はてなキーワード: Regexpとは
// ==UserScript== // @name 増田ミュート(白塗り版) // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 2024-06-26 // @description ミュートワードを含む最小限の範囲を白塗りにする // @author You // @match https://anond.hatelabo.jp/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=hatelabo.jp // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const muteWords = [ "弱者男性", "弱男", "弱者", "婚活", "男", "女", "年収", "下方婚", "発達障害", "発達", "ハッタツ", "ハッタショ", "ハッタショ", "競プロ", "競技プログラミング", "AtCoder", ]; function whiteoutElement(element) { element.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; element.style.color = 'white'; element.style.textShadow = 'none'; element.style.cursor = 'default'; element.style.userSelect = 'none'; // テキスト選択を防止 element.style.borderBottom = '1px dashed #ccc'; // 枠線を追加してテキストがあることを示す // リンクの場合、クリックを無効化 if (element.tagName === 'A') { element.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; element.removeAttribute('href'); } // 子要素にも適用 Array.from(element.children).forEach(child => { child.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; child.style.color = 'white'; child.style.textShadow = 'none'; }); // ツールチップを追加 element.title = 'この内容にはミュートワードが含まれています'; } function shouldMute(text) { return muteWords.some(word => { const parts = word.split(''); const regex = new RegExp(parts.map(char => `${char}92;92;s*`).join(''), 'i'); return regex.test(text); }); } function findSmallestMuteableElement(element) { if (element.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { return shouldMute(element.textContent) ? element.parentElement : null; } if (element.tagName === 'PRE' || element.tagName === 'CODE') { return shouldMute(element.textContent) ? element : null; } for (let child of element.childNodes) { const result = findSmallestMuteableElement(child); if (result) return result; } return shouldMute(element.textContent) ? element : null; } function processElement(element) { const muteableElement = findSmallestMuteableElement(element); if (muteableElement) { whiteoutElement(muteableElement); } } function processAllElements(root = document.body) { const walker = document.createTreeWalker( root, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false ); let node; while (node = walker.nextNode()) { if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { processElement(node); } else if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && node.parentElement) { processElement(node.parentElement); } } } function handleClickEvent(event) { setTimeout(() => { processAllElements(event.target); }, 100); } // 初回実行 processAllElements(); // クリックイベントの監視 document.body.addEventListener('click', handleClickEvent); // DOM変更の監視 const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { if (node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { processAllElements(node); } }); } else if (mutation.type === 'characterData') { processElement(mutation.target.parentNode); } }); }); observer.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true }); })();
const re = new RegExp("apple") if(re.test(str)) console.log("match")
const re_apple = new RegExp("apple") const re_banana = new RegExp("banana") if ( re_apple.test(str) || re_banana.test(str) ) console.log("match")
で動くスクリプトでたとえば投稿後10分以内にブクマされページに乗ったら「1 user」が「1 user セルクマ 1とか5(何分後にブクマされたか)」になる。もしマイナスなら誤判定なので無視して。
.forEach(div => {
('.entrylist-contents-title > a')
// ==UserScript== // @name hatebu masuda selkmark // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description 特定時間以内にブクマされた増田を強調する // @author You // @match https://b.hatena.ne.jp/site/anond.hatelabo.jp* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const threshold = 60 * 10 // 何秒以内か const domain = 'https://anond.hatelabo.jp/' const dateTemplate = '202301020304' // 時分まで urlの時刻表記 const dateTest = new RegExp('\\d{' + dateTemplate.length + '}') document.querySelectorAll('div.entrylist-contents').forEach(div => { const masuda = div.querySelector('.entrylist-contents-title > a') const dateStr = masuda.href.substring(domain.length + dateTemplate.length, domain.length) if (!dateTest.test(dateStr)) { // キーワードとか console.log('not diary', dateStr) return } // new Dateできるように変換 // https://amateur-engineer.com/javascript-date-yyyymmddhhmm/ const year = parseInt(dateStr.substring(0, 4)) const month = parseInt(dateStr.substring(4, 6)) const day = parseInt(dateStr.substring(6, 8)) const hour = parseInt(dateStr.substring(8, 10)) const min = parseInt(dateStr.substring(10, 12)) const date = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, min) const bukumaDate = new Date(div.querySelector('.entrylist-contents-date').textContent) // 2023/01/23 00:00 const diffSec = (bukumaDate - date) / 1000 // ms to sec if (diffSec > threshold) { return } // ブクマ数 user const user = div.querySelector('span.entrylist-contents-users a').lastChild user.textContent += ' セルクマ ' + (diffSec / 60) // 古い記事がマイナスになる でも2015年ぐらいの記事までかな?新着はセーフ臭い /* if(diffSec < 0) { user.textContent += ' 異常差分:' + diffSec } */ }) })();
勝手に tampermonkey とかに突っ込んで使ってヨロ
これ参考とかにしてもっとかっちょよくしたのを greasy fork あたりに公開してくれ
localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list に非表示のトリガーになる文字列を|区切りで登録する。
localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list = "池田信夫|フェミ|弱者男性|やまもといちろう"
// ==UserScript== // @name はてブの一覧NG記事非表示 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1 // @description try to take over the world! // @author masuda // @match https://b.hatena.ne.jp/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=hatena.ne.jp // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; if (!localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list) { return; } console.log("はてブの一覧NG記事非表示", localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list); /* * 例: * localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list = * "池田信夫|フェミ|弱者男性|やまもといちろう|togetter.com"; */ let words = localStorage.hatebu_ng_word_list.split('|').map(w => new RegExp(w)); function entryDelete(els) { els.forEach(el => { let hit = false; words.forEach(w => { hit = hit|| w.test(el.textContent); }); if (hit) { el.remove(); } }); } // entrylist-header-main li 1つ目のアイテム entryDelete(document.querySelectorAll('.entrylist-header-main > li')); // 2つ目以降の li アイテム entryDelete(document.querySelectorAll('.entrylist-item > li')); })();
※ はてな記法にはシンタックスハイライトあるけど、増田だとInternal Server Errorになるのではずしました。見にくくてスマソ。
# encoding: utf-8 # 漢字コンバータのライブラリを取りこむ(Stringに漢字変換メソッドを付けてくれる。神) require 'kconv' # 正規表現パターン # 時刻をh時m分形式からhh時mm分形式にする # 否定後読みを使用する # 時は行頭にある OneDigitHour = /^((?<![0-1])[0-9]時)/ # 分は時のあとにある。このパターンとマッチすると、92;1が時、92;2が分になる。 OneDigitMinute = /^([0-9]{1,2}時)(?<![1-5])([0-9]分)/ # 分のない、時だけの行のパターン。否定先読みを使用 HourWithoutMinute = /^([0-9]{1,2}時)(?![0-5]?[0-9]分)/ # 行頭のh時m分をhh時mm分にするサブ処理(これは関数といっていいの?) def convTopHourMinute2TwoDigits(oneLine) # 時を変換 oneLine.sub!(OneDigitHour, "092;92;1") # 分を変換 oneLine.sub!(OneDigitMinute, "92;92;1092;92;2") # 分がない場合"00分"を追加 oneLine.sub!(HourWithoutMinute, "92;92;100分") # 戻り値 oneLine end # 入力ファイルの名前 InputFilename = "首相動静2018年12月11日.txt" # 出力ファイルの名前 OutputFilename = "首相動静2018年12月11日_編集済.txt" # 入力ファイルをオープン inFile = File.open(InputFilename, "r") # 出力ファイルをオープン outFile = File.open(OutputFilename, "w") # 時刻パターンはシンプルに、h時、m分、h時m分、という3パターンを結合する # 1つのパターンで全部カバーするよりこちらのほうが見やすい。というか、脳の容量の問題で1文に書ききれなかった jikokuPattern = /[0-9]{1,2}時[0-9]{1,2}分、|[0-9]{1,2}時、|[0-9]{1,2}分、/ # 午前/午後 ampm = /(【午前】|【午後】)/ # 午前/午後、あるいは時刻の前で改行するためのパターン kaigyouSign = Regexp.union(ampm, jikokuPattern) # ファイル一括読み込み # 昔は1行ずつ読みこんでました。メインメモリが3MByteとかだったので contents = inFile.read.toutf8 # 入力終了。閉じておきます inFile.close # スコープの関係から、ここでローカル変数に代入 # ※ Rubyのスコープと暗黙の型には泣かされました。これに慣れるのがRubyのコツかしら # 明示的な型宣言はあったほうがいいと思うなあ。エラー出力の理由がわからなかったりするので。 hour = "" # デバッグ行はコメント化しています # 時刻パターンチェックのため、コンテンツを出力してみる # p jikokuPattern.match(contents) # エントリを改行サインで行に分ける contents.gsub!(kaigyouSign, "92;n92;92;&amp;") # "92;92;&amp;"はマッチした文字列そのもの。2重のエスケープ"92;92;"が必要 # 改行チェックのため出力 # p contents # 入力を行で分割して各行ごとに処理 contents.split("92;n") do |oneLine| # 午前/午後を示す開きカッコ"【"があるか if (oneLine =~ /^【/) then # そのまま出力 outFile.write(oneLine + "92;n") # p "午前午後:" + oneLine next # 空白行は無視(スキップする) elsif (oneLine =~ /^[92;s ]*$/) then # 出力しない # p " 空白行:<skip>" next # 行頭に「時」があるか elsif (oneLine =~ /^[0-9]{1,2}時/) then # あったら時間表示を抜きだしておく hour = oneLine.match(/^([0-9]{1,2}時)/)[0] # p " 時:" + oneLine outFile.write(convTopHourMinute2TwoDigits(oneLine) + "92;n") next else # 「時」がなければつけて出力 oneLine = hour + oneLine # p "普通の行:" + oneLine outFile.write(convTopHourMinute2TwoDigits(oneLine) + "92;n") end end
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-I .'
