はてなキーワード: MOTHERとは


[]備忘録 酒井省吾 Mother3 『つよきもの(仮面の男) Strong one』について



3 時間前(編集済み)

I DM'd Shogo Sakai on Twitter asking about the meter of Strong One recently, and he told me he was thinking of Strong One in terms of additive time signatures: 3/4 + 3/8 + 1/4 + 1.5/4 (spicy!)

It makes sense when you're focusing on the pulses in the combos driving the time signatures by themselves, but it also affirms the idea that Shogo Sakai was thinking about decently "regular"/"clean" meters, and therefore 15/8 and 29/16 kinda fit those conventional vibes.

For even more context by the way, the mp2k/Sappy sound engine -- the engine sent out to GBA devs by Nintendo which was used for Gen. III Pokémon and MOTHER 3 -- has a tempo "resolution" of 2 BPM, meaning the next smallest tempo change above 120 BPM Sappy supports is 122 BPM, not 121 BPM.

Also, excellent job accounting for the 3:5 16ths tuplet at the end of (Masked Man)









































Media made us restrict our movements during COVID-19

Media made us restrict our movements during COVID-19, and it had a very big impact. I checked Twitter and TV every day to see how many people were getting COVID-19, being hospitalized, and dying. Japanese TV showed videos of people on artificial respirators in hospitals, which was shocking and made me afraid to go out. I worried that if I got COVID-19, I would end up in the hospital on a respirator and might die. After watching those shows, I couldn't watch regular news on TV because I was so scared of COVID-19.

I stayed home for a long time, but I caught the virus from my father in September 2023. He had been coughing a lot since 2020 because of another disease, so I thought it was just that. But in the middle of September, his cough sounded different, so I thought it might be COVID-19. I was planning to go to Canada at that time, but things turned out badly. Both my mother and I got COVID-19 and had a very tough time. It was hard to breathe, but after a month, my symptoms weren't as bad. I didn't need to be hospitalized. I think that sometimes watching social media or TV can give us negative information that restricts our movements, but in this case, it was too much.



Everyone been wondering why Yonezu (last name) Kenshi (first name) is wearing the heeled shoes. In one of his interviews he said that once he dreamed a funeral. Everyone was sad, but suddenly someone in the first line started to whistle loudly, in a way that annoyed the other people. They all started to say that he wasn't respecting the dead person because he wasn't being in silence for him, but Kenshi knew that the man whistling was communicating with the dead one. That was their own unique way to recognize each other. Maybe the others will think you're crazy or something negative, but it won't change the love that the whistling man has for his dead friend. Turns out that Kenshi got inspired by this dream so in the sing he wore heeled shoes, because he wants to let us know that he doesn't care what others say, it's his special way to express himself, because Kenshi was affected by High-functioning Autism which brought him to be smarter than the average, but he couldn't handle with social relationships, that's why he never had many friends since a young age and everyone made fun of him because of his character.






This made Kenshi very sad and from then on he started to hate himself because of his very uncommon name (in Japan there aren't many people that have Yonezu as last name and no one, but Yonezu Kenshi, is called Kenshi or the spelling is similar, plus it sounds like a stage name as well) he thought he was strange and weird, an uncommon person who shouldn't have existed (in fact in Japan there is a very strong will to follow the mass, which means if the greater part of girls have bangs, then the girls without bangs will try to have them or if they remain what they are, they might be isolated because different from the rest of the population). But Kenshi to make us, his fans, satisfied, he decided to collaborate with many people in the 2017 like the animators for MHA, DAOKO and Suda Masaki.

このことがケンシをとても悲しくさせ、それ以来ケンシは自分名前の珍しさ(日本では米津を名字に持つ人は少ないし、米津ケンシ以外はケンシと呼ばないし、スペルも似ていない、 存在しないはずの珍しい人(実際、日本では大衆に従おうとする意志が非常に強い。つまり、前髪のある女の子が多ければ、前髪のない女の子も前髪を作ろうとするし、前髪のないままだと、他の人とは違うという理由孤立するかもしれない)。しかし、ケンシは私たちファンを満足させるために、MHAのアニメーターDAOKO菅田将暉など、2017年活躍した多くの人々とのコラボレーションを決めた。

He changed during his musical career, like the time he was still Hachi (ハチ) and he felt somehow lost in all of his fame, so he made this song wearing heeled shoes and then the next song, Flamingo, is very different from Lemon because many people started to listen and to know him after Lemon, but he wanted to know what they would think if Kenshi changed the rhythm and the kind, turns out that many of them were attracted by Lemon and they didn't like Flamingo, but they still subbed to Kenshi's YouTube channel. Thank you for reading all of this, English isn't my mother language so I'm sorry for the mistakes and as always, have a nice day :D

彼は音楽活動の中で変わっていった。例えば、彼がまだハチだった頃、有名になることにどこか迷いを感じて、ヒールのある靴を履いてこの曲を作った、 というのも、多くの人がLemonの後にKenshiを聴き始め、知るようになったからだ。しかし、彼はKenshiがリズムや種類を変えたらどう思うかを知りたかった。英語母国語ではないので、間違いがあってごめんなさい。

Edit: You can find a video summary of Yonezu Kenshi's life and all of his interviews, it's in Mandarin tho. I hope you have a good translator to understand what he's saying.




