はてなキーワード: Decemberとは
ただの願望で草— こばーん41🌽 (@41pubg) December 10, 2020
光本、訴訟してえなら開示請求しなくてもいつでも住所電話番号教えてやるから弁護士からDMさせてこい。 pic.twitter.com/j0vaphCBS6— Z李(Jet Li) (@Kiss0fthedrag0n) December 8, 2020
マスク着用の効果がドイツから。マスク着用が義務化された地域とそうでない地域で、その後の新型コロナ感染者数の増加を比較。マスク義務化から20日後に、新規感染が約45%減少したと結論。費用は他の公衆衛生的介入と比較しほぼゼロのため、マスクは費用対効果抜群との内容。 https://t.co/yw5QN25tMy— Hiroshi Tsuji (@Hiroshi_Tsuji) December 4, 2020
「PCR検査論争」が不毛な理由 同調圧力が支配する日本の感染症対策を考える
衝撃!! 感染防御の手段としてマスクを着けるのは無意味【岩田健太郎教授・感染症から命を守る講義⑰】(BEST TIMES) - Yahoo!ニュース
「効果がない」「間違ったメッセージ送る」布マスク2枚配布、専門家はどう評価したのか(BuzzFeed Japan) - Yahoo!ニュース
トリプルチェックの弊害ってエビデンスもあって、例えば、トリプルチェックをするとシングルチェックとエラー検出率が変わらないので、時間ロスするだけなんだよね。 pic.twitter.com/nezesOfZZR— さとう㌠ (@sato_p6) December 2, 2019
ウーマンラッシュアワーがこんな変なネタをやり始めたのは、村本がクズキャラで売ってたものの、とろサーモン久保田という上位互換が現れて仕事が奪われそうになったので、失業対策として政治に逃げたのです。#THEMANZAI— 黒瀬 深 (@Shin_kurose) December 8, 2019
スマホの通話中の持ち方ってさ、米ドラマだと目の前に水平に持ってるシーン多い気がするけど、あれがデフォなんだろうか?日本では耳に当てる…よね?世界的な平均はどんな持ち方なんだろう…— my_zephyr (@my_zephyr) January 19, 2017
スマホを水平に持ってマイク部分を口に向けて通話してる人ばかり見る— まろ@関数型言語作曲機械学習勉強してない (@_marony) December 14, 2019
なぜスマホで通話する時、ピザ食べるように水平に持つのかhttps://t.co/m0Cd9a3dV9— 遠藤洋路 熊本市教育長 (@endohiromichi) September 22, 2018
#カイジ pic.twitter.com/sw2GKIoniQ— るいるい (@138ruirui) December 28, 2017
I am currently working at a factory in a department where I work day shift and night shift. My workplace is in the countryside, where the nearest station is a station where only regular trains stop, and I live in a cheap apartment near a station where only regular trains stop. If I work the night shift, I have to wait for the train for 30 minutes no matter when it ends.
I once hated these 30 minutes.
Factory work is boring. It just repeats the same process. The only way I can cope with boredom is to think while working, or to take advantage of the noisy environment and sing at a decent volume. I didn't want to spend 30 minutes of idle time after such boredom was over, I wanted to go home early, eat, drink and go to bed, and I had no other feelings.
About this time last year, I started writing down things I'd been thinking about in my workday when I was bored, as a 30-minute reprieve from boredom. I am not a smart man, as many factory workers probably are. The longest I've ever written is perhaps a two-page, one-line book report.I struggled to come up with the best way to express myself while I was on shift, and I wrote it down while smoking a cigarette in the smoking area near the station. I can write about 1,000 or 2,000 words, more than three times the length of two pages and one line, without any difficulty.
Thus, I started to use these 30 minutes only for writing. Since then, I've spent my days finding something to write about for those 30 minutes, figuring out how to write it during my shift, and actually writing it while waiting the train.
I got a glimpse of the joy of writing freely, writing words that no one else will ever know.
And now, for the first time, I'm writing with the intention of getting others to read it.
On the first day of December, it was decided that I would be reassigned to a department that did not have a night shift, starting in April. It's a full-time day job that I've been waiting for for the last year, but after April I might be away from writing. When I thought about this, I felt the urge to have someone else read my writing.
I started this writing on December 2, 9 night shifts = 4.5 hours, so far about 800 words. Oddly enough, it's close to two pages and one line. The moment I want someone to read my writing, I find it very difficult to write. However, I'm proud to say that this text makes a lot more sense than the two pages and one line I once wrote, and above all, I was never bored while writing it.
I wonder if I will still be writing since April. We won't know that until the time is right. However, I will say this.
I now love to wait 30 minutes for the train after my night shift.
I am currently working at a factory in a department where I work day shift and night shift. My workplace is in the countryside, where the nearest station is a station where only regular trains stop, and I live in a cheap apartment near a station where only regular trains stop. If I work the night shift, I have to wait for the train for 30 minutes no matter when it ends.
I once hated these 30 minutes.
Factory work is boring. It just repeats the same process. The only way I can cope with boredom is to think while working, or to take advantage of the noisy environment and sing at a decent volume. I didn't want to spend 30 minutes of idle time after such boredom was over, I wanted to go home early, eat, drink and go to bed, and I had no other feelings.
About this time last year, I started writing down things I'd been thinking about in my workday when I was bored, as a 30-minute reprieve from boredom. I am not a smart man, as many factory workers probably are. The longest I've ever written is perhaps a two-page, one-line book report.I struggled to come up with the best way to express myself while I was on shift, and I wrote it down while smoking a cigarette in the smoking area near the station. I can write about 1,000 or 2,000 words, more than three times the length of two pages and one line, without any difficulty.
Thus, I started to use these 30 minutes only for writing. Since then, I've spent my days finding something to write about for those 30 minutes, figuring out how to write it during my shift, and actually writing it while waiting the train.
I got a glimpse of the joy of writing freely, writing words that no one else will ever know.
And now, for the first time, I'm writing with the intention of getting others to read it.
On the first day of December, it was decided that I would be reassigned to a department that did not have a night shift, starting in April. It's a full-time day job that I've been waiting for for the last year, but after April I might be away from writing. When I thought about this, I felt the urge to have someone else read my writing.
I started this writing on December 2, 9 night shifts = 4.5 hours, so far about 800 words. Oddly enough, it's close to two pages and one line. The moment I want someone to read my writing, I find it very difficult to write. However, I'm proud to say that this text makes a lot more sense than the two pages and one line I once wrote, and above all, I was never bored while writing it.
I wonder if I will still be writing since April. We won't know that until the time is right. However, I will say this.
I now love to wait 30 minutes for the train after my night shift.
またはちまんちゃんはアカウントを何回も凍結されていて復活を遂げている。 pic.twitter.com/wi0yugMhJV— チシン (@gtinurnryru) December 13, 2019
【激怒】巨乳に仕事を潰された【宇崎ちゃん】 https://t.co/3G7uE0cQHY
宇崎ちゃん献血ポスターバトルの結果、吸血鬼は赤十字の仕事から降ろされていた……!! 許されるのかよ、こんなことが……!
という動画 pic.twitter.com/EfUck9MHuh— 赤月ゆに 🦇 (@AkatsukiUNI) December 29, 2019
The 100 Most Handsome Faces of 2019 - https://t.co/l8yb4vmtOq
-- OUT NOW!!!— TC Candler (@tccandler) December 30, 2019
舞台挨拶のお知らせ✨ December 25, 2019
スープが100%背脂とかいう狂ってるラーメン食べた pic.twitter.com/lKio0LB1Vb— so-ta (@ISK_moto) December 4, 2019