「still」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: stillとは



Good Thursday, How are you today? Thanks a lot of kind words to me in your letter,

telling me about your blog-I can't open-here very old computers!

I never travel to another countries,but dream.

I like comedy & romantic movies. what about you? I don't have boyfriend,here mostly all men at war.

I had a boyfriend,but he died at war 1,5 years ago.I will be happy to have family with kids & marry with man older than me.

Today no lessons in college,I write you letters from library,because no private computer at home.

I had before a small smartphone,but change it for food 5 month ago. Now we use old nokia together with mom,Ha-ha!

Soon I will finish institute. But here very hard to find any job,all from war here.I know about sushi from TV programs,

but never eat sushi,because sushi restaurants very expensive here.

I don't have boyfriend now,here all men at war.

I have good news: yesterday evening was stopped fire between Ukraine & Russia.

We have big hope that this time it will be true words from Presidents & peace will come,

Because this "stop war" was many times,but it was only words...

I want to tell you that from yesterday really was no hear shots, bombings.

But situation with electric, water & mostly with food still very, very hard. It is very difficult to sell something or to exchange for food, many have no money, and rich people left from Ukraine.

It's a pity that without meat, meat here terrible expensive long ago. When was no war we could buy meat, not often, but we could.But we are happy that we have some vegetables.

Usually here very cold winter, normally-25, - 30, much snow,now autumn +10.

I like to cook very much! Today, I will tell you how to cook borsch:take piece of beef to weld in water, then to cook there potatoes, carrots, cabbage,

it is a little haricot, then we add a little tomato paste, salt, parsley.

Give a borsch very hot with sour cream and garlic. Its very good for health hot dish & you not catch a cold.

Of course garlic isn't good for kisses, but when we will meet I cook borsch for us & we will eat garlic together & then could easy kiss...

May be on today will come my friend Maria.I send you summer photo with my friend Maria.

She lost family at war & have no possible to live in this hard war period,

I was invite her for dinner. I wish you happy, warm day.



Who's still watch on 2018 ?


The meaning of life

The meaning of life.

It is nothing. Really nothing.

The meaning of life is thought by a lot of people.

Someone said, it is for pleasure. Another one said, Man is being questioned from life.

Okay, I’m not living for pleasure and I don’t like wordplay.

Just moment, think about the meaning of your life.

Each person might find each answer.

But what do you do when it is done? What do you do if the man die? Will you die?

The meaning of life is like a bubble. It will break.

Now is still more! Humanbeing increased too much.

Whatever you do will result in no memory of anyone.

So no one could live meaningful life.

The meaning of life.

It is nothing. Really nothing.


Hey Masuda!

Why do you always have no bookmark/trackback for your dailies?

You still don't feel loneliness? Good! 😘 Good for you, Masuda! 😘



おや、BGMに『Still love her(失われた風景)』が流れてきたようだぞ?


Listening "Button".

Listening this song many times.

Fate may yank us far apart,

But the start was the same for all of us.

Even if it all disappears

That one thing will still remain.

We are going together.



I'm still doing part-time work.

But that's reality.

But, Even so,

I'm not selfless enough to give my on and only life to that shitty company.

Hindsight is 20/20 and all that, but there are people I've met because I quit.

I'm in a world I would never have experienced if I'd stayed.

I'm glad I quit that shitty company.

From the line of "ReLIFE".


Was what I told her really the right thing to say?

In reality, I couldn't grow up, and became a NEET.

And those awful bullies probably still have their jobs.

I know the real truth is uglier.

Maybe it wasn't the ugly truth.

But it wasn't a lie.

It's what you really meant, so isn't that enough?

She'll remember someone yelling at her, if not who.

I think what happened today will stay with her.

From the line of "ReLIFE".


Even if it all disappears, that one thing will still remain.

Even if it all disappears

That one thing will still remain.

We are going together.


We'll remember - Our secret code, The red sky you can only see after class,

"Good-bye" ain't our style

Fate may yank us far apart,

But the start was the same for all us

Even if it all disappears

That one thing will still remain.

