「you」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: youとは


Don't let me down son you're seahorse





汚物you tooやわ





まりnot for youなだけだからイキったコメントdisるのやめてほしい。







The Prostration and Obeisance

Act I: The Ritual.

Scene I: The Preparation.

[Enter The Counter and The Inner Counter]

The Counter:

You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind!

[Exit The Inner Counter]

Scene II: The First Prostration.

The Counter:

You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

Let us return to Scene II.

[Enter The Inner Counter]

The Inner Counter:

You are as vile as the sum of a cursed old rotten buried smelly half-faced plague-infested contaminated toad and a beautiful healthy honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted angel. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and a pig. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

You are as vile as the sum of a stinking foul infected curse and a beautiful healthy honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted angel. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

Let us return to Scene II.

[Exit The Inner Counter]

Let us return to Scene II.

Scene III: The Second Prostration.

[Repeat Scene II, replacing "First" with "Second"]

Scene IV: The Third Prostration.

[Repeat Scene II, replacing "First" with "Third"]

Scene V: The Rising.

The Counter:

You are as good as the sum of a happy brave sweet gentle peaceful honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted king and a rose. Speak your mind!





NETFLIX日本公開を待っている間に、Amazon Primeが見放題にしてしまった


ここに挙げた映画の半分くらいはなんと、Amazon Primeが2024.04.30現在見放題作品にしている。


Amazon Primeの見放題タイトルで見られる状態になっている。

いつまでこれがタイトルに入っているかはわからないので(実際、トッツィーズ & フェイスターはその後日本NETFLIXラインナップから外れた)、このGW後半にはぜひとも見てほしい。

ついでに、The Con Heartist以降のgdh映画についても短評しておこう。ついてるのは予告編URL

ゴーストラボ 禁断の実験 //youtu.be/RN9G-g5PhJE


女神継承 //youtu.be/we_8D7zvf4U


プアン/友達と呼ばせて //youtu.be/CcZkHdfus_A

ドラマ映画。かつて友人だった白血病患者の別れの旅に付き合った結果、彼が自分元カノの去就にも関わっていたことが明らかになる。日本でも公開した。WKWプロデュースAmazon Prime(JP)で見られる。 おすすめ

スピード&ラブ //youtu.be/pg_Ij-3YySM


運命ふたり 劇場版 //youtu.be/ShD0CvB9kWM


オー・マイ・ガール なんで今なの!? //youtu.be/VKk6UvyysU8


You & Me & Me //youtu.be/s7H5JV9wfdQ


Home for Rent //youtu.be/db8puvbOhQw


親友かよ //youtu.be/2ZZtD18W2Mw






そのあとはReturn of the Obra Dinn、Outer Wilds、Helltaker、Baba Is You、The Room、The Talos Principleと進めていく。




not for you





You KISS bu にしてほしい


[]備忘録 酒井省吾 Mother3 『つよきもの(仮面の男) Strong one』について



3 時間前(編集済み)

I DM'd Shogo Sakai on Twitter asking about the meter of Strong One recently, and he told me he was thinking of Strong One in terms of additive time signatures: 3/4 + 3/8 + 1/4 + 1.5/4 (spicy!)

It makes sense when you're focusing on the pulses in the combos driving the time signatures by themselves, but it also affirms the idea that Shogo Sakai was thinking about decently "regular"/"clean" meters, and therefore 15/8 and 29/16 kinda fit those conventional vibes.

For even more context by the way, the mp2k/Sappy sound engine -- the engine sent out to GBA devs by Nintendo which was used for Gen. III Pokémon and MOTHER 3 -- has a tempo "resolution" of 2 BPM, meaning the next smallest tempo change above 120 BPM Sappy supports is 122 BPM, not 121 BPM.

Also, excellent job accounting for the 3:5 16ths tuplet at the end of (Masked Man)





Because your fathers and mothers have been neglectful of these considerations, is no reason why you should continue in ignorance.



Assuming you walked from Tochigi Station

Where is the city hall?

Walk towards the station along the road in front of the New Ginger Museum,

and you will see a huge building with Tochigi Bank written on it.

Cross the traffic light in front of it and you will see a mysterious house with a Communist Party poster on it called Hasegawa Makura something, then walk towards Yakiniku King

Then you will see a building with TOBU written on it, and the city hall is on the second floor and above.

Where is the tourist information centre?

Do not cross in front of Tochigi Bank as in the previous steps, but walk until you reach the diagonal road. Then you will see a really large parking lot and the tourist information centre is next to it (they sometimes hold events in this large parking lot).