広東語だったか福建語だったか忘れたが、「カニナベ」の発音はfu*k your mother と同じだから、あまり中国系の人の前で使うなとシンガポール人に言われた





Do u really think its easy 4 women to be mother now???

R u stupid?? Or coming frm100 years ago??????








A long time ago, in a certain country, there was a bastard named Cinderella. The reason why she is called Cinderella is because she sprinkled her own ashes on her own head at her mother's funeral, which led to her being called the ash-coverer, which is why her real name is Cinderella. I lost

The husband who lost his wife was also a bastard, and the day after the funeral he cheated on a woman three years younger than him, had sex with her, and even got married.

I have decided. Then, to her Cinderella

She now has an older sister and a younger sister who are not related by blood.

Her sister was a bitch too, she came to Cinderella's house

After a few days, she thought, ``Wouldn't it be more convenient to have an outbuilding?'' and cut down Cinderella's mother's grave in her garden and the hundreds of years old tree that was next to her grave, and built an outbuilding. We forced construction.

One day, the bastard's family receives news of a ball from the castle. But before Cinderella could read it, her sister broke the news and said, ``There's no way you can go.'' Cinderella didn't seem to have any intention of going either, saying, ``I had no intention of going in the first place.I'd rather go to hell.''

Then, on the day her mother was admitted to the hospital to give birth, her sister went to the ball. In the garden, the construction of an outbuilding was progressing as usual.

Let’s light a fire here and make a bonfire.”

She thought about that, but Cinderella stopped her. Suddenly, a witch appeared

``Cinderella, why aren't you going to the ball?'' asked the witch.

"What's the point of telling Teme?"

Cinderella returned with an ax in her hand

Then, for some reason, Cinderella was wrapped in a jewel-like dress.

"If you don't go to the ball, that dress will kill you. Now go."

Cinderella doesn't want to die in a place like this, so she reluctantly decides to go to the castle.

In the castle, some asshole like her sister was looking for a one-night stand and was dancing wildly. No one really praised others, and in their hearts they all seemed to think that they were the center of the world.

Cinderella didn't dance, but killed her time by smoking a cigarette at the end of her room. There, she was approached by a man wearing formal clothes that were flashier and more expensive than anyone else, and said to her, ``Miss, won't you dance?''

She is Cinderella with a cigarette in her mouth

She said, ``I only dance with the Grim Reaper and bad luck.''

she answered. For some reason, the man fell in love with her at first sight, and she said, ``Let's have some fun in the other room.Here, come.'' She tried to force Cinderella to take her to another room in the castle. However, Cinderella pressed the cigarette she was holding into her hand.

"Her hand slipped," she laughed.

When she pressed the cigarette, the sound in her voice was so pitiful that no one tried to get close to him or dance with him. Of course, no one even knows that such a pitiful man is the prince who owns this castle.

Eventually, she had enough, Cinderella threw her shoes on her stairs and went back to her house in her bare feet. Her shoes were made of glass, so they shattered into pieces.

The next day, while her servant was cleaning the castle, she found one shoe on the stairs. Obviously thinking this was strange, she secretly examined her shoes and discovered that they had been smeared with a deadly amount of poison.

Rumors spread within the castle that this must be an attempt to kill the prince, and soon a large-scale investigation was conducted. Even though it's a survey, it's simple.

The idea was to create a replica of a shoe and imprison the person who matched it perfectly as a suspect.

And one after another, people were imprisoned just because of their size. Some of them had not been to the ball, but they thought it must be a lie and were forcibly taken away.

Eventually, an investigation came to Cinderella's house. That's when we all looked at her mother and child after she was discharged from the hospital, and of course her sister didn't fit.

So all that was left was Cinderella. Then, her sister said to Cinderella, ``Hell suits you better than this world.''

She was of course the perfect size for Cinderella.

However, she protested her innocence, saying that I hadn't gone to the ball and there was no dress anywhere in the house to prove it.

However, the prince showed him an empty pack of cigarettes that had been discarded in a trash can and said, ``This is the same brand that the criminal was smoking that time.Why?''

Then Cinderella grinned and

I unbuttoned all the buttons on her jacket.

She said, ``After all, I feel like dancing with the Grim Reaper. Right, little prince?'' she said.

By the time the princes realized it, it was already too late.

The grenade that fell at his feet blew up Cinderella and the prince.

The time was around noon. Bells rang throughout the city and residents prayed for lunch.

The flying fragments of the shoe became a weapon, a sad fragment that could only hurt someone, and no one could imagine its original form.