Frome the song of "ReLIFE"





CRPS and POTS continue to be presented as case reports in association with HPV vaccination, particularly from Denmark and Japan. These were initially assessed by GACVS in 2015.24 These conditions include a spectrum of diverse symptoms, making assessment using administrative health collections challenging. In June 2017, new data from Japan that assessed cases with diverse symptoms, including pain and motor dysfunction, were presented to the Committee. The cases were identified from a nationwide epidemiological survey involving multiple hospital medical departments of various disciplines including pain, neurology, rheumatology, paediatrics and psychiatry/psychosomatic medicine. These complex syndromes manifested in both sexes, although were more common in girls, and occurred in both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. The Committee concluded that since their last review, there is still no evidence to suggest a causal association between HPV vaccine and CRPS, POTS or the diverse symptoms that include pain and motor dysfunction.






OPはI can't stop my love for youだった頃まで、

EDは 青い青いこの地球



夏の幻とstill for your loveめっちゃ好き


Journey to see the sky.

If I had to put It into words, this time, it’s to see the sky, I suppose.

A place more distant than the universe.

It’s not a prison, a place trapped in ice.

It’s a place, still unopened, yet filled with possibilities, Earth’s greatest treasure chest.

From the line of “A Place Further Than The Universe


It's a bit like the crossroads of the sea, isn't it?

Is it?

Then people leave here to go all over the world, huh?


It's kind of amazing, isn't it?

What is?

In two days, we're leaving here. But this view will remain the same, right?

Of course, will.

We'll go to Antarctica, and come back to home, but boats will still come here every day, and the city will be full of people, going to school, working their jobs, hanging out with their friends, They'll all keep living their lives..

It' the same in our home country.

School's still being held, They're probably having dinner right about now.

In places we've never seen, locations we've never been, so many people are living so many kinds of lives, every day, without stopping. That's amazing!

Even though it's common sense, but we know you're getting at.

From the line of "A Place Further Than The Universe"


I love anal masturbation, intense pleasure and rest

I like anal masturbation, before standing glands reclamation.

I first purchased the prosthetic stimulation device and the milk tweezers electric props.

Gold is still off, I have no head anal masturbation.

Prepare and eat all the wild herbs a few days ago. Ginseng, big root oyster sauce, sirloin boiled. Large amounts of food, lactic acid bacteria captured. The stool is discharged well.

Anorectal beautiful.

The House of Secrets is secretly observing female sexual motion pictures. Instant limitation, I am female.

The female penis is inserted into the scene and my anal imagination is the female device.

Lubricant coated milk and anus.

The breasts caress about the use of electric appliances and anal peristalsis.

Before standing, the glandular stimulator was inserted and I reached the dry ceiling.

Extremely dry, I do not know the end.

Breast milk caressing stimulates the anal sensation of sensation, and the sensitivity of the former gland is upward.

Frontal glands and spermatozoa have the strongest pleasure organs.

I have not been too eager for heart (heart is too no penis to stimulate ejaculation).

I'm worried about the power of space and the stimuli.

I am unfamiliar and practice is necessary.

I am a male enthusiast, that is, anal masturbation enthusiast.

This article penis insertion desire, courage no.

The penis is ideal for all queens.

I haven't even had an anal masturbation, tired limit, and so on.

You are all well-connected!

Thank you.



No sé cómo ser como ellos. Me odio. No puedo ser como ellos. There's no haven for me, but either way, I can't leave myself behind. I ran far away and I'm still staying the same. The people who have pointed at me will surely do the same, when they find me hiding in the shadows. Then, after they tear me into pieces, a million pieces of me will be there murmuring one really cheesy line, "Me odio, me odio."


I'm still sleepy. Let me sleep.

I want to sleep more.


Live and live, live and live.

and we shall meet again.

He's alive within my heart.

So I won't ever forget him.

Even if always hurts to remember, I'll live the rest of my life thinking about him.

I meen, even now, I still love him.