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-I proto'
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-U _FORTIFY_SOURCE'
screen.c:1513:17: warning: self-comparison always evaluates to true [-Wtautological-compare]
if (curwin == curwin)
screen.c:5676:19: warning: self-comparison always evaluates to true [-Wtautological-compare]
&& Columns == Columns)
regexp.c:3790:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:3790:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:3790:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:4052:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:4052:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:4052:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:5276:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:5276:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:5276:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:5337:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
{ if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0))) *(&rex.reg_startpos[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.pos; else *(&rex.reg_startp[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.ptr; };
regexp.c:5337:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
{ if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0))) *(&rex.reg_startpos[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.pos; else *(&rex.reg_startp[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.ptr; };
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:5337:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
{ if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0))) *(&rex.reg_startpos[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.pos; else *(&rex.reg_startp[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.ptr; };
regexp.c:5355:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
{ if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0))) *(&rex.reg_endpos[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.pos; else *(&rex.reg_endp[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.ptr; };
regexp.c:5355:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
{ if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0))) *(&rex.reg_endpos[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.pos; else *(&rex.reg_endp[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.ptr; };
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:5355:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
{ if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0))) *(&rex.reg_endpos[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.pos; else *(&rex.reg_endp[rp->rs_no]) = (&rp->rs_un.sesave)->se_u.ptr; };
regexp.c:5516:22: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:5516:22: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:5516:22: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6213:21: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6213:21: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:6213:21: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6266:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6266:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:6266:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6294:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6294:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:6294:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6325:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6325:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:6325:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6341:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6341:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:6341:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6363:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:6363:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:6363:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:7711:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:7711:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:7711:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:7740:23: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
regexp.c:7740:23: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
regexp.c:7740:23: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
In file included from regexp.c:8043:
./regexp_nfa.c:3995:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:3995:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:3995:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4014:21: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4014:21: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4014:21: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4036:21: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4036:21: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4036:21: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4055:21: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4055:21: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4055:21: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4086:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4086:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4086:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4227:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4227:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4227:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4609:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4609:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4609:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4670:22: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4670:22: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4670:22: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4733:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4733:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4733:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4767:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4767:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4767:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4954:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:4954:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:4954:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5106:21: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5106:21: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:5106:21: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5120:21: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5120:21: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:5120:21: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5144:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5144:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:5144:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5231:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5231:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:5231:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5486:25: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5486:25: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:5486:25: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5608:21: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5608:21: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:5608:21: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5897:23: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5897:23: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:5897:23: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5987:26: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:5987:26: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:5987:26: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:6873:26: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:6873:26: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:6873:26: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:6997:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:6997:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:6997:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:7095:24: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses-equality]
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
./regexp_nfa.c:7095:24: note: remove extraneous parentheses around the comparison to silence this warning
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
~ ^ ~
./regexp_nfa.c:7095:24: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
if ((rex.reg_match == ((void*)0)))
// ==UserScript== // @name narou rank ng // @namespace http://use.i.E.your.homepage/ // @version 0.1 // @description enter something useful // @match http://yomou.syosetu.com/rank/list/* // @copyright 2012+, You // ==/UserScript== (function($){ // ここにNGワードを記載する var ngwords=["か[?\?]","令嬢","婚","ない","せん","王子","姫","乙女"]; $("div.rank_h").each(function(){ for ( key in ngwords){ reg = new RegExp(ngwords[key]); if( $("[id^=best]",this).html().match(reg) ){ $(this).css("display","none"); $(this).next().css("display","none"); } } }); })(jQuery);
Sub test() Dim re As New RegExp Dim ws As Worksheet Dim buff As Variant Dim i As Long 'initialize Set ws = ActiveSheet buff = ws.UsedRange ReDim Preserve buff(1 To ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count, 1 To 2) 'setting RegularExpression re.Pattern = ".*\((.*)\).*" re.IgnoreCase = True re.Global = True 'Get Information For i = LBound(buff, 1) To UBound(buff, 1) buff(i, 2) = re.Replace(buff(i, 1), "$1") buff(i, 2) = Replace(buff(i, 2), buff(i, 1), "") Next 'Paste ws.Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(UBound(buff, 1), 2)) = buff End Sub
autopagerize incrementalでググるとそれっぽいのが出てくる
var pages = getElementsByXPath(this.info.pageElement, htmlDoc);
var url = this.getNextURL(this.info.nextLink, htmlDoc);
if (this.info.incremental) {
var exp = new RegExp(this.info.incremental.nextMatch,'i');
var _m = this.info.incremental.nextLink;
var step = this.info.incremental.step || 1;
url = this.requestURL.replace(exp,function(m0,m1){
var n = parseInt(m1,10) + step;
return _m.split('#').join(n);
var next = getFirstElementByXPath(xpath, doc);
if (next) {
if (this.info.incremental) {
var loc = this.requestURL || location.href;
var exp = new RegExp(this.info.incremental.nextMatch,'i');
var nextLink = this.info.incremental.nextLink;
var step = this.info.incremental.step || 1;
if (loc.match(exp)) {
return loc.replace(exp,nextLink.replace("#",parseInt(RegExp.$1)+step));
} else if (!loc.match(exp)) {
return loc + nextLink.replace("#",step);
} else {
return next.getAttribute('href') || next.getAttribute('action') || next.getAttribute('value');
url: '^http://matome\.naver\.jp/odai/'
,incremental: {
nextMatch: 'page=(\\d+)'
,nextLink: 'page=#'
,pageElement: '//div[@role="main"]'
,nextLink: '//a'
// ==UserScript==
// @name deny_ega
// @namespace hogehoge
// @include http://b.hatena.ne.jp/*
// ==/UserScript==
