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This name refers to a folk story set in the time when smuggling was a significant industry in rural England, with Wiltshire lying on the smugglers' secret routes between the south coast and customers in the centre of the country.The story goes that some local people had hidden contraband barrels of French brandy from customs officers in a village pond. While trying to retrieve it at night, they were caught by the revenue men, but explained themselves by pointing to the moon's reflection and saying they were trying to rake in a round cheese. The revenue men, thinking they were simple yokels, laughed at them and went on their way. But, as the story goes, it was the moonrakers who had the last laugh. In the words of Wiltshire shepherd William Little who recounted the story to writer John Yonge Akerman: “ Zo the excizeman ’as ax’d ’n the questionad his grin at ’n,…but they’d a good laugh at ’ee when ’em got whoame the stuff.








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寄付隠蔽みんなで騙せば怖くない MITと他もいくつか

伊藤穣一 MITメディアラボ前所長

ニコラス・ネグロポンテ (Nicholas Negroponte) MITメディアラボ創設者名誉教授

ローレンス・レッシグ (Lawrence Lessig) ハーバード大学法学部教授

ピーター・コーヘン (Peter Cohen) MITメディアラボ前開発部長

ラファエルライフ(Rafael Reif)MIT理事長

セスロイド(Seth Lloyd) MIT機械工学教授

リチャード・ストールマン (Richard Stallman) MITコンピュータ科学人工知能研究所 (CSAIL) 客員研究員GNUプロジェクト創始者フリーソフトウェア財団 (FSF) 代表


Reid Hoffman apologizes for role in Epstein-linked donations to MIT


My few interactions with Jeffrey Epstein came at the request of Joi Ito, for the purposes of fundraising for the MIT Media Lab. Prior to these interactions, I was told by Joi that Epstein had cleared the MIT vetting process, which was the basis for my participation. My last interaction with Epstein was in 2015. Still, by agreeing to participate in any fundraising activity where Epstein was present, I helped to repair his reputation and perpetuate injustice. For this, I am deeply regretful.



MIT Media Lab founder defends embattled director's decision to accept money from Jeffrey Epstein (The Boston Globe)

In an e-mail to the Globe sent after the meeting, Negroponte said he told Ito that “he should” take Epstein’s contribution, and “I would say that again based on what we knew at the time. . . . “Epstein is an extreme case. But then do you take Koch money? Do you take Huawei money? And on and on?” Negroponte said.



On Joi and MIT

I had known of Joi’s contact with Epstein since about the beginning. He had reached out to me to discuss it. We are friends (Joi and I), and he knew I would be upset by his working with a pedophile.


Joi believed that he did not. He believed Epstein was terrified after the prosecution in 2011. He believed he had come to recognize that he would lose everything. He believed that whatever else he was, he was brilliant enough to understand the devastation to him of losing everything. He believed that he was a criminal who had stopped his crime. And nothing in his experience with Epstein contradicted this belief.

エプスタインはもう虐待者ではないと Joi は信じていた。エプスタイン2011年起訴された後、恐怖に襲われている、と伊藤穣一は信じていた。エプスタインはすべてを失うことになるのを認識するに至ったと伊藤穣一は信じていた。いずれにせよ、エプスタインはすべてを失うという絶望理解する十分な知性があると、伊藤穣一は信じていた。エプスタインはもう犯罪を犯さな犯罪者だと、伊藤穣一は信じていた。伊藤穣一はエプスタインに会って、その信念に矛盾することを何も感じなかった。

IF you are going to take type 3 money, then you should only take it anonymously. . . . Good for them, for here, too, transparency would be evil.


Sure, it wasn’t blood money, and sure, because anonymous, the gift wasn’t used to burnish Epstein’s reputation.


I know that Farrow’s article is crafted to draw the following sentence into doubt: Everything Joi did in accepting Epstein’s money he did with MIT’s approval. I trust the MIT review will confirm it (yes, I remain exactly that naive). So why is he resigning, rather than others in the administration?


And if Ito must go because Epstein’s wealth was accepted anonymously, who else should go because of blood money accepted openly? Will the planet have an equal advocate who demands justice for the Koch money? Or the victims of opioid abuse for the Sackler money?


So put the parts together: The MediaLab accepted an anonymous contribution from Epstein through the help and direction of Joi. The Lab did not (as “Professor Anonymous” wrote to me, his outrage apparently blinding him to irony) “help reputation-launder a convicted sex offender.” It would have, had it not be anonymous; but that’s the point about it being anonymous.