Is there a Starbucks?

There is. If you head towards the city hall, you will definitely get there. The Ashikaga Bank is diagonally opposite.

How do I get to the Uzumagawa River?

There are fishing equipment shops and clothing stores lined up next to Starbucks.

Turn towards the shopping street and you will see a bridge. That's Korai Bridge, and the river that flows underneath is the Uzumagawa River.

Is Yamaoka-ya there?

Yes, but it's quite far away.

On the way from the museum to the station, there is a Toyota rental car, so you can rent a car there, or ask the tourist information center where you can rent a bicycle.

If you can get either of those, go straight to Nakazawa Seimen, then turn toward Yoshinoya. If you keep going up the mountain, you will find Yamaoka-ya diagonally across from Aeon.

I want to go to Korakuen.

Go in the opposite direction from the station (where the viaduct is),

you will find TSUTAYA. From there, pass Family Mart and the gas station, cross the crosswalk, and you will find Korakuen in the parking lot of a supermarket called Yaohan (there are a lot of old people there).

Where is the pachinko parlor?

Drive past TSUTAYA, and beyond Korakuen there is a bridge, and beyond that is the pachinko parlor. After that, go past Yamaokaya and go to Aeon, and there will be a pachinko parlor right in front of you (as an aside, that store has disappeared once)

I want to buy something to drink

Go outside and go to Kawachi, which is just across the crosswalk. Yesterday they were selling oolong tea for 60 yen. Oh, inside the museum there is a vending machine that sells something like fresh ginger powder, disguised as a drink vending machine. Be careful

I want to withdraw money

You can use the ATM at the Family Mart next to TSUTAYA, or go to the 7-Eleven in front of the station (next to Sukiya), or use the ATM at the convenience store inside the station.





でも、今回のケースが、「こんにちは「ありがとう」「ごめんなさい」くらいの初歩日本語ちゃんと覚えてきた善良な観光客カップルが、最初に店主から先制攻撃を食らって萎縮しまくった上での、「Sososo, sorry... (you mean,) nnn no English menu...(´;ω;`)?」だったという解釈余地とか、は、1ミリもないものかな?






今回も、2つのモデルが発表された。70Bと8Bモデル。70Bモデルともなると、ほぼ個人パソコンでは動かないだろうけど、性能については、LLM のリーダーボード最初期のGPT-4 を超えている。

LLMの最重要論文とも言われる"Attention is all you need."の著者の一人の会社が出したモデル"Command R+"が性能が良くて話題になっていた。これもオープンソースだが、今のところこのモデルにも勝っている。このレベルモデルオープンソースであるということはとても価値がある。

ここ一、二ヶ月でようやくGPT-4 と互角に戦えるモデルが出てきた。一時期はClaud3がGPT-4を追い抜いた程だ(OpenAI が本気を出してGPT-4を強化して追い抜き返したんだけど)。もうGPT-4が出て1年が過ぎた。研究者リソースなどは過去に類を見ない程注ぎ込まれたと思うが、GPT-4と同じ性能のモデルはほぼ1年経たないと出てこなかった。OpenAIの凄さがわかる。GPT-4か出てきた当初はあまりの性能の良さに本当にシンギュラリティが起きたんじゃないか驚愕したが、一年使い続けると、粗やら推論能力の低さに気が付いてくる。今年中に出るであろう、GPT-5に期待だ。





要するに Not for you なだけ






The Prostration and Obeisance

Act I: The Ritual.

Scene I: The Preparation.

[Enter The Counter and The Inner Counter]

The Counter:

You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind!

[Exit The Inner Counter]

Scene II: The First Prostration.

The Counter:

You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and the difference between a big mighty proud kingdom and a horse. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

Let us return to Scene II.

[Enter The Inner Counter]

The Inner Counter:

You are as vile as the sum of a cursed old rotten buried smelly half-faced plague-infested contaminated toad and a beautiful healthy honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted angel. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

You are as cowardly as the sum of yourself and a pig. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

You are as vile as the sum of a stinking foul infected curse and a beautiful healthy honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted angel. Speak your mind!

Open your mind

Let us return to Scene II.

[Exit The Inner Counter]

Let us return to Scene II.

Scene III: The Second Prostration.

[Repeat Scene II, replacing "First" with "Second"]

Scene IV: The Third Prostration.

[Repeat Scene II, replacing "First" with "Third"]

Scene V: The Rising.

The Counter:

You are as good as the sum of a happy brave sweet gentle peaceful honest trustworthy noble golden-hearted king and a rose. Speak your mind!




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