Monaco MD - Moldova (Republic of) ME - Montenegro MG - Madagascar MH - Marshall Islands MK - Republic of Macedonia ML - Mali MM - Myanmar MN - Mongolia MO - Macao MP - Northern Mariana Islands MQ - Martinique MR - Mauritania MS - Montserrat MT - Malta MU - Mauritius MV - Maldives MW - Malawi MX - Mexico MY - Malaysia MZ - Mozambique NA - Namibia NC - New Caledonia NE - Niger NF - Norfolk Island NG - Nigeria NI - Nicaragua NL - Netherlands NO - Norway NP - Nepal NR - Nauru NU - Niue NZ - New Zealand OM - Oman PA - Panama PE - Peru PF - French Polynesia PG - Papua New Guinea PH - Philippines PK - Pakistan PL - Poland PM - Saint Pierre and Miquelon PN - Pitcairn PR - Puerto Rico PS - State of Palestine PT - Portugal PW - Palau PY - Paraguay QA - Qatar RE - Réunion RO - Romania RS - Serbia RU - Russian Federation RW - Rwanda SA - Saudi Arabia SB - Solomon Islands SC - Seychelles SD - Sudan SE - Sweden SG - Singapore SH - Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SI - Slovenia SJ - Svalbard and Jan Mayen SK - Slovakia SL - Sierra Leone SM - San Marino SN - Senegal SO - Somalia SR - Suriname ST - Sao Tome and Principe SV - El Salvador SY - Syrian Arab Republic SZ - Swaziland TC - Turks and Caicos Islands TD - Chad TF - French Southern Territories TG - Togo TH - Thailand TJ - Tajikistan TK - Tokelau TL - Timor-Leste TM - Turkmenistan TN - Tunisia TO - Tonga TR - Turkey TT - Trinidad and Tobago TV - Tuvalu TW - Taiwan TZ - Tanzania, United Republic of UA - Ukraine UG - Uganda UM - United States Minor Outlying Islands US - United States of America UY - Uruguay UZ - Uzbekistan VA - Vatican City State VC - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VE - Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) VG - British Virgin Islands VI - United States Virgin Islands VN - Viet Nam VU - Vanuatu WF - Wallis and Futuna WS - Samoa YE - Yemen YT - Mayotte ZA - South Africa ZM - Zambia ZW - Zimbabwe

Disallowed countries

JP - Japan



Good Thursday, How are you today? Thanks a lot of kind words to me in your letter,

telling me about your blog-I can't open-here very old computers!

I never travel to another countries,but dream.

I like comedy & romantic movies. what about you? I don't have boyfriend,here mostly all men at war.

I had a boyfriend,but he died at war 1,5 years ago.I will be happy to have family with kids & marry with man older than me.

Today no lessons in college,I write you letters from library,because no private computer at home.

I had before a small smartphone,but change it for food 5 month ago. Now we use old nokia together with mom,Ha-ha!

Soon I will finish institute. But here very hard to find any job,all from war here.I know about sushi from TV programs,

but never eat sushi,because sushi restaurants very expensive here.

I don't have boyfriend now,here all men at war.

I have good news: yesterday evening was stopped fire between Ukraine & Russia.

We have big hope that this time it will be true words from Presidents & peace will come,

Because this "stop war" was many times,but it was only words...

I want to tell you that from yesterday really was no hear shots, bombings.

But situation with electric, water & mostly with food still very, very hard. It is very difficult to sell something or to exchange for food, many have no money, and rich people left from Ukraine.

It's a pity that without meat, meat here terrible expensive long ago. When was no war we could buy meat, not often, but we could.But we are happy that we have some vegetables.

Usually here very cold winter, normally-25, - 30, much snow,now autumn +10.

I like to cook very much! Today, I will tell you how to cook borsch:take piece of beef to weld in water, then to cook there potatoes, carrots, cabbage,

it is a little haricot, then we add a little tomato paste, salt, parsley.

Give a borsch very hot with sour cream and garlic. Its very good for health hot dish & you not catch a cold.

Of course garlic isn't good for kisses, but when we will meet I cook borsch for us & we will eat garlic together & then could easy kiss...

May be on today will come my friend Maria.I send you summer photo with my friend Maria.

She lost family at war & have no possible to live in this hard war period,

I was invite her for dinner. I wish you happy, warm day.




Ukraine: ユークレイン

Ikea: アイキーア













Reservations and declarations:

to the paragraph 6 of Article 13:

The Convention shall be applied only subject to the observation of the constitutional principles and fundamental basis of the legal system of Ukraine;

to the paragraph b of Article 2:

The term "serious crime" corresponds to the terms "grave crime"and "especially grave crime"in the Ukrainian criminal law. Grave crime means the crime for which the law provides such type of punishment as imprisonment for at least five years and not exceeding ten years (paragraph 4 of Article 12 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), and especially grave crime means crime for which the law provides such type of punishment as imprisonment for more than ten years or life imprisonment (paragraph 5 of Article 12 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

この部分の日本語訳国会ウォッチャー氏の挙げた国会の書き起こしを参照してほしいが、ここでは具体的に12条に拠ると書かれているのでウクライナ刑法典第12条「犯罪の分類(Класифікація злочинів)」をみてみる。

1. Залежно від ступеня тяжкості злочини поділяються на злочини невеликої тяжкості, середньої тяжкості, тяжкі та особливо тяжкі.

2. Злочином невеликої тяжкості є злочин, за який передбачене покарання у виді позбавлення волі на строк не більше двох років, або інше, більш м'яке покарання.

3. Злочином середньої тяжкості є злочин, за який передбачене покарання у виді позбавлення волі на строк не більше п'яти років.

4. Тяжким злочином є злочин, за який передбачене покарання у виді позбавлення волі на строк не більше десяти років.

5. Особливо тяжким злочином є злочин, за який передбачене покарання у виді позбавлення волі на строк понад десять років або довічного позбавлення волі.




2.軽罪は2年を超えない(не більше двох років)

3.中罪は5年を超えない(не більше п'яти років)

4.重罪は10年を超えない(не більше десяти років)

5.超重罪は10年以上もしくは終身刑(понад десять років або довічного позбавлення волі)



1. Готуванням до злочину є підшукування або пристосування засобів чи знарядь, підшукування співучасників або змова на вчинення злочину, усунення перешкод, а також інше умисне створення умов для вчинення злочину.

2. Готування до злочину невеликої тяжкості не тягне за собою кримінальної відповідальності.

Подробнее: http://kodeksy.com.ua/kriminal_nij_kodeks_ukraini/statja-14.htm


1. preparation of a crime is pidshukuvannya or adjustment means or instruments, pidshukuvannya accomplices or a conspiracy to commit a crime, eliminating obstacles, and other deliberate creation of conditions for the crime.

2. Preparation for a minor offense does not entail criminal liability.

підшукуванняが訳されてない(pidshukuvannyaとそのまま書かれてる)けど、これどういう意味だろ。動詞підшукуватиの名詞形っぽいけどその動詞意味がようわからんのよね。まあそれはいいとして、「злочин невеликої тяжкості」が「軽罪」なので、軽罪は準備だけじゃ捕まらないよ、ということが言いたいっぽい。




2. Незакінченим злочином є готування до злочину та замах на злочин.





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