Live his share of life too.

from the line of "Violet Evergarden"




空耳 正しい歌詞曲名作品名OPED
れーてーるー 不明不明不明不明
あんま有名じゃないけど魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS自動ヴィヴィオが好きだった 不明不明不明不明
ルパンがさ~ ルパンがさ~ 不明 - ルパン三世 アイキャッチ
ルパンださー 不明 - ルパン三世 アイキャッチ
ルパンルパーン 不明 - ルパン三世 アイキャッチ
ルパンルパーン~ 不明 - ルパン三世 アイキャッチ
大豆きな粉と塩 大好きな事しよう Realize!プリパラOP
おっちゃん共もご一緒に お茶の間もご一緒に ミルキィ A GO GO探偵歌劇ミルキィホームズTDOP
You are ShockYouShock愛をとりもどせ!!北斗の拳OP
You were ShockedYouShock愛をとりもどせ!!北斗の拳OP
You Are ShockYouShock愛をとりもどせ!!北斗の拳OP
ゆわっしゃー(北斗の拳) YouShock愛をとりもどせ!!北斗の拳OP
地球を 止めて 一秒 あなた 呼吸を止めて一秒あなたタッチタッチOP
インドの山奥でんでんかたつむりんごはまっかっか インドの山奥で 修行して 行けレインボーマン愛の戦士レインボーマンOP
ここで~必殺のわ~んこ 此処へいざ集わんと 騎士行進曲シドニアの騎士 第九惑星戦役 OP
ちょっとあれみな~エースが通る~ ちょっとあれ見な エースが通る 燃えてヒーローキャプテン翼OP
ちょっと荒れ身な~エースが通る ちょっとあれ見な エースが通る 燃えてヒーローキャプテン翼OP
ちょっと荒れ味な エースが通る ちょっとあれ見な エースが通る 燃えてヒーローキャプテン翼OP
ちょっとあれみなエースちょっとあれ見な エースが通る 燃えてヒーローキャプテン翼OP
あんこ入り☆パスタライス I'm Calling the STAR RISESTAR RISEバンブーブレードED
あんこ入りパスタライス I'm Calling the STAR RISESTAR RISEバンブーブレードED
あんこ入りパスタライス I'm Calling the STAR RISESTAR RISEバンブーブレードED
津軽レインボー 繋ぐレインボーアイドルマスターキャラソン
I buy sausage 曖昧3センチ もってけ!セーラーふく らきすたOP
鼻垂れた 放たれた マクロス超時空要塞マクロスOP
セロリ美味いし! sailing my sea! 快晴・上昇・ハレルー遊戯王GXOP
ハーモニカ撫でておくれ ハーモニー奏でておくれ Still love her(失われた風景) シティーハンターED
きしめん 想いは優しいKISSで/素直な気持ち抱きしめ true my heartNursery Rhyme -ナーサリィ☆ライム- OPPCゲーム
きしめん 想いは優しいKISSで/素直な気持ち抱きしめ true my heartNursery Rhyme -ナーサリィ☆ライム- OPPCゲーム
きしめん 想いは優しいKISSで/素直な気持ち抱きしめ true my heartNursery Rhyme -ナーサリィ☆ライム- OPPCゲーム
きしめん 想いは優しいKISSで/素直な気持ち抱きしめ true my heartNursery Rhyme -ナーサリィ☆ライム- OPPCゲーム
きしめん 想いは優しいKISSで/素直な気持ち抱きしめ true my heartNursery Rhyme -ナーサリィ☆ライム- OPPCゲーム
きしめん(エロゲソン) 想いは優しいKISSで/素直な気持ち抱きしめ true my heartNursery Rhyme -ナーサリィ☆ライム- OPPCゲーム
素直な気持ちできしめ~~ん 素直な気持ち抱きしめ true my heartNursery Rhyme -ナーサリィ☆ライム- OPPCゲーム
すいません、そこにみぎにいえがー Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jager! 紅蓮の弓矢進撃の巨人OP
楽しいことならいっぱい 夢見ることなら “飴いっぱい” 楽しいことなら いっぱい夢見ることなめいっぱいちびまる子ちゃんOP
チーズケーキ森の中 静けき森の中 ホシトハナ 結城友奈は勇者であるOP
でっかいキュウリの~スペシャル心不全 一回きりのスペシャル人生 マジLOVE1000% うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE1000%ED
届けたい 成敗のSWORDを 届けたい 精一杯のsoul Utauyo!! MIRACLEけいおん!!OP
レストラン船長はウニ出すよ BEST な成長は生み出すよ WILD DRIVE遊☆戯☆王デュエルモンスターズOP
わぁwwwニートみたいwwwWhy? キミに問いたい ギミー! レボリューション俺、ツインテールになります。OP
そうさ 1・2・3で踊り出せ そうさ 1・2・3で on dreaming that's said 動く、動く 少女終末旅行OP
眠るさな おっぱい~( ゚∀゚)o彡゜ 眠るさな想い crossing fieldソードアート・オンラインOP
アーニーソーン アンインストールアンインストールぼくらのOP
杏仁豆腐杏仁豆腐(昭和脳(´・_・`) アンインストールアンインストールぼくらのOP
ヤンマーヤンマーヤンマー二イェーイエッ 梶浦語 nowhereMADLAX挿入曲
ずっと蕎麦煮てほしい 不明不明不明不明
地球の裏側でもいいか蕎麦煮てほしかった 地球の裏側でもいいかそばにいてほしかった ユノハノモリ アクエリオンEVOLED
イェーイ味方アホだけ キレイに片方だけ 解読不能コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュOP
強姦だ 布団の中で 等間隔 音の中で 解読不能コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュOP
強姦だ!布団の中で! 等間隔 音の中で 解読不能コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュOP
5+5?簡単だ! 試行錯誤 時間・間隔 解読不能コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュOP
老人会メイドカフェ土偶とかを作っていく 等身大 音を立てて 僕の顔 造っていく 解読不能コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュOP
天変地異みたいな競争に揉まれ天変地異みたいな狂騒にも慣れて シュガーソングとビターステップ血界戦線ED
明日を呪って線路へ飛び出した 明日を登ってせーので飛び出した せーのっ! ゆゆ式OP
線路に飛び出した せーので飛び出した せーのっ! ゆゆ式OP
街をつつむ \ワカメウドーン/ Midnight fog \明太子~/ 孤独な Silhouette 動き出せば それはまぎれもなくヤツさー コブラスペースコブラOP
コ~ブラ~ふふふふふーん コブラ Leaving me blue コブラ Missing you trueコブラスペースコブラOP
コ~ブラ~ フンフンフーコブラ Leaving me blue コブラ Missing you trueコブラスペースコブラOP
ドリーム 真っ白なー YOU MAY DREAM天使のゆびきり 彼氏彼女の事情OP
たっぽいたっぽい TOUGH BOYTOUGH BOY世紀末救世主伝説 北斗の拳2 OP
ちんちんもみもーみ 間奏 あなただけ見つめてる スラムダンクED
ちんちん もみもみ 間奏 あなただけ見つめてる スラムダンクED
あんなこといいな 出来たらいいな こんなこといいな できたらいいな ドラえもんのうた ドラえもんOP
ここは裏切りティラノ ここは裏切り楽園ティル・ナ・ノーグ) Paradise Lost喰霊-零-OP
ここは裏切りの地なの ここは裏切り楽園ティル・ナ・ノーグ) Paradise Lost喰霊-零-OP
最後ガラスをぶち破れ 覚醒ヒロイズム~THE HERO WITHOUT A NAMEDarker than BLACK -黒の契約者-OP
ハッテンマイケル Hard day's night game motto☆派手にね!かんなぎOP
格差無いで~ さないで Vitalization 戦姫絶唱 シンフォギアGOP
かもかもかも!陛下もバトル! Come on, come on, come on, hey! Come on, battle! Beetle Power 人造昆虫カブトボーグV×V OP
リスペクトホームセンターRespect for the dead manRespect for the dead manノブナガンOP
魔法のしいたけ 幻だけ Re-sublimity神無月の巫女OP
オバマが到来してなかったらどうしようかと overwrite my whole lifeBurst The GravityアクセルワールドOP
オバマが到来 overwrite my whole lifeBurst The GravityアクセルワールドOP
オバマが到☆来 overwrite my whole lifeBurst The GravityアクセルワールドOP
空になったハートにお湯を注ぐ 空になったハート理由を注ぐ sailing day ワンピース劇場版デッドエンド冒険主題歌
あなた出会い 魚焼いて あなた出会い STAR輝いて ダイアモンドクレバスマクロスF ED
みかんマッサージ 握ったメッセージ that's rising hopeRising Hope魔法科高校の劣等生 OP
みかんマッサージ 脱☆雷神 んほぉ 握ったメッセージ that's rising hopeRising Hope魔法科高校の劣等生 OP
尾張鍾乳洞 O.I.E. what's goin' onLOST CHILD モーレツ宇宙海賊ED
タマノリシコみたい 玉乗り仕込みたいねCHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LAドラゴンボールZOP
たまのりしこみたいね 玉乗り仕込みたいねCHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LAドラゴンボールZOP
たまのりしこ~みたいね~♪ 玉乗り仕込みたいねCHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LAドラゴンボールZOP
玉乗り四股みたいね 玉乗り仕込みたいねCHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LAドラゴンボールZOP
玉乗り四股踏みたいね(ドラゴンボール) 玉乗り仕込みたいねCHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LAドラゴンボールZOP
火山を爆発させる、と聴いた氷の中に 火山を爆発させる 溶けた北極(こおり)の中に CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LAドラゴンボールZOP
南無サンダー(一休さん) 南無三だ とんちんかん一休さん一休さんOP
あークマのちから(デビルマン) 悪魔の力 デビルマンのうた デビルマンOP
デビルカッター岩倉デビルカッターは岩砕く デビルマンのうた デビルマンOP
イラッ☆(マクロスF) キラッ☆星間飛行マクロスF 劇中歌
ドバイが生んだレモン Nobody Knows もう誰も grilletto魔法科高校の劣等生 OP
真鯛蹴るだろ まだいけるだろ MONTAGE信長の忍びOP
おらの農土が拓かれた~♪ オーラロードがひらかれた ダンバインとぶ 聖戦士ダンバインOP
大根植える バイストン・ウェルみえるだろうバイストン・ウェル聖戦士ダンバインED