要点をまとめると、メディアラボJoi の補助と指示によりエプスタインから匿名寄付を受け取った。メディアラボ有罪性犯罪者汚名を雪ぐことは何もしていない。匿名でなければ、汚名を雪ぐことがあったかもしれないが。それが匿名であることのポイントである


Peter Cohen, a former director of development and strategy, said in a statement that when he joined the Media Lab in 2014, it already had established procedures for handling Epstein’s contributions. Cohen said he understood that those policies were “authorized by and implemented with the full knowledge of MIT central administration.”



少女虐待容疑の米富豪のMIT寄付、理事長が容認 大学ぐるみで匿名化 (AFPBB)

MITセスロイド(Seth Lloyd)教授がエプスタイン被告から寄付を受けたことに対する感謝状に、ライフ氏の署名があることを、同大とエプスタイン被告との関係調査している法律事務所から知らされたという。

Letter regarding preliminary fact-finding about MIT and Jeffrey Epstein不正資金に対する調査途中経過報告)

Second, it is now clear that senior members of the administration were aware of gifts the Media Lab received between 2013 and 2017 from Jeffrey Epstein’s foundations. Goodwin Procter has found that in 2013, when members of my senior team learned that the Media Lab had received the first of the Epstein gifts, they reached out to speak with Joi Ito. He asked for permission to retain this initial gift, and members of my senior team allowed it. They knew in general terms about Epstein’s history – that he had been convicted and had served a sentence and that Joi believed that he had stopped his criminal behavior. They accepted Joi’s assessment of the situation. Of course they did not know what we all know about Epstein now.


Joi sought the gifts for general research purposes, such as supporting lab scientists and buying equipment. Because the members of my team involved believed it was important that Epstein not use gifts to MIT for publicity or to enhance his own reputation, they asked Joi to agree to make clear to Epstein that he could not put his name on them publicly. These guidelines were provided to and apparently followed by the Media Lab.


Information shared with us last night also indicates that Epstein gifts were discussed at at least one of MIT’s regular senior team meetings, and I was present.


I am aware that we could and should have asked more questions about Jeffrey Epstein and about his interactions with Joi. We did not see through the limited facts we had, and we did not take time to understand the gravity of Epstein’s offenses or the harm to his young victims. I take responsibility for those errors.



Famed Computer Scientist Richard Stallman Described Epstein Victims As 'Entirely Willing' (The Vice)

Early in the thread, Stallman insists that the “most plausible scenario” is that Epstein’s underage victims were “entirely willing” while being trafficked.


メーリングリスト投稿されたストールマンメールを含む一連のスレッドは、記事最後PDF ファイルで閲覧できる。

制限文字数を超えたため、続きは寄付隠蔽みんなで騙せば怖くない MITと他もいくつか 続きに書きました。


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何が The time has comeだ。時なんか来てないじゃないか







Marriage as a long conversation. - When marrying you should ask yourself this question: do you believe you are going to enjoy talking with this woman into your old age? Everything else in a marriage is transitory, but most of the time that you're together will be devoted to conversation.

(Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits)















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日本の幸福度、過去最低の58位 「寛容さ」足引っ張る





  1. まず「あなたはどのくらい幸福ですか」を1-10で点数をつける
  2. 次に以前の研究から幸福度関係のある指標がどれくらい効くか重みを計算する(方法は重回帰分析、項目の選択公表なし)

で、出できたのが このページのグラフなわけだ


このページにある「Chapter 2: Online Data」のエクセルデータ参照してね)












記事 (The Colonization of Hokkaido: How a "Foreign" Frontier Became Japan):




Meiji Restoration and Later」セクション

「(明治政府時代)当初は拓殖 (colonization) と呼ばれていたが、のちに開拓 (opening up or reclamation of Ainu lands) と言い直されるようになった(While at the time, the process was openly referred to as colonization ("takushoku" 拓殖), the notion was later reframed by Japanese elites to the currently common usage "kaitaku" (開拓), which instead conveys a sense of opening up or reclamation of the Ainu lands)」


「Modern "Colonial Era" colonialism」セクション

19世紀初頭に大日本帝国北海道への植民地化を行った(Beginning in the late 19th century, Imperial Japan also engaged in settler colonization, most notably in Hokkaido and Korea)」と言及あり



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| 【全訳】米国史上最年少の女性下院議員キング牧師ばりの演説

| https://courrier.jp/news/archives/150572/


| Watch Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s Inspiring Women’s March Speech | NowThis

| https://youtu.be/TNJZhuZCYow


Hello! Thank you. New York City!