var entry_list = document.getElementsByClassName('entry-body');
for (var i = 0; i < entry_list.length; i++) {
var reg = RegExp("http:\/\/blog.livedoor.jp\/ikiradio\/");
var txt = entry_list[i].getElementsByTagName('blockquote')[0].getAttribute('cite');
if(txt.match(reg)) {
entry_list[i].style.display = 'none';
imgのsrc=にhttp://a.hatena.ne.jp/checkを呼んでる。表示する必要はないのでdisplay : none。
<style type="text/css">dt{float:left;clear:left;width:10em;}</style>
<meta content="charset=Shift_JIS"/>
<script type="text/javascript"></p> <p>window.onload = init;</p> <p>var url = [</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/h19sangiin/san_kekka/h19san_hkai.html">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/h19sangiin/san_kekka/h19san_hkai.html</a>",</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/h17shugiin/sokuhou/7kaijyo_s.htm">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/h17shugiin/sokuhou/7kaijyo_s.htm</a>",</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/h17togisen/sokuhou/2kaijyo_s.htm">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/h17togisen/sokuhou/2kaijyo_s.htm</a>",</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/h16san_hkai.html">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/h16san_hkai.html</a>",</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/h15shu_hkai.html">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/h15shu_hkai.html</a>",</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/data01_01_03.html">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/data01_01_03.html</a>",</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/data01_02_05.html">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/data01_02_05.html</a>",</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/data03_04.html">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/data03_04.html</a>",</p> <p> "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/data01_05_05.html">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/data01_05_05.html</a>"</p> <p>];</p> <p>var base = "<a href="http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/tokuhyo_23ku/">http://www.senkyo.metro.tokyo.jp/data/tokuhyo_23ku/</a>";</p> <p>var file = ["chiyoda","chuou","minato","shinjyuku","bunkyo",</p> <p> "taitho","sumida","koutho","sinagawa","meguro",</p> <p> "ohta","setagaya","shibuya","nakaono","suginami",</p> <p> "toshima","kita","arakawa","itabashi","nerima",</p> <p> "adachi","katushika","edogawa"];</p> <p>for(var i=0; i<23; i++){</p> <p> url.push(base + file[i] + "\.html");</p> <p>}</p> <p>var id = [</p> <p> "2007 参院比", "2005 衆院比", "2005 都議会", "2004 参院比", "2003 衆院比",</p> <p> "2001 参院比", "2001 都議会", "2000 衆院比", "1998 参院比", "1997 都議会"</p> <p>];</p> <p>var ku = [</p> <p> "千代田","中央","港","新宿","文京",</p> <p> "台東","墨田","江東","品川","目黒",</p> <p> "大田","世田谷","渋谷","中野","杉並",</p> <p> "豊島","北","荒川","板橋","練馬",</p> <p> "足立","葛飾","江戸川"</p> <p>];</p> <p>var regexku = new RegExp("(" + ku.join("|") + ")区");</p> <p>var iframe = [];</p> <p>var data = {};</p> <p>var parse = [ function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[0].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<10; j++){</p> <p> e = e.nextSibling;</p> <p> }</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "0"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"");</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[1].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var nobr = d.getElementsByTagName("nobr");</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=nobr.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(nobr[i].firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> for(var j=0, e=nobr[i].parentNode; j<4; j++){</p> <p> e = e.nextSibling;</p> <p> }</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "1"] = e.firstChild.nodeValue;</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[2].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var nobr = d.getElementsByTagName("nobr");</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=nobr.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(nobr[i].firstChild.nodeValue) && nobr[i].parentNode.tagName == "SPAN"){</p> <p> for(var j=0, e=nobr[i]; j<6; j++){</p> <p> e = e.parentNode;</p> <p> }</p> <p> var e2 = e.nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.childNodes[2].firstChild;</p> <p> var k = 0;</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "2"] = 0;</p> <p> while(e2){</p> <p> if(e2.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.indexOf("公明党") != -1){</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "2"] += parseInt(e2.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[k+2].firstChild.nodeValue.replace(",",""), 10);</p> <p> }</p> <p> e2 = e2.nextSibling;</p> <p> k++;</p> <p> }</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "2"] = int2str(data[RegExp.$1 + "2"]);</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[3].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<19; j++){</p> <p> e = e.nextSibling;</p> <p> }</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "3"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"");</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[4].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p> <p> var regexku2 = /(大田|世田谷|練馬|足立|江戸川)/;</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "4"] = td[i].nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"");</p> <p> continue;</p> <p> }</p> <p> if(regexku2.test(td[i].firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "4"] = (data[RegExp.$1 + "4"] || 0) </p> <p> + parseInt(td[i].nextSibling.nextSibling.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(",","").replace(/\.\d+/,""));</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> for(var j=0; j<5; j++){</p> <p> data[ku[[10,11,19,20,22][j]]+"4"] = int2str(data[ku[[10,11,19,20,22][j]]+"4"]);</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[5].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<10; j++){</p> <p> e = e.nextSibling;</p> <p> }</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "5"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"");</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[6].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<7; j++){</p> <p> e = e.nextSibling;</p> <p> }</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "6"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(/\.\d+/,"").replace("-","0");</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[7].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> for(var j=0, e=td[i]; j<9; j++){</p> <p> e = e.nextSibling;</p> <p> }</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "7"] = e.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue;</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[8].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if(regexku.test(td[i].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue)){</p> <p> data[RegExp.$1 + "8"] = int2str(td[i].nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue);</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}, function(n){ return function(){</p> <p> var d = iframe[n+9].contentWindow.document;</p> <p> var td = d.getElementsByTagName("td");</p> <p> data[ku[n]+"9"] = 0;</p> <p> for(var i=0, l=td.length; i<l; i++){</p> <p> if((((td[i].firstChild || 0).firstChild || 0).nodeValue || "").indexOf("公明") == 0){</p> <p> data[ku[n]+"9"] += parseInt(td[i].parentNode.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue.replace(",",""));</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p> data[ku[n]+"9"] = int2str(data[ku[n]+"9"]);</p> <p> show();</p> <p>}}];</p> <p>function init(){</p> <p> for(var i=0; i<23; i++){</p> <p> var dl = document.createElement("dl");</p> <p> dl.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\n【" + ku[i] + "区における公明票】\n"));</p> <p> for(var j=0; j<10; j++){</p> <p> var dt = document.createElement("dt");</p> <p> var dd = document.createElement("dd");</p> <p> dt.innerText = id[j];</p> <p> dl.appendChild(dt);</p> <p> dl.appendChild(dd);</p> <p> }</p> <p> document.body.firstChild.appendChild(dl);</p> <p> }</p> <p> for(var i=0; i<32; i++){</p> <p> var e = document.createElement("iframe");</p> <p> iframe[i] = e;</p> <p> e.style.display = "none";</p> <p> if(i<9) var f = parse[i];</p> <p> else var f = parse[9](i-9);</p> <p> e.attachEvent("onload", f);</p> <p> e.src = url[i];</p> <p> document.body.appendChild(e);</p> <p> }</p> <p>}</p> <p>function show(){</p> <p> for(var i=0; i<23; i++){</p> <p> var dl = document.body.firstChild.childNodes[i];</p> <p> for(var j=0; j<10; j++){</p> <p> var dt = dl.childNodes[j*2+1];</p> <p> dt.innerText = id[j] + " " + (data[ku[i]+j] || "");</p> <p> dt.nextSibling.innerText = bar(data[ku[i]+j], j);</p> <p> }</p> <p> }</p> <p>}</p> <p>function int2str(num){</p> <p> return new String(num).split("").reverse().join("").replace(/(\d{3})/g,"$1,").split("").reverse().join("");</p> <p>}</p> <p>function bar(str, flag){</p> <p> str = str || "";</p> <p> if(str == "" || str.length < 5) return "";</p> <p> var num = parseInt(str.match(/\d+/)) + 1;</p> <p> var arrow = (flag == 2 || flag == 6 || flag == 9) ? " ←" : "";</p> <p> var _bar = new Array(num).join("|") + arrow;</p> <p> return _bar;</p> <p>}</p> <p></script>
// ==UserScript== // @name order_home_mymixi // @namespace http://anond.hatelabo.jp/ // @include http://mixi.jp/ // @include http://mixi.jp/home.pl // ==/UserScript== (function() { if (window != window.parent) return; var homeTds = document.evaluate('//div[@id="mymixiList"]//td', document.body, null, 7, null); for (var i = 0; i < homeTds.snapshotLength; i++) homeTds.snapshotItem(i).innerHTML = 'loading...'; GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: 'GET', url: 'http://mixi.jp/list_friend_simple.pl', onload: function(res) { var friends = []; var bgColor = { '01': '#ffffff', '02': '#fee7c6', '03': '#ffd8a7' }; var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerHTML = res.responseText; var tds = document.evaluate('//div[@id="friendList"]//td', div, null, 7, null); for (var i = 0; i < tds.snapshotLength; i++) { var td = tds.snapshotItem(i); var klass = td.getAttribute('class'); if (!klass || klass.search(/^iconState(01|02|03)/) == -1) continue; friends.push({ color: bgColor[RegExp.$1], anchor: td.getElementsByTagName('a')[0], name: td.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML.replace(/^(.+)\(/, '$1 (') }); } for (var i = 0; i < homeTds.snapshotLength; i++) { var td = homeTds.snapshotItem(i); td.innerHTML = ''; td.style.background = friends[i].color; td.appendChild(friends[i].anchor); var span = document.createElement('span'); span.innerHTML = friends[i].name; td.appendChild(span); } } }); })();
javascript:s=prompt('Enter word');alert(s+':'+document.body.textContent.match(new RegExp(s,'g')).length)
本記事末尾のローカルなkey mappingを実現するコードを改良してプラグインにしました。
Vimperatorでローカルなkey mappingを実現するプラグイン local_mappings.js を書いた。
2008-07-14 - やぬすさんとこの日記
→n秒後/前に移動するkey mappingも忘れずに!