Here is the last day of whom forge the memory.

Here’s the smell of the blood still.”

All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.”

”Oh, oh,oh!

”What a sigh is there!”


From the line of "Macbeth"


TM NETWORKの曲で、カバーしてほしい曲

小室哲哉引退TMNの終了ライブ東京ドーム2日とも行ったアラフォーにとっては、やはりショックだった。安室ちゃん華原朋美globeもそれなりに聞いていたけど、TMの曲が一番好きです。今でも色褪せない曲がたくさんあると思う。私の好きなTM曲は、STILL LOVE HERとか、SELF CONTROLTIME TO COUNTDOWNなど書ききれないのですが、他のアーティストカバーしてもらったらピッタリ合うんじゃないかな?と思う曲があるので挙げていく。

electric prophet



歌詞世界観が似てるなーと思うから。twincle nightとかも合うと思う。TM ファンってセカオワのことあまりきじゃなさそうだけど、CAROLみたいな創り上げた世界ってセカオワ共通するとこがあるんじゃないかな。


3代目 J soul brothers

DIVE INTO YOUR BODYとかも合いそう。ノリノリオラオラな皆さんで歌ってほしい。just like paradiseとかもいいのでは。女声にJUJUとか入れてさ。

telephone line


裏声が綺麗に響きそう。girl friendいいんじゃないでしょうか。



A day in the girls life








Still 経済大国日本

















Research shows women are still responsible for the majority of domestic chores and keeping households running smoothly.

In fact, when it comes to basic tasks like washing and cleaning men are nowhere to be seen.



Men might take out the rubbish or put up a shelf but are shirkers when it comes to washing up or ironing, a new survey reveals.


A paltry 10 per cent of men are capable of sewing a button on to an item of clothing, eight per cent will fold and put clothes away while just six per cent will empty laundry baskets and put the washing on.


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