Thank you all.

Are you all ready to make a ruckus?

Are you all ready to fight for our rights?

Are you all ready to say that in the United States of America everyone is loved, everyone deserves justice, and everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity in our country.

It is such an honor to be here, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’re gathering here today, the weekend before Martin Luther King Day.

Because I believe this moment and where we are right now is a resurgence from where the civil rights movement left off.

And we are here to carry the torch forward.

Because when we talked about racial and economic justice, racial and social justice, we started to really extend those issues to the issues of economic justice, environmental justice, and the intersectionality and interconnectedness of all our fights.

Justice is not a concept we read about in a book.

Justice is about the water we drink, justice is about the air we breathe.

Justice is about how easy it is to vote.

Justice is about how much ladies get paid.

Justice is about if we can stay with our children after we have them for a just amount of time – mothers, fathers, and all parents.

Justice is about making sure that being polite is not the same thing as being quiet.

In fact, oftentimes the most righteous thing you can do is shake the table.

Last year we took the power to the polls.

And this year, we’re taking power to the policy, because we have taken back the House of Representatives.

And that’s just step one.

This year we’re gonna organize.

This year we’re gonna fight for voting rights.

This year we’re gonna keep pushing, because 2020, we took – in 2018 we took the House of Representatives, and through 2020, we’re gonna take the White House and Senate, too.

That’s what we’re gonna do because we need to advance and fight for an America where all people are welcome and no people are left behind.

And I know that while this year has been historic, there’s a lot more congresswomen left here in this audience right now.

There’s a lot more city councilwomen.

There’s a lot more workers that will be building businesses.

There’s a lot more – and I know that there’s a future president out here, too.

Let us remember that a fight means no person left behind.

So when people want to stop talking about the issues

that Black women face,

when people want to stop talking about the issues

that trans women or immigrant women face,

we gotta ask them, why does that make you so uncomfortable?

Because now, this is the time that we’re gonna address poverty.

This is the time we’re gonna address Flint.

This is the time we’re gonna talk about Baltimore & the Bronx, and wildfires, and Puerto Rico.

Because this is not just about identity, this is about justice.

And this is about the America that we are going to bring into this world.

Thank you all very, very much.


Bohemian Rhapsody

Is this the real life?


Is this just fantasy?


Caught in a landslide


No escape from reality


Open your eyes

さあ 目を開いて

Look up to the skies and see


I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

僕は惨めな男 同情はいらぬ

Because I'm easy come, easy go


A little high, little low


Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me

どこ吹く風さ 僕のことはどうかお構い無く

Mama, just killed a man

母さん 人を殺しちまった

Put a gun against his head


Pulled my trigger, now he's dead

引き金を握ったら 死んじまった

Mama, life had just begun

母さん 人生は始まったばかり

But now I've gone and thrown it all away

なのに もう台無しだよ

Mama, ooo

ああ 母さん

Didn't mean to make you cry


If I'm not back again this time tomorrow


Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters


Too late, my time has come

もう手遅れさ 俺の番だ

Sends shivers down my spine


Body's aching all the time


Goodbye, everybody I've got to go

さらばみんな もう行かねば

Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth

お別れさ あの世に旅立つ時だ

Mama, ooo (anyway the wind blows)

ああ母さん (どこ吹く風さ)

I don't wanna die


I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all


I see a little silhouetto of a man


Scaramouche, Scaramouche will you do the fandango

よう旦那 冥土お祭りかい

Thunderbolt and lightning very very frightening me

閃く雷電 眩い雷光

Galileo, Galileo,

神様? 神様

Galileo, Galileo,

神様? 神様

Galileo Figaro - Magnifico

神様? ああ あなたは 閻魔様!

But I'm just a poor boy and nobody loves me

俺は惨めな男 嫌われ者

He's just a poor boy from a poor family

奴も同じだ 貧しい身の上

Spare him his life from this monstrosity


Easy come easy go will you let me go

楽勝 じゃあ俺も 出してくれよ

Bismillah! No, we will not let you go - let him go

ならぬ! 貴様は行かせるものか 奴を連れ出せ!

Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go!