Re: autocmd が分からない - hogehoge
" --- autocmd --- " nicovideo " cでコメント入力、Cでコマンド入力、sでシーク、lでボリューム調整、 " pで停止/再生、mでミュートのon/off、vでコメの表示トグル、zでズーム。 javascript <<EOM liberator.plugins.nicomap = function(){ // no args var list=[ ["p","nicopause"], ["m","nicomute"], ["v","nicomementvisible"], ["z","nicosize"], ["s","nicoseek"], ]; // has args var list2=[ ["c","nicomment"], ["C","nicommand"], ["l","nicovolume"], ["s","nicoseek"], ]; if(buffer.URL.indexOf("http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch") == 0){ for (var j=0; j<list.length; j++){ let i = j; liberator.mappings.addUserMap([1],[list[i][0]],list[i][1], function(){ liberator.execute(list[i][1]); },{ rhs:":"+list[i][1]+"<CR>" } ); } for (var j=0; j<list2.length; j++){ let i = j; liberator.mappings.addUserMap([1],[list2[i][0]],list2[i][1], function(){ liberator.execute('normal :'+list2[i][1]+'<Space>'); },{ rhs:":"+list2[i][1]+"<Space>" } ); } } else { for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++){ liberator.mappings.remove(1,list[i][0]); } for (var i=0; i<list2.length; i++){ liberator.mappings.remove(1,list2[i][0]); } } }; liberator.autocommands.add('LocationChange','.*','js liberator.plugins.nicomap()'); EOM
現在のマウスカーソル位置でクリックイベント発生するkey mappingを設定できればより快適なんだが・・・。
" ************* local key mappings **************** javascript <<EOM (function(){ function setlocalmap(obj){ var list = obj.list; var list2 = obj.list2; var exp = obj.exp; if(list.constructor != Array || list2.constructor != Array){ echr("invalid argument: array argument required");return; } if(exp.constructor != RegExp){ echr("invalid argument: regex argument required");return; } if(exp.test(liberator.buffer.URL)){ for (var j=0; j<list.length; j++){ let i = j; liberator.mappings.addUserMap([1],[list[i][0]],list[i][1], function(){ liberator.execute(list[i][1]); },{ rhs:":"+list[i][1]+"<CR>" } ); } for (var j=0; j<list2.length; j++){ let i = j; liberator.mappings.addUserMap([1],[list2[i][0]],list2[i][1], function(){ liberator.execute('normal :'+list2[i][1]+'<Space>'); },{ rhs:":"+list2[i][1]+"<Space>" } ); } } else { for (var i=0; i<list.length; i++){ liberator.mappings.remove(1,list[i][0]); } for (var i=0; i<list2.length; i++){ liberator.mappings.remove(1,list2[i][0]); } } } /** * Add Key Mappings to Specific Web Pages * @param obj : has following properties * list : commands that take no args * list2 : commands that take args * exp : target page's URL (regex) * @see Re: autocmd が分からない - hogehoge * http://d.hatena.ne.jp/teramako/20080731/p1 */ liberator.plugins.addLocalUserMap = function(obj){ liberator.plugins[obj.name + "MapSetter"] = function(){ setlocalmap(obj); } liberator.autocommands.add( 'LocationChange', '.*', 'js liberator.plugins.' + obj.name + 'MapSetter()' ); }; // nicovideo // cでコメント入力、Cでコマンド入力、sでシーク、lでボリューム調整、 // pで停止/再生、mでミュートのon/off、vでコメの表示トグル、zでズーム。 var nicovideo = { name : 'nico', exp : /^http:\/\/www.nicovideo.jp\/watch/, list : [ ["p","nicopause"], ["m","nicomute"], ["v","nicomementvisible"], ["z","nicosize"], ["s","nicoseek"], ], list2 : [ ["c","nicomment"], ["C","nicommand"], ["l","nicovolume"], ["s","nicoseek"], ], }; liberator.plugins.addLocalUserMap(nicovideo); })(); EOM
// ==UserScript== // @name Hatena Bookmark Tree Expander // @namespace http://anond.hatelabo.jp/ // @include http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/* // ==/UserScript== // <div class="info"> // <ul id="similar_entries" class="bookmarklist"> // <li></li> // </ul> // </div> // <div class="info"> // <ul id="referred_entries" class="bookmarklist"> // <li id="referred-entry-\d+"></li> // </ul> // </div> // <div class="info"> // <ul id="relation_diary" class="bookmarklist"> // <li id="diary-{id}-\d+"></li> // </ul> // </div> (function() { function main() { loadBookmarkCommentViewer(); similar.prototype.rootAppend(); referred.prototype.rootAppend(); } function HBTM(target) { this.target = target; this.targetXPath = "//ul[@id='"+target+"']/li"; this.targetRegExp = new RegExp('<ul id="'+target+'"(.|\\s)*?</ul>'); } HBTM.prototype = { openIcon: '<img width="15" height="15" class="icon" style="opacity: 0.6" src="http://anond.hatelabo.jp/images/common/open.gif"/>', closeIcon: '<img width="15" height="15" class="icon" style="opacity: 0.6" src="http://anond.hatelabo.jp/images/common/close.gif"/>', loadingIcon: '<img width="13" height="13" class="icon" src="http://anond.hatelabo.jp/images/common/loading.gif"/>', commentIcon: function(url) { return '<img class="hatena-bcomment-view-icon" src="http://r.hatena.ne.jp/images/popup.gif" onclick="iconImageClickHandler(this, \''+url+'\', event);">' }, create: function() { this.comment = document.createElement("span"); this.comment.innerHTML = this.commentIcon($X("string(descendant::a/@href)", this.node).value()); this.open = document.createElement("a"); this.open.href = "javascript:void(0)"; this.open.innerHTML = this.openIcon; this.close = document.createElement("a"); this.close.href = "javascript:void(0)"; this.close.innerHTML = this.closeIcon; this.close.style.display = "none"; this.loading = document.createElement("span"); this.loading.innerHTML = this.loadingIcon; this.loading.style.display = "none"; this.node.appendChild(this.comment); this.node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")); this.node.appendChild(this.open); this.node.appendChild(this.close); this.node.appendChild(this.loading); this.open.addEventListener("click", bind(this.openAct, this), false); this.close.addEventListener("click", bind(this.closeAct, this), false); }, openAct: function() { this.open.style.display = "none"; if (this.tree) { this.tree.style.display = "block"; this.close.style.display = "inline"; } else { this.loading.style.display = "inline"; this.load(); } }, closeAct: function() { if (this.tree) { this.tree.style.display = "none"; this.close.style.display = "none"; this.open.style.display = "inline"; } }, load: function() { var url = $X("string(descendant::a[starts-with(@href, '/entry/')]/@href)", this.node).value(); GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: "http://b.hatena.ne.jp"+url, onload: bind(this.loadCallback, this) }); }, loadCallback: function(result) { var match = result.responseText.match(this.targetRegExp); if (match) { var sandbox = document.createElement("div"); sandbox.innerHTML = match[0].replace(this.target,""); this.tree = sandbox.firstChild; } else { this.tree = document.createElement("ul"); } this.append(); this.loading.style.display = "none"; this.close.style.display = "inline"; }, append: function() { this.tree.style.backgroundColor = "transparent"; this.tree.style.listStyleType = "circle"; this.node.appendChild(this.tree); $X("li", this.tree).each(function(n) { var a = $X("a",n).node(); var c = $X("count(//li/a[@href='"+a.href+"'])").value(); if (c > 1) n.parentNode.removeChild(n); }); $X("li", this.tree).each(bind(function(node){new this.constructor(node)}, this)); }, rootAppend: function() { $X(this.targetXPath).each(bind(function(node){new this.constructor(node)}, this)); } }; function similar(node) { this.node = node; this.create(); } similar.prototype = new HBTM("similar_entries"); similar.prototype.constructor = similar; function referred(node) { this.node = node; this.create(); } referred.prototype = new HBTM("referred_entries"); referred.prototype.constructor = referred; function loadBookmarkCommentViewer() { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "http://b.hatena.ne.jp/js/BookmarkCommentViewerAllInOne.1.2.js"; head.appendChild(script); var css = document.createElement("link"); css.rel="stylesheet"; css.href="http://d.hatena.ne.jp/css/base.css"; css.type="text/css"; css.media="all"; head.insertBefore(css, head.firstChild); window.addEventListener("load",function(){ var BCV = unsafeWindow.BookmarkCommentViewer; BCV.options['screenshot'] = true; var asyncCommnetView = BCV.asyncCommnetView; BCV.asyncCommnetView = function(url, onCompleteCallback) { var div = asyncCommnetView(url, function(){ onCompleteCallback.apply(this, arguments); new unsafeWindow.Ten.XHR("http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/rss/"+url, {}, function(result) { if (! result.responseText.match(/<description>(.