英語の「I slept with your mother!」という悪口




What you say is useless for English as a lingua franca.

People from various countries may pronounce English with accents which come from their own mother tongue, make English sentences obviously translated from other languages.


It's one of the reason why Japanese people "cannot" speak English that there are many Japanese people say "native speakers don't say it like that"

We don't have to speak flawless English.

英語の "I slept with your mother" は







































* *




[1] Fredrich Engels, 1884, The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State. The book was revived as a key text by socialist and Marxist feminists in debates about women’s liberation. Pace the 19th century social Darwinism which clearly took a lead from the Old Testament, it is now quite clear that both pastoralism and slash and burn agriculture appeared after, and not before, the advent of settled agriculture.

[2] Franz Boas, The Mind of Primitive Man, 1911; Claudia Ruth Pierpoint, ‘The Measure of America’, 2004; Ned Blackhawk and Isaiah Lorado Wilner, Indigenous Visions: Rediscovering the World of Franz Boas, 2018; Rosemary Lévy, Franz Boas: The Emergence of the Anthropologist, 2019.

[3] Very good examples of this work include Sara Hdry, Mothers and Others: The Evolutionary Origins of Mutual Understanding, 2005; Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, The Old Way, 2001; two articles by Steven Kuhn and Mary Stiner: ‘What’s a Mother To Do’, 2006 and ‘How Hearth and Home Made us Human’, 2019; Loretta Cormier and Sharon Jones, The Domesticated Penis: How Womanhood has Shaped Manhood, 2015; a key paper by Joanna Overing, ‘Men Control Women? The “Catch-22” in the Analysis of Gender’, 1987; two books by Christopher Boehm: Hierarchy in the Forest and the Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior, 1999, and Moral Origins, 2012; every book by the primatologist Frans de Waal; the two chapters by Brian Ferguson in Douglas Fry, ed., War, Peace and Human Nature, 2013; Richard Wrangham, Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human, 2010; and two books by the trans biologist Joan Roughgarden: Evolution’s Rainbow: Diversity, Gender and Sexuality in Nature and People, 2004, and The Genial Gene: Deconstructing Darwinian Selfishness, 2009.

[4] Our favourites among the ethnographies of our near contemporary hunter-gatherers are Marjorie Shostack, Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman, 1981; Jean Briggs, Inuit Morality Play: The Emotional Education of a Three-Year-Old, 1998; Phyllis Kaberry, Aboriginal Women: Sacred and Profane, 1938, Karen Endicott and Kirk Endicott: The Headman was a Woman: The Gender Egalitarian Batek of Malaysia, 2008; Richard Lee, The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society, 1978; and Colin Turnbull, Wayward Servants: The Two Worlds of the African Pygmies, 1978.

[5] Kent Flannery and Joyce Marcus, The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistorical Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery and Empire, 2012; and James C. Scott, The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland South-East Asia, 2009; Scott, Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States, 2017. Martin Jones, Feast: Why Humans Share Food, 2007, is also very useful.

[6] Edmund Leach had made a similar argument in 1954 in Political Systems of Highland Burma, and radically changed anthropology. For a brilliant ethnography of one group of anti-class hill rebels at the end of the twentieth century, see Shanshan Du, Chopsticks Only Work in Pairs: Gender Unity and Gender Equality Among the Lahu of Southeastern China, 2003. For Scott’s recent extension of his argument to ancient Mesopotamia, see Against the Grain.

[7] This is all succinctly described in Brian Hayden, ‘Transegalitarian Societies on the American Northwest Plateau: Social Dynamics and Cultural/Technological Changes,’ in Orlando Cerasuolo, ed., The Archaeology of Inequality, 2021.

[8] Start with Philip Drucker and Robert Heizer, 1967, To Make My Name Good: A Reexamination of the Southern Kwakiutl Potlatch; and Eric Wolf, Envisioning Power: Ideologies of Dominance and Crisis, 1999, 69-132.

[9] Jeanne Arnold, ‘Credit where Credit is Due: The History of the Chumash Oceangoing Plank Canoe’, 2007; and Lynn Gamble, The Chumash World at European Contact: Power, Trade and Fighting among Complex Hunter-Gatherers, 2011.

[10] On the Calusa, see The Dawn, 150-2; Fernando Santos-Cranero, 2010, Vital Enemies: Slavery, Predation and the Amerindian Political Economy of Life, 2010; and John Hann, Missions to the Calusa, 1991.

[11] Rita Wright, The Ancient Indus: Urbanism, Economy and Society, 2010; and Andrew Robinson, The Indus: Lost Civilizations, 2015.

[12] Robbie Ethridge and Sheri M. Shuck-Hall, Mapping the Mississippian Shatter Zone, 2009; and George Edward Milne, Natchez Country: Indians, Colonists and the Landscape of Race in French Louisiana, 2015.


「No Mother ,No Life」 はイカンが、

「No Mother,No Born」は言ってもイイ?













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