ならぬ! 貴様は行かせるものか 奴を連れ出せ!

Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go!

ならぬ! 貴様は行かせるものか 出してくれよ!

Will not let you go let me go (never)

貴様は行かせないぞ 出してくれよ! (だめだ)

Never let you go - let me go

行かせぬぞ 出してくれよ!

Never let me go ooo


No, no, no, no, no, no, no

ダメだ そんな 殺生な

Oh, mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go

なあ お願いだよ 出してくれ

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me


For me


For me


So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye


So you think you can love me and leave me to die


Oh baby, can't do this to me baby

なああんた できっこないだろ

Just gotta get out just gotta get right outta here

ならほっといてくれ ここから出て行ってくれよ

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah

Nothing really matters


Anyone can see


Nothing really matters Nothing really matters to me

どうでもいいんだ 僕のことはどうかお構いなく

Anyway the wind blows




anond:20181218014107 anond:20181218013804 anond:20181218012653 anond:20181218014500



They may not have the financial incentive to want to be an egg donor.

They may not have the time to devote to being an egg donor.

Their family may not support them in being an egg donor.

Being an egg donor may not be seen as socially acceptable among their peers.




When we were in junior high school, my friend Rich and I made a map of the school lunch tables according to popularity. This was easy to do, because kids only ate lunch with others of about the same popularity. We graded them from A to E. A tables were full of football players and cheerleaders and so on. E tables contained the kids with mild cases of Down's Syndrome, what in the language of the time we called "retards."

We sat at a D table, as low as you could get without looking physically different.










例えばドラえもんタイムマシンって設定ガバガバだけど、当時の日本SF論壇が大事にしていた「The Time Machine(1895年発行)」のタイムマシン設定もガバガバだったんだよ

ドラえもんタイムマシンソフトSF判定で、古典SFThe Time Machineハード(本格)SF判定なのはどういう基準

ガバガバ設定がソフトハードの違いになるならThe Time MachineソフトSFだろ!お前らのやってることは単なる権威主義だ!みたいなね



拡がるウンチの穴Can you feel?


Tell me the truth 信じてた理性が 崩れ去ろうとしてる

拡張をくり返し 僕らは何処でイくのだろう

今一人一人の尻の膣内目をさませThe time to go



弄り続けてもThe end justi*'s the mean


Your Smile

When I met you there was spring light

And breeze in the street

My childish heart cheered

In the distant summer night of that day

I neglected loneliness

As I passed through the autumn day

A warm winter street

Reassured me of your warmth

At all times you have

A sincere look in your eyes

Even if you fall you will stand up again

I drew some strength

From your profile

That only gazes ahead .

Your smile

And your voice

Created my future

The time

That began to move

Carved out slowly changing days.

I should be able to overcome

Difficulty at any time

Because I have a dream

Now I have found

Something precious

Something that I want to protect.

I don't know the reason

for your tears that day

Beyond the upset I saw

A path leading to a dream.

I'm not afraid of mistakes

If I take a step forwards

Then I can have more faith in myself.

People look towards

The other side of sadness

This is what the sight of your back has told me

At my side

By your side

I could cry with longing to live in the moment

A dream

Without end

Must lead to somebody's future.

Don't give up


I heard your voice

I found

Something precious

Something that I want to protect

I am not alone

I am always by your side

Because I want to see your smile

From the line of "Asagao to Kase-san"










この「24K Magic」というアルバムが、いや、まあ、凄すぎるからである







Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough」で最初に魅せた、比類なきリズム感。

Thriller」や「Beat It」、「Bad」での、高い演出構成力に耐えうるリズムビジュアルダンススキル

ダンスミュージック歌わせて踊らせたらもう女子はみんなメロメロだし(例えば「The Way You Make Me Feel」)、

正統派なポップで完全に世界を掌握するし(例えば「Black or White」。個人的には「Remember The Time」が好き)。

You Rock My World」なんて、亡くなる数年前の曲だけど、









「24K Magic」で一番凄いのは、それまでの彼の曲に比べて大きな振れ幅を持っている点である

正直「Just The Way You Are」や「Marry You」のイメージからは、アルバムを通して全然異なっているのである



















次行けたとしても、「24K Magic」の曲はそんなにやってくれないだろうし・・・


あーーー。生で「That's What I Like」と「Finesse」聴きたかったよ。なんだよ、もう。



You don't alone. I don't want to anybody to die.

To my mother and my father.