*?)<\/description>/)) return; if (! RegExp.$1) return; // var desc = document.createTextNode("desc: "+RegExp.$1); var desc = document.createElement("li"); desc.appendChild(document.createTextNode("desc: "+RegExp.$1)); div.lastChild.insertBefore(desc,div.lastChild.getElementsByTagName("li")[0]); }); }); return div; }; BCV.asyncCommnetView.origin = asyncCommnetView; }, false); } function bind(f,o) {return function() {return f.apply(o, arguments)}} function $X(xpath, context) { if (!(this instanceof $X)) return new $X(xpath, context); this.xpath = xpath; this.context = context || document; } $X.prototype = { evaluate: function() { var result = document.evaluate(this.xpath, this.context, null, this.type, null); switch (result.resultType) { case XPathResult.STRING_TYPE : return result.stringValue; case XPathResult.NUMBER_TYPE : return result.numberValue; case XPathResult.BOOLEAN_TYPE: return result.booleanValue; case XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE: return result.singleNodeValue; } return result; }, node: function() { this.type = XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE; return this.evaluate(); }, value: function() { this.type = XPathResult.ANY_TYPE; return this.evaluate(); }, each: function(func) { this.type = XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE; var result = this.evaluate(); for (var i=0; i<result.snapshotLength; i++) func(result.snapshotItem(i)); } }; main(); })();
YourFileHost で動画再生している時に下の文字をアドレスバーにコピペして、Enterキー押すと簡単にflvファイル落とせるね!
// ==UserScript== // @name filter for Hatena::Bookmark // @namespace http://anond.hatelabo.jp/ // @include http://b.hatena.ne.jp/hotentry* // @include http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entrylist* // origin http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20080302214727 // ==/UserScript== (function(){ var itemxpath = "//div[@class='entry']"; function xpathgenURL(url) {return "//div[@class='entry' and descendant::a[starts-with(@href,'"+url+"')]]"} var filters = [ // start with '//' then xpath // moconico douga // {"tag": "div", "name": "entry", "pattern": "nicovideo\.jp"}, "//div[@class='entry' and descendant::a[contains(@href,'nicovideo.jp')]]", /* // tag of "2ch" {"tag": "a", "name": "tag", "pattern": "2ch", "parentNum": HatebuTagParentNum}, {"tag": "a", "name": "tag", "pattern": "\\*2ch", "parentNum": HatebuTagParentNum}, ***/ // start with 'http' then url // 2ch blogs // livedoor // {"tag": "div", "name": "entry", // "pattern": /http:\/\/blog\.livedoor\.jp\/(insidears|dqnplus)\//}, "http://blog.livedoor.jp/insidears/", "http://blog.livedoor.jp/dqnplus/", // {"tag": "div", "name": "entry", // "pattern": /http:\/\/(guideline|alfalfa|news4vip)\.livedoor\.biz\//}, "http://guideline.livedoor.biz/", "http://alfalfa.livedoor.biz/", "http://news4vip.livedoor.biz/", // typeof /regexp/ is function (@firefox) then regexp pattern // fc2 // {"tag": "div", "name": "entry", // "pattern": /http:\/\/(urasoku|news23vip|waranote|vipvipblogblog|netanabe|res2ch|kanasoku|tenkomo)\.blog\d+\.fc2\.com\//}, /http:\/\/(urasoku|news23vip|waranote|vipvipblogblog|netanabe|res2ch|kanasoku|tenkomo)\.blog\d+\.fc2\.com\//, // tag of "neta" // {"tag": "a", "name": "tag", "pattern": "ネタ", "parentNum": HatebuTagParentNum}, "//div[@class='entry' and descendant::a[@class='tag' and string()='ネタ']]", // {"tag": "a", "name": "tag", "pattern": "*ネタ", "parentNum": HatebuTagParentNum}, "//div[@class='entry' and descendant::a[@class='tag' and string()='*ネタ']]", // hatena anonymouse diary // {"tag": "div", "name": "entry", "pattern": /http:\/\/anond\.hatelabo\.jp\//} "http://anond.hatelabo.jp/", ]; for (var i=0; i<filters.length; i++) { var filter = filters[i]; var type = typeof filter; var regexp; var xpath; if (type == "function") { xpath = itemxpath; regexp = filter; } else if (type == "string") { if (filter.match(/^http/)) { xpath = xpathgenURL(filter); } else if (filter.match(/^\/\//)) { xpath = filter; } else { next; } } var removeNodes = document.evaluate(xpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (var j=0; j<removeNodes.snapshotLength; j++) { var node = removeNodes.snapshotItem(j); if (!regexp || node.innerHTML.match(regexp)) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } } })();
// ==UserScript== // @name filter for Hatelabo::AnonymousDiary // @namespace http://anond.hatelabo.jp/ // @include http://anond.hatelabo.jp/ // @include http://anond.hatelabo.jp/*?page=* // @exclude http://anond.hatelabo.jp/YourID/* // ==/UserScript== // origin http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20080302214727 (function(){ var itemxpath = "//div[@class='section']"; function xpathgenURL(url) {return "//div[@class='section' and descendant::a[starts-with(@href,'"+url+"')]]"} var filters = [ // start with '//' then xpath "//div[@class='section' and child::h3[starts-with(string(),'■はてなの嫌われ者!')]]", // start with 'http' then url "http://anond.hatelabo.jp/", // typeof /regexp/ is function (@firefox) then regexp pattern /釣り/, ]; for (var i=0; i<filters.length; i++) { var filter = filters[i]; var type = typeof filter; var regexp; var xpath; if (type == "function") { xpath = itemxpath; regexp = filter; } else if (type == "string") { if (filter.match(/^http/)) { xpath = xpathgenURL(filter); } else if (filter.match(/^\/\//)) { xpath = filter; } else { next; } } var removeNodes = document.evaluate(xpath,document,null,XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null); for (var j=0; j<removeNodes.snapshotLength; j++) { var node = removeNodes.snapshotItem(j); if (!regexp || node.innerHTML.match(regexp)) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } } })();
http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20071009142256 の人ですが、ごめん、結構適当書いてました。余計な事してました。ぜんぜん確認してませんでした。という事でバグフィクス版。
javascript:l=location;w=window;u=l.pathname;(function(){wd='/product/';st=u.indexOf(wd);if(st==-1){wd='/ASIN/';st=u.indexOf(wd);}if(st==-1){wd='/dp/';st=u.indexOf(wd);}if(st!=-1){asin=u.substring(st+wd.length,st+10+wd.length);if(prompt('Shortest Amazon URL and this open with Hatena','http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/'+asin)){w.open('http://d.hatena.ne.jp/asin/'+asin,'_blank','');}}else{w.alert('no asin info');}}());
javascript:(function(){if(location.pathname.match(/\/(product|ASIN|dp)\/(.{10})/)){asin=RegExp.$2;if(prompt('Shortest Amazon URL and this open with Hatena','http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/'+asin))open('http://d.hatena.ne.jp/asin/'+asin,'_blank')}else{alert('no asin info')}})();
javascript:(function(){if(location.pathname.match(/\/(product|ASIN|dp)\/(.{10})/)){asin=RegExp.$2;if(prompt('Jump this shortest Amazon URL','http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/'+asin))location.href='http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/'+asin}else{alert('no asin info')}})();