Dad. Mom.

Thank you for raising me.

This might be my last letter.

If you're ever reincarnated…

and marry each other again,

I would want to be your son again.


I wasn't supposed to end like this.

I was supposed to find happiness, and show you I was happy.

That was the plan. So…

So, I'm praying…

that you would have me as your son again.


How with that sound?

I think it's good as is.

Sir, Is there anyone else you would want to send a letter to?

Maria. To Maria.

Ones to Ms.Maria?

Yes, she's a girl I grew up with. We've known each other since we were kids. She was like a sister to me. She told me she liked me. I think I liked her, too.

But I shipped out before we started acting like a true couple. We didn't even kiss.

Maria, How are you doing?

Do you remember the time you confessed your feelings for me?

I was really, really, really happy.

Maria. Maria, I want to go home to be by your side.

I don't want to die.

I want to go home, to be beside you.

Wait for me, please.

I can't open my eyes anymore,

Are you getting everything down?

Yes, I am.

Violet. Send off the letters for me.

Thank you for helping me.

I don't feel alone.

I am right here. I am right by your side.

I need touch you me. I need your touch.

I am holding your hand now, sir.

Oh I'm getting cold

Dad Mom Maria

"Kiss me"

"Thank you"

"Everything will be okay, sir. I promise your letters will be delivered.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to protect him.

I'm sorry that let him die.

I don't want to anybody to die.

from the line of "Violet Evergarden"

from a battlefield with love.



For the time being, the theme of gender discrimination has been actively discussing at MASUDA.

"For the time being" は「今の所」(*until some other arrangement is made*) の意味があるので Recently とかが穏当. あと has actively been *discussed* ですね.

It will be evidence that people's attention is gathered to various problems and inconsistencies arising from gender difference between men and women.

Spotlight is starting to be applied to the darkness that has been overlooked so far.

It will be *the* evidence. ですが別に今後証拠になるだろうという文面ではないので It is the evidence とか It signifies とかでいいのではないでしょうか. Spotlight は apply より focus とか put をよく使うようです.

Before Human underlying desire ~ the transformation desire as LGBT deliver the death blow against Japan which is declined birthrate, Japanese must bring back from the dark side to the light side.

これは*the desire underlying humanity* とかのほうがスッキリしそう. which *has* declining birthrate とか, whose birth rate is declining, かな

Lord, and light, guide our Masuda who will get lost.

迷える子羊は stray の方をつかうのでそっちに合わせてもいいかも.




Hey Steve! How have you been? It's exactly the time to reconstruct Apple. I strongly plead you to go back to there and employ nvidia gpus on mac as the very first!




Although I am a college college student but recently I went to the test site of the Futamata River by the license renewal I was suddenly inverse of an Afro hair woman like Esperanza Spalding but my hair style was so beautiful but my face was so beautiful that I exchanged the tension and exchanged the line that day Although I broke up but the message arrived and it was invitation of the gong consomme so it got even more tension Soon after talking to the department's friends I gathered members and gathered at the private room pub in Ikebukuro yesterday Esperanza Spalding Because I got urgent, I joined up late, so I started drinking with men and women 3, for the time being, for the time being I started to drink 4 girls 3 and the situation of the three girls was obviously crazy and everyone's cute but the face is cute, but the behavior has been consistently suspicious and constantly dull Absolutely by moderation We are not trying to fit together what the matter These children are becoming uneasy but I come with pins at once so that they are all virgins and not quite accustomed to men so I think they are getting nervous so tense If that happens, the men are reincarnated again in the meaning that it is exciting but even if we struggle hard we can not relax their tensions, oh well, if you are confused with what you've done already Unexpected development One of three visited us to take out the booklet from the bag as a matter of fact and began to distribute it to our male team and it seems that if we look closely it is a group name that we have never heard of as an admission guide for emerging religion but we are staggering as to what I got to say that they started to recruit us seriously and spirited about the wonder of the cult and the greatness of the guru and the depth of history and the appreciation of the interests But all three of the girls changed their hands a little while ago and now we are relaxing and we have to stay silent for the time being silent as soon as we go into time like hell and fall apart suddenly the branch of the private room suddenly As the girls screamed at once with all the girls shouting "Guru-sama!" As they all looked at, look at them and wear a rag in the whole body and gods of Afrohair with a golden stick stand standing and see well with Esperanza Spalding While placing a nice smile on the placard, "There is a great success! Although it was all written as it was written as it was all It was a genuine thing seemed to be the entrance guidance of the cult but if it asked what you want to do is to cooperate with friends of the design major, The greetings and the history of the cult and so forth are written carefully and photographs and illustrations are abundantly used and the layout is also getting stuck. I thought that this wasteful energy pouring condition is usually thoughtful but usually they are beauty and theater theater circle Doing it and it seems to be an actor fellow there, just a while ago I came up with this fake religion Dokkari and looked for a target It seemed me that I was captured in the truth so it seems that three of my friends took care of the collaboration but since I was made a solicitude Girls who were suspiciously behaviorally suspicious because they got tension relaxed at once Espana spallding was also funky at the highest Espana Spalling was also funky so I was already enjoying it too much I drunk quite drinking I felt memory flew from the way I seemed to have collapsed apparently but when I woke up 4 men were at an internet cafe and everyone remembered too much I am not sure, girls are not found anywhere Even if I line it to Esperanza Spalding I will not be read Alright, while thinking that gossip with beauty students is dangerous, I wrote this in a private room of a net cafe now.


私は大学生ですが、最近は二代目川の試験場に免許更新で行きました。私は突然エスペランサ・スパルディングのようなアフロ髪の女性とは逆でしたが、私の髪型はとても美しいですが、私の顔はとてもきれいでしたその日に緊張を交わしてその日のラインを交換しましたが、メッセージが届きましたが、それはゴングコンソムの招待で、もっと緊張しました。すぐに部署の友人と話した後、私はメンバーを集め、池袋プライベートルームパブに集まりました昨日エスペランサ・スパルディング緊急事態になったので、私は遅く入社したので、当分の間、私は男女3人で飲み始めました。私は4人の女の子3を飲み始めました.3人の女の子の状況は明らかに狂っていました。誰もがかわいいが、顔はかわいいですが、その行動は一貫して疑わしく、常に鈍いです。絶対に適度には私たちは一緒に取り組もうとしていません。不安ですが、私は一度にピンを持ってくるので、彼らはすべて処女であり、男性にはあまり慣れていないので、彼らは緊張していると思います。そのようなことが起きれば、男性は再び興奮するという意味で生まれ変わりますあなたがすでに行ったことと混同している場合は、緊張を緩和することはできません。予期せぬ開発3人のうち1人が、実際にバッグから小冊子を取り出して、男性に配布し始めました私たちが密接に見ると、それは新興宗教入学ガイドとしては聞いたことのないグループ名ですが、私たち真剣私たち募集し始めると言うことを驚かせていますカルトの偉大さと歴史の深さと利益尊重しかし、少女の3人はすべて少し前に手を変え、今はリラックスしているので、私たちは静かなまま静かにしなければならないすぐw地獄のように時間が掛かり、突然個室の枝が崩壊する突然、女の子たちが一瞬に叫んで「女達さま」と叫んだ。彼らが見ているように、それらを見て、全身にぼかしをかけ、アフロヘアの神々を金色の杖で立って立て、Esperanza Spaldingとよく会ってください。プラカードに素敵な笑顔を浮かべている間、「大成功です!それはすべて書かれたようにすべて書かれていました。それはカルトの入口指針と思われる本物のものでしたが、あなたがしたいことを尋ねるなら、デザイン専攻の友人と協力することです、挨拶歴史写真イラスト豊富に使われてレイアウトも詰まっているこの無駄エネルギー注ぎ込みは普通思慮深いと思っていましたが、通常は美しさと演劇劇場サークルですそこの俳優になってください、ちょっと前に、私はこの偽の宗教のDokkariを思いついて目標を探しました。私は真実に捕らえられたようでしたので、3人の友人が協力してくれたようです私は恋人となったので、疑わしい行動が疑わしい女の子たちは緊張感を緩和していたので、Españaも最高のファンキーであった。Spallingもファンキーだったので、私はすでにそれを楽しんでいた。私は明らかに崩壊したようでしたが、私が目を覚ましたときインターネットカフェに4人の男性がいて、みんながあまりにも多くを思い出していました。私はよく分からない、女の子はどこにも見られません。私はEsperanza Spaldingに行けても、美容師とのゴシップ危険だと思って、ネットカフェプライベートルームにこれを書きました。





あとBEYOND THE TIMEシャアアムロを想う気持ちの歌とかそんな感じのこと昔から色々言ってるけど


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