/* Ten */ if (typeof(Ten) == 'undefined') { Ten = {}; } Ten.NAME = 'Ten'; Ten.VERSION = 0.06; /* Ten.Class */ Ten.Class = function(klass, prototype) { if (klass && klass.initialize) { var c = klass.initialize; } else if(klass && klass.base) { var c = function() { return klass.base[0].apply(this, arguments) }; } else { var c = function() {}; } c.prototype = prototype || {}; c.prototype.constructor = c; Ten.Class.inherit(c, klass); if (klass && klass.base) { for (var i = 0; i < klass.base.length; i++) { var parent = klass.base[i]; if (i == 0) { c.SUPER = parent; c.prototype.SUPER = parent.prototype; } Ten.Class.inherit(c, parent); Ten.Class.inherit(c.prototype, parent.prototype); } } return c; } Ten.Class.inherit = function(child,parent) { for (var prop in parent) { if (typeof(child[prop]) != 'undefined' || prop == 'initialize') continue; child[prop] = parent[prop]; } } /* // Basic Ten Classes **/ /* Ten.JSONP */ Ten.JSONP = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(uri,obj,method) { if (Ten.JSONP.Callbacks.length) { setTimeout(function() {new Ten.JSONP(uri,obj,method)}, 500); return; } var del = uri.match(/\?/) ? '&' : '?'; uri += del + 'callback=Ten.JSONP.callback'; if (!uri.match(/timestamp=/)) { uri += '&' + encodeURI(new Date()); } if (obj && method) Ten.JSONP.addCallback(obj,method); this.script = document.createElement('script'); this.script.src = uri; this.script.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(this.script); }, addCallback: function(obj,method) { Ten.JSONP.Callbacks.push({object: obj, method: method}); }, callback: function(args) { // alert('callback called'); var cbs = Ten.JSONP.Callbacks; for (var i = 0; i < cbs.length; i++) { var cb = cbs[i]; cb.object[cb.method].call(cb.object, args); } Ten.JSONP.Callbacks = []; }, MaxBytes: 8000, Callbacks: [] }); /* Ten.XHR */ Ten.XHR = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(uri,opts,obj,method) { if (!uri) return; this.request = Ten.XHR.getXMLHttpRequest(); this.callback = {object: obj, method: method}; var xhr = this; var prc = this.processReqChange; this.request.onreadystatechange = function() { prc.apply(xhr, arguments); } var method = opts.method || 'GET'; this.request.open(method, uri, true); if (method == 'POST') { this.request.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } var data = opts.data ? Ten.XHR.makePostData(opts.data) : null; this.request.send(data); }, getXMLHttpRequest: function() { var xhr; var tryThese = [ function () { return new XMLHttpRequest(); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP'); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); }, function () { return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'); }, ]; for (var i = 0; i < tryThese.length; i++) { var func = tryThese[i]; try { xhr = func; return func(); } catch (e) { //alert(e); } } return xhr; }, makePostData: function(data) { var pairs = []; var regexp = /%20/g; for (var k in data) { var v = data[k].toString(); var pair = encodeURIComponent(k).replace(regexp,'+') + '=' + encodeURIComponent(v).replace(regexp,'+'); pairs.push(pair); } return pairs.join('&'); } },{ processReqChange: function() { var req = this.request; if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { var cb = this.callback; cb.object[cb.method].call(cb.object, req); } else { alert("There was a problem retrieving the XML data:\n" + req.statusText); } } } }); /* Ten.Observer */ Ten.Observer = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(element,event,obj,method) { var func = obj; if (typeof(method) == 'string') { func = obj[method]; } this.element = element; this.event = event; this.listener = function(event) { return func.call(obj, new Ten.Event(event || window.event)); } if (this.element.addEventListener) { if (this.event.match(/^on(.+)$/)) { this.event = RegExp.$1; } this.element.addEventListener(this.event, this.listener, false); } else if (this.element.attachEvent) { this.element.attachEvent(this.event, this.listener); } } },{ stop: function() { if (this.element.removeEventListener) { this.element.removeEventListener(this.event,this.listener,false); } else if (this.element.detachEvent) { this.element.detachEvent(this.event,this.listener); } } }); /* Ten.Event */ Ten.Event = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(event) { this.event = event; }, keyMap: { 8:"backspace", 9:"tab", 13:"enter", 19:"pause", 27:"escape", 32:"space", 33:"pageup", 34:"pagedown", 35:"end", 36:"home", 37:"left", 38:"up", 39:"right", 40:"down", 44:"printscreen", 45:"insert", 46:"delete", 112:"f1", 113:"f2", 114:"f3", 115:"f4", 116:"f5", 117:"f6", 118:"f7", 119:"f8", 120:"f9", 121:"f10", 122:"f11", 123:"f12", 144:"numlock", 145:"scrolllock" } },{ mousePosition: function() { if (!this.event.clientX) return; 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Ten.DOM.onLoadFunctions.push(func); Ten.DOM.checkLoaded(); }, checkLoaded: function() { var c = Ten.DOM; if (c.loaded) return true; if (document && document.getElementsByTagName && document.getElementById && document.body) { if (c.timer) { clearInterval(c.timer); c.timer = null; } for (var i = 0; i < c.onLoadFunctions.length; i++) { c.onLoadFunctions[i](); } c.onLoadFunctions = []; c.loaded = true; } else { c.timer = setInterval(c.checkLoaded, 13); } } }); /* Ten.Style */ Ten.Style = new Ten.Class({ applyStyle: function(elem, style) { for (prop in style) { elem.style[prop] = style[prop]; } } }); /* Ten.Geometry */ Ten.Geometry = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function() { if (Ten.Geometry._initialized) return; var func = Ten.Geometry._functions; var de = document.documentElement; if (window.innerWidth) { func.getWindowWidth = function() { return window.innerWidth; } func.getWindowHeight = function() { return window.innerHeight; } func.getXScroll = function() { return window.pageXOffset; } func.getYScroll = function() { return window.pageYOffset; 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var c = this.constructor; var div = document.createElement('div'); win.appendChild(div); Ten.Style.applyStyle(div, c.containerStyle); this.container = div; if (c.handleStyle) { var handle = document.createElement('div'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(handle, c.handleStyle); win.appendChild(handle); this.handle = handle; } if (c.closeButton) { var btn = document.createElement('img'); btn.src = c.closeButton; btn.alt = 'close'; Ten.Style.applyStyle(btn, c.closeButtonStyle); win.appendChild(btn); new Ten.Observer(btn, 'onclick', this, 'hide'); this.closeButton = btn; } if (c.showScreen) { var screen = document.createElement('div'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(screen, Ten.SubWindow._baseScreenStyle); Ten.Style.applyStyle(screen, c.screenStyle); document.body.appendChild(screen); this.screen = screen; new Ten.Observer(screen, 'onclick', this, 'hide'); } }, show: function(pos) { pos = (pos.x && pos.y) ? pos : {x:0, y:0}; with (this.window.style) { display = 'block'; left = pos.x + 'px'; top = pos.y + 'px'; 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with (img.style) { margin = '0 3px'; border = 'none'; verticalAlign = 'middle'; } return img; } }, { profileIcon: function() { return Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(this.name); } }); /* Hatena.Star */ if (typeof(Hatena.Star) == 'undefined') { Hatena.Star = {}; } /* // Hatena.Star.* classes // **/ if (window.location && window.location.host.match(/hatena\.com/)) { Hatena.Star.BaseURL = 'http://s.hatena.com/'; } else { Hatena.Star.BaseURL = 'http://s.hatena.ne.jp/'; } Hatena.Star.Token = null; /* Hatena.Star.User */ Hatena.Star.User = new Ten.Class({ base: [Hatena.User], initialize: function(name) { if (Hatena.Star.User._cache[name]) { return Hatena.Star.User._cache[name]; } else { this.name = name; Hatena.Star.User._cache[name] = this; return this; } }, _cache: {} },{ userPage: function() { return Hatena.Star.BaseURL + this.name + '/'; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Entry */ Hatena.Star.Entry = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(e) { this.entry = e; this.uri = e.uri; this.title = e.title; this.star_container = e.star_container; this.comment_container = e.comment_container; this.stars = []; this.comments = []; }, maxStarCount: 11 },{ flushStars: function() { this.stars = []; this.star_container.innerHTML = ''; }, bindStarEntry: function(se) { this.starEntry = se; for (var i = 0; i < se.stars.length; i++) { if (typeof(se.stars[i]) == 'number') { this.stars.push(new Hatena.Star.InnerCount(se.stars[i],this)); } else { this.stars.push(new Hatena.Star.Star(se.stars[i])); } } if (se.comments && !this.comments.length) { for (var i = 0; i < se.comments.length; i++) { this.comments.push(new Hatena.Star.Comment(se.comments[i])); } } this.can_comment = se.can_comment; }, setCanComment: function(v) { this.can_comment = v; }, showButtons: function() { this.addAddButton(); this.addCommentButton(); }, addAddButton: function() { if (this.star_container) { this.addButton = new Hatena.Star.AddButton(this); this.star_container.appendChild(this.addButton); } }, addCommentButton: function() { if (this.comment_container) { this.commentButton = new Hatena.Star.CommentButton(this); this.comment_container.appendChild(this.commentButton.img); } }, showStars: function() { var klass = this.constructor; // if (this.stars.length > klass.maxStarCount) { // var ic = new Hatena.Star.InnerCount(this.stars.slice(1,this.stars.length)); // this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[0]); // this.star_container.appendChild(ic); // this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[this.stars.length - 1]); // } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.stars.length; i++) { this.star_container.appendChild(this.stars[i]); } }, showCommentButton: function() { if (this.can_comment) { this.commentButton.show(); if (this.comments.length) this.commentButton.activate(); } else { // this.commentButton.hide(); } }, addStar: function(star) { this.stars.push(star); this.star_container.appendChild(star); }, addComment: function(com) { if (!this.comments) this.comments = []; if (this.comments.length == 0) { this.commentButton.activate(); } this.comments.push(com); }, showCommentCount: function() { this.comment_container.innerHTML += this.comments.length; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Button */ Hatena.Star.Button = new Ten.Class({ createButton: function(args) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = args.src; img.alt = img.title = args.alt; with (img.style) { cursor = 'pointer'; margin = '0 3px'; padding = '0'; border = 'none'; verticalAlign = 'middle'; } return img; } }); /* Hatena.Star.AddButton */ Hatena.Star.AddButton = new Ten.Class({ base: ['Hatena.Star.Button'], initialize: function(entry) { this.entry = entry; this.lastPosition = null; var img = Hatena.Star.Button.createButton({ src: Hatena.Star.AddButton.ImgSrc, alt: 'Add Star' }); this.observer = new Ten.Observer(img,'onclick',this,'addStar'); this.img = img; return img; }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/add.gif' },{ addStar: function(e) { this.lastPosition = e.mousePosition(); var uri = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'star.add.json?uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.title); if (Hatena.Star.Token) { uri += '&token=' + Hatena.Star.Token; } new Ten.JSONP(uri, this, 'receiveResult'); }, receiveResult: function(args) { var name = args ? args.name : null; if (name) { this.entry.addStar(new Hatena.Star.Star({name: name})); //alert('Succeeded in Adding Star ' + args); } else if (args.errors) { var pos = this.lastPosition; pos.x -= 10; pos.y += 25; var scroll = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var scr = new Hatena.Star.AlertScreen(); var alert = args.errors[0]; scr.showAlert(alert, pos); } } }); /* Hatena.Star.CommentButton */ Hatena.Star.CommentButton = new Ten.Class({ base: ['Hatena.Star.Button'], initialize: function(entry) { this.entry = entry; this.lastPosition = null; var img = Hatena.Star.Button.createButton({ src: Hatena.Star.CommentButton.ImgSrc, alt: 'Comments' }); img.style.display = 'none'; this.observer = new Ten.Observer(img,'onclick',this,'showComments'); this.img = img; }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/comment.gif', ImgSrcActive: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/comment_active.gif' },{ showComments: function(e) { if (!this.screen) this.screen = new Hatena.Star.CommentScreen(); this.screen.bindEntry(this.entry); var pos = e.mousePosition(); pos.y += 25; this.screen.showComments(this.entry, pos); }, hide: function() { this.img.style.display = 'none'; }, show: function() { this.img.style.display = 'inline'; }, activate: function() { this.show(); this.img.src = Hatena.Star.CommentButton.ImgSrcActive; } }); /* Hatena.Star.Star */ Hatena.Star.Star = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(args) { if (args.img) { this.img = args.img; this.name = this.img.getAttribute('alt'); } else { this.name = args.name; var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Hatena.Star.Star.ImgSrc; img.alt = this.name; with (img.style) { padding = '0'; border = 'none'; } this.img = img; } new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onmouseover',this,'showName'); new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onmouseout',this,'hideName'); if (this.name) { this.user = new Hatena.Star.User(this.name); this.img.style.cursor = 'pointer'; new Ten.Observer(this.img,'onclick',this,'goToUserPage'); } if (args.count && args.count > 1) { var c = document.createElement('span'); c.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-inner-count'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(c, Hatena.Star.InnerCount.style); c.innerHTML = args.count; var s = document.createElement('span'); s.appendChild(img); s.appendChild(c); return s; } else { return this.img; } }, ImgSrc: Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/star.gif' },{ showName: function(e) { if (!this.screen) this.screen = new Hatena.Star.NameScreen(); var pos = e.mousePosition(); pos.x += 10; pos.y += 25; this.screen.showName(this.name, pos); }, hideName: function() { if (!this.screen) return; this.screen.hide(); }, goToUserPage: function() { window.location = this.user.userPage(); } }); /* Hatena.Star.InnerCount */ Hatena.Star.InnerCount = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(count, e) { this.count = count; this.entry = e; var c = document.createElement('span'); c.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-inner-count'); Ten.Style.applyStyle(c, Hatena.Star.InnerCount.style); c.style.cursor = 'pointer'; c.innerHTML = count; new Ten.Observer(c,'onclick',this,'showInnerStars'); this.container = c; return c; }, style: { color: '#f4b128', fontWeight: 'bold', fontSize: '80%', fontFamily: '"arial", sans-serif', margin: '0 2px' } },{ showInnerStars: function() { var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entry.json?uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri); new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntry'); }, receiveStarEntry: function(res) { var se = res.entries[0]; var e = this.entry; if (encodeURIComponent(se.uri) != encodeURIComponent(e.uri)) return; e.flushStars(); e.bindStarEntry(se); e.addAddButton(); e.showStars(); } }); /* Hatena.Star.Comment */ Hatena.Star.Comment = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function(args) { this.name = args.name; this.body = args.body; } },{ asElement: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); with (div.style) { margin = '0px 0'; padding = '5px 0'; borderBottom = '1px solid #ddd'; } var ico = Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(this.name); div.appendChild(ico); var span = document.createElement('span'); with(span.style) { fontSize = '90%'; } span.innerHTML = this.body; div.appendChild(span); return div; } }); /* Hatena.Star.NameScreen */ Hatena.Star.NameScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], style: { padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center' }, containerStyle: { margin: 0, padding: 0 }, handleStyle: null, showScreen: false, closeButton: null, draggable: false },{ showName: function(name, pos) { this.container.innerHTML = ''; this.container.appendChild(Hatena.User.getProfileIcon(name)); this.container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); this.show(pos); } }); /* Hatena.Star.AlertScreen */ Hatena.Star.AlertScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], style: { padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: '6px', MozBorderRadius: '6px', width: '240px', height: '120px' }, handleStyle: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', borderBottom: '1px solid #bbb', width: '100%', height: '30px', borderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0', MozBorderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0' } },{ showAlert: function(msg, pos) { this.container.innerHTML = msg; var win = Ten.Geometry.getWindowSize(); var scr = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var w = parseInt(this.constructor.style.width) + 20; if (pos.x + w > scr.x + win.w) pos.x = win.w + scr.x - w; this.show(pos); } }); /* Hatena.Star.CommentScreen */ Hatena.Star.CommentScreen = new Ten.Class({ base: [Ten.SubWindow], initialize: function() { var self = this.constructor.SUPER.call(this); if (!self.commentsContainer) self.addCommentsContainer(); return self; }, style: { width: '280px', height: '280px', overflowY: 'auto', padding: '2px', textAlign: 'center', borderRadius: '6px', MozBorderRadius: '6px' }, handleStyle: { position: 'absolute', top: '0px', left: '0px', backgroundColor: '#f3f3f3', borderBottom: '1px solid #bbb', width: '100%', height: '30px', borderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0', MozBorderRadius: '6px 6px 0 0' }, containerStyle: { margin: '32px 0 0 0', textAlign: 'left', padding: '0 10px' }, getLoadImage: function() { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'images/load.gif'; img.setAttribute('alt', 'Loading'); with (img.style) { verticalAlign = 'middle'; margin = '0 2px'; } return img; } },{ addCommentsContainer: function() { var div = document.createElement('div'); with (div.style) { marginTop = '-3px'; } this.container.appendChild(div); this.commentsContainer = div; }, showComments: function(e, pos) { var comments = e.comments; if (!comments) comments = []; this.commentsContainer.innerHTML = ''; for (var i=0; i<comments.length; i++) { this.commentsContainer.appendChild(comments[i].asElement()); } if (e.starEntry && !e.can_comment) { this.hideCommentForm(); } else { this.addCommentForm(); } var win = Ten.Geometry.getWindowSize(); var scr = Ten.Geometry.getScroll(); var w = parseInt(this.constructor.style.width) + 20; if (pos.x + w > scr.x + win.w) pos.x = win.w + scr.x - w; this.show(pos); }, bindEntry: function(e) { this.entry = e; }, sendComment: function(e) { if (!e.isKey('enter')) return; var body = this.commentInput.value; if (!body) return; this.commentInput.disabled = 'true'; this.showLoadImage(); var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'comment.add.json?body=' + encodeURIComponent(body) + '&uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.uri) + '&title=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entry.title); new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveResult'); }, receiveResult: function(args) { if (!args.name || !args.body) return; this.commentInput.value = ''; this.commentInput.disabled = ''; this.hideLoadImage(); var com = new Hatena.Star.Comment(args); this.entry.addComment(com); this.commentsContainer.appendChild(com.asElement()); }, showLoadImage: function() { if (!this.loadImage) return; this.loadImage.style.display = 'inline'; }, hideLoadImage: function() { if (!this.loadImage) return; this.loadImage.style.display = 'none'; }, hideCommentForm: function() { if (!this.commentForm) return; this.commentForm.style.display = 'none'; }, addCommentForm: function() { if (this.commentForm) { this.commentForm.style.display = 'block'; return; } var form = document.createElement('div'); this.container.appendChild(form); this.commentForm = form; with (form.style) { margin = '0px 0'; padding = '5px 0'; // borderTop = '1px solid #ddd'; } //if (Hatena.Visitor) { // form.appendChild(Hatena.Visitor.profileIcon()); //} else { // form.appendChild(Hatena.User.getProfileIcon()); //} var input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; with (input.style) { width = '215px'; border = '1px solid #bbb'; padding = '3px'; } form.appendChild(input); this.commentInput = input; var img = this.constructor.getLoadImage(); this.loadImage = img; this.hideLoadImage(); form.appendChild(img); new Ten.Observer(input,'onkeypress',this,'sendComment'); } }); /* Hatena.Star.EntryLoader */ Hatena.Star.EntryLoader = new Ten.Class({ initialize: function() { var entries = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader.loadEntries(); this.entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { var e = new Hatena.Star.Entry(entries[i]); e.showButtons(); this.entries.push(e); } this.getStarEntries(); }, createStarContainer: function() { var sc = document.createElement('span'); sc.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-star-container'); sc.style.marginLeft = '1px'; return sc; }, createCommentContainer: function() { var cc = document.createElement('span'); cc.setAttribute('class', 'hatena-star-comment-container'); cc.style.marginLeft = '1px'; return cc; }, scrapeTitle: function(node) { var rval = []; (function (node) { if (node.tagName == 'SPAN' && (node.className == 'sanchor' || node.className == 'timestamp')) { return; } else if (node.nodeType == 3 && !/\S/.test(node.nodeValue)) { return; } var cn = node.childNodes; if (cn) { for (var i = 0; i < cn.length; i++) { arguments.callee.call(this, cn[i]); } } var nodeValue = node.nodeValue; if (typeof(nodeValue) == 'string') { rval.push(nodeValue); } })(node); return rval.join(''); }, headerTagAndClassName: ['h3',null], getHeaders: function() { var t = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader.headerTagAndClassName; return Ten.DOM.getElementsByTagAndClassName(t[0],t[1],document); }, loadEntries: function() { var entries = []; //var headers = document.getElementsByTagName('h3'); var c = Hatena.Star.EntryLoader; var headers = c.getHeaders(); for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { var header = headers[i]; var a = header.getElementsByTagName('a')[0]; if (!a) continue; var uri = a.href; var title = ''; // Ten.DOM.removeEmptyTextNodes(header); var cns = header.childNodes; title = c.scrapeTitle(header); var cc = c.createCommentContainer(); header.appendChild(cc); var sc = c.createStarContainer(); header.appendChild(sc); entries.push({ uri: uri, title: title, star_container: sc, comment_container: cc }); } return entries; } },{ getStarEntries: function() { var url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entries.json?'; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { if (url.length > Ten.JSONP.MaxBytes) { new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntries'); url = Hatena.Star.BaseURL + 'entries.json?'; } url += 'uri=' + encodeURIComponent(this.entries[i].uri) + '&'; } new Ten.JSONP(url, this, 'receiveStarEntries'); }, receiveStarEntries: function(res) { var entries = res.entries; if (!entries) entries = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.entries.length; i++) { var e = this.entries[i]; for (var j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) { var se = entries[j]; if (!se.uri) continue; if (encodeURIComponent(se.uri) == encodeURIComponent(e.uri)) { e.bindStarEntry(se); entries.splice(j,1); break; } } if (typeof(e.can_comment) == 'undefined') { e.setCanComment(res.can_comment); } e.showStars(); e.showCommentButton(); } } }); /* Hatena.Star.WindowObserver */ Hatena.Star.WindowObserver = new Ten.Class({ initialize: funct
<html> <head> <title>Test</title> <script> dayString = new Array('<font color="#ff0000">日</font>','月','火','水','木','金','<font color="#0000ff">土</font>'); function init() { h1s = document.getElementsByTagName("h1"); for(var i=0; i < h1s.length; i++) { var h1 = h1s[i]; if (h1.innerHTML.match(/([0-9]+)年([0-9]+)月([0-9]+)日/)) { var yy = RegExp.$1; var mm = RegExp.$2; var dd = RegExp.$3; var day = new Date(yy,mm-1,dd).getDay(); h1.innerHTML = yy+"年"+mm+"月"+dd+"日("+dayString[day]+")"; } } } </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> <h1>2007年05月10日</h1> <h1>2007年05月18日</h1> <h1>2007年05月19日</h1> <h1>2007年05月20日</h1> </body>
追記: バグっていたので直しました。ごめん。 > http://anond.hatelabo.jp/